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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 56 KB, 471x597, IMG_5338.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4059156 No.4059156 [Reply] [Original]

Has any criticism of your work hit you especially hard? If so, what did they say that really got to you?

>> No.4059160

art in paintings seems incredibly subjective, not sure i could really be offended there.
say youre making something with intention of it being viewed by others, like a comic or storybook or animation though. thats where it can start to cut deep. they take enough man hours already to produce, to then be told either your gag comic isnt funny, or your porn isnt sexy, can be disheartening.

>> No.4059164

'Your art is generic'

>> No.4059167

I honestly can't remember the last time I got a harsh critique because I was more bothered by useless shitposting.

>> No.4059168 [DELETED] 
File: 115 KB, 960x738, Green.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't take criticism too personally as I'm still learning, but I'm still mad that this never got positive commentaries on it on 4chan. People just got too hung up on
>The color choices are ugly!
>You don't know how to paint
>What's with that perspective?
>It's stiff
>Trees don't look like that, go watch real trees (I had done dozens of live drawings on trees by this point but I still chose to stylize them like cartoony simple pines)
>Drapery doesn't work like that

And stuff like that. And I usually can look back on past works and recognize flaws and laugh at it, but I still like this one and I like the MS Painterly feel it gives me with the hard round all over it.
At the time it was also the drawing I spent the most time on, but today I still wouldn't change much on it, if anything. Maybe make the background more detailed but she and the skeleton are supposed to be the 2 focal points.

>> No.4059169

This one hurts me as well

>> No.4059173

Was applying to art school, asked for a portfolio review from a professor from the review board ahead of time. He straight up told me I wasn't good enough to get in. No matter what I do between then and the deadline. Kinda sucked

>> No.4059174
File: 115 KB, 960x738, Green.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't take criticism too personally as I'm still learning, but I'm still mad that people just got too hung up on the flaws of this piece. It wasn't just 1 specific thing
>The color choices are ugly! (even people outside 4chan told me this, it's supposed to be black white and green like danny phantom dammit)
>You don't know how to paint
>What's with that perspective?
>It's stiff
>Trees don't look like that, go watch real trees (I had done dozens of live drawings on trees by this point but I still chose to stylize them like cartoony simple pines)
>Drapery doesn't work like that

And stuff like that. And I usually can look back on past works and recognize flaws and laugh at it, but I still like this one and I like the MS Painterly feel it gives me with the hard round all over it.
At the time it was also the drawing I spent the most time on, but today I still wouldn't change much on it, if anything. Maybe make the background more detailed but she and the skeleton are supposed to be the 2 focal points. And I still like the way the dress looks like.

>> No.4059181


>> No.4059182
File: 325 KB, 750x1000, flyingfish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any criticism along the lines of
>You're not even trying
>Push yourself harder
is driving me nuts because I'm always trying my hardest and pushing myself to the limits. The art director from the studio where I once worked always was telling me off for being "lazy", I was just plain tired and burnt out and this just further shattered my confidence. I'll take any criticism of my art because I need to know how it resonates with people, but I really don't like it when someone insults my work ethic.

>> No.4059199

Only time criticism ever got to me was when it wasn't sincere and the person was just trying to make me feel like shit rather than improve. My skin has thickened since then thankfully.

>> No.4059213

Few years ago I was doing anatomical studies and I had trouble, the teacher told me that I might want to make some boxes from cardboard and draw them. He wanted me to revise my basics without malicious intent, but man that fucking crushed me and I felt like a retard lmao because I was supposed to already have this basic shit together.

>> No.4059224
File: 53 KB, 497x500, cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it looks like this other style
goes with "looks generic" and isn't even that helpful since there's no critique on the actual content of the drawing

>> No.4059230
File: 13 KB, 259x224, 1561524587851.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm just not a fan of this one
>this reminds me of ...
>what is wrong with her face? xD
>I think your old art looks better

>> No.4059235

I got all sorts of shit talk which per se doesn't hurt me because my inner critic is infinitely worse than /ic/, but I experience this on the regular:
>Draw high effort thing I put my heart into
>Great job anon / wow so much detail / what brush did you use? / nice mood / excellent work anon / wow this is so professional looking etc.
>someone posts generic tumblr OC, maybe even well drawn but really boring and sterile to me
>Wow this is so beautiful, I love it
>Anon your characters are always the best it's always a pleasure to see your work
>(heart emoji or something)
There's this shift in the tone of the compliments, it's like my work doesn't click on the same level as other people's. What I find boring people find exciting and vice versa. I don't even feel like it's unfair because the stuff I see is always well drawn, some really well drawn. I just find it boring.

>> No.4059239

If it's any consolation, the people who go out of their way to comment compliments on tumblr OCs are probably the kind of people who really like tumblr OCs.

>> No.4059243


I was trying to copy a male nude, but adjust the pose in a frontal pose. Fucking teacher said OMG my drawing is off and I should practice copy accurately and I need a lot of training.
Fucking retarded teacher. I could have copied the drawing perfectly if I wanted to.
And all my friends were listening.

>> No.4059248

Not strictly Tumblr OCs, it was more of a way to say "generic thing", but generally this I LOVE IT reaction is on stuff I find really boring or generic. Even factoring that in, the compliments I receive are usually the same compliments I would give out to work that I find technically good but boring, except I'm not even technically good.

>> No.4059255

these are the worst

>> No.4059262

>this reminds me of ...

most of the time you have to be pretty thin skinned to be bothered by this

>> No.4059263

If the exercise was 'copy this exactly' then guess what you needed to do.

>> No.4059265

It's not a particular criticism, but I tend to lose my shit pretty quickly if someone is expressing disappointment and is saying something like "oh I knew you weren't capable of this". I'm okay with my art being viewed as bad, but it being disappointed implies there was hope for it to be good

>> No.4059268

*it being disappointing

>> No.4059273

Someone on 4chan once told me that I drew like I had autism so there's that.

>> No.4059277
File: 24 KB, 600x532, 1555644865840.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I expected better from you

>> No.4059282

I've posted art here once asking for critique and one person responded by listing just about everything about the drawing.
I was low-key pleased with my progress up until that point.

>> No.4059293
File: 50 KB, 607x607, 1557925004112.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>son, i am disappoint

>> No.4059312

I feel you man. Im in couple art servers and theyre pretty nice but I can't help but feeling there's a big circlejerk going on in them. Someone would post some low hanging cutesy stuff and everyone goes ballistic but when someone actually posts something impressive it's never as hot as the other. Maybe I'm just thinking too deep into it. Different strokes for different people I guess

>> No.4059322
File: 8 KB, 266x190, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't think of criticisms that shattered me but I often notice how people who give me "crits" are honestly worse than me and their "crits" are really just nitpicks from their own personal preferences. It gets annoying when I expect helpful pointers and have a guy who can't even draw fingers or still struggle with proportions tell me that I need to go all the way back to shapes and constructions.

>> No.4059323

>What I find boring people find exciting and vice versa
I feel you. I'm so used to seeing the same sorts of styles and things drawn that I really appreciate people being more expressive and unique with their specific character designs. Especially when it comes to faces.

>> No.4059326

Just what did they mean by this!?

>> No.4059348

oof, being told irl you're ngmi

>> No.4059381

>It looks like Tumblr shit
It only gets to me as bad as it does because I keep getting it over and over again over the past few years on /ic/, and it's always the same process. They might come in with some list of vague technical issues but never respond when I ask for elaboration. I know my work needs improvement, but it drives me up the wall when people say it's shit for the style and leave it like that.

>> No.4059395


>> No.4059528

Don't look at it for 2 months and come back to it.
Your brain is making it look better than it currently is, this has happened to me with some of my works before.
You will see after coming back to it in that long a time what all the flaws are because you will have it not fresh in your mind and will no longer be idealizing it so much.

>> No.4059543

I've gotten harsh crits before, but the only thing I hate more is people who won't straight up objectively tell you what you're doing wrong.

>> No.4059544

>two left hands
which by itself I would have shrugged off as an accident, but I was trying to draw two right hands.

>> No.4059546

it wasn't directly said,
but my art teachers implying that my work was too derivative and contrived

>> No.4059548

Maybe don't draw anime

>> No.4059575

I had to pitch a story idea in a class and I'm already an anxious mess when I have to present anything to a group of people so I was nervous and stumbling a lot, and then the teacher stopped me a couple minutes in, turned to the class and said "See this is an example of a really bad presentation."

Sometimes I feel like it was an actual nightmare and never happened at all but I still have the sketches from the presentation so I can't pretend it didn't.

>> No.4059580

if they're telling you that you need to work on things like construction and shapes thats not personal preference. Doesn't matter if they suck too, so do you if even they're telling you that you need to work on something so fundamental

>> No.4059599
File: 86 KB, 640x640, 011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was in 4th grade and I had just doodled my Halloween costume. Everyone loved it and I liked the affirmation I got from them. So if we get down to it, I only started drawing because I liked the attention. I wanted my mom to notice me and praise my efforts like my classmates did. Especially because she had studied art as well. But she never did, she didn't say anything positive about my drawings. I never got any gold stars or had anything displayed on the fridge. Not like it matters but just examples of how my art was treated. In high school I drew anime because I enjoyed the shows and she always complained that I wasn't drawing realism. I eventually stopped showing her.
To this day, she'll still criticize my art. I'm just thicker skinned now and don't translate it as rejection. I have also learned to put value in myself and not seek it from her or others.

>> No.4059602

Did you still tried? And can you post please something from that? I am gonna apply soon too

>> No.4059613

Life of a patethic weeb, it's sad see how most of anime fans are usually this pitiful and sorry beings, your mom knew about art, she was tryng to help you improve by being harsh, but since you are a piece of shit who only Love's attention you value more the oppinion of random people than the one who actually knew better, pretty normal on weebs, grow some balls.

>> No.4059616

Overslept and halfassed my first assignment. My professor said this was unacceptable and asked me why I'm entering this field. He was right, I needed to be more serious.

>> No.4059619
File: 997 KB, 3508x2480, IMG-1488.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was applying to Sheridan and Calarts, so its no wonder I didn't get in. I'm really embarrassed about my whole portfolio though, heres one from them.

>> No.4059637

When I was in high school I was one of those retarded weebs who neglected the fundies even when my teachers tried to make me do them. Regret it immensely now. Lost so much time I could have been actually improving.

>> No.4059649


individual criticism doesn't bother me, I usually take it at face value and try and use it to improve. but there was one time I was commissioned to make a server avatar, and when the change happened everyone hated it and were all shitting on me, I tried to keep it positive but I'll admit it got to me. i'm over it now but having 20+ people shitting on you was a bit rough

>> No.4059786

Some time ago an anon posted some of my old drawings on /aco. Most people in that thread trashed my work. They said my drawings were ugly, gloss and terribly weird. All those comments made me feel so miserable that I decided to ask them why they didn't like my stuff. Luckily, most of them were kind enough to give me some constructive criticism. Because of that, I decided to change my art style and start drawing more attractive characters and situations. I must confess I don't feel as passionate about art as I used to, but whatever.
Also, somebody uploaded most of my old drawings to E-Hentai, and as expected, people are trashing them again. However, I'm sure that the person who uploaded those galleries was well-intentioned, so I can't be mad at him.

>> No.4059862

Aw man thats sucks anon.

>> No.4059882

That's pretty lazy man

>> No.4059889
File: 10 KB, 240x240, 48132749312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>its pretty good but his face looks like the face of an oblivion NPC
I just lost my shit laughing and now I'm drawing a ton of faces because this cheeky fuck was right

>> No.4059892

I'd be laughing too if someone said that about my work. Something similar happened when I was first getting serious about drawing people, and somebody said one of my drawings looked like a wikihow article. I felt disappointed in myself but I couldn't stay mad.

>> No.4059927

That's unfortunate, anon. It seems strange that your mother wouldn't encourage your art when you were young, especially since it's shared interest and an opportunity to bond. It's sad, but it seems unlikely that she will give any recognition no matter how much you improve. So as you've already learned, you're much better off finding that recognition in yourself.

>> No.4060006

maybe she was bitter she grinded gesture for years only for a 14 year old to produce work with more soul

>> No.4060163

could i please see them anon?

>> No.4060215
File: 296 KB, 672x1032, Williams.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This sounds sad but we're only reading it from this anon's point of view. I actually think his mother might have been very passionate about art and that's why it didn't sit well with her to have this little kid not taking it seriously enough.

I mean, normalfag parents bullying kids because they draw cartoons is one thing, but an actual artist doing it?
There were many examples like that in the Animator's Survival Kit book. William's mother as well always told him the importance of mastering the fundies while he went off to draw cartoons and only started taking real life drawing until he was fifty yrs old.
But since he started his journey as a teenager going to Disney's HQ trying to show them his drawings (which were good), they still laughed at the kid and told him he first needed to learn how to draw to actually become an animator.
Through his life there were many instances were he got almost insulted by professionals because they can't state enough the importance of learning realism first, apparently just drawing cartoons and thinking you're good enough is something that used to trigger the artists from the past but they meant well.

Still a shitty attitude to take. My father sometimes lashed out like that but he thinks art is a waste of time if it's not making you money so I ignore him, but my mother always did support my doodles since I was 3 yrs old.

>> No.4060580
File: 599 KB, 1439x1110, 1564459243764.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> whats that?
> I didn't think you could do detailed work
> why can't you draw anything nice
> family want art, make art, gib art to family, visit family, art isn't hung in any of the rooms.

>> No.4060677

Calarts cares more about effort and creative ideas then technical skills. You can be bad and get in if you have a portfolio that shows fully executed ideas. No wonder you couldn't with just a hastily sketched, not inked or painted octopus with a muddled solid background. Cmon man.

>> No.4060753


>generic tumblr shit

Unimaginable pain desu. I don’t know how to unfuck my style, how to make it better, when it’s been godawful and generic for so long. It fucking kills me, and no matter how much I work or do studies it just stays firmly in “boring, generic, tumblrshit” territory. Every drawing I finish makes me ache. There’s a smidge of technical skill there but nothing interesting, nothing memorable. God, it hurts.

>> No.4061031

I find it strange that someone develops a style he doesn't like in the first place. I can understand "my anime isn't moe enough, waah" but "I ended up with a style that is completely different than what I like" seems weird to me. If you like Steven Universe just draw like that.

>> No.4061084

>wow, it's cool!

I don't know what's fucking wrong with me. Every time I hear from somebody that my works are cool I feel awkward because I know that my arts and skills are pretty shitty and I just can't understand why somebody would like it.

>> No.4061134

Years of thinking that’s what you needed to draw like to be “good”.

>> No.4061138

Are you a certain anon that got dissed on in the /alt/ thread recently?

>> No.4061140

Doubtful, I haven’t pmw on here since around 2015.

>> No.4061146

How much do you work from life? If you make studies from reality this forces you to interpret things from the ground up. Exposing yourself to different artists and analyzing their choices can throw your work in a different direction. You can find choices you like even in art you dislike.
If you keep drawing in a vacuum you will just perpetuate your current choices.

>> No.4061172

technically good.
are right. You should've spend more timeon it. Because it does look good.
But thank you for posting it.

>> No.4061173

>so you dropped another project, as usual you never finish anything

worst part is its true.

>> No.4061184 [DELETED] 
File: 642 KB, 906x1208, 2012study.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not like I didn't take her advice. I just found realism drawing to be extremely boring. And I think a lot of ic agrees that photorealism is boring. What I liked most about anime was the character design.
She wasn't passionate about the art world, she had a Picasso mentality. People don't care, they'll just shill for what's fashionable and popular without thinking for themselves. The problem was she never invested time in getting to know me. So when I get criticism I am thankful, but I wish it had more intention. A conversation about what I wanted to convey in my art and a response on how to achieve the inflection. Not just, "the face isn't realistic, " or, "people don't wear clothes like that", etc.

>> No.4061190

>"X looks bad, make it more Y instead"
>spend 15 minutes to fix it
>"looks worse"

>> No.4061196
File: 3.08 MB, 1914x2048, 2138972493.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not like I didn't take her advice. I just found realism drawing to be extremely boring. Pic rel is from 2013 basic mechanical pencil. And I think a lot of ic agrees that photorealism is boring. What I liked most about anime was the character design.
She wasn't passionate about the art world, she had a Picasso mentality. People don't care, they'll just shill for what's fashionable and popular without thinking for themselves. The problem was she never invested time in getting to know me. So when I get criticism I am thankful, but I wish it had more intention. A conversation about what I wanted to convey in my art and a response on how to achieve the inflection. Not just, "the face isn't realistic, " or, "people don't wear clothes like that", etc.

>> No.4061204
File: 4.00 MB, 1984x2588, bad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"I think you are a long way before being pro lol"
>no pictures on their discord
>has a DA filled with THESE
If you have no skill to back yourself up with I'll just assume you drew pic related.
Also why do begs always do the side mouth shit!

>> No.4061233

>What happened to your art style? It used to be good but now it's bad.
Don't know why this one hurt so much. It didn't contain any actual critique, just complaining. And it came from an anonymous ask on Tumblr, so obviously I should just ignore it. And I got the message literal years ago at this point. My art style has continued to progress, and in my opinion gotten much better. So really, I should just forget about it, but it still hurts.

>> No.4061253

I just noticed one of the clouds is on his shirt

>> No.4061277

The worst part is how far you have to dig in discord for this. I have to to do from: #233e, has: file, in: your-artwork for me to get anything besides scrolling in memes for 10 minutes.

>> No.4061351

I fucking hate it when people start criticizing me as an artist rather than focusing on critiquing the artwork.

>anon, what would people think of your character if they found out about your favorite subject matter? Did you ever think about that?

>anon, I respect that you want to learn from the masters and from classical art but I must ask: do you honestly believe that your socioeconomic status coupled with your race would allow you to even appreciate the finer points of makes art wonderful?

>anon, you are juvenile and uncouth and unmannered and unclean and that reflects deeply within your art.

>anon, why are you (an oriental) trying to study from Western art? The East should stay studying eastern culture while us civilized people enjoy the fruits of the west!

Kill yourself. Addendum: there is a massive gap in social status in my country which is why the person I quoted through green text sounds like a pompous faggot. Because that’s literally how they all talk.

>> No.4061414
File: 1.48 MB, 1018x1362, img337.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Nonsense! You're an amazing artist Pyro!

The criticism that gets me is how unreadable my lines can be. When I get hit with "I don't even know what this is supposed to be" it bums me out. I know my hand is shaky and I draw way to fast.

>> No.4061426

Your lines look great, man. They add a lot of charm and personality to your work, I thought it was an intentional stylistic choice this whole time

>> No.4061638

I don't even understand how to get good lineart. It feels like a different language.

>> No.4061645

ive seen you around for a while, my main problem with your art is that you dont seem to push yourself ever.

>> No.4061668
File: 2.40 MB, 2032x2084, img339.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're absolutely right. I beat myself up over the lack of complex drawings, multiple characters, detailed backgrounds, lack of interesting perspective, less sloppy rendering.

>> No.4061675
File: 403 KB, 1194x1493, 20190811 noir detective with color.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bet you're on Art Lounge aren't you. Hooooo boy. That server drives me nuts with this bullshit.

I've learnt to separate the critique from the shit here. Like 75% of (you)s is memes. But also I've improved immensely because I refuse to let you d/ic/ks be right about my work ethic and not trying hard enough to improve my flaws.

That said, there was one comment a week ago that started with:

> unironically what do you want us to say anon?

And then proceeded to tear me to pieces. Legit critique but that first line made it sound like I'm delusional. Really hurt.

Also one time this guy was a dick about having art in my username and that almost made me trash the whole thing. But I like it so fuck it.

>> No.4061679

Hey anon I fucking love your style. I follow you on insta and actually left a comment about how I love what you do with your lines so this is coming as a surprise to me. Don't beat yourself up. If you want to do something to "elevate" your work, so to speak, I would create more "scenes". Throw in multiple characters interacting with each other. Maybe props. Then move to backgrounds from there so they're not in a void.

That's jist my /beg/ 2c anyway.

>> No.4061684
File: 623 KB, 800x612, MoebiusGondola.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can do it anon, you've definitely got the imagination, if you push yourself harder I can see you doing things like pic related.

>> No.4061705

Man, if you refined your line and go more complex you will be hella good

>> No.4061814

That looks pretty rad

>> No.4061881

Thanks bro

>> No.4062246

Kek, which country?
What a faggot

>> No.4062477


Post arts.

>> No.4062483


>> No.4064681
File: 16 KB, 453x230, ic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What hurts the most is praise when you know you suck
>Struggle to draw shit and it just don't looks right.
>Wow that looks really good.

>> No.4064683

my condolences

>> No.4065081

I can't really think of the last time a criticism ever got to me
Even "hurr durr CalArts" stuff just rolls off

>> No.4065204

>anon, why are you (an oriental) trying to study from Western art? The East should stay studying eastern culture while us civilized people enjoy the fruits of the west!
Who said this? A half-SEA mestizo who lords over SEA niggers?

>> No.4065225

Constant praise from everyone in other places while /ic/ wont even comment 99% of the time lets me know I suck fat cock but also people are way too nice.

>> No.4066080

This place dehumanizes people to mere drawings and text. A lot of context and personal identity gets lost and some anons thinks that this makes sociopath behavior ok. If you had any of the anons that shitted on your work gave you a critic face to face, I can guarantee 90% of them would be nice too. And even a bigger number if the critic was in front of other people instead of private.

>> No.4066229

Depends on the other style. I'd be flattered if it was some good artstyle from a good artist I'd've catched cue of.

People who get too offended by comments like these are cunts imo.

>> No.4066234
File: 49 KB, 540x490, 1493988837898.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>I'm just not a fan of this one
The most frustating. It means that it's not exactly bad, but it still isn't appealing. The worst part is when the person doesn't actually like what you were going for in the first place.

>> No.4066236

Getting ignored on /ic/ usually means you're competent, but your work doesn't stand out
It usually goes
>Bad at art: you get feedback because there's lots of blatant errors
>Ok at art: little feedback because it doesn't impress people, but they don't see any faults to comment on
>Pretty good at art: More feedback in the form of praise and crabbing
Don't take it as people hating your work, instead you should think about how you can make your art more impressive.

>> No.4066238

But realistic art rocks.

>> No.4066240

>A lot of context and personal identity gets lost
What? Those things don't contribute anything to the criticism and your drawing. If anything, being anonymous actually makes comments on it more genuine and less of a social situation.

Also, this guy got it.

>> No.4066244

you always ignore advice, people tell you the same things over and over but you keep working just the same
it's weird that you beat yourself up when you don't do anything to improve

>> No.4066250

Why would people complimenting others work make you feel bad ?
Especially when they also complimented yours.
I get feeling a little surprised but taking it that personally is pretty faggy and opens you up to becoming a crab.

>> No.4066251

I like the colors anon :D

>> No.4066267

It's just that different artstyles bring forth different feelings on people. I'll have you know hard effort work is almost usually beautiful to look at.

The way you describe the artist you're jealous off, it may be that people just either feel horny for the OC or it appeals to their niche ulterior motives. It's cheap imo.

>> No.4066271

No one even notices it :(

>> No.4066281

whats your twitter anon

>> No.4066292

They might not add anything to the criticism itself, but it does make critics give artist a bit more decent treatment. Getting a critic is always a social situation, even here anyone that posts uses a social mask and people react accordingly.

>> No.4066293

No, full Caucasian. Whiter than paper.

The one I green text'd is from Belgium.

>> No.4066298

this thread is about criticism comments, anon, so of course it's not meant in a flattering way. If you just wanted to say the cunt word then just do it.

>> No.4068024

My old art progress image becoming something of a meme on this board. Part of why it hit hard is a lot of the points are accurate, I wasn't drawing enough and my art went between staying the same and getting worse as a result.

>> No.4068028

What's the image?

>> No.4068032
File: 1.51 MB, 850x2180, 1565337401834.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4068041

Oof. I didn't realize you posted to this board, man.
My condolences.

>> No.4068046
File: 133 KB, 573x435, 0063DB76-B8A2-4CF2-BBC7-A4617697E616.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4068064

I'm not exactly a regular, but I do have a page that shows every time that image gets posted here bookmarked and I just checked it a few minutes ago and found out I had another thread about me last week.

And I should note I'm not exactly crushed by the comments but it has more of an impact than just pointing out a fault like my lack of shading or bad proportions. It's people saying "this is an example of art not improving over several years" and me agreeing.

>> No.4068103

Now that you're 31, how's your art now?

>> No.4068114

I can help you improve anon if you like. I’m sorry people are bullying you relentlessly

>> No.4068136

Mostly gotten compliments even when I was (still is) /beg/ tier trash. I was the "art kid" at school.

Worst "critique"? Maybe when I was a child (5th-6th grade). I used to be very strict with how I draw and paint, being clean, erasing mistakes as they happen and so on. One day in art class they gave us a bunch of colors and showed us some examples of painting similar color lines next to each other as a project, and I finally let myself loose. I drew a bunch of lines carelessly, one over the other, I covered them with darker lines, I let my brain turn off and just drew without thinking about corrections, enjoyed the moment. The result was awful but I didn't care, I even remember laughing once I was done with it.

Next class the teacher started showing all the artworks we did in the previous lesson, every student had to take theirs. It became obvious mine was a complete mess compared to others, most kids were clean, matching project requirement by mimicking some color harmony. The moment my painting showed a kid laughed loudly and said "wow who drew that junk?" or something along these lines. I was ashamed and had to leave the class to cry. It was such a small thing, but it emphasized why I was always so self-critical and hard on myself all the time.

>> No.4068160
File: 138 KB, 535x631, Ben 2007 and 2018.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It varies. I certainly feel I've made a lot of progress since I started doing art projects to keep my drawing more frequent but there are still times I draw something and just can't make it work.

Don't worry about it, the posts aren't that frequent. In fact the one from last week was the first post made this year, I think catching my attention had reduced the amount of times it gets posted. Really main the reason I even check for these posts is people do often ask questions and sometimes I have an answer for them.

As for your offer I might check back in the morning, it's the middle of the night over here so I should get some sleep.

>> No.4068293

>but I do have a page that shows every time that image gets posted here
How do you do that? Using the image search feature in the warosu/fireden archive?

>> No.4068743

This was linked to me when I first came here

>> No.4068761

are you reatrded? bitch then work harder, if thats what you really love then fuck that school, yeah the prof its right you not for that school, you better than that, prove him and that stupid school you can do better, how ? i dont have a fucking clue but i know you know you, you lazy ass dont wanna put effort on waht you do, so get you nigger ass to work and do something that amaze not only the proffesor but make people nut when they see you art.... it gets me mad when people wait for a aproval of others like noooo bitch you do you and i do me, and its art, art its not like math or english, theres no right or wrong, every fucking one have their own way of draw or paint, the only difference its that some put more effort than others, yeah art can be difficult as math or english, but that doesnt mean you stupid or wack, it means you can he cant, do you understand what im saying you lazy nigger? ok cool

>> No.4068789

The worst criticism I've have ever received happened when I wasn't there. My friend reported back to me that this guy told them that they should dump me, because I was the weakest link (we were working together at the time). Basically, he trashed my work.

Another time, I went to a con to show my work and everyone, essentially, ignored me. I remember I was so upset that I just sat down on a bench and looked off into the distance. It was then I realized that I can't just be 'Ok.' I have to be amazing. After that I spent years learning and drawing as much as I could. I still am, but I'm getting way more positive feedback and reception about my work now than ever before.

I am working and published now.

>> No.4068794

>I don't take criticism too personally as I'm still learning
probably the most career destroying mindset

>> No.4068798

Yeah he was wrong. He should have outright told you that you suck

>> No.4068806

I like your story, you didn't get discouraged and kept pushing forward. Share some of your stuff

>> No.4068811
File: 7 KB, 211x373, drawing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd say the harshest criticism I've gotten was when I was in school at around 6 or 7. I was never really that creative and so my go-to way of drawing a person would be to just simply draw a 2 circles representing the torso and the head, a few straight lines representing the hair, 2 curved lines representing the arms and elongated 'd's representing the legs.
It pissed off my teacher to the point where she ranted to the entire class about lazy drawing practices, and despite not naming anyone, it was obvious that she was talking about me specifically since she mentioned the exact traits found in my drawings.
It didn't really affect me at all at the time, since I wanted to be as lazy as I could get away with, but it's starting to get to me over a decade later, since it reminds me of how much I've wasted my childhood and adolescence not developing any creative skills and how I regret not striving to improve early on.
I envy those who cared enough to improve while they still had time to do so.