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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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4215643 No.4215643 [Reply] [Original]

>turn 25 today
>still not a fully realized go-getter

is it too late for me bros

>> No.4215651

Hopefully yes, you wojak piece of trash.

>> No.4215654
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Wish I was a go getter desu

>> No.4215655

Most people know of their own faults but will subconsciously give excuses to suppress them.
Treat yourself like a different person, roast yourself as if you were your worst enemy, and solve everything you see as faults in yourself.
Set yourself a punishment or a reward for doing so by such and such time to incentivize yourself.

>> No.4215657

Happy birthday OP!

I'm gonna be 24 in December, I have no idea what I'm doing

>> No.4215679
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>make 4k/month off my own art
>going to the gym
>teaching at local figure drawing class
>go out every week
>have enough time to work on personal projects

>> No.4215704

how did you get to where you are?

>> No.4215745

>already getting contacted for local galleries
>have a group of people I get out on fridays to renovate streets with my art
>8k a month since we became a legit business
>feels good

>> No.4215749

>punish yourself
the bleedings won't stop, the cuts no longer have an effect

>> No.4216107

Read philosophy retards.

>> No.4216118

Stop comparing yourself to daddymoney art school kids and just draw already

>> No.4216218
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Do you guys have some tips on how you made it to share with us?

>> No.4217060

cutting is easy. Effort is hard.

>> No.4217073

Becoming a go getter over night is a meme, I have tried it for 6 years now and while you can certainly improve on many things, at the end of the day it's largely a personality type that cannot be changed.

>> No.4217090
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Not them but I make 20k a month with patreon and the contracts I do between charity works, teaching art at the local university and my project of rebuilding the local shelter for lost animals... So I guess I can give you a couple pointers.
You just have to hit the gym and do the following:
>100 boxes
>100 loomis heads
>100 figures
>and 10 completed drawings
After a year of being subjected to this routine you'll be an art god and have the local gallery owners suck your dick, they'll be fighting tooth and nail for the rights to present your shittiest scribbles in their exhibition room. Try it. Also anime is not a meme, you have to watch all of the seasonal stuff or you won't make it.

>> No.4217096

It took me way too long to realize this was a joke.

>> No.4217098
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The "Go-getter" mindset is not a meme, but time put into a new mentality. Education requires strict focus - for this, pleasure cannot be involved, nor distraction. If I cannot listen to music nor be on my phone while reading - I have to realize the same must always apply to drawing (yes, this applies even with digital art). A "go-getter" mindset is not achievable if you're not consistently re-thinking your actions and correcting your everyday errors.
>Why did this value study take [x] amount of hours?
>How can I speed up my sketching process?
>What can I do to get better results in my perspective drawing?
>How can I break down anatomy to better understand it? By diagram, through gesture, through iconic shapes?
It takes a LOT of work and self-reevaluation, but it IS achievable in the long run.

>> No.4217102

>time put into a new mentality
Look, after 6 years of having this be my main goal in life, focusing everything on this(art even somewhat being a means for this end rather than the other way around). At least for me I know this mindset is not achievable. Maybe for some people it is.

>> No.4217124

It's never too late, anon. Now, draw.

>> No.4217133
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>turn 19 soon
>started """drawing""" at age 9 but never actually pushed myself because i had weird self-esteem issues and didn't think i was fit for drawing the stuff i wanted to, just stagnated
>suck ass in everything other than figure drawing (what i've done the most) and even in that i'm mediocre
>neet and spend a lot of time studying hard but have no idea what i want to do anymore
>now i'm fucking back here on /ic/ after staying away for so long
AHHHHH I'M DOOOOOOMING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.4217148
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>neet and spend a lot of time studying hard but have no idea what i want to do anymore
Do whatever got you into drawing in the first place.
Anime shit? Draw anime shit. Complete the drawings.
Wanted to make comics? Start one. Even a joke comic to get started.
Get into painting? Get your hands on some material and fucking paint.
That is the only way to improve, not grinding pointless figures for hours and weeks on end.

>> No.4217155

>He doesn't read out loud in funny voices
>He doesn't constantly rethink his actions and correct his errors while having fun.
NGMI, will be depressed and crash.

>> No.4217211
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Remember what this anon said >>4217124
As well as the wisdom this anon provided >>4217148
If you truly wish for a change in mind, I recommend getting out of your comfort zone. This includes making direct changes in your life. Are you always spending time in your home? Get out during the week and spend it somewhere else. Go to your local church and get involved in the community (not involved or focused in art). Go visit and take care of some elders or homeless people at shelters this Thanksgiving weekend during the cold, or some animals at an adoption shelter. Take up a new diet, meditation, exercise. Something that will regenerate a breath of new life into your mind and creativity. I believe in you anon.

>> No.4217298

Literal me
Grow up with art in general still didn't make it

>> No.4217522

Go get a real education with REAL outcome benefits, STEM or blue collar skilled work. Keep art as a hobby, and draw what you like, not for the masses, not for the MAN, but for yourself.

>> No.4217569

Anime source?

>> No.4217600


>> No.4217976

You dongus. I smiled. But somehow...
>100 boxes
>100 loomis heads
>100 figures
>and 10 completed drawings
I kinda wanna try this challenge.

>> No.4220692

Don't actually roast yourself though, it's just as indulgent and narcissistic to be hard on yourself as it to always excuse your shortcomings. You want a detached constructive view of yourself.

Let's replace drawing with working out. Lets say one day you ended up not doing a set of weights you committed yourself to doing. Instead of saying "You piece of shit, you lazy fat fuck, you had every opportunity to do your sets today like you said you would but you didn't and you last time at the gym definitely did not count. You put a half ass effort into it and that's why you're never going to make it. You deserve to fail." to yourself or "Hey it's okay that you missed you set today, you can just do it next time, just take it easy. You don't need to feel bad about ever failing because what's the point of that, you'll get where you want to go eventually.", what you really want to say is "Okay, why did I not do my sets today, what was different this time than the times I usually did? Is there a way I can change things to be more consistent? Maybe waiting until after 5 and seeing my friends before I did my work out is part of what's messing me up, I'm going to try to stick to my routines from before and make an effort to avoid things that trigger me to be lazy next time.

The point is that you always want to be thinking constructively. See what you can learn from your failures and then move on. Don't dwell on it and treat yourself like an enemy, don't coddle or forgive every issue like you're a child who can't be responsible either. You want to treat yourself less emotionally and just focus on the reality of what works or doesn't. You can even think of yourself as someone with an impulsive monkey inside your head you're trying to control.

>> No.4220747

>good enough to be recognized by others as a decent artist but still not good enough to make what you want
>can maybe see the light at the end of the tunnel but just getting up and working towards it is a struggle

>> No.4220811

I know how detrimental some "lol just do it, just start doing what you want bro, just start drawing" advice can be, but i can say FOR SURE that its never too late, especially not at 25. Hell, Van Gogh didn't start painting until he was 27, and he became one of the worlds most beloved artists. Now, the things your image describe are all very hard, and very broad goals, and you are NOT gonna be able to tackle them all at the same time, and i know that it can be hard when you have so much to do, that you don't even know where to start. I'm 20 right now, and i am in a very, very dark place, but i'm also trying to get some positive changes in my life. I've started drawing, i don't even know how or where to begin, but i've started trying and researching, and it does make me feel a bit better.
There is really only one piece of advice i can give you. Start at the beginning. Now once again, i know how cliche that sounds, but things like a healthy lifestyle, positive outlook and hell, even learning to draw, are less "skills" and more habits. Its not a book you can memorize from one day to the next, or a text you can write once. Its something where you just have to start, and do it until it gets better. If you want to have some order, you have to start by cleaning the room, and cleaning it every day until that becomes the norm. If you want a healthy body you have to train until health becomes the norm. If you want discipline, you have to discipline your actions until discipline becomes the norm.
Excellence, is not an act, but a habit. We are what we repeatedly do.
Good luck, i hope we can all make it.

>> No.4220855

To bad you probaly do furry art if some shit lol

>> No.4220980

>100 boxes
4 hrs 37 mins, w/ rendering.
>100 loomis heads
12 done, 5 hrs 14 mins; 9 sketched, 1 hr 49 mins.
>100 figures
73 done, 6 hrs 22 mins.
>10 completed drawings
3/4 finished with 1, 7 hrs 33 mins.

so to summarize, your days each need to be a week long to fulfill this. also, i feel immensely drained from attempting to undertake your challenge. i have literally only slept for about 5 hours in the past 2 days. 0/10, you cannot saitama into art.

>> No.4220999

Is there a wojak for me? When I make art I'm a bloomer, I love it and I love what I make. But as soon as I stop and look around I'm a full doomer, I am painfully aware I don't have any of the requirements to make it.

>> No.4221070


ye this guy is pure bull, just work on your weak points and also do some drawings for fun so you don`t drain yourself

>> No.4221076

Okay but if you kept that up you'd improve pretty quick.

>> No.4221145
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>making 10k/month off commisions
>50/k a month from twitch
>type random shit to people
>they always believe it
>my bitch just blew me
>shit was so cash

>> No.4221616

Chill. You're young

>> No.4221618
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I'm 28. It's over.

>> No.4221707

drawing is much much easier when you're an adult than a child. i spent years with the tutorials and circles and lines and still never got past flat autistic sparkledogs before i quit.

picked up a pencil seven years later and improved significantly within a week. all that work i did as a kid wasn't wasted, i just wasn't smart enough to connect the dots (dots = stop just drawing from imagination and use reference).

also you can barely be a neet at 18

>> No.4222552

i literally slept for 14 hours after making that post. also, time spent doing a lot of things quickly only means you'll get better at mass production, but not enhancing the quality thereof.

>> No.4222576

>turn 4 mommy gives me art stuff - I draw like a fiend
>turn 8 gonna grow up and be an artist
>turn 12 discover robotics and programming - fuck art gonna be an engineer now
>turn 22 finished uni and sell out for big tech company #583727592
>turn 26 bored at work, start drawing, mom buys me more art supplies
>turn 32 end on a high note, retire early - time to spend the rest of my life drawing

What this guy said >>4217522

>> No.4222866
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We're all gonna make it bruhs; trust me, just gotta fully realize that (time)x(quality of effort)x(routine building) = gains in the long run.

>> No.4222886

literally post your blog

>> No.4223526
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That list spoke to me like no poem did, and that's bad

>> No.4223581

Become the go-getter, it's never too late.

>> No.4223608

what is a joke?

>> No.4223640

Is this the unholiest possible alliance of boomer culture and nu-4chan meme culture?

>> No.4223825

I can't cope when I see these fucking 21 y/o kids who are way better than me at 30