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File: 115 KB, 1296x1341, 959FC2F7-C037-477D-AE4E-1D625208AB00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3756401 No.3756401 [Reply] [Original]

>EVERYONE in the UK will need to verify their age before viewing porn by April next year, and tech firms have revealed how this happens and how users should prepare.
>The checks will go much further than simply entering a name and date of birth, with users forced to go to designated shops with their ID, or use credit cards or their mobile phones to prove they are over the age of 18.

Once again porn artists blown the FUCK OUT

>> No.3756411

You will be required to register your identity to visit any website hosting 'porn', which includes this website, your posts on here will be linked on a government database to your identity.

>> No.3756415
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>He doesn't know

>> No.3756419

>The checks will go much further than simply entering a name and date of birth, with users forced to go to designated shops with their ID, or use credit cards or their mobile phones to prove they are over the age of 18.
Uh oh
I'll just burn a CD before things change here too

>> No.3756422

time to get a vpn

>> No.3756427
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so the unabomber was right

>> No.3756428

doesn't this sort of forceful control go against human rights of any kind?

>> No.3756433

Human rights only apply when you have to welcome rapefugees

>> No.3756434
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this is UK we talking about
they are ready to sacrifice many human right to protect their "security"

>> No.3756436

why do we have old people who don't know anything about technology voting on bills for the internet

>> No.3756437

No source, made of troll story.

This isn’t ever going to happen, you all took the bait.

>> No.3756439

They've tried to implement this last year and nothing came of it

>> No.3756440
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>normies and corpos pushing to make the internet into a kiddy day-care centre
children ruin fucking everything

>> No.3756443


>> No.3756447

Holy shit this can't be real
Are they going to sweep kitchens for knives next?

>> No.3756451

They pushed it back to 2019. It’s official now.

>> No.3756452

why the fuck would corporations or normies want this? what the fuck would they benefit from this?

>> No.3756453

Take a look at those VICIOUS baseball bats!

>> No.3756455

pc generation wants to vitrue signal so much that they'd destroy what their ancestors fought and died to build

>> No.3756457
File: 139 KB, 500x708, mayor-of-london-mayoroflondon-no-excuses-there-is-never-a-32123651.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

already a head of you senpai
probably not corporations or normie but
the government want more control especially the internet
this is only the first part

>> No.3756458

>be british
>have to buy a vpn to browse porn without giving out your ID

>> No.3756459

yeah man, look at all those laws being passed by SJWs, not old retards who try to stick to their conservative christian ways by banning porn. nice observational skills

>> No.3756460


>> No.3756461

>Oi oim ere to buy a loicense, a moystabation loicense

>> No.3756464

I always believed that China would become more like us because of progress, now I have to accept that we're the ones becoming like China

>> No.3756465

Does this mean I have to let the government know I’m addcited to BLACKED?

>> No.3756471
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>> No.3756480

Here's my tinfoil hat theory.
>there is a statistically significant amount of 25-55 y/o men who don't work, especially on the younger end, neets
>govt wants less neets to maximize labor force participation & grow the economy
>govt does some research or looks at japan or something and associates porn with neets
>govt has incentive to ban porn

>> No.3756481
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>> No.3756485

>no britbongs on my porn account

>> No.3756488


>> No.3756489
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wrong you fucking /pol/ larper
neets are a self-correcting problem; they get bred out of existence by lower economic bracket fuck-monkey PARENTS:

>parents use technology like a second pacifier for their ADHD kids
>constant stream of entertainment to keep them distracted
>also a constant stream of ADVERTISEMENTS they're too stupid to not fall for
>ADHD kids screech at their parents until they buy worthless shit in the ads, corpos making megabucks
>parents cave because they can't discipline their fucking kids
>BUT draw the line at letting their kids watch "adult content" because they want to pretend they're not SHIT parents
Corpos want as many kids as possible on their platform, normie parents need any excuse they can get to let them loose on that platform
it's a win-win situation if you just strong-arm the native inhabitants out of the fertile land first; britbongs leading the charge once again

>> No.3756492

this isn't porn ban though
and they are neet so I don't think they care they will probably submit their ID and keep on watching porn

>> No.3756493

from your theory it sounds like the govt is actually retarded and doesn't know how to to read and correlate data correctly, which makes it probably true

>> No.3756495

We don't have enough of the lower income baby-pumping parents. Millennials aren't having a lot of kids (along with buying houses later, etc) and we're not letting in immigrants who will actually fuck.

>> No.3756499

>muslims can’t donate to my porn patreon anymore
Oh noes, whatever shall I do?

>> No.3756500

>tfw this is literally the UK right now

>> No.3756501

Please tell me this isn’t real. What’s the point of this?

>> No.3756503

We live in a timeline where every distopian fiction ever written will become reality. Probably in out lifetime

>> No.3756504
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>We don't have enough of the lower income baby-pumping parents.
>we're not letting in immigrants who will actually fuck.
what kind of actual fucking rock are you living under

>> No.3756505

what's the point of this?
UK govt hates porn and has been attacking internet porn forever, this is just another restriction

>> No.3756509

It should happen, but it won't. No moral willpower in the UK or the West generally.

>> No.3756511

>Corpos want as many kids as possible on their platform
This, this and this. Adults don't spend money anymore for themselves, it's all about the kids.

>> No.3756512


>> No.3756514

It's all about collecting more of your info, and to use it against you if they ever find it necessary. People are addicted to porn and will gladly put their name on a database if it means they can keep getting their fix.
Have something mean to say about the government? O look, they know you've been jerking off to spanking videos. Now they can threaten you with jailtime for "suceptibility to domestic violence" unless you keep quiet.

Anyone who thinks this is about censoring porn is a retard, this is just another instance of the government wanting to catalogue anything and everything about you, every last intimate detail (the more intimate the better).

>> No.3756515

Adverts, having correct information (as well as addresses, etc) will make them a shit ton of money.

>> No.3756521

Shit take. Normalfags let their kids run wild on the internet anyways and don't really care about pornographic content. If they did, kids under 18 wouldn't have tablets/cellphones.
It's all about data collection, kids will still have access to porn since porn is literally everywhere. What the government really wants is for the 20-40 year old men to be registered and catalogued for their porn consumption, to use against them if ever necessary.

>> No.3756526

>Normalfags let their kids run wild on the internet anyways and don't really care about pornographic content.
If you think that any normie in this day and age will miss an excuse to be outraged at something, especially a corporations providing PORNOGRAPHY corrupting the minds of THE CHILDREN, you're fucking retarded

>> No.3756528
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>Cuckold, sir. Please hurry, my pecker's about ready to burst

>> No.3756531

What is the endgame here? Like really what’s the reason for doing this.

>> No.3756535

What kind of advertisements would you target at me once you know I jerk off to cartoon dragons sucking dick? It makes no sense.

>> No.3756553

>the UK is the worst "first world" shithole ever conceived
>tfw I'd rather stay in my "third world" """shithole""" than moving there even if it was for free
You're the laughingstock of the whole world. How does it feel, britcucks?

>> No.3756578
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I'm sure someone will build a time machine and come back to this time to save the world after porn is banned and everything inevitably goes to shit. No worries.

>> No.3756581

>less traffic to porn sites
???????? are you autistic? You want companies to take massive losses to traffic for adverts which they already have?

>> No.3756688


>> No.3756702

Can't even store that shit on cloud, Google deletes it from your drive apparently
I'll have to hide a physical porn CD that if found by my family will be like an atom bomb inside Pandora's box
Also checked

>> No.3756724

there is no endgame, no one has any idea what they are doing, this train has no driver.

>> No.3756733

Exactly. The end game is a train crash.

>> No.3756875

Stop acting like it's a good thing : you all know it isn't, you and know that you should do it for real, with a real partner who shares your feelings.

>> No.3756885

Thank god I made a name for myself before this whole prude revolution started lol.
Patreon <3

>> No.3756891

please be joking op, I live in the uk

>> No.3757044

Damn he predicted it half a decade ago

>> No.3757055

have a feeling this will only apply to 3d porn sites
can't imagine the government monitoring 2d as well

>> No.3757060


>> No.3757063

what are you on about, they block all 18+ site without the ID
most hentai site did warn people below 18 before they going right? Even if the gornverment miss it the first time people would still report it to them
the only way I can think is that people share stuff through forum without streaming

>> No.3757067

I really don't want children buying my art anyway

>> No.3757072
File: 431 KB, 689x1083, censored.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anons please answer me. For around 6 years I have been masturbating almost everyday, spending hours upon hours at a time refining my porn collection from sites like Sankaku. Does this mean I won't be able to do this anymore? If it means anything I look at lots of loli / rape / guro stuff as well.

>> No.3757075

You got until April of next year buddy. If they find you looking at loli porn you're in a ton of trouble.

>> No.3757079

Better get to saving everything you can to a non-connected device then

>> No.3757083


>> No.3757087

where are all the conservacucks huh? why aren't you bitching on this thread lol

>> No.3757098

This can't be real, right? I have literally gone to bed every night for the past 6 / 7 years thinking about my favorite anime girls having sex. The only way I can sleep well is if I have a fresh image of them in my mind (through actively collecting new images). How the fuck am I going to do this for new series if I can't even look up porn for them now?

>> No.3757104

well you could always submit your ID if you are over 18
or you could drop all the porn and be a better person

>> No.3757113

Yeah. Just buy your license and stick to adult women.

>> No.3757119
File: 225 KB, 383x348, 1501029428958.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So like, does this all just mean I can't just draw explicit stuff but has nothing to do with it just doing ecchi/softcore lewds? I'd be fine if that's what it came down too.

If you ban lewd of any kind at all, humankind will actively kill itself, whether that is the plan or not idk. Because stopping an addiction with "lol let's take it away" totally stops addiction amirite?

>> No.3757164

I wonder how these 18+ websites will react and break the news online.

>> No.3757167

Is this bait?

>> No.3757172

>Porn is a basic human right
God I hate entitled milenials so much.

>> No.3757176

No, sadly it's real if you read the thread there is a ton of links.

>> No.3757181

>Because stopping an addiction with "lol let's take it away" totally stops addiction amirite?
But it does. And even if it doesn't you deserve to suffer for being addicted to something so pathetic.

>> No.3757182

>Users who attempt to access adult content will instead see a page asking for proof of age, which will redirect them to an age verification service.
The UK has become a true dystopia. Damn.

>> No.3757196

No, there's definitely an endgame: dystopian nightmare. Complete state control over private and public life. Utter reversal of any kind of democracy. The British need to stop this from happening to them. It's really, really bad when the state can get this deep into people's private lives. Very disturbing. They'll start mandating surveillance cameras in people's homes eventually.

>> No.3757201

If we're happy and comfortable, what does it matter comrade?

>> No.3757204

I'm not happy and comfortable unless I can fap wherever I want, whenever I want.

>> No.3757208

But you legally can't do that now.

Besides, as long as you verify that you're over 18, nothing will change for you.

>> No.3757209
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>complains about normies
>posts pop team reddit

>> No.3757213

What do you think is going to happen when a nation of young men is deprived of the right to masturbate in privacy? There a couple of possibilities, and neither of them are good for society. (I know you're playing devil's advocate.)

>> No.3757215

>What do you think is going to happen when a nation of young men is deprived of the right to masturbate in privacy?
They'll have to use their imaginations or outside stimuli like we did before the internet?

>> No.3757233

What do you think happens when people are sexually repressed?

>> No.3757237

They take up a hobby, date, or just masturbate to whatever they got.
Like we did before the internet. What about that don't you get?

>> No.3757257

>. And even if it doesn't you deserve to suffer for being addicted to something so pathetic.
Guess all diabetic people deserve to die off instead of stopping it from being a problem with medication, like our for fathers fraught for for many older illness centuries ago, eh?

>> No.3757285

but porn negatively effects mental and sexual health?

>> No.3757345

No it doesn't. Porn helps people get off when they don't have another person to help. Physically, (safe) sex and masturbation promotes cardiovascular health and acts as a slight preventive measure against prostate cancer for men. Pregnancy reduces reproductive organ cancers in women. Mentally, both sex and masturbation provide stress relief and happiness for males and females. All of this nofap meme shit is ridiculous. Orgasms don't steal your life energy. Your time maybe if you masturbate 15 times a day. But that's a sign that you already had a mental health issue.

It seems like you're coming from a place where you think everybody is watching really out there fetish porn, possibly yourself included. How do people get to this place? Was it by having lived in a society where... ah, fuck it. I have better things to do. Have a nice day.

Good luck, Brits.

>> No.3757357

Can you post meme about "sex contract" or "sex consent document". I remember it was related with something about new "rape" law

>> No.3757373

>When you make love you're using up energy; and afterwards you feel happy and don't give a damn for anything. They can't bear you to feel like that. They want you to be bursting with energy all the time. All this marching up and down and cheering and waving flags is simply sex gone sour. If you're happy inside yourself, why should you get excited about Big Brother and the Three-Year Plans and the Two Minutes Hate and all the rest of their bloody rot?
>There was a direct intimate connection between chastity and political orthodoxy. For how could the fear, the hatred, and the lunatic credulity which the Party needed in its members be kept at the right pitch, except by bottling down some powerful instinct and using it as a driving force? The sex impulse was dangerous to the Party, and the Party had turned it to account.

>> No.3757377

>or you could drop all the porn and be a better person
I masturbate twice a week
I do it to fucked up shit
Porn helps it be quick
It won't make me a better person to prevent access to my kinks

>> No.3757388


>> No.3757415
File: 12 KB, 237x237, 1375205969637.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw my kinks don't require porn to get me off

>> No.3757416


>> No.3757418
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>> No.3757450
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>> No.3757524

For the record anon, loli is also illegal in the UK and classified as CP so even if you get this supposed license thing or whatever you still won't be able too look it up without getting V&.

>> No.3757547
File: 258 KB, 1500x1059, yande.re 488905 sample ass bikini koutaro swimsuits tagme wet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based feet

>> No.3757558

This is all Trumps fault. I wish he was never elected. He’s the biggest asshole in history he’s making everyone in the world change to not be like him.

>> No.3757564

>trump is bad, so everyone else is trying to not be like him, which is bad
You didn’t think this bait through, did you?

>> No.3757601
File: 557 KB, 468x486, 1483150636758.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good. Porn is degenerate and fucks up a young man's mental growth during puberty. This'll probably have little effect because the UK government is incompetent but it'll at least get the ball rolling, start discussions, and make people aware of the drastic effects it can have on the sexual morality and health of young men.

>> No.3757605

Oh fuck off you celibatefag

>> No.3757608

>i-it’s porn’s fault that I’m a virgin!
>if only it weren’t for porn, I’d have a beautiful wife and have sex with her!

>> No.3757652

And yet there has been absolutey 0 public outrage over children's access to porn. Maybe a decade ago, but nowadays parents don't seem to care. They let glowing screens raise their kids out of laziness. Getting worked up over porn defeats the purpose of raising your kids with technology. It's all about putting in the least effort possible. If parents are worried about their children enough to monitor them incessantly online, they would never give their kids unlimited access in the first place.

Your take is shit.
This is reality.

>> No.3757658

Maybe shit will actually change for the better since young men aren't placated with porn.
Is your argument seriously "we need to sedate the youth population so they don't question the miserable state of the world and take action"? Tbh porn should be banned.

>> No.3757667

Porn is literally used as a weapon in wartime. It fucks with your dopamine sensitivity and causes severe lack of motivation, depression, and increasing depravity.
"Hur it improves blood circulation" so does anything that isn't laying completely motionless.

>> No.3757671

No, it's panties you fucking degenerate. You get a good amount of it in SFW media.

>> No.3757682

No panties for you anon, that's illegal as fuck.

>> No.3757826

I'm sure someone will build a time machine and tell Hitler not to invade Russia and that the Americans are building a nuclear bomb*

>> No.3757830

how about having the freedom to jerk off in piece without some cucks in the government telling you what and how and when you dense cunt

>> No.3757833


>> No.3757842

We had this exact thread on /pol/, it was funny

>> No.3757845
File: 176 KB, 640x480, alucard_dab.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>article 13
>this shit now
holy fuck britbongs getting justed left and right lmao

>> No.3757848

Dude porn isn't an addiction for the majority of people
It's just material for a wank, there's nothing wrong about letting people on porn

>> No.3757860


>> No.3757866

We had guests once at Christmas and this little kid, like 10yo, was watching Outlast torture scenes on his iPad, shit like people getting fingers cut off etc
I told him to stop watching that shit
I went to his father and told him "hey watch out, your kid is watching violent stuff"
He shrugged and said something like "it's okay whatever"
These are parents today

>> No.3757886

Article 13?

>> No.3757889

It's a shitty thing that Europe is doing with copyright, basically websites are now responsible for the copyrighted material uploaded by users which means they'll have to start policing things like memes
If it passes -and it will- it's going to be awful

>> No.3757896

Porn is definitely addictive. I don't know how many men are addicted but it has to be a significant amount. Your body's reward system prioritizes sex much more than anything else. If you have free access to simulated sex whenever you want it will fuck with your brain.

>> No.3757903

Well I guess people's brains have been 'fucked with' since man humanity first realized they could masturbate. Oh wait.

>> No.3757906

It's potentially addictive but so is Reddit or whatever fucking time wasting website. Everything creates dopamine.
I'm certain there are more Facebook addicts than porn addicts, do you start policing Facebook access too?
What about alcohol? It would be fucking crazy if I had to sign a fucking permit and get my name on a database if I wanted to buy a beer at the supermarket.

>> No.3757954

>muh dick is a right

>> No.3757989

>cavemen had free streaming porn available

>> No.3757992

Cavemen could just knock out a female and satisfy their urges
Those were the times

>> No.3757993

Exactly, porn has always been available to humanity in the form of women.

>> No.3757999

Maybe people could stop being pathetic and just date and hook up with women then

>> No.3758008

>tfw it will soon become impossible to make eye contact with a woman without a rape allegation
>all sex and dating will go through tinder which means only the chaddest of chads taller than 6'4" will get laid
>95% of the male population will have to resort to government sanctioned porn ratios to ever see a woman
>meanwhile chad is fucking every day and is happy and free

>> No.3758015

dumbest shit i've read all week

>> No.3758016

Porn isn't being banned, you just have to be 18 to get it.

No one here needs to worry about it.

>> No.3758086

Why do I keep seeing pictures like this character? Who is this?

>> No.3758089

tik tok gayboy

>> No.3758371


>> No.3758390

This isn't like the olden times where you flash an ID at the corner shop to buy a magazine with no record of the purchase. This is an egregious expansion of state surveillance on the legal, private actions of adults. Do you really think that's nothing to worry about? Peak indifference?

>> No.3758402

I'm over 18, so I don't really care. At worst it's a minor hassle. Honestly, what could you realistically expect from it?

>> No.3758412

A Shadman OC, which got VERY VERY popular.

>> No.3758413

you have to show your ID and register it for ANY 18+ porn site. The government can track you and if your ID is linked to any loli or shota site you're fucked.

>> No.3758438

I'm not into that shit either.

>> No.3758452

Is there a script to mass-download from sites like sankaku, pixiv etc by tag? I might just leave it running or a few weeks, download all the loli and shota I possibly can and filter through once its all stored on an external harddrive. Track me now you government fucks.

>> No.3758456

use a vpn like Tor and give the govenment the finger instead.

>> No.3758473

>I'm not underage! I'm just a pedophile
That's fucking hilarious

>> No.3758626

That's not a shadman oc, it's Nico Yazawa from Love Live. Shadman just drew some trap crossplaying her.