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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 561 KB, 947x600, Screen Shot 2019-03-21 at 11.40.55 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3860427 No.3860427 [Reply] [Original]

I admire his dedication, but this guy is going to have major medical problems in 15 years if he doesn't take breaks.

>> No.3860431
File: 200 KB, 287x458, Screen Shot 2019-03-21 at 11.43.32 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, his face is really punchable.

>> No.3860438

>that neck
I dont do traditional drawing but
couldn't he afford a draftsman table

>> No.3860442

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. Let him do retarded draw challenges for those sweet youtube views. He's already dyed his hair and changed to a cartoony avatar like a typical youtuber fag. Just let him burn out

>> No.3860444
File: 389 KB, 939x603, Screen Shot 2019-03-21 at 11.51.13 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


He prefers to throw money down the toilet

>> No.3860447

technique, not art

>> No.3860605


I don't know. He's copied from "reference" in some of his 10 hour videos. I think some of his stuff is his own.

>> No.3860607
File: 58 KB, 232x180, Screen Shot 2019-03-22 at 3.13.33 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>TFW you about to come

>> No.3860610

Actually he's already fucked himself up



Pinched nerve and carpal tunnel. Sad music plays in the bg. Airhead girlfriend keeps checking herself out to make sure she looks pretty as she constantly fucks with her hair and tries to force emotion with those dead ass eyes.

>> No.3860621

Good, it's his own assheaded decision to burn himself faster than tissue paper.

>> No.3860668


>airhead girlfriend
Never fails. These dorky type youtuber guys start getting a big subsriber base and then the gf pops up. She's definitely leeching money, and using the channel to advertise. And I'm not talking about art

>> No.3860671

He held his breath for a whole 7 mins?
Lol yeah right.
He had to have been breathing through his nose .

>> No.3860679

how long has this fuckwad been drawing? you would have to be a real retard to get carpal tunnel

>> No.3860683


They met on Tinder 9 months ago KEK


>> No.3860689

Why can’t he see it?

>> No.3860693
File: 185 KB, 956x318, Screen Shot 2019-03-22 at 5.04.28 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Cause he's a fucking retard who will do anything for love and attention.

Like doing two 10 hour straight challenges and a 24 hour challenge despite health issues

>> No.3860697

At least he has a gf

>> No.3860705

You’ve obviously never had one if you’re saying this

>> No.3860707
File: 605 KB, 870x486, Screen Shot 2019-03-22 at 5.14.40 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


She's everyone's gf

>> No.3860711
File: 137 KB, 553x180, Screen Shot 2019-03-22 at 5.17.20 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Arm on tits

>> No.3860713

Oof doesn't he know poodoepie orchestrated the attacks and is an alt-right nazi?

>> No.3860716

It’s the beta death grip

>> No.3860753


>> No.3860797

Um, you do realise he fakes those videos right

>> No.3860803

ITT: a bunch of fags brainstorming new and increasingly elaborate justifications for not drawing

>h-heh, d-drawing is really d-dangerous you guys

>> No.3860807

drawing killed my baby

>> No.3860814

how are making those conclusions

>> No.3860822

They both look like they have FAS

>> No.3860903

hes projecting

>> No.3860916

>but this guy is going to have major medical problems in 15 years
You can hurt your arm/wrist in mere months, dumb dumb.. I've seen 13-year olds fuck up their arms. But yeah, he's a retard. You need to take breaks otherwise you'll get fucked up for sure

>> No.3860987
File: 5 KB, 500x500, 1547343167090.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His way of talking reminds me of ricegum, really fucking annoying

>> No.3861294

The Asian race is the result of generations of FAS

>> No.3861316
File: 1015 KB, 1101x662, Screen Shot 2019-03-22 at 4.42.48 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Typical average Americanized Asian. Wants compliments and American cock, but is thirsty for easy money and fame

>> No.3861328

Can someone explain the break thing? Is this a concern for digital drawing? I’m not even baiting I am genuinely curious

>> No.3861334

he means don't draw for 24 hours straight, take like 30 minute breaks every few hours to stretch your hand and wrist. Carpal tunnel is a real concern for artists

>> No.3861402

He didn’t draw for 24 hours straight though.

>> No.3861410

he literally did? 12 hours a day is pushing it even with breaks, 24 hours with like 5 minute breaks is horrible. ????????

>> No.3861412


>> No.3861429


>> No.3861432

Fuck you

>> No.3861469


can you break someones brain with this

>> No.3861471


the levels of roastie are off the charts

>> No.3861525

>Tinder roastie
dating apps should be strictly for smash and pass, and even then they're shit. Why would someone voluntarily take used shit in? I bet she's still talking to 20 other guys too while this guy does his 12 hour challenges lol

>> No.3861561
File: 21 KB, 427x617, 12138291123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>carpal tunnel at 20
holy fuck

>> No.3861569

You can get it at any age just by being too dedicated to something.

>> No.3861571

That's fucked up

>> No.3861582

he already has carpal tunnel

>> No.3861617

Would he have prevented his carpal tunnel if he had drawn with his arm instead of his wrist?

>> No.3861686

No, he edits his videos
If he did this as a live stream while responding to viewers it would be real
He's been on video admitting he just uses short videos then puts them together

>> No.3861696

>being this much of a newbie at drawing
There's another carpal syndrome for the arm too, but most people don't know this one for some reason.

>> No.3861721

What's it called?

>> No.3861723

Well I skipped through this one


Unless he is fucking with the background clock between masterful Hollywood edits, I'd say he sits in the chair the whole and spends most of his time drawing. This is months after having a pinched nerve in is back. Skip to the ten hour mark and you'll see he taped his wrist.

>> No.3861730

he has a 24 hour uncut video. you'd really think he'd go through all the trouble to perfectly restart the clock right next to him every "cut" and stay in the same spot every "cut"? that's more of an accomplishment then drawing for 24 hours jesus dude/

>> No.3861896


Yeah but tbf I don't think ZHC ever had a girlfriend before. Why he went to Tinder is beyond me, but he'll put up with anything just for her company.


Look how quick her reactions change, and how cartoony they are.


>> No.3861989
File: 19 KB, 214x311, 1394002866083.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine being a cocksucker for an unfunny grifter

>> No.3861997

Whats wrong with her hairline and skull?

>> No.3861998

is there any way to set up a screen tablet that isn't either:
>super unergonomic and painful
>highly uncomfortable to draw on
>requires an easel/large ass drafting table that completely negate the purpose of drawing on a portable device

>> No.3862001

They both seem like vapid people. I still wouldn't wish for him to not be able to draw though. He seems quite sad desu.

>> No.3862007

>this level of artist
>chicken scratches the start of every drawing

Why is /tg/ always wrong?

>> No.3862010

They are probably wrong too, but /ic/ mostly.

>> No.3862507
File: 226 KB, 553x312, zhc cucked.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3862510
File: 1.02 MB, 900x1200, just hodl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


How to prevent this?
t. programmer with 7.5 hour days, drawing 2 hours on workdays and 16 hours total on weekends. Looks like I am on a highway to this sort of thing. I already have nerd-neck and don't wnat to fuck myself up even more.

>> No.3862513

You are over exerting yourself. There's no way to prevent this sort of thing if you're using both your arms all the time like that, it's bound to happen eventually. There's exercises for artists, mostly flexing and shit, but other than that you should optimize the time you spend drawing instead of drawing all the time.

>> No.3862518

Or you could do traditional painting

>> No.3863278


Yeah I know what you mean. No idea what ZHC has been through, but he seems like the type to latch on to people and feed off of attention.

>> No.3863310
File: 260 KB, 708x266, wrist.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a million ways to strengthen your wrist/forearm/shoulders so that you'll draw several hours straight without developing degenerative injuries. You can do it with free weights or bodyweight, doesn't matter. A simple one is angling your wrists to a 45 or 90 degree angle and letting them support your weight while you do bar hangs or pullups. Mobility exercises are also important.

Not really, most of my art friends have had some form of RSI condition. I got tendinitis when I got serious about art and went into fundamentals grindmode. A couple people intuitively figure out good posture and ergonomics or happen upon them by chance.

>> No.3863316

the head really throws me off. that's a male brow ridge, forehead, and hairline. female foreheads are more vertical than male foreheads which tend to be sloped.