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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 170 KB, 360x346, pepelaugh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3769217 No.3769217 [Reply] [Original]

>You need to respect my time and effort. I will charge more you more than minimum wage for my art or $100 for a half assed sketch


>Artists draws like a 12 year old/ deviantart tier.


>> No.3769221

Who gives a shit. People don't comission artists like that anyways.

>> No.3769228
File: 54 KB, 625x446, 53425234634156142315451234231423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hey guys, my commissions are open please support me I need money


>I only draw sameface anime girls please don't ask me for anything else. also hands are an extra $15

>> No.3769237

ITT: getting paid less than McDonalds workers.

>> No.3769255


lol that one happens all the time.

>> No.3769267

Post your work if you draw at all that is
You as well

>> No.3769268

did we strike a nerve?

>> No.3769307

Post work or post your concession, dog. Your master commands you

>> No.3769309

post yours and your comission rates.

>> No.3769313
File: 293 KB, 2048x2048, 1460763077973 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be slow as fuck
>If I charged minimum wage my art would be grossly overpriced
Time to speed up

>> No.3769333
File: 145 KB, 1280x853, ED15CF0E-2281-4EB6-9CEE-0D1FCE4BC327.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you don’t charge for your art because you have a decent full time job and draw purely for your own enjoyment in your fee time

feels good

>> No.3769339

literally don't hire them
if they don't make any money, they'll change or go away
if they do, you're the retard for thinking they don't have a public

>> No.3769344

Trips of truth

>> No.3769463

same here

>> No.3769590

>charge for art
"greedy artist shouldn't charge money, do art for the love of it"
>don't charge for art
"greedy artist should open for commissions and do art for me"

>> No.3769601

>charge for art anyway to make someone happy
>only do large format gfur in traditional media
It's weird when what you like doing and what someone else wants align at 3 dollars per square inch.

>> No.3769603

do people actually charge more for hands? what the hell?

>> No.3769605

pyw frog shit.

>> No.3769620

$3? fuck I've been pricing at $2 sq inch. I'm losing money.

>> No.3769627

I had to make up the cost of housepainting brushes and forgot to drop it.

>> No.3769645

Hey if you can sell it keep the price, I just heard somewhere that $2 was the "don't fuck the business" price. Good artist can get $10 a square inch. Talk about making it.

>> No.3769662
File: 69 KB, 600x439, cool_guy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same my dude
Living the dream

>> No.3769788

what do I do to hurt their morale are to draw the exact thing they charge with ridiculous price with a decent and better art, for free, since I'm like this >>3769333
and then you'll get to see their friend's/other accounts samefagging to comfort the artist ego. :--DD
Swooping their retarded followers at the same time.

>> No.3770364

nice anon

>> No.3770374

Is drawing for free a good way to get a following on Twitter?

>> No.3770378

No. Doing fan art is though.

>> No.3771389

How about you post your work and I’ll post a picture of my $100 and I’ll tell you if I’d choose to part with it for what you can scribble out

>> No.3771512

I do this and it's fucking great. I love telling people to fuck off when they want me to draw some retarded deviantart-tier male OC. Sorry dude. Sameface anime girls or fuck off

>> No.3771520

What's the problem here? As long as someone's paying, I can do whatever I want. Do you enjoy being told to draw things you don't like to draw? I sure as hell don't. This isn't a job that I depend on, so I can tell people to suck my dick if I don't like what they're commissioning me to draw.

>> No.3771614

>ask artist at some convention to draw me a Crab girl in a nazi outfit
>says no, doesn't even look up at me
>walk away

She reported me to staff and asked for them to perma-ban me. Staff sided with me because I volunteer from time to time.

I got a kek out of it, she could have taken $20 from me for a shitty 40-60 minute drawing.

>> No.3771845

Now this is what autism looks like.

>> No.3771983

Why a crab girl?

>> No.3772117

She overreacted but you're retarded

>> No.3772135


Eh, I wanted to help out the artists so I asked multiple of them to draw this for me so I'd give them a quick buck. Mostly I wanted to compare my work with theirs. Out of the three, two accepted and the story I'm referencing to was the odd one out.

Anyways, if I'm going to commission something, it's going to be whatever the damned well I want. If you're some starving artist you should learn to accept whatever shit people ask you to draw. Maybe that girl wasn't, or maybe not. Who knows, but those who don't cater will nmi.

>> No.3772147

you sound like a jackass no wonder she asked to kick you out.

>> No.3772152

But why a crab girl?

>> No.3772166
File: 818 KB, 2975x3850, crabgirlcommission.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek, I hope you're not someone who's a push over when money is involved. I asked for a commission, she said no and I walked away. Not sure how that's a jackass thing to do. But stay salty fag.

Meme's mostly, I didn't really want anything. I just wanted to give out a bit of money for this occasion.
>pic related is someone who did take my money

>> No.3772179

no anon, it's your attitude and edginess. Asking someone to draw some edgy nazi themed shit so you can stroke your own ego and compare your best art to their 5 minute sketch makes you a jackass. You clearly don't give a shit about these people

>> No.3772184

As awful as this sounds, if someone is willing to pay or buy it, it is what it is. I mean, if you can be terrible and still make money... well. Maybe its not the right thing to do, but on the other hand, lots of people never learn business at all and its also sad when an artist is pretty good and can't make any money despite that they could be able to. So I have mixed feelings about this sort of thing.

If they're bad enough no one will buy it anyway, or... at least not a lot of people.

>> No.3772211

You don't know my attitude nor my edginess. You weren't there you pretentious hypocrite.

If a "5 minute" sketch is worth $20 dollars then my god my masterpieces must be worth hundreds you fucking retard. If I wanted to solely compare works I'd have looked at the other shit on their displays. You're a pathetic human being.

>> No.3772214

While we're on the subject of this, as someone who has been drawing for about two months, when do I start becoming all pissy, bitchy and moany and CONSTANTLY threaten to quit and delete my social media every fucking month so it's impossible for anyone to keep track of me?

This shit happens WAY too fucking often.

>> No.3772219

Thats weird man
Whenever you get emotionally invested in your online persona I guess? If you are just uploading without a care shouldn't ever happen.

>> No.3772226

only begs would do that

>> No.3772234

20 bucks are 20 bucks!, i would have accepted that in a heart beat.

>> No.3772248

I don't have to have been there retard, what you said in this thread is enough to give me an idea of you're autismo and even then you're only giving your filtered side of the story. also you clearly stated you did it mostly to compare your art and the other reason was that you wanted to throw money at these starving artists because they would do anything you ask.

>> No.3772344

this thread feels like it was fueled by rage that an artist you like charges too much so now you're pissy

which I agree but also follow better and less retarded artists you retard

>> No.3772645

No, the only things people should charge extra for is Furry stuff, /d/ tier stuff and armor.

>> No.3772705

Holy shit I want to see proof or something similar, that's fucking glorious

>> No.3772709

Isn't this the bitch that drew that edgy version of Fear from Inside Out?