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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 432 KB, 1852x2048, 188828C5-0955-4DC7-A676-D076E12BC745.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4007334 No.4007334 [Reply] [Original]

Why do people like this? Looks like a bunch of prolapsed anuses.

>> No.4007339

I dont
I like cute anime list

>> No.4007341

>Why do people like full lips

The bigger question is why you think of assholes constantly

>> No.4007347

Well, there’s full lips, and there’s.... this.

>> No.4007354

weird i was just wondering why so many western artists draw anuses like swollen bee stung lips

>> No.4007356

What kind of anuses are you looking at?

>> No.4007359

to be honest you have a good range of variety in your pic
if you hate all of those, what kind do you like? can you post an exemple?

>> No.4007363

they are all the same swollen anus like lips.

>> No.4007384

ok post lips you like

>> No.4007385

Cause people have different tastes my dude I love those you may not but I do learn to know that people like different kinds of stuff

>> No.4007387

Literally lip injection tier, none of these look natural.

>> No.4007389

Evolution bro

>> No.4007394

Because they look super soft and like they'd be pleasant to kiss

>> No.4007401

OP has never seen lips before

>> No.4007404

normal human lips DO NOT look like this. this collagen injected trash is for homos and literal thots.

>> No.4007412
File: 83 KB, 900x900, dxl2ui5v2r611.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Single digit iq post

As usual, OP is a faggot nigger

>> No.4007417

Thanks for letting us know you see more anuses in your life than lips.

>> No.4007420
File: 32 KB, 645x729, 1517708839513.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also the retards on this thread
> they do not look realistic in my 2d hair color saturated tsun/yan/etc-dere waifu

>> No.4007434
File: 50 KB, 200x212, 1561839980331.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I color like Gloss? I'm pretty good with lines but I've colored two drawings at most and I've been drawing for 4 years, so I know nothing about it.

>> No.4007436
File: 20 KB, 341x511, 26EAB492-96A8-48FC-9D40-D2B534BBF42A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I prefer girls with no lips.

>> No.4007442

These are great examples of when something goes too far in one direction. Pouty soft full lips are considered sexy in many cultures, so lets

>> No.4007445

When girls kiss their lips sort of purse and pucker slightly, and they look bigger because of however the fuck mouth muscles work. Literally just a pose and nothing more. Anecdotal but still holy fuck this thread.

At least post the full head. instead of macros without any facial context. If you're gonna make a thread about big lips why not shift the discussion to proportionally "large" chins that are also in the crop.

what he fuck am i still doing here. This place is /r9k/.

>> No.4007447
File: 124 KB, 1041x1301, 1561808499886.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just btfod OP

>> No.4007480

Don't be jealous of better artists. This will lead you nowhere, dumbass.

>> No.4007485

>how do I learn to color without coloring?
>why am I retarded?
a mistery

>> No.4007489

>just draw lol

>> No.4007494

Bad taste. They are primitive like niggers and want huge asses, only with lips in this case.

>> No.4007495


>> No.4007498

very informative advice, you must be really good :o

>> No.4007508
File: 169 KB, 1200x1172, D4t46b3XsAgDPGX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gloss is a legitimate talent and relatively young I think. If your fetish for armpits and bimbo lips is what spurs you on to make it just go for it desu. People here like to crab on porn artists because they actually have the spark.

>> No.4007509
File: 19 KB, 112x112, giggle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think they draw it for porn, anon....

Also, s-stop judging us for liking what we l-like haha

>> No.4007515 [DELETED] 

when you live around nigger, you're tend to imitate one. In east asia, nigger lips are considered as disgusting, the smaller the lips, the better.

>> No.4007524 [DELETED] 

please go die.

>> No.4007526

Here, have one(1) attention.

>> No.4007528

oh wow anon, I'm so flattered! thank you!1

>> No.4007531
File: 120 KB, 1692x812, geisha-vs-maiko-geiko-difference-makeup-hair3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you die first

>> No.4007532

I've never seen namefags here before. Do you guys post on /alt/ or /asg/ or something?

>> No.4007542

I only namefag when making a post where I anticipate a 'post your work' response. Don't post much art on /ic/ anymore because NDA's and I rarely do personal work atm.

>> No.4007559

Nah, I don't post there. I mostly stay in here, /bant/, and /3/.

>> No.4007589

It's a western artist thing. They make lips too puffy and often too wide as well, throwing off neoteny. I find it extremely unappealing. Why put some giant nigger-tier fish lips on a girl character?

>> No.4007591

He posts some speed paints on YouTube, maybe take a look at those.

>> No.4007595

I just saw and he sells access to for 10 bux on his patreon, it's a pretty good price if I wanna learn desu

>> No.4007607

bimboification fetishes

>> No.4007628
File: 23 KB, 333x344, 1555494079969.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Female beauty has two axes: cuteness and hotness.

Hotness involves large breasts, voluptuous fat deposits, nigger lips like you posted, big butt, acting like a cock-thirsty slut.

Cuteness involves having delicate features and facial features, being small, slim and shy/docile.

Your mileage may vary, but normalfags prefer hotness over cuteness, but those characteristics often entails unwanted traits like big tiddy is generally linked with fatness, sex drive with unfaithfulness, big lips (and others) with overdone makeup and all those bimbo-like blow-up dolls we see around.

So cuteness comes as just a "seasoning" to adjust a bit the amount of hypersexual traits the otherwise 100% pure sex hippopotamus would have.

>> No.4007646
File: 255 KB, 1280x1280, TeEIQJQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The irony is the one above the one sucking on a popicle is literally the Princess Peach Mario Party render

>> No.4007648

>east asia
>Praising fucking Nips and Chinese
Go there, stay there, and enjoy that third nuking, chink.

>> No.4007649

That's funny, that was my favorite one by far. Do you happen to have the full picture?

>> No.4007652

Literally just google it boyo. The full image is too big to post.

>> No.4007654

Can I have source on ALL of them? hehe...

>> No.4007667

Find them by yourself, they're all from the same artist. Some of them are crops and some aren't.

>> No.4007686

>porn artist
>the spark

>> No.4007699
File: 21 KB, 500x375, 72D8C521-4ED9-46EE-85EE-EB77D222B6B7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So pretty

>> No.4007835

We get it. You’re white, you don’t have lips, and you’re obsessed with anuses.

>> No.4007846
File: 1.99 MB, 540x304, 4132478128.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Common thing I hear about it is
>dude... imagine those wrapped around your cock xd
So don't mind those drawing this, they're just porn-addled RETARDS whose taste is shit because it isn't like mine

>> No.4007857
File: 48 KB, 931x524, 694940094001_59.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

op is right. if you like botox injected lips you are gay.

>> No.4007862

I'm white and I have big nigger lips

>> No.4007865

the problem isn't the size but how it looks. they all look like they have had surgery. it is quite off putting.

>> No.4007880
File: 73 KB, 1130x1181, Darkgemrawr-786325471344599040-20161013_055936-img1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol thanks for giving me a meme idea anon

>> No.4007885

So you dont want people to like what you dont like?

>> No.4007900

Who's work is this

>> No.4007906

I think it looks awful but those kinda lips feel amazing when they suck your dick

>> No.4007944

Not sure why you're posting darkgem's art but alright
Read the thread, c'mon

>> No.4007964

Well, I'm a pro and make a living off this. But most of all I'm smart and don't ask stupid questions on 4chan.

>> No.4007971

Weak bait desu

>> No.4007979

Stop being paranoid and thinking everything is bait.
If a person has just some normal common sense, then they won't go asking broad questions like "how do I become good as xy".
How the fuck is anyone supposed to answer to that?
I have no idea what their art looks like, I have no idea what they lack compared to Gloss, I can't give a solid advice to a dumb question like that.

The only thing I'm certain about is that that guy is a dumb fuck.

>> No.4008041
File: 120 KB, 1596x1106, rncop1kxhmpy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean if someone asks a stupid question I really don't see why you would go out of your way to call them retarded lol
But since you're a pro I'm sure you could easily write down some general observations on this artist's technique, so go ahead https://www.youtube.com/user/DroneAnims/videos I'll wait
>The only thing I'm certain about is that that guy is a dumb fuck.
You type shit like this and then wonder why no one comes here to actually try to learn. All it takes is a single dumb answer for you to sperg out

>> No.4008043

White people are literally retarded. These are white lips with fillers not black lips. White people evolved to have no lips because their lips look fucking disgusting.

>> No.4008073

I just explained to you that dumb questions don't deserve effort to answer to them.
If you aren't willing to put in the effort to actually ask a question that isn't completely stupid, then you probably aren't going to put in the effort to become a good artist either.
You are simply to stupid and lazy to make it. Sorry.

>> No.4008080

This. Cute and funny is masterrace.

>> No.4008085
File: 147 KB, 397x392, D6zMJNdWkAEdpWy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you're just admitting to simply being a cunt who's just as lazy and will just deflect when asked to prove they're a "professional", what a fucking joke
I guess just like you I wasted my time talking to a retard

>> No.4008087

Brazilians prefer big bunda, and look at their IQ.
Japanese prefer cute girls and have double the IQ.

Smart people prefer cute girls over fat sluts

>> No.4008098

I don't need to prove anything to you. I tried to give you an advice about how to properly communicate and not look like an idiot. Take it and next time don't ask dumb questions, or leave it and keep being an idiot.
Your call.

>> No.4008101
File: 397 KB, 427x408, rocko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not the guy who asked the question on coloring you fucking brainlet. Since you won't post your work your opinion means dogshit. You probably don't even draw, fuck off

>> No.4008149

its the whole edgy instagram teen thot aesthetic that only he most beta of boys thirst over, or those that are into some sort of bimbo fetish. ive known a woman who was into it and she was a mentally ill fat person who was into nigs

>> No.4008208

Blame nigger culture

>> No.4008221

I don't know man. It's fucking gross.

>> No.4008236

You’re low test

>> No.4008264

>blah blah blah usual /ic/ buzzwords
If you didn't even ask that, then literally just go fuck yourself.
If you can't understand why I'm right, without needing to see my art, then you are just as much of a retard as that other guy asking dumb shit.

Inb4 more ic buzzwords.

>> No.4008269

Are you japanese?

>> No.4008271

As a white man with big full lips I see nothing wrong with this.

>> No.4008272

Looks swollen and unhealthy, just gross. As if it stung by an insect.

>> No.4008295
File: 531 KB, 2212x1652, D41JCFnXsAAAQMr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last year I think he revealed he was like 20 and I wanted to kill myself.

>> No.4008316

A clear example of sour grapes.

>> No.4008319

Imagine peaking at 21...

>> No.4008359

You are low iq

>> No.4008392

cope harder, sparklet

>> No.4008730

Human lips have the same type of skin on your anus.

maybe that's why.

>> No.4008792

no one mentioned jello asses before you buddy
rent free as always

>> No.4008816

they are sexy

>> No.4009127

The lips ok. I just find it funny how they look similar and could literally pass off as lips if I put googly eyes or somth

>> No.4009593
File: 25 KB, 450x236, 1558563469212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>White people evolved to have no lips because their lips look fucking disgusting.
Good luck changing reality with words, Coaleesha.

>> No.4011807

I don't think full lips is the problem. The problem is that they all look like they belong on bimbos that are 75% plastic and only 25% flesh and it's offputting. Most naturally full lips don't look that way.

>> No.4011814

If her lips were pursed they’d look like op’s pics