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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 893 KB, 2270x1230, B&R.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4263513 No.4263513[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why do so many of you draw porn and very similar moe anime waifu stuff?

>> No.4263518

A thread was baited for this.

>> No.4263525

Clean and relatively Easy money from Americans without resorting to kidnapping American tourists. I know exactly two patreon artists that are formerly cartel hit man and a former Abu sayaff member.

>> No.4263530

Just genuinely asking though.

Many posters have very derivative styles and draw very similar stuff

Are there any actual artists on this board, or is mostly amateurs looking to make a quick buck pandering?

>> No.4263608


>> No.4263637
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>formerly cartel hit man and a former Abu sayaff member

>> No.4263638

It is popular. Lots of people like popular things. Therefore you have a big market if you make that popular thing, and there's a lot of people who want to make said thing because it's what they like.

>> No.4263649

>they went from killing hundreds to killing millions

>> No.4263650

Are there any actual artists on this board, or is mostly amateurs looking to make a quick buck pandering?

>> No.4263653
File: 18 KB, 500x370, 1568322961965.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why are retards autistic?
Because money and from what i could gather from my experiments, pornfaggots are all sociopaths or soulless in the very meaning of the word.

>> No.4263655

All artists are trying to make a buck pandering, this is how art even came to exist, people who liked to make art learned to pander to rich people in exchange for being able to draw and paint all day

>> No.4263658

>All artists are trying to make a buck pandering
That's not true. I think you want to believe this to make yourself feel better about doing it.

>> No.4263659

Yeah, real artists are little kids making doodles.

>> No.4263673

Maybe hobbist, but career wise you’re going have to pander you delusional seething faggot.

>> No.4263674

Little kids are unironically more creative and imaginative than many posters here. So many of here seem to be copying from the same manual. It's one thing if there's a common art style, but it's also the same ideas and subjects.

You think being an artist requires you to pander, yet you're calling me delusional. Why are you projecting your frustration onto me? lol

>> No.4263676

Little kids just make flat wobbly copies of their favorite cartoons, the same as what you see in /beg/ but less sexual.

>> No.4263689

You don’t need to pander when you’re a hobbyist retard.

>> No.4263699
File: 212 KB, 1388x1175, 10846654_1521213511483974_1649071544_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shits on porn and cute things
>picture is of a biblethumping christian
How's that 'purified' wife of yours tradfag?
Don't look or baby Jesus might cry!

>> No.4263704

Why are you so upset? You keep using the word hobbyist when that isn't even relevant

Hobbyist is indicative of interest, not skill or quality of the art. As in, people have multiple interests.

You're not taking that reaction image literally are you? It's meant to trigger you, so I guess it works lol

>> No.4263713

How do you make money as an artist without pandering? There's hardly any artists that just make whatever they want and make a living off of just this, and those that do conveniently trained in a style that a subset of consumers like, whether it's traditional realist portraits or degenerate furry porn.

>> No.4263714

So most of the posters on /ic/ are kids? It seems like so many posters have no confidence in their own creativity or their own ideas, when so many are making the same type of art to because it's "popular"

>> No.4263722

Anon, you should know that originality and creativity is dead now a days. Making creative shit without using an inspiration is impossible.

>> No.4263723

>There's hardly any artists that just make whatever they want and make a living off of just this
What does that have to do with making art? Your perception of art seems to be entirely focused on commercial viability and marketability, which is arguably more of a product, than art.

>> No.4263736

Are you not the one who asked if there were any "real artists" on this board and not just panderers? If your distinction between "real" and "pandering" isn't commercial vs hobbyist I don't get what it is. Or is pandering fine if you're skilled?

>> No.4263737

Anon stop being so dense. You said artist don’t pander, but what about the artist career wise? They have to pander to gain money. It’s one think if they make art as a hobby, but it’s another when it’s for making money for fucks sakes.

>> No.4263741

I want to

>> No.4263743

Holy shit you’re retarded.

>> No.4263751
File: 216 KB, 482x436, 1572354354294.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Your perception of art seems to be entirely focused on commercial viability and marketability
>which is arguably more of a product, than art.
No shit, Anon. That's where we are right now.
high society art is just money laundering
Internet art is just marketing
do what sells if you want to make money with art
skill level hardly matter nowadays
normies just want to consume what they know

>> No.4263761

I ask because artist isn't concerned with pandering or commercial viability or what popular when creating art. It's personal expression. Many posters on /ic/ seems to be chasing the same trends, and even so It's mainly pornography and anime waifus. Maybe some are just hedonistic and that's fine really, although I find it hard to believe there are so few amount of posters willing to express their own ideas. Or at the very least explore other themes.

not an argument lol

>> No.4263765

What does any of that have to do with making art, which is personal expression? Sound like you're just trying to rationalize pandering.

>> No.4263767

It’s not argument it’s a description.

>> No.4263768

My argument was just any artist who makes money off art is the same in that regard, their personal expression is tainted by pandering for money. So the answer to your question is yes, there are hobbyists, AKA people who draw just for personal expression.

Also consider that theoretically you can express "your own ideas" through porn and anime waifus, even if those things are distasteful to you personally. "Popular" isn't as necessarily as soulless as it sounds, things are popular because people enjoy them and it connects with them in some way. If you enjoy something it seems natural to want to include it in your personal expression, and statistically a lot of people enjoy things which are popular.

>> No.4263771

Post your 'art'

>> No.4263772

Do you really think there are artists on this board?
It's just a bunch of normies trying to cash in on coomerbux

>> No.4263777

What is an artist to you? I’m curious.

>> No.4263778

Anyone who doesn't draw anime or porn

>> No.4263779

>Do you really think there are artists on this board?
I think there are a handful creative artists that post occasionally, maybe most just lurk I'm not sure. but I was under the impression there much more creative or imaginative community of posters on /ic/.

>> No.4263784

Porn I kinda understand, but anime? Is it because it’s massed produced and popular? If that’s the case then cartoons, realistic portraits, realsim, and anything else then, since those are and was popular/mass produced.

>> No.4263787

If you haven't invented a new form of stylization that doesn't resemble anything else before it you are a hack and ngmi

>> No.4263789


>> No.4263790

Someone who doesn't draw to attract a crowd and doesn't expect anything from making something.
Also this>>4263778
Exploiting the primal urges of men with tits and moeblobs doesn't have anything to do with art
It's just another soulless product.

>> No.4263792

Anyone who does draw anime or porn

>> No.4263815

Lmao, then anyone who became a doctor for only monetary gain isn’t one by that logic then.

>> No.4263819

An artist is capable of many things. I think personal expression or being able to put forth a perspective unique to that individual is essential to being an artist.

I don't agree with this anon necessarily. This is too extreme and reductive. Anime just means Japanese animation. I think Satoshi Kon was an amazing artist, animator, and director, and he made anime. There are many other creative and skillful artists that make anime,, despite most of the genre being filled with uninspired and derivative anime.

>> No.4263826

All art is exploiting very basic emotions and instinctual responses. Humans are basically just talking apes

>> No.4263827

Yeah, i wouldn't trust that doctor even if i got paid, you fucking retard.

>> No.4263833

What do you think of someone like bougerou. Are pretty girls always bad

>> No.4263834

You still called him a doctor, dumbass.

>> No.4263860
File: 78 KB, 1080x646, 1570325230601.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All art is exploiting very basic emotions and instinctual responses
Emotions are more complex than
>i must fug and mek babbie
>Are pretty girls always bad
No. Depends on how you portray them.
Of course, the coomers of yesterday pale in comparison of the coomers of today.
Sex and sexuality is always consider vulgar and impure in art. If you want to draw naked people, you should strive to get a genuine a pure emotional response.
If you draw titties every men will like it because men are simple. And there is nothing special about it.
I can call myself a multidimensional six dicked dragon and legally change my name to Pussy Destroyer but that doesn't mean i'm actually a multi dimensional six dicked dragon who destroys pussy, you big retard.

>> No.4263867
File: 33 KB, 500x500, G9M5IPD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4263871

imagine being this ashamed and repressed of your sexuality

>> No.4263879
File: 1.41 MB, 350x272, 1551146895534.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>imagine believing sexuality and sex is what defines a person
how many yikes you want with that, you pandemonic transhuman mentally non gifted demiindividual?

>> No.4263886

>distaste for male sexuality
>it's a woman
Every time

>> No.4263888

Or maybe it's just a part of human experience that doesn't need to be demonized nor main the center of life

>> No.4263889

>implying pandering to any sexuality is a sign of taste
>implying my gender somehow play a role in objective observations
seethe harder, retard

>> No.4263895

>Emotions are more complex than i must fug and mek babbie
The human ego

>> No.4263897

same reason anyone does anything around here. to piss someone off.

>> No.4263901

It's kind of sad. Sometimes I try to have talks with people thinking they are making an argument because I'm curious to know what they think, but then the insults and buzzwords like "seethe" and "cope" come up and you realize they were just shitposters trying to "make people mad" because it's fun or something. And I get that but sometimes I just wanna talk you know? I know I'm in the wrong place but all other parts of the internet are worse then here.

>> No.4263912
File: 42 KB, 416x446, 309dbd8644fe35263bb291f6ab03a00d7f41c1ea_hq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coomers and lolifaps, clarified your question?

>> No.4263917
File: 80 KB, 800x533, 1571405190645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You won't have that with so many retards roaming the earth who can't tell the difference between their primal urges and actual thought.
Implying they can think in the first place and are some empty human shells.
>words offend me
>being this literally retarded
If you can't see beyond some harmless words either stop being a retard or go to plebbit, faggot.

>> No.4263919

Why are humans so obsessed with sex? It's either
>sex is filthy and disgusting and shameful and it needs to be hidden in a dark corner where no one can see it
Can't we just chill out lol

>> No.4263923

It's not that the words offend me, it's just a sign that the person wasn't actually trying to talk. You know this though.

>> No.4263931
File: 141 KB, 1024x768, 1571260124773.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you can't see beyond some harmless words either stop being a retard or go to plebbit, faggot.
Have you ever tried holding a conversation with a mentally disabled person?
Go stroke your metaphorical dick somewhere else, retard

>> No.4263935
File: 1.08 MB, 351x250, giphy (1).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

typical attitude of the offended left-wing millennial, who believes that he carries the world on his back like the titan arlas, but he is only a fag behind a screen asking queer questions that lead nowhere.

>> No.4263947

>not offended
>not left-wing
>not millennial
Really makes me think

>> No.4263959
File: 2.78 MB, 355x201, 1563202273778.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>me me me
Is this what you call an ethereal coomer?

>> No.4263964

To piss faggots like you off. It's working.

>> No.4263973
File: 114 KB, 500x387, 1570909198736.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>projecting this hard to not an hero because different view from his delusions
I'm having a great time, what are you on about?

>> No.4263981

nah, I think you're just saying that just to say it. At least provide a decent argument since you bothered replying anyway lol

>> No.4264183

>Implying you can have intelligent conversations in 4chan.
Yep you’re retarded.

>> No.4264201

based op posting the truth

>> No.4264240

Porn is oversaturated because sex sells. I don't focus on drawing porn because that's not my area of interest. Now with that said, I do think porn is art. To me, art's purpose is to make you feel something. And lust is an emotion, so I would say it counts.

>> No.4264242
File: 53 KB, 600x400, bdc1cfa72d8dc17ed48eb63a65fc553a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just wanna make money and not have to go to 8 hour job to be drained mentally and physically and emotionally
I wanna work from home but I'm still too /beg/ for art to be the work

>> No.4264266

>more like le basement incels who play dungeons&dragons on the weekend


>> No.4264267

Imagine sucking off other men for patreon shekels LMOA

>> No.4264270

oh anon.. good thing that only 0.01% are actual artists and the rest just believes to be creative or some shit

>> No.4264274

I draw pictures of my favorite characters taking cock because there never is any.

>> No.4264404

I haven't drawn porn so far and feel no desire to do so, but if I ever make a single dime off of art, it will definitely be because of porn. The reason why everyone here is focussed on porn is because you don't need to be talented or skilled to make it with porn and most of us are untalented as fuck.

>> No.4264417

Well at least you're self aware enough to be honest about it.

>> No.4264422
File: 11 KB, 256x256, icon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go to literally any other art forum faggot this is the only place where we can discuss the intricacies of rendering the assholes on our furry hyper futa tentacle vore art

>> No.4264427
File: 658 KB, 1125x1114, 50A4B1C8-CB12-4BCB-9799-E7BF5BBD9469.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When artist like this gain a large following, you know damn well is become they draw porn.

>> No.4264450
File: 89 KB, 805x851, eciw7fg6vye31.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go to literally any other art forum faggot this is the only place where we can discuss the intricacies of rendering the assholes on our furry hyper futa tentacle vore art

>> No.4264470

You bring these soijack posts with the exact same format on every board, but they get deleted (and rightfully so). I'm betting you'll get a fair amount of serious responses here though, what with the nonexistent moderation and the number of mouthbreather twitter/tumblr refugees

Happy fishing.

>> No.4264473
File: 58 KB, 615x759, 32f05c356777b789f67cc281af8ff25f0b04d4c1fe477f0a6d1ff2bd96cc55ba.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't bother getting sucked into the pornmeme. It's a complete waste of time and it's not a permanent source of income or 'easymoney' like some will have you believe. I spent a year or two drawing porn only to completely regret getting into it.

>> No.4264490


>> No.4264515

What's your source of income now?
Also, Jesus Christ Cantwell looks like shit with this hair.

>> No.4264525

>It's a complete waste of time and it's not a permanent source of income or 'easymoney' like some will have you believe
porn is ez mode yet you failed. Don't push your own failures onto others, faggot

>> No.4264536

>porn is ez mode yet you failed. Don't push your own failures onto others, faggot
He's saying it's not truly fulfilling, nor is it a permeant source of income. you fucking moron.

>> No.4264543
File: 76 KB, 960x960, 1570444960392.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a retard takes shit literally
Why would anyone on the internet lie about themselves, right?

>> No.4264549

Your 4chan™ response has nothing to do with what I said.
Learn to read, instead of getting upset.

>> No.4264558
File: 1.13 MB, 195x229, 1564456999957.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok retard

>> No.4264559

you think you're better than me? pyw slut.

>> No.4264634

>what's your project anon? maybe we can discuss the storytelling
>it's porn
Fuck you picture, there's an artistry in looking completely braindead. Porn is supposed to be fast paced, fun and subtly cue you to focus on the pictures. Just because I can do themes and tension doesn't mean I should. Why would you want to be tense while reading porn?

The worst feeling ever is finding a genuinely good moment (for ex, a dragon having a stash of 'dead' weather vanes in their hoard- it noticed them spinning madly when it flew close, stole them, and now doesn't understand why they don't spin any more)... in a story you never, ever want associated with you (for ex, and referring to nothing in particular here, one where the most memorable scene was the dragoness eating someone with her vagina. So I guess that's a fun mental association. )

All this post needs is a LMAO of obvious frustration, really.

>Exploiting the primal urges of men with tits and moeblobs doesn't have anything to do with art
>someone finally realized what post-wank clarity means about what you actually, genuinely like
I am so goddamn thankful someone else said it. I don't even give a shit you think you're lying.

>> No.4264639

I have a coombrain and have always liked drawing porn.
Even when I was like 10 I was drawing porn and I rarely ever draw characters in non-pornographic scenarios.
>Are there any actual artists on this board, or is mostly amateurs looking to make a quick buck pandering?
Do people really get into porn for the money? If you are a good artist you can make so much more money selling prints and stuff. Honestly I wish I didn't love drawing porn so much because comparatively it is pretty bad money to just rely on Patreon and commissions.

>> No.4264650
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>> No.4264656

nice roleplay kapatid

>> No.4264800
File: 46 KB, 285x322, 1570226762185.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was a side hustle that ruined my incentive to create any meaningful art. It lacked soul and was only there to satisfy the needs of cumbrains. Their needs are extremely short-lived - and knowing this I exploited it. The work would sometimes pay. Emphasis on sometimes, as you would have people that would stay and follow your work meanwhile most cumbrains are just there to fap and are usually filled with hedonistic thought, aggression, and chemical imbalances. Honestly I feel like a terrible person for wasting that portion of my life - as well as using people who should be out improving their lives rather than spending money on "WG/vore image sequence #105". I had a lot of people commission absolutely disgusting /d/ tier fetishes too.
Also - probably the worst mistake I made which I will never repeat is making a Discord. I thought I had it bad on deviantART when random cumbrains would just message me wanting to talk to me about how much they wanted to get to know me and cool they thought I was - Discord is far, far worse. No, I don't care if you're bored right now. I don't care what fun ideas you have for a commission if you can't cover the costs. Your old OCs look terrible and I don't want to draw them for free because we're "friends", and no I don't want to read your six page lore-building story for your OC. Stop it.

>> No.4264828

Personally, I sliced off my balls years ago. They were only hindering me in the process of making it.

>> No.4264836

Dude, stop larping and go outside.

>> No.4264848
File: 3.93 MB, 731x1080, 604071_bard-bot_kelda-the-waterfall-goddess.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bard-bots OCs are hit or miss but he definitely creates very nice animations.

>> No.4264859
File: 1.35 MB, 500x650, phos points.gif 1576608073978 Land Of The Lustrous.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I worked in an area with a theme that I actively dislike and feel completely miserable as a result.
Wow, color me surprised. You're a complete and utter moron.

>> No.4264871

>I wish I didn't love drawing porn so much because comparatively it is pretty bad money to just rely on Patreon and commissions.
Is this sarcastic? The fuck you think those people are commissioning? And I mean that genuinely- /ic/ STRUGGLES to come up with ideas that aren't DnD groups or OC species.

Dial it back, dude. I got two lines in before I had to roll my eyes.

>> No.4264874

if you want to make meaningful money creating art you have to sell your soul. unless you’re extremely talented and lucky

>> No.4264929

>If you are a good artist you can make so much more money selling prints and stuff.
Maybe if you become super famous by sucking jewish dick or if you are one of the top of the top highest skilled artists. For everyone else, porn sounds a lot more lucrative.

>> No.4264931
File: 95 KB, 600x443, goooold.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to draw furry anime tier barely shaded porn for tons of money, then I just decided one day fuck it. I want to try to make something of myself, I want legit skills.

It took me three years to make as much as I did drawing porn. I feel clean. When I do work people don't ask for fetishes, they ask for armor details. They don't want anime faces, they want proportion and texture.

If you think you can live on less for a while and want to push your skills it's worth it. You may not think so...but as someone who has traveled VERY far down the path of porn, at least consider my advice.

>> No.4264934

>/beg/ furry for tons of money
How degenerate were the things you had to draw? I am considering doing this shit but I have my limits and if only that stuff pays where I would like to see my clients burn at the stake it doesn't sound worth it.

>> No.4264962


I made just about anything short of full blown scat. Vore, farting, whatever. People will pay TONS to do extreme fetishes and I was making $500+ for the extreme stuff.

I seriously recommend you avoid this path. The money sounds amazing and it is, but it's hell. You won't want to post it at a certain point, if you want top dollar. You'll do work for people thats so disgusting you wouldn't feel good about putting it on Furaffinity. A lot will end up private. Like other artists mention you will want either an alternate discord or contact via messages on a site. The less these people contact you regularly the better.

You could say, "I'll limit myself, or I'll just do mild porn." If you think you can maintain that it's fine, but ask yourself...

Would you rather make extra money now and stagnate your abilities, or work a bit harder and make more SFW stuff you can share with most people and be proud of. Things that will build you as an artist.

Good luck either way.

>> No.4265014 [DELETED] 

>if you become super famous by sucking jewish dick
Yeah that is basically why I decided not to go SFW. I don't want to draw a bunch of UwU pretty shit and sell my soul by drawing people holding hands at the park in a pretty picture and stuff. I want to see my favorite characters getting railed or in a way you wouldn't normally see them. I think other horny anons probably feel the same way
>or if you are one of the top of the top highest skilled artists.not necessarily. I know a couple people who are SFW artists and sell posters and keychains and make thousands each time they go to conventions, as opposed to Patreon where even if you are a NSFW coombrain artist with like 60,000 followers you might have like 150 patrons and make $500 a month plus commissions.
Are you just supposed to do a shit ton of commissions on top of it to make up the gap? Even doing a good amount ofcommissions too I can only see most NSFW artists making like $1,500 a month which is not very good money.

>> No.4265020
File: 347 KB, 1280x1820, 5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because porn is the only art people look at for more than 2 seconds.

>> No.4265023

>if you become super famous by sucking jewish dick
Yeah that is basically why I decided not to go SFW. I don't want to draw a bunch of UwU pretty shit and sell my soul by drawing people holding hands at the park and stuff. I want to see my favorite characters getting railed or in a way you wouldn't normally see them. I think other horny artists that are not doing it to try to make money probably feel the same way.
>or if you are one of the top of the top highest skilled artists.
Not necessarily. I know a couple people who are SFW artists and sell posters and keychains and make thousands of dollars each time they go to conventions, as opposed to Patreon where even if you are a NSFW coombrain artist with like 60,000 followers you might have like 150 patrons and make $500 a month plus commissions.
Are you just supposed to do a shit ton of commissions on top of it to make up the gap? Even doing a good amount of commissions too I can only see most NSFW artists making like $1,500 a month including what they make on Patreon which is not very good money.

>> No.4265027

>Because porn is the only art people look at for more than 2 seconds.
And which is why I am going to inquire what the source is of this page. Source, please?

>> No.4265031


>> No.4265032
File: 151 KB, 936x363, the source.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never mind. I should've used saucenao before I asked.

>> No.4265035

Damn, that was fast! Thanks for linking it directly

>> No.4265037

>>4265031 was meant for >>4265031

>> No.4265038

I should get myself checked for a tumor in my brain or something.

THIS >>4265035 was meant for >>4265031

>> No.4265068

>Because porn is the only art people look at for more than 2 seconds.
Why not just admit to being addicted to porn, instead of propping it up to be what it's not?

>> No.4265079

SFW stuff sounds impossible to monetize for me, it's either hobbyist forever or make some money with porn. I'll think about it.

>> No.4265104

Just become those youtubers that use art that talk about the latest trend or story time, like that andrei terbea and theoddsoneout If you want to make it as a sfw artist. That’s pretty much the only way to make it as an independent artist now a days, well if you’re not a nsfw one.

>> No.4265124

porn is art, and arguably one of the best kinds. capturing the elegant beauty of the female form combined with visual storytelling of an intimate and romantic bond that words cannot express. if you disagree that the female body is beautiful you are literally gay

>> No.4265134
File: 10 KB, 218x231, soul.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>porn is art, and arguably one of the best kinds. capturing the elegant beauty of the female form combined with visual storytelling of an intimate and romantic bond that words cannot express. if you disagree that the female body is beautiful you are literally gay

>> No.4265148

Porn isn't even exclusive to female subjects, you dumb coomer.

>> No.4265178

it's easy money and weebs & cumbrains have low standards

>> No.4265184

So you believes so that justifies sacrificing any creativity and imagination? If making money is the primary goal, there are hundreds of other trades which one can make significantly more money.

>> No.4265190

Dude, becoming a youtuber is the dumbest idea ever, there are already a million youtubers for every hobby, you will never get an audience. I've even seen a professional artist doing everything youtube-perfect (consistent uploads, short videos, eyecandy thumbnail, clickbait title, good lighting, top content) and get like 200 views.

>> No.4265194

I could only agree on this if you do a very wholesome lovey-dovey vanilla sex manga. Otherwise, >>4265134

>> No.4265249

I think you can draw porn and still be creative... idk...

You can have:

Creative positions , you dont have to draw 2 people fucking in the exact same position , you can have someone rest his head between the girls tits while he fucks her

Creative characters , You can have a plague doctor fondle the tits of a perpetually tired necromancer or SCP-096 fuck Medusa (This one may not be fap material but you can create it if you so desire)

Creative situations that lead up to the sex:
"Some guy wakes up at 3 AM and cant move , guess what kind of demon his sleep paralysis demon (spoiler alert: its a succubus)" ;

"So ummm... the necromancer is horny as shit and promises to help you get across the cursed lands if you have passionate sex with her"

"One of the snakes of Medusa's hair looked at a picture of 096 , instead of 096 killing Medusa , he got charmed by her gaze instead of getting stoned and they did the sex ,"

You can draw porn and still have some creativity... see.

Just because the audience has low standards for creativty and will settle for the most unimaginitive shit , it doesnt mean you have to...

>> No.4265258

You know how a lot of people complain that porn has no creativity...

Hey , this is quite creative IMO

>> No.4265277
File: 127 KB, 277x325, 1564702893993.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do NOT lump my cute girls together with this COOM COOM degeneracy, OP.

>> No.4265371

>I think you can draw porn and still be creative
Then why are so many posters on this board drawing the same stuff? Nearly identical art styles, same subject matter, same themes. etc.

Most of the reasoning ITT is that because it's popular and is easy money, so I have doubts if these people are even capable of being genuinely creative or they're just making excuses for themselves. Or maybe they just lack the enthusiasm or courage to be confident in their own ideas or not be so willing to sacrifice their own artistic integrity.

>> No.4265374

The argument is that you all draw the same stuff. It's extremely derivative.

>> No.4265384

>artist draws character in compromising or suggestive/lewd depiction

>someone else: "cute!"

I dun geddit. Is this just coomer vocabulary or are they incapable of using words that accurately describes an image other than "cute"? Usually you'd say "hot" or "sexy".

>> No.4265830

Its actually other way around

>> No.4265846
File: 5 KB, 200x250, 1571436261810s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Implying trying to invest consumers in original shit is even worth it unless you have the money to build a commercial product and market it over a profitable amount of time, and even when you have the means the odds are stacked against you.
On the other hand, you can draw half a titty and you get coomers throwing money at you, following you on their own and underage kids sharing your shit like it's candy and defending you against anyone who dares even critique you.
Popularity is not a word you can use to describe porn because porn will ALWAYS sell, as long as things are like they are.
So, reason with me;
If one is a filthy brainwashed normie with no knowledge except how to siphon money and resources from others for your own benefit, wouldn't you create bland and mediocre anime titties to exploit weakened men that would do anything to rub one out to new material and get easy money?

It's a social and cultural problem. And anything goes as long as it generates some form of currency since societal gains are more important than actually having a soul and expressing themselves with what they do.
It's not simply because it's easy money, it's because it actually makes money.
Blame the psycopaths who started pushing for this shit in art.

>> No.4265870

No good art has ever been made for the sake of art. Every piece good enough for anyone to care about was commercial or production art.

>> No.4265933
File: 438 KB, 499x370, symbiosis.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay I've got to know, what do people actually get out of cutesy shit? I cannot feel a goddamn thing looking at sketches of moeshit. Is it the same reaction you get from looking at cat videos?

>> No.4265990
File: 209 KB, 900x650, 1552828513892.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, do you get nothing out of cute cat videos?

Here's a quick Y/N questionnaire for you:

1) Do you hate your close family?
2) Do you hate children?
3) Do you intend to die childless?
4) Are you chronically depressed?
5) Do you think you lack empathy? No need to be a bleeding heart woman, just regular empathy.
6) Do you enjoy black and white pictures of middle-aged man smoking and drinking whiskey while wearing a suit? (In case you're female, replace this for some cocky goth Ramona Flowers or vintage carapace-hair women with sunglasses).
7) Do you machinate all your social interactions or often look at yourself from an outside perspective and get surprised by how robotically you act?
8) Are you a female?
9) If yes, are you frigid? If not, are you particularly distant from your mother?

That'll be all, anon, thank you.
Feel free to ask more questions, I'm the official /ic/ authority on cute anime girls.

>> No.4266017

Shut the fuck up Hardstones.

>> No.4266034

posting redditface and literally copy-pasting my own post to project an association with this shitty forced meme instead of actually rubbing your two brain cells together to formulate a response just proves that not only do you have no semblance of an argument but you are a complete retard incapable of thinking for yourself. fuck off to facebook or twitter where you belong and never post here again.

>> No.4266039

wow so rude! A little kindness would get you further in life.

>> No.4266134
File: 320 KB, 1800x1531, 1575042371784.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4266158

>Yes, do you get nothing out of cute cat videos?
No what I'm getting at is that I get nothing out of cute drawings. Why would this be a thing when the cat videos already exist? Why does this have such a community you get people trying to talk about something that has nothing to talk about?

>Here's a quick Y/N questionnaire for you:
>1) Do you hate your close family?
Oh, you weren't serious. Sorry what I meant to say was fuck off, moron =/
Possibly fuck off pedophile- who gets this defensive about anything?

>> No.4266237

> I've even seen a professional artist doing everything youtube-perfect (consistent uploads, short videos, eyecandy thumbnail, clickbait title, good lighting, top content) and get like 200 views.
I'm curious. Any links?

>> No.4266248

I'll be honest I've been thinking about drawing porn less so because of the money (because dealing with customers is ass) but I think it could be fun, even though I'm not full coom-mode. A barebones porn scenario or fetish seems like it could be an entertaining skeleton to build a short, pornographic story around if only for the sheer challenge. I'd probably have fewer people interested compared to simple, straight up porn but it seems interesting to me. I just wonder if the trade offs would be worth it because I'd be in a limbo where the results are too pornographic for civilized company but not pornographic enough for coomers. I suppose it could be classified as 'erotica' but that sounds rather pretentious and I don't think there's even much of an attention market for that kind of stuff.

>> No.4266249

>porn artist
>futa after scrolling through few posts
Why the fuck are all porn artists faggots?

>> No.4266255

Congratulations on pulling yourself out of that hell and making something of yourself, anon. It takes a lot of character to take a hit like that, and dedicate yourself to self-improvement.

Wrong guy.

If your fundamentals are good, build connections on various sites and chat servers, and you establish trust with hustle and integrity, you'll have a reliable clientele within one to two years.

Around the start of December, I reopened for commissions. Not only did I surpass my old monthly average in two weeks, I built up enough demand to raise my prices a fair amount.

>> No.4266259

Make whatever you like. Make what you're into. Don't worry about an audience right now, you're getting ahead of yourself. Worry about posting work somewhere regularly and keeping yourself on a schedule

>> No.4266276

If you are genuinely asking, then you don't deserve an answer, cause you are dumb as fuck.

>> No.4266301

the thread should've ended here. you're all retarded and ngmi.

>> No.4266319
File: 126 KB, 566x800, 6a875fafb73900d68b2fc2017cacf8b5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Okay I've got to know, what do people actually get out of cutesy shit? I cannot feel a goddamn thing looking at sketches of moeshit. Is it the same reaction you get from looking at cat videos?

>> No.4266504

People feel something to all kinds of drawings, maybe cute art isn’t for you. You might be someone who likes gore art though.

>> No.4266508

The reason for that is simple, anon. He’s not appealing to normies and pre-teens like those youtube story animations and trend channels that talk about jake paul.

>> No.4266515

Sadly I don't know the name off the top of my head, only watched a bunch of videos and I am subscribed to like 400 channels so it's too much work to look through. He was a professional capeshit artist who talked while inking in some of the videos. Not sure if he invented some superhero that everybody knows though.

>> No.4266542

I have never seen a forum seethe so hard over anime and porn like /ic/ does and I don't get it. Why do you all care so much? Just go draw what you like.

>> No.4266556

Because /ic/ are just a bunch of jealous autistic crabs that are so insecure that their “original” shit ain’t making them popular. So they shit on those 2 genres to make themselves feel better.

>> No.4266761

Based and repilled.

>> No.4266771

Absoluetely retarded, you weebs are so fucking dumb, I don't see s difference between a fucko who consumes porn and a retard who CONSUMES moeblobs ir generic animeshit, it's the same, You consume then move on yo consume something new, otherwise you weebs would have taste instead of consuming every fucking "cutesy" animu gurl owo kawaii in sight, but yet you have the spine to critique wankers.

>> No.4266775
File: 21 KB, 340x336, 1574411000516.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's one just for you

>> No.4266779
File: 18 KB, 323x386, 1486545407228.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I enjoy cat videos and cute things but damn it made me sad that I answered "yes" to everything on this questionnaire except for 6.

>> No.4266787

Like you realism fags are any different with your same WOW concept looking shit you see everywhere.

>> No.4266802

Assblasted weaboos go consume some blobgirl, and feel excited by that, you hypocritical twats.

>> No.4266814


>>4266556 <—— the anon’s point here holds, since Legit this is the only fourms I seen that have this many seething realism/disney fags all in one place.

>> No.4266829

Don't see what that has to be with weebs being absolute retard hypocrites, stop tryng to pull a tie, porn is good, anime is good, but when you go full fanatic You end up like a compulsive wanker or a stupid weeb, fanatism is bad, mixed with los IQ is worse and lack of motivation is even worse.

>> No.4266837

>Don't see what that has to be with realism cucks being absolute retard hypocrites, stop tryng to pull a tie, disney is good, realism is good, but when you go full fanatic You end up like a compulsive wanker or a stupid realism cucks, fanatism is bad, mixed with los IQ is worse and lack of motivation is even worse.

>> No.4266841
File: 11 KB, 250x188, 1563503876729s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>le porn is bad meme

Porn is fucking salvation if you are an artist, people are oaying you to practice, use that chance, I draw porn for a living, if ir wasnt for that I should have to be working my ass on some slavery job to get the money I need for my materials, instead thanks to porn I can work from Home, while I also get pencil mileage and practice, theres no better deal if you are a poorfag, if you have the money then don't draw porn, but shitting on the genre is autistic as fuck. With a normal minimum wage job here on my country getting my cintiq 24 pro would have taken me 8 months, and thats if I saved all, with drawing the lewds took me 4, around 5, and got money to spend pn something else as well, while drawing and prscticing, blessed be the ones who pay for butts and cocks, I owe them my artistic freedom, now I work on SFW stuff, because I have all my equipment and education already cover with the "dirty" porn money.

>> No.4266848

Because I don't want my fellow d/ic/kbutts to claw their eyes out after seeing my life drawings so I don't post them. It's not like I can't see my own mistakes so it would be useless anyway.

>> No.4266849

Find me someone who will pay for anything else. You can't.

>> No.4266853
File: 182 KB, 2705x1509, 1551114429477.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is nothing wrong with drawing porn or cute things. Porn has existed for hundreds of years. The majority of the human population loves cute things. Especially cute and funny things.
Get over yourself retard.

>> No.4266859

Because you: 1) need to brush up on your fundamentals; 2) are unable to build connections online, IRL, or both; 3) have a generic appeal devoid of creative vision or technqiue; 4) lack a marketable product

At least anon here was self aware about it. >>4264404

>> No.4266877

Building connections is way harder than making porn, i’m not saying just do porn, but what I’m saying the only way to make it to industry level market you need to pander ALOT.

>> No.4266885

I have worked for clean clients before. The reality is the volume of porn demand is sky high where as everything else is timid and sporadic. The only way to get around that is to have so many connections you always get clean work but in reality I'm not all that bothered either way. I personally have a nice balance of variety to stop me from burning out on one subject.

>> No.4266928
File: 566 KB, 934x768, 1560683430580.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw completely lost interest in porn

>> No.4266955
File: 470 KB, 1693x2000, 1552363411474.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unchained, brother. Go beyond your limits, and walk the path you build

>> No.4267005

based and perfect love pilled

>> No.4267030
File: 11 KB, 216x234, gmi_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4267039
File: 118 KB, 404x404, 1562259667930.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Oh, you weren't serious.
What? If anything you weren't serious, since I engaged into your "I need to know" conversation and you just switched to a kneejerk DIE PEDO attitude. Makes me think you had no intention of debating anything from the get-go.

Hang in there, anonette.
Being bitter is easy, but if you feel a connection to things like slice of life and friendly interactions in fiction, it might mean you're just too cocooned to make and effort and recognizing good in others.
Some people can change themselves by changing their mental attitude, but some need to change to a compeltely different environment (country/culture, even) in order to lower their guard and relearn how to bond.

My advice is to not wait for such an opportunity and start changing from within. But I know it's hard.

>> No.4267100

BASED and sound mind pilled

>> No.4267102
File: 1.95 MB, 400x274, 1570197018538.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit there are a lot of porn addicts ITT

>> No.4267108

Why do you act as if you're surprised? At least half of the fags in this board came here to learn how to draw their own porn because they either have a niche fetish where nobody else would draw, not enough of their waifu material available and the other half are legitimately lonely and horny and draw as a method to cope and escape.

>> No.4267109

All the insecurity in this thread is hilarous, porn is the devil wahhh wahhhhh

>> No.4267136

>Heehee hoohoo strawman
Porn isn't inherently bad, but it certainly doesn't have much going for it either. Usually, it just adds fuel the fire that is lust. Better to abstain and spend your time in productivity, than to succumb and bend to something as wasteful and shortsighted as lust, in my opinion.

>> No.4267169

Lets instead broad our horizons paintings...anime waifus!! How wholesome
Fuck you, and all you cunts in this board, your hearts and brains are sterile and dry, stop pretending you have something of value to share with the world, you pretentious fools.

>> No.4267221
File: 96 KB, 1022x731, 1568844193933.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>animu good
>porn good
>critique bad
>overconsumption good
>coom good
>porn porn porn
"Porn isn't a good thing"
This is why this board is the shithole of a shithole.
It's like trying to get a teenager to stop jerking off for one second just to get him to come down to eat dinner with his family but then he keeps jerking off under the table, tries to cum all over the food and brags about it too. Then calls you names when you try to say that this isn't the time or the place to do this stuff.

Why can't coomers fuck off to their own containment boards?

>> No.4267259

What do you want to be contained? There's already a porn thread. Don't look at it.

>> No.4267320

I like cute girls.

>> No.4267344 [DELETED] 

I've said before, and I'll say it again. Allowing porn on /ic/ was tone of he biggest mistakes. Art discussion and even the quality of art have since suffered considerably.

>> No.4267347

I've said before, and I'll say it again. Allowing porn on /ic/ was one of the biggest mistakes. Art discussion and even the quality of art have since suffered considerably.

>> No.4267364
File: 167 KB, 1064x702, Screenshot from 2019-12-21 00-50-49.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you
1. Don't like porn on /ic/ or anywhere else, and
2. Find this table relatable even a little,
you need to have sex and that will fix you and your warped world view.
I know because I'm one of you.

Also being so threatened by sexuality isn't healthy even if you're not schizoid.

>> No.4267368
File: 20 KB, 497x24, wojakfags.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4267412

>Saw an ova called plastic little.
>Thought it was dumb but liked the art and animation quality.
>Found out the lead artist was Satoshi Urushihara.
>Found his other works.
>Decided to redraw pannels from his doujins for anatomy practice.
>Found out about other porn artist with good art quality. East and West.
>Realized I liked drawing porn.
>Never stopped.

>> No.4267420


>> No.4267429

I fit most of that chart but I'm fine with porn. I hate irl degeneracy though

>> No.4267430
File: 9 KB, 225x225, no shame.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to draw porn. Not good at it. Now I (barely) draw a kinetic novel (which for the unaware is a visual novel but linear). NSFW works automatically get attention by triggering a person's instinct to fuck, SFW art has to try a lot harder. It is my belief and hope that people will want to see my drawings if they're weaved together by a compelling story

That's the Pulcinella secret to get people to look at SFW art: a good story

>> No.4267433

>making a visual novel in the west
>a kinetic novel, the least popular kind of visual novel
Best of luck to you anon but I hope you know your market is small as fuck unless your work becomes a meme.

>> No.4267450

Thanks man, I predict few will give a shit about it (assuming I'll actually manage to complete it) but fuck it, I'll take my chances. Now I gotta go to bed. Nighty night

>> No.4267462
File: 32 KB, 394x450, 1568762778416.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you close your eyes it doesn't exist
Go close your eyes on a minefield please

>> No.4267471

Imagine getting this upset that things you don't like exist

>> No.4267484

Go outside, anon. You spend too much time on here and started developing brain rot.

>> No.4267487
File: 75 KB, 720x720, 6905218417c1652bad20dbe0c1d670cb01401570f55af3c8479588f226b9ffd0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How? Please train me sensei

>> No.4267509
File: 1.18 MB, 209x180, 1565250685468.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>imagine being this butthurt
when the porn ban comes, just close your eyes

>> No.4267519

Haha le epic smug chink haha, now upload some epic smug anime girls haha

>> No.4267524
File: 45 KB, 480x530, 1564324082330.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just close your eyes

>> No.4267752

I'm rooting for you, anon.

>> No.4267883


>> No.4267884

Hang yourself you seething autist.

>> No.4268325
File: 7 KB, 251x201, 35321.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It all started with me JUST stopping watching the porn to jack off, only hentai, then doujinshis, and then only imagination. I also completed nnn.

>> No.4268328
File: 159 KB, 933x418, Abissale Concept.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you brother. Have a slice of concept art for the time being