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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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4257605 No.4257605 [Reply] [Original]

I'm excited to start making a comic I've been thinking of, I also wanna make new art friends ;--;

What about you guys?

>> No.4257608

not die of starvation

>> No.4257609
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I just want to be better

>> No.4257613
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I plan on drawing everyday, and also maybe even making a short animated film.

>> No.4257614
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Let's see, I got a couple things
- Paint a lot more
- Work on my line work
- My perspective is mediocre so I gotta git gud
- Try to have at least one animation that's a minute long

And the usual studies and what not

>> No.4257616 [DELETED] 

my goal is stop doing art and find something to do that will benefit the community more and in the process come up with more achievable prospects to justify the insane amount of money that's gone into my education and maintenance and make it seem less incommensurately GIGO to the tiny things i'm paid to draw and paint.

or get better at composition idk

>> No.4257621

Improve my perspective, rendering and anatomy skills. Learn to draw mecha. Start a webcomic

>> No.4257627

be able to draw things that make me feel feelings

>> No.4257631

>I also wanna make new art friends
ok post your doodle

>> No.4257633

new years resolutions are useless

>> No.4257639


Get better at color design
Get better at storytelling through shapes and atmosphere
Get better at linework by being more confident with lines

>> No.4257646

I want to finish all those courses i downloaded from the video course threads

>> No.4257673

I want to learn how to draw backgrounds, and somehow wrap my head around textures. I used to have a very painterly style and have since switched to cartoonish line art, and I have no idea how anyone draws things like wood or stone or fabric without it turning out looking like total ass when it's a cartoony style. That's like witchcraft to me.
But it would look bizarre to paint all the clothes and objects semi-realistically but 'draw' weeby animuu style people amongst it. It would come out like some Roger Rabbit type shit.

>> No.4257692

I am a complete beginner, my goal for 2020 are:

>be consistent
I need to be disciplined. im not disciplined in anything in my life so this might be a start.
>no pointless practice
everything I try do draw has to have a clear improvement aspect.

>> No.4257694

Have at least 12-15 oil paintings completed.

>> No.4257765
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Do you really think I actually have goals for next year anon?

What do you think I have 2020 vision?

>> No.4257766


>> No.4257767

Being more productive and do more commissions.

>> No.4257779

I'll be your art friend join my discord, it's not about art but that's the only way to communicate I draw often and like having friends who do so

>> No.4257786

I think mine are
>Draw more inorganic environments
>Improve my use of shapes and exaggeration
>Get better at drawing faces in perspective/from different angles
>Design more animal characters
>Improve my male anatomy so I can better draw coomer cute boy art

>> No.4257793

Well first of all, I have to pirate csp which I've been trying unsuccessfully for 4 days. Registering license doesn't take me to manual verification for some reason. Do I need to uninstall it using Revo uninstaller? Maybe it leaves in some files in the system that don't get deleted

>> No.4257798

My goals for 2020
>stop being a coomer
>stop procrastinating
>stop being a bitch nigger
>stop visiting /ic/ so often

>> No.4257799

Based goals, I hope you make it anon

>> No.4258735
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Mine are
>Stop procrastinating so much
>Improve at drawing men
>Improve at composition
>Work on my colors
>Draw more backgrounds
>Draw my own characters more often

I'm really optimistic about this year to be honest ! I'm already working on other non-art goals and some of these. Hope you all can make it !

>> No.4258736
File: 283 KB, 1024x1360, outback girl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Making doujins and crop them as reaction images to bait /v/.

>> No.4258741

I want to get very slightly better at drawing than the average ten-year-old.

>> No.4258743
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>git gud at foreshortening and crunched up poses
>learn how to fucking render lmao this dude can’t fucking render
>top off my basic anatomy forms and then start up on the details
>idk draw some boxes or something

Most importantly,
>develop a more dedicated mindset

Went from total /beg/ to getting-there /int/ since the start of 2019 so I’m feeling pretty good no matter how you spin it

>> No.4258757


>> No.4258760

Looks good. Blog?

>> No.4258762

Maybe to sit down and fucking draw more then 30 mins a day.

>> No.4258781

-Grind perspective
-learn more about making characters unique and different by using shapes
-paint more backgrounds
-Be more disinclined in the summer

>> No.4258784

Is that pupper alright? Something weird is happening in the right eye.

>> No.4258785

I want to actually start drawing in 2020.

>> No.4258787
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I'm in the same boat.

>> No.4258801

At least half an hour of drawing a day, to some of you that's probably so little that you'd laugh at me but it'd make me way more productive.

>> No.4258827

I want to master the hard round brush and blend tool

This too.

>> No.4258893

I want to become comfortable with drawing by this time next year.
I no longer want to be filled with anxious energy every time I pick up a pencil.

>> No.4258922

I want to draw every day to get better
Maybe I'll join LAS/DAD

>> No.4258970

I want to shit post on /ic/ so hard that I made at least 20 anons give up

>> No.4259107

Finish my first cartoon short & do more webcomics.

>> No.4259139

Please do this, the weak need to be weeded out

>> No.4259362


>> No.4259385


Finish my commissions for this month then create my first comic in January.

>> No.4259426

-Get into the habit of drawing daily
-Don't get distracted by tool
-Let my anorexia come back
-Use the mass of resources available for free online

>> No.4259451

Finish work
More oils
Improve narrative/composition
Develop consistent work/study habits

>> No.4259650
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actually learn how to color and shade
and actually get clip studio paint because i hate using sai

>> No.4259678

Draw for more than 2 hours a day

>> No.4259707
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get off from my bed and finally do something instead of complaining.

Honestly i want to experiment with different mediums and being more confident with my work.

>> No.4259719
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i want to make money off art for once.
also score a graphic novel deal if we're being ambitious.

>> No.4259812

Finally make that comic I've been putting off. Getting better at drawing crowded scenes and foreshortening.

>> No.4260196

Get at least ten (you)'s from one drawing or painting.

>> No.4260217
File: 7 KB, 117x101, Screenshot (7).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got into drawing to create characters and backgrounds for Visual Novels as a hobby.

Too bad nobody reads anything longer than a Twitter post so I'm stuck as this being a hobby...

>> No.4260352

thank you, anon. your post made me smile.

>> No.4260649

I need to work on HANDS and FACES.
I'm not sure which first.

>> No.4260650

I recommend faces because the hand is the same size as the face. It doesn't really work vice-versa though.

>> No.4260654

I feel like I'm gonna have a laundry list of goals and things I wanna attempt in 2020

>> No.4260735

It's not only about art. I need to fix my whole life to make progress. That's a tough part. I''ve worked on this for a few years now.
But I hope I'll be able to live from my drawings and still have fun in 2020.

>> No.4262751

I fell so far behind on drawing this year I won’t even fill out a sketchbook like I usually do. Goal for 2020 is to fill 2 sketchbooks to compensate. And maybe draw some comics

>> No.4262753

finish your 2 sketchbooks in the first week of Jan, then you can take the rest of 2020 off

>> No.4262759

Finish illustrating classic lit.

>> No.4263171

I'm a NEET until september so at least:
~250 Daily Spitpaints, ~35 weekly artworks, 9 monthly character designs + all the DAD challenges
Also finish the following resources:
Ctrl+Paint grayscale courses, Perspective Made Easy, Drawabox first 2 lessons, Fun with a Pencil, How to Render, Keys to Drawing from Imagination etc

>> No.4263425

My goal is to actually start drawing.

>> No.4265046

Stop drawing like I havent been drawing for 17 years

>> No.4265062

Enjoy burnout before you even start
Dont start neeting relying on your own determination, you need a group of people on the side
Add to your list to find life drawing group

>> No.4265123

Understand perspective, start working digitally, make full images with backgrounds. And stop hating myself and better accept shortcomings and failures

>> No.4265226

I'm currently spending my days at a place shared with 8 people who already made it, the main issue was that I didn't had clear goals until recently

>> No.4265233

bro you're going to spend over five months breaking your wrist tendons while seething because they're all better than you

>> No.4265237

This, but I already work digitally.
Also to get good enough to take commissions and make my first money from drawing.

>> No.4265256


>> No.4265257

Can’t imagine being friends with a NGMI who wants to try and fit in

>> No.4265280

how does it feel to not being able to trust people?

>> No.4265317

Get into traditional again

Reach 1K on Patreon already at 500 so I think it is doable

gid gud, at least competent gud.

I would like to finish illustrations in less than 10 hours without sacrificing quality.

>> No.4265391

Start with the boxes, anon
The rest will flow

>> No.4265397

this is cute, anon

>> No.4265403

I want to make the OP in the alt / style thread

>> No.4268589

I want to become a god.

>> No.4268623
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I want to FINISH pieces and upload them. And I also want art friends. I need people to talk to that are successfully creative and also have lives. This year I got over my social media phobia and tackled this annoying social anxiety too. It's not completely gone but I don't sperg out in the check out lines like I used to.

I'm actually excited for this new decade cause this one really kicked my ass into the dirt.

>> No.4268648
File: 115 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (24).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do we have a /IC/ discord channel?If not how come no one made one yet?

>> No.4268678

understand the concept of love

>> No.4268700

Quitting mobile-gaming
Gettin`better at cooking
Draw everyday atleast for 4-8 hours
Gettin into life-drawing-classes so i don´t have to be most of my times while drawing by myself

Subjects to study:
Fundamentals >Anatomy > Bone-Structure > Muscle-Sturcture > Legs/Feet > Pelvis > Torso > Arms/Hands > Head

Perspective, shapes and form, e.g. will be tackled while i go through anatomy - have to draw every part on many different angles.

I hope this works out, this year was ok, i quit smoking and 420 drug.

Wish you guys much luck on your journey.

>> No.4268826

There are a few and many offshoots. They're all shit.

>> No.4268838

Anything specific you wish to be better at?

>> No.4268855

Just want to get money for making shit
art friends no needed

>> No.4269881

I am critically slow far from normal and I loathe it in every sense. When I go at a pace like anybody else I feel like I lost a leg and am trying to walk. I want to change myself. I want things to be a smooth ride not a struggle. I want to be fast and competent when doing so like everyone else. I also want to be more creative but I just don't have much going on in my head.

>> No.4270277

start academic study

>> No.4270278

I'll become a japanese animator!
The part about being japanese is already a lost cause but I'll definitely will be working towards the latter

>> No.4272927

You don't need to be Japanese to be a Japanese animator, it just means being an artist in Japan

>> No.4272983

anatomy and perspective, that's it mate, I suck balls at it. I'm a /beg/ so my aspirations aren't that lofty

>> No.4272992

>Get better at drawing faces
>Finish Draw-a-Box's lessons
>Try making digital art
>Try traditional painting
>Make a comic
>Make a game