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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 133 KB, 640x800, 1556516798552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3911004 No.3911004 [Reply] [Original]

this is what anime without loomis looks like.

absolute garbage for no taste plebs.

>> No.3911021

I agree, the facial structure on that vending machine is fucked.

>> No.3911056

I think it looks good desune :)

>> No.3911058

oh, you want that one dear? :)

>> No.3911063

Looks good!

>> No.3911065

looks fine to me

>> No.3911067

Only an absolute retard would consume this kind of shit. Only a bigger, much more extreme retard would produce it. Looks like shit.

>> No.3911068

she looks sweaty :)

>> No.3911069
File: 224 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only anime I've seen (aside from DB and Cowboy Bebop as a kid) is Tatami Galaxy and holy shit I wish my anime (shit, and western cartoons) were like it in regards to actually being creative with the art style and animation, and attempting to do something artistic with the (literal art) medium. Less magic girl and little high school weirdo obsession more creativity and unique design pls

>> No.3911070

Stop describing your parents.

>> No.3911074

do you eat shit?

>> No.3911077

ok Mom

>> No.3911090

God I want to sniff get sweaty towel his please help me

>> No.3911126


>> No.3911136

Looks ok to me.

You drew this?

>> No.3911138

watch ping pong the animation

>> No.3911140

>Cowboy Bebop as a kid) is Tatami Galaxy and holy shit
wanna know how i know youre just a baby teenie?

>> No.3911142

So how does anime look like with loomis applied?

>> No.3911156


>> No.3911161

Berserk isn't in anime artstyle.

>> No.3911167
File: 239 KB, 969x1000, manga_vs_loomis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

like any other anime in existence.

>> No.3911171

Seriously, a lot of the background characters and "ugly" enemies reminded me so much of when I was learning Loomis. I'm 99% sure Miura learnt this method too.

That said, I love Miura's style, he is very talented, and Griffith is one of the best looking characters I've seen in manga.

>> No.3911191

>he thinks big eye moe shit is the only anime style

if it's done by a nip and features characteristic of manga/anime, then any style they create is anime style. Retard

>> No.3911199

What an absolute bullshit goalpost moving argument.
Fucking kill yourself.

>> No.3911201 [DELETED] 
File: 11 KB, 330x154, Chibi_Puck-Casca.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Berserk isn't anime
just lol. Just because the mangaka has some real skills as draftsman its not a manga.

>> No.3911206

Fucking mongoloid.

>> No.3911210

What goalpost, retad? I didn't start an argument, I legit wanted to see what anime with loomis was supposed to look like. Berserk isn't anime artstyle at all.
>just because the mangaka has real skill it's not a manga
Good that you deleted your completely braindead post.

>> No.3911212
File: 11 KB, 330x154, Chibi_Puck-Casca.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A manga-ass manga with 2 anime tv series and trilogy of anime movie adaptations
>"Isn't in anime artstyle"

Just lol. Just because Miura can draw characters that look human doesn't mean it's not stylized.
Just lol

>> No.3911230

I like it

>> No.3911272

>Berserk isn't anime artstyle at all.
Yes it is, you anencephalic cocksucker.

>> No.3911287

this, also it bothers me that people talk about Andrew loomis as if the man himself is some sort of cream you apply to your ass to make your drawings better.

>> No.3911289

For me it isn't, faggotron. And since the japanese haven't defined it themselves I can see it however I want and still be right, homosexual.

>> No.3911295
File: 838 KB, 1133x1600, anime.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Berserk isn't ani-

>> No.3911296

>Berserk is so good that he doesn't want to acknowledge it as a creation of a medium that he hates
KEK , it's like normalfags who say they hate anime but keep talking about Jojo and DBZ

>> No.3911301
File: 47 KB, 327x322, 1520891838240.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this shit looks like advanced /beg/ shit, lmao.

>> No.3911304

You're all dumb as shit and insecure incels. I just wanted an example of OP how anime with loomis applied is supposed to look since how he worded his statement made me curious. Now all the retards jump out of their basements to protect anime when I never even offended it and I'm myself a huge anime fan.

So this is what happens when you deal with underage insecure faggots.

>> No.3911305

He used to be godtier, fuck. He should lay off the idol games.

>> No.3911307

>At the end of his rope after embarrassing himself so jumps to calling people incels
Why is it people like you are all the fucking same, holy shit is there a factory somewhere pumping out identical puppets?

>> No.3911308

Learn english, I'm tired of asian subhumans shitting up this board.

>> No.3911313

>advanced /beg/ shit
you're being ridiculous, just calm down and look at your own drawings compared to that Berserk page, I'm sure you're not any more advanced of a "beginner" than Miura, and he's a pretty damn great sequential artist even if some pages have slightly wacky proportions, or really exaggerated facial expressions.

everyone is so sensitive and sad and angry just calm down and don't be so autistic

>> No.3911315

what's loomis?

>> No.3911316

Berserk doesn't have more than one tv series
Miura has been looking at too much moe

>> No.3911318

>Miura is a god if we compare him to /beg/ and not shit like gnomon workshop teachers
lmao, this is golden

>> No.3911322

When you try to talk trash about the English of others you should probably try to do it properly yourself. You're an embarrassment to your people.

>> No.3911324

Do you even know what incel means?

>> No.3911333

>you should probably try to do it properly yourself
Amazing structure right there, mate.
It's just an insult and it was extremely effective seeing how butthurt it made you guys.

>> No.3911350

This kind of posters are people who shit on your art when you post it. Just fucking kill yourself nigger. /ic/ will be better off without you

>> No.3911363

Cry harder, sissy faggot.

>> No.3911394
File: 354 KB, 490x490, 1555845374084.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks "anime" is a style

>> No.3911454

>the embodiment of /ic/
This is why anyone worth a shit has left.

>> No.3911492

I have the strongest urge to fap to I@MAS.

>> No.3911562

>incel is just an insult
>everybody is butthurt but me
And here we can see an actual incel.

>> No.3911631

yikes, dude. like oofa doofa

>> No.3911634

gnomon workshop teachers are busy pissing their art into the wind at major hollywood and video game studios meanwhile miura is one of the most beloved and influential comic artists in the world

>> No.3911638

yeah, and hello kitty is more famous and beloved, great argument retard.

>> No.3911643

hello kitty doesn't exactly have thousands of artists admiring it and trying to study it

>> No.3911645

more people care about hello kitty than a niche manga only 4chan cares about.

>> No.3911646
File: 2.86 MB, 3996x2463, 1549865865396.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3911648

have sex, incel

>> No.3911651

only /beg/ weebs think Miura is a top tier artist.

>> No.3911657

>crabbing against a guy who doesn't know you exist

>> No.3911660

outside your weeb industry, Miura is an amateur.

There's not a single japanese waifu artist who doesn't commit begginer mistakes.

>> No.3911662

post your work

>> No.3911664

post your art lol

>> No.3911671
File: 249 KB, 736x1313, 74a9d59e612ba1658e7393d028e522ee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why don't u get a real art education first dumb weebs?

>> No.3911672

>stealing public domain and claiming as your own
reported for violating united states law.

>> No.3911673

why don't you draw at all lil nigga

>> No.3911676
File: 169 KB, 1200x1199, Untitled-Oil-on-Panel-2022x2022-1200x1199.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my art is irrelevant I could still post good skille real artist, not some /beg/ retard who is worshipped by /beg/ weebs because drawing anime is for the mentally challenged manchildren.

I literally see even anime shit done by the industry and it all looks /beg/ as fuck.
any /beg/ retard can work and be considerd good in anime, because anime is /beg/ shit for /beg/ retards.

Stay mad weebs thinking Miura is some demigod, when he's literally no better than Deviantart shit.

>> No.3911679

>this is who criticizes your art on /ic/
bruh, look at this dude, wait til you see f-oh no no no, ahahahhhhh, ohnononononoPFFFHAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAA

>> No.3911681

why are you so mad kid

>> No.3911686

why don't your /beg/ weeb ass start looking at places outside your /beg/ tier industry and /beg/ tier storytelling medium and start looking at real skilled artists like the ones russian and europe makes?

anime is garbage, stopped watching that shit when I became 20, now I see sometimes and is all /beg/ garbage with cringe otaku bait waifu gargage stories.

All the good animes are just copy paste of western stories.

>> No.3911688

post your work my man

>> No.3911689

why are you so mad kid

>> No.3911693

My art is irrelevant, I'm not good, but at least I don't glorify /beg/ shit as the next coming of jesus christ.

>> No.3911696

/ic/ has given you brain poisoning
go outside
take a shower
go to school
hit the gym
get a job
meet a girl
have sex

>> No.3911701
File: 36 KB, 138x654, Nice floor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God, why are pedophiles so good at drawing floors like that? It really turns me on.
Do I have to become a pedophile to draw floors like that?

>> No.3911705
File: 305 KB, 800x1246, 0142d56c-66eb-46a5-925e-3638171219ef.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, this is what anime style is drawn by people who refuse to draw from real life or Art manuals from the 1950s Americans.

>> No.3911751

What a fucking retarded post, your parents committed a crime against humanity for not aborting you.

>> No.3912149
File: 18 KB, 451x451, 1556460085606.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it must because they have to look down at kids, so they get to notice all kind of floors everywhere they go

>> No.3912161

>he doesn't mash his Loomis books into cream and apply it to his ass every morning

>> No.3912166

>hurr durr I'm so deep because I pretend to care about ugly art because it looks different

>> No.3912168


>> No.3912718

Is this that one artist that gives all the characters the same head size no matter if they're an adult or a loli?

>> No.3912767

one of the most animatively creative animes this decade was a magical girl anime, anon

>> No.3913195

You can't possibly be referring to Madoka, can you?

>> No.3913212

ewwww no

>> No.3913217

kek this seething

>> No.3914041

How is it even possible to regress this much?

>> No.3914578

>watched less than 10
everytime kek

>> No.3914695

Why are anime fans so insecure?

>> No.3914696
File: 1.81 MB, 1920x2163, 1553205063264.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Animu fans aren't the one barging into classic inspo threads and projecting all over the place anon

>> No.3914789

fragile egos, they always have to compare their favorite anime to other forms of animations, other genres of anime, and other anime.

>> No.3914834

The embarrassing part is that you probably actually believe this.

>> No.3914840

>advanced /beg/ shit
This is like the fifth time i've seen this shit posted here.
Is this the new shitpost you kids are spewing these days

>> No.3914847

Interesting. I just looked in my history browser to see what my thread (>>3909186) was doing and I see this. The colors look alright and I'm surprised he or she managed to make it look great compared to the wonky anatomy. My grasp of perspection and anatomy is 300000 times better. I need to get into loomis anyhow I think. But it. Is. So. Difficult. Maybe villpu works? What do you guys think, vilpu or loomis?

>> No.3914849

Defy order.
Make expretti spaghetti.

>> No.3914866

Then there's no reason anybody should give a fuck about your original question. Like you said, the answer is up to you, go answer it faggot. Please stop being a fucking retard.

>> No.3914878


>> No.3914895
File: 83 KB, 708x1215, EF69DBDF-70EE-40A6-B3D3-445680E80BE8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drawing in way that is not only defiant, but eccentric enough that it just works.

>> No.3914949

>t. Insecure samefaggot
>Calling other insecure while making this thread shitting on other art styles and mediums.
Your art is probably shit. Stop projecting you autist and post your work.

>> No.3914978

The shading makes it creepy.

>> No.3915001

that's ugly as fuck anon

>> No.3915019

They look like freakish dolls

>> No.3915118

But I like anime. I just like other mediums

>> No.3917313

Why does this look traced from the fucking 3d anime?

>> No.3917318
File: 28 KB, 507x632, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You just got fucked up, anon. You're even more of a retard because then that means the original image doesn't have to be anime if we apply your logic. Absolute dumb-dumb.

>> No.3917351
File: 438 KB, 1280x1280, fa07aae22b74ed9121fa965272541707.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This but unironically. Anime is only good when it's 3D and hence integrates all formal rules of construction into its essence.

>> No.3917361

He switched to digital, I think. He started recovering pretty quickly.

>> No.3917365

Man that looks gross.

>> No.3917392

putang ina mo

>> No.3917449

Have sex

>> No.3917469

You asked for something, then arbitrarily rejected it once presented == Goal post moving.

>> No.3917782

this man, i cant believe people still fall for "anime is superior" when it comes to Almost everything, NGMI people tend to start drawing anime and accept commissions and it pisses me off. Really fucking boomers and weebs men

>> No.3919958

I'm waiting to get married, thanks. I can definitely appreciate a woman's body, but this just doesn't look right.

>> No.3920083
File: 75 KB, 800x1000, animugirl_by_maikeru01_dd69qin-pre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is my anime with Loomis? Does it look like shit?

>> No.3920739

which then

>> No.3921697

>Weebs are dumb.
>Anime is dumb.
>But you need to be an advanced skilled classical artist as a prerequisite to draw anime.

Something doesn't add up about this lie, I mean conjecture.

>> No.3921725

what is loomis

>> No.3921746

Good structure, but the forehead is way to long.

>> No.3921843

please tell me you're joking, this is hideous in every way

>> No.3922162

Looks like manga made around 1980s to be honest.

>> No.3924266


>> No.3924272

nah, but make the lighting consistent. The strong lighting on the face, should also apply to the hair. The cast shadow on the neck also shouldn’t look like that. Looks good though.

>> No.3924275
File: 986 KB, 320x240, 5660062.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks better than Loomis without anime, that's for sure.

>> No.3924286

This is so uguuu