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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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4150609 No.4150609 [Reply] [Original]

>acquaintance of acquaintance gets in touch with me
>says he’s making a comic anthology and wants me to be a featured artist for one of its short comic stories
>comic is only 5 pages but pay rate is good and will be paid upfront

>find out comic anthology is typical super liberal social justice crap.
>shit to do with immigration and trans rights
>my political views have always been middle of the road so some aspects I like about it, but the story I will be working on is typical liberal cringe with a social commentary on illegal immigration and ICE.
>I kinda still want to work on the story because the pay is good and it could lead to other opportunities, but I’m worried it’ll affect my reputation.

What would you do?

>> No.4150614

super liberal views won't hurt your rep unless your audience is /pol

>> No.4150619

Don't get emotional over money because money will never get emotional for you.

>> No.4150624

This. Most comic, animation and video game industry professionals lean more left than right.

If anything, you’ll be blacklisted if you have a conservative view.

>> No.4150625

super liberal shit will help your reputation more than super conservative shit

>> No.4150628

No, you just get emotional for not having money to pay for food or the bills.

>> No.4150630

Just do it you little bitch.

>> No.4150643

Art is always more important than the subject. Even if it’s a subject I don’t like, I realize it’s always better for my work to reach different audiences instead of just one.

>> No.4150654

Do it, but try and hide subtle white supremacist subliminal messages in it for the lulz

>> No.4150662

do it but make the "bad guys" the most memey possible so they end up being kinda based

>> No.4150686

Go to /pol/ for this, or post art we can critique. Why hasn't this been deleted? it has nothing to do with this board ffs

>> No.4150689

>nothing to do with /ic/


>> No.4150799

its just a job desu. fuck I've drawn shit for money I don't like at all but its money and I need it.

>> No.4150803


>> No.4150804

Found the liberal

>> No.4150813


>> No.4150911

Pen name

>> No.4150957

USA? That's sooooo 2016. Tell him the comic needs to be about homophobic Muslims, and Israel and China deporting undesirables, or he is a pussy. Also throw in a few panels about how the western powers carving up Africa and the Middle East all willynilly resulted in different tribes/ethnicity being forced together, AKA diversity, and not a single problem resulted from it. Conversely, Korea and Japan are homogeneous and thus total crime-ridden poverty-stricken shitholes with no culture.

>> No.4152331

You'll regret it in the future. This is your dignity yelling at you. Sure it's a liberal world now, but you can't guarantee it'll be like that forever.

>> No.4152427

Fucking do it, OP.
Do it, but do your worst fucking job and under a pseudonym so you don't get associated with the nutcases, then just take the money and run.
Political retards usually care more about the message than the art, so don't bother too much with it.

I did the same shit when I was invited to do the art for a "Resist" anthology and I just let the writer to take all the credit while I just took the money.

>> No.4152470

Just tell your buddy's buddy that you don't want to be involved in anything that's based on real politics.

>> No.4152483

>being a sellout
no matter left of right, If I didn't want to cuck myself then I wouldn't

>> No.4154723

just dont do it. if you dont want to do it dont do it. dignity is more important than money. (unless you're like literally on the street shitting yourself, then money is more important)

these ultra left types have a weird inverse hierarchy. Just tell them you think someone from marginalized social group x should work on the art as "their message would be more personal and lived"

>> No.4154787

For the love of god don't do this if you want to be taken seriously.

>> No.4155072

I would do it to the best of my abilities, it's a paid job. Plus only people liking this stuff will buy this anthology anyway so it won't hurt you.

>> No.4155410


>> No.4155442

FYI no one reads the credits. Just do it.

>> No.4155795

found the minimum income wagie ngmi

>> No.4155830

I was with you, then I wasn’t with you, then I was with you again

The g-forces of that sarcastic ride gave me whiplash

>> No.4156120

Do it. Money's Money. SJW shit is whats making money right now take advantage of it. Look at all the big corporations being woke right now. They don't do it because they actually believe it. They do it because they can make a lot of money and it makes their company look good at the same time.

>> No.4156948

This is fine, just make sure that the ideologies of the comic aren't associated with you too heavily in the future.

>> No.4156993

Depends if you care about the opinions of honest people. Everyone with half a brain will see you SOLD YOUR SOUL, they'll just pretend they don't.

>> No.4156999

If you are just neutral about it, and find it cringeworthy but don't straight up hate it, i would just do it and ask to not put your name anywhere.

>> No.4157369

Considering wokeshit dominates media right now, I doubt it will hurt your rep... if anything, if you do a good job it might lead to more opportunities drawing wokeshit. Which might sound bad but... for all you know, you could get hired by Marvel and be the guy who illustrates the first black Muslim transqueer nonbinary asexual polyromantic Spiderthey comic.

Or, not. But I tend to think, if an opportunity presents itself, and the pay is good, go for it. Cuckshit or not, that's what will separate you from the ngmis.

>> No.4158501

If it was the other way around I would be concerned but right-wingers like capitalism so they'll understand.

There's not that same attitude of "boycotting an artist because they are problematic"

>> No.4159995

use a pen name you fucking retard