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4367643 No.4367643 [Reply] [Original]

Usually draw to destress from being a fuck up in my daily life, but artist's block is hitting me hard rn and I need to get over it quick. What are some solutions?

>> No.4367645

be less of a fuck up

>> No.4367646

Try to push a whole apple down your throat. It'll hurt a bit but maybe it'll help you stop breathing.

>> No.4367660

Watch movies in a language you don't speak and invent the dialogs and the plot. It's a dumb exercise but it works

>> No.4367679

Masturbate more.

>> No.4367713

So make a new language based on what I hear in foreign movies? Sounds interesting
Literally the first thing I did

>> No.4367867

I look at other artists who are better than me and get extremely angry so I go to draw, that'll show them

>> No.4367869



>> No.4367871

I laffed, ty

>> No.4367872

Hey Matthew S---y, you're on this board fucking with me aren't you? How'd you find this site first of all and how do you know I come here? If you want to fight me come up to me today and say so you fucking pussy ass bitch.

>> No.4367882

Consult a psychiatrist, get on meds, order some vitamin D pills, after about a month you should start to feel a slight desire to do more sports and wake up early, invite someone you haven't spoken to in a while for a lunch, sign up for a hobby club in your town (volleyball, hiking, boxing etc.), chat up a girl sitting alone in the corner, find out you have some cool quirks in common, go on a couple dates, make her laugh, have romantic sex, get introduced to some friends and meet her parents, get married n have kids, raise a son and teach him the fundies, plant a bunch of trees and maybe then you'll actually feel good about yourself enough to pen a pen to paper and draw for one fucking hour without getting distracted by email and cartoon porn you fucking dip

>> No.4367907

Drawing is the best release.

>> No.4367916

I shont u fug muppet zergling wtf m8.

>> No.4367925


You're getting it today. Watch your back when I walk in.

>> No.4367930
File: 201 KB, 300x300, irbaboon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> the fut u butt haha fuggedaboutit u mama sed no stupid ass fkn retrofag got it?


>> No.4367935


Kill yourself

>> No.4368203

Literally just stop porn and masturbation and work out for a month. This is common knowledge.

>> No.4368963

Anything more specific for a straight femcel?

>> No.4368971


You know what’s funny? And I know this is a joke but Matthew didn’t show up today. Pure coincidence or it really was you. Either way I was ready to fuck you up.

>> No.4369006

i've seen you with that sissy outfit fag

>> No.4369029
File: 212 KB, 717x800, 1571688720824.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You forgot the part where he becomes a brain specialist, discover how to transplant minds into younger bodies and transfers himself to his son's body, which was physically sculpted by all those fundie gains.

>> No.4369034

masturbate less

>> No.4369080
File: 55 KB, 346x322, 1575532965590.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop being depressed, then draw

>> No.4369082
File: 214 KB, 869x1262, 1580326447344.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hahahahahahahahhaha How the Fuck Is Artist's Block Real Hahahaha Nigga Just Pick Up a Pencil Like Nigga Draw What's In Front Of Your Eyes Haha

>> No.4369397

Get off the computer and go somewhere with no distractions to sit/lie down. Then brainstorm ideas for what you want to draw: what subject matter you like drawing, a particular emotion you want to convey, or some motif or aesthetic you saw recently that looked interesting. Eventually, you'll stumble upon something that gets you excited to draw. It'll be more likely to happen the longer you continue because you'll start to get bored, and that'll make drawing seem way more fun in comparison.
If that fails, you can always just grind fundies. It's easier to force discipline than creativity.

>> No.4369428

Based as fuck sensei.
>tfw no sensei to just set up shit for me to draw so have to look for things to draw anyways

>> No.4369444

did you tried doing some doodle? It works for me.

>> No.4369449


>> No.4369516

Do some physical exercise even a long walk is fine too get them endorphins flowing.

>> No.4369552
File: 126 KB, 600x461, oc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

try and remember all the things you really like to draw.

Before you draw, do these:
1: You should be thinking "don't mess it up."
2: Include what you like to see. If you like it when the wind blows her hair, do that. If her butt at this angle usually works out, do that.
3: Don't be stressed while you work. Go rest for a bit if you need to.

If all else fails don't even bother, just go to bed. Seriously.

>> No.4369553

Do some work for the future you. Instead of drawing, just spend some time planning an easy drawing session for the next you.

>> No.4369554

I'm sorry, I didn't mean to namefag.

>> No.4370674

you also have to implant your divine masculine essence into said son by having gay sex with him.

>> No.4370681

That makes me erect.

>> No.4371369
File: 102 KB, 271x306, maybeIwontbeaneet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OK, so I managed to draw something, but only after inhaling an entire bag of popcorners and grinding Monster Hunter all day.

>> No.4371385

I hope you're not a cuck that play LS, GS or range

>> No.4371386 [DELETED] 

> inhaling an entire bag of popcorners

haha that is so ME im

>> No.4371387

> inhaling an entire bag of popcorners

haha that is so ME im literally gonna squee i hate adulting xDDD

>> No.4371490


Draw a robotic insect or animal of your choice

Make its outer parts, then draw what is inside.

>> No.4371502

I am going to punch through you, you fucking shivering embarasment.

>> No.4371508

I play a bit of everything, but for the moment I'm using longsword, insect glaive, and hunting horn
Post your popcorners, faggot

>> No.4371529

I don't even learn anything from drawing while depressed, a half working brain doesn't have any skill retention
so what's the point

>> No.4371547

Being chronically depressed and suicidal is the reason I draw.

>> No.4372477
File: 144 KB, 618x597, 1548664052803.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unless you draw to pay bills, I'd try to focus on getting out of your depression first before you try drawing again.

>> No.4375476

find a hobby that dosent make you depressed but you wont because ur not willing to put in the work what are the cons of loving ur self just kill ur self already

>> No.4375507

>what are the cons of loving yourself?

>> No.4377059

Draw something sad but beautiful to vent your depression into melancholy

>> No.4377110

Doodle stupid shit with some music or a podcast in the back until you find a doodle you want to turn into something more, then you'll want to turn off the podcast and focus on the art.

>> No.4379900

Draw other shit, stop drawing people all the time.

>> No.4381756

what about when you want to draw what isn't in front of your eyes

>> No.4381760

Sorry, I wanna know that too. I take some time to start, but lately it's been giving nice fruits.

>> No.4381775

Treat the depression. Depression will ruin every aspect of your fucking existence. Drawing won't fix it and it won't improve your drawing.

>> No.4381807
File: 42 KB, 371x371, EC32C411-AC3D-4B1A-A9BC-DDCDEBF8F10E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and another batch of deviantart retards make their way here

>> No.4381984

It's nearly the same for women
(I was a kissless virgin depressed female until age 26)

>> No.4382797

Go outside of your room and take a walk while it's sunny you pathetic nigger.