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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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3657688 No.3657688[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why are female artists so thin-skinned and emotional?

For example remember Keppok? She quit drawing after a couple of people made fun of her. And she cried never to be seen again.

>> No.3657690

>Why are female...s so thin-skinned and emotional?
Why are you even surprised?

>> No.3657706

>Why are women
There's your problem

>> No.3657713

Well she is a huge racist and anti-Semitic. She talked shit and people called her out on it, she got what she deserved. Don’t be a idiot in public and think nothing will happen.

>> No.3657717

>Well she is a huge racist and anti-Semitic.
So she's based and redpilled? and this is bad?

>> No.3657720

Well candy is dandy but uh, liquor is quicker.

>> No.3657724
File: 916 KB, 600x338, 1510834791273.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I say good riddance to that bitch

>> No.3657763

why do men spend all their time whining on an anonymous image board instead of gitting gud?

>> No.3657811

You answered yourself already. But to expand on that, 99% of females go through life without harsh criticism. They're used to being coddled so when someone finally doesn't give a shit and tells them what they did wrong, it's earth-shattering for them.

>> No.3657820

>"he"'s still at it to this day, like two years later

Good god dickbrains are fucking pathetic, even the most horrid roast beast is more respectable than the subhuman, sissy omega (((men))) that post in the porn thread.

>> No.3657825

Keppok was doxxed by OP and his discord /ic/ friends for months. Same one who doxxed BBC once.
That's why you should not post anything. There is legit stalkers here

>> No.3657826


>> No.3657827


>> No.3657867

>imageboard e-drama
is there anything gayer? I think I could walk into a gay strip club mid orgy and find it less gay.

>> No.3657895

More often than not people just lose interest in posting, become too busy, or move on to other things, and demented stalkers claim victory for something completely unrelated to them.

>> No.3658035
File: 99 KB, 684x630, In nomine Patris et Filii et Spiritus Sancti.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why are women so emotional
>regards, /r9k2/

Of the few threads on this board that aren't about the "nuances" of anime art that have been spammed by the same person for months now, a good portion of them are feels threads. While women do process emotions a bit differently, artists are unstable pussies by default.

Let's not pretend that holding a grudge against someone for 2 and a half years is a hallmark of emotional maturity and stoicism either, you fucking dickless faggot

>How do we save /ic/? All the major artists are leaving this board and with them we lose advice and knowledge.

People say that at a certain point users have been "graduating" from /ic/ but that's really just a nice way to say they've left to other social media sites (including discord) where they don't have to deal with the constant background noise made by the presence of otherwise intractable grognards, almost all of whom aren't artists and whose only relation to artists is that they happen to use a board that is intended for artists (as their personal toilet).

Over a long period of time, the mods of /ic/ have failed to moderate anything other than the deprecated global rules about the content of posts themselves and have let neckbeard crabs derail thread after thread with their stupid drama bullshit.

Go to the LAS discord or one of the 8ch*n art boards if you want a community of peers to challenge and support you. This board is primarily a vehicle for sad, fat weenies trying to dull their senses through aggressive shitposting.

>> No.3658039

>This board is primarily a vehicle for sad, fat weenies trying to dull their senses through aggressive shitposting.
Stop projecting.

>> No.3658050
File: 31 KB, 600x595, kek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This board is primarily a vehicle for sad

>> No.3658213

I mean she's still with Brekkist right? Keppok could've rebranded under a new name since porn artists are so....incestuous with style it's hard to separate them apart. And Brekkist probably not advertising her like he used too so people don't connect the dots it's actually Keppok anew.

>> No.3658276

>Why are female...s so thin-skinned and emotional?
Because most of us all raised to be that way typically by women who are just as emotionally spastic who were also raised in the same situation, etc. etc., also society™ tells us its "lady-like" to be emotionally flamboyant and sensitive through media and marketing so we subconsciously adhere to those stereotypes

>> No.3658348

Because they're fucking women, why is this even a question?

>> No.3658426

"All women are Queens" culture doesn't prepare them for a market that doesn't discriminate based on gender

>> No.3658474

What the fuck. This is some primo autism.

This post is right. There is no reason to use IC if you're a half decent artist, because by the time you're actually getting good, chances are you've made friends who aren't retard crabs. You'll have a much better time getting criticism from your actual peers instead of Anons on IC who think the fact that they've mindlessly been filling sketchbooks with loomis heads means that spouting meaningless caustic insults at work betters than theirs by an order of magnitude is "criticism".

>> No.3658490


>> No.3658496

im starting to realize that theres really nothing to gain by posting here.