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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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4050698 No.4050698 [Reply] [Original]

post some awesome examples of panel to panel pacing in comic books/manga
Art's quality is irrelevant

>> No.4050702
File: 154 KB, 991x734, we3-frank-quitely-we3[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4050730

what is this comic?

>> No.4050745
File: 1.28 MB, 2048x3167, bM_IydAmCw35s34g6bg52ECpAQFvVlx3Rt83hrvJ-aOdoBbeGfgMH2qZVR6o9laWzN6YGYZqZP1w=s0[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we3 by Grant Morrison and Frank Quietly

>> No.4052518

Anyone has that page from Peter cannon, Thunderbolt where a guy uses a blank panel as a shield?

>> No.4052555

There was a comic about a creature/dr something that did a lot of meta stuff with the panels and wonders about his 2d existance figthing against a 3d enemy

>> No.4052557
File: 86 KB, 500x632, moebius-incal-scan1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is this good exactly? a 3 point perspective shot would have worked a ton better
you get no sense of depth like this

>> No.4052559

why is this considered a good example of panelling?

i kept finding myself looking up and down, and up and down again and it just felt exhausting. the panels itself also felt claustrophobic. i think it would've been better if it was a single scroll or on separate pages where it has more space

>> No.4052667

does anybody know how did FQ or the colorist converted the mechanical pencil lines into inks for coloring?

>> No.4052683
File: 70 KB, 480x639, CCB35743-9629-4F41-88C4-99D374DE15EF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

None of these are good examples of panelling. It’s just showoffy artsy fartsy nonsense. Zero fundamentals whatsoever.

To answer the OP question, Akira Toriyama.

Dragonball should be required study for anyone wanting to make comics or manga. Especially comics since westerners are notoriously bad at that shit.

>> No.4052693

you didn't even post anything exceptional from Toriyama you world-class retard

>> No.4052703

If you can’t see why that page is great, you should give up on making comics right now. You’re not cut out for it.

Comics/Manga aren’t about making pretty pictures that are stiff and lifeless, making artsy paneling that’s difficult to follow. It’s about making characters MOVE in ways that are seamless and easy to read from one panel to the next. It’s about guiding your reader’s eye through the action for a clean and enjoyable experience.

If you can’t grasp this basic concept, any comic you make will be shit, end of story.

>> No.4052722

My man, get your head out of your ass and stop posting, this is for your own good.

>> No.4052726

Yeah, you’re right. I got better things to do with my time than trying to help stubborn retards.

>> No.4052732

>If you can’t grasp this basic concept, any comic you make will be shit, end of story.

>> No.4052745

You’re acting like an authority on comics when there’s a 99% chance that you’re /beg/ tier with dunning kruger syndrome. It’s okay to disagree but if you want to be an asshole and act superior pyw or fuck off.

>> No.4052779
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>> No.4052821
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Suehiro Maruo has perfect panel layout

>> No.4052823
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>> No.4052829
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Hugely recommend Itoh Sei, he manages to make "normal" or more boring scenes interesting

>> No.4052830
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>> No.4053004
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>> No.4053174
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>> No.4053178

"art's quality is irrelvant" lol

>> No.4053179

You cant even tell whats happening or what is implied by the angled panels. Portals? Fast speed?

>> No.4053183
File: 2.26 MB, 1490x1987, Illustration.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4053187

manga is very VERY generic .... The only one who surprises is those who read only manga, the narrative is very simple and basic ....

>> No.4053197

Who's the artist?

>> No.4053253

The thread is about
if anything's a artsy-fartsy show-off here then that'd be your post, retarded dunning krugger

>> No.4053277

>he’s unable to see the panel to panel pacing in that page
Unironically NGMI. Not even gonna try to educate you. You have zero understanding of the fundamentals of sequential art.

I don’t even pity arrogant little shitheads like you, you don’t deserve success.

>> No.4053303

>missing the point this hard
comics aren't just about showing off your gestural skills and drawing characters in cuuhrazzzy and rad action poses
comics and manga are more often than not about setting up mood and the framework for the action to take place in FIRST and the action in question SECOND
and while we're at it, your previous example isn't anything spectacular, just because a page has shitton of scribbly action lines doesn't make it more dynamic ya dbzlet

>> No.4053337

Sequential art is about MOVEMENT, you utter fucking retard. Even slower emotion requires you make effective use of gesture to guide the reader’s eye through your fucking page.

The fact that you not only don’t get this, but also wanna debate me on it just goes to show how bad you are at this. Just give up, you’ll never make it kid. Especially not with that fucking attitude.

>> No.4053346

isn't the background in 2nd panel a three point perspective?
I can see some buildings slightly tapering at the base

>> No.4053366

>Sequential art is about MOVEMENT
yes? I don't remember trying to disprove this at any point, just that it's not as important as your dunning krugger dense noggin might think
look at >>4052779
the movement portrayed is simple with no extreme gesture on display in all of those panels, it's the backgrounds, panel sizing and the overall composition that brings it all together you dense spaz

>> No.4053473

Yes, you utter moron, I never said Tonari Atelier was bad, it’s you who said Vegeta vs. Recoome was bad, despite being provided as a simple and clear example of good flow in comic/manga. Something which hadn’t been posted ITT up until this point.

YOU’RE the one being a contrarian hipster shitting on Toriyama despite being widely regarded as a master of flow in sequential art.

Moreover, there IS clear and evident movement in Tonari Atelier as well, it’s applying the exact same fundamentals Toriyama uses in Dragonball to guide the reader’s eye through the pages. Toriyama’s example is just more exaggerated cause it’s an action sequence, but that makes it easier to spot, which is exactly what you’d show beginners who don’t know shit about panelling and flow.

So pipe down kid, stop arguing, and sit the fuck down and learn something. Being a hipster doesn’t make you cool, it doesn’t make you likable. It just makes you an obnoxious piece of shit I’d like to punch straight across the jaw. You don’t know shit, so stop pretending you do.

>> No.4053536

>another insp thread turned into retarded anime shitflinging

>> No.4053552

I love Itoh Sei. I started reading that manga for the monkey girl but I fell in love with the artist. It's got that 80s manga energy, even his older stuff like Monster Collection is so fun to read.
I very rarely give weebshit a pass, he's one of my favorite comic artists.

>> No.4053556

honestly, from a perfectly neutral point of view, japanese comics blow any other comic away. Especially when most of the western comics posted here are awful capeshit that the anons only perceive as good because there's batman in it

>> No.4053568
File: 16 KB, 319x319, E8193763-0153-4DC1-9801-8394F56CA568.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>perfectly neutral point of view
>goes full weeb

>> No.4053588

This but look at Alex Toth's work

>> No.4053600

Man, I'm not a weeb, but you gotta hand it to 'em. The West did some interesting stuff in the past century and we were in the lead for a while, but manga has been evolving so fast and the industry is so huge and productive that at this point they got the medium down to a T.
Sure they are a bit rigid with their methods and it can get formulaic, but the formulas they use are excellent, they're tested and true. And you see excellence not only in le ebin dynamic shonen manga, but also slower comics, they got a sensibility for space and paneling that in the West is almost completely lost (most artists who make comics in the west are not comic artists).
I am as objective I can be and I'd even say that my opinion is loaded against manga because I only like a couple old styles and hate shonen, but they are fucking good at comics.
And any capeshit from the last 30 years is offensively bad. The old stuff like Buscema has value but in retrospect they were just scraping the surface of the medium, they don't hold up with what mangaka are capable of.

>> No.4053608

Also I'd like to add that many of the great mangaka of the last century were humbly picking up from Moebius et al. because Moebius et al. were carrying the torch. I've seen a pro mangaka with a Tintin poster in his room. It's simply stupid to dismiss the people who are doing things the best right now because it's weeb to do so, and everyone who's interested in making comics should take a look at manga even if his sensibilities are western.

>> No.4053609

Yes, it's objectively true that Japan has made achievements in visual arts, but just look at the posts you're writing. You are a definitely a weeb, or perhaps autistic.

>> No.4053622
File: 59 KB, 500x332, 1c9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You are a definitely a weeb, or perhaps autistic.

>> No.4053638
File: 834 KB, 844x475, oh crab.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe a bit autistic, but I really like this bit in crab with the golden claws where he skips a panel showing him hitting him

>> No.4053648

holy fucking shit the eye flow on this page it's just freakin beautiful

>> No.4053707
File: 2.96 MB, 579x8192, 1481546324783.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this entire sequence from fire punch

>> No.4054606
File: 45 KB, 367x540, 746312._SY540_[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

asterios polyp does an amazing job at using every resource a comic has
more people should read it to learn a couple of things about compisition and using visuals to help thye narrative

>> No.4054746

Only good ones.

Very cool, laughed.

>> No.4054818
File: 191 KB, 900x1095, fred-philémon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the three steps of enlightenment
1 - Tintin
2 - Toriyama
3 - Fred