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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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4202846 No.4202846 [Reply] [Original]

What is the skill level I need to attain in order to earn at least $1000 a month? Excluding porn and such.

I could also ask this question in a different matter: If I want to earn at least $1000 a month by doing art, what should I focus on? Book covers? Card illustrations? What is the recommended path?

>> No.4202853

i have the same problem although 600$ a month would satisfy me
I am Polish

>> No.4202854

not how art works dude

>> No.4202857

You're NGMI with this attitude so just fuck off

>> No.4202860

1) There is no reliable way to earn a fixed sum outside a regular job. It is comprised multiple factors which can only partially control.(You could try fund sites like Patreon but even that is not truly reliable especially at the start)
2) There is no set skill level for earning a set amount of money, art is not an assembly line where you produce a certain number of identical goods in bulk and sell them for fixed price for a projected sum.

The best idea is to find what you enjoy the most , something you are sure you are able to do daily for a long period of time, I am talking years and focus on that. I know that is the shittiest meme advice ever but that is the only thing you can trust, you yourself being productive and reliable. That is the only way to gain momentum and start gathering a following. Once you get into the flow of things you can think about expanding your field of expertise.

>> No.4202869

You're not thinking in the right order imo, unless you want a job in art.

>> No.4202870

Skill alone won't help you achieve that

All you really need is big social with lots of autistic fanbase

>> No.4202889

>excluding porn
You are not making this easy. Probably just be better than almost anyone actually posting their work on here.

>> No.4202928

>I am Polish
is this a new meme?

>> No.4202952

>nepotism lvl 100
>art lvl 1

>> No.4202958

revenue isn't entirely tied to skill level, it really comes down to what you want to do or are interested in doing that will determine your required skill level. If you want to be a concept artist for instance, the skill ceiling is extremely high and you also need to know how to design and work quickly, but on the bright side you can specialise, so you only need to be really good at drawing/designing humans, or environments, or monsters or vehicles etc. If you want to be a fantasy illustrator (Trading cards, promo art, book covers etc) the skill ceiling is also extremely high, you need to know how to paint more than one thing (people, environments, monsters etc) which will take longer to study.

There are also the paths of porn, furryshit, tumblr style OC nonsense or things like that where it will be impossible to find a studio job, but your revenue will be tied to your audience and community, so you don't need to be that good, you can probably get good enough in under a year as long as you're good at socialising and are involved in the right communities.

It's all a combination of online social networking, skill, and individual trade requirements. Rather than juggling all this shit and just thinking about how to make $1000 dollars, actually truly reflect on what YOU enjoy doing and then find out which path is right for you.

>> No.4202960

You are missing the point. Of course connections and opportunities coming from those connections are really important, what I meant is how good I have to be in order to be able to befriend others and be visible in general. Skill is still the most important factor at the end of the day

>> No.4202965

I am Polish

>> No.4202970

i actually am Polish

>> No.4202983

Me too. I am Polish
Happy Independence Day

>> No.4202990

Personally I have a problem where I cant assess other people because I cant see how much they earn. Yes, you could say that being trending on ArtStation means you have enough skill to earn a penny but everyone is different there and earns different money. I dont actually know how far I have to go to sustain myself

>> No.4202992

>Is everyone Polish?
Poll https://www.strawpoll.me/18924650

>> No.4203003

Skill doesn't get you money, marketing does.
The more skill you have, the easier it will be to market your stuff, but like anything, there are diminishing returns.

>If I want to earn at least $1000 a month by doing art, what should I focus on? Book covers?
Whatever is in demand at the time.

>> No.4203153
File: 13 KB, 658x329, 3b61fdb64bd362f0d60bc4d0ebe35eba.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wtf? We should have some kind of country draw-off threads.

>> No.4203160

Did you just ignore everything I fucking said? I JUST said that skill varies on the avenue you take, there is no baseline "skill level" you need. Each type of art has different types and level of skill to be good. If you are literally just a lazy cunt you wants to make the easiest $1000 without resorting to porn then you are NEVER going to make $1000 a month making art because you don't have the right motivation. Your art will always be either shitty quality of too soulless to develop a fanbase

>> No.4203231

you don't need art skills to make connections, you need social skills.

Also there is no way to quantify art skill.

The closest thing would be finding a low level professional artist and ask yourself, if can you do the same work that they do, at the same level, with the same speed and with the same reliability.

>> No.4203247

you need to be one of the best to earn a living. there are very (very) few entry level or mid tier positions in commercial art.

I made art my career and early on i ignored 20 dollar commissions so i could just get better. To me anything under 300 USD for a deliverable might as well not exist, client is a cheapskate and not worth the time, just practice til you can earn something decent.

Earning 1000 USD a month consistently is difficult because work has ups and downs. more likely it will be a few well paying jobs with space in between (to get better/improve portfolio).

>> No.4203255

Is this an /ic/ meme or do you actually post in every money related thread

>> No.4203266

no jak chłopaki?

>> No.4203270

mame kazała sie zarejestrować w urzedzie pracy

>> No.4203276
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>> No.4203292
File: 37 KB, 720x720, 44718695_347598839307113_1397756738435054999_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is everybody in this threat retarded crab? OP wants to make AT LEAST $1000 per month. That could mean that he wants to make ideally $5000 per month. but a minimum $ per month is 1000. yes, networking and the number of followers might be important, but more important is your portfolio alone. pyw OP and I will send you the right direction.

>> No.4203297
File: 812 KB, 3126x3126, Francis Drake flats.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i am not op but i am Polish and I only need 600 bucks

>> No.4203318
File: 456 KB, 804x876, 1536667858684.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1000$ a month
>excluding porn
Bro, imma be straight with you. People like me will work for three times less than that and feel happy about it.
t. 3rd worlder

>> No.4203321
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okay, heres my idea: find a writer who is currently looking for a comic artist to help him realize his dream. make an offer that for only 30 bucks a day (600usd/20working days in one month) you will provide 3 hours of work on his project. you will get your 600 shekels per month + new stuff for your portfolio + experience and he, on the other hand, will get tons of new material for his dream project.

>> No.4203333

You can be trash level in terms of drawing skills if, for example, your writing skills are better. In other words:
You either draw appealingly or write good stories.

>> No.4203359

lmao same. i'd be so fucking happy. its enough to pay my rent.

>> No.4203361

well i don't have to pay my rent fortunately but currently i have finished a shitty uni and i have no skills cause i am very retarded and lazy
but mom wants me to do things

>> No.4203470

>Whatever is in demand at the time.
How can you tell what is in demand at the time though?

>> No.4203480

>something you are sure you are able to do daily for a long period of time,
yes this is sadly the hardest part. not only a reliable workflow, but fast, efficient and consistent. this is why sakimichan is successful. while every moron out there is giving her hard crits she has an output that is unreal in this kind of industry with an unparalleled skill level.

>> No.4203484

also you have to realize that the one crucial part of all this is avoiding burning out. that is why this is incredibly difficult to do. so if you are serious about this, dont worry about anything related to marketing yourself, your status on social media, and your skill level. Make sure your workflow is set up to what frequency you are planning to pump this work out on. is it going to be a works day of work? or is it going to be 3 pieces a week? every hour counts as to how you want to polish your work. the more you do this the more pieces you will have in your gallery to advertise to people what your work is like, when they will receive and your rates.

>> No.4203485

I fucking hate the third world.

>> No.4203521

>How to make at least $1000 a month
Do at least 10 commissions for $100 every month

>> No.4203534

But how to make at least $10000 a month?
>Do at least 10 commissions for $1000 every month
Sure, but where can I get an $1000 comission?

>> No.4203540

>Skill is still the most important factor at the end of the day
This is demonstratably not true. This is a amateur mindset. Your skills in business and self promotion are more important towards making money with any form of art.

>> No.4203545

If you are bad, your marketing skills won't matter because you won't deliver. Unless you are fine with producing garbage for mentally impaired people that might buy it.

>> No.4203567


>> No.4203569

no none of those factor as much as >>4203484

>> No.4203640


get rekt privilaged cuck. I steal so many art jobs from you fucks because i charge dirt cheap! hahaha.

>> No.4203665

Jesus fuck, it's not even 3k in Polish currency, have some fucking standards anon jeszcze odprowadź od tego podatki, żeby nie żyć jak zwierzę, ja pierdolę. Wyżyjesz za mniej jak 1k na rękę debilu?

>> No.4203690
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>> No.4203728

Implying this guy knows anything about taxes

Polish income tax and social insurance is a fucking steal and I'll be moving my business to Estonia the day my Mały ZUS ends, mark my fucking words

>> No.4205071

I'm Hungarian, and I want to do the same thing

>> No.4205186

>is everybody in this threat retarded crab
No I am Polish

>> No.4205189


Mieszkam z rodzicami i dopiero skończyłem studia
Translation from Polish to English: I live with my parents and I have just finished uni

>> No.4205288

wypierdalać polskie zwierzęta, to jest forum dla obcokrajowców

>> No.4209033
File: 180 KB, 675x675, 1557744692220.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw russki and even 300$ would be enough to live comfortable life

>> No.4209074

powiedzal >pooplack

>> No.4209079
File: 179 KB, 1125x843, eW2rItT4Xx8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rent a flat on the outskirts of St. Normieburg
>pretend to be an amerilard on the internet but charge 3 times less than anyone else
>get paid enough to get by for drawing just an hour or two a day
I'm probably gonna starve and die if I ever fall sick or get robbed tho, but that's not too bad of an outcome
Also I really wanted a job as a nightguard or something as a failsafe, but the enforced military service is after me so I can work only unofficial crap like deliver food through off-brand phone apps

>> No.4209264
File: 6 KB, 250x250, 15463432142.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw avoided military service because I never leave my house so they're thinking I'm retarded