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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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3808880 No.3808880 [Reply] [Original]

>/beg/ is too /beg/ to help me
>still not good enough for /draw/
>basically competent at observation, anatomy, fundies, perspective, etc
>still terrible at drawing passable things from imagination
i will never leave this hell

>> No.3808896

I guess I'm a Boomer Zealot.

>> No.3808904

literally none of these..... so I'm gmi right!?!?

>> No.3808914

>Loomis zealots
The only people here who might make it are the photobash guys.

Just do the sensible thing and leave this shithole. At this point this board is populated by people who just want to talk shit on e-celebrities.

>> No.3808915

holy fucking kek this chart

>> No.3808916

reminder that the degenerate made it already and it's retarded to ignore the fact porn/pinup shit gives you attention and money

>> No.3808919


>> No.3808921

What's the definition of Make it btw? Earning money by arts? Get an art job from a big company?

>> No.3808922

Nobody knows anymore.

>> No.3808928

It depends on the person.

>> No.3808930

to be able to create the things you want to create

>> No.3808968

The "I've been collecting guides for 6 years but haven't attempted a single drawing yet"

>> No.3808999

what do you mean, made it?

>> No.3811094

I was having a good time in /beg/ until they kicked me out of there because I was getting too good for their shitty standards. I haven't improved since then, and that was 3 years ago.

>> No.3811102

Start a limbo general. We can all ignore each other in it

>> No.3811122

Im beyond unfinished sketch, i didn’t even start bruh

>> No.3811124

None. We're going to make it bros.

>> No.3811146

I'm literally muh style. Yeah I often ask for critique, but I'm usually thinking that whatever I posted was already cool and I secretly do it to see if someone else liked it.

>> No.3811150

Making It is managing to leave this shithole board once and for all

>> No.3811152

I'm unfinished sketch and muh style. This is so embarrassing

>> No.3811181

post your drawings so we can tell you if you are
>basically competent at observation, anatomy, fundies, perspective, etc

>> No.3811212

First one. I have unironically thousands of pieces of paper all over my room and not a single thing has anything on it that's remotely finished.

>> No.3811304

Dam I was a fell for sycra. Good think I outgrew that shit.

>> No.3811307

Achieved success.

>> No.3811316

>am unfinished sketch
>don't watch proko
This chart sucks

>> No.3811321

In what?

>> No.3811327

mixture between copying jpegs and muh style

>> No.3811629
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Am a mix of unfinished sketch, degenerate porn addict and "fell for sycra" at some extend

Im a bit of a perfectionist and been learning how to draw for over 2 years, I don't want to finish any of my drawings as long as i'm not satisfied enough with my anatomy and style and been doing nothing else but grinding and spending my nights doing anatomy studies. I don't know if I'll be able to make it frankly speaking.

>> No.3811651
File: 364 KB, 521x448, 1357317997466.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>loves hampton/villpu/loomis/dobson
>always links to instructional pdfs

I can't help it, posting pdfs and pages usually covers what people are asking for.

>> No.3811704

Fundie that realizes Bargue serves a purpose. I hate gook art and frequent /pol/.

>> No.3811838
File: 81 KB, 879x913, Screen Shot 2019-02-15 at 12.38.18 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fundie zelot turned anime boomer i guess. do you guys think it's possible to have a style that's too outdated? 90's anime gets me hard but it seems like everyone wants moeblobs these days
i feel kinda guilty sometimes for spamming huevaluechroma & linran on people, but at the same time, that's how i learned.

>> No.3811845

you really need to finish some even if youre not satisfied, or you will never finish a piece of art. its something you will have to force yourself to do, and yes it will help you understand a lot of things you may be struggling with. finishing a piece is also a part of the learning process, dont think you have to be a master to finish a piece of art, or you will never get to the level you want.

>> No.3811849

/pol/ has some cognitive dissonant ideology these days. i still go there sometimes, but a lot of the people are race realists and well, 90% dont have pure genes themselves. its become some weird circle jerk of despair. its becoming the /r9k/ of politics and race.

>> No.3811860

>unfinished sketch
I make finished stuff traditionally
>copies sight size
I use construction
>muh style
I've never even seen this one in action on /ic/
never watched sycra, jazza or proko
>loomis zealot
I'm trying to deviate from realism a bit and I don't care about hoarding instruction/art books
>degenerate porn addict
I only draw artistic lewds of my waifu
I draw like 10 hours a day and I think I don't have any talent

Pretty sure I'm not gonna make it.

>> No.3811888

It was a lot better before all the new Trump kids got there.

>> No.3811955

>I only draw artistic lewds of my waifu

>> No.3812047

>Takes chart seriously and analyses it
>Pretty sure I'm not gonna make it.
Factual statement

>> No.3812058

damn vu is lucky to have decent work used and be the only colored piece on there, shouldve cropped it properly though faggot

>> No.3812155

sorry i meant yev i mix their names up a lot

>> No.3812161

what a fucking cop out

>> No.3812239

Loomis zealot I suppose, but my study has a purpose.

>> No.3812240

Shit is getting weird there. Trump is backing out of promises and all the stormfags and lolbertarians are jumping ship, but he still has a dedicated base that constantly retcon his mistakes as 4D chess and deride any attempt at a discussion with wild accusations of shilling and sliding. The board seems to be going through a transitionary period.
I suppose this isn't very on-topic, though.

>> No.3812264

I'm mostly stuck with doodling some nonsense in ms paint once or twice a month, my biggest problem is discipline. Feels bad when it's your only hobby

>> No.3815228

How to get good if I'm too shitty for /beg/? Drawabox's first lessons don't seem to be sticking, and Keys to Drawing starts out expecting me to be able to copy.

>> No.3815273

I go there for happenings, but have some real life friends who are completely addicted to Q and trump 4d chess, and all that conspiracy tier stuff.

I mean, it's fun sometimes to entertain the thought, but these people are way too serious about it, gotten to a point where those are the only conversation topics that they are capable of maintaining.

>> No.3815277

No one is too shitty for beg, it’s whats it’s there for

>> No.3815886

But the sticky barely goes over copying and that's what I've been spending a months trying to learn

>> No.3815901

Reference faggot here, have only ever branched out with one picture and it wound up actually getting some likes on social media. I need to know how to branch out even further from my comfort zone.

>> No.3817627

making it just means you can make enough money off your art to live okay. Maybe have a sidejob to supplement your income. be well-known in the art world.

>> No.3817642

maybe scale back your 4chan consumption, broseph

>> No.3817682
File: 166 KB, 1177x686, 23YODOOMER.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Doomer

>> No.3817715

I'm not listed here, so does that mean I am not ngmi? been drawing seriously for 5 years

>> No.3817718
File: 215 KB, 1080x423, 20190220_092256.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just graduated from /beg/
>only draws women
>thinks drawing penises are gay
>guilty of sameface syndrome
>draws the same pose and angle all the time
>has a commish page with tumbleweeds blowing around
>has tried to an hero at least thrice already

Am I gmi anon? I'm scared

>> No.3817734

Keep studying, drawing, challenging yourself. The worst thing that can happen is that you get too comfortable and stop trying.

>> No.3817739

Thanks for the tip senpai

>> No.3817752

>never drawn porn in my life
>recently started to make lewds
>"wohoho time to draw the vagina!"
>draw a vertical line

>> No.3817762

shit it hurts

>> No.3817763
File: 651 KB, 560x552, 9d6.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's up to your reference library then
I have a few pictures of neat looking pussies that I refer to when I need to draw them

If you're still hanging around after I'm back from being a military slave ( about 6h from now) I'll post some for you to take a look at and -fap- reference

>> No.3817783

I'm 100% straight but vaginas do not turn me on at all and actually I find them kinda gross. So I draw them simple. like a slit with a hint of clit and that's it. I hate those wide open meaty drooling beavers

>> No.3817800

That's fine and dandy but it's good to learn how to draw vaginas in all shapes and sizes

Push the boundary of your comfort zone

>> No.3817837

I'm the degenerate porn artist except I only draw twinks, not women

>> No.3817854

post twinks

>> No.3817889

This tbqh

>> No.3817904

Now this is it

>> No.3818143

So many Russian bots now. And of course good ole fashion retards.

>> No.3818247

I'm a broken mix of Unfinished Sketch, Muh Style, and The Boomer with a pinch of Fell For Sycra thrown in for comedic effect

>> No.3818268

What is /draw/ and /beg/?

I don't stick around here, I'm busy actually drawing and getting paid for it but those 2 picked my interest.

>> No.3818274

That might actually be a good idea. There's too many people who are /beg/s transitioning to amateurs. They don't need the sticky anymore. They're putting in the work. And they're usually the ones in need of the most critique and have a chance at improving.

>> No.3818388
File: 447 KB, 811x995, Haiklan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to be a "draws loomis heads in 3/4ths mindlessly for half a year and never improve"er but I've evolved into "Only ever draws 1 half assed piece every few days to use in my rulebook and hasn't done a real study or even sketched since 2017"

Which is a step up.

>> No.3818464

porn + unfinished, i'm never gonna make it

>> No.3818470


>> No.3818478

That's a pretty cool design, anon. You can make it.

>> No.3819530

getting money i guess

>> No.3819569

Someone needs to change the "muh style" to something else. How is it any diff than the unfinished sketch. Just add a more polished muh style example like the degenerate porn addict.

>> No.3819978

t. creator of the muh style drawing

>> No.3820199

I'm a Loomis zealot and porn addict hybrid

>> No.3820512

i would like this

>> No.3820530

I believe I was in the fell for sycra category for a long time then I quit completely and now restarted with more muh fundamentals and a different outlook on learning. (with actual hours put into it this time instead of youtube)

>> No.3820646


>> No.3820728

the patricians choice

>> No.3821031

>I'm none of these
>but then I'll become too self-sated thinking I'm better than all of that and won't try as hard

>> No.3821303

begone bad thoughts.Man this hits too hard though

>> No.3821340
File: 250 KB, 415x469, boomy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm somehow half of all of these.
>Makes FAR more unfinished sketches and doodles compared to finished art
>Saves a fuckton of reference to essentially copy (but mostly forget about) on ic with no measurable gain
>Most finished stuff & projects boil down to "muh style" also calarts hopefag
>Don't care for sycra or jazza, but still a prokofag
>autistic when people don't adhere to fundamental design philosophy, or when they fuck up a "realistic" drawing due to a number of reasons
>comfortable with drawing porn
>Believes in post-modern degeneracy when it comes to art, and that everyone has at least SOME potential for talent. Average drawing time of a couple hours a week.
If anything, I simply don't deserve to make it.

>> No.3821507


except for the porn part that's me

>> No.3821510

>he doesn't know what making it means

>> No.3821631

>I'm basically all of them
It's fine, I was planning on killing myself soon any way.

>> No.3821634

I only copy images, it feels bad

>> No.3821636

>Makes FAR more unfinished sketches and doodles compared to finished art
That's normal, I post a finished thing every day but I have 10x the sketches and botched art lying around

>> No.3822147

I probably should've mentioned that my scale is 1 finished piece a month if I'm lucky

>> No.3822184

Stop relying on 4chan then. You know what you need work on, go do that. A lot of it.

>> No.3822240

>fell for the 3 million hours of anatomy meme
>tried to transition to loomis and failed horribly
>want to quit but too afraid over time invested

>> No.3822274

But do you draw a lot every day? I draw like 10 hours a day when I'm not writing and I make sketches and thumbnails all the time. Whatever I like I scan and draw it digitally then print it out and ink it, if I have other sketches I like that I can't make on time for the day I pin them to a corkboard and do them the next day.
My worst thing is writing for comics, I just end up procrastinating or doing more concept art and illustrations. When I have to sit down and write I become so unproductive.
There has to be one sketch out of 10 or 20 or 50 that catches your eye and you think might become a finished piece. And you need to practice your inking and coloring skills too, you're missing out on a lot of language if you just sketch.
This is from someone who loves sketches above all else, I'd rather have a very nice gestural pencil sketch with construction lines visible than a fully rendered painting

>> No.3822382
File: 40 KB, 452x710, 1540205008462.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Currently "The Unfinished Sketch" here.

I dont think I've EVER completed a work that wasn't for some assignment. Even in my various sketchbooks the closest I've ever gotten is doing lineart over them but never color or value really.

Been trying to break out of this as I transition to digital but painting is so overwhelming to me. I completely suck at color theory, and the thought of spending hours getting colors right frustrates me because then I think of all of the new sketches/ideas I could be doing in that time.

>> No.3822395

>you're not gonna make it if you never finish anything and just give up in sketch stage
Yup amen
>your'e never gonna make it if you just copy images
There's merit to reference studies but I understand the sentiment... I guess... what else
> muh style
100% preach it
>fell for sycra
... where are you going with this? are you gonna turn anti teach
God dammit
>Draws things I dont' agree with
nooooooooooooooo, stop, please this is cancer why are you making this
>fell for " everyone has talent"
get out... just get out.

As for your post it seems like a perfect example of not understanding fundies and lacking practice. You heard it a million time and you will hear it again, but the only thing you need to do is sit your ass down and work.

>> No.3822703

Christ I wish I had your workflow. I try(plan) to draw everyday, but I’m a hardcore procrastinator. I’d say it’d be every 3rd or 2nd day on average I ‘get around to’ or ‘now feel like’ drawing, but when I do, it’s either pointless warmups, or my comic.
Next month I will make a point to draw each for at least an hour a day outside of warmup to make it a habit.

>> No.3822705

Fuck, when I do draw it’s between 1-4 hours, with a learn towards 2

>> No.3822809

Quality over quantity any day of the week imo.

some days I'll do an hour, some I'll do six, depends on the flow I guess. I try not to worry about time spent, more the fact that I'm drawing, relieves a lot of the pressure and makes it easier.

Usually I find that when I start drawing and am enjoying myself or whatever I can draw until my eyes are sore.

>> No.3823118

what do you do when you're feeling crappy and have no push to draw?What do you do?

>> No.3823124

You draw, only really tired.

>> No.3823143
