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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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3555316 No.3555316 [Reply] [Original]

answer me these questions d/ic/ks. feel free to post work alongside your answers

1 - when did you find /ic/?

2 - do you feel this board helped you on your journey?

3 - how many hours per day/week do you draw?

4 - do you have an ultimate goal? what is it?

>> No.3555324

>yes, it forces clueless beggars into loomis submission. at least it did to me.
>at least 2 usually over 4 each day. Rule is get something done everyday really
>make it

>> No.3555328

1. i think 2014 too but i only come here very sporadically
2. yes, because i assume everyone here is wrong it opened up lots of new interesting art avenues
3. i don't draw much as i'm a painter, so like 30 hours or so i guess drawing
4. no i used to but art really isn't as important as i felt it was when i was passionate youth

>> No.3555333
File: 319 KB, 639x657, gothgfcrop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1 - when did you find /ic/?
2014 or 15

>2 - do you feel this board helped you on your journey?
with a little tough love

>3 - how many hours per day/week do you draw?
30 minutes to 6 hours per day

>4 - do you have an ultimate goal? what is it?
to make a comic, to not have to work 40 hours a week at a job i hate

>> No.3555335

1) dont remember but been here for at least 5 years
2) eh i suppose some insights have proved themselves valuable.
3) not much.
4) i want to feel comfortable drawing

>> No.3555341

OP here figured i'd answer too

1- 2014 too wtf guys

2 - yes in the beginning, then it became a source of procrastination. left here for 2 years before coming back recently

3 - most commonly 3 hours a day, my ideal would be 6-8 but i'm super lazy

4 - get a job in an animation studio, then work up from there

>> No.3555344

already met my goals, new goals is to do 3D

>> No.3555345

>1 - when did you find /ic/?
2015 or so

>2 - do you feel this board helped you on your journey?
Sometime i found gold, sometime i found dirt

>3 - how many hours per day/week do you draw?
2-7 hours

>4 - do you have an ultimate goal? what is it?
To draw on the same level as my idol and have a sell booth someday

>> No.3555351

>probably, I’m just a hobbyist though and leave this board for months/years and come back every now and then
>maybe 8 hours a week?
>eventually make comics or illustrated novels. I have a career that’s been too high paying to walk away from that keeps me from making more art.

>> No.3555357

-barely, because I rarely post. though just having it open to tell me to draw first thing in the morning instead of playing videogames is good enough
-generally 4-6 hours a day, if not 0. At times it goes to 10-12
-to be able to draw whatever the fuck I want and have it look pleasing to my eye, comparable to professionals and the like

>> No.3555410 [DELETED] 
File: 321 KB, 800x800, examples.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1 - when did you find /ic/?
~2010-2011 when I was in art school.

>2 - do you feel this board helped you on your journey?
Not really. /ic/s best use - IMO - has always been the draw thread. It's a really easy way to get a second opinion on something that you're unsure about. I've always found that they're most effective when you post your WIP and you ask for specific feedback, rather than a vague request for a general crit. I also like giving crits and generally helping people here. Beyond that, /ic/ has been little more than procrastination.

>3 - how many hours per day/week do you draw?
Around 2-5 hours per day, more on a busy day.

>4 - do you have an ultimate goal? what is it?
Originally, my ultimate goal was to eventually be able to make a living off my illustration work, which I'm extremely thankful to have achieved in the past few years. From here, I hope to one day land the opportunity to do a cover for the New Yorker. It's a bit of a lofty goal / pipe dream, but I really like doing editorial work and I'd be overjoyed to work with them to create the cover art.

Pic related is a few examples of my work.

>> No.3555415
File: 433 KB, 800x1198, example.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1 - when did you find /ic/?
~2010-2011 when I was in art school.

>2 - do you feel this board helped you on your journey?
Not really. /ic/s best use - IMO - has always been the draw thread. It's a really easy way to get a second opinion on something that you're unsure about. I've always found that they're most effective when you post your WIP and you ask for specific feedback, rather than a vague request for a general crit. I also like giving crits and generally helping people here. Beyond that, /ic/ has been little more than procrastination.

>3 - how many hours per day/week do you draw?
Around 2-5 hours per day, more on a busy day.

>4 - do you have an ultimate goal? what is it?
Originally, my ultimate goal was to eventually be able to make a living off my illustration work, which I'm extremely thankful to have achieved in the past few years. From here, I hope to one day land the opportunity to do a cover for the New Yorker. It's a bit of a lofty goal / pipe dream, but I really like doing editorial work and I'd be overjoyed to work with them to create the cover art.

Pic related are a few examples of my work.

>> No.3555450

fuck, really nice stuff anon.. blog?

>> No.3555460
File: 107 KB, 933x938, Dg41_7eXkAE402Y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

with how appealing and pop-art-y your stuff looks, id be surprised if you WEREN'T already working in the industry

good job anon, i hope you keep climbing

>> No.3555469
File: 172 KB, 618x340, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Knew /ic/ was here since middle school in 2012. Was busy browsing /x/ at the time. Started using the board last December at the same time I started back on /pol/. It’s an escape from the hurtbox.
>Yes. A lot of great resources but the inspiration is probably what helps the most. Not about what to draw so much as to Just Draw.
>I draw most days for less than an hour and I rarely finish anything. This week’s been good though, I got a T-shirt design done and started a character portrait.
>I want in on animation to make an animated series. Right now I’m working on a redbubble gallery. Making an Instagram backlog so i can upload every day for awhile. Still don’t know how I’m going to practice animation and upload on the regular.

>> No.3555551
File: 1.18 MB, 1300x1500, recent summary.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Around August-September 2017

>It gave me a metric shit ton of resources in art books, reference galleries, and other sites. All I've which I've only used about 10% of. Still nice to have a place to talk about art with even if half the people are MEANIES

>Draw every single day now as of May, even if it's just a sketch of progressing on a piece. How many hours changes, I'm aiming for at least 6 hours every day but I'm probably only averaging 3-4 every day atm.

>Right now I'm just trying to get earn a bigger following and make a living wage off of my art, either through commissions or Patreon. My real goal is to eventually make a couple dozen doujins before trying to publish my own original work somewhere at Image Comics or a similar publisher.

>> No.3555564
File: 71 KB, 680x501, bdf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. Really recent- early to mid 2017 probably?
2. Not substantially but I have found some really good resources here and it helps motivate me to draw. Mostly here cause I like looking at art and helping out new people.
3. 6-8 hours a day maybe? Never really counted but I spend most of my day at least trying to draw.
4. Draw for myself more, and become more disciplined with myself when Ibdi draw. Would like to pick up painting too.

>> No.3555565

Meant to post my work with that but i like it better this way

>> No.3555992


>> No.3556214

gud thread

>> No.3556699

Thanks so much - I really appreciate it! My IG is here >>3511703 .

>> No.3557083
File: 372 KB, 1274x1621, Untitled-8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I think 4 years ago or so. I've been on 4chan since 2004 or thereabouts though, mainly /tg/ but I stopped going there probably around six years ago when this lunatic Jim Profit started showing up in every thread posting repugnant pictures of himself. I mostly browsed /tg/ because I liked the abundance of artists (and writers) there. It was a fun and creative place in its day. Still might be, hell if I know.


Yeah, but admittedly I've never posted art much nor gotten a lot of responses when I had posted, I haven't been using /ic/ in that way.

However, I did get turned on to good resources, and became introduced to artists whose work I really like who I never would have come across in a million years otherwise, some of whom I've had the pleasure to talk with in a more direct setting-even if in general my attempts at making art friends has fallen flat.


It's never as much as it should be. I estimate no more than 10-20 hours a week on average. The character pics in this image I believe are over a year old (and I've done nothing of the sort since), and the anatomy studies just over a week. Nothing ever feels good enough, and because of that nothing gets done. It's a poor mindset that I need to surmount sooner than later.


I want to do art and animation for a game I'd like to make, but I'm just not good enough and the dread is setting in. Being an adult work gets in the way a lot too.

Oh yeah, and to make matters worse I also got stood up on a date with a girl I made out with at a party a few days ago last night. Right after I got out of the shower and dried my rippling muscles I checked my Apple® iPhone SE and I got a single message from her saying: "NGMI" so I went to go see "Skyscraper" by myself. More lukewarm popcorn for me you rude bitch lol


>> No.3557626
File: 128 KB, 1024x683, 25447870-2670-48D3-98F1-8A1D0B67AEFF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That last part was supposed to be funny, but overnight I'd had the realization that this kind of shit is why people don't like me.

Have they found a cure for autism yet? Asking for a friend.

>> No.3557649

>That last part was supposed to be funny, but overnight I'd had the realization that this kind of shit is why people don't like me.

I thought it was mildly funny anon, and not at all embarrassing. The best answers in this thread so far are the ones that are more thorough, open and honest, so thank you for sharing.

>> No.3558538


>> No.3558618

could be worse, at least you're getting dates

>> No.3558934
File: 167 KB, 1325x864, plugging away, today.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was definitely pushing it a little; you know how it is when you stay up late and you start getting delirious. Thanks though fren, I hope you had a good and productive day today.

Even if making out with a girl and drinking vodka out of her bellybutton at a party counted as a date that wouldn't be true I'm afraid. I just don't get out much.

From a young age I'd somehow convinced myself that my self-imposed solitude was a virtue of some sort and that I was going to take over the world from my parent's basement. Now that I'm old, living alone and working retail I've just become this isolated and weird and sexy man trying in vain to recapture the time I'd lost to indolence.

Don't let it happen to you! They say youth is wasted on the young, but it doesn't have to be. Get out there and make something of yourself.


>> No.3560054


1- Knew 4chan before but only really got interested in /ic/ this current year

2- Found all those books (Loomis etc...), going through perspective made easy just to learn perspective for real even though I already figured out a lot by myself after learning the basics. I've always been kinda lacking in the area so... yes I can say /ic/ helped. Never posted any art though.

3- something like 2h every time I draw, but not every day, more like 4-5 days a week, and really only exercises and gesture drawing. Slowly trying to draw on a regular basis again without burning myself out like I did or getting depressed because of procrastination, knowing I could get a lot of work done instead of sitting on my ass getting lost on youtube or playing vidya. Quickly sumed up,I need to figure out how to manage anxiety and slowly build discipline and good habits.

4- Getting a job in the industry before I'm 30 (approaching my 23rd birthday), having a job I like so I don't long for a retirement I won't ever have anyway.

Alright here's my overexplained participation to the thread, a good day to you all anons.

>> No.3560322
File: 99 KB, 684x630, father loomis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bump for more /ic/ confessions

>> No.3560331

a month or so ago
it helped me immensely but ONLY because I found dad on here - everything else ive come to find is a waste of time. I tried to help people and just get called dunning Krueger or a crab. half the people here are just larping and don't do art they just want to be contrary or whatever - anonymity is a big part of that. it doesnt matter really I stopped taking it seriously after the first week of trying. get better feedback and conversation on the art discords im in
I draw every day at least 30 minutes, usually average a few hours
my ultimate goal is to create beautiful scenes im happy with or at least make money drawing porn

>> No.3560358
File: 7 KB, 283x268, Di_k4VvUwAAE7VJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>kinda, it helped me get to a lot of resources my then barely legal ass didn't know about (like loomis) even now, is fun to post and see you guys fight, feels like home
>i think in total is 4 hours ever other day
>i wanna draw good i don't care if i make it anymore

>> No.3560362
File: 79 KB, 506x954, 13ee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1 - when did you find /ic/?

>2 - do you feel this board helped you on your journey?
Yeah, I guess. Showed me a lot of what not to do.

However I think what it helped me with was learning how to take criticism. The tough-love relationship everyone has with each other helps you realize where your art actually is, and not where you think it is.

>3 - how many hours per day/week do you draw?
I don't really count. The average I seem to get is around 8-10, or at least that's what discord says.

>4 - do you have an ultimate goal? what is it?
In the beginning I wanted to join the industry, but later decided against it. So I guess just to see how far I can go.

>> No.3560367
File: 117 KB, 951x780, watmup.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i forgot the example of my work thing, here's a very finished piece for you

>> No.3560402
File: 2.33 MB, 3745x2959, drinking bitter better drunk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1 - when did you find /ic/?
idk like 2008
>2 - do you feel this board helped you on your journey?
>3 - how many hours per day/week do you draw?
>4 - do you have an ultimate goal?
900+ paintings.
>what is it?
Defeat Vincent Van Gogh in total paintings and take the title as first unofficial official sequel.

>> No.3560555
File: 372 KB, 1411x1058, didn't do shit today smh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While I don't check it often anymore I'm really impressed with the LAS community in general, that's where you see what /ic/ is really made of-most of those people never or seldom post their work on the board proper though (not that there's really a super compelling reason to).

Cute pic, though it looks like her tail might be coming out of her rump instead of originating at a slightly higher point on her sacrum like God intended. Not the end of the world but something to consider next time there's a tail involved. Keep it up!

>> No.3560667

1) 2011, was very underage but I haven't posted my work on here since 2015 to not be associated with 4chan
2) Yes, it made me get my shit together early in my teens.
3) Draw evey day, amount of hours depends since I'm freelancing now.
4) My ultimate goal is to get an in-house job as senior visual development artist in video games.

>> No.3563091

More pls.