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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 19 KB, 336x306, clip studio where do i get brushes on this shit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3950988 No.3950988 [Reply] [Original]

Where do you get brushes?

The official Clip Studio assets thing is really hard to use when you don't speak Japanese, I feel like I'm installing half of these brushes wrong. I know there's a translation thing, but it doesn't translate images and also rarely makes any sense anyway.

>> No.3950997

I'm just realizing the logo is a mash of C and P. The pedophiles choice of program.

>> No.3951001
File: 103 KB, 665x598, 1321440190562.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

never thought of that
takes one to know one eh

>> No.3951017


>> No.3951166

I don't see it.

That's such an odd site, it only opens once a week?

>> No.3951172

#pizzagate confirmed

>> No.3951183

pretty sure registration opens on saturday

>> No.3951223

what is this?

>> No.3951252

>I feel like I'm installing half of these brushes wrong
You just download the brushes and use them. What's so hard about that

>> No.3951308

Maybe they aren't installing them into the tool dock after downloading?

I use the official assets store (website, not launcher), but I do speak enough Japanese to trudge through with minimum issues. If you sort by popular you'll find the decent brushes there, with the occasional garbage every so often.
Deviantart, gumroad, and twitter occasionally has links to brushes, sometimes free. Frenden's brushes are popular, which you can buy from his site (I think they are "meh", but what do I know)

Is there a certain kind of brush you want?

>> No.3951322

Why not just make your own brush, it's not that hard.

>> No.3952592

Seconding, learning to make your own brushes not only gets you brushes tailored to exactly what you want but it also gets you familiarized with all the variables they have

>> No.3952940

>You just download the brushes and use them.
whoa thats so helpful thanks buddy you solved all my problems

'just use them'

why didn't I think of that?

>> No.3952943
File: 913 KB, 1204x1606, 44aq1ae9s5131.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to create a painterly look like pic relate

>> No.3952945

>I feel like I'm installing half of these brushes wrong
I love this software, but goddamn the userbase is retarded. How do you guys even function like this?

>> No.3952946

I worked out what it was, for some reason I have to drag the brushes over three or four times before they finally can be used. Not really my fault there.

>> No.3952956
File: 283 KB, 841x715, iii.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I fix this?

>> No.3952958

reduce spacing or just deal with it

>> No.3952970

>goddamn the userbase is retarded.
did you read the last CSP thread?
most of the questions where asking things you learn in the basic official tutorials.
Some have never even clicked the wrench icon and dug into the sub tool options.

>> No.3952971

How do i find the screen tones? I only see the new tone and i cant seem to tweak it to work to my needs.

>> No.3952976

How do I make it look better though? I don't think the brushes are really usable like that.

>> No.3952977

try to fiddle through the brush settings, see if any of the configurations can make it better

>> No.3952981

Reduce "Gap"?
Check and see if "Spraying Effect" is on?

>> No.3953020

I'm almost convinced it's just one autistic retarded anon going to every single thread on the board asking about why his brushes don't work, there's an anon in some other thread right now asking why his brush is blending even though he has the blending mode on

>> No.3953026


If you want to use a tone layer, go to layer property and click tone to convert your brighness value of your pixels to screen tones.

>> No.3953093

Thanks friendo

>> No.3953162

>How do i find the screen tones?

>> No.3953203

Gap is minimum possible, it's better I guess. VERY dense though. Spraying effect is off.

>> No.3953225

what about "Continuous spray"

>> No.3953246

I don't even have that option, it's greyed out. But I'm content with the gap lowered, thank you very much anon!

>> No.3953357
File: 52 KB, 600x450, kit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not quite the same, but I found a couple of brushes that look similar in the assets store:

I don't think that kind of brush is in demand for csp, but it does look like something you could find in corel painter. Maybe you could take the time to replicate it

>> No.3953376

look up redjuice brush set

>> No.3953380

do you go on the website?
the software catalog doesn't work for me, gives some java error

>> No.3953389

here you go

>> No.3953587

Any brushes for chads?

>> No.3953605

Daub brushes

>> No.3953743

I second this.

>> No.3954208


>> No.3954423


He was looking for brushes, those links are irrelevant to the thread

>> No.3954720

Thanks man I love a lot of these brushes i am happy!!!!!

>> No.3954723

They're incredibly useful videos, although I've seen them both before. He was just being helpful get the stick out your ass

>> No.3954749

one video tells him how to make a brush
CSP has similar settings to make it

>> No.3957187

Anybody bought anything useful with Clippy Points that they care to recommend?

>> No.3957409


>> No.3957487

As far as i can tell most of the paid 3D assets are shit which is surprising since some of the free 3D stuff is pretty cool.

>> No.3957495


I don't think I've ever seen anything in the store that looks remotely useful

>> No.3957518

The free stuff i got was simple 3D shapes and 2d brushes.
Theres also this badass gun
you have sliders to change the bolt position too.

Bunch of people are making Guns too.

>> No.3957542
File: 182 KB, 1103x1360, 71uXOxiF9gL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3957614

judging from the "Table of contents" it looks like a simple guide book.
You are better off reading the official guide.

>> No.3957678

the official user guide is unwieldy, and the tips & tutorials page doesn't really cut it either imo

>> No.3957679

This may sound stupid, but why people download brushes instead of using the default ones? I'm still new

>> No.3957826
File: 41 KB, 562x262, How do I do this.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In photoshop i've seen dual edge brushes flip depending on what way your stroke goes.

Is their a way to replicate this in CSP? Pic related to what I mean.

>> No.3957838

check the sub tool settings
you can set the direction in the Brush Tip settings.

>> No.3957859


No, you cannot. The only way to do it is to use an art pen with direction set to rotation.

>> No.3957864
File: 65 KB, 667x362, Screen Shot 8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you even try to double check to see whether you were right or wrong?

Where you can change the orientation of the brush tip in your brush settings, you can change it to where it rotates according to the direction of the drawn line.

>> No.3957866

>The official Clip Studio assets thing is really hard to use when you don't speak Japanese, I feel like I'm installing half of these brushes wrong. I know there's a translation thing, but it doesn't translate images and also rarely makes any sense anyway.
What don't you understand about it? It's great to get sketching brushes. For painting/rendering brushes I've used CGPeers once for that Daub brush set and haven't needed anything else since.

>> No.3957876
File: 135 KB, 702x622, Found it.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3957993
File: 108 KB, 1080x1312, CSP Stylized Portraits Webinar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New Clip Studio Webinar - Drawing Stylized Portraits with Mel Milton
The webinar is the guy breaking down his process from start to finish.
he has a youtube channel but there's not much on it

>self taught at 30yrs old, primarily worked with 3d animation until he switched to 2d digital paintings.
>calls his art "dookies" as in literal shit.
>dropped PS because of the subscription.
>ignored studying "the basics" of drawing until after he could draw waifu portraits (paraphrasing).
>likes to block in shapes with the lasso fill tool.
>advises people to find an artist to emulate and practice trying to make shapes/lines like them.

>> No.3958116
File: 47 KB, 797x597, sai.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sai has an option which displays the brush cursor as its actual size instead of just a circle at its maximum size. helpful when using an eraser with size variation since you can see exactly how much you're going to erase. i'm wondering if csp has an option like this?
thanks man

>> No.3958164

>sai has an option which displays the brush cursor as its actual size instead of just a circle at its maximum size.
I'm pretty sure CSP doesn't have this feature.

But you can put a dot/cross/tool icon/in the middle of the circle so its easier to see the middle of it.
Go to File, Preferences, Cursor, then you can change the display from just "brush size" to "brush size with dot".

>> No.3958175
File: 56 KB, 264x455, opm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Manga are drawn monochrome, right? Monochrome has no anti-aliasing. So why do my lines feel sharp after 40% downscaling when exporting, but normal manga has smooth lines?

>> No.3958693

Can we talk about vector layers? does anyone use them for line art? I was thinking about trying it out but don't really know how it works, any good videos on it?

>> No.3958764

The default brushes are sort of a jack of all trades of brushes and a master of none; you can do a lot with them but when it comes to specifics they tend to be lacking in various areas. Those downloadable brushes tend to either be more specialized (so specific looks, feels, or textures) or are functionally better than the default of whatever tool they are supposed to be. In that case you can use the pencil tool as an example where the default works but you can find downloads that better mimic real pencils for a more traditional feel.

>So why do my lines feel sharp after 40% downscaling when exporting, but normal manga has smooth lines?
The shortest answer I can give is that during the export process CSP maintains that aliased looks as much as possible. If you want to make it anti-aliased you'll have to either 1) change the settings of the file/layer to not be monochrome before export 2) Resize AFTER export or 3)(maybe) change color settings during export. I vaguely remember #3 being a thing, but I can't recall for sure.

You also have to remember that the manga you read in hand is printed on paper with ink giving texture to the lines, and digitally you are either looking at scanned images or images that have been repeatedly resized for viewing. Either way, they aren't going to be viewed exactly how they were saved.

>does anyone use them for line art?
I have. They're nice, and surprisingly easy to manipulate. I haven't come across any good videos on it, I've always just thrown myself into software to learn how it works or used previous knowledge to get a hand on things so I've never taken the time to looks. All you have to do is draw your lines and then use either the operation tool (icon: cube with arrow cursor) or the vector tools (icon is usually the control point tool; black and white arrow pointing at a corner) to resize and reshape the lines.
If you ask more specific questions I might have a better answer.

>> No.3958790

Does anyone know of a way to create a layer that blurs whatever is underneath it (as opposed to directly blurring the layer that I want to blur?)

>> No.3959083
File: 5 KB, 237x230, res.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know how to reset this boy? As in remove all the nodes

>> No.3959106

drag the node off the grid like in photoshop

>> No.3959112
File: 293 KB, 1548x775, ps brushes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello fellow CSP victims
I just started the Ctrl+Paint guide on rendering and digital painting. Throughout all his guides he uses photoshop and provides brush presets and resources for it when needed. I prefer to use CSP, as Ive been using it for years and am more comfortable with its interface. Plus it might just be me but it always feels like PS is just waiting to fuck up in some catastrophic way and ruin my day
Anyway I was trying to replicate the brush presets provided for photoshop but I couldnt figure out how to get a brush to maintain a consistent opacity when certian pressure is applied like in pic related.
TL:DR I need to replicate pic related in CSP and havent a clue how. I know absolute jack shit about making brushes so sorry if this is a brainlet question but I just really fucking hate photoshop

>> No.3959137


make sure you turn off mix ground or color mixing. also enable brush density and brush opacity sliders in the wrench menu. brush density is flow in ps.

>> No.3959139

try these https://www.deviantart.com/magdaproski/art/Clip-Studio-Paint-Brush-pack-607231553

>> No.3959216

What can I get for 2019 clippy? Mine's expiring this month

>> No.3959288

I swear the color mixing is the biggest trap in CSP's entire package, it's actually quite shit in the way it handles dynamic color blending

>> No.3959442


I think you're probably just not omfortable in using it because opacity transfer based rendering has been the norm for digital painting. I think it's fucking amazing, personally. But it's a completely different approach than hard round noodling.

>> No.3959967
File: 233 KB, 1323x771, solution.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi anons
So after neither of your resources really solved my problem I did a bit more tinkering and found my solution
The "mix brush tips with darken" setting was what I was looking for, now my strokes maintain that consistancy I was hoping for.
Left is with it on, right is with it off. I honestly don't see how this isnt the default but then again, Im just learning color so maybe ill learn to appreciate it down the road
Thanks for your help anons

>> No.3960031

>2019 clippy
FUck I still need to use mine as well
What's your interests, is it more comics or painting? If you use 3D objects/scenes that might have some things of interest.
Personally I've used some of my clippy in the past to buy brushes I've wanted to replicate but needed to figure out how it was done. That might be something to look in to if you make your own brushes.

>> No.3960128

Line art and painting. I don't really feel lacking in anything except upgrading to EX so I can do all the edge detect shit lazily inside one program. I'll post if I find anything, I already own the daub brushes so pretty good on that front and the free brushes are great.

>> No.3960202
File: 80 KB, 1024x1024, 1556423366969.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>CSP has no pen tool
what the fuck

>> No.3960209

What's the difference between manga studio and clip studio paint?

>> No.3960214


>> No.3960217

Same program, started as Manga Studio went through a name change and is now Clip Studio Paint. Any product or download that you are seeing called "Manga Studio" is just old software and essentially just an older version of Clip Studio Paint.

>> No.3960221

i see, thanks mate

>> No.3960229



>> No.3960261

New to digital, what's CSP's hard round brush equivalent?

>> No.3960274
File: 246 KB, 750x792, 1557397788650.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I may be misunderstanding, but try this:
>go to your paint brushes
>duplicate one
>go to settings
>change the brush tip to the circle
>possibly turn off 'on screen mixing' if you don't like how it paints
I'd definitely recommend trying to make a few of your own brushes, dicking around in the settings and just learning about all the little changes you can make to your brushes.

>> No.3960277

I've been lurking here for a bit and see people say stuff like "the hard round brush is all you need" but I think that's a Photoshop brush so I was just curious what the "default" tool most people use for CSP is

>> No.3960497

What are you full settings here? This looks great.

>> No.3960967

Press 'P'
You are now using the pen tool
Press it again
Whoa.... now you're using the pencil tool...
Anyways, create a "vector layer" to draw with the pen (or any other tool, like the pencil for example) to draw lines that allow you to edit things like their length, width, etc., after drawing.

>> No.3961798

Dam I was hoping it would be on sale today (it was on sale exactly one year ago)

I'm just waiting for a sale to buy this.

>> No.3961801

I know it will be on sale anytime soon. I have the money just waiting for a sale.

>> No.3962204

does anybody know when it's going to be on sale again?

>> No.3962306

Will you buy the EX or normal?

>> No.3962651


>> No.3962674

There isn’t one. It’s set up for screen tone, digital inking using fills and gradients with multiply layers, or direct painting where the last thing you want is a hard round. The hard round is a versatile tool but CSP is a different paradigm, more like a mix of an actual painting program with the way everyone but artists use photoshop. See >>3959442 for an actual explanation.

>> No.3962884

They don't have a set date, and don't release dates until the sale actually happens. If anyone gives you a specific date they are 100% pulling it out of their ass.

They are fairly regular in general time frames, though, so I wouldn't be surprised if it happened within the next couple of weeks.

>> No.3962907

People either recreate the soft round with the airbrush built in or one of the stock tools. There are a good amount of presets built in and they've added more in a recent update like the gouache brush. Once you work your head around the color mixing setting (turning it on and off) it's a lot easier. The "default" for a lot of asian painters in CSP is probably the dense watercolor or similar brush. The inking pens are excellent.

>> No.3963571

Make sure you sign up to their official newsletter.
Sometimes i get discount offers for CSP in my inbox randomly.

>> No.3965425

Hello guys, anyone here use the 3d models?

>> No.3967400


>> No.3967598

Where the FUCK is the Keygen?

>> No.3967747
File: 110 KB, 900x789, D8mHPNUVsAI8EwR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3968032
File: 387 KB, 900x789, 1560294840530.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I translated it right

>> No.3968185

and for what porpoise this tool is?

>> No.3968197

You use vector layers for lineart,
then using the Fill tool set to "fill up to vector line" will fill in the area including under the lineart.
That way when you turn off the lineart there are no gaps between sections.

>> No.3968203

For some reason on the pen tool I'll turn the stabilization up to max and I still get shaky lines. Anybody know how to fix this? I see no difference between 0 and 100 stabilization.

>> No.3968208

it would help if you showed a picture of what your problem is along with the brush settings instead of just text.

>> No.3968214
File: 16 KB, 374x402, lines.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a fuckin' retard. Here it is. If you look closely you can still see they're both jittery.

>> No.3968215
File: 98 KB, 1194x1013, Sub Tool Detail Palette.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try adjusting these parameters in Correction section.

>> No.3968217

unless you post the brush settings alongside that I'm just going to assume you're just shitposting

>> No.3968218

Try turning Anti-aliasing too max or work at a larger resolution.

>> No.3968224

Thank you anon that worked!

>> No.3968921

I think your tablet driver is broken. Using post-correction isn't a bad solution, but try restarting your driver and testing your pressure first.

>> No.3970036

>still no sales
Wth man

>> No.3970544

Aye, been waiting patiently for what seems like months.

>> No.3970546

same here. Just waiting for a sale.

>> No.3970999

How the fuck I change the lineart color?

>> No.3971031

thank you mang

>> No.3971114

Lock your lineart then draw over it with a different color

>> No.3971116

probably in the middle of the year

>> No.3971121

Use a correction layer.
or Lock transparent Pixel and draw over it.
or create a layer above it and "clip to layer below".

>> No.3971136


>> No.3971239

question. At what time of the day is it a good idea to check if it's on sale?

I usually check when it's 12:00 japan time. But dunno if that's when they put it on sale.

>> No.3971272

well i can imagine that but still cant figure it out how it works, the fill tool does not work on teh vector layer.

>> No.3971313

it's usually a week long sale. You don't need to check early

>> No.3971390
File: 132 KB, 1000x808, Vector fill tutorial.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have to use fill on a raster layer,
but have the vector lineart layer set to "reference layer" (lighthouse icon)
then on the fill tool have it "refer" to reference multiple layers and have the lighthouse icon checked.

When creating Flats for comic book coloring make sure to keep off "Anti-aliasing"

>> No.3971395
File: 64 KB, 500x500, 8e06db71560213.5bc935d802b83.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still no liquify tool

>> No.3971539

>14th day of the sixth month
So, tomorrow?

>> No.3971574

mesh transformation dummy

>> No.3971628

Maybe July or August, idk really. The last sale was just last March

>> No.3971662

Yeah, fair enough, I was just being cheeky.

>> No.3971692

so, you are leaving.

And nothing of value was lost.

>> No.3971705

thanks man, I'll try

>> No.3971867

even better

edit > change color of line to drawing

make sure you have the color selected already.

this is what i do to adjust colors on flats as well, and in recent versions if there are gradients of deletion, it will keep em instead of turning it into a flat jaggie color.

>> No.3971920

not the same in the slightest dumbo

>> No.3971948
File: 2.42 MB, 300x196, Jewshop BTFO.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Updates still free

>> No.3972478

Any good brushes?

>> No.3972535

literally just make your own

>> No.3972556


>> No.3972783
File: 76 KB, 733x800, b06b775af72c32fa2580f11a28219e3a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any sketch brushes that let me me into detail liek pic related, CSP seems to have shittier brushes in general where youre supposed to spend less than 10 minutes on each piece.

>> No.3973914

tomorrow one year ago it was on sale. I cross my fingers it's now on sale.

>> No.3974005

Is $50 the price it usually is?

That seems really reasonable considering Photoshop is much more than that for a year when you'll be getting to use this forever.

>> No.3975225

the more expensive EX version has a lot more features for making comic books and file types related to them.

>> No.3977534

Page 9 save. Sale soon, lads.

>> No.3977620

Hope you are right dude. My money is ready

>> No.3977723

Hey guys, sometimes when I try to start it appears ''not responding'' but usually it works fine, how can I fix this?

>> No.3977737


>> No.3977962

Put it on sale already

>> No.3978007

Is this worth it on the iPad? I heard it's not optimized for touch but it's the full desktop version.
Surely it'll work, if not just be a bit slower since I have no keyboard shortcuts?

>> No.3978012


>> No.3978597

Anyone have any brushes they'd recommend for digital painting?

>> No.3978744

Awesome. Thanks for posting.

>> No.3978830

I avoid the ones with image instructions, but I've found that renaming them helps, otherwise it's very difficult to differentiate between hieroglyphics. The assets thing is actually really useful and has a bunch of great brushes

>> No.3978902

Literally just create your own

>> No.3978907

DAUB brushes
check the archives for mega

>> No.3978943

Try update? Also check CPU or ram usage while opening with task manager, could be that your computer sucks

>> No.3978958

Any popular gpen from the assets site

>> No.3978968

Yeah your computer probably suck. It also does that on my PC.

>> No.3979135

>I avoid the ones with image instructions,
The image instructions are usually just saying "look how great my brush is" and the brushes themselves work fine straight from download. Unless you are referring to a specific asset?

>but I've found that renaming them helps, otherwise it's very difficult to differentiate between hieroglyphics.
If you right click the brush and select "brush settings" to rename it, you can copy and past the previous Japanese name with ctrl+c (right click doesn't work) and paste it into google translate. It might make a better 1:1 translation than trying to name it yourself.

>> No.3979198

>Try update?
Already using the last version
>your computer probably suck
yeah but I have I7 4770k and 16gb RAM, I think this is above the minimum system requirement to run the program

>> No.3979504
File: 906 KB, 1686x1073, durdle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ay anyone know if you can make a shortcut to zoom to a specific percent, or if theres a way to lock the zoom level

>> No.3979511

>lock the zoom level

what the fuck are you doing that requires you to prevent yourself from zooming in/out?

>> No.3979512

Do you guys recommend any alternatives to the default pens in CSP? The G pen alone is not quite doing it for me anymore and want to build my toolset.

>> No.3979515

yeah, it's called building your own brushes

>> No.3979517
File: 1.76 MB, 1500x975, 1487573641497.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my line brush looks really nice at 60% and i want to always have a clear view of how it'll look when i export the image (at 60%)

>> No.3979518

also try just making your canvas bigger

>> No.3979521

that's the dumbest shit I've ever heard in my life, and I'm sorry to myself for having read those combination of words arranged in such a fucked up way.

>> No.3979524
File: 884 KB, 314x500, 1495461226324.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>seething because your lines don't look good at any zoom level

>> No.3979529

anon, zoom levels don't magically make lines better, do you also upload art and ask people to adjust their zoom at a specific percent?

>> No.3979543
File: 98 KB, 1080x1207, 1560661470099.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my brush itself looks crisper at 60%, my line quality is always good if that's what you're saying
you can just export an image at any desired zoom level so your question is retarded

>> No.3979550

the way the program renders the canvas and how the program exports an image are two entirely different processes

>> No.3979560

Make your own. Download a couple and figure out what makes them nicer than the default then autistically create your own stamp and texture to your liking. I like the Shigepen for some things, also the creator is responsible for my quarterly dank fap. That's しげヘン desu.

>> No.3979566
File: 1.78 MB, 1357x960, 1560656054576.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks for the information. it would seem counterproductive but i suppose it would make sense if it was done to save space

>> No.3979769

I've seen a couple which have these lengthy tutorials on how to use the asset, although they were all sets with 10-20 different brushes. Also gonna try the translate trick next time, thank you anon

>> No.3979857

Don't listen to the other retards anon, I get what ya mean anon, real-time canvas interpolation looks the best at certain zoom levels and that's just a mathematical fact. The most optimal zoom levels for a crisp image are on the halves (100%, 50%, 25%, etc.). This will give you the best representation of how your drawing will look like one you export them, instead of a blurry mess.
Sadly there's no way to jump instantly to a specific zoom level, but you can snap onto specific zoom levels by setting a special modifier key for "View operation -> Scale up/down one size in upper/lower side". Then you can set the zoom levels it will snap to in " Preferences -> Canvas -> Scale"

>> No.3979860
File: 461 KB, 859x960, 1560655183342.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you my good man, I wish you good luck in your endeavors

>> No.3979861

So how do I know when will their sale start? Or is it only during obvious festival/holiday periods?

>> No.3980011
File: 1.42 MB, 1322x656, lines.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone know how i can make a brush like the lines here? shit's gorgeous. i spend almost as much time switching up my brushes as i do drawing.

>> No.3980024

looks like a random brush with a little texture, the rest is post-production like masking the lines with color, etc.

>> No.3980115
File: 132 KB, 964x695, kh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

played around with it a bit. it's straightforward if you use a pen with no pressure sensitivity. i also recommend using the size palette for consistency. then erase away the parts of the line you don't want which is why it looks so imperfect. i use the real gpen but with starting and ending turned on (i think default to 60 and by length). i have a shortcut (shift-s) that i use to turn off "starting" and hit c to change to painting with transparency to erase the lines. this is why you should work large with lines and resize down on export so they get cleaned up on interpolation

the color on the lines is mainly at the end/post. you can clip to the lineart layer and color over parts or some of it like around the lips in the left is a soft airbrush to give glow effect.

>> No.3980118
File: 111 KB, 1915x913, csp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3980121

Just bought it.

Fuck Krita!. Don't get me wrong I'm glad krita is there in case CSP ever goes the adobe way, but CSP is bar better.

>> No.3980128

Buying now. I just keep hearing that CSP is one of the best, and there's no reason to not have a legit copy at this price.

>> No.3980130


>> No.3980133

Indeed. I'm honestly grining with my purchase.

I tried pretty much every art software and CSP just works best for me.

>> No.3980134

Depends. If you can afford the subscription, go for it.

But procreate is sufficient and a better iPad centric alternative, and it doesn't have a bullshit subscription model. Especially if you are tight on your budget.

>> No.3980136

Glad to hear it, lad. A good start to the day.

>> No.3980142

I can easily afford it. I'm wondering what exactly makes this better for comics than Procreate + Affinity Designer + Affinity Photo on iPad, desu.

>> No.3980144

Procreate doesn't have many comic features. It's more painter oriented. To give you an idea they just recently got the option to put text after so many years.

If price is no issue, and you want comics, then CSP is the better choice.

Procreate can do it just fine, but it's more geared towards illustrating itself. CSP is designed to create manga

>> No.3980148

Can you give me an example? I'm used to pencil and paper and only got the iPad a few weeks ago and just use procreate mostly.
I know it can do comic boards automatically and has the models you can move around for different poses but what else is there?

>> No.3980149

the pen tools are really nice, stabilization amd processing like tapering tips. perspective rupers, ellipse guides, panels, text tools, screentones, flatting tools, vector tools and erasers, in program 3d viewer

>> No.3980160


First I want to make clear that by manga features I do mean manga as in comic. Not "manga style". Procrate can anime style just fine.

Procreate lacks manga specific features like:

Vectors for example. Vectors are useful for manga , and procreate doesn't have that. Procreate also lacks tones and filters for manga

Procreate also lacks the rulers that CSP has and the panel tools or the ability to manage different manga pages like the EX version of CSP

I mean if you just want to paint and draw Procreate is just fine. But if you are going to use the manga specific creation features And, again, I do mean manga as in comic not as in manga style, then CSP is better.

If you just want to draw "manga style" then procreate is more than enough.

>> No.3980161

What are "screentones and flatting tools"?

I see, thank you. Would this apply to newspaper comics, like the black and white ones you'd see in the New Yorker? That would be what I'd go for overall and not something like Marvel comics or manga.

Could you give an example of a filter or tone? I'm literally completely new to digital

>> No.3980164
File: 38 KB, 220x269, tone.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tones are the textures you see in comics and manga like the pic.

Filers allow you to add effects like correct line with.

As for simple comics like those of the new yorker procreate works just fine. It's just a single drawing and some text.

Now if you want to make a comic as in a comic from marvel, or webcomics CSP has the edge. No contest.

>> No.3980165

Forgot to mention CSP has tools that would help you manage complex panels... but given you just want something like the new yorker, Procreate would be best for you.

CSP would be overkill for that imho. You wouldn't use those features.

>> No.3980177

That actually seems interesting, thank you.
I'll play with it a bit since it apparently has a trial on iPad and see how I get on, thanks anon.

>> No.3980190


No upgrade discount from PRO to EX?

>> No.3980197

There is a discount

>> No.3980221
File: 541 KB, 1076x1243, SmartSelect_20190620-190200_Twitter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




>> No.3980307

it's on sale now for the next five days

>> No.3980308 [DELETED] 

it's on sale now for the next five days

>> No.3980324


I only see a discount for the full version. Not for upgrades.

>> No.3980393

Try the very bottom of the page.

>> No.3980645
File: 212 KB, 591x664, watercolorbrush.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks for the help. it's kind of a far cry from the goal since i got a bit carried away but i tried replicating it using a base watercolor brush and slapping on a bit of randomness to the size for an imperfect look. also max antialiasing since i had the idea to duplicate the layer and clip a color onto the one on the bottom, so the edges and less dense spots would look more colorful and soft. primarily i wanted to minimize post-production since i can rarely figure out where a line should be more colorful, so i just let my strokes decide for me.
although i remember seeing a trick in another thread, where you duplicate your lines and apply a gaussian blur to one copy to create a soft look. haven't tried it though
the real g-pen would probably be more suitable for this after all. mine would look different depending on the color of the canvas or whatever's in the background, so probably more useful as a sketching brush than a proper line brush

>> No.3980721

trust me for inking you won't want any chance of transparency, you want the lines as solid as possible. you can always control+click the layer to get a selection to mask and paint above. you can also duplicate the layer and use a textured brush/kneaded eraser to the duplicated part which is something i experimented with but didn't like because it relied on the pixels underneath. blurring a second layer is tricky because it can be easily overdone.

you can't take many more shortcuts than 3 layers: bottom colors, no brush size pen sensitivity jitter inked layer with erasing or layering of lines to get desired weight, and top layer with airbrush/meme blending mode. i think in this style another layer which is masked/clipped to the lineart layer and colored over with a soft airbrush/hard round works for darker local color areas like the gloves. above the color layer and below the inks you could also use a beta/black layer where you put the darkest colors/multiply layer which are the darkest darks that aren't inked linework like under the hair

>> No.3981500


Thanks but I can't get it to load on my shitty mobile connection here out in the woods. What's the discounted price for upgrading PRO to EX?

>> No.3981529

>love CSP on comp
>get iPad
>retarded subscription base payment

>> No.3981532

Japs don’t get we use CSP precisely to avoid subscription models. Don’t worry procreate has you covered.

>> No.3981535


They know you were retarded enough to pay for an apple product so they're gonna fuck you.

>> No.3981737
File: 378 KB, 397x1063, csp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TL please?

>> No.3981783

Use the google translate phone app, you can point your camera at it and it will translate it for you.


>> No.3981789

Ibis Paint keeps layers intact when transferring to CSP.

>> No.3981817

Upgrade price is always the price of Ex minus the price of pro, so on sale it would be $84 for the upgrade.

Where's this from?

>> No.3981821
File: 84 KB, 356x311, 1518915844185.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Say my friend got Clip Studio illegally. If he then goes on to buy a legal copy thing, will he lose all his brushes and stuff? My friend.

>> No.3981822
File: 382 KB, 397x1063, csp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks but I can't translate the 3rd one

>> No.3981823

No he wont. Just install the CSP as is, don't change any directory configs during installation.
t. got a pirated one before buying a legal csp

>> No.3981830

and you know how to make the shape of the pencil like in the image?

>> No.3981903

g-guys help me

>> No.3981908

Uh, I might be missing something
What pencil on ibis?

>> No.3981946

>I'll post if I find anything
Did you find anything good to spend clippy on?

>> No.3982515

Whenever I try to open windows they open
A) Not on the monitor the program is on
B) Half the time completely off screen to the point where I can't move them.

Is there a fix for this? I love this program but it's unusable in this state.

>> No.3982594

no. mostly just materials/patterns it seems and you need to be on the jp store

https://assets.clip-studio.com/ja-jp/detail?id=1379788 lmao

some combination of these i'll work out to spend my 2019 on. official clip has added a shitload of assets
and i like this set

>> No.3982597

>and i like this set
the jap site had a guide telling you how to use those for exporting to color in another program but i forgot where it is.

>> No.3982604

looks nice

>> No.3982618

>https://assets.clip-studio.com/ja-jp/detail?id=1379788 lmao
Goddam, celsys always manages to pick the worst price for their official assets.
It's 100 clippy for every asset you publish, so you'd need to upload 10 brushes just to get that one asset without spending real cash.

>no. mostly just materials/patterns it seems and you need to be on the jp store
Sounds about right. I've been bookmarking assets for a while now, maybe this weekend I'll dig through them and find some good ones worth recommending. I started using the Japanese version of the assets store before they released it in English and never bothered switching so I might have some overlooked ones bookmarked that would be worth it.

Was it this one?

>> No.3982635

>Was it this one?
The one I saw was about PaintMan but CSP is essentially its replacement.

>> No.3982638

what's stopping people from just taking a screenshot of that material and just using that instead of using 1000 clippy points?

It would take like 5 minutes tops for me to take a screenshot and then make a high-res version of it in Photoshop and then take it back into CSP and use as a texture.

Why even show what the material looks like in all its glory when it's just dots? Why even sell it at 1000 clippy when smart people would just do what I had just described so they can avoid having to pay fictional currency?

>> No.3982668

Higher resolution and transparency, I guess? I'm not sure.
You could probably say the price is to prey on stupid people, but I'm not sure I'd go that far. Probably a "blame the intern" case, or some weird internal limits since the cheapest asset by celsys is 1000. It looks like some of the materials were from the previous comcstudio and illustudio versions, maybe they figured on making a little extra cash on legacy assets by posting them for both gold and clippy?

To be honest that one I was able to right click and save as and it tiles just fine so you don't even need to put that much effort into nabbing it. Some of the other assets they do make an effort to lower the res or crop it so it won't tile, but not all of them.

>> No.3982793

How do you make a screentone material?

>> No.3983107
File: 170 KB, 380x380, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How do you make a screentone material?
To make one using CSP's tools is the easiest:

Greyscale to tone
-Create your greytone layer(s)
-When finished either select each one individually or place them all in the same folder
-Go to the layer properties palette and select the checkered icon
-Adjust settings accordingly

*Using that method is good for turning greyscale patterns into tone quickly.

Selection drop
-Use one of the marquee tools to select an area you'd like to tone
-On the quick select bar that pops up select the checkered icon for new tone
-adjust the settings to match your needs and hit ok
-Use the layer mask that's created to add/remove tone
-If the tone doesn't look right, simply go to the layer property window and adjust the settings for that layer

*When you use the selection tool you can drag and drop pre-made tones from your materials folder to auto-create a mask layer for that tone
*There is also a gradient manga tone tool located with your regular gradient tools that you can use

I'm not sure how you'd go about making irregular patterned ones, but it would probably be the easiest to use software like krita that allows for live tiling and use a brush tool to make those patterns yourself and then export that single repeating tile back to CSP.

>> No.3983125

How though? I don't understand how you'd keep your brushes at least

>> No.3983188

You will keep them, your brushes are stored somewhere separated from the directory of CSP program itself. I think it's user\Documents\CELSYS_EN or user\Documents\CELSYS.
I remember making backup of one of these folders prior to installing the legal one, only to find out the old brushes weren't deleted from my old pirated copy

>> No.3983194

or make a backup folder anyways, just in case. Or save every individual brushes as .sut file. I did both of them out of paranoia and the my old brushes were carried over to the legal one anyway.

You can check these links too

>> No.3983197
File: 901 KB, 1037x1056, 1458334400142.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello friends it's on sale by the way

>> No.3983473


>They dont allow you to buy Clippy with Paypal

you can export purchased plugins/materials and install them manually?

anyone has those?


Please, you can upload em on a .rar on catbox.moe

>> No.3983501

I want the first one too

>> No.3983812

This looks like it's the same blender, but free

>> No.3983836

>I'll dig through them and find some good ones worth recommending
Found a few, unfortunately the ones I really wanted either got deleted or switched to gold only
I haven't downloaded any yet, but these look good.

>500 magic marker https://assets.clip-studio.com/ja-jp/detail?id=1738501
>300 blackboard marker https://assets.clip-studio.com/ja-jp/detail?id=1738551
>200 smoke brush https://assets.clip-studio.com/ja-jp/detail?id=1573437
>750 rust brush (comic) https://assets.clip-studio.com/ja-jp/detail?id=1701296
>100 hatching set https://assets.clip-studio.com/ja-jp/detail?id=1705016
>500 watery calligraphy pen https://assets.clip-studio.com/ja-jp/detail?id=1700330
>100 textured pen set and bubble tools https://assets.clip-studio.com/ja-jp/detail?id=1733706
>350 wood print pen set https://assets.clip-studio.com/ja-jp/detail?id=1731995
>500 felttip/ballpoint pen set https://assets.clip-studio.com/ja-jp/detail?id=1738505

>> No.3983855

none of that stuff looks worth it, maybe the ballpoint/gel sorta pen

>> No.3983905

Yeah, it was slim pickings. Everything else I could find were things I could recreate easily or were so specific in their use (like comic effects) that they weren't worth mentioning.

I feel bad for letting clippy go to waste and feel compelled to find SOMETHING to use it all up.

>> No.3983939

i posted what i found up a bit and yeah, it didn't seem to be worth much of anything. seems hard as hell to justify "paying" for anything but patterns/3d models

>> No.3983994

here senpai: https://files.catbox.moe/z9v94r.rar

>> No.3984441

is this the same?

>> No.3984444

and why the tip from the first one looks different?

>> No.3984666


>> No.3984770


>> No.3984936

Just bought EX. I hope along with a better mindset and some hard work, it will make me more productive. This time next year, I will have a finished book I can be proud of.

>> No.3985258

Does anybody know how i can bind the alt(colorpicker) to numpads, its the only thing holding me back from swapping sai to csp

>> No.3985261

You can I believe. CSP has customizable keyboard shortcuts

>> No.3985273

You can, but I don't think it will be a spring-loaded key. As in releasing the numpad key won't return you to your previous tool.

Instead, you can try AutoHotKey with this script (not tested):

This should give your "1" Numpad key the same function as your Alt key.

>> No.3985276

You wouldn't even need to ask this question if you had simply checked the settings for keyboard shortcuts, in fact, you would have saved yourself a lot of time because you would't have had to wait on someone to provide you with that kind of stupid answer.

>> No.3985728

What is the most common resolution size canvas for manga and illustration?

>> No.3985999

yeah, i wanna know to because i wanna start making a doujinshi

>> No.3986002


>> No.3986133
File: 18 KB, 112x112, 3.0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3986413
File: 479 KB, 1593x856, vector layers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying to use vector layers to lay down the shape of an object so I can make a mask for greyscale study
Is there a way to make my edges smoother or do I just need to get better?

>> No.3986435

Hey guys
I'm a /beg/ and I use stabilization, should I stop using it?

>> No.3986449
File: 66 KB, 429x210, brush exmple.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just wondering, does anyone know a CSP brush similar to this?

>> No.3986462

no but understand there is a tradeoff if you want your lines to seem more spontaneous

>> No.3986921
File: 114 KB, 289x475, IMG_20190625_201811.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This account regularly recommends nice brushes from csp

>> No.3986976


You aren ot supposed to use vector layers for painting, it's line art only.

>> No.3987003


so basically do the opposite of everything /ic/ says personified


>> No.3987178
File: 2.00 MB, 1536x864, 2019-06-25 20-03-40.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cool software cucks

>> No.3987367

>shit PC

>> No.3987376
File: 1.61 MB, 1536x864, 2019-06-25 20-36-21.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is an overclocked 2700X and a Vega 64.
Here's Krita to compare.

>> No.3987389


>> No.3987411


He just did

>> No.3987421
File: 1.88 MB, 1024x1229, rei_by_cpt_katawa_dcvaqtx-fullview.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3987425

That's Krita BTW.

>> No.3987426

CSP absolutely chugs with some tasks.

>> No.3987430

DESU I have great sympathy for CSP but this just brings back sad memories of poor childhood and playing games at 10 FPS because my PC was shit.

>> No.3987431

What resolution do you normally work with?

>> No.3987436

Something like 6000 or 8000 in the biggest dimension.

>> No.3987437
File: 999 KB, 928x520, kritacirircles.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Still better than this shit:

>> No.3987441

With this one I went total nuts and rendered out the teeth for the ""angels""

But 4chan doesn't like the images that big.

>> No.3987674

I'd try Krita if the interface wasn't hot dogshit.

>> No.3987782

>he was looking for brushes
Yeah, that's the retarded photoshopper he sweats out at night. We want him to stop that.

>> No.3987841

The interface is whatever you want it to be.
They actually made a great job eliminating the need for drop downs tabs and shit, very functional even if not very aesthetic

>> No.3987846

yeah now if only you can adjust the UI button/slider sizes

>> No.3987853 [DELETED] 

Well fuck this is infuriating. Hopefully the japanese account doesn't deactivate either. I hope these petty fuckers ngmi at life

>> No.3987860

You could do it in KDE for which krita was specifically developed by the KDE badasses.

>> No.3987871

I'm really liking the program so far (coming from SAI), though I have this same issue >>3987178 which is really annoying, is it really just a software issue? My specs are an oc'd 6600k and 32GB ram so I doubt it's my rig

>> No.3987878

i think you need to tweak your CSP a little before you use it.

>> No.3987889

>just tweak the program bro
mind being a bit more specific?

>> No.3987913

You can enable gpu something and that may help with the tearing.

But such transform tool behaviour is normal. Transform tool works as intended by the devs.

>> No.3988240
File: 21 KB, 521x356, csp color set.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do You change the dimensions of the color set ins CSP? For example I want 10 across instead of however many it is.

>> No.3988314
File: 23 KB, 578x562, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hamburger icon in the top left of the palette dock, click it and you'll get viewing options.

>> No.3988343


>> No.3988468

because you're a retard

>> No.3988558

quick CSP question, but is there a feature like photoshops colour gamut that lets me see which colours will not print properly

(or just something that restricts the image to printable colours?)

>> No.3988570

yeah you can preview color using a different color profile, so you can preview your work in CMYK from printing and shit like that.

CSP has limited icc profiles compared to PS though, so you will have to import icc profiles if you were using a special one. Other than that, CSP mostly has CMYK and RGB color profiles with which to preview your work.

>> No.3988579


>> No.3988993
File: 352 KB, 1720x1200, Chapter20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is there anyway I can get a watercolor/marker look from CSP like this? I don't like coloring my comic covers/ color spreads with a cell shaded look. I'm starting to think I should look into different programs to color in, or just investing in a good printer/scanner and markers.

>> No.3989046

There's a sai watercolor brush replica on the csp assets site. That or lower the hardness of your brush/ marker

>> No.3989059

can you link to it?

>> No.3989074

i think ive tried that brush before and I wasnt a fan of the results. I might try lowering the hardness of my regular brush than just bluring it a bit. I want to draw something to try it on first

>> No.3989082

Make your own. Pick a brush, any brush, and fuck around in the settings.

>> No.3989209

Take a look at Frenden's brushes.

>> No.3989219

Which is funny because it's called "Clip Studio PAINT"

>> No.3989232

Well actually it used to be called "Manga Studio".

>> No.3989860

Yeah i didn't got that, i tough there used to be a different program called Manga Studio 6

>> No.3990338

This is the one I'm using. But it used to be free when I downloaded it, didn't know it now costs 10 clippy lol

If you want to look for free SAI brushes there's more popular downloaded materials here

>> No.3990404

Is there any way to turn off the pen pressure on my pen tool? I want my outlines to be a consistent width. Do I just have to turn off the tablet pressure altogether?

>> No.3990422

if only there was a panel you can access that can alter the way a tool works. Some sort of "brush settings", if you will.

>> No.3990449

just click on the wrench in the tool property window then press the square by brush size. you can disable pen preasure for size there

also the mili pen or felt pen may do what you want (they're in the marker section)

>> No.3990454


dang it, thanks anyways

>> No.3990470

i already have that brush and didn't use clippy, that must have only happened in the past week or two since it's a recent download of mine. i haven't even gotten around to using it.

>> No.3990719
File: 51 KB, 564x564, 1536871586715.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I download a brush, how do I know where it's supposed to go? Pen, Pencil, Brush, Airbrush or Decoration? I don't speak Japanese so I can't just read it either.

>> No.3990726
File: 70 KB, 457x615, 2019-06-28 19_10_09-Window.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's in the downloaded folder in your csp, you're supposed to drag the material to your subtools panel to use it

>> No.3990731

Yes but which one do I drag it into? Pen, Pencil, Brush, Airbrush or Decoration?

>> No.3990732
File: 15 KB, 274x216, uhhhh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uhhh so these brushes don't seem to be working. How do I fix? They work on my pirated copy though.

>> No.3990733
File: 179 KB, 1363x737, 2019-06-28 19_17_40-Window.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's really up to you.
My brush subtool is all a mix of everything, I don't really organize per brush/pencil/marker etc

>> No.3990734

is your copy a japanese pirated one? I'm sure if csp can change it's language?

>> No.3991387

Downloaded materials 99% of the time have jap names and tags.

>> No.3992009

I see, my bad