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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 76 KB, 1246x681, rowe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4218055 No.4218055 [Reply] [Original]

He's right - especially considering art related work is one of the rarest and hardest jobs to get into in the world, especially the world today with technology taking over proper white and blue color jobs, let alone art being reliable to live off.

People here seem to be DELUSIONAL, simply 'being good drawing' will not offer a lifestyle, great painters like Van Gogh are a good example, he sold one painting.

"Butt Kim Jung Gi" - Literally RICH KIDS given money, a house and endless free time to fuck around and make average art
Using Rich brats whom are popular on social media isn't realistic.


>> No.4218064
File: 142 KB, 911x572, 1568761769912.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you faggot I'd rather starve and die in the gutter than doing shit I hate for a living

>> No.4218071
File: 190 KB, 500x494, 1560780572985.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All boomers must fucking hang

>> No.4218074

The opportunity rarely aligns with my interests.

And compared to ye olden days, employers today want passion and commitment and blah, blah, blah. Opportunity changes these days at the flip of a switch.

And Mike Rowe is wrong. Shit doesn't just wash off. The smell sticks.

Finally, yeah the only professional photog I know from high school had rich as fuck parents. We're talking multimillionaires that own beach front property. He now has a corporate client list and maybe a studio, but I feel like he's living off a trust fund or something.

>> No.4218095

Theres no future regardless of what you do. For every man who follows an opportunity and it miraculously leads to success and a career theres another 10 where that doesn't happen. It's even worse now that traditional fallback jobs are being automated/globalized. Only sure path to success and passion is nepotism, having friends and family in high places that can push you up. The days when a man could "pull himself out of the gutter" are nearly dead. And in ten years it will be entirely. Might aswell follow a retarded passion instead of wasting years on deadend roads and disappointments.

>> No.4218144

Man I wish I have green eyes.

>> No.4218363

>"Butt Kim Jung Gi" - Literally RICH KIDS given money, a house and endless free time to fuck around and make average art
You LITERALLY described Rowe, except he failed at the art bit and had to film himself shovelling shit and call it an acting career.

>> No.4218418

>Good goy, shovel shit and clean our sewers. Don't question the system and don't have goals
Yeah nah. I'll live off rice and stale air before I paint bridges or clean a sewer just to scrape together a barely middle-class income. What's the point of making 40k a year for 40 years if every day you go home aching and suicidal and can't have a social life because you look/smell like work.

>> No.4218422

Middle class is doctors and lawyers, not average income.

>> No.4218428

i will never accept neoliberalism no matter how much these faggot boomers push it.

>> No.4218450

>Pew defines the middle class as those earning between two-thirds and double the median household income. This Pew classification means that the category of middle-income is made up of people making somewhere between $40,500 and $122,000
Yer retarded

>> No.4218457

A thread died for this

>> No.4218483

Imagine wasting your life on doing what you don't like just because you can earn money that isn't worth much (meaning you won't earn that much money without connections anyway)

>> No.4218489

> According to a 2018 report from the Pew Research Center, 52% of American adults live in “middle class” households.
> The metro with the highest share is Sheboygan, Wisconsin, where 65% of adults are considered middle class.
Miss me with that propaganda shit. Middle class is above the Working Class, it’s petite bourgeoisie. Owning two cars does not make you middle class.

>> No.4218498

>lemme tell ya a story about this guy named Rick. he didn't follow his passion, he became a septic tank shit scrubber, and ya know what? he hired some more shit scrubbers and now he has a few shit scrubber trucks and he sips margaritas by the pool
BECAUSE HE OWNS HIS OWN COMPANY. what about all the lowly shit scrubbers who work for him that have horrible health issues, are going to wreck their backs before they're 40, and get hooked on opiates?

these fucking boomers are all the same. they act as if it's completely insane and unreasonable if you want some low level art job, but then they think ti's completely sane and attainable for literally anyone to get into a trade and then run their own company? that's insane, it's more realistic to get the low level art job than to own a fucking company.

>> No.4218503

>septic tanks
LMAO who uses a septic tank? What literal shithole do you need to live in for that to be profitable?

>> No.4218505

>I don't want a real job!
>You greedy rich give me your money!

>> No.4218510

Who are you quoting?

>> No.4218673

>Imagine wasting your life on doing what you don't like just because you can earn money that isn't worth much (meaning you won't earn that much money without connections anyway)


While there is data that suggests children of privilege are more inclined to pursue artistic fields, there are still areas which require creative people who can just get the job done - and I want to believe those opportunities can be found and worked on.

I know the local artists in my area, and what a coincidence - they all live in the same suburb and work for the same employer. Having connections will help you get your foot in the door.

Network. Network. Network.

I have wasted 20 years of my life in a field that paid well, but at this point - I am so fucking sick and tired of literally showing boomers earning $70k+ how to read two paragraphs of instructions to get to - type provided USERNAME into the USERNAME field, and provided PASSWORD into the PASSWORD field.

>> No.4218737

>shovelling shit

For 5 minutes then goes to his 5 star hotel and collects bank after a 3 course meal.

>> No.4218740

>successful artists don’t count if they’re from a rich family
>WOOOOOOOOW look at this tv host from a rich family, he shovels shit on tv and he’s rich, what a great example of a working man!

>> No.4218863

fucking americans corporate boot lickers
move those boxes until you die worm

>> No.4218886

>Some faggot actor telling people to give up on their dreams and submit to body destroying work.
My arms hurt. My back hurts. The only way up is if the people above you fucking die. Everyone I work with is an alcoholic because the work is stressful and endless, doesn't pay for shit and never gives raises.
You better make it anons because it sucks out here. I want to die.

>> No.4218898

don't let a boomer like mike rowe make you concede without even trying. fucking fight for it

>> No.4218899

If you can’t dream it, you can’t achieve it.

>> No.4218904

I was in the exact same place as you a year ago, I quit and haven’t looked back, and I was getting cheered out by people as I left work on my last day
I got some sweet forearms from the work though

>> No.4219027



>> No.4219041

Mike Rowe is a shill hired to keep working class people complacent.

>> No.4219048

I hope there is a fascist uprising in the cards from you guys. I'm still in college but I dread the future of working a shit tier slavejob because everything halfway decent is filled up by rich kids/nepotists and immigrants.

>> No.4219066

While we're at the topic, does anyone know of a streaming site that has Rowe's Dirty Jobs up?

>> No.4219075

>fascist uprising
>offering any kind of liberation
americans really are the dumbest shitstains on this planet
fascism IS capitalism in decline you fucking morons, capitalism is fascism you delusional fucks, it's not immigrants stealing your sweeping jobs

>> No.4219104

>Fascism is capitalism in decline
Have you ever read a book? Serious answer.

>> No.4219149

>projecting this much
back to pol, brainlet

>> No.4219150

>the opposite of capitalism is capitalism
Big oof. Also, I am a Eurochad, canuck.

>> No.4219202

>[YouTube] Mike Rowe: Don't Pursue Your Passion. Chase Opportunity.
the title was enough to make me not click
sounds like some wagecuck cope who failed at his life goals

>> No.4219225

Worse. It's a faggot boomer (((actor))) who got where he is either trough luck or nepotism and who is now shilling for wagecucking and (((hard work))) as the path to make it in life.

Also, >>4218095 very underrated post.

>> No.4219226


>> No.4219328

>fascism is the opposite of capitalism
>right-wing ideology is opposite to right-wing ideology
try again sweetie

>> No.4219339

>right wing
If anything, capitalism seeks to weaken the nation and state in order to give free reign to corps

>> No.4219347
File: 91 KB, 720x504, ydnehhbdic101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

keep coping wagecucks
maybe petition your government to coup more socialist governments

>> No.4219350

this is your brain on pol lmao

>> No.4219354

these are basic fucking things you inbred retard

>> No.4219400

>free market
>strong state
Pick 1

>> No.4219407

Why would any large corporation desire free market? Free market breeds competition and strong state helps eliminate it.

>> No.4219424

>no regulations helps the little guys pose a threat to an entity a million times more powerful and entrenched within the market
Yes, good goy, remember to help those illegal immigrants and pressure your government to let us use them instead of paying you!

>> No.4219481
File: 35 KB, 2000x1333, 15742125246891.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4219484

>free market

>> No.4219490

companies outsource and pay them pennies to make iphones and shit. not even a minimum wage over there

>> No.4219627

Wtf you are talking about. All i see is artists numbers dwinling and endless ugly walls with no decoration

>> No.4219704
File: 96 KB, 350x350, Theodore_Kaczynski_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He was right about technology.

>> No.4219723

China's market is about as free as a fascist market would ever get, probably more.

>> No.4219741

say it with me now



>> No.4219749
File: 137 KB, 1600x1153, jon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4219781
File: 348 KB, 1536x864, sylvain-sarrailh-jardinfutur.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I the only one here who agrees with Mike Rowe? Fuck, I am an artist and I dream about making great art, and I entered a trade with an open mind and now I have two dreams. Why is everyone here so extreme in their opinion? "Boomer" this "Boomer" that. For chrissake he has a point but most of you don't want to develop any skill besides drawing. I for one want to be useful to the world around me through more than just drawing. And don't go thinking I don't like drawing as much as you do. Fuck you. Art means the world to me. But there's nothing wrong with having a day job if you know what you want. For example, do you wanna work at a desk or do you wanna move around? Do you wanna work with people or do you wanna work with stuff? Do you want repetition or variety? Do you want a chance to grow or do you want responsibilities to stay the same? I could go on. Fuck man, just open your mind a little and you'll realize there's more to life than just drawing, and fulfilling things at that. I love what I do for work and there's nothing "artistic" about it.

>> No.4219820

Retarded argument. Having a passion in astronomy is a different thing from wanting to be an astronaut. The first is broader and perfectly fine, so you can totally follow your passion.

For art is the same thing.

>> No.4219829


>> No.4219833
File: 36 KB, 635x680, 1550727020912.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>513k subscribers
>2 comments, one by /ic/


>> No.4219840

>competition is not capitalism, only big corps is!!!
I'm not even partaking into this thread, but holy shit.

>> No.4219843

this is solid advice if the internet didn't exist

this fucking boomer of course is wrong as fuck

you can make a living with your passion, you won't be a millionaire
you will not be celebrated
nobody's going to analyze your work
your name will be forgotten

but you'll be happy and live the live you want and you'll make a good living if you're not a shopping slut

so listening to boomers and follow your passion

just know it's going to be hard and you'll have to put at least 3-5 years in before one single coin makes it into your bank account

welcome it, revel in it, for one day you'll be way ahead of those naysayers and mental cripple junkies with their paycheck addiction and short term whoring

>> No.4219883

Unlike you, I actually did do heavy physical and skilled labour, and he’s full of shit. He’s also a larping faggot hypocrite because he doesn’t have even a year, probably not even half that, of real work under his belt in his fucking 50s. He’s a rich actor. Not an actor who got rich, a kid with rich parents who pretended to work on tv and kept doing it because retards desperately want to believe him so they can cope with their shitty fucking jobs.
>mommy, mommy, I want to an actoww!
>ok, son, here’s money and connections
>wow, you weawy have to wowk hawd and chase oppowtunity not dwea- hey, liste to me you damn zoomers, I am a successful working man!

>> No.4219998

lol wtf do you fags even acknowledge this shit. i know youre just signaling but not even boomers take his guy super serious

>> No.4220011


You have a point.

I suspect the difficulty is in finding the other thing you (the anons struggling) enjoy as much as being creative, or at least a task that is neutral so that it doesn't impact your desire to be creative. Could be opportunity, location, peers, family, any number of factors preventing people from seeing good options.

>> No.4220205

It's really reassuring that the guy who gets paid millions to appear in commercials for jeans and Ford trucks is telling me to work hard

>> No.4220230
File: 9 KB, 211x239, 1566413186054.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I for one want to be useful to the world around me

>> No.4220235
File: 352 KB, 731x720, 1573479990294.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not being a selfish lefticuck makes you onions

>> No.4220240
File: 73 KB, 714x800, 1568313799222.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wanting to please random people who probably hate you because you're awkward/not extremely attractive/not extremely charismatic
hell, random people will still hate you on sight even if you're completely normal.

>> No.4220249

This individualist/libertarian mindset is why people are like that. You are basicly saying everyone is a piece of shit so you are a loser if you aren't a piece of shit.

>> No.4220251

If you make it as an artist with hundreds of thousands of followers you give the world more value than if you're a in a trade.

>> No.4220252

I never said being an artist isn't giving the world something, I was merely disgusted at that anon condeming the entire concept.

>> No.4220255

>This individualist/libertarian mindset is why people are like that.
that's the society that you live in though. if you live in a part of the world where everyone is a piece of shit then why would you want to do things that you don't even like that much just to be useful to people that probably think animals (their dog, cat, bird, etc) are worth more than you. basically everyone that you see when you go outside would murder you if it meant saving their pet dog and they could do it without legal consequences

>> No.4220273

Fuck man, I know you are right, but it still disgusts me. I wish liberalism didn't win WW2.

>> No.4220277

Mike row has slave mentality and if you take his advice seriously you will end up capping yourself at a max 300k a year salary

>> No.4220285

>capping at 300k
Why would you ever want more than that unless you want to fund an uprising or something?
I'd be more than happy with 50k.

>> No.4220387

Yeah, in my case I felt neutral for a long time about the non art field. With time I purposely worked on developing more interest in it. Truth is, if I succeed at art and business enough to quit what I'm doing, great. If I do this job for the rest of my life, still pretty happy.

I don't know enough about him to argue about it so I'll just leave it at what you say. I still agree with his message, "Don't follow your passion, let your passion follow you." I think whether you're doing drawing or working in a construction company you should put your soul into what you're doing in the present moment. And quit making assumptions about me.

>> No.4220394

You're absolutely right. Hell you can lower the cap dramatically to 5 figures and you're still right. Still I ask, why isn't that good? Stability is a real thing to seek.

>> No.4220597

>message, "Don't follow your passion, let your passion follow you." I think whether you're doing drawing or working in a construction company you should put your soul into what you're doing in the present moment.
That’s not what he said. He talked about a guy who scrubs shit for a living and hates it, but he does it because it buys him margaritas and a pool.
And yes, I’ll make all the assumptions I want, because in my time doing what the faggot preaches out of necessity, I have not met a single person who didn’t hate every single day and went home in pain, and some random faggot on /ic/ being the one exception seems less likely than you being a larping faggot who thinks working a register at a supermarket or driving a forklift is hard, “dirty” work.

>> No.4220622

Based and tedpilled

>> No.4221050

Then make your assumptions. God forbid you gain perspective. Why engage me if all you're trying to do is talk shit? You can't break down what I'm saying without resorting to personal outrage? Fuck you lol

>> No.4221420

>gain perspective
Nigger, I have years of actual personal experience, I don’t need a larper on an anime website to gain a perspective on the matter.

>> No.4221435

Though I'm a zoomer/young millenial, people need to the video is righ in some ways but doesn't present a good alternative, which is, that the way to success is having multiple skills. This can be seen in people like Leonardo Divinci; Albert Einstein, who did theoretical physics as a side hustle, Any architect. That's why I'm studying computer science (i'm doing a degree, but an apprentiship would have incured less debt) but I then spend 1-4 hours on art per day.

>> No.4221437

It's all old boomer tactics
>"You should work for me because then you might be as successful as i am"
Which is total horse shit.
Owning a company isn't all that special, especially nowadays.
Making money is the issue.
If you go the honest way; you'll work 24/7 for a decade, treat and pay your workers fairly, never screw over anyone and pray to every god imaginable that you'll make it out alive.
But, that doesn't work if you want to make it in this hellhole of a hypercapitalistic plane of existence.
Boomers who had the privilege of acquring assets in a less fucked up time, want you to work for them for scraps, fuck you in the ass and call you ungrateful for not swallowing their cum.
The art industry is no different. They will fuck you raw every chance they get. You will be even more miserable as being without any job.
The only sane path is to make a name for yourself without any companies or corporations having a say over you.

>> No.4222102

I agree, man. I went to college and it's a fine job and fine experience. Good for you.

Okay, instead of fighting, I want to clarify my original point because this is getting away from us and I think it'll make more sense to you when I rephrase myself.

I'm not saying:
>You and people you work with should be happier about your job cause it's not as bad as you think.

I am saying
>There are loads non-artistic jobs that can offer good challenges, variety, and community even to aspiring artists while providing good, stable income.
>Loads of jobs also suck
>Loads of jobs break your body
>Loads of jobs are not worth it

Not the extreme opinion it originally looked like. I'm curious if you disagree with my argument.

>> No.4222248

Mike Rowe is such a disingenuous, boot licking, faggot. Seeing this jackass getting paid thousands of dollars to waddle around in shit for 20 minutes then turn around and act like he's really about that life brings my piss to a boil. Fuck this larping boomer and all the retards who buy into his shit.

>> No.4222371

There’s nothing to disagree with there, even the heavy labour I’ve done has its share of depth and proficiency, as presumably do all activities you can think off. The problem here is that an activity is not a job. Shovelling shit as an activity is fine and it offers challenges and opportunity to learn how to shovel shit better, but anyone shovelling shit as a JOB in any context other than necessity is a certified retard, and people like Rowe will try to sell you a lie about you shovelling shit for a shit pay in a shit work environment means you’re a real, hard working man and that’s the kind of man who will somehow magically obtain his own shit shovelling company one day and sit at a pool drinking margaritas, so you should shovel shit instead of aspiring to lofty callings like being an astronaut. Literally. This is literally what he is saying.

>> No.4222486

I confess: I didn't watch the video. I just like one thing I saw him say 4 years ago and it's the thing I quoted. The level of prejudice against 50 year old "boomers" triggers me though so I jumped in.

About jobs. Sounds to me like you're saying that non-artistic jobs aren't worth thinking of as careers, but just activities. Not even jobs. Correct me if I'm wrong, cause I don't buy that.

Honestly, I don't think art jobs are actually "better" for artists than non-art jobs. Most art jobs are a lot like wage slavery. You might say, then, "okay, I don't want that. I'm talking about being a little ambitious: freelancing and making a name for yourself." That's fine. But now that sounds like Mike Rowe's shit scooper business model, with a better smelling package. To me, the subject matter of shit scooping or painting is irrelevant if you're in the mindset of an entrepreneur. You're just trying to be successful. So, well, like Mike seems to say in the thread quotes, go after opportunity. I don't care about Mike's legitimacy or not, and if he's a charlatan, then you can't do it without using some nuggets of truth. And I think that 'opportunity' thing is true.

If the point is just doing art for a living, then you could easily be a wageslave at some studio. I'm trying to see how being a well paid shit scooper (emphasis on well paid) is worse than struggling to make money off art you like, or making good money off drawing things you don't care about.

I'm saying fuck the promise of art careers. Fuck settling for backbreaking lowpaying labor. Fuck the subject matter. Do whatever's stable or lucrative. If that happens to be spending 8 hours a day collecting, I don't know, beaver teeth, or 8 hours stitching yacht upholstery, then why not do it? It's opportunity.

>> No.4222780

Okay so I watched it. I really don't see anything wrong with what he said.

>> No.4222861
File: 20 KB, 853x158, ''The good artists copy, the great artists steal AND I WILL HATE YOU FOREVER FOR LISTENING TO ME''.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I say rampant individualism is a Zionist plot, will you stop? =/

God damn, what a post
>basically everyone that you see when you go outside would murder you if it meant saving their pet dog and they could do it without legal consequences
1. how fucking damaged do you have to be to even think like this? No, fuckwit, they're you- they like animals so much because they've decided the people around them are evil.

>'basically everyone'
>*without legal consequences

2. Long shot, were you in a thread about being more creative on July 10th 2019? /ic/ seems to have a history of posts that are doomer to the point of being retarded and I want to know if it's one person.

>> No.4223193
File: 77 KB, 976x1062, DvII80xUwAAv_S4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This really struck a nerve lmao. It's bothering you because you always have that voice in your head saying "What if I'm not good enough, what if I'll never be good enough? What if this is all a waste of time?"

If that's not true then chill out little guys.

>> No.4223220

>If the point is just doing art for a living, then you could easily be a wageslave at some studio

I've been here for like three years and I've only seen a handful of people here whose work would qualify for a studio job.

>> No.4223244

Being on /ic/ for so long almost makes you think most artists suck, but it's just us.

>> No.4223349

>If that happens to be spending 8 hours a day collecting, I don't know, beaver teeth, or 8 hours stitching yacht upholstery, then why not do it? It's opportunity.
If you're smart enough, you'll have recognized that people eventually identify with whatever job they're doing. So, if you don't like your job, you'll be miserable. It'll bleed into other aspects of your life and weigh you down.

>> No.4223364

>Being on /ic/ for so long almost makes you think most artists suck, but it's just us.

Well, the demands are pretty high even for small studios. It's delusional to say that it's "easy" to land a studio job.

>> No.4223405

>"Don't pursue your passion" -TV host
ok boomer

>> No.4223499

You're right about the consequences of hating your job. So how can we like our job? And what's wrong with having pride in your work, even if it's mundane?

If you hate what you do, then yeah, do something better. But if it's all you got right now, then you have to adapt and try to embrace what you're doing for now. I get that's hard, and I don't judge you if you don't succeed at that. I'm saying we can't ignore the role necessity plays. I want to guess that you would prefer to embrace the necessary as much as you can help it.

So then I repeat, what's wrong with having pride in the mundane? I think it keeps you content.

>> No.4223507

Bo Burnham has a good take on this.


>> No.4224130

Spoken like a true loser. People like you to step over make my life easier. Thanks for not getting in my way.

>> No.4224145


>> No.4224418

based advice. when will you "muh passion" folks will ever learn?

>> No.4224457

Whatever helps you sleep at night, bud.

>> No.4224473

>The only sane path is to make a name for yourself without any companies or corporations having a say over you.
That's usually impossible unless you have social clout. How many from /ic/ have made it on their own? Even the truly good ones are working for major studios

>> No.4224531

lurk moar

>> No.4224544

This sounds like cope. Might as well take pride in identifying hydrants when solving captcha.

>> No.4225058

Well, I guess it's coping, but I'm not saying to live in denial if that's what you're getting at. And maybe if what you're doing isn't as mind numbing as identifying captchas, you could even be proud of some of it. Maybe just in the way you treat your coworkers.

>> No.4225240

>I'd rather starve and die in the gutter than doing [sic] shit I hate for a living
>but also I'm a communist, other people should be forced to do shit they hate to support me

>> No.4226106

fuck pol for constantly shitting out the dumbest people with the highest degree of dunning kruger

>> No.4226124

Are you one of those people that say Hitler was a leftist?

>> No.4226190

learn to code

>> No.4226208

What you're really implying is that he wasn't the right kind of leftist

>> No.4226350

What I am saying is that Hitler was not a leftist, as opposed to capitalists.

>> No.4227471

>capitalists are leftists
incredible, truly 4D maneuvering gear mental gymnastics

>> No.4227818

That's why you use your art skills for design work rather than rely on selling paintings to pay your bills. Or if you insist on working with "real art" study art history and try to get a curator job at a museum or gallery.

Boomers like him are retarded and think that if a skill isn't necessary for basic survival then it isn't respectable enough to make a career out of. For example we would survive without video games, but it's a multi-billion dollar industry that boosts the economy. A lot of the jobs might be outsourced but there's still jobs out there. Nothing wrong with at least giving it a shot.

>> No.4227820

Nice strawman.

>> No.4227830

>not a leftist

>> No.4227854
File: 2.97 MB, 2048x1724, 1574719472016[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>taking advice from this fucking boomer

>> No.4227899

>socialism isn't left leaning
you are a proper retard, who fucking cares about "national" part? it is still type of socialism you tool

>> No.4227903

left=equality, crush those at the top
right=hierarchy, build those at the bottom up

I was obviously a bit tongue in cheek with calling capitalism leftist, but it definitely isn't right wing. It's more like an indifferent all devouring force.

>> No.4227906
File: 1.64 MB, 1188x1190, 1570907579581.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok lets take apart this boomerism
oh, yeah, we're alive in hell. what a jackpot
This is supposed to "humble" you while it's actually patronizing you to the max
"Be grateful I let you even exist" so to speak
ok boomer
Even if you don't get paid, work 24/7 and even lose money, you should be grateful you have a job. Your employer can do no bad since it gave you a job.
Actually makes sense, if the definition of passion was to be replaced by slaving yourself for the benefit of some cuntfaggot
no shit
"if you cheat, make sure not even you know"
Making money for Mr Boss while starving is the best feeling ever, am i right, fellow slaves?
Never call out anything, never dare speak the truth. If you speak the illusion shatters.
oh hello intellectual insecurity
Only when it's convenient, though
Don't even try to make things better when Mr Boss is earning the moneys
oh hello existential dread

Never let a boomer fool you, boys. They only think of themselves and their own profit.
We wouldn't be in this shit if it wasn't for boomers.
Good thing they're all dying out

>> No.4229803

>this is solid advice if the internet didn't exist
>this fucking boomer of course is wrong as fuck
>you can make a living with your passion, you won't be a millionaire
>you will not be celebrated
>nobody's going to analyze your work
>your name will be forgotten
>but you'll be happy and live the live you want and you'll make a good living if you're not a shopping slut
>so listening to boomers and follow your passion
>just know it's going to be hard and you'll have to put at least 3-5 years in before one single coin makes it into your bank account
>welcome it, revel in it, for one day you'll be way ahead of those naysayers and mental cripple junkies with their paycheck addiction and short term whoring

suddenly i think im a homosexual for you
that was well said

>> No.4229811

>all people are created equal, they just make different choices
Cringe and lefticucked. Burgers are the only people on earth that don't believe in natural differences between people.

>> No.4229819

>I won the greatest lottery of all time. I live in America.
>I am the product of my choices, not my circumstances.
>tfw you need to trick retards into thinking circumstances don’t matter and everyone is equal, but you also need to play on their patriotism to make them feel special

>> No.4231979

It makes him look legit