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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 153 KB, 563x899, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4112169 No.4112169 [Reply] [Original]

This is a "rough sketch" by a professional manga artist. The anatomy is wrong, the perspective is wrong, the lines are chicken scratched, and there is no volume to weight to the composition. Explain the steps to how they manage to turn such a crude /beg/-tier drawing into a masterpiece that sells for millions of yen?

>> No.4112184

As an artist, you get images in your head that you want to create. Either you can make these images or you can't. The sketch is just getting an idea out of your mind. Afterwards, you add onto such basic concepts with an internal knowledge of anatomy, gesture, perspective, drapery, etc. A beginner either isn't able to make a sketch of their idea or lacks the tools to add onto the sketch.

But none of this post matters because the lines in that drawing aren't chicken scratched and you are probably too new to the concepts of drawing to understand basic principles. I would suggest that you either never pursue learning to draw and remove yourself from this community because learning is a very challenging and painful process or that you spend a year or two learning before making another embarassing post about a topic you know so little about.

>> No.4112187

>As an artist, you get images in your head that you want to create

You lost me here. What do you mean by "imagines in your head"? Like, you mean ideas? Thoughts? But you can't see an idea or a thought.

>> No.4112188

>manga artist
a sketch for manga is simply positioning and working out composition. for all we know this is part of his manuscript where hes just working out how to lay out the story for the chapter.

>> No.4112193

I mean visualizing ideas and concepts in your head. Kind of like a mental 3D modelling software.

>> No.4112195
File: 990 KB, 857x1202, doodle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have been bamboozled by social media "sketches" vs. actual sketches. Yes anon this is what a sketch looks like. You need time to get all the things right, you need to fix mistakes and all that.

>> No.4112196

Yeah that's the part I'm struggling with. What do you mean by this? Do you mean dreaming? How can you do that while awake though?

>Kind of like a mental 3D modelling software.

Huh? In your head? What are you talking about?

>> No.4112198

Got any more examples of "actual sketches"? Is every artist I follow a bullshitter?

>> No.4112205

That anon is talking about the process of drawing from memory. You have to be able to see the image in your head in 3D even though you're drawing something in 2D

>> No.4112207

>Got any more examples of "actual sketches"? Is every artist I follow a bullshitter?
no. there's just a difference between a quick and dirty 10 sec sketch you throw out to test an idea and a thought out underdrawing for a final image.

>> No.4112208

>You have to be able to see the image in your head


I don't understand. You're talking about dreaming while awake, it doesn't make sense. How do you see things in your head unless you are asleep dreaming?

>> No.4112209

you're on your way to be in the 50% bracket of /ic/ who thinks they have aphantasia. go draw fucking /beg/

>> No.4112211


Holy fuck, normal people can really do this? So I actually have a medical condition that prevents me from drawing?? This explains everything, FUCK

>> No.4112215
File: 69 KB, 480x345, 3e87d96b-s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Got any more examples of "actual sketches"?

>> No.4112216
File: 22 KB, 450x256, hayao-miyazaki-sketches-12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sketches are preparatory work by definition, it's something incomplete that you use as a resource

>> No.4112217
File: 286 KB, 960x1250, Giraud Jean - Blueberry 10 - 1991.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When you see people sketch quickly at cons etc. this is what comes out unless they're making a commissions and taking their time. People are becoming way unrealistic about what a sketch should look like

>> No.4112219

There's a strong correlation for some reason between late teens/ early 20s kids who have a history of self consciousness that get into art and have aphantasia, weird how a fucking skill that usually is chased after because of your own imagination brings more medically incapable people like you to this board. or maybe it's because you're so self critical that you can't accept how difficult drawing is so there must be something innately wrong with you. Please go to the /vent/ thread or fuck off we don't need another thread circlejerking eachother who thinks we all have the same medical condition that makes us incapable of getting good. no one fucking cares. Im 100% sure there is nothing wrong with you except that you need to draw more and stop looking for excuses for yourself.

>> No.4112220

This all makes a lot more sense now; if the artist really can dream the image into his mind while awake, then these kind of distorted sketches would be "good enough" to record the idea. Sort of like writing down "apples" instead of "I need to buy some apples today", the artist doesn't need to draw the work properly if he can just summon it up in his mind whenever he wants. This is a fucking revelation and explains why I have struggled my entire life while others have succeeded while putting in half the effort I did. It explains why I failed at maths. It explains everything. I seriously feel a bit suicidal now.

>> No.4112226

Just don't look at videos, social media, etc. when you want to gauge effort, 'cause everyone tries their hardest to make their work look as effortless as possible. Look at artists work in real life or actual footage and you'll see what you should realistically expect. I think a lot of the frustration comes from being detached from reality because of social media. The internet and truth do not go well together, and it's turning people nuts.
These people are human, making good finished work takes time even if you are good.

>> No.4112234

If you think you can't imagine anything you should try reading books. Maybe this new generation is so used to visual input that they forgot how to imagine stuff. Read books that haven't been adapted to the screen, try to picture the situations in your head. I wouldn't immediately claim you have a medical condition.

>> No.4112250

Terrible advice and a bad theory.

There are some excercises that some people claim have enabled visualization in aphantasiacs. The main one I've heard is closing your eyes and trying to recognize shapes in the blobs of color on your eyelids. Like cloud watching. Some people also claim that in the moments before they fall asleep they are able to visualize things spontaneously while conscious, and this helps them to recognize what the process should feel like.

Good luck Mr NPC. I hope one day you can become a real boy like the rest of us.

>> No.4112254
File: 166 KB, 704x584, whatisthisthread.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I seriously feel a bit suicidal now.

>> No.4112259

>Terrible advice
Maybe the theory is bad but how is reading books to give yourself prompts to draw from imagination bad advice? That's what you do in the first place when you read a book, you imagine what's going on in your head like a movie.
I sketch all the time while I'm reading in bed.

>> No.4112260


It's over for you, anon. I'm sorry.

>> No.4112262

fpbp. Get fucked OP.

>> No.4112287

But people with aphantasia don't imagine the things they read in books because they can't because that's what aphantasia is. It's not just gonna start happening for them because you said it works for you.

>> No.4112294

But OP maybe didn't try? He just self-disagnosed aphantasia like 90% of people here who struggle at drawing from imagination.

>> No.4112303

it's really cute and pleasant to look at

>> No.4112305

I'm curious, is aphantasia limited to visual imagination?

I mean, in the >>4112260 apple example, I can imagine the apple without problem, and the more specific she gets with details, the clearer my mental image get..
But I can also imagine touching it, smelling or the taste it has, how the texture feel under my tongue...

dammit now I'm hungry...

>> No.4112306

And despite OP's claim that it's all wrong and bad anatomy/perspective/whatever, it's easy to picture what the final result should look like.

Achieving it, though, is another matter entirely

>> No.4112316

>I am dislexic as well btw
>Speaks fluent english
oh fuck off
yet another handicap badge to get popular

>> No.4112319

No, anon, you are not fucked even if you had aphantasia. Like that other anon said, now go fucking draw.

>In April 2019, BBC News published a piece about ex-Pixar chief Ed Catmull and his personal experience with aphantasia, and its surprising prevalence at the company.

>> No.4112325

i thought this was some bullshit /ic/ made up

>> No.4112326

aphantasia doesn't exist just like all the made up genders
it's bullshit, if you couldn't imagine anything in your mind's eye you would have amnesia as well, you would be unable to feel fear or longing or function as a human being
it's ridiculous to think that so many people are able to function, let alone draw without a mind's eye.
people should just put in the fucking work and be honest instead of appealing to disabilities

>> No.4112345

>But I can also imagine touching it, smelling or the taste it has, how the texture feel under my tongue...

It's like you people are aliens or something, please tell me fake smelling and tasting of things "in your mind" isn't a real thing too??

>> No.4112350

Are you a mental health professional? No? Kindly kys,

>> No.4112353

ah I get it, you guys are playing dumb huh?

>> No.4112355

>Imagine a cube in your head.
>Ok, now the cube is blue.
>Ok, ok, now rotate it.
You can't? OK kill yourself

>> No.4112364

>Are you a mental health professional?
Ah, yes, pill vendors who will instantly diagnose you with everything written on Wikipedia.
Suddenly one of of two people has a condition that nobody gave a shit about until the internet and there is no research about
this is not suspicious in the least

>> No.4112377

>the anatomy is wrong
it's not, just undefined
>the perspective is wrong
it's not, just undefined
>the lines are chicken scratched
they are not, just restated
>there is no volume to weight to the composition.
compositions don't have volume, you are not using terminology correctly

>explain the steps to how they manage to turn such a crude /beg/-tier drawing into a masterpiece that sells for millions of yen?
it's not beg, just a very simplistic and unrefined doodle.

>> No.4112379

soul toomuchsoul

>> No.4112381

I have bad news for you

>> No.4112389
File: 5 KB, 400x400, 1560891748489.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4112396

Local OP gets but blasted in seconds.

>> No.4112402
File: 922 KB, 239x229, 1568254936315.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is their equivalent of shapes and circles homie. Most of us cucklords can barely pull this off with 40 minutes of prep time while he just doez it in a few seconds

>> No.4112403

>imagine not having images in your head
welp looks like you're destined to be ngmi

>> No.4112409

I'd say a lot of people who think they have aphantasia are just not accustomed to drawing and visualising objects. Personally I for a long time associated imagination with written word (I like to read books, books are good) so visualising things was very rare for me. Only after almost one and a half years of somewhat directed studies it started to get a little easier. And I still can get a good scene going in the head only if I either really like the theme or spend multiple hours reinforcing the references.

>> No.4112414

I agree, they probably compare pro artists who have trained for years and their visualizing skills to themselves with no experience. The brain is a muscle and you got to train it, you won't magically visualize everything just because you want to.

>> No.4112415

>46 replies
Stay stupid, /ic/.

>> No.4112422

Wait, you don't visualize what you're reading when you read books? What is even the point?

Also, I love how /ic/ oscillates wildly between "aphantasia is a meme" and "visualization/imagination is a meme". With both sides being like "listen to how dumb you sound".

>> No.4112432

I've always visualized spontaneously and without effort. As a kid riding in a car, for fun I would often "watch" some character running along side the road, jumping over fence posts or swinging from lamp posts.

I've never associated visualization with art specifically, and I've never done any explicit training of it. My thoughts just generally come with imagery attached.

>> No.4112440

>Wait, you don't visualize what you're reading when you read books? What is even the point?
Nowhere good enough to draw from that. I get something more like labelled blobs - "Character 1" "Character 2" and so on. Only if the book is really good will I get something more substantial. I also dream very rarely when I sleep. Though when I do dream it's pretty vivid, I remember it after I wake up and I can exert some control over a dream if I wish to do so.

>> No.4112466

Try to practice it. When you read a book try to picture exactly what a character looks like, the mannerisms etc.
Try to play the scene in your head several times until it's clear. If you read a book that has been adapted, is it easier to imagine the characters, like Harry Potter or Frodo?

>> No.4112491

Not him, I can't read books because I can't picture the characters.

>> No.4112511

>If you read a book that has been adapted, is it easier to imagine the characters, like Harry Potter or Frodo?
Nope. I almost never imagine them as they are in the films. And I do try practising with visualisation.

>> No.4112512

When I was a kid I would always visualize cartoon or anime characters when I read books, even if the descriptions were completely different. I never had a problem visualizing for my own drawings, though

>> No.4112521

Can you actually recall memories of your life? Like happy memories with family/friends/girlfriends, etc.?

>> No.4112534
File: 87 KB, 1264x1647, LoS_11_05.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a rough sketch by comic book artist. The sketch is there to get the idea on the paper as fast as possible. You don't lovingly render every single idea when you work in comics. Get the ideas on paper and out to the world, and then work on the ideas that are worth the work.

>> No.4112547

manga is cool in that you can get published even if your art sucks as long as you make interesting stuff

>> No.4112550

Not him, I logically know facts about my life but I can't "watch" them like a movie in my head. It's like knowing 2+2=4 but do you actually see numbers in your head? Obviously a bad example if you do, but I don't.

>> No.4112568

>Not him, I logically know facts about my life but I can't "watch" them like a movie in my head.
Welp. That sounds terrible. If that's of any consolation, this also works with bad memories.

>> No.4112586
File: 771 KB, 1236x1600, RCO001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another, finished, page by him.

>> No.4112612

hence the term "rough sketch"
have sex

>> No.4112616

I do mental arithmetic with kind of grouped dot patterns, a bit like on the faces of six sided dice. For me, adding numbers involves kinda fitting these patterns together visually. That's not necessary for 2+2=4, but I still see the representation when I think about it.

>> No.4112625

I'm same as this anon >>4112550

For me most of the time the thoughts and imagination is kind of "text" without the text itself. Just information/words/concepts flowing. Actual visualisation either needs a good emotional push or conscious effort.

>> No.4112628

Not OP, and I get this is just a meme, but what exactly is supposed to happen when you have sex that prevents you from asking stupid questions or having stupid opinions? Having sex didn't change my mind about anything

>> No.4112898

the absolute madman I have never saw someone draw a name on stream before I always assumed it was just too messy and no one would stream such a thing

>> No.4112906

Yeah I agree with this, the book advice is good advice.
If you can visualise a scene playing out in your head while being immersed in that then you can safely say you don’t have it, I’d do it just to be sure at least.

>> No.4112943
File: 31 KB, 494x254, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what exactly is supposed to happen when you have sex that prevents you from asking stupid questions or having stupid opinions?
After sex you begin to understand that every opinion and question is stupid.

Except questions about sex. Have one

>> No.4112961

this is true although it wasnt drawing which improved my visualisation skills. What i did was I played tetris for 12+ hours straight and begun to see the blocks falling as I fell asleep.
see: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tetris_effect
I think mentally intensive video games which are focused on spatial rotation can be used to "cure" most cases of aphantasia

>> No.4112969

I cant see shit in my head. What work should I start putting in, doc?

>> No.4112975

I dunno aphantasia is real of not but there is this wall in my mind that prevents me from access to my imagination. Trying to imagine some basic stuff drains me hard. Drawing doesn't help. I tried writing and doing other creative stuff but it's like walking through swamp. I don't daydream and even barely dream. Having a dream or two a year is max. But then in those rare dreams I can see things I could never imagine while awake. So I know it's should be possible. If people can access this imagination even partially while awake no wonder they can be creative and better at drawing.

>> No.4112997

You have to be schizophrenic to understand.

>> No.4113004

Surely you joke

>> No.4113008

you dont have that ffs. everyone who is a beginner and shit at drawing from memory is the same. if you practice you'll get better at visualizing. everyone starts at the bottom

>> No.4113013

>jokerman font
>that "anatomy"
>that flat ass shading
It's like this image was specifically created to trigger me

>> No.4113018

Aphantasia posters fuck off to a new hobby, you're not capable of this.

>> No.4113194
File: 8 KB, 480x255, shape-square-oval.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still can't believe this aphantasia thing.
See the pic and close your eyes. Now you can't visualize any of it, right? Or try visualize the next letter of the alphabet after "C", but you can't. How this can happen to any normally functioning people? I think it's called amnesia.

>> No.4113199

I know an artist who literally cannot imagine or see images in her head, if that makes sense, yet she is amazing at dawing. How common is this?

>> No.4113249

The one guy I know personally who is aphantasic still has an internal voice. He can remember information narratively like, "It was a circle on the right side and a square on the left". Or that the letter D consists of a straight line on the left side and a curved line on the right side, connected at their endpoints.

Aphantasia also doesn't prevent you from recognizing imagery when you physically see it, or from producing imagery via motor memory. Feedback between those processes would allow you to draw or recreate a map or write coherent sentences etc. It's actually pretty hard to come up with a task that conclusively and objectively separates people into the haves and have-nots.

Also, I have no trouble visualizing, but even I remember the alphabet sequence with the dumb song rather than a visual depiction.

>> No.4113261

Not the quoted anon, but it's really fucking crazy.

Imagine I drew a flipped D, how the fuck would he know it's wrong? You might say "well, he knows the curve is supposed to be on the right, not on the left", but if we complexify it a little, it already begins to crack. It's not like he ever took mental, verbal notes of what Mickey Mouse looks like, how can he tell the flesh-colored part of his face is too big or too small just by "feeling it's wrong", with no mental library of it?

>> No.4113284

Lol I can “imagine” it I see it in my mind’s eye is a blurry image of it I can still recognise it. While for poses like say I want to draw this pose or something I would try to imagine it as boxes connected to eachother to form the pose and the masses then roughly estimate what my brain’s see. If I want to draw a specific cat front imagination I would need to study it before hand and draw from reference and draw it from multiple angles, think of it as using lego to build something. Of course the only way to draw from imagination is to practice it and draw a lot from life or photos and study it to hell.

>> No.4113286

Specific car from imagination*

>> No.4113304

But they do have mental library. They just can't access it properly. This can be seen in the fact that people with aphantasia can dream more or less normally.

>> No.4113489

>Imagine I drew a flipped D, how the fuck would he know it's wrong?

When people with aphantasia have MRI scans certain areas of the brain have noticeably less activity than non-aphantasiacs, however those areas still have SOME activity. The theory seems to be that the visual part of their minds is functioning at reduced capacity. Sort of like an overheated graphics card can still do some light calculation work but if you try to play a graphic intensive game it can't.

>> No.4113518

Oh anon...

>> No.4113524

And yet he/she got a weekly wage out of it, seethe more

>> No.4113530

because people who claim they have aphantasia don't really have the passion for art or have the effort to draw and practice. They just want to draw lewds of their loli waifu in the quickest way possible so they can fap to it. Nothing else

>> No.4113533

>even I remember the alphabet sequence with the dumb song rather than a visual depiction.
the brain is a complicated shit. I just realized whenever I visualize the numbers and alphabet in my head, I hear their own pronounciations but when I force myself to visualize without the sound, I'm struggling

>> No.4113535

Is Aphantasia gonna be the new fotm mental illness by tumblr? Are they gonna start shitting on good "privilaged" artists for being ableist? Are they gonna start to demand people cater to shitty artists cause they claim to have some made up shit?

First off, a million yen isn't very much money. It's like 10,000 USD. Second, post the finished piece.

>> No.4113538

fun fact, training your mind to visualize things including the tactile, smell or sound of something makes it easier to induce lucid dreaming

>> No.4113541

Maybe, I see ableism being thrown around more than usual now. Everyone's disabled now too

>> No.4113546 [DELETED] 

you faggots need to practice visualization

>Is Aphantasia gonna be the new fotm mental illness by tumblr?
good, less competition for us

>> No.4113547

how is an apple difficult to imagine??? You faggots need to practice more visualization

>Is Aphantasia gonna be the new fotm mental illness by tumblr?
good, less competition for us

>> No.4113550

Watching that chick's video, I feel like this Aphantasia thing might just be an underdeveloped imagination due to a lack of reading. Modern generations just don't read enough, especially as kids, cause they're so used to visual media, so their brains get lazy, and they thus never developed the skill of being able to IMAGINE pictures in their head.

I had a healthy childhood of playing pretend, playing with toys, drawing, and reading books. So I never had this issue. Every time I feel my imaginaion tank starts to run dry, I just pick up some PICTURELESS fiction, and start to read. It's super good for you, and it kickstarts your visual library. I bet you that half of the people in this board complaining about that shit, wouldn't have such a hard time if they jsut put down their phones, put down YT, stopped reading comics and manga for a while, and just FORCED themselves to read fantasy. You can't compensate for years of reading and drawing other artists have had during their development years, but it will certainly help.

Moral here is, if you have kids, MAKES SURE THEY READ, DRAW, and PLAY PRETEND from a very young age. This is for sure a developmental problem, not a genetic one.

>> No.4113557
File: 79 KB, 591x961, db2d4f91e9a31e4534eb6fa0a01ad07c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watching that chick's video, I think aphantasia is a made up disability to look like a special person who makes art against all odds and get asspats (and money for being brave). I've seen another kid flaunting she was color blind. You can't see if this shit is truthful via the Internet so you can make all the claims you want. It's even easier to lie about this than it is about being gay or trans. And since everyone at this point is gay or trans, I think you'll see a lot of disabilities in people's profiles soon.

>> No.4113559

You know that's a good point. Hit the nail right on the head.

>> No.4113562

Thank you anon, it took a lot of effort to type this without limbs!

>> No.4113569

You poor soul. So BRAVE!

>> No.4113570

typical ic thread filled with garbage spiritual pseudo scientology like kim jung gi muh vidual library scientology shit. Fuck you. You are literally blabbering retards. I get fuckin sick already reading your isoteric bullshit that have nothing to do with reality, non of you who spew it can show a good work. It is blind leading the blind. FUCK YOU.

>> No.4113571

So chicken scratch defenders are actually self diagnosed aphantasia huh, interesting

>> No.4113573

bro just practice visualization. just draw lol

>> No.4113576

>how they manage to turn such a crude /beg/-tier drawing into a masterpiece that sells for millions of yen
post the masterpiece

>> No.4113577

The final drawing has something that makes it sell. Your brain made of feces may not be capable to see it, but it's there and it's made of the fundamentals, like it or not. If you knew shit about them you wouldn't have to pollute our board with your stupid question.

>> No.4113594

Visual libraries exist, fuckface. Try drawing a kangaroo or any other animal you’ve never really drawn from memory, it’s going to come out like shit.

>> No.4113610

is it really that hard for you to believe that you can learn something so well that you can draw it effortlessly from memory/imagination. That's what a "visual library" is.

>> No.4113660

Just to clear something up since I've seen people misunderstand this before: "imagining" things like this does NOT mean you see things or images superimposed onto your real vision of the world. You don't see an apple float in the air as if it was real, obstructing things that are behind or anything. Imagined objects exist only "inside your head" so to say, the brain probably processes it similarly to real vision but your eyes are not involved in any way.

>> No.4113666

proko drones are out of control
reminder that hack was trying to draw a dog and he own 2 dogs

>> No.4113678
File: 32 KB, 415x739, 13jwqv4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You don't see an apple float in the air as if it was real, obstructing things that are behind or anything.
But that's another way of visualizing so that counts too. If I want to think of my creature/monster design, I sometimes imagine it placed in front of me irl, to measure size and whatnot. Kind of like doing an AR filter in smartphones

>> No.4113704

The one aphantasic dude I know reads fiction more than most people, and has done his whole life.

Also, don't kid anon. Parents can't do anything to improve a child's development or prospects

>> No.4113706
File: 64 KB, 538x482, 1414568330563.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4113710

Npc meme bait. Everyone has a 'minds eye' which you have to train from careful observation and grinding. This is why dynamic drawing and draw a box are shilled so hard, because they train you to visualize an object in space and abstract it on paper.

>> No.4113718

I could probably draw a stylized kangaroo from imagination desu. Hell, if it's stylized I could probably draw just about any animal from imagination without any ref provided I know what the animal is.

>> No.4113722
File: 457 KB, 960x668, 1546111557257.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. proko

>> No.4113732

No. I'm just a teacher as my full time job, and often have to draw stuff from imagination for kids. AIso carry a sketchbook and sketch a lot in my free time. I'm just saying I'm pretty confident I could do it if you don't want a hyperrealistic animal.

>> No.4113758

It's just a matter of time before he jumps on the aphantasia bandwagon, that's the perfect coverup

>> No.4113770

How the fuck do you suppose fully blind people function then?

>> No.4113779

Ironically blind people have extremely good spatial visualization skills.

>> No.4113780

idk, I'm not blind.

>> No.4113784

Are all these aphantasia deniers actually people with aphantasia who don't want to admit they're ngmi?

I've never had to train my visualization ability. That shit has been vibrant and hyperactive for my entire living memory. Good luck with all that hard work dipshits.

>> No.4113789

I've never had any problems visualizing anything, I'm just seriously doubtful so many people drawn to art suffer from this rare medical condition. Aphantasia is like Asexuality, the majority of the people claiming to have it, don't actually have it, they're just depressed/lack an imagination due being mentally lazy.

>> No.4113798

they're not drawn to art. Most of these muh chicken scratchers are drawn to the prospect of drawing lewds of their waifu

>> No.4113811

NPC anon bouta have a mental breakdown

>> No.4113963

As common as you want it to be if you dont know that she and everyone else is lying.

>> No.4113965

Glen Keane said he had aphantasia

>> No.4114006

I've read hundreds of books, though right now it gone over 2 thousand, I've started reading at 6 and never stopped. I have no problems with developing characters, can get out passable dialogue but in no way does it help me with visualisation. Only after I started actually trying to learn how to draw properly did it get easier to imagine pictures.

>> No.4114025

Can confirm. Though in my case it was not lewds but trying to copy the face. 3 pages filled with my attempts later I was so fucking angry at myself I thought some artery gonna pop. Never in my life I was so angry, even when I was beating some guys. Now 1.5 years later I'm much better, but still not enough, probably need around half a year more.

>> No.4114075

this sounds strange but this thread is genuinely one of the most fascinating things i've read on the internet in months. if i ever wanted to show someone what a good thread from /ic/ is i'd show them this

>> No.4114105

It's not that unlikely, I think. If you can't visualize, you also can't visualize to study, remember what something looks like, etc. One way to compensate for that would be to keep a sketchbook of daily life to work as your visualization bank. I imagine that'd draw a lot of people with aphantasia to art.

>> No.4114294

Not him, but I can imagine a blue cube rotating in my head, but I can't see it. Like it feels like it's in there somewhere, and I just can't access it.

I can conceptualize things, but I can't conjure up a visual representation of them. It sounds like you guys can see this stuff as if you were dreaming.

The fact that there are people who can visualize things blows me away.

>> No.4114317

D-does that mean I'm gonna make it guys? I can imagine things vividly like I'm handling a 3D engine, I can imagine complex architecture and move the camera around while keeping everything consistent, replay a scene over and over while changing details, I can imagine fluid dynamics, difficult lighting situations. I thought it was normal until reading a few of these threads.
Sadly I'm not very good at drawing but I separate visualization from drawing in the first place. I should try to find a way to draw while keeping in mind a still image instead of building things directly on paper.

>> No.4114333

Rest In Peace

>> No.4114366


>> No.4114372


>> No.4114447

>dreaming while awake
Is this concept really so foreign to you??
Have you never daydreamed in your life? While you were a kid? Never played pretend or roleplay? How about being scared of the unknown as a kid or shitting your pants while reading scary stories?

>> No.4114520
File: 20 KB, 568x639, Simple Aphantasia Test.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Close your eyes and imagine a red star. Which image do you see? Most people see 6.
But there are some who can see absolutely nothing more than 1. They say one in 50 people are aphantasia.

>> No.4114580

Not him, but I can imagine things.
I just don't see them when I do. I used to get made fun of my siblings for playing pretend so much as a kid. I've always had an active imagination, I just don't see any visual representation of the things I imagine going on around me. I can conceptualize, but I can't visualize.

>> No.4114592

If I think of monsters I can clearly imagine them waiting behind the door or coming around the corner and it spooks me so much. I can't watch horror movies because my imagination is so vivid and it tends to go off on its own a lot. I'm a compulsive daydreamer and I've been doing this since childhood.
I've watched someone play Silent Hill PT and I still spook myself to this day, things with ghosts or monsters in apartments give me serious trouble cause I can transfer them into my house seamlessly.

>> No.4114597

Interesting, so I wonder people with aphantasia, can they build a visual library or not. Because when I study sth and try to memorize it, images of it are like appearing in my head.

>> No.4114601

The thumbnail of this made me realize hornet from hollow knight has a head shaped like a toilet seat

>> No.4114613

It looks cute to me, and I'd fap to it. Tell me why me or my dick should give a fuck about anatomy?

>> No.4114632

Sketch the most basic idea of those images

>> No.4114635

That sounds like me as a kid. I remember watching Jurassic park yery young, and then imagining a T-Rex sticking it's head in my bedroom window. Actually thinking back, I'm pretty certain I did visualize that. I wonder if I could do it as a kid, but lost the ability at some point...

>> No.4114636

So can you SEE the mosters you think of, or do you just get the sense that they're there? If you do see them could you describe them to me?

>> No.4114651

>I can imagine things.
>I just don't see them when I do
That's somehow contradictory? If you can imagine them, no matter how vague or blobby shaped it is in your head then you can SEE them in your mind. You dont have to see them solidly in front of you like how others are doing. That's just another way of visualizing

>> No.4114653

No I can actually visualize the monsters like they're real. If I look at the glass of the door I can see the pale shape of the monster behind it in my mind's eye.
I can imagine them however I want but they're usually creepy people with white eyes and an evil grin.
I have photographic memory and I can replay IRL conversations or events, I think it's an extension of that.

>> No.4114657

imagination doesn't imply visuals: you usually imagine concepts and relationship between them which is closer to a verbal representation of reality than a visual one

>> No.4114661

Adding to that, when I imagine something it feels coherent with the environment, like if there's a light and I imagine the thing, it's hit by the light. I don't visualize cast shadows but if I have the intention to include them I don't have a problem. I don't know how accurate this all is but it's believable. I have no idea what is the level of detail at which people can work with their imagination.

>> No.4114710

The only times you will legitimately hallucinate what you're imagining is when you're tripping on lsd, schizophrenic, or dreaming. Visualizing your imagination is all in feeling what you're imagining, and seeing it as sort of an invisible idea that you can see/feel inside of your head. Try meditating.

>> No.4114716

Interesting. So you're saying you think with words instead of imagery?
I've read people having difficulty forming images in their head while meditating so the instructor told them to think with sounds, smell or touch

>> No.4114815

So who’s the artist and why has no one posted the finished work? For what it’s worth, I think it’s a really cute sketch, very expressive and lays down the foundations enough to work on them.

>> No.4114912

>/beg/ tier

if you think that's what this drawing is then you don't know shit about drawing.

>> No.4114950

Because we are here to draw, not to masturbate.

>> No.4114976


>> No.4115014

We need a separate board for the coombrains

>> No.4115020

Instead of a visual library, it's more of a "mental library" if that makes sense. I don't see it in my head, but I know if I want to draw x arm in x angle then I will have to place the lines like y to portray that.

I have to look at references a lot, but who doesn't look at references lmfao.I look at a bunch of ideas that inspire me, and then I experiment until I get something I like. sometimes I can vaguely see the figure, and try to draw what I see.

People with aphantasia can't see their imagination, but that doesn't mean they aren't creative :P

>> No.4115081

Wait, what dose it mean if when i imagine an apple it's constantly changing position and color? like 10 different apples.

>> No.4115088

Same. I couldn't see the star very well, maybe number 2 on that image, but I know what a star (symbol) looks like and that it's supposed to be red, so I wouldn't have much problem drawing it. Obviously, more complicated subjects require harder thinking.