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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 947 KB, 1000x723, begnipponcrab.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3795693 No.3795693 [Reply] [Original]

IF YOU ARE A /BEG/INNER IN ART, please use this thread to post pieces for critique or ask for advice. We should not have to make new threads or post in the Drawthread with our fundamental exercises.

Previous Thread >>3789589

Feel free to post even the smallest exercise you have done to show you are still trying, do not give up, make someone proud.

>screenshot the image and post that instead
>change camera capture settings to something smaller
>send to computer and resize in MSPaint

READ THE STICKY if you need guidance when you haven't even started

Sticky: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1uwaXKU7ev6Tw_or__o8ARpUb6r2rCZYJGqwSFV9AD98/edit#bookmark=id.15jx3pyuimvj

TRY TO GIVE PEOPLE SOME FEEDBACK - many studies are left unreplied, which is a bit sad and can be quite demotivating for the people that try their best to improve, but are left directionless.

REMEMBER, if you've just started out you work will not be good, it doesn't need to be, just get in to the swing of actually drawing, and learning how to study. Most of all, enjoy it.

"Success is no accident. It is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice and most of all, love of what you are doing or learning to do."

>> No.3795699
File: 315 KB, 541x555, B99C2C05-CC10-4F86-A0B3-7480ACC848B2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3795701
File: 91 KB, 500x672, 0b570a4a312467a13db4a5fb424f99b7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ref 01

>> No.3795706
File: 25 KB, 405x600, d7e36d24a53bc031c2d323dcfd0959bb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aww shit you were faster Anon

ahem ref 02

Carry on gents!

>> No.3795730
File: 1.12 MB, 1080x1428, IMG_20190203_132116.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I decided to BRANCH out from just drawing people and did a little scene. I might have put too much effort into a notebook drawing and I'm shading it now but the empty lineart has some appeal

>> No.3795741

if somebody could advise me on >>3795732 I'd appreciate it; anything missing or stupid?
probably looks retarded but I like having things planned ahead of time

>> No.3795770

Well firstly, don't base anything on Picasso cuz he sucked ass and was the beginning of the end.
Second, all those vids open up huge topics by themselves, and they almost brush aside your first task. And there's fuckall evidence of actually practicing anything.
1. Learn how to make lines and create constructions. Try breaking household items into basic shapes and drawing them.
2. Alongside 1, study perspective. There are books on this, and you can also do exercises like placing a cube on a sheet of paper and drawing both the paper and cube.
3. Once you can lay down some decent lines, can break things into components, and have a grasp on perspective, start learning gesture. This is best done by drawing from life or reference. Don't worry about making things perfect, try to find flow.
4. After you have some idea of gesture, learn anatomy. Anatomy uses your construction skills, and it lets you flesh out gesture drawings.
5. You should only have been working in lines before this, not tone. Now you can go onto learn values and the rest of your plan seems to understand this.

>> No.3795821
File: 136 KB, 430x640, Stravinsky_picasso.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I meant the upside down Stavinsky drawing lad
I've been practicing stuff before I just didn't want to post boring shit like 1 & 2 point perspective exercises with boxes
seems like all the stuff you laid out matches what I intend to do anyhow

>> No.3795953
File: 1.33 MB, 1627x1066, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like something that is holding me back so much is my lack of knowledge pertaining to how light works, and values etc. Some anon in the last /beg/ thread tried helping me out but I still can't get the hang of it.

I always get to the rough concept phase, try and start rendering and just fuck it up and give up and delete it.

>> No.3795959

More value studies

>> No.3795961

I'm kinda having trouble mixing colors with my copics. Any tips?

>> No.3795963

that looks sweet man!

>> No.3795964

that looks sweet man!

>> No.3795989
File: 174 KB, 908x559, yaya.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What should I be studying to improve at this point?

>> No.3795993
File: 81 KB, 843x1280, WhatsApp Image 2019-02-03 at 7.09.29 PM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its my first time painting, literally it is the first time that I hold brushes with seriousness, I use acrylic paint on a drawing sheet a3
I would like you to give me criticism or opinions that will help me improve in the future

>> No.3795994

learn to draw first. seriously. this painting shows you lack all of the fundamentals, especially perspective and values. if you're interested in landscapes, go download "Landscapes and Scenery" by Jack Hamm in the book thread.

>> No.3796001 [DELETED] 
File: 1.26 MB, 1061x1428, IMG_20190203_190506.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure I like it anymore, I think it was too much

>> No.3796018
File: 1.09 MB, 1063x1435, IMG_20190203_192623.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure I like it anymore, it might be too cluttered now

>> No.3796038

How did you study to get that good?

>> No.3796042
File: 167 KB, 386x477, 500B72C6-28FD-41F2-ABA5-CBF8B0440E48.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do i make this work?

>> No.3796056
File: 92 KB, 1000x493, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really need to start learning muscles

>> No.3796073

I need some advice on receiving money for a commission.
I'm new to doing commissions and I wanted to how what exactly to do when using paypal.
do I just give the commissioner an email address and they just send the money?
or do i have to watch out for anything?

>> No.3796074
File: 358 KB, 2108x2680, New Doc 2019-02-03 19.24.00_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I stop making my art so fucking cringey and weird?

>> No.3796076


>> No.3796078

First two look pretty good. Polish them a bit more, they have potential.

>> No.3796108

damn the drawing is that bad?

>> No.3796119
File: 114 KB, 862x493, asfasdfasdfasdf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These lines you're using to trace out forms, are actually making the figures look flatter.

>> No.3796132
File: 58 KB, 540x539, lines1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I drew some lines.

>> No.3796136

Well no but everything is better with references.

>> No.3796139
File: 399 KB, 1080x865, IMG_20190203_214050.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not THAT bad but the dog or cat itself would need to have a different pose, the painting can't improve much just by tweaking colors. They're almost forming a 90°,too vertical. Curves and contrast between forms are more appealing, .. Wait I'll do a quick sketch, I don't know much about animals other than bunnies though.

It's be nice if you could do that dog pose where they're curled up to sleep so his head would be facing the opposite way while the cat is looking at the window. Also I think the cat's body facing the camera would be more balanced for this composition but that's me. Honestly this is pretty much redrawing the whole thing and I'm a /beg/, take it with a grain of salt. Though Hampton's book does talk about avoiding symmetric poses since they tend to be more stiff.

>> No.3796144

Roast and toast me before I clean it up, Gonna get a ref for the hand on the left and try to clean up the janky shoulder on the right.

>> No.3796146

It sucks

>> No.3796148
File: 109 KB, 1293x901, boomer2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow im rarted skeet motherfucker

>> No.3796187

i originally intended the dog to be extemely foreshortened but its hard to draw and actually looks pretty weird but yeah the cats position could use some adjusting

>> No.3796193

Extreme foreshortening, that works too. You could leave it almost the same then. if the dog was in a complete Front view the cat could stay the way you drew it. You'd see the dog's face, paws and shoulders/trapezius/back... I'm sure there are pictures of dogs facing forward. Try doing that so you don't redraw the cats pose. That angle. Tweak on the dog would keep the essence of your drawing I think.

>> No.3796205

That's cute af in my opinion.

>> No.3796206

Well played Anon!

>> No.3796207

What makes you think it is cringy? I think it looks fine. Weird is totally subjective...

>> No.3796216

Check out perspective lectures by Marshall Vandruff, he is hilarious guy and makes perspective less boring. Like other anons said, learn to break objects into cylinders cubes and spheres early on. Do not get stuck with any lesson plans that consist of drawing only cubes or lines for weeks to no end. You should be drawing organic objects and learning to break those down. Early on you can watch FZD episode (I believe its episode 89 no?) from Youtube: "Just Draw".

I don't know about David Hornung's book about color, but arguably the best book on the subject is Color and Light by James Gurney. I am so glad I bought the book. I have read it twice and will do it again this year when I have some time.

Obviously you'll be practicing a lot on the side of reading and watching lectures. Learn to thumbnail early on. It'll improve your value estimation and your color observation (which things work together, which don't). Do not use over saturated colors. Unity with variety.. you can also check out youtube videos featuring Nathan Fowkes, he is dreamworks artist and expert on color.

>> No.3796224
File: 569 KB, 2088x1029, 20190203_214314.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3796230

Is 21 too late to start drawing ? I started yesterday and have been grinding plates.

I'd really like to be really good at drawing :( I enjoy the process

>> No.3796234

Stop worrying and draw.

>> No.3796235

I did that all day. Now I must sleep.

>> No.3796236

Good work.

>> No.3796238

It is the journey that matters Anon not the destination, so do not be anxious about tomorrow, tomorrow will look after itself. Just draw if you enjoy it, it will be journey of discovery.

>> No.3796247

>dont check deviantart because busy actually studying last few months
>watches are now over 2500
>just consuming art takes up fucktons of time too
its all so hard

>> No.3796248

Thank you!
I don't know, really. I showed it to my brother and he said it was cringy so I got insecure.

>> No.3796250
File: 245 KB, 600x800, 1527433101966.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's pretty cringy. But you do you.

>> No.3796252

But like.. how cringy? Does it make you physically recoil or is it just weird?

>> No.3796263

There is this thing called "opinions" Anon. Society is not a hivemind and people have different tastes. So do not worry just keep drawing whatever flights your fancy.

Remember this video

>be legendary artist Kim Jung Gi
>have interview about sketchbook published
>"all these drawing are things that really interest me"
>page full of naked women
seriously as long as you do not actively try to stir shit up with your drawings you should just draw what you like and do not worry about opinions. Especially someone close to you like your brother who might just be an asshole in general an doesn't even care.

>> No.3796264

the words are cringey, so is the face in that context.

>> No.3796265

>Is [...] too late to start? I started [...]

Are you are fucking retard mate?

>> No.3796273
File: 315 KB, 1000x500, valuecontrast.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The anatomy of dog is wrong. The very basic perspective is wrong on the face. You lack value contrast and subtleties in hue. The dog is black and white and lacks any color character (minus the super bright eyes and pinks in ear). The image hardly changes when turned in black and white. The image lacks a focal point - you need value contrast and interest in one place to achieve that.

There are too many hard edges, the creatures look like they are cutout and don't fit in the environment. The cat is too sharp object against the wall. The picture needs more softness, subtlety and shifts in hue. You can see especially in the dogs ears that they look like flat objects and don't have any depth. Also a lot of hard edges there.

Watch one or two videos how Aaron Blaise does his paintings (on his channel on youtube) to get better at digital painting of animals and environments. He did work on Lion King and Rio so he is pretty good with his animals.

>> No.3796281

shit im just going restart from scratch then. practice runs are a thing right?

>> No.3796292
File: 1007 KB, 1200x848, King Sukamon_sm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are some ways I could improve this? Line quality aside.

>> No.3796294

Make your shadows correspond to the light source more consistently.

>> No.3796298

You really want to learn?
This isn’t sexy. This might not seem fun.
Get some “geometric solids”, all white, put them in a single source shadow box and then draw them.

Draw and render them to perfection.

You have to get the perspective right, the cast shadow shapes right with the correct values, the form shadows right with the gradations, and lastly your occlusions.

>> No.3796299

Learning to see is THE thing.

>> No.3796303

no i mean starting a painting, getting really far along, like mine, then realizing its shit so you completely start over. is that common or just every once in a while?

>> No.3796314
File: 1.11 MB, 1200x848, polished turd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he is literally a piece of shit right? Then you can make him look shiny and slimy "polished turd" right? Keep an eye on the shading as >>3796294 said the shading on the ground does not match the shading on the body. The ground indicates it comes from left but the body indicated it comes from the front. Keep at it!

>> No.3796319

Oh hell yeah dude, I think that's a big ingredient I've been missing. Thanks

>> No.3796333

how do I into figure drawing
Steve Huston or the Vilppu drawing guide

>> No.3796340

Is it better to practice techniques that I find work best for me, or try different techniques that don't work out for me?

>> No.3796342

ideally both but try everything that doesn't work for you, even if you fail miserably struggling failure is what makes you learn

>> No.3796349

Yeah everybody does shitty paintings in the beginning. You need to learn about basic lighting setup

Ctrl+paint: shading with light and form in your digital painting
Proko: shading light and form - basics

Watch those videos, do some excercises. I highly recommend you to buy Ctrl+paint Basic rendering part 1 and actually doing the excercise.

After watching those videos and understanding basic lighting, watch videos of Aaron blaise drawing and painting animals, and try to get that same looseness in the sketching and painting.

You'll be painting nice doggos in couple of months if you have some thought with you when drawing and painting. Try to avoid autopilot, and maybe try to narrate in your head stuff like "I'll pick a cooler color, because this side is in shadow" or something like that. I have voice of James Gurney accompanying me when I paint probably till I die.

>> No.3796352


Youtube links for lazy ones

Ctrl Paint shading with light and form
Proko Light and form basics

James gurney color sketches:
Gurney on color gamuts:

Aaron Blaise on painting fur:
Check his channel he has a lot of videos about drawing, painting and animation

>> No.3796355 [DELETED] 
File: 448 KB, 640x793, 1543A8BA-9E4F-447C-A214-BF3E5170E81A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone here lifedraw?

>> No.3796386

get a paypal business account.
you can generate invoices with and accept down payments for commissions. it's a lot more professional that a "send me moneys" link.

>> No.3796403

What's better Peter Han or Drawabox? I know they're basically the same but which is better?

>> No.3796432
File: 226 KB, 696x716, 20190204_082816.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel pretty bad. I spent a ton of time measuring and checking for accuracy on this but it looks really off to me.

>> No.3796438
File: 178 KB, 1039x1333, image0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3796439
File: 323 KB, 696x716, 19F16CE2-F9F1-44F9-BFFA-8CECD95F48FE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have no idea what your original image looks like, but it looks to me like her chin is sliding off her face like some horrible mutant. tried to fix (?)

>> No.3796443

This is why people emphasise the fundies. If you can’t visualise the forms in 3D you’re hosed, proportion measuring is cuck work. There’s just no way it will get you anywhere.

>> No.3796444

Ok, I give up then. I can't visualize forms so there's no point in me trying. I'm sorry to have wasted your time.

>> No.3796446

Lol. Doubt you will give up

>> No.3796447
File: 3.58 MB, 3036x4299, drawing 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3796449

“waaa waaa i suck” if you’re bad at something then practice more effectively, faggot. you’re a waste of everyone’s time

>> No.3796451

I'm a hopeless retarded failure, so I really should at least try to give up. I need to remember that I will always be shit, and trying to draw is a waste of my time.

>> No.3796452

There's nothing that can help me, practicing won't make any difference since I'm just too stupid.

>> No.3796453
File: 2.32 MB, 2656x3568, study 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3796455
File: 2.03 MB, 1383x1736, Self Portrait Small.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3796456

Look faggot, I’ve been exactly where you are skill wise and all the crits won’t make you quit.
This fag has the same issues but worse proportions.
Chill and keep scribbling

>> No.3796458
File: 1.08 MB, 1593x2258, WIP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3796463
File: 343 KB, 833x999, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3796464
File: 100 KB, 833x999, 9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3796466
File: 188 KB, 919x999, 13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3796467
File: 468 KB, 833x999, 70F02D90-A24F-4229-8186-CC435588FA70.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your black and white studies are pretty mud. don’t do greyscale studies if you aren’t willing to go to the extremes with it because then you aren’t learning jack shit

>> No.3796469

Values on the cheek, do you think it’s accurate?

>> No.3796470

Work on perspective and foreshorting

>> No.3796474

Is there anything easier then How to Draw for learning perspective? People recommend it to me alot but it seems a bit too heavy for where i'm at right now (which is beg as fuck) and i'm not sure I want to even get that in depth with it seeing I usually want to draw creatures.

>> No.3796476

There’s easier books but honestly, just struggle through it. Your creature game will be weak af if you’re not at ‘how to draw’ level perspective wise

>> No.3796480

Fair enough anon! Ill just struggle through each exercise until I understand it, it probably helps more in the long run.

>> No.3796490

It’s basic graphics shit but freehand, if you were educated in Aus graphics high school shit you’ll have seen it. You’ll get it, it’ll click and you’ll be good. Clicky subject. No then duh.

>> No.3796549

The upper lip in the original image is a bit behind and up. The nose you drew has weird form, the bridge flattens out more than it does in the original image. All in all, the face in the original image is longer. The ear you drew has a different perspective compared to the original image. It's also shorter. You drew cheekbone a bit to forward and blunt as well.
Basically >>3796443
In my opinion, you should practice form, perspective, and observing and putting down correct proportions for a start.
Try to draw cubes. Also try wireframe drawings, where you try to wrap lines around an object to give an illusion of 3D space. Observe how the form changes as the view changes. Try using a 3D software, or real life. Eventually you'll start seeing things in 3D. Also, I'd like to suggest deciding how you're going to represent a subject using lines before going for it. For example, the hair can be simplified instead of a bunch of strands and look better.

>> No.3796562
File: 61 KB, 397x331, 9588515F-9203-469B-81BE-3E3DA94386E0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

okay i think this is a lot closer to what i was originally going for. i added more of a background reference plus i think it makes the composition better and should help with the values. also it i tightened the perspectice so that the viewer is more straight on with the dog making cat higher

>> No.3796567
File: 858 KB, 2550x3300, goblin alc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did a little bit of work on this. The last anon said I need to not have a black border and to soften it up. Any other anons advice? Im not good enough to be proud so anything will help.

>> No.3796579
File: 229 KB, 1008x1414, cowgirl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry i was a bit lazy with her left hand (and i guess with pretty much everything else)

>> No.3796614

No opinions on this one?

>> No.3796647

how expensive is a pack of blank paper in your country?

>> No.3796677

Not very expensive, I use blank paper sometimes but it was more stealthy to draw on the notebook in the middle of classes.

>> No.3796689
File: 377 KB, 1047x795, howww.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How am I actually supposed to use reference to create different things or styles. I've been drawing 3 months and I feel like I'm mostly just better at copying.

Here's an example where I drew from the reference and then tried to make it look more animeish but it looks bad and still isn't unique.

>> No.3796694

draw it five hundred more times

>> No.3796699

Is that seriously how people improve do it? Aren't you suppose to go through a process of memorizing anatomy and rotating it in 3d?

>> No.3796708
File: 116 KB, 1000x742, crab2wip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feels good to be Daimyo

>> No.3796710

Dude relax just have more patience, "muh style" is not something you "create intentionally" unless you are really desperate. It should be something that "emerges" as you practice and expand your own visual library. And besides being unique should be the last thing you should be worrying about when you are 3 months in. If being unique is even seriously possible today.

I must say tough 3 months that is a pretty damn good progress already. So do not worry, you are doing fine, I understand drawing stuff like that straight from imagination and no refs used is hard but that is the goal you grind for. And the right one isn't that bad seen way worse and you acknowledge that is it has faults that is already a good thing.

>> No.3796713

sure. draw it in 500 different degrees

>> No.3796717

What makes the right more anime than the left, besides that you gave her a bigger eye? Now it seems more like you tried to turn the model 10 years younger and botched the anatomy in the process.
Anatomy for anime isn't much different than realism in essence, but more simplified forms and generally less linework. Keep doing anatomy studies, but maybe if your goal is to make anime, look at your favorite artists and try to redraw their work but as construction (and don't skip gestures).
You'll figure out where it deviates from reality, and if you know the realism you'll learn where to deviate from it for your own drawings.
Biggest difference, anatomy and proportion wise, is in the head and face. Good luck anon.

>> No.3796734
File: 698 KB, 533x567, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Learn perspective. You're right it is really messy, i can't tell what the stuff in the background is supposed to be or if the thing on the right is a plant or a tree, Also is that a giant bunny or a tiny car? because they don't look right if you were trying to make them realistic.
It's nice that you're putting this much detail into your drawings but you should also study fundamentals.

>> No.3796744

very good anon, keep it up

>> No.3796772

Yeah it was a giant bunny and I didn't study cars. Thanks for that, studying perspective seems to have great value especially since I want to do more scenes, I'll get into it right away

>> No.3796950
File: 551 KB, 859x3328, dcyqbct-ace2c501-e877-4d27-aaeb-b326a1074143 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello all. im trying to get into comic making

1. What should i study?
2. How to balance work (drawing comic) vs study time?
3. What to do for social media as someone making OC comics?
4. Should i finish this current comic or move onto something else?
please excuse my poor art

thank you

>> No.3796979

what the literally fuck?

>> No.3797016
File: 100 KB, 635x624, ddddd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I shat this out. First attempt at drawing anything in 5 years. Thoughts?

>> No.3797017

would make a cool tshirt

>> No.3797018
File: 568 KB, 1488x1984, IMG_20190204_233845-1488x1984.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any tips bros? What should i work on

>> No.3797031

Smugineer? You need to stop doing comics for a while (you can continue if you really want to, but still) and pump out a shitload of life figure studies + imagination figures while studying anatomy books (Anatomy for Sculptors is good). You also need to start a folder with favorite anime artists' pics to ref (especially the faces) because your current faces don't work.

Also stop changing aliases, get on twitter

>> No.3797035



>> No.3797040
File: 2.30 MB, 3968x2976, IMG_20190204_155827.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Choose your character.

>> No.3797045
File: 109 KB, 262x347, 3w4t.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reaction image gold mine

>> No.3797048

Does anyone have Trent's Box Set of Tutorials Vol. 4 (2018)?

>> No.3797062
File: 204 KB, 938x720, comic paneling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1. What should i study?
Study drawing basics in general gesture, perspective, composition, anatomy etc. Study the topic of your comics. You can't make a comic about say cooking if you do not know how to cook or how to draw delicious looking foods.

Study effective and pleasing comic paneling and the visual language of comics/manga. VERY IMPORTANT! See pic how the flow of the reader's attention can be guided nice and simple or all over the place.

>2. How to balance work (drawing comic) vs study time?
This depends completely on your life situation. Do you have deadlines? Do you have free time? Did you find something that gave you considerable hardship. Most important is that you stay productive.
>3. What to do for social media as someone making OC comics?
Ideally you should try to post your comic in EVERY relevant social media outlet you can think of. Sometimes even where it is not that relevant, Deviantart, twitter, tumblr, pixiv etc. (keep age ratings in mind) You can also find websites and communities where similar creators gather and display their work.
>4. Should i finish this current comic or move onto something else?
Ideally you should finish what you started but only if you knkpw here it is going-

>> No.3797069

I want to try my hand at a webcomic myself, but I'm not keen on a manga-esque style and want to go for something a bit more Western and crude. Like Mike Mignola, or something even grungier. Anyone know any decent artists to study?

>> No.3797088

Eyes way too high up. Unless you're a monster or something.

>> No.3797093

(re post from daily draw)
Yo, I'm a schizo from /x/, I was wondering if anyone know any good guides to start painting surreal/ paranormal stuff. Things like witches and their incantations from ashmolean, or simpler things like the cthulhu mythos painting from the call of cthulhu game (2018). I know it may take a while to get there but I wanna be sure I'm doing things right and not learning wrong techniques or w/e.

>> No.3797095

her shirt is devoid of any forms. It's like staring into an abyss

>> No.3797098

Are you new to painting, how is your current skill?

>> No.3797106

Completely new, I painted a few Bob Ross meme landscapes and ended up quite well, however I do not see how I will ever translate those techniques into the artstyle I actually care about

>> No.3797118

Alright these two youtube vids are the few that I found to make the basic theory of painting the easiest to understand for newcomers.

Sycra's foundation of light and shadow series, simple way to explain how light works and how it relates to painting shapes.

Blender Guru's video on Understanding color

and Understanding composition

These are quite short for the big topics they cover and I think they are pretty easy to digest.

>> No.3797122

For you Anon this vid on what not to do

>> No.3797129

Any anons wanna give a word or two of advice?

>> No.3797167

Since I ain't any good myself I am reluctant to give advice but I if I had to give advice you need to practice anatomy. Figure drawing should help you get a better idea of natural standing positions, he's looking a bit awkward there. He's also very flat since the lighting seems wrong, so the whole "Start thinking in 3D" concept would help you understand how light is supposed to fall onto objects to give them depth. There's some resources in the sticky that should help.

>> No.3797178

That looks really nice, how long have you been at it?

>> No.3797184

Will look into these, thanks

>> No.3797193 [DELETED] 

Pretty good for a 12 year old

>> No.3797228
File: 859 KB, 1080x1424, IMG_20190204_165028.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was just a quick doodle for a real drawing I'm gonna do but I like it, you can see it

>> No.3797242
File: 107 KB, 287x343, 1548079717936.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>start drawing this a while ago
>start at the bottom like a retard
>realize 30 minutes in I don't have enough space on the paper

should I keep going? so far I've done the head and some of the 'left' shoulder but I can't fit in the chair and stuff beyond the seam

>> No.3797248
File: 831 KB, 1328x1079, Tree (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just started drawing as a 20 year old. This is the first sketch that didn't entirely look like it was drawn by a child. Very beginner art advice would be appreciated.

>> No.3797251


check this out, really insightful

>> No.3797252

Yo please stop using lined paper an maybe take a better photo.

>> No.3797260

Thanks a lot. Really wanna get better at drawing nature and landscapes. This will definitely help

>> No.3797263
File: 531 KB, 3000x1836, piggy1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The right arm is really bugging me but I don't know why. Could someone tell me why? A redline would also be helpful

>> No.3797300
File: 629 KB, 2732x2048, 4BB13CFA-D5F3-4DD5-9D9B-3B6A58EAEB0A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3797308
File: 921 KB, 2732x2048, FD1CDAF5-9DBB-4717-97A6-2B1712C22FAE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3797314
File: 132 KB, 744x1028, SCAN0293.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3797318
File: 177 KB, 607x858, 4ch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any critique would be appreciated :)

>> No.3797319
File: 906 KB, 2732x2048, 40009629-7D2B-49E5-B56E-9396049CFB7D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3797322
File: 1.23 MB, 2048x2732, AAA63215-AB38-451E-8554-11324BE04632.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My style is sloppy and unapproached, any advice would help because I have been drawing for too long

>> No.3797331

i want to not be shit at drawing

>> No.3797332
File: 1.23 MB, 3264x2448, 95C91425-559C-4287-A6DC-13995FBE7609.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3797367

You look like you have the same problem I habe, not thinking enough when drawing from imagination. I've been trying to spend more time solving problems with my loose sketches before actually lining and adding values

>> No.3797399
File: 180 KB, 1400x2000, Nanachi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Things to improve on? First time working with layers.. ><

>> No.3797402

Does anyone have recommendations for a daily routine? I usually spend a few hours per day working on shapes and poses but I'd like to hear other peoples' routines.

>> No.3797404

I'm glad the crab warrior made it as the thread image
Cute robot! Great design and the suggestive rendering is nice so far.
This looks interesting so far, but please get yourself regular printer paper or a proper sketchbook and a scanner
Yeah you went a bit too far with that one
If you'd try this plan it may take you 300 years to get there because it's all messed up
Number 1 on your list should be understanding 3d shapes and drawing 3d, that's the whole idea behind art, representation of 3d shapes (space) in a 2d plane (piece of paper). You learn basic shapes, cubes, pyramids, balls and how to light them and how to place them in perspective. Only after that concept clicks in your mind where you don't think of drawing anymore as symbols but as a window to a 3d space you can then move on to general grinding. Drawing things from observation or reference, life, master studies, color studies...
Finish the image, punch through it. Sit on it for 10 hours just painting as good as you possibly can, even if you are afraid to ruin it, even if you don't know what you are doing. You literally won't know what to do next until you render this out. The only real assessment I can give you now is that you prioritize local values a little too much and you need practice.
you got some poses down roughly, this is good but now try
>interesting angles
>making finished paintings
>detailing or inking these or finishing these sketches with a crisp nice small brush to really test out your understanding of these rough shapes
>making finished sketches with the entirety of the body in frame, hair, face, eyes, mouth all fingers
>working more on the face, hair, fingers, toes, feet, proper leg anatomy ( especially lower leg)
>practicing getting the head to rest of body ratio
>practice on an actual pic with composition
These are some things that come to mind, either way great work so far, don't stop keep it up.

>> No.3797439

Great start, acrilic is a questionable medium to be working like this but you seem to be getting a long fine with it. One thing that sticks out like a sore thumb is the clouds and the layer separation, make sure your foreground smooths into the background and viceversa, and understand that clouds are big fluffy masses of water in our atmosphere you are at least visibly trying to represent em like that so good work. It's not amazing but it's a good start, keep practicing and especially learn your fundamentals, understanding your fundamentals always helps in moving your work forward. The perspective in the front land is kinda skewed.
You lack a grasp of what you are trying to represent here or at least lack a grasp on how to represent it, that's something that would go away with practice more than studying dog anatomy although if you wonna draw things like this it's not a bad idea. Also you should think about overall lightings before trying to detail the fur on the dogs.
Since those are somewhat stiff, muscles won't help you much, even if you know the muscles if your figures are still you'd just paste correct anatomy on awkward poses, train to push your poses and keep em alive.
lines don't really matter, especially for beg. Draw 3d shapes.
Thumbnails well and reads, looks a tad cartoony is that's what you were going for
The more I look at it the more it pisses me off.
I'm also not a fan of textured brushes cause it seems redundant but if it helps you sketch go for it.

>> No.3797441

Nothing to help here but practice. it doesn't thumbnails too badly but it's not too good. Grind on fundies, keep practicing, and also be a lot bolder with your shadows, if you are afraid to create the general impressions than it would all look like a gray sludge and the contrast would be off in many places. think overall value too.
You should group the hair into shapes and ot scribbles, just like you don't draw individual follicles as dots you don't draw individual hairs as lines like that. Make sure you re shading the ear and not just outlining it.
He's telling you to practice fundies and visualizing 3d forms and avoid measuring, he's not telling you to quit art, take a breather, You are on the right track as long as you study your fundamentals, and go back to drawing.
Great work! Real god job!
Notes: Hands and feet are broken. Top of ass needs tweaking, left cheek needs to be further away and have more depth, right cheek might benefit from having no line or being tweaked to smooth into the lower back.

>> No.3797461

Don't avoid faces, ever.
Drawing perspective is about representing space aka 3d which is the most important fundamental aspect of art, you need it even for drawing creatures. Try to punch through it and also before perspective practice simple 3d shapes libe boxes, spheres, and pyramids. Something I did starting out was draw these basic shapes and then add legs, teeth, and eyes to them and turn them into creatures. You can do that too, should be fun if you like creature design, Bob meat bag has a cool series where he draws monster boxes you can try those.
it's better, but the arms and legs connect weird, this is really just something that you can only fix with practice, after you are done with this piece go grind fundies and come to this a while later see how it improves.
This is a mess. You really need to study your fundamentals and lighting. DESU I think a good video for you to watch is sinix's video on brush for beginners.
Pretty nice. keep it up.
Fuck no, you got the 3d part right, but very few people memorize anatomy, and it's pretty much useless unless you already have a great grasp on 3d shapes. You first wrap your head around how to represent 3d shapes and spacein a 2d plane and then keep practicing. It's sort of like learning piano, you can't expect to make great music before you are familiar with the notes and how they sound and how the chords work. Either way good start, keep practicing, 3 months is nothing for most people.
The girl on the left's pretty good. Anime's a lot more to take than it seems so I'd say work on the fundies more before you do. That's coming from someone who draws anime. The reason for that is that anime dives much more into detail distribution and subtlety that you need to basics to do well, infact the girl on the left could pass on as anime depending on how you finalize the piece and how you work out the detail distribution.

>> No.3797479

Eyy it's crab kid again!
Remember though, don't just create random gradients around, make sure you know your light source and understand how the light will effect the whole image first.
Fundementals and understanding 3d shapes, then understanding light, than the human figure and composition, only then go onto making comics.
Good star, although there's a lot of mess and no real shadows and lights. If this encourages you to go back into art do it, this is a good starting point.
Thumbnails good but pretty much gotta work on everything on the macro. My best advice is keep practicing.
Emotion study's alright, just make sure to work on multiple angles and have open mouths and complex facial expressions too.
Start with studying from life and fundamentals before you study other artists. Style is secondary.
>completely new
here goes:
1) Drawing is the representation of 3d space
on a 2d plane, this means you use an imaginary line receding into the center of the paper that creates depth just like how things in real life recede into the distance. The best way to start on wrapping your head around this concept is drawing basic 3d shapes like boxes, spheres, and pyramids, and later drawing them in perspective. Study how lines make those shapes and how light interacts with them
2)Study fundamentals, Loomis, and read the sticky for some good info on art.
3) doodle things you want to draw in the future, even if you suck right now, trying to wrap your head around them will eventually help in the future.
4) study creature design and what makes something creepy or scary, since you want to draw paranormal
5) I'd suggest to pick up a cheap 80 bucks intuos draw tablet, and download medibang, since it's probably the cheapest you'd be able to make competent color illustrations with right off the bat ( medibang is free and in digital you don't have to spend hundreds of dollars on paint, it's a really good tool to studyon)

>> No.3797481
File: 1.25 MB, 840x1200, 857D3F3D-C770-40DB-9C87-0BCC14829F47.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your piece has an overall lack of depth which makes it very uninteresting to look at. if you’re using layers dont be afraid to overlap things

>> No.3797496

Look up "marco bucci interview", and he covers the painting fundamentals youd ever want to know

>> No.3797499

I'm told to construct figures from imagination after drawing from reference but I always seem to draw the same 3 or so standing poses and can't think of anything different. Am I creatively bankrupt?

>> No.3797515

It's amaturish as all hell but it's a fantastic start, keep it up, keep grinding towards it and gooodluck witht he finished piece.
P.S. Get printer paper in a 500 bulk, if you can too treat yourself to a scanner, see if they have one in your local public library.
Art is almost 100% independent of age, so your quality starting off shouldn't worry you.
This is pretty nice, a great start, now go learn 3d representations and fundementals. goodluck!
Fixing the right arm won't help. From the image it's very visible that you are still starting out and most of this is something only practice can fix. Bite the pillow and keep practicing.
Very good, you have the right idea. Hair grouped, 3d landmarks noted... keep it up!
The face is very muddy but it's a good start, it thumbnails not the best but it's enough to deliver the message across, the hair is very nice and grouped together and some of the individual features on his face are very well made. The moment you drop below it takes a hit, the suit looks flat and blocky and the lighting doesn't help, the neck is not good and the shadow cast by the face is insufficiant.
Another thing I'd like to direct your attention to is the face that the right side ( our left) of this kid's face is fuckes around the brow, it looks like he has some skeletal condition where his skull is swealling. look really well at the curve happening on the left side of his face, that's soemthing to work on. Really good overall, keep working at it! nice stuff.
your'e gonn ahave to clean those up and make em more readable att he very least if you want any critique other than keep practicing your fundies and go back to drawing 3d shapes.
>star of david
Your rough ones look a lot better than your cleaned up ones, this usually means you generally know what youa re doing but have a hard time exactly pinning down what it is, ink your works until your cleans look good &keep practicing.

>> No.3797520

Then practice again and again on drawing 3d shapes and fundementals.
This looks pretty nice but l=please get a proper scan of it
This is turning out prety great! I would just say lay off the textures brushes and keep working on it. this is turning out really good, and you done a nice job in the atmossphere and seperating her from the BG. it thumbnails wonderfully too. goodwork!
This could make a cool thread
Draw whenever you can, either personal art or practice doesn't matter as long as you are progressing ( unless you are very beg in whic h case more practice), workout every half an hour, go on IC before sleep, take care of your body whenever you need to including feeding,cleaning etc.
nah your'e alright. You'd get more poses the further you'd get in art, and if not try forcing yourself to draw something completely different from what you usually do like someone sleeping or stretching or brushing their teeth, something that you wouldn't usually draw.

>> No.3797522
File: 87 KB, 1050x567, sally.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I practice for two hours a day will I probably see progress within a month?

>> No.3797527

depends of how you pratice

>> No.3797560
File: 27 KB, 750x500, shroomevil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

was making this for /x/ a while back, but some crazy bullshit happened. im going to finish it, but i would also like some critique on it, just general stuff. i havent painted anything for a few years so, im pretty fucking rusty!

>> No.3797564
File: 103 KB, 1000x728, crab2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

:3 Finished for now. Man fucking arthropods are fun as hell. Main light source is the(kinda abstract) lava in the background. I still have trouble differentiating between hue and shadow.

>> No.3797577
File: 1.52 MB, 3616x4480, woberdull.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3797581

that doesn't look very /beg/

>> No.3797582

how do you know where to put the lines for the sphere on a loomis head?

>> No.3797583

Read the fucking book, christ

>> No.3797590

>solid lines on nipples
do not ever do this please

>> No.3797603

>art is independent of age
No way

>> No.3797671

That's looking pretty rad Anon!

>> No.3797689

is there a condensed version of loomis anywhere?

>> No.3797696
File: 338 KB, 896x752, cheethree.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a character I'm designing for someone's game project. Not furry art, I swear. Thoughts?

>> No.3797702

Proko's videos (Figure Drawing and Head Drawing courses)

>> No.3797705

Very 2D. How are they translating it into a game? 2D pixels? 3D modelling?

If it's 2D modelling then then not good enough

>> No.3797707

Looks pretty good so far even if obviously unfinished. Please report back progress.

>> No.3797708

3D Modelling *

>> No.3797711

It's going to be 2d sprites, but if you would, could you please elaborate? I very much intend to study 3d as well.

>> No.3797727

Is this furry K Rool?
Looks pretty neat, Im looking forward to this game just because of the character alone, if I know what is the game's name

>> No.3797735

Thanks I will!
Thank you, and if I could tell you the name of the game I would but we're only just starting to transition from conceptual to material (project is slow and casual enough to where my lack of skill isn't a big deal for now, though I'm steadily trying to reach a professional level.

>> No.3797761

It’s all about the effort you put into it, some people start way earlier and make no progress since they don’t put much effort into it. Now that you’re older you’ll likely be able to pick things up quicker. Draw, draw, draw and never stop unless you feel tired because you’ll end up burning out. We’re all gonna make it.

>> No.3797765

Nanachis placement seems off but it looks really good

>> No.3797772
File: 45 KB, 640x570, db39e7d3e7c42f69816387dce64efca6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do I draw like this

>> No.3797775

With enough practice drawing like that.

>> No.3797777
File: 1.59 MB, 267x200, 1548264678178.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek love it

>> No.3797784

can someone draw the loomis head outline for this?

>> No.3797816

Learn the fundamentals.

>> No.3797856
File: 346 KB, 1488x1984, IMG_20190205_154632-1488x1984.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like these are wrong but idk why

>> No.3797859
File: 381 KB, 1488x1984, IMG_20190205_154637-1488x1984.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3798032 [DELETED] 
File: 96 KB, 666x574, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3798035

Any tips for not to Scratch so much, I think I've always been dirty when drawing

>> No.3798036
File: 96 KB, 666x574, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3798038

Realize when you're doing it and correct it.

>> No.3798049

Why are people referencing Wizardchan so much?

>> No.3798051
File: 1.26 MB, 2000x2400, dekulinkpaint.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know how to paint and I don't know where to start. Help please?

>> No.3798054

The fundamentals still apply to painting.

>> No.3798056

Among a bunch of things the weirdest is the shading on the left leg, looks wrong bit I don't know how it should look like.

>> No.3798058


>> No.3798063

>squint your eyes
Opinion discarded.

>> No.3798081


>> No.3798083

Block in shapes with a large brush, then add smaller details, then render. DO master studies, watch Noah Bradley's Art Camp 1.

>discarding Marco Bucci
Lol. But to be honest, he's not for absolute beginners. Even the fundamentals video is for those who have at least some experience with painting.

>> No.3798085
File: 382 KB, 1120x1556, optimized-8jxb.jpg?5wg6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3798086 [DELETED] 
File: 102 KB, 640x480, IMG_0350.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

17 years old - first ever sketch. Drawing of a rock. What did I do wrong? Am I gonna make it?

>> No.3798094

>What did I do wrong?
You made it messy and ugly.

>Am I gonna make it?
Nobody can tell you by your one drawing. Practice for a month, post results, then maybe we could tell.

>> No.3798096

>digital painting, color, digital realism starter kit
those are like 55$ each, i'm not buying those

>> No.3798099

This legit?

>> No.3798101

>He thinks you need to buy the art books to gain their knowledge
If you arent pirating your entire education you are doing it wrong

>> No.3798109

Looks good overall, but you need to focus less on books and more on drawing and painting.

>> No.3798128

Is there really a set order ? I just started and am working through bargue

>> No.3798134
File: 1.45 MB, 3968x2976, IMG_20190205_195227.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just started with Loomis and I think all my 3/4 views look off, but I can't really pinpoint why. Also, is there a way to know where to place necks?

>> No.3798141
File: 283 KB, 465x638, Sin título.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another 3/4 view, looking up

>> No.3798147
File: 393 KB, 519x681, Sin título.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And a finished frontal loomis head, working from reference

Polite sage

>> No.3798152

any good books/exercises on construction?

>> No.3798163

>send to computer and resize in MSPaint
or irfanview, its way better than mspaint for simple shit like resizing.

>> No.3798308

If you're phoneposting like a cuck just screenshot the gallery image to resize.

>> No.3798310

Imagine being a traditional fag

>> No.3798313

Okayyy? And?

>> No.3798343
File: 263 KB, 946x1149, sas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3798345
File: 181 KB, 744x1028, SCAN0294.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stupid nigger cat marked my drawing with his piss.

>> No.3798346

based cat ngl

>> No.3798353
File: 197 KB, 600x300, 1409612744342.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's just helping me with my values.

>> No.3798374

nice stuff fambalam! the only thing that looks off to me would be the red lobsters eyes, but other than that these are fantastic.

>> No.3798379


>> No.3798384
File: 86 KB, 665x952, REEEEE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Join the /beg/ drawpile for gettin gud

>> No.3798393

Connection times out.

>> No.3798400

Anyone else know more about it than I do? flockmod is a shit.

>> No.3798407

Peter Han is the better artist and instructor, but Drawabox has a community and you'll get more direct feedback.

>> No.3798408


>> No.3798420
File: 289 KB, 610x999, 1498244758896.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where is it?

>> No.3798422

it says /beg/ in the title, had to rehost on open

>> No.3798465
File: 186 KB, 1095x1441, 6DAEA5A9-5234-4AA9-A7EC-53C9DEE69525.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3798498
File: 264 KB, 681x689, cheefour.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I supposed to feel like I'm doing 99% guesswork? I've been trying to make this more 3d like I was told but I really don't know how to go about that, so I tried darker shadows and some desaturation in colder spots but I still feel like I have no clue what I'm doing.

>> No.3798508

your light sources seem inconsistent

>> No.3798513
File: 76 KB, 800x600, 8A79B075-DC54-463B-B4D6-1E1C9BD1E99B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Portrait study without color picking and playing with the airbrush. Can I choose to not use airbrush at all? I can’t seem to make it look good. My forms get flattened out when I use air brush since I’m finding it hard to control without constantly creating selections and painting specific areas.

Any other critiques would be helpful. Something about it definitely looks off.

>> No.3798522
File: 1.85 MB, 2777x3461, IMG_8887.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I posted this a couple of years ago, but I don't remember getting much help. Any idea what to do with the background? It's all dark now, since I didn't like what was there before. It's also dry now, so I can redo some birb details.

Oil on canvas

>> No.3798524

Is there any sort of exercise I can do to fix that issue?

>> No.3798526

Great birbs!
Colors aren’t doing it for me. The birds are generally pretty “cool’ so maybe a warm back ground of some sort. Also some ambient light reflected into the birds or highlights might give the birds more of a sense of form.
Overall very nice though!

>> No.3798529
File: 70 KB, 500x624, large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Left cheek (our perspective) needs shading, left eye too needs shading and maybe needs to be changed a bit to look more in perspective
You need to signal the 3D shape of the face more try, thinking of it as an Egg with the lighting going front first

>> No.3798534

Yes I see it now especially in the eye. Thanks!
Trying to wrap my head around the cheek you were talking about. It seems the light source is coming from our left from the top. Wouldn’t this cheek plan be kind of well lit in this scenario. I am noticing the lack of blush on my painting which adds to giving it more form. But where would you add additional shading here?

>> No.3798537
File: 980 KB, 471x363, 1547042930166.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been reading Hampton's Figure Drawing: Design and Invention book and while I understand I'm actually fucking retarded (this comes from 5 years of being at a job where I'm told by my superiors what to do down by the minute) but what do I actually draw in this book? He gives a lot of information, but I'm really not sure when I'm supposed to draw, when to apply it, and how to apply it. Do I copy his drawings and then try to do it on top of gestures?

Seriously, please help me, since I actually have huge motivation to grind this book but I'm confused on how to start.

>> No.3798547

newfag here, I decided to start with keys to drawing by bert dodson.
How much should I stick with the first few exercises like drawing some crossed feet or a green pepper?

>> No.3798556

If I recall correctly, he gives time limits for his exercises

>> No.3798561

Depends on your level of skill. I personally saw those as more of a warm-up or gauging tool for where you are skill-wise. You should do them and then post results.

>> No.3798565

Thank you. I've been contemplating a red curtain or something to offset the cool tone

>> No.3798570
File: 1.60 MB, 1602x783, a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He does, sorry my question was a not a bit clear, I meant if I should repeat the same exercise until I get something accurate of what I'm doing or just do it one time and be done with it?
here are the first 3 exercises I attempted so far
ignore the loomis heads

>> No.3798571
File: 15 KB, 447x299, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am drawing a character for my DnD campaign who is a fire magic user and wears a strange anti-fire suit, although likes to be fanciful

>> No.3798574
File: 1.13 MB, 1027x1428, BBCCAD17-4ABE-4688-AFAA-E0CD10BFE173.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

most people draw a visual indicator of where their light is coming from and work for there. all you need to do is have a bit more foresight

>> No.3798594

do the Steve Huston book easier to start
he actually explain how to gesture

>> No.3798598
File: 120 KB, 1051x951, ffasddfasfa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3798604

If this is a self portrait, you must really look like a fucking hamster

>> No.3798629

why would people even try to paint even if their drawing look like this

>> No.3798655
File: 111 KB, 1100x932, hard2handz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3798664

I would say given where you are, that you should just take your time with the exercises and try to get more comfortable. You need to get better at looking at things and accurately transferring what you see to paper. Sounds complex, but really it's just grinding. Practice practice practice, and always remember to post questions and progress as you go.

>> No.3798694

>want to learn to draw, know nothing
>decide to draw bargue plates a lot

Am I doing everything I can ? I fill a page with copies of a single plate.

>> No.3798696

Are any of the books in here worth anything?

>> No.3798700

Which brush am I supposed to use if I'm just doing the fundamentals? I'm using Krita if that matters.

>> No.3798756

thank u anon, i've actually been practicing for around 2 weeks and ive been practicing regularly. I feel like I've improved a lot but i feel like a lot of it is unstructured

>> No.3798770
File: 158 KB, 1199x848, DxaF97BUYAA_16E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do I shade like this?

>> No.3798776
File: 844 KB, 773x1374, FebSketch1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some figure studies that I've recently done on a 14 x 17 sketch pad, trying to practice on bigger paper.

>> No.3798778
File: 695 KB, 733x1303, FebSketch2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3798782
File: 700 KB, 733x1303, FebSketch3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3798787

the answer is literally in the pic..

>> No.3798794

how do I do it?

>> No.3798804

air brush and practice.

>> No.3798831
File: 482 KB, 1224x1616, musician.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watchu think brothas

also does it look like his head is tilted downwards? i tried to make the perspective with loomis so he'd be looking down but im not sure it worked.

>> No.3798859

thanks, basically what I've trying to achieve, I try to do the exercises then when I'm done with the book I try to copy something I like using what I learned for the day, I only started yesterday so my draws are pretty bad.
when do I stop doing this? when I do a 1:1 draw of something? or when I make something that is almost perfect?

>> No.3798867
File: 715 KB, 4000x2800, studystream.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3798875
File: 567 KB, 1521x2068, Danganronpa draw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did a "funny" comic for a friend, the layout's cringe and I did all the panels traditionally. /ic/ pls may I get a critique? I really want to improve but I don't know where to begin.

>> No.3798880
File: 219 KB, 1000x1209, 20190205_203743.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this loomis

>> No.3798883
File: 65 KB, 644x538, Captura de pantalla (58).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3798884


>> No.3798903
File: 184 KB, 1624x942, Screen Shot 2019-02-06 at 1.39.39 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please rate me on a scale of shit to shit

>> No.3798907


>> No.3798910

Duck goes quack

>> No.3798935
File: 2.07 MB, 3022x3024, 75FFBA0E-B443-4E2A-B7C1-21408ADD973E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did this quick thing today. It’s pretty small and my hand shakes a lot.

>> No.3798965

that's the shit!

>> No.3798977
File: 499 KB, 1080x1440, IMG_20190205_232921.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think my idea could look amazing but my execution is lacking. The policeman looks like a woman with that big butt and the flying monster should be smaller to represent he's flying high though I can probably fix both on Photoshop. I tried reading about perspective, 1 2 and 3 points but I still don't know how should the scene look. I mean the floor and buildings, if anyone could give me a line to follow that'd be nice. Or I can just clutter it with more buildings and trees to hide the street's perspective

>> No.3798978

could be worse for bullshit scribbles. youtube gesture figures and do some of this

>> No.3798985

Where is your horizon?

>> No.3798986

Low effort.

>> No.3798989

stop drawing dangan ronpa

>> No.3798990
File: 521 KB, 1080x1440, IMG_20190206_003308.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mate your question got me thinking, I might be dumb. I think it's somewhere there but I didn't know how to set up the landscape. Considering I want to make the flying guy smaller.. Yeah I gotta practice cities and boxes in perspective

>> No.3798999
File: 297 KB, 738x649, cheefive.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, so I've tried thinking more about the light source (with the red cloak and head mainly). Does it look better? I also tried using a softer brush to make smoother color transitions because my blending skill is garbo.

>> No.3799001

where could i get some good tutorial to make pixel art like the one in octopath traveler? ( 2h hd )

>> No.3799007

You should learn basic art before attempting pixel art of THAT caliber you know. Pixel art is extremely time and work consuming tough even toady most pixel games cheat by using layers. Dead Cells is a shining example on what is possible with just adding layers in animation software.

try these for basics

>> No.3799009


i hoped pixel art was easier than 3d.
thanks for tutorial!

are there intermediate tutorial also?

>> No.3799010
File: 207 KB, 1000x1000, grill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WIP is this kind of shading good or bad?

>> No.3799012


>> No.3799018

Don't know but I found the vid about Dead Cells I was talking about

>> No.3799022


thanks a lot anone! <3

>> No.3799030
File: 702 KB, 1000x1000, shading.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it is okay for a start but you need to use darker values for the shadow areas. Your shadows ware just barely darker than the basic color.

>> No.3799058

Thanks for the feedback...it my first time using SAI andam just not that fimiliar with brushes to be honest i used to flat my colors all the time painting with a brush was never my experty.
Overall,i really appreciate your advice.

>> No.3799071
File: 121 KB, 288x325, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3799073


your brush is not the main concern Anon, you can do the same with cell shading. It is your color choices that are not fitting.

Watch the 2nd video on this post on colors

>> No.3799075

Where's the rest?

>> No.3799076

He paints by adding pixels around the border clockwise, slowly expanding into infinity. The rest is an eternal, ever expanding canvas, illuminating the void.

>> No.3799086

That's pretty neato

>> No.3799089 [DELETED] 
File: 1.61 MB, 1834x3503, santania ref copy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I draw anime?

>> No.3799090

Yeah can’t wait till he gets to the eyes

>> No.3799093

You got it

>> No.3799095
File: 295 KB, 629x1351, santania ref copy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do I draw anime?

>> No.3799097

just like it is drawn on your pic :^)

>> No.3799098

What would be better for a beginner, figure drawing by Huston or the Vilppu drawing manual?

>> No.3799099

Disregard any perspective and just wing it and cut off the legs when you can't make them fit into your guess work.

>> No.3799119
File: 162 KB, 595x842, 54742575.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3799129
File: 287 KB, 1000x768, delts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man, delts are longer than you would think.

>> No.3799162
File: 1.10 MB, 1000x1000, 6-2-2019.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3799163

what the hell anon

>> No.3799164
File: 318 KB, 1000x1000, 3b-2-2019.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3799189
File: 1.91 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_0354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3799216

fucking hell man why are you here at /beg/

>> No.3799235

because he quite obviously belongs here

>> No.3799265
File: 99 KB, 375x211, rib.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, GIMP just crashes randomly I see. This is what I get for not saving. All I have is this thumbnail.

>> No.3799270

well don't worry, it looks like you were polishing a turd anyways, propably better this way

>> No.3799271
File: 154 KB, 639x1000, duud.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tried out some stuff.

>> No.3799274
File: 392 KB, 667x1000, duudref.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3799278

I'll get it right the next time!

>> No.3799283

You should be focusing on finishing something. Figures are nice but how are your finished pieces?

>> No.3799284

Don't do this, it's a waste of time. It's good as a warm up but shouldn't be something you practice often.

>> No.3799301

Ah thanks man
Ivmade it 2 years ago with very little exp
I dont usually paint so I this belongs here

>> No.3799316

keep me posted

>> No.3799321

Turn on autosave if that's a thing in gimp or check out krita which I know has autosave.

>> No.3799358
File: 1.30 MB, 2594x1394, blowntodeath.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

too heavily referenced?

>> No.3799459

Guy Fieri is gonna sue

>> No.3799467
File: 1.44 MB, 2576x1932, 15494812380845621151861217594255.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to pen my own graphic novel, and I want to generate a style that is much more influenced by eastern than western comics (I think usually they are too realistic and just off-putting).

What percentage of my studies should be of different notable manga artist styles compared to actual fundamental work?

>my recent works if you guys want to shit on something.

>> No.3799484

>he only draws muscle-men and dykes
wonder what your parents think when they see a jobless manchild in his 20's still drawing buff boys on a computer tablet

>> No.3799485

>attempting to study anatomy
>doesn't know how to draw face
if you were in art school you'd be ripped a new one, NEETs have it easy as fuck lmao

>> No.3799489
File: 205 KB, 1000x967, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gesture struggles

>> No.3799501

How's eating cereal for three meals a day to avoid those student loans working out for you, college boy?

>> No.3799595
File: 485 KB, 1125x1864, 5B7877A8-39CE-4BA6-AEA8-5B6ADC9EBD88.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m a little late but drew this trash based the ref. Criticism needed.

>> No.3799609
File: 114 KB, 736x896, 318A0F24-4245-49D2-A4A7-1B6CFC082C53.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fundamentals must always be yoir priority. I’m not exactly good at giving you exact percentages but I thing having it be at least 60% is good.

In my opinion though most manga/Anime art styles aren’t that detached from realistic anatomy (with the obvious exception of the face and hair) and you have to learn perspective and ither stuff regardless. So unless you practice stuff in the vein of Astro Boy or something heavily stylized you’ll be fine.

>> No.3799640

right, I don't plan on putting more than 10% focus onto style studies yet, but I'm trying to wrap my head around how to get the style I'd like to go for. Maybe that's a noob tell

>> No.3799678
File: 162 KB, 720x491, fundies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3799692

That I am already aware of. Elaborate, please.

>> No.3799714

Too many unnecessary lines and shit proportions.

>> No.3799715

Not that other guy, but it looks like you're kinda just pretending to draw 3d forms without actually being able to see them. Human bodies have such complex and abstract forms that it's impossible to make one look good if you don't know how to break it down into easier forms.

I suggest practicing drawing a metric fuckton of cylinders and cubes from as many angles you can imagine. Find a cylinder or cube object and practice drawing it until you begin to understand 3d space better. Keep at it and post progress as you go for more feedback.

>> No.3799719
File: 3.98 MB, 2407x1650, res.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

finally fucking finished it, took me around 3-5 hours of actual work, I get distracted like hell so it's hard to say

I started at the bottom (head) like a retard, also didn't have enough space to fit it all in
the left eye is too small, but I blame starting on the head area for that since I got way better as I went on
very very helpful exercise, really enjoyed it and learned a lot
how does it look lads?

>> No.3799725

beat me to it, yes you have piles of lines in that image that do fucking nothing except for the torso which is actually pretty well done and if you took just a second to consider the implications of the lines you're making you'd realize that they dont acomplish anything. the foo tis not a clynider so why does it have contour lines like one, why draw an oval for the elbow if it doesn't inform the joint there? So the only thing to 'elaborate' on is you need to practice basic shapes until they actually look the way you want them to.

>> No.3799726

Like, what do you mean? haha sorry, do you mean dont be afraid to overlap? (Sorry im new to digital painting)

>> No.3799731
File: 366 KB, 1125x1497, A3434AAE-1153-4886-897B-09C1D8621CF2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have already been doing all of this. What does it take to please you anons?
I don’t understand what parts of the drawing you mean.

>> No.3799740

The pile of lines are there because I still need to learn how to draw with the shoulder. Also making multiple strokes to find the gesture is something I find helpful, even if it looks visually unpleasing.

The oval and sphere shapes are really just there to mark the position of the joints, but I’m not at the level where I can actually draw the joints themselves, so I use these as a placeholder so I can at least measure the length of body parts.

I’m not really trying to justify these shit things but I’m just explaining myself, because I’m pretty sure I understand basic 3D Shapes (even if that sounds ignorant and narcissistic as fuck, sorry).

>> No.3799746
File: 44 KB, 664x634, 1776_42_100-human-structure-basic-drawing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You actually just posted a great example. You drew some decent cylinders and then right beside them completely ignored the same principles because you were focusing too hard on drawing muscles and such. Here's a little challenge for you. Try to draw that same pose you just posted but only made from simple 3d forms. Kinda like this image, cube body, cylinder limbs, circle joints and whatnot. No details, just try to build a human body with simple 3d shapes like you're building an action figure or something.

>> No.3799755

Didn’t really consider that I might be getting distracted by the muscles. Thanks anon, I’ll try that.

>> No.3799766

Looks good mate, I think you're ready to move on to the next exercise

>> No.3799771
File: 2.47 MB, 3120x4160, 1549206798673.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where can i learn to draw 50s illustrations and nazi propaganda?

>> No.3799773

cheers, but what's the next exercise exactly? I plan on drawing some stuff from life and reading Keys to Drawing or Right Side of the Brain

>> No.3799779
File: 108 KB, 618x784, sadman(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please criticize

>> No.3799780
File: 87 KB, 583x768, edgyman(2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please criticize

>> No.3799781
File: 89 KB, 576x731, happyman(3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please criticize

>> No.3799786
File: 2.18 MB, 1636x2205, Hampton.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To add on to the what the other anon said, another problem people run into is how to connect these form to make a "fluid" figure. This is where the C, S and other types of curve lines come into play to help connect the forms into a figure. So its gesture -> forms and perspective -> curve lines to connect the forms -> then shading/wrapping lines to add in the details (muscles, stomach, ect.). Also, remember to choose your lines carefully and erase those that you don't need.

>> No.3799789

eyes and ears are goofed, they're way too long and not in the right position

>> No.3799791
File: 285 KB, 735x751, SCAN0264.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welcome fellow Nazi poster. Just draw and try to mimic the style. It's called master studies. Learn how to do those and you can copy any style.

>> No.3799798


>> No.3799802

I'll get better. Her face was actually dirty and the lighting was a bit to subtle for my current skill to capture sadly.

>> No.3799816
File: 1.41 MB, 1125x1503, 2150D861-9E0B-4BCA-B861-3F475554C1B7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welp, I’m back, and this guy ended up being real lanky.

>> No.3799819

I'm not exactly an expert but in this picture it looks as if the shin is bending out horizontally from the knee, which is obviously impossible

>> No.3799820

Well, yeah basically just anything from books you're reading or life drawing. Don't forget to draw from imagination/for fun if you're into that sort of thing. Welcome to the grind, and I mean that in the best way possible.

>> No.3799828

Narrower chin too anon

>> No.3799831

Better, I appreciate that you tried pushing the foreshortening, which is good to help break out of the flat drawing habits I was seeing in your other posts. I suggest finding some life model poses like on Line of Action or Quickposes (nudity warning for both) and try to break down the models you see in simple shapes like you just did. Also, loosen up and take your time a bit more, your lines are sloppy but that will improve with practice. Keep at it.

>> No.3799837

Thank you anon!

>> No.3799963

Where can I go to learn to do scientific illustrations of fish?

>> No.3799966

The sea

>> No.3800045
File: 194 KB, 936x589, quickie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Thanks for the kind words. I only get around 30 to 45 minutes a day to draw if i'm lucky. I'll try my best to study some more anatomy, and maybe dabble in some shading tomorrow.

>> No.3800117

i love it!

>> No.3800158

it's great

>> No.3800212
File: 183 KB, 1200x1600, kill me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welp I suck lmfao

>> No.3800243

Could be better, could be worse. Study human heads/faces more and practice foreshortening more because the guy's left arm looks very flat.

>> No.3800245
File: 121 KB, 382x549, Screen Shot 2019-02-07 at 3.21.25 pm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can't stand photostudies

>> No.3800255

I don't know if I should be here but :

I want to learn stop motion / clay animation . How can I do so?
Starting from nothing here. I'm not much an artist.

>> No.3800284
File: 137 KB, 413x530, Screen Shot 2019-02-07 at 4.04.14 pm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

blah dogshit

>> No.3800304
File: 499 KB, 3300x2550, 2.6.19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright so I am heading back to fundies. This was tonight's work, any tips?

>> No.3800333
File: 159 KB, 678x697, a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

need help with plane changes, particularly where the two red arrows are pointing. i'm not sure if they should be lighter or darker based on the direction my light is coming from (top left-ish). also, any tips on value or shadows or anything at all are greatly appreciated.

>> No.3800348

There's a couple pages towards the end of fun with a pencil saying how its good to buy a doll and make some poses with while exaggerating the hip movements or whatever. Is it retarded to just do this in gmod?

>> No.3800395


>> No.3800400
File: 2.24 MB, 4032x3024, 20190207_003502.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sup dudes I started studying faces and I was wondering how do I fix this problem.
If ignoring everything aside from the face what can I do to fix this? I've only done 3 other head studies but I'm kinda stumped and need a hand.
Posting on mobile so sorry for the image size.

>> No.3800406

What I do is draw the facial features and than add a head around it but it's not really working out. And what I draw the head first and the features second I get an even shittier result so I'm kinda stumped.

>> No.3800414

Draw 1000 more.

>> No.3800466
File: 250 KB, 600x652, cheeseven.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I'm finally kinda getting somewhere with this. I'm also trying to decide whether or not to continue with my original idea of including black outline on everything. Any pointers or critiques?

>> No.3800494
File: 73 KB, 638x826, 2828C39A-1D68-401B-B070-CE93977C1DED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never draw the face first. It fucks up your perspective. First you need to draw a bald, faceless head and then add the features on top of it so you know where the face is even pointing and from which angle you’re seeing it.

>> No.3800517
File: 67 KB, 768x1024, 51532644_2215023001925975_6858169848011161600_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

feedback pl

>> No.3800521


>> No.3800568
File: 54 KB, 1384x1337, figgu imagi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any advice? from imagination

>> No.3800578

the perspective of the leg is fuggy, also check up on deltoid anatomy
anyways, good job anon!

>> No.3800595
File: 927 KB, 2500x1750, Loomis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like I'm not applying this Loomis stuff the right way.

>> No.3800605
File: 261 KB, 993x861, delts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some more delts.

>> No.3800614
File: 157 KB, 1854x1644, drag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3800617
File: 96 KB, 1752x1180, two guys sitting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this worth finishing? does it have potential?

>> No.3800625
File: 66 KB, 478x628, hulk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I accidentally drew the hulk.

>> No.3800629

Draw hair in clumps

>> No.3800631

Hatching looks bad when rushed.

>> No.3800650
File: 107 KB, 500x500, 7a-2-2019.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3800658

long nose.

>> No.3800668

no you didn't

>> No.3800674
File: 157 KB, 595x842, 446765488543.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3800686
File: 156 KB, 768x1024, www.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cant figure out these perspectives....

give me some advice plox

>> No.3800691
File: 166 KB, 452x887, Screen Shot 2019-02-08 at 1.18.36 am.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3800698
File: 726 KB, 1000x1000, 7b-2-2019.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you.

are the eyes too much out of alignment now?

>> No.3800716
File: 812 KB, 1240x1400, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's up.
what do you think?

>> No.3800720

Looks fun, might try tomorrow

>> No.3800721
File: 260 KB, 478x677, 2019-02-07-171054_478x677_scrot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3800759

I can't even do fundies. I don't understand what makes a cone a cone or how to make a circle a sphere . I don't understand how to make cylinders as good as >>3799731

I give up

>> No.3800784


>> No.3800843

Can't do videos sorry

>> No.3800890

Which of these two is the better? https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/intermediary/f/dc8af62c-61b7-4f29-a7d9-de8261430796/dcz4uin-60c2a454-9079-4658-9fd0-28cb6b2a3f05.png/v1/fill/w_1110,h_720,q_70,strp/dorm_blue_thunder_edition_by_genuinesongbird_dcz4uin-pre.jpg


>> No.3800923

I think the hardest thing is feeling like I have no direction. No clear outline to improve. Just a vague goal. I keep practicing fundamentals and mannequins but can't just draw a body yet and its starting to get to me

>> No.3800926

That's a first.

>> No.3800928

joining a good community is helpful for that.

>> No.3800932

Okay anon what is your current end goal with drawing?

>> No.3800933

If all you do is shitty mannequins, then you're only gonna be good at is shitty mannequins.

>> No.3800934

So far I know that I want to do two things. One being comics and the other animation. I've just been practicing figure after figure and some perspective work but really don't feel like i'm getting anywhere.

I've been searching. No real luck with that yet.

I do a lot more than that. Not that i'm any good at the other stuff but I alternate what I practice.

>> No.3800937

>I alternate what I practice.
Anything you've been neglecting more than other?

>> No.3800942

Rendering and color theory in favor of construction fundamentals, figure drawing, and drawing photos in perspective I suppose. I just recently started looking into anatomy too but haven't started learning it yet. Wanted to put the figure together better than I have been first before those

>> No.3800943

There's a /beg/ discord if you wanna join. https://discord.gg/xsyD7b

Focused on guided improvement and learning to both give and get better feedback on work as well as aggregating good resources in a format easier to search through than 4chan

>> No.3800950

>So far I know that I want to do two things. One being comics and the other animation. I've just been practicing figure after figure and some perspective work but really don't feel like i'm getting anywhere.

Then choose one of those two and start trying to make something concrete like a single comic book then see what you are lacking and practice that.

>> No.3801025

How do you find direction? I have no idea what to focus on.

>> No.3801033

How far into life figure drawing do I need to be before I attempt drawing characters from imagination (original and fan art)?

>> No.3801071

Start now and when it'sinevitably shit, pick an area that bothers you most and REALLY focus on that when you do your figure drawings form life. I always make my heads and necks disproportionate to the rest of my figure when life drawing so I sat down and spent the biggest chunk of my time making sure that it was correct.

>> No.3801080

Help, my lad looks retarded and nothing like the reference I used. I'm fairly sure I botched the eyes but I don't know why or how to fix it

>> No.3801081
File: 1.04 MB, 910x1264, IMG_20190207_233833.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic

>> No.3801266

I draw what makes my heart go doki doki, in this case, cute boys

>> No.3801401

t. loomis-neet

over-analyze your artistic workflow and you'll end up losing more time in the long run.

>> No.3801476

How can I go from nothing to pro-tier story boardet

>> No.3801483
File: 65 KB, 677x657, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3801522
File: 116 KB, 571x1014, IMG_20190129_214508.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying to work on consistent character design. Mainly the head at the moment.

>> No.3801524
File: 77 KB, 571x1014, IMG_20190207_184928.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


First attempt at sitting down and figuring this shit out. It makes me cry.

>> No.3801530
File: 89 KB, 571x1014, IMG_20190207_184901.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I actually feel like I'm making progress now but I still have some things to tweak and figure out.
Loomis' method actually really helped me in getting the basic shape of the head down and I think that has allowed me to get something even half-way consistent happening.

I mean, at least it looks like a woman's head right?

>> No.3801532
File: 528 KB, 969x1187, unknown[7].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm trying to read "Figure Drawing for Artists" and what the FUCK does any of this mean?

I literally can not make out how to decipher this at all, lot alone the shit on the next page about "The Pencil Test" or what the fuck ever. Can someone who has used this book try to explain it to me? I am sorry.

>> No.3801539
File: 391 KB, 3300x2550, 2.7.19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3801549


>> No.3801556
File: 101 KB, 571x1014, IMG_20190208_073525.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A request from the /tg/ drawthread because why not.

Tell me everything that's wrong with it so I can improve.

>> No.3801557

Probably should have mentioned that the requester described her as "obese". Those fat arms were on purpose.