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3901200 No.3901200 [Reply] [Original]

Is there anything that makes clip studio paint better than paint tool sai besides the stuff related to making animation and comics? Like is there anything that makes it better for illustrations? I know it has some 3D feature too but besides that.

Feel free to tell me if there's a better program for line art drawing than these two.

>> No.3901204

nope. and actually sai is a lot better at rendering since the tools are easier and more intuitive. csp you have to really dig into just mimicking sai's watercolor brush. the water color is what you mostly use to render with both of these engines, you can use a soft brush but its a bit messier if you dont know how to use it. the watercolor blurs the colors and softens them up very nicely, with csp for some reason its based on the layers and not just on the brush so it makes it harder to use, which is why you should use sai.

>> No.3901238

Thank you for the answer. Damn, I'd seen people hyping up CSP so I hoped it'd be better for illustrating (not that sai is bad).

>> No.3901239

CSP is good in some areas, Sai in others (and Photoshop in others too but that's besides the point)
Just pick whatever you feel like, but you'll probably reach a better conclusion if you've got a specific interest in mind, such as painting, basic cel-shading, or whatever else

>> No.3901246

Sai lacks tools like ellipses if that's a big deal for you.
I like CSP's perspective rulers.

>> No.3901252

CSP is way superior for creating comics. But painting in Sai is a lot smoother. You can paint in whatever resolution you want and use any brush in whatever size you want and you will never experience lag. Also some people might like Sai's more simpler interface that focuses completely on painting.

But CPS's brush engine allows you to create more complicated brushes compared to Sai.

>> No.3901260

why hasn't there been new pirated CPS versions for mac?

>> No.3901262

actually sai used to crash past a certain resolution for me, which doesn't happen with CSP (though maybe it was because of a pirated version ?). Anyway, CSP shines with an amazingly customizable experience, you can shortcut so much shit and organize your tools, customize your tools, etc... Number two is that it offers you some important tools that I think are very much needed if you want to take your work to a professional level (ruler tools, symetry tools, figure tools). Finally, there's a lot of quality of life stuff (for instance, you can select several layers and move them together, you can display a layer a certain color without having to use a second layer on top, you can lasso things from different layers at the same time). It's a bunch of things for which I had a found work arounds on Sai but this is so much more convenient.

those are the main things for me so far

>> No.3901412

Sai2 has vector shapes though, you can make and edit ellipses. And I really liked Sai2's perspective ruler.

My main issue with Sai is that it STILL doesn't have a dark theme and it's text tool is very limited

>> No.3901417

I really like CSP because, as the others said, there are a lot features. It will be a bit overwhelming at first, though.

Clip Studio Paint also comes with"Clip Studio", which is a program that allows you to download brushes/materials made by others. Lots of the brushes are made by Japanese or Korean people, so you might not understand the names of the brushes, or whatever the description of the brush says.
Though, if the creator of the brush wrote regular text, then CSP translates it. If they wrote inside images, then... you'll have to guess what they are saying.
You can download brushes, 3D models, color palettes, gradient maps and a lot more from Clip Studio (in the "Assets" page). There is also an "Ask" page, where you can ask questions and other users can answer.
CSP also has this thing called a "Gradient Map", which allows you to draw something (colored), then slap on a color palette to make your piece look different. Keep in mind that this is different from normal color palette, as those are color sets (you choose the color manually, as you draw). I don't know if Sai has this feature, or if you'll ever need it, but it's cool.

>> No.3901439

CSP brushes do feel weird for some reason, tried to get used to them but the painting engine just seems awkward for some reason, I stuck back with photoshop.
But for lineart it truly is amazing, the inking brushes are awesome straight out of the box.

>> No.3901444


Sadly Sai refuses to work with dual monitors for me and creates a offset on my cintiq

>> No.3901450

>actually sai used to crash past a certain resolution for me, which doesn't happen with CSP
OH MAN i used to HATE SAI because of that crap, it will sometimes crash when i switch windows profiles, and if i did not save in file directly every 5 mins or so, all the progress was gone.

CSP actually has an autosave feature even before you made a save file.

>> No.3901498

Sai is a dead software with no updates.

Ya'll tripping lmao.

Medibang, Krita, CSP >>>>>>>>>>>>shit sai.

and Photoshop is an unnecessary resource hog.

>> No.3901513

sai 2 got an update a few months ago...?

>> No.3901515

Painting with transparency, the fill tools, the vector tools, brush engine, quality of life features, shortcut customization and 3D are all things I love about CSP. I switch between CSP and PS. It's only $25 and still gets updates, it's not a bad investment really. I haven't used Sai in a very long time but I find people stick to that because they don't really like to get too deep into customizing their setups and brushes.

This, the brush assets are a godsend. I don't think I use many of them as they came but they're amazing as a jumping off point.

You probably didn't turn off "mix ground" or now called something like "color mixing" which was automatically on for a lot of brushes. This made some brush presets act as brushes and mixer/smudge brushes by default. It's good to set this as a hotkey since not every brush exposes it as an option initially.

>> No.3901531

I wish clip studio paint was cheaper. I can't break into digittal animation at these prices.

>> No.3901566


>> No.3901574

CSP has a lot of reduced sales often, don't they?

>> No.3901578

>and Photoshop is an unnecessary resource hog.
incredibly wrong, what is this fucking 2010?

>> No.3901588

yeah I do find Clip ex is significant heavier than Photoshop

>> No.3901674

CSP does everything SAI does and then some. Only thing SAI did better for me was being able to run in a old ass shitty laptop.

>> No.3901710

I remember sai being unable to change mouse shortcuts, like alt + rightclick etc, and you had to use their factory default ones. Which was a gamebreaker because I had been drawing so long with specific shortcuts that I would transfer from program to program. But that's not too bad if you're willing to break a habit.
Some people like the stabilizer better in CSP than Sai, but the reverse is also true.
Clip studio has some useful tools like the 3d modeling that you mentioned and also Extract Line which can be pretty useful, like how this guy can draw anime hair lineart super easily https://www.twitch.tv/videos/414145221?t=02h29m26s
Is there really any reason to use Sai over it? Just pirate it and be done with it.

>> No.3901717

>Which was a gamebreaker because I had been drawing so long with specific shortcuts that I would transfer from program to program.
That's what software like Autohotkey is for.

>> No.3901721

I never thought about doing hair like that. Pretty sure you don't need extract line though. You can do the same with Layer Effect > Border, and then after you've got hair you want you can lock transparent pixels to color it in. I can see how extract line would make that way easier than having to select the black and make that its own layer if you wanted to color it.

>> No.3901726

Honestly haven't tried it or layer properties, have no idea which is superior. That stream clip was just yesterday and surprised me.
Right now I'm on photoshop, but might start using csp just for lineart. .

>> No.3901728

Procreate > anything on pc

>> No.3901731

You could do the same thing with stroke in effect in PS is what I was getting at.

>> No.3901735

CSP's interface gives me claustrophobia

>> No.3901752

CSP's line extraction seems to be able to get you nicer tapered lines than just using a stroke effect, but I think it's mainly supposed to be used for other things.

>> No.3901805

One thing I don't like about CPS's interface for painting is how "busy" it is. Paint Tool Sai's and Krita interfaces IMO is a lot less crowded.

>> No.3901822

Tab key.

>> No.3901862

This >>3901822 and customization. You can get rid of many things in CSP.

>> No.3901863
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Shift + Tab.

>> No.3901865
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>still no liquify tool

>> No.3901869


>> No.3901870

Am I the only one that uses lasso+warp instead?

>> No.3901872

not as nearly as editable as liquify buddy and interpolations are different.

>> No.3901895

Doesn't that make the edges of the selection fucky?

>> No.3904430

That's when you use Photoshop's photoediting stuff to fix it.

>> No.3904511

Yeah at least 4 times a year

>> No.3904529

Vectors. Being able to convert a raster to a vector, adjust lines and lineweight with a command, automatically create flats and go about your day. Saves me about 20 minutes on average cleaning up inks. Also the perspective rulers. I can lay in backgrounds like a conceptshit speedpainter. The pen engine is also really, really fucking nice. I use screen tone for pop art effects so that's nice too. And the only filter is the mosaic tool for that official censored dojin look, perfect for trolling footfags.

For pure line art, CSP wins. The brush engine is also great once you figure out how to make your own and configure them. The only downside is how long it takes to learn the workflow, which is really only as hard as basic photo manipulation in PS, which is similarly powerful but focused on art.

>> No.3904637

Does Paint tool sai ever goes on sale? Maybe a humble bundle?

>> No.3904746

>Convert to vectors with automatic flats.
Which is best for drawing and editing vector line art, adobe illustrator or clip studio ?

>> No.3904769

Honestly I use Sai CSP AND Photoshop. They're all great in certain areas, example CSP has vectors while SAI has good perspective rulers, photoshop is also good for touching up on art

>> No.3904783


Illustrator. Clip Studio uses their own bastard version of vectors and can't open or export standard vector file formats. CSP is NOT a vector graphics editing software.

>> No.3904804

This is honestly the best way.
>but why not only use Photoshop?
Said no one who has ever used literally anything else. You can't beat it for pure image manipulation but it isn't designed for painting or illustration.

>> No.3904928

I see, thanks.