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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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3899178 No.3899178 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone suffer from self-defeating art jealousy?
You know, you see someone better than you and you get a little salty, or someone who you feel you outskill has a big victory and you get a little jealous?

I feel really bad about it but I get that way, especially with my art friends. They come into chat bragging about some big artist they got to follow them on twitter or their follower milestone, or getting a lot of exposure on some drawing they did and I put on a smile and congratulate them but deep down i'm a little jealous and just feel like giving up.

How do you overcome being a jealous shitbag and just be genuinely happy, or at least not let it get you down and defeated?

>> No.3899181 [DELETED] 

pfffffttttt art is 4 losers
Just be happy with your loser status and don't sweat it
you are a loser among losers

>> No.3899184

does anyone else think the image which was attached to the original thread post is really, really funny? because i am loleing uncontrollably

>> No.3899195
File: 57 KB, 637x946, 1536890383857.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get better at art maybe then you'll be satisfied. 4 years and I noticed this really shit artist turn into an inspiration if I improved as much as they did I would be happy that's what my dumbass gets for not doing anything other than sketches

>> No.3899197

Stop being a little bitch about it and realize they are only better than you because they've been working harder, more intelligently, and for a longer time than you have.

>> No.3899202

More like the inverse.
I look at other people’s stuff and see mine as better.

>> No.3899204

This and also accept that you will never be them. No matter what you do you will never be James Gurney or Sergey Kolesov or whoever so just appreciate their art and focus on yourself.

>> No.3899206

Damn, this is too true.

>> No.3899236

>No matter what you do you will never be James Gurney or Sergey Kolesov

I agree that you should accept the fact that you'll never be your favorite artist, but whether you can reach their level is often more attainable than some people think.

Sergey Kolesov is just a better than average digital painter, there are hundreds if not thousands of living artists at his level and above so getting to there is definitely attainable.

Gurney on the other hand could be considered a master at his level, because he could only get there from years of careful observation and study from the world around him, every single day. With that kind of dedication and practice you can be close if not as good as him. Besides, Gurney was majorly self taught and didn't have the advantage of the internet where we can learn directly from some of the best living artists without even going to an atelier or art school. Artists today really have the potential to be better than him, especially since he put his knowledge into writing!

>> No.3899241

>They come into chat bragging about some big artist they got to follow them on twitter or their follower milestone
You're better off staying away from these kind of people. I have a small but decent following but I don't flaunt it in a chatroom

>> No.3899244
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i guess i get a little jealous that someone who is younger than me is better.However, i am happy that they're my friends and sometimes give me art critiques and help me out.Just don't care too much and see the good in yourself and others.lol sounds cliche but it works for me.

>> No.3899256


Not jealousy but ever since that incident where I got shat on and called a pervert, pedo, etc for making a lewd fanart while another artist makes an even more explicit fanart of the same character and got nothing but praise, I’ve felt nothing but sheer contempt for other artists and the people that look for art.

Or maybe I actually am jealous. It doesn’t matter, we’re all just fap fuel for the next queued up weeb, so fuck it man.

>> No.3899266

you were called a pedo?Who did you draw to get called that?

>> No.3899270
File: 618 KB, 1280x2233, __Can_not_prevent_it__by_Ryohei_Hase.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no no no no no. bro, go on youtube. look up some drawing exercises. do them. besides eat and go to the bathroom, all i did all day was fill up about 8 pages of my sketchbook with actually exercises. i feel fantastic. i feel like a better artist than i was this morning because i was like holy shit, THATS how they do it. i cant fucking wait til tomorrow to do it again.

you know what asians are doing better? im gonna tell you the secret right now.
better parenting.
in the west, many of us, including myself for one reason or nothing end up lazy self sabotaging pieces of shit.
our society is entirely set up so that you will subconsciously think you are a bad person and instead of doing what you know will help you, you are drawn to activities that actually hinder you. usually some kind of addictive behavior. that's why your fat or why you jerk off too much or why you suck at drawing even tho youve been doing it for 25 years. its not because you're stupid. its because you got fucked up and pushed in the wrong direction when you were a kid.

what you need to do immediately is forgive yourself. realize whats going on. who hurt you? who neglected you or made you feel stupid or ugly or in some way like a second class citizen? who rejected you?

theyre a piece of shit and they were wrong.

now look at what youre doing with your life on a daily basis. if youre not going to the gym, its because you feel like you dont deserve the reward in life that come to people who are in shape.

are you not studying art and practicing drawing? well, you should. you have access to youtube in current year. millions of tutorials for free and instant access. you can do this. and you will be good if you put in the work.

you arent limited by not being asian. you arent a dummy who has no talent. you have as much potential as anyone and its time to let go of your own negative opinion of yourself and just start focussing on putting in the work it will take to become the person you want to b

>> No.3899276

I got a tad salty a few week ago and it actually lead me to look at way and figure out what I could do in my work do better it.


Is Sometimes having salt a good thing when applied?

>> No.3899282

It can be inspiring and motivating in small doses. Makes you prove to yourself you have better ideas and can do better. The Chinese rendermonkeys make me want to get a bigger bag of tricks and do something else with it.

>> No.3899296


Rumia from 2hu. I don’t get it cause there had to have been hundreds of hentai pics of her before I did mine. Should’ve done Yuugi or that other big tittied monk bitch.

Bet I still woulda got shit though.

>> No.3899297

I feel like the mindset difference of east vs west is worth noting.

West: Good art being based on "talent" or creativity instead of hard work & practice, the idea that you can make it as an artist just by getting a degree at a shitty university program without applying yourself 100% inside and outside of class

East: If you want to succeed, you have to do whatever it takes to be the best. With this mindset they are in general more hard working than westerners while more intuitive in finding the fastest paths to success.

>> No.3899299


>> No.3899306

I don't become a jealous little fag when I see people that are better at art than me. There will be people who are better and people who are worse than you at things in life. That's how it is. If anything, I get excited to improve myself. You can learn from good art.

>> No.3899321

you drew for or got discovered by the wrong crowd

>draw lewd pic of character from Japanese children's anime
>Korean feminists find me and others drawing lewds of the character and bash us in the replies
>Japanese gentlemen rally to our defense
>Korean feminists mass report us, try to get us banned

got a lot of profile clicks from that

>> No.3899328

There's been an influx of korean feminists lately

>> No.3899341

i agree with >>3899321
what was your crowd before you uploaded that pic? like what what were your followers like?
>Korean feminists
i've never seen those i just thought only western do that extremely.

>> No.3899362

Use that jealousy as gasoline and pour it on the fire brother.
That's what it's gonna take for you to come out on top.

>> No.3899448

you're a good person for this

>> No.3899459

Yes, I am always jealous. I wish the worst to everyone who's my age or younger and better than me.

>> No.3899486
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Anon, I...

>> No.3899489
File: 3.29 MB, 1775x6949, megalia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i've never seen those i just thought only western do that extremely.
boy are you in for a surprise, Korea is fucked in every level
picrel is a lot of text but quite interesting, take what's said here with a grain of salt of course but it mostly checks out if you bother veryfing what's been said

>> No.3899550

I get a little jealous but I use that to fuel my motivation.

>> No.3899596

I fucking hate that I read this right now. I was supposed to be in the bed 3 hours ago but dammit now I just want to grind in my sketchbook. You're right about it all. It's like you're talking directly to me. Fuck, this hit real close to home

>> No.3899720

You need to learn that there are literally millions of people that are better than you will ever be. No matter what you do, there'll be some guy that's better than you. And no, you don't have "more of a life" than him or whatever excuse you might find. That person is better than you and not only when it comes to art.

Now you can either accept this, stop worrying about others and happily live your life, or try to desperately compete in a race you will never win.

>> No.3899742

Well then, that settles it. Nipponjin waifu it is.

>> No.3899787

No, dumbass. Go get better than them.

>> No.3899870


>> No.3900064
File: 1.63 MB, 240x240, 1554744307120.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm jealous of a couple of people but it's actually pretty motivating.
There's a couple shitty umblebraggers I know, gifted but fucking lazy and without ambitions. They've been stagnating for years. I want to surpass them and rub it in their faces.
It's very petty and definitely not the reason why I'm drawing, but it's added motivation.

>> No.3900067

why?, no never. just stop being lazy and practice, you are jealous of someone that actually puts effort on getting better.

>> No.3900150

If you don't get jealous you're clearly not passionate about art.
If you're not passionate about art you will not make it.
No pain no gain, faglords.

>> No.3900263

no because i'm not mentally 5 years old

>> No.3900331

>How do you overcome being a jealous shitbag and just be genuinely happy, or at least not let it get you down and defeated?
You just have to refrain from being a jealous shit bag and be genuinely happy for them.
Not really much else to it.

>> No.3900516


>> No.3900518

Well if they got something that mattered maybe I'd be jealous but they usually just have 1000 followers and some literal who artist following them

>> No.3900680


>> No.3900717

Holy christ. This was painful to read. Is this our future?

>> No.3900718
File: 72 KB, 960x539, IkariAngel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I pretty content with my drawings, I win every FB art competition I enter so I dont really have jealousy from my art friends. This drawing Im doing Im sure will win, for example. But I see REALLY good images posted here on /ic/ and I feel bad because I cant even imagine doing some of the things in the /draw/ thread. I dont know how did they even do it. But my level is enough to live happily if I ignore that.

>> No.3900787

Yeah I like that picture

Answering the question, I wish I was as obsessed as Vegeta but I'm pretty chill. I have a good friend who are a bit ahead of me so I try my best to catch up and get better but I don't feel jealous at all. We had a great time travelling and painting plenair together all day, and also when I stayed at their place for a while.
I'm not jealous about people with better work because it means they have spent more time drawing or have better learning capacity (talent), all I can do is focus on my work, looking at better work is important to level up yourself though. Great artworks just make me want to make something as good.

>> No.3900795

This is such a good fucking post

>> No.3900842

>le asian utopia meme
Fuck off, what a load of bull. The hikki problem is even bigger there.

>> No.3900855

Smells like bullshit, very skeptical of the severity of this. It reads like the swedish /pol/tards who won't stop at anything spouting propaganda to make my country look like a literal war zone, using the language barrier to make any kind of bullshit fly.

Couldn't for example find any evidence any "lynching" or "child porn" and whatnot.

>> No.3900908

im not talking about there. im talking about here. every artist i follow on instagram is asian. theyre beating us. face it.

>> No.3900963

Or you're a basic no-taste weeb