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3554762 No.3554762 [Reply] [Original]

I sleep 7-9 hours every night but I feel incredibly fatigued when I wake up. 3 cups of coffee helps me get my mind straight. I can function well without caffiene, and I often go without it, but I'm only goodat drawing when I drink a shit ton of coffee.
What do?

>> No.3554770

Just keep drinking coffee who cares. I drink 2 a day because addict

>> No.3554774

Same, there are times of the day when I can barely function, but I guess I need to stop being an unhealthy guy

>> No.3554785

drink enough water eat enough food x

>> No.3554790

Check if you have any chronic diseases and research what can be done about them. In particular, check for any nasal obstructions (deviated septum, allergy, inflamed adenoids, atresia, etc) - constant oxygen starvation of the brain causes fatigue and lack of concentration.

>> No.3554803
File: 209 KB, 1280x1572, 1280px-Hendrik_ter_Brugghen_-_Heraclitus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look into fasting/OMAD (or keto if you're too pussy to fast), should clear it up. Daily meditation is also good for cultivating mental clarity.

>> No.3554806

stop fapping?

>> No.3554810

exercise more.

>> No.3554926

>nasal obstructions
I can hardly breath through my nose. This might actually be the problem.

>> No.3554928

Unironically this.

>> No.3554941


>> No.3554952


>> No.3554956

Do some exercise, try to sleep in normal hours and at least 7 to 8 hours a day, eat healthy food (no Mcdonalds or Burger King shit) and check your thyroid.

>> No.3554961

Also good advice.

>> No.3554982

start living!

>> No.3554984

Other suggestions. Eat properly (I like intermittent fasting), exercise and maybe try to sleep at the optimal time of ~10pm and always wake up at the same time.

>> No.3555001


I'm seconding this. Keto/Fasting/OMAD and I haven't had brain fog unless I'm on vacation in which case I don't care.

>> No.3555002

when do you eat? mornings?

>> No.3555012


Usually around 2PM but sometimes I'll hold off until 6PM. Really depends on how busy work is.

>> No.3555039

watch what you eat, op.

>> No.3555363

Yeah let's starve the brain of glucose, that will boost its function!

>> No.3555368

Stay off coffee/mind altering substances, get a sleep study and your vitamin d levels checked, make sure you're eating right and getting enough water/exrecise, thyroid, uhhh... lots of shit really. Being tired is an extremely general symptom. Go to a doctor is the boring/expensive answer

>> No.3555372

maybe you have ADD. some people have "daydreamer" ADD where they arn't really hyperactive or come off as "unfocused", they're just quietly off in their own world a lot of the time, deep in thought darydreaming.
if you're a girl than its even more likely, because thats kind of the girl version of childhood ADHD.

I have similar feelings and coffee usually wakes me up but it also gives me the shits so I've had to do other things.
Sometimes it helps to hype me up just to listen to podcasts or videos in the background.

>> No.3555413
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Oh shit, I came here to make a thread about this. Here’s my damage. I’ve never slept at a normal schedule, going to bed and waking up on time have been lifelong struggles for me. I also tend to ruminate a lot and it inhibits me from actually doing anything.
I didn’t sleep last night(tried to fap myself to sleep, probably just wound me up even more), but I got up for work, had two cups of cold brew and when I got back home all I wanted to do was draw. Get something done, a sketch, a finished linework, anything.
Sleepy as fuck but I powered through and finalized a design for RB, started a new RB sketch, got some lines on that, and started a character sketch of my DnD character which looks pretty nice.
Am I just too tired to be ruminating and planning? Is the only way for me to quiet my mind and work to pull all-nighters and drink 48oz of coffee afterwards?
Can I do this with meditation or some shit instead? Because while today was a good day it’s probably no substitute for actual discipline. I’ve gotten more done today than I have in awhile.

>> No.3555422
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>tfw history of asthma and sinus problems
>mfw probably retarded because no oxygen to my brain

>> No.3555434

Your body spends calories in the food you consume throughout the day. The only person I know that doesn’t eat before 6 pm is a guy with aspbergergs who got suicidal because of his depression. Then whenever he’d eat he would stop feeling sad. Don’t be this fucking stupid.

Buy whatever you like, You want mcdonalds for breakfast? Sure! Just get up in the morning and fucking eat anything for breakfast and lunch.

>> No.3555442

Perhaps you have TMJ, I do and I think it contributes a lot to brainfog

I didn't know I had terrible brain fog until I had those brief fleeting moments of relief and clarity. It felt like my head was singing, like a tight rubberband was removed from my scalp. That helped me at least see that this wasn't normal, and I was playing this life game on unnecessary difficulty settings. I ordered some amino acids and minerals, maybe they will help. I tried magnesium citrate but it didn't really do anything I think.

But to go back to what it feels like personally, there's like an oppressing feeling of being trapped in your skull, which is true literally, but abnormal when it comes to a sensation. And there's this sense of someone running an angle grinder next to your ears.

i saw this video recently of an older guy getting his TMJ cured. And he starts crying from the relief. I want that so bad.

>> No.3555443

how does this stupid fucking thread have so many replies.

anyway op, probably it's when you sleep, go to bed before midnight, get up around dawn.

>> No.3555520

Interesting theory, I've also had a history of nasal and breathing problems, the most I've ever been sick in my life was when I developed bronchitis when I was 11 and would legit wake up suffocating on my own mucus.
I obviously don't think it's the root of the problem since my diet is shit and I don't exercise, but I'll keep this thought in mind from now on.

>> No.3555526

>try to sleep in normal hours
I got a question about this. Is there an actual medical difference between sleeping during the day or night? My parents always fed me the line that sleeping during the day wasn't healthy and doesn't let you rest, I never bought it cause I figured they just wanted me to sleep early.
I prefer staying up late though, at night everyone else in the household is asleep and quietness of it helps me focus when I draw. I still get my 7-8 hours of sleep, I just sleep through the morning and wake up sometime between 10-12. I always thought as long as you get 8 hours of sleep you're good.

>> No.3555622

this, man. You gotta eat. Maybe replace your caffeine habit with this. If you don't get away from this shit, try Guaraná instead of coffee ... clearerer high, no real down afterwards.

>> No.3555624

vitamin d _and_ all the bs

>> No.3555635

Make a routine, go to bed and wake up at the same time, even on weekends. If by chance one day you go to sleep later, do not wake up later, wake up still at the same time as you normally do. Also exercise regularly. Cardio especially has a lot of benefits wrt cognition, and brain health in general, helps with depression, anxiety, focus, memory, and motivation.


>> No.3555650

I have tried everything, I am convinced the one thing that really is responsible is just too much media consumption. Just now I was chatting with several group chats, lurking and shitposting on ic x ck v, played Vidya with my friends, checked mangadex, only thing I didn't do is fap which I might just do anyway.

All in all it was pretty obvious. It's one of those "doctor it hurts when I hit my knee" "well don't do that then" type things.

>> No.3555658

Also one really important thing about using 4chan, Reddit, anywhere you get your memes: hello over there, fellow human reading this. Yes. How many shitposting have you seen just today? What about other websites, have you read anything you truly feel is valuable to you? What you might not know is that when you read something, you absorb it. Its kinda paranormal. Sometimes we think we are safe from our wall of anonimity, or just reading from a distance because we are fascinated with the poopooheads on 4chan. Well the more of their shitposting you read, the more you become the shitposter. If you care at all about yourself and especially your creativity, you will take care in what you read. There's no pretending it's not your business because it is. You may even be addicted, but trust me, you will be just fine without 4chan. Do one thing, look through your folder of saved images, it's just a big steaming pile. Remember, time spent on 4chan is rarely "me" time.

>> No.3555663

You're absolutely right. Read these books if you find the time: The Willpower Instinct, The Brain That Changes Itself, The Power of Habit. You can find epubs online for free if you want.
And make an active effort to change. It's a tough road ahead, but you'll thank yourself when you get to the end of it.

>> No.3555665

>>3555663 >>3555650

Also check out Deep Work b Cal Newport and The Shallows by Nicholas Carr.

>> No.3555684

the scary thing about brain fog is that your cognition can be pretty impaired without you really noticing. i play chess which requires a lot of calculation, and fresh in the morning i'm way better at it, like idk 50% better or something. if i'm really tired i get way worse. but for basically everything else in life where intense calculation isn't required the difference isn't noticeable at all. and it makes me wonder if i'm doing less insightful work by not keeping like in good condition or by making creative decisions when the real deep thinking part of my brain is being retarded.

>> No.3555698

>tfw awake for 2 days.

Heh, chump.

>> No.3555712

drink a glass of water and go exercise in the morning. Always makes me feel fresh, even just a short run/walk/cycle

>> No.3555720

Stop eating sugar. Seriously. More than just a tiny amount of sugar in a day makes people feel terrible. If that helps at all, try a ketogenic diet. If cutting down on sugar or carbohydrates doesn't help, it could be a thyroid issue. If you drink, try to curb that as well.

>> No.3555778

Didn't read these yet I will now.

>> No.3555816
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Try bulletproof meme coffee (no sugar, coconut oil, butter). And yeah, keto in general.

>> No.3555868

In the long term getting some exercise will probably help. Short term just go for a quick walk when you start to feel foggy. The fresh air will clear your head.

>> No.3555874

Also if you're a digital artist brain fog is impossible to avoid, it's just what screens do to you.

>> No.3555900

I had the same problem for years. Then I tried switching my sleep cycle to "normal". I go to sleep at 11 PM and wake up in the morning. I feel great.

>> No.3556036

You wake up at the wrong time. Read up on sleep cycles. You don't won't to wake up during deep sleep which is most likely currently the case.
I recommend sleeping 8 hours exactly. Set up an alarm if you have to. Works for me

>> No.3556067

are you taking any medications? that could absolutely have a major effect on morning fatigue. for an example, certain SSRIs have sleepiness side effects that, when taken at night, still cause grogginess and drowsiness in the morning after.

t. anxious fag who just started taking paxil and has really rough mornings now

also you might be dependent on caffeine, and the more coffee you drink, the more your body demands it to function normally.
adenosine causes sleepiness, and caffeine is very similar in structure to adenosine. so when you drink caffeine it's basically competing to bind to the receptors that adenosine is bound to. less adenosine = more wakefulness. however, over time your brain creates more adenosine receptors and therefore requires more caffeine to get similar results as you once did.

as people get older they gradually start drinking more and more coffee because of this. it's best to stay off caffeine as a whole or to use it only when you really need it. it may seem like you need it every morning but it's possible that you just have so many adenosine receptors because of the caffeine dependency. once you're off caffeine for a few weeks it should go away.

>> No.3556076

>tfw have both deviated septim and allergy and have to get 300 cft pft

>> No.3556151

Don't masturbate,exercise

>> No.3556154


not true at all

>> No.3556160

>regards, morbidly obese arthritic 23 year old

>> No.3556234

Regular sleep cycles and food times are incredible important. Computers and vidya and everything make it difficult, but your body and mind get so confused without it.
Also go outside even for a 10 minute walk every day or so, cut down on coffee, alcohol, soda, etc. I don't like the people who go on and on about healthy shit but changing some of these really helps.

>> No.3556237

Drink japanese Matcha tea. I don't know what wording will make you actually try it but this thing is impressive.

>> No.3556299

Get f.lux or something similar. It helps with the strain.