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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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3538116 No.3538116 [Reply] [Original]

>"if you dont enjoy drawing, you are ngmi".
Why does ic keep pushing this meme. Not everyone has the same path to success.
Listen from 2:15-4:50 and 8:30-9:25

>spends 5 hours searching for reference
>doesnt have a sketchbook
>doesnt like the process of drawing
>creates art analytically
>has actually made it

>> No.3538121

>listening to that lgbt crackhead

fuck off

>> No.3538126
File: 175 KB, 736x1727, a03a8db1dea7a95a6f078a023451fb62.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post work that is as good or better than his.

>> No.3538128

>lgbt crackhead
Where did you get that from? But still that has nothing to do with the topic.

>> No.3538135

He does give some very good advice in those first few minutes. A lot of beginners have this idea in their mind that they need to be able to sit down in front of a blank canvas and start throwing colors and values around and spontaneously come up with cool speed paintings or fill up sketchbook pages KJG style with whatever pops in your head etc. But many people simply can't work like that. Their brains just aren't wired that way and they need to plan things out and have problems to solve before they start drawing. But instead of doing that, they continue to force themselves to draw spontaneously, which leads to them becoming more and more furstrated with art.

>> No.3538137
File: 794 KB, 1250x720, B.Process.spread.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I personally find that work where the creator enjoys the process is more engaging. Passion in doing your work is finding some sort of interest in learning new things or trying a fresh perspective on something you've done before. Sometimes the client or amount of time won't allow for experimentation, but that just means you can get it done faster to get to the projects that really interest you. Work still means work, but it doesn't have to feel like work all the time.

I feel that a lot of great designers understand the balance between creating a commercial product that pays the bills and doing projects that they love to do. Otherwise, why art? Seriously, why art if you hate it that much.

inb4 people saying no one here works as a professional

>> No.3538144

Monet couldn't stand drawing/sketching.

>> No.3538149

he apparently draws black tumblr sjw characters or somethin, I guess that's what cali turns you into.

I mean just watch the vid if you like. He just doesn't seem like someone I personally would take advice from.

>> No.3538171

>"i disagree with him on politics, therefore I'm not gonna listen to his advice on a completely non-political and unrelated subject he is good at."

Why do i keep coming to this place anymore.

>> No.3538173

He is not even lgbt. He is straight and lives with his girlfriend. But apparently one drawing of lgbt person disqualifies all his opinions.

>> No.3538179

So he's on the verge of burning out outright, what is your point?

I am making that shit up but you see what I mean? What does one guy not liking sketching mean to you? Doesn't mean shit to me. You're talking about 'what ic does what ic thinks blah blah' that also doesnt mean shit to me, and has nothing to do with art. what are you doing, if not making a typical e-celeb thread? Huh? Huh? HUH? *gets up in your face* yeah thats what I thought bitch.

>> No.3538185

Why the fuck his draw then? Would not be easier get a normal fucking job instead of just do for obligation. The fucking point of working as artist is not because you enjoy it?

>> No.3538211

It shows.

>> No.3538220

oh snap

>> No.3538223

if you listen more closely what /ic/ says is 'if you don't enjoy drawing now you'll never enjoy it, even when you make it'

which is also a bit of a gross generalization. but still, seems true in your loser idol's case

>> No.3538241

I don't care about politics at all, the anon asked about the lgbt thing so I answered. I only pointed out that he is not someone I personally would take advice from, just based on his presence and hearing him talk for a few minutes in the schoolism vid.

>you need to like someone just because I like him!!
yeah, no.

>> No.3538326

>makes his living with his art
>has worked on big films and games
I couldnt care less about the guy but i am genuinely curious to know if you have gotten anywhere with your art to call him looser. Please post work.

>> No.3538346

Have you forgotten where you are? This site is centered around autists and narcissists.

>> No.3538367

But he made it, and you are?

>> No.3538384
File: 20 KB, 241x230, 1484443790757.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doesnt like the process of drawing
I don't get how someone can't love art. It's the craziest shit in the world. You can create literally anything you want, you can read a book and paint whatever scenes you want, you can reshape everything that exists into whatever you want, you can draw whatever you like indefinitely

>> No.3538388

many illustrators or comic book artists love telling stories. Drawing is just a means to an end to them. Same with most designers, they love to design cool shit, but drawing is just the language to communicate their ideas. You don't have to be in love with drawing or painting in order to feel passionate about creating art.

>> No.3538394

>I don't get how someone can't love art.
There is a diference between not liking art and not liking the process of drawing.
Most people get into it because they like art but later find out the process of creating art - drawing and painting is boring.

>> No.3538458

They enjoy the creative process which includes drawing and painting. It may not be about the art itself as much as what it communicates, but they sure as fuck enjoy the process. I can't think of anyone I know who has been drawing for more than a couple years that doesn't enjoy the process, even in a masochistic way.

>> No.3538463

> I can't think of anyone I know who has been drawing for more than a couple years that doesn't enjoy the process
I mean, OP literally started this thread by posting an example of someone who doesn't enjoy the process in Zedig. Someone who has been drawing for years AND is better at it than you or anyone you know.

>> No.3538471

People don't do things they don't enjoy. He's clearly a masochist.

>> No.3538506

>See the latest MIT doohickey is just 1s and 0s
>"Why doesn't everyone enjoy typing 1s and 0s???"

>> No.3538513

Have you ever heard of this thing called "delayed gratification", Anon?
If not, you should look it up, it's literally the key to winning at life.

>> No.3538528

That's a load of bullshit.

>> No.3538621

This. It pretty much comes down to self discipline. Don't expect to enjoy every thing you do every second of the time. But having done what you said you would do will give you satisfaction and positive motivation to keep doing it more.

>> No.3538635

I'm reading the Wildenstein, says it right in it.

>> No.3538636

>If you don't agree with black Hermione just unfollow me
So I unfollowed.

>> No.3538642

There's a big difference there.
>Don't expect to enjoy every thing you do every second of the time
Is not the same as not enjoying the process at all. Why would you do something you hate? The end result would come out as vapid and meaningless as concept art.

>> No.3538665

I heard Marco Bucci saying he hates drawing in one of his videos. He said he only does it as a prerequisite to get to the painting stage which he likes.

You have to find something that you like about creating art. The dude in op likes designing characters, environments.. So he only draws to be able to communicate his designs. And marco likes painting and only draws just enough to start painting.

>> No.3538673

>People don't do things they don't enjoy.
Say that to the wagecucks.

I hope this is bait though. Are you constantly self-indulgent?

>> No.3538690
File: 133 KB, 500x282, tumblr_o72zwfvFpL1sqh0kno1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he did a podcast last week where he goes in depth with why he doesn't like drawing. from what i took from it, getting into the industry killed his drive to create art, and he's still doing art just to try and find that drive again


>> No.3539360

That was hard listen man. Felt like i was in a group therapy session.

Seems like the passion gets sucked out of most artists once it becomes a job. I think for most people its better to see it as illustration or design job and stop seeking fulfillment from it when trying to make a living out of art.

>> No.3539429

I don't think it has to do with that. Zedig of all people actually does lots of personal work in relation to client work. Like, for a good year all he did was play overwatch and draw personal work on stream for 6-8 hours. There couldn't have been much client work he did during that time.

>> No.3539440

Why does the industry kill your drive

>> No.3539445

>he worked on video games, he can’t be a loser!1!
If you spend years doing things you don’t actually like doing just to work in muh vidya gayme induhstree, you are the definition of a loser.

>> No.3539446

Ghostshrimp or ghostshrimp stylebite?

>> No.3539449

I dunno if that's really the reason, /ic/ is full of people whining and complaining about the same things and most of them never made it into the industry to begin with. Where are you getting this from that Zedig is blaming the industry? From what I've heard in both his podcast and the Bobby Chiu interview, it's more of a general statement about the act of drawing itself being a constant struggle and annoying regardless if it's for personal work or client work.

>> No.3539956

nah its zedig, probably partly inspired by ghostshrimp

>> No.3540039

So I should use 3D programs to make my paintings look more realistic because I simply have more fun working like this?

>> No.3540219

He doesn't blame only the industry though, he admits that he acted like a diva and soured the entire experience for himself instead of having the humility to compromise with what his bosses hired him to do

>> No.3540262

did he give up on this project?
it always looked really promising

>> No.3540295

Draw different stuff. Mix it up. If you spend a week drawing people you're gonna get fucking sick of it. The human figure is fascinating, but it's not that fascinating.
Draw trees. Landscapes. Flowers. Vehicles. Animals. Fun stuff.
Can you tell that I'm actually talking to myself here?

>> No.3540357

It doesn't matter what you are reading, it's still a load of bullshit. At best it is a misinterpretation by a layman. At Monet's level there's no real distinction between painting and drawing. It's all just about the strokes.

>> No.3540576

> People don't do things they don't enjoy.

I wish I was this sheltered.

>> No.3540701


I don't know, if it's problematic with your boss/client to use 3d in your paintings, ask them? I'm just talking about creating work in a professional environment, you can do whatever the fuck you want in your free time.

>> No.3540782


>> No.3540786

>people don't do things they don't enjoy
as a wagecuck, fuck you you must be sheltered. also ironic because i'm posting here and i sure as fuck don't enjoy it and neither do you nor does anyone else here.