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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 3.10 MB, 1917x1500, イラスト81.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3962187 No.3962187 [Reply] [Original]

Previous: >>3958217

What is /ALT/?
If you're looking for a place to post your cartooning then you've found the right general. This is /ic/s 1st and only merged hub where both Eastern and Western stylization can coexist peacefully, hence the double title. However, by community demand and long history, this is favorably an Anime general.
>Rules & Guidelines
(1) Any form of cartooning is welcome; so submit and receive feedback from others. (2) Please resize your images before posting. (3) Share your knowledge and (4) Remember to not be afraid of asking for critique. Most importantly I encourage you to keep discussion at a civil level, but you're more than welcome to share your opinions.
>I came for anime. Why does the image OP say cartoons general?
To distinguish from the anime study thread (janitor supported). Please post your studies there and personal work goes here.
>Community Resources
Hitokaku Index
List of active livestreams
>Use twitch #art
>yoshikadu2011 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCUx5dpO6d5gQ4KWNPc24CKw
FellowBro's Book Collection
Tutorial & Reference Collection
Japanese Tutorials & Documentary
>http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?id=59317 (0033)

>> No.3962191


>> No.3962198

why use that cringey kana for a westerner drawing? Or did you srsly think someone would fall for it lmao

>> No.3962206

What was the giveaway that it was a tryhard westerner? The face?

>> No.3962209

Man's fuck buddy

>> No.3962211
File: 296 KB, 955x952, koishi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgive me

>> No.3962215

cute Koishi anon. I always like to see touhou pics on /ic/.

>> No.3962225

Dog sperms are good for young girls!

>> No.3962227

I like the shine on the axe

>> No.3962232


>> No.3962243


>> No.3962245

woof :)
anon is paranoid, 気にするな

>> No.3962292
File: 433 KB, 1024x1186, IMG_20190603_083734_205.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello everyone.

>> No.3962300

hi john c reilly

>> No.3962320

based and dogpilled

>> No.3962404

Missed the replies RE botegirls last thread. I don't really post them anywhere outside of IRC and maybe pixiv now and again.

And yeah, I'm trying to get better at fluid posing, but honestly I've never been able to manage what I would consider to be acceptable results. I've basically just settled with "doesn't look like anus."

>> No.3962461
File: 255 KB, 2040x1543, [v] DynaSoniaFinal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I make it look like she's wearing pants without adding color?

>> No.3962465

My advice is to loosen up your hand with quicksketch exercises. Observe your subject and get a feel for the motion or the natual rhythms of the forms. Stretch by ghosting some circles over the page, to get that energy going.

Now, keeping your pencil to the page of stylus to the screen, begin with the chest, stomach or hips and work your way from there. Don't worry too much about the head, hands, or feet; just the movement of the figure.

A typical quick sketch session will last you anywhere from an hour to two hours, with a class session usually around three.

Given most gesture drawings start off at 30 seconds, move to 90/two minute, a couple of five minute exercises, then cap off with a ten minute figure drawing, you'll be drawing anywhere between 150 to 300 drawings per session. Just do this everyday for about three weeks, then do a short session everyday with maybe two or three times a week afterwards. You will drastically improve your dexterity and eye for gesture.

There are some little things that can help out significantly. You could try getting looser with your sketch tools, and draw from the shoulder as opposed to the wrist. Hold the pencil higher, erase less often, and don't be afraid to exaggerate the curves of they fit the character.

It still feels awkward as heck to me, and I've been at this seriously for about two years, but I promise you it pays off.

Athletes are great subjects to help build a visual library for dynamic poses. I've been studying the techniques of lot of MMA fighters and boxers from videos, both old and new, but sports magazines and Quickposes.com have also been helpful with gestures and reference material.

Let me know if you have any more questions.

>> No.3962472

adding details, like pockets or sewing stitches

>> No.3962478

you can't actually be serious with this shit

>> No.3962479
File: 556 KB, 666x1214, Shlub.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yea or nay? I may add more detail, it's just a little doodle that I blew up

>> No.3962494

Are those supposed to be really big lips? If so they don't really read that way--it kind of looks like she just has part of her face painted a different color.

>> No.3962502

I appreciate it. Drawing practice similar to how you described used to be a part of my daily regimen when I was taking my required art credits for college (two technical drawing classes which focused more on how to properly use tools more than anything else), but I have to admit that I fell out of the habit.

It's a known issue that people who lack the fundamental knowledge to actually draw something correctly end up being obsessed over details when they should really be mastering the basics first. The technical drawing classes focused on nothing -but- the details, so I think I've fallen into that trap for a while.

>> No.3962508

tap tap

>> No.3962516

thanks : )

>> No.3962521

Luchador mask?

>> No.3962535

huge downgrade from giant loli fag. I miss him.

>> No.3962543

oh i hate this

>> No.3962550
File: 20 KB, 816x568, 1530671733092.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the help.

Thanks for the motivation.

>> No.3962585
File: 750 KB, 1467x1571, YARK_on_the_mizzus_shoes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some half assed ideas

>> No.3962588

Fuck cant unsee as luchador mask

>> No.3962596

draw a clothing fold or stitching

>> No.3962643
File: 473 KB, 1365x1145, demon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3962662

Yeah, I can see what you mean
You got me
I could make it look a bit more like she is walking, it was more just an afterthought though

Thanks for the feedback

>> No.3962686

wan wan

>> No.3962696


Porn Thread

>> No.3962703

>naked figure is porn

>> No.3962709

woof woof

>> No.3962729

>erect penis and implicating a lewd context through pose with nothing else in the picture showing anything of real significance
>not porn

you need to go outside and breathe some fresh air anon.

>> No.3962730

You need to stop shilling the idea that the human body is disgusting, fucking HBO soccer mom tier dildo.

>> No.3962732

fuck off dick brain

>> No.3962733

the argument was whether it was porn or not, not whether the human body is or isn't disgusting. There really isn't much for debate here, we have a porn thread for a reason.

>> No.3962736

You're scared

>> No.3962743

no u

>> No.3962744

but no one actually gives critique in the porn thread

>> No.3962756

>"hey this picture could really use some input, I'd appreciate any critiques"

>> No.3962760


The porn threads used to have some very solid critiquers. After those were purged due to a group of trolls killing for everyone else (doxxing people in the process), everything flooded into /alt and the other generals. With enough time, the porn threads will start providing critiques again.

If you are concerned about what I shared, it may be within your best interest to seek greener pastures.

>> No.3962764
File: 467 KB, 900x1080, dragongirl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I make the interaction between her hands and cape more believable?

>> No.3962778

>After those were purged due to a group of trolls killing for everyone else (doxxing people in the process)

pls explain

>> No.3962787
File: 1.35 MB, 1240x1133, img262.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Skree Ranger with breather

>> No.3962805

Weight nigga.
Why the cape go around instead of straight down?
Feel the gravity anon

>> No.3962817
File: 254 KB, 1335x1894, F8EDD869-2969-48BA-8A77-44B4819862FF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3962819
File: 202 KB, 1340x1904, 124C3727-740D-4960-8A38-CBCF2A5BBF1A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3962820

>Feel the gravity anon
calm down zarya

>> No.3962827 [DELETED] 
File: 1.30 MB, 2600x2392, BABABBABABABA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3962834

>it's the tranny again

>> No.3963020
File: 40 KB, 869x652, office horse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have to pee like a horse that has to pee really badly

>> No.3963543

I didn't know you're the OP maker of these threads

>> No.3963567

can you do it in my mouth, ok thanks

>> No.3963615
File: 3.33 MB, 2040x1543, [v] DynaSoniaFinalColor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Colored cause fuck it.

>> No.3963641

Further refined the thing I put up in the old "Post your characters" thread, where I said this was for a BL webcomic I seek to create someday Soon [TM].

Current challenges:
>Proportion and anatomy check
>Need to design brown dude's electro-shock glove thing

>> No.3963643
File: 2.22 MB, 2560x1200, OPM_MA_portraits3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Series I've been working on here and there the past month.

>> No.3963645
File: 714 KB, 1400x915, utss_charas_draft_2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot the pic. Fuck me.

>> No.3963724

anyone know what the significance of this muscle is?
some anons were talking about it in the last thread but the link says it's vestigial so i dont know what use it is to an artist
give me your blog nig

>> No.3963726

very cool, blog?

>> No.3963753
File: 86 KB, 630x180, 164b4e_5d8e821271ba42c491c7099f39ab5898~mv2[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This looks like the perfect thread instead of making one

How do I create a character design that allows my character to be memorable? I'm in the middle of making my game, and I want my character to have their look stamped on to several things and to be recognizable, for example, a silhouette for a title, or button, an outline for easter eggs, etc

I'm trying to go for simple, so Mickey Mouse, or Felix, Astro Boy, Sonic, etc. How do I mold simple shapes into something that catches the eye?

I guess this would also be a question of how to make something cute

>> No.3963758

>anyone know what the significance of this muscle is?
lurk more you sparkless nitwit

>> No.3963760

post your wrist

>> No.3963864

animate it faggot >:c

>> No.3963887 [DELETED] 

Not at all.

Now do us all a favor and reign these degenerate faggots in.

It somehow looks worse due to how egged up her face's construction in. Colors do not work in its favor, as the pants look painted on (unless that is what you were going for, with her nether regions visible

Start by applying a two point perspective. Her head, ribcage, and torso are all parallel with each other. This makes the entire image look flat, thus hurting the drapery (as well as gravity's interaction with it).

>> No.3963998

woof woof

>> No.3964026

Do you all have your drawing tablets directly in line with your monitor?

>> No.3964028

Holy air brush.

>> No.3964044
File: 60 KB, 618x410, shutterstock_109331033[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw a roastie posts in /alt/

>> No.3964045

Despite its flaws, I still think its cute anon. It has a certain charm to it.
Don't let all the negative feedback get to you and just use this as a learning experience.

>> No.3964050


>> No.3964064
File: 60 KB, 300x366, 72-721649_tumblr-dog-cachorro-anime-cute-fondo-de-pantalla.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We'll get rid of them soon woof woof

>> No.3964073
File: 822 KB, 700x990, 1559880776989.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is this kind of drawing called? Where's it's all dynamic and shit

>> No.3964084
File: 3 KB, 360x456, a woman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know this is probably funky but it's a nice start from only drawing Polenbolls for like 2 months and not drawing for a month

>> No.3964089
File: 431 KB, 790x1500, lood set.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is it so hard to find good photo references for twinky male bodies

>> No.3964100

does that pic even have any perspective in it besides the rocks pointing in different directions?

>> No.3964104

I thought the pic was supposed to be a negative example t b q h

>> No.3964105

show us a good one then

>> No.3964109
File: 299 KB, 869x1261, tsugumono.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't intend that as an insult or anything, that was just how the image came off to me because I didn't really see any perspective work in the OP image, but alright. Perhaps something like this?

>> No.3964113

>not houndoom

>> No.3964117

It doesn't always have to be about eating ass

>> No.3964128 [DELETED] 
File: 341 KB, 560x315, Little Mac.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3964141
File: 520 KB, 888x894, 1557502656577.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're going to draw males at least make them look like males and not trannies, faggot

>> No.3964144

based and redpilled

>> No.3964145

fucking based

>> No.3964150

>like this

>> No.3964155


>> No.3964159
File: 23 KB, 400x400, 1558996348733.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3964208 [DELETED] 

Based af

>> No.3964229

thank you, this was a good watch and I'm checking out his other videos

>> No.3964263

Idk what you're looking for here, but I guess what the caption means is that getting a handle on perspective can give you room for having action stand out

>> No.3964270

p fuckin neato

>> No.3964272

these all sounds so samefaggy

>> No.3964343
File: 178 KB, 982x852, Annotation 2019-06-09 030105.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I get a handy pretty please?

>> No.3964409

how the hell are you expecting to improve your drawings if you can hardly see them yourself

>> No.3964512 [DELETED] 
File: 241 KB, 982x852, redline11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A handy?
yea sure here

>> No.3964529 [DELETED] 


Take this to the Porn Thread.


>> No.3964533

Fuck off roastie.

>> No.3964567

It's pretty nice my friend

>> No.3964571

Penis not attached to body

>> No.3964572
File: 2.64 MB, 3500x3000, hamakaze1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Light erotic acceptable? Or i should go to porn thread?

>> No.3964579

/ic/ is a red board and you can post porn illustration in /alt/ if you should feel like it. There are some individuals that try to order people to go to the porn thread and while going there might be fitting if you're drawing hardcore porn, it's not like you must.

I think you should try to clean up the lines on those drawings, maybe make a new layer on top and try to do solid, confident lines

>> No.3964587 [DELETED] 

why turn /ic into a porn board tho? we already have several boards for it and they dont add much to discuss

it's kinda up there so yeah

>> No.3964597
File: 1.31 MB, 3200x3000, sucy1 — копия.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> I think you should try to clean up the lines on those drawings, maybe make a new layer on top and try to do solid, confident lines

Oh, they're pretty dirty, but i think that normal for for fast sketches...

>> No.3964600

I'm honestly curious what goes on through these people's heads when they're well aware there is a porn thread yet decided instead to go to another thread. Is 4chan just really that contrarian?

>> No.3964609

I didn't say that /ic/ should be a porn board.

>we already have several boards for it and they dont add much to discuss
You mean porn overall doesn't add much to discuss? That's a different issue and your opinion doesn't really matter because the rules of this board say otherwise.

Trying to force people into pens for drawing porn like you people are doing is just the first step, later you'll start demanding that all sexually suggestive stuff is quarantined into one thread or removed from the board. Going by the way you type it's probably better if you're removed.

It's normal but it's better if they're solid, much nicer to look at.

>> No.3964612
File: 2.68 MB, 3500x3000, miku4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> if they're solid
I just trying myself at different poses, and my solid line looks much worse, cause i'm newbie.

>> No.3964633


>> No.3964636 [DELETED] 

The problem is that ever since the original porn threads were scrubbed and nobody wanted to resurrect them, porn artists started flooding the other threads. Bestiality and lolicon in the previous /alt was the final straw (moreso because it's against global rules to post that shit outside of /b).

>its not a porn board
>its a red board
>therefore a porn board

The way you contradict yourself is stunning.

>forcing them into pens

The porn threads were resurrected precisely to contain that content, as well as its community given its behavior in the past.

Nobody is forcing them off /ic. Keep the work on the appropriate threads. So yes, into those pens that work goes.

>you'll be removed

Freedom of speech, and if the community holds a consensus that porn and erotica needs to be contained on their own threads, that consensus holds. By your own rules, they have numerous boards to choose from to post porn in.

If the community wishes for 4chan's staff of moderators to reverse the board's status from red to blue, that is their right to make their voices heard.

Threatening a "removal" betrays the platform your pointificate from with the grace of a drunken stage actor.

What you have right here is fine, though we ask that erotica and porn be kept on the Porn Threads for now.

Hopefully, we can get a cheesecake thread going, too. A lot of potential there in terms of quality of work, activity, and critique.

>> No.3964656

>The way you contradict yourself is stunning.
I'm not contradicting myself. He put words in my mouth, asking me why /ic/ should be turned into a porn board. That carries implications that I am not arguing for.

>So yes, into those pens that work goes.
No, it doesn't.

>and if the community [...]
Yeah, if.

>If the community wishes for [...]
Sure, but there's no widespread support.

>we ask that [...]
Because there is no widespread support for this kind of conservatism on /ic/ board, you shouldn't present yourself as "we", "us" etc

You are definitely not "we", you are not even an anon from this place.

>> No.3964713 [DELETED] 


>/ic turned into a porn board

It technically is, but it hasn't because /ic would get pissed. There was a reason they wanted to resurrect the porn threads: to keep it away from the generals.

The only reason it has maintained its status quo is because there has not been any raids and /if is more tight-knit.

However, with anons posting pedophilia and bestiality /alt, that may no longer hold without pressure.

>No it doesn't...

Again, that is why we have the Porn Threads. That is why we hold seperate threads for beginners and more advanced artists. Seperate boards for anime studies and those who just want to post whatever Eastern/Western style they wish.

However, Porn was given its seperate board for a host of damn good reasons.

The past trolling, doxxing, terrible community, and flood of NSFW art in the generals being among them.

Hence, why we brought back that containment zone.

>you are not we

No, but it pissed off a lot people, and if the spectre of that godforsaken community resurfaces, you now know where it originated from. Going from NSFW board to SFW, with a few threads for nudes and cheesecake art and references, will be a much more desirable consensus.

Keep it the porn in the containment threads, and if it violates the global rules like in the previous /alt thread, report it.

>> No.3964741

There was no bestiality in the last thread, and the word "pedophilia" doesn't really hold any other meaning than "this looks too young and perverted for my tastes" on /ic/.

You people are the types that set threads on fire because you can't accept that people post things you don't enjoy. You conveniently take these examples of (your own) past outrage and use it as a reason to order people around. If you were actually worried about trolling and doxxing you'd be on /q/ and mailing Hiro calling for stricter moderation of /ic/.

Go and make a "cheesecake" thread and see if "your" community starts posting in it.

>> No.3964742

Wait /q/'s gone? Whoops

>> No.3964776

Did you guys when this retarded cuz I say'd "give me a handy"?

>> No.3964781

If you allow porn of a platform, the quality of the platform as a whole goes down dramatically because pornfags are braindead subhumans, and eventually the platform just becomes /d/.

>> No.3964795

I thought it would be funny, didn't realize it would make people lose their minds

>> No.3964797
File: 1.42 MB, 1394x3256, yuzu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

finished, I think

initial design wasnt great so still cant get rid of bad thumbnail syndrome

>> No.3964798 [DELETED] 

>there was no bestiality

There were two images of a set featuring bestiality, from the Pokemon franchise, posted in the last set.

This fuckward right here is honest about his degeneracy. The fact you put pedophilia in quotations as if it were to be something redefined, to justify this predatory BS, is fucking legend.

I have reported the images multiple times. I will contact them later today in hopes of accomplishing exactly that. But a blue /ic backed by good moderators would be ideal.

I don't care for /q. I want to learn how to become a better artist and have a better /ic.

Keep deflecting away from not only the shit posted in the previous thread, and the fact the porn thread community was fucking abhorrent.

No one buys your bullshit.

No. Now do the board a favor and stop posting shotacon outside of /b.

>> No.3964802

>doesn't know the difference between boards, threads and sets
>"predatory BS"
>"I have reported the images multiple times. I will contact them later"
>"I don't care for /q"
>reddit spacing
Just lurk or return to Reddit brah

>> No.3964813 [DELETED] 

If you're going to post porn, put it in the appropriate thread. That is all we ask of you.

>> No.3964821

>That is all we ask of you.
No it's not all you ask. And you're not "we".

>> No.3964825 [DELETED] 

The majority of artists here do not want to be associated with this degeneracy. Keep it in the appropriate threads.

>> No.3964834

I think the silent majority doesn't really care since this is 4chan. Puritans of /ic/ are a loud minority as far as I believe. It'd be nice with real statistics though.

>> No.3964856

>sees mannequin
>shotacon! OUTRAGEOUS!

>> No.3964857


>> No.3964865

>porn artists actually post work, get critique
>this schizo redditor shits up the threads with their (probably a her!) whining about "NO NSFW ON A RED BOARD NO NO NO!!!", no critique is posted, waste of posts and air
i'm a prude but this really makes me think

>> No.3964882 [DELETED] 

I have already posted critiques here and on other threads.

Work as well, but in the animation thread as opposed to here.

>> No.3964906

woof :3

>> No.3964918

Out of curiosity, what is it that you want to happen? Are anime ladies to drawn only fully clothed here? Or is it ok to have a naked character as long as the nipples and genitals are censored? What about studies? Who determines the intent of a drawing to be porn?

>> No.3964937
File: 437 KB, 1587x2150, redline.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>130 posts
>Less than 30 consist of actual art
Can people stop shitposting and fighting and actually post some art or critique? There have always been a little smut and erotic art in these threads, who cares? If you don't like it hide the post and move on.

I think you'd want to work on your anatomy and do more figure drawing. You exaggerated that S-curve of the back a lot more than it needed to be

>> No.3964945

As someone who has been on this site for ten years now. Degeneracy and moral outrage are as normal as breathing air. The only type that has always and will forever be discouraged is Furries and their eternal faggotry.

>> No.3964960
File: 81 KB, 998x998, 1560053746614.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>post some art or critique?
We would love to, but my work would only incite more feelings getting hurt. It even got deleted in the porn general which is supposed to be a containment thread to prevent these snowflakes from getting buttmangled and cause a board wide temper tantrum.

>> No.3964993 [DELETED] 

Back to /beg or the Porn Thread, until an Erotica thread is created.

>what do you want to happen?

One, removal and ban of porn from the generals (/alt, DRAW, /asg, /etc.)

Two, an erotica thread to keep the racier pics that do not belong to the generals, but too softcore for the porn threads. Cheesecake and pinups will be placed in this thread as well. Artistic nudes will remain, as well as the reference images.

Three, if the problem is not resolved over the course of next month, make our voices heard to 4chan's staff in effort to turn 4chan from a NSFW board to SFW. Porn threads banished. Erotica (pinups, cheesecake) and nudes are permitted in their respective threads, as well as studies, but must be monitored and moderated for pornographic content.

>fully clothed

No, but their genitals should be covered and should be wearing more than just underwear. If their clothes are so sparse that can be blown away in a guest of wind, or so tight you see everything from camel or the braline, it goes to the erotica thread.


/beg, or the resource/study threads.

>what determines if its porn?

Depictions of sexual organs or activity such as penetration, masturbation, fetishes such as BDSM, or anything that stimulates an erotic rather than aesthetic or emotional appeal.

>what do you want to happen

For the generals to be cleaned up, and this content to be put in their respective threads.

>> No.3965008 [DELETED] 

I appreciate the efforts, and humbly request a catalogue or a resource where I can study that glorious history of combatting furfaggotry.

As for degeneracy, all I and others on /ic ask is for the racier stuff to be put on the appropriate threads. Then posting bestiality in /alt was the final straw. I will never understand why they refused to keep the porn threads up after the classification. That shit spread everywhere.

>> No.3965026
File: 729 KB, 1536x2048, 0b51ac16-31af-4939-a99a-f7ef8d3f0ad3[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3965047

this board is in an eternal state of temper tantrum

>> No.3965049

Kekeke this is a joke right ?

>> No.3965075

I don't even draw porn and yet I cringed

>> No.3965078

Imagine taking this shit this seriously. You are one sad little person.

>> No.3965112



>> No.3965113


>> No.3965114

huge yikes
i cant imagine hating seeing a naked body so much that you'd want to ban nudity in a space devoted to learning to draw.
you know, tumblr exists. they banned porn, why dont you go there if it bothers you that much?

>> No.3965127

we need the mods to come out of their caves as they do every 100 years and give us a good public shaming of this guy this is getting ridiculous

>> No.3965156

porn isn't just nudity and you know it very well, you fucking subhuman. porn isn't even erotica, it's porn.
The fact that you people are so addicted to pornography that you can't even understand this is so sad

>> No.3965187 [DELETED] 

If it got deleted from the porn general, then it either violated global rules or was just that terrible.

Porn =/= nudity.

Your conflation of the two as synonymous is utterly disgusting.

>> No.3965214

I know that all nudity isn't porn but what one person sees as erotic isn't the same as everyone else. Like foot fetish art. It might not be genitals on screen but it's still porn and you two want to take on the role as judge of what porn is. When does a drawing of a person go from acceptable to provocative? That is the line you want to define and I don't think that's your place. It's a nsfw board, nsfw things will get posted and the entire point is that there is the freedom to do so.

>> No.3965218

It's not their place and the redditor that tells us he's going to contact 4chan administration isn't going to accomplish shit. Completely delusional.

>> No.3965238

So, how do you know when to start a blog? getting past the first 100 followers and all those things

>> No.3965242

Claim to have a hole in between your legs and the rest of the world will start catering to you.

>> No.3965243

you call us porn addicts but the only person who's actually seing porn everywhere it's you

of course fetishes and genitals are asociated normally with sex, but on this times there are people getting turned on by anime girls with shoes on their hands, you want to banned that too?

>> No.3965248
File: 358 KB, 1891x1891, hi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3965254

hi sycra!

>> No.3965258

why she have prototype arm

>> No.3965262 [DELETED] 

There is a very clear difference between an artistic nude, or a pinup, and digital voyeurism, cucking yourself watching a woman engage in a sex with a man.

There is a fine line between rendering what nature gave us on a canvas and depicting it engaging in degrading acts, reducing women from mother and daughters into nothing more than toys by violent pieces of shit.

And there is a wide chasm between artistic expression and using one's ability to subvert the mind's hormonal balance to crave an endless cycle of dopamine fixes.

Don't ever tell me drawing an underaged girl from a children's franchise engaging in bestiality is healthy, artistic, or expressive of anything but the artist's degeneracy-addled mind.

The fact you cannot distinguish this is disgusting.


Read above. In addition, they have posted cropped images of a shotacon manga featuring another character from a children's franchise and furry pornography in a seperate thread. Both against the global rules.

In all three cases, none have denied the sources of these images, and some have even flaunted it with links to the content.

>> No.3965273


>> No.3965297

leave this board and go back to watching jordan peterson lectures

>> No.3965326

>Watching porn is digital voyeurism and you cuck yourself by watching a man have sex with a woman.
Holy shit, please get laid.
>reducing women from mother and daughters into nothing more than toys by violent pieces of shit.
Uh, maybe don't pigeon hole women into only the roles of mothers and daughters? Plenty of women enjoy sexual acts, they're people. If the thought of a women in a sexual situation makes you panic because that's someone's daughter then you might have bigger problems. Wanting to keep people from drawing anime tits on an anonymous message board isn't going to protect 'mothers and daughters from violent pieces of shit'.
Go volunteer at a women's shelter rather than whine about drawings of people doing fake things

>> No.3965340

>effort to turn 4chan from a NSFW board to SFW
>muh voices
It's called 4channel you tranny. Go to /co/ drawthreads if you dont want your shit associated here.

>> No.3965344

Hahahaha what a fucking joke

>> No.3965347

>I'm gonna contact the manager of this establishment!
lmao get a load of this tranny

>> No.3965354

>reducing women from mother and daughters into nothing more than toys by violent pieces of shit.
lmao what a joke. As a whamen who draws /y/ fujoshit, we just do equally same degenerate shit there. You're just making a fool of yourself while you whine your tranny cunt here. Go back to 4channel if icky ewwie peepees gross you out.

>> No.3965362

>There is a fine line between rendering what nature gave us on a canvas and depicting it engaging in degrading acts, reducing women from mother and daughters into nothing more than toys by violent pieces of shit.
as a yurifag, my end goal is indeed art featuring women and daughters engaging in hardcore violent lesbian sex acts and abuse.

>> No.3965366
File: 181 KB, 625x626, 4bf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


ok everybody let's back to work, anon will not accomplish anything anyway

>> No.3965437 [DELETED] 

>get laid
Slept with five women; longest relationship I was in lasted two years. After she finished her education, she wanted me to live in her country. I could not do that, so we broke up.

>mothers and daughters

Thw two stages of the cycle all women go through (the last being the matron). All daughters seek an authority figure. If this figure leads them astray and down the path of degeneracy, then they will endure the pain well into motherhood. If the aspiring mother delays raising a family for too long, they go insane and seek substitutes or a fixation to distract them.

There is a reason women's happiness has dropped to record lows, since all the way back from the 70's.

In short, without a strong patriarchy or authority within their own circles, women will seek a substitute and/or attempt to destroy it.

And do not mix my words. It was never about drawing anime. It was about works that, once contained in a specific thread, began pouring into the generals. The works that violate the site's global rules, with the moderators doing about it, only added fuel to the fire. The majority, across all boards and not just /alt, wants this degeneracy contained.

Ever since that reclassification as a NSFW board, the quality of art posted in the generals deteriorated dramatically.


Thank you. You are wind beneath my wings.


Good. They are free to dwell their own containment zones.

>> No.3965440 [DELETED] 


I remember going to the mall with my three roommates. Before they tore it down to build housing for low income families, it had a Dave and Busters we'd attend regularly.

As we made our way from the entrance to our destination, we noticed a large crowd gathering. We looked over the ledge, and immediately a woman in a niqabs grabbed the others purse and slammed the other Muslim woman over the head, as her first were flailing violently. The guard rushed in and broke up the scene.

If your words are true, which I doubt, then start working our your problems instead of venting them in porn.

It's disgusting you take pride in the defilement of others, but if there is a silver lining, when those gay girls turned out to be straight but just looking for an image boost, the heartbreak comes to serve as a valuable lesson. I cannot tell you how many times I witnessed the "butch" in the relationship drives the "femme" into the arms of a man.

It's already in motion. A lot of people are pissed at the state of Red/NSFW /ic. Most of us want a very simple solution: keep the porn in the containment threads.

Now keep it there.

P.S. Nearly all of this porn shit of yours belongs in /beg. Holy shit, you all don't know squat about what you're doing. Get some pdfs Loomis or Perspective Made Easy, for fuck's sake.

>> No.3965442

You're that sperg that keeps avatarfagging with your shitty meme paintings of reaction images and keeps posting a wall of autism aren't you? Take your fucking meds.

>> No.3965445
File: 2.14 MB, 3200x3000, hitagi4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And another sketches...
Oh, i just trying to do pose more expressive.

>> No.3965447
File: 412 KB, 1000x1000, ikbvi;ub.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gib crits nao

>> No.3965448
File: 1.35 MB, 1394x1473, redline 12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah ok

her upper half is very masculine. the torso and breasts look more like pecs than boobs and her clavicle is too high. I think pulling the whole imagedown a bit would help it look less stretched over all

>> No.3965449
File: 191 KB, 1107x960, 1542304568188.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First and only time I'll ever post my art on /ic/, just to call anon a faggot. (feel free to critique it, just initial sketch, still fixing shit and gonna clean it later, but whatever.)

but yes, i am a gay. and my dream is to draw other gays with their gay daughters bullying and abusing other maybe gay girls. the porn part is secondary, but eh its fun on occasion.

that was a great story and all, but what's fun is fun.

>> No.3965450

>Good. They are free to dwell their own containment zones.
naw I like posting here, better get used to it tranny

>> No.3965456
File: 73 KB, 530x591, 1523909299667.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rule of thumb.

>> No.3965473
File: 386 KB, 747x931, downies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the sum of my day, finally adapted a way to draw anthro heads that is simple and good
you can see i have a flawed understanding of anatomy. any recommendation for what body parts to study?

>> No.3965481

Thanks for the crit. in my defense she is a really tall character. In fact I feel like I made her arms a bit too short relative to the rest of it.

but I'll see what I can do about her upper body.

>> No.3965489

Being gay is great though. Only some type of lala prancing homofaggot would think being gay is bad.

>> No.3965492

Ah I see, maybe you can keep the original dimensions but yes, the original arms were too short proportionally. I think the thighs being so wide and then tapering immediately to thin legs is throwing things off and making her look shorter.

>> No.3965493 [DELETED] 

Wait, who? What?

I have never drawn emotes or reaction images. I'm a draftsman and character animator, who's trying to get better and rendering and backgrounds.

/beg. Porn thread is too good for this shit. No understanding of form, perspective, or anatomy. Expressions are vapid and soulless, and the younger girl looks like she has six fingers and no thumb, adding further to the uncanniness of the piece.

/beg. The construction and proportions are a complete mess. His right arm looks deformed, his left arm looks like he's missing his elbow, and from the shoulders up his neck it looks like his musculature was shriveled up.

Stop trying to copy the contours and develop an understanding of the forms you see. Break it down into basic shapes and gestures for a while, to build up your sense of 3D space on the 2D plane. Once you start becoming more confident in your fullbody construction over the next three months (and after you go through some much needed Loomis), start going into learning the skeleton.

/beg or Porn Thread. Basic construction of the head, face, and body, followed by gesture.

>> No.3965495

Who do you think you are

>> No.3965499

maybe we'll just let more /beg/s and /porn/s in here. The more the merrier amiright?

>> No.3965503

Pyw you retard

>> No.3965504

>I'm a draftsman and character animator, who's trying to get better and rendering and backgrounds.
Care to share?

>> No.3965515

>no understanding
>complete mess

You know, you being a retard aside, this is actually a good example of all the ways useless critiques are made on /ic/.
>beg [hyperbole][fundamental][vague spewing of word diarrhea]

>> No.3965535 [DELETED] 

I got a rough draft this thread. See if you can find it.

I'll see if I can pull something recent. If not, I'll draft up a character. In the meantime, look for the rough sketch(es).

If I redline it, they will trace it. They have no understanding of form, anatomy, or perspective. They only copy the contours of other drawings or reiterate those copies from memory. If it's useless to you or them, if they refuse to hit the books (which /ic has scores of for free) they'll be stuck in /beg.

>> No.3965539

i think his critiques are useful, told everyone what was wrong with their piece. even if you think his complaints are hyperbolic it gives insight into what the weakest/least appealing parts of the drawings are
what i would call a useless critique (not really a critique at all tho) would be if all he said was "/beg/"

>> No.3965545


>> No.3965547

how about you learn to draw with no or low stablization for starter..

>> No.3965559

don't feed his ego especially when he hasn't posted work you fucking tard

>> No.3965562

regardless of "ego" i found his direction useful. i had a query and he answered it. you should worry less about ego, especially if you're inclined to tell people pyw

>> No.3965564 [DELETED] 

>I got a rough draft this thread. See if you can find it.
Just link it, you coward. What, are you afraid your stuff isn't going to be up to snuff and people will call your shit?
>If I redline it, they will trace it. They have no understanding of form, anatomy, or perspective. They only copy the contours of other drawings or reiterate those copies from memory. If it's useless to you or them, if they refuse to hit the books (which /ic has scores of for free) they'll be stuck in /beg.
Or maybe they'll see specifically what areas they fucked up in and how they can improve, and will be able to apply that knowledge to future art and improve their understanding, and grow as artists. Or maybe you just can't do a decent redline and are afraid of people calling you Dunning-Kruger while you tear other artists down. Either way, stop being such a pussy and post your work, a redline like >>3965448 isn't great, but it's doing a lot more to help than you are.

>> No.3965572

If you must know, the sperg you've been arguing with is the one that got featured on the OP ITT.

>> No.3965573

>I got a rough draft this thread. See if you can find it.
Just link it, you coward. What, are you afraid your stuff isn't going to be up to snuff and people will call your shit? If you were confident in your work's quality you wouldn't be playing these games.
>If I redline it, they will trace it. They have no understanding of form, anatomy, or perspective. They only copy the contours of other drawings or reiterate those copies from memory.
Or maybe they'll see specifically what areas they fucked up in and how they can improve, and will be able to apply that knowledge to future art and improve their understanding, and grow as artists. Or maybe you just can't do a decent redline and are afraid of people calling you Dunning-Kruger while you tear other artists down. Either way, stop being such a pussy and post your work, a redline like >>3965448 isn't great, but it's doing a lot more to help than you are.

>> No.3965574

not impressed

>> No.3965575


>> No.3965577 [DELETED] 


My WIP is the only animation in this thread currently. Remember, I said I am an animator and a draftsman. That narrows down a lot in this thread.

>> No.3965579

you're >>3964128 ? geez louise

>> No.3965581

You've replied to someone asking if you were the creator of these threads when somebody addressed the OP image, and seeing how incredibly defensive you are in this thread one can conclude that you're the try hard westaboo faggot with moonrunes in their filenames.

>> No.3965591

YOU're the one who is posting in the wrong thread, faggot. Why don't you impose your muslim censorship ideals on THAT thread instead?

>> No.3965592


>> No.3965599 [DELETED] 


Bingo. Half of the frames have been refined. I need to work on the last couple of frames to improve the loop, but I am happy with where its going.

Also working on a Pokemon animation, to celebrate the news on Sword and Shield.

I did post it there.

Because there is no reason for censorship. It is a rough draft of boxing combination that falls under Eastern/Western stylization. It it were a porn animation, it would be sent to the Porn Thread.

Keep porn out of the generals and in the Porn Thread where it belongs. Thank you.

>> No.3965604

you got a place where you post your animations? i want to start animating at some point. how long have you been doing it?

>> No.3965606

stop being mean

>> No.3965607

You're in the wrong thread. Please keep animation out of the regular draw threads and in the Animation General where it belongs.

>> No.3965610

doesnt look like eastern/western stylization. looks like it belongs in the animation thread

>> No.3965611

If you're gonna put a argument here. At least post a finished work, not some half assed garbage. Opinion discarded

>> No.3965616

gesture comes first

>> No.3965635

For fucking once mods are not fags.

>> No.3965639
File: 43 KB, 868x651, i'm fuckcing sleepy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

plseae like and sukbscribe

>> No.3965643

The glasses and ponytail makes her extra cute

based fuckin mods

>> No.3965644

thank fucking christ
that guy's an autistic redditor

>> No.3965645

>Even the animation got deleted
I'm not into horsedick but she's a qt and I like your linework and style

>> No.3965648

very cute
i think her head/neck is a bit far to the left in relation to her waist, makes her spine look a little broken. love your shapes, the whole head especially

>> No.3965656

So your a mod

>> No.3965675

underrated post!

>> No.3965798

What a shitshow lol

>> No.3965808
File: 172 KB, 367x500, 74 - Jack Cole.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Silly question but, do you guys think it's possible to be a decent cartoonist without going for the realistic phase in depth? Obviously having learnt fundamentals (form, composition, shade, perspective, etc.) first.

>> No.3965819

There's no difference. Realistic or cartoon, both require the same understanding of fundamentals. Check out Famous Artists Cartoon Course.

>> No.3965824

The problem with critiques like that is because of the generalness and hyperbole, you could slap it on any critique and "technically" you're still right.

>> No.3965833

i don't get the image, is it because she is showing skin?

>> No.3965842

Hyperbole is bad because it immediately makes the reciever ignore you. A common one is "no anatomy" everyone on /ic/ needs to work on anatomy with varying levels of skill. But by saying they have literally 0 knowledge is going to put everyone on the defensive because they did put some level of knowledge into it. So they're going to immediately be skeptical or hostile of everything else in the critique.

>> No.3965928

good fucking riddance on that redditor faggot

>> No.3965938

Stop being a baby jesus christ. Just ignore the faggot.

>> No.3965942

jesus christ what happened here

>> No.3965945
File: 1.72 MB, 1592x986, img264.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kitark Cruiser

>> No.3965946

Can you faggots kill yourselfs? I come to /ic/ to avoid faggotry from tumblr/twitter. Go jerk off in discords with your mediocre art.

>> No.3965948

She forgot to wear her panties and marched in a marching band where you generally kick your feet way up, showing her cooch to half the city

>> No.3966017
File: 570 KB, 1253x2726, sang_comparison.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reworking old designs.

>> No.3966033
File: 320 KB, 364x784, img265.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Supreme Patriarch of the Ordos assembly

>> No.3966039
File: 341 KB, 1785x841, 60.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3966048

What a cute niglet.

>> No.3966051

i can't get enough of this shit

>> No.3966196

>I come to /ic/ to avoid faggotry

>> No.3966206

are you the dwarf fortress anon?

>> No.3966232

Imagine being actively angry because someone doesn't meet your imaginary standard of skill on an anonymous image board meant for learning.
It's pretty /beg/ tier anon but I think it's cute! Keep at it. It's nice seeing people branch out beyond a single girl floating on a white background.

>> No.3966241

fucken based

>> No.3966267

>trying to avoid faggotry on a board full of trannies and crossdressers who draw trap porn


>> No.3966334
File: 693 KB, 1280x790, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's your style?

>> No.3966336
File: 35 KB, 400x566, 1537278369191.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't have a style
I just have a lack of skill

>> No.3966344

>imagine improving this little over 2 years
jesus christ why would you even post this. Something clearly isn't working.

>> No.3966347
File: 22 KB, 236x282, 3df62adc3b28cc69ea9099a435646caa[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't have one.
I just try to copy artists I like.

>> No.3966371
File: 40 KB, 284x339, 1558459174792.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not good enough

>> No.3966373

You don't know how fortunate you really are, I can't go posting work without some faggot instantly recognizing who its from and become biased.

>> No.3966393

That's fuckin retarded, you have people recognising you for your art for fuck sakes! What more do you want!?
Also, if you want harsh critiques state it directly

>> No.3966397

The whole point is to remain Anonymous. We're not here to have a bunch of fanboys playing buttgrab with you or a cunt who waits for the moment you appear to start henpecking you because you draw a petite DFC. What we want is Anonymous critique without the bias.

>> No.3966402
File: 217 KB, 800x1200, aaravos.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Adorable face.

I'm really liking your anthro heads, they look adorable without the furry vibe.

Work on your proportions maybe? Perhaps it's the strange placeholder head throwing things off but her body feels chunky and short, at least make the waist a bit bigger if you're going for that THICC look. Also make the arms just a tad bit thinner?

Just keep practicing and having fun anon, that's what matters. I've never really done studies and people still like my art enough.

Interesting line style. I like the design, but the head doesn't fit with his body and it's killing me. Study stronger male jawlines/faces, his looks too round.

Pic related is just some lineart I finished, nothing special yet. Some crit on the arm/hand might be nice though, maybe also on the flow of the fabric?

>> No.3966416

Is being called Sycra an insult?

>> No.3966418

It overall looks good but you should work on your line weights

>> No.3966420
File: 662 KB, 1243x1650, Image3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3966422

depends, do you like sycra?

>> No.3966425

How do I make my stylizations appealing? My latest tries at this were all kinda bad and it felt very uncomfortable to draw.

>> No.3966426
File: 2.06 MB, 1804x1826, img217.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That's a no from me

>> No.3966429

Post 'em and let people complain about the bad things if you can't find the solution yourself.

>> No.3966445

based anon saving this thread with cool shit

>> No.3966450

Copy artists you do like.
And keep in mind, "appeal" is subjective. Even if other anons dislike your style, that doesn't necessarily mean it's bad. Some people love anime style, others can't stand it, some people love western comic books style, others can't stand it. Even stuff like the Tumblr and Cal Arts styles wouldn't have gotten so popular if there weren't a ton of people out there who genuinely enjoy them. Don't let people tell you what to make your style into, draw what looks best to your eyes, and people who like your style for what it is will follow.

>> No.3966451
File: 2.91 MB, 480x360, 1557745440836.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do i stylize animals?

>> No.3966452

not that guy but my problem is doing something thats looks good to me i feel like i'm stuck to copying others for inspiration

>> No.3966457

it is not his work

>> No.3966463

> i feel like i'm stuck to copying others for inspiration
That's where every style comes from, artists copying each other and putting their own spin on things. Tezuka copied Disney, and other artists copying him is what lead to anime. It might help you to try and make a chart or a pintrest of what art style looks appealing to you. Only include pieces that you absolutely like the most, so you can get a birds eye view of what it is you want to draw like. Then you can try going through and making a list of what elements of each artist you like specifically, whether its the way they draw bodies, or their eyes, or colors. Once you know what it is you visually like, try putting those different artist's elements together in your own pieces. And as you draw in practice, you'll find ways in which you want to tweak those borrowed elements to make them more appealing to your eyes, or to make them easier to draw, and that is where your originality will come from.

>> No.3966471

i didn't mean it as an insult :-(

>> No.3966507

turn off the stabilizer and turn on line thickness

>> No.3966551
File: 390 KB, 1948x1948, a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3966555


>> No.3966577
File: 1.52 MB, 1315x1877, Linde.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3966615

Jesus Christ, most of the body looks good except the face.

>> No.3966651

i like the body and colors a lot, blog?

>> No.3966658
File: 403 KB, 1003x688, idk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i see, was the balance of the shapes off? i tried a quick paintover to see if I could fix it.

>> No.3966665

the legs and feet are wonky as well

>> No.3966674

sorry i can't see it, could you redline it for me?

>> No.3966677
File: 293 KB, 392x464, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3966684

The arms are pretty bad as well. In fact there isn't much good about it.

>> No.3966691
File: 800 KB, 1526x2000, phos.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3966705 [DELETED] 

Haha faggit they're tearing you apart

>> No.3966707

Nah, you fags are like wasps ready to attack when someone else comments. Everything else save the face looks good.

>> No.3966738
File: 54 KB, 1151x616, vsr0z79n2wx21[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3966750
File: 301 KB, 484x1000, redline02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not that anon, but I feel you had issues with the perspective on the arm. Also the overall pose is very unbalanced. I'm not very good myself but I hope this is able to illustrate what I mean.

>> No.3966754

Stop drawing anime girls

>> No.3966756

How about you stop being such a faggot.

>> No.3966765

This fixes the proportion issues but shows just how awkward the original pose was IMO.

>> No.3966774

I think I was trying to make a background kinda as an afterthought with her floating and doing a magic attack with her hand outstretched. Your's kinda makes sense but then there's issues with anatomy like in the shoulder area and the clavicles that I still need to figure out on my own. It looks like this was mostly me trying to force a bad pose to work. Thanks for the redline lol

>> No.3966796
File: 564 KB, 826x743, raging thaco.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the third time I've drawn this character, I've gotten to really like him and feel like I improve consistently.

>> No.3966802
File: 2.58 MB, 2536x1397, DoneMaybe4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My 1st commission.

>> No.3966829

I think you have a problem of making your arms too long

>> No.3966833
File: 1.64 MB, 1753x2502, retry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, I decided to just redo the pose based on your suggestion so I can improve my technique.

>> No.3966838

Stop trying to one up each other

>> No.3966849

How about you actually draw and stop being massive faggot ? This is an image board you homosexual, not a personal place to spew your bullshit.

>> No.3966859

The same way you stylize everything. Take a part of a thing that you like and make it comically big or small. The reasons babies/puppies/cubs etc. Are so cute is because they are just like fully grown animals but with proportional differences. They have big eyes and ears relative to their head but small noses, hands, and feet. Its the same thing for just about all animals save invertabrates. Find what you want to exaggerate and just do it.

>> No.3966865

woof woof :)

>> No.3966875
File: 405 KB, 1573x2419, 1E302623-F0C7-42A7-8F20-590E16833CC2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3966880

looks like he got hit in the balls

>> No.3966898
File: 43 KB, 569x498, 20190610_sketch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder why I keep trying; I know I'm not going to finish it.

>> No.3966902

Stop being a faggot and finish it.

>> No.3966905

back to /beg/

>> No.3966911
File: 234 KB, 1028x1236, 20190611_024012_Film4~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3966914

Yes absolutely. Plenty of people make it as cartoonists with mediocre fundies, dont listen to the bitter losers. That being said id rather be good and not make it than make it and be bad forever, not that I dont want go make it.

>> No.3966955

I love this!

>> No.3967095

Is that you? Just finish it man, you're basically half way done.

>> No.3967098
File: 2.56 MB, 1470x1657, イラスト76.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks man
I'm not

>> No.3967113
File: 57 KB, 1321x1430, 1560255458661.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Getting back at it

>> No.3967120
File: 224 KB, 866x1150, shark_girl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not gonna fix or finish it afterall.

>> No.3967122
File: 406 KB, 1091x1763, OC1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying stuff.

>> No.3967131

probably influenced by season. season always finishes his stuff, so I doubt it's him

>> No.3967218

Not always, you have never seen his patreon sketches, right?

>> No.3967220
File: 23 KB, 500x441, 2436524523.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What happened between 3 and 4?

>> No.3967253

Fuck off Teal, you pedo.

>> No.3967259

Stop projecting.

>> No.3967290

Are they in the "PSD/SAI/fullsized" category? I only ever downloaded his process vids, since that was what I was interested in.

>> No.3967302
File: 142 KB, 664x492, Backup-singers.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finished this lads

>> No.3967305
File: 562 KB, 2900x4200, black-multi-strap-gladiator-mid-heel-sandals.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not him
looks better but i think you should practice more on drawing shoes and how they wrap around the foot.The heel looks off too.

>> No.3967307

oops meant for >>3967218

>> No.3967315
File: 2.24 MB, 3024x3780, 0B8BD562-9928-483E-A3CA-0D3DCA464892.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dig it.

>> No.3967318
File: 256 KB, 1280x721, 2019-06-11 17_50_52-PaintTool SAI Ver.2 (64bit) Preview.2017.01.19 - Art _ Art _ Commission Lua.sai2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Commission work

>> No.3967378

The one with the short hair is a qt

>> No.3967411

You can hear them start to sing thirty seconds in:

>> No.3967443

it took me a second to realize that it weren´t dicks

>> No.3967465

Yikes those legs

>> No.3967481

Fugg are they bad ? Could you do a redline for me please because I can’t spot anything off :’)

>> No.3967483
File: 994 KB, 1048x585, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3967490


The fact my work is similar to his is demoralizing in and of itself.
I have no originality, no personal style, and no consistency. I basically lack everything it takes to be a halfway decent artist.

I've been coming to /ic/ for about 10 years now, and I never made it to where I wanted to.
Why should I keep doing this to myself?

>> No.3967493

>been on 4chan for 10 years
>why arent I getting better at drawing?

You people are retards

>> No.3967525

Nobody asked for a blogpost. Fuck outta here.

>> No.3967532
File: 264 KB, 1280x721, foot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not him but the ankle area is way too large and the foot cannot turn like that independently from the knee so you either the foot more upwards or turn the whole leg downwards. I choose to try and turn the foot because that needed less work.

Good shit on rendering the skin tough especially the face, I wish could do it like that cutesy animu way!

>> No.3967541

>Could you do a redline for me please
No, I won't. You've been advised repeatedly for months to lay off the rendering and go do the fundamental anatomy and form studies that you're desperately lacking. You are obviously unwilling to do that since you just keep pumping out these rendered to death, perspectiveless shitpiles. Fuck off.

>> No.3967562

Congrats, you let /ic/ steal your gains by giving you all of the wrong information and you actually believed the memes.

>> No.3967568

I appreciate that, anon. Thank you

Fuck that stung

>> No.3967585

I'm not him but I kind of agree. Your drawing skill lags behind and anons have told you many times. Download an anatomy book for imagination work and start doing figure studies

>> No.3967633

That’s the thing, I have been doing studies. Anatomy studies, lighting studies, and some others. It doesn’t look like it, but my most recent wip is actually an improvement from what I would’ve made before studying. The progress is just slow and my eyes still aren’t trained enough.

>> No.3967654

That's good then. Do even more

>> No.3967658
File: 1.37 MB, 1728x1152, Emergency-backing-singers-stickers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've turned them into stickers now lads

>> No.3967661

I’m doing some right now :’)

>> No.3967797

is that your work?

>> No.3967825
File: 550 KB, 1038x1951, Karthus and Kane.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

daydreamin and sketchin

>> No.3967839

Blog? This is really cool work

>> No.3967878

Looks nice but the guy looks like some malnourished kid that I can easily bully

>> No.3967929

Just wanted to say that I absolutely love this. Keep it up!

>> No.3967965


>> No.3969817

This is late but it looks like you took the advice from the character thread on board.

Valerian no longer looks like a HIV+, drug addict pedophile biker.

Gabriel/NOT!Lalli also looks cuter. I don't know it could just be because it's coloured but his character doesn't read as severe or blank as it did before. His face also looks like it has a bit more weight on it so he no longer looks malnourished.

Olka also looks a bit older, aligned with her age. Did you just emphasise some of the age lines on her face? Her stance also looks less slouched then I remember. She now comes off as much more professional and strict.

Anyway man I'm looking forward to see where you'll go from here. Good stuff!

>> No.3969855


Would prefer to see the freckled blondie in it though.