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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 253 KB, 1200x1720, RmpUTEp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3495380 No.3495380[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Unironically why do people have an issue with loli art? And can you really go to jail for drawing that? What a joke.

Bob Sagat not related

>> No.3495395

>why do people have issues with pedophilia

this is literally what you're asking. anyone who masturbates to that shit is some unwashed lives at their parents autist who should be put on watch lists.

>> No.3495412
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not him but I'd rather have pedos masturbate to pictures than to rape my family members.

>> No.3495413

i'd rather have them rot in jail

>> No.3495414

you can actually find more than one thing reprehensible

>> No.3495416

im gay

>> No.3495421

It's gross and liked by degenerates but I will concede that legally it makes no sense to get jailed for it.

>> No.3495424

its an easy way to set a precedent to justify future restriction of thought

>> No.3495429

I think you hit the nail on the head.

>> No.3495431
File: 15 KB, 251x242, 6dBt2Oj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more like justifying your pedophilia with a non sequitur

>> No.3495457 [DELETED] 
File: 80 KB, 1280x720, dragongirl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thoughts on lolicon and why its so infamous

>> No.3495464

just another thing where people don't want you to like what they don't like, and pretend they have some kind of moral high ground because they defend the rights of fictional characters
in short, redditors

>> No.3495473

Nah, not worried about fictional characters, we just think youre weird

>> No.3495510

you can go to jail for it weirdly enough.



>> No.3495526

>it's a "Why do people hate my stealth pedoshit?" episode
Did you really have to bring this shit to /ic/?
Well, if you're stupid enough to ask what should be glaringly obvious, let me enlighten you.
See picrelated? That was a man that raped and beat his own son to death. No less than 30 inmates beat and raped the shit out of him to the point where he had to get stitches in his asshole and all over his back. He went to the hospital, and when he came back, they did it to him again. Tore open all his stitches, beat and raped him even more. It's a wonder they didn't kill him.
Need some more examples?
So, now what is my point, you ask? My point is that people hate pedophiles. Everyone down to scum rotting in prison view them with vicious, primal loathing. I don't think that it can be overstated how much. That's why people have a problem with it. You may have gotten to the point where you can weasel some weak justification for it (the classic "it's not real I can't go to jail lmao" defense), but everyone else knows what it is and they hate it. Would you be quite so comfortable with it if loli or shota wasn't halfway camouflaged by the anime style?

>> No.3495532
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Forgot picrelated.
Onto the next two.

>You are LITCHERALLY defending the rights of FICKSHUNAL CHARACTERS XDDDDDD LMAO what a ledditor amirite fellow 4chan kids???

And here we have another one of the classic pedo defense force retorts that, as usual, is a completely underhanded, disingenuous attempt to misrepresent the actual issue at hand and attempts to make their critics look foolish instead of actually proving a point.
Well, let me ask you a question. If you read a comic, let's say Assigned Male because everyone including tannins hates that garbage, do you hate the comic itself and the obnoxious, preachy queer characters spouting off their garbage? Well yeah, but who is really to blame? Who is it that is holding and espousing the viewpoint you hate?
Let's make it even simpler. Let's say you're a janitor and somebody shits all over a bathroom stall. What is it you're going to be angry at? The shit, or the shitter?
I think you understand what I'm getting at here. Nobody gives a damn about the actual chatacters, and that you would even think that's the case is actually fucking retarded.
Shove your strawman up your ass, faggot.

"Criticizing loli faggotry is LITCHERALLY THOUGHT POLICING"
And there it is, ladies and gents! The last piece of the unholy motherfucking trifecta of pedoshit justification, the "complete ignorance of what censorship means" schtick. I could care less about whether or not it's illegal and it doesn't need to be, because we can do it the old fashioned way and drive your asses out of town on our own. Private enterprise, not public property, bitches.

Now I just have to wait for some fag to accuse me of being a self-loathing closet pedo projecting onto others and the inevitable comparison to violent vidya, and that should juuuust about wrap up the itinerary for this thread in time for my evening tendie appointment.

>> No.3495537 [DELETED] 

Nice projection, self-loathing closet pedo.

>> No.3495543

>the inevitable comparison to violent vidya

Tell me how violent vidya is any different from it. It's the same shit. Both aren't real.

>> No.3495544
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stay mad, redditfag

>> No.3495545

know what is real? your attraction to children. kill yourself

>> No.3495547

know what is real? your addiction to killing people. kill yourself

>> No.3495577

I'm sure if you started fapping to feet everyday you wouldn't get a foot fetish and act it out in real life, right? This is a better example than your shitty pedo excuse of an example.

>> No.3495588

Except warring and fighting are part of our history and our makeup. Games give us enjoyment through the sense of winning a battle and testing your mettle against AI enemies or other human players. Sports are the same way. And while there may be negative side effects for some players, namely young children or people who have a hard time distinguishing fiction from reality or has unchecked violent impulses, violence in video games is not wrong. In an ancient, tribal sort of way, there is honor in battle and it is often a necessary evil to protect those under your care and what you have laid claim to. Murder for the sake of murder, for the pleasure of it, is a far different thing. That's why, on one hand, most people don't have a problem with killing an animal for food, but will object to animals being tortured to satisfy some morbid person's sadistic impulses because, like the pedophile, they are potentially someone that could harm you, and they are driven by evil. If you said something about guro or those SFMs of people fucking dead women in the skull, you would have had a point. Like sex, aggression, violence and killing is not necessarily evil, because there are valid reasons one would need to raise a hand in self defense, but the target, intentions of the perpetrator, and the circumstances surrounding the act is what makes the difference between moral and immoral.

>> No.3495590

Your moral outrage is pathetic. You're probably an atheist with no moral standard, and if you're pretty much any of the Abrahamic religions then the beginning of the menses is the starting age. But I don't even need to make the moral argument here. You're literally just a virtue signaling faggot trying to thought police those who have preferences you don't like. I bet you apply this argument with other things you hypocritically approve of. Picking and choosing like a hypocrite. "But it's apples and oranges!" Based on what standard, faggot? The one you pulled out of your homo ass?

>> No.3495594

>muh evil
Who made you a god over us?

>> No.3495600
File: 62 KB, 297x325, That+smug+ass+anime+girl+_5ee03173c060e5374cb2bd4d1dfaa6a5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Grow the fuck up and take your criticism like a man, faggot.
I'm not even going to bother trying to parse the rest of your foaming-at-the-mouth word salad. Either give me specific examples of what you think is hypocritical and give me a solid retort or you can fuck right off and nurse your asspain somewhere else.

>> No.3495607

pedophilia should have been declassified as mental illness just like trannies and gayness.

>> No.3495609

No need to man up once a plebb*t is posting because pl*bbit is retarded children and should not be taken seriously

>> No.3495610

>can't distinguish what's real what's delusion.
go back to whatever shithole board you came from and stop posting here

>> No.3495622

haha except i truely have no interest in loli shit. not a non sequitor - it's literally trotted out constantly to justify reducing privacy for everyone and preventing free expression for everyone. No un moderatable distributted forum can ever exist because some one will put that shit on there and will be shut down. Can't even use tor without being accused of pedo ing. Some people will even suggest that you're a pedo for using a pseudo anonymous forum like. idk.. 4chan since there is somuch borderline content. So maybe you're the pedo, pretending to be vehement anti pedo as a screen for your rampant pedoing. See using pedoing as an ad homenin attack is so easy anyone can do it... It's the new drugs since drugs are pretty much normalized.

>> No.3495625

>who are you to judge?
Doesn't matter who I am, or how many mistakes I have made. Morality and the law is higher than me. Not to be a holier than thou edgelord but you wouldn't want there to not be any moral absolutes because there would nothing to protect you. In one of the videos I posted, the only thing that saved that pedophile from getting beaten to death and hung from the nearest tree was a rule of law and people enforcing it.

>> No.3495629

Look at this faggot and laugh, everybody. He's too much of a pussy to actually mention the comments he's throwing stones at. On an anonymous image board, this is the pinnacle of cowardice.
You can't run from the double-aughts of truth and justice.

>> No.3495630

are you quoting me? I never said that, dumb redditor.

>> No.3495636

Well technically I think, theres people who jack off to that, they like the look of a little girl and there features...probably look at that much more then adult woman...yeah there fictional and a drawing but people also get off to the adult characters. Lolis and related are a way to not get in trouble and a way to get off cause theres so much easier content to access.

>> No.3495637

I literally have no problem with pedos or furries for that matter.
I have no problems with shota or loli or kids being sexualized because I wouldn't fuck a kid. However I don't see 2d kids as real kids. I really really can't feel anything when I see a pic with those visuals. But even I can enjoy it if they are well done. Think togashi/Made in Abyss and the like. I wouldn't say I'd search for zootopia doujinshis but I do find a weird contrast in kids suffering in comics.

Not that I'd ever hurt a kid in real life but liking to read about rape doesn't make you a rapist. Or liking to read about murder like I do.

I think people are confusing stuff. You just can't feel 2d people are real. Yeah you can fap to it. But it's not fucking real in any fucking way. A thousand million anime fans would fap to a pic of akko but they would still look at disgust at the 3d image of a kid being raped/fucked.

I don't know why people can't dissociate 2d from 3d. Or at least I don't understand the fucking scandal.

Do I like to draw shota and loli? Yeah I do. Because I like cute things. I aim to draw like togashi draws but I'm not a pedo or a weird person at all.

Do I understand pedos were previously abused kids or people who have something bad in their brain? Yeah. But pedos have a mental condition they can't help being pedos. They can only not hurt kids. Hell, I know someone who killed himself for being a pedo. It must not be easy to be one and it's not like you can help being sick. Science doesn't even understand pedophilia or how to treat it because it's stupidly so taboo

Was I ever raped as a kid? No. And I hope that never happens to me or my loved ones

So. You still draw kids getting fucked and shota and loli but you claim to not be a pedo? Yeah. You could love drawing guro or rape or people shotting each other hitting each other. It doesn't mean you would love to kickbox your neighbor.

OP be greek like me and understand there are a few people who get it ok?

>> No.3495639

>You're literally just a virtue signaling faggot trying to thought police those who have preferences you don't like.

I was merely translating your buzzwordy spiel into something we can all understand, anon :^)

>he keeps calling me a redditor
Is this supposed to mean something, or is this just your coping mechanism for when your little safe-space is threatened?

>> No.3495642

yeah, you keep typing out long, angry replies whenever I do and it's funny to me

>> No.3495661
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Calling me a dumb redditor doesn't make me mad, it makes me feel like you're a displaced /r/thedonald faggot who drifted in here from /pol/ or something.

>> No.3495683

ok reddit

>> No.3495690
File: 108 KB, 1024x853, 1528343605772m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually, small correction, you sound like the typical /b/tard. A much more apt and succinct description, methinks.

>> No.3495734

My fucking sides

>> No.3495756

The man in the photo on the left ismt the same on the right. In fact that entire story was debunked as fake.

>> No.3495759

[citation needed]

>> No.3495815
File: 61 KB, 320x480, yoko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My problem is that it's drawing sexual attention to childlike form. You can't tell me that being sexually attracted to childlike form isn't a red flag. Making loli illegal would be dumb, but for your own soul's sake, you really should examine why you are into it, and stop.
On the other hand, the people who police bring up arbitrary ages on characters who look nothing like the age they allegedly are, need to just stop.
Pic related is incredulously aged 15. Looks nothing like any 15 year old anywhere, but there are people who will call you a full on pedophile because of the absurd age of the fictional character who can easilly pass for an adult.

>> No.3495827

Are you serious that the only thing stopping you from raping a family member is to look at Loli? That's fucked up, man
I get that it's a cartoon and doesn't hurt anybody, but if THAT is the only thing stopping you from raping then you need legitimate help

>> No.3495836

I don't get why you even felt like pointing this out, with no proof nonetheless. Just face it, most people in jail hate pedos too, why do you think they are seperated from the general prison populace? Because they know that if they let them in there they will immediately be attacked

>> No.3495849

Don't get me wrong I hate pedophiles and child murderers too, but it feels wrong to paint a mob of men who can get their dicks up while stabbing someone to death as any better. Let me repeat, I hate pedophiles too, but most of those men were probably in jail for shit that was just as evil.

>> No.3495897

I'm not venerating them as heroes by any means, because what they did was still pretty messed up and they'd have to be really messed up people to go to those lengths of torture, rather than simply beating his ass or killing him and getting it over with. The point, which was in answer to OP's dumbass question, was that even the worst of human scum hate pedophiles. People hate pedophiles on an almost instinctive level. While mobs of people killing them may be counterproductive, at the very least this stigma of sexualizing children is strong. I would be very fearful if it wasn't. I would rather see pedophiles be castrated so that they can't feel or follow through on their desires instead of killing them. They'd have a better chance at life that way and they wouldn't harm any children.

>> No.3495902

Is it pedoshit if I want to draw lolis getting headpats and hand holds?

>> No.3495912

Not him but of course this art is sating some people's needs rather than them raping someone or looking at actual cp. There will always be people with this sexual attraction, and imo if we ever want to make it better we need alternatives, whether that's therapy or drawn images, how else are we going to decrease real life incidents when these people can't talk about it without being vilified for the rest of their lives? Bottle things up until they explode, or be outcasted.

>> No.3495916

Youre delusional if you actually buy that fake news..
They sodomized him with a broom stick.

>> No.3495918

I literally have no idea what your talking about.

>> No.3495920

Oopsie doodles wrong post

>> No.3495928

Also there are for sure plenty of pedos who haven't watched cp or have any intentions of rape. It is a sexual attraction and you'll never hear about these people ever, because they can't tell anyone and they'll never get caught doing anything wrong.

>> No.3495951
File: 113 KB, 190x263, 032B9842-1BB1-439A-9B10-346BD757CC6D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s dumb to argue about this. If you like loli, fap to it. If you don’t like loli, protect your kids from lolicons.

>> No.3495961

>discussion on an issue like this is dumb
you're dumb, fenceposter

>> No.3496057
File: 187 KB, 433x380, question 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But the violence in a videogame isn't guaranteed to be a justified or moral one. There are plenty of games where you can fuck someone up just for the fun of it. And yet this behavior isn't condemned as dangerous, if you see a guy playing GTA and he runs around shooting people with a rocket launcher for laughs you wouldn't call him a psycho for laughing at that, or for finding the violence in a game like God of War (1, 2, 3) cool even though you play as the bad guy in those games, basically.

>> No.3496077

>Except warring and fighting are part of our history and our makeup.
So is looting the loot and the women and children for the winner.

>> No.3496091

I think that there's a distinction between the two. Like there's a world of difference between DOOM, or even Postal, Hatred, or Manhunt and guro pornography; like there's a difference between Vladimir Nobokov's Lolita and lolicon porn. Or the difference between, say, a story that has a lot of gay characters and gay porn. You can play D00M and not have sadistic, morbid fascination with pain and death but if you're watching an anime girl getting disemboweled and someone using her heart as a Fleshlight and jizzing into a hole in her skull and it makes you rock hard, well, you're kind of a sick fuck. Same concept with Lolita and lolicon, the former doesn't make you a pedophile but the latter does. Repeat that for a work about gay people and gay porn. I guess the point is that the former examples have artistic merit outside of sexually gratifying you with it's subject matter, and only people with those sexual interests would be interested in the latter in the first place.
That's probably the distinction I should have gone for.

>> No.3496101

Yeah I agree but I'm not so sure you can link 2D appeal with 3D desires so easily, I know a lot of people on this site frequently say how they like something in 2D but wouldn't touch it with a 10 foot pole in 3D
Lolifags, gurofags, honestly even myself with some 2D male art even though I'm 0% into men irl. This happens a lot and it's why I think putting a person in jail for liking artwork is crazy because the punishment isn't even close to the "crime", in fact I doubt you get put in jail or in a mental hospital if someone finds out you have guro of anime girls on your hard drive, but somehow loli content does deserve destroying a person's life in some countries.

>> No.3496257

It's basically women getting aggressive when they realize that men do not want a raspy hag with cow tits, especially when exposed to Japan's embracing youth and many western men craving for youth and cuteness as refreshing for once. Yet men always desired youth before feminism and the amount of evidence of this is in the arts and science. Unfortunately not many works of youth in sexual situations are displayed due to the 'Think of the children' mentality. And the amount of sjw's brainwashed with feminist propaganda censoring freedom of expression, yet ironically showing youthful trans-helicopters and some even advocating pedophilia themselves. They technically don't want to ban pedophilia, they want to ban white men from having it.

>> No.3496265

Uuuuh... I'm this anon >>3495637
And just wanted to say I'm a feminist woman. You have feminism all backwards anon. Kek. I have 0 problems with weird sexual fetishes and loli and shota. Don't know why you would think feminism is sexuality's police though.

>> No.3496277

There's no conclusion to be made.
People who hate loli because to them it's just pedophilia and disgusting aren't gonna change their minds just because you calmly explain to them that it's fiction and there's no victim.

>> No.3496286

>I am feminist
>0 problems with weird sexual fetishes and loli and shota
You have proven my point. The majority of feminists advocate to increase the age of consent to stop men from touching prime age girls.
>inb4 wikipedia
Yet the same group of people advocate sex changes on kids, knowing that starting young will not make a kid look like a creepy man in a dress or an overweight butch dike. Even the /lgbt/ trans threads prove this.

>> No.3496324
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>> No.3496335

Majority of feminists don't give a fuck about what you are stating though.
Read about simone and sartre.
It's ok if you want to fuck underage girls anon. Don't be so insecure about it and blame feminists though. You will find a lot of us to be degenerates just like you. Two sides of the same coin.
I'm still a feminist anon. I hope you can sleep well tonight

>> No.3496347

I just looked this up and this was unacceptable at the time. The only reason why this happens more often in the past is because it takes incidents like these to put laws into place.
This was a scandal and illegal. Another man, 19, was arrested for marrying a 12 year old.
Not to mention, poor Eunice's mom sounds like a damn hick.

>> No.3496359

Soo you wanna police peoples thoughts for nothing because you dont like it? We ban cp not because we dont like it, but because its fucking rape of children. Not because we dont like the way it looks or similar

>> No.3496380
File: 259 KB, 1061x1101, Mods_are_religious_sickfucks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3496386

Your thread was deleted for a reason. Fuck off

>> No.3496394

Not him but religious fags are usually those with no moral standards. That's why they need religion to guide them.

>> No.3496402

Think of the children mentality is the one thing I’ll hand it to feminists for [claiming] to believe. It’s a fucked up society that doesn’t consider the wellbeing of its kids and I will always resent Milo and Sargon for ever injecting “think of the children” as a negative thing, into the anti-SJW movement. Not giving a fuck about their own society’s kids is what makes society turn to shit and what makes discussions like this thread happen.

Hi yeah here’s the thing. You might be a good girl feminist dindu, but feminist absolutely do not act like you are claiming. Them being degenerates doesn’t mean that they don’t also police sexual art of women in vidya, movies, tv, cartoons, and comics. You not knowing this tells me one of two things. Either you’re incredibly young and naive and legit don’t know this because you keep to yourself and don’t interact with other feminists enough to know how they really are. Or you do know and you’re just playing the “SJW boogeyman” card and are trying to assert an untruth (ie feminism dindu nuffin). Either way, youre wring about you take on current Day feminists

>> No.3496404

>believes thing that is only true in movies and tv shows
Atheists are so fucking dumb I swear

>> No.3496406

I don't understand why that thread got deleted though. It's funny how orthodox the internet can be when it's supposed to be a place filled with A. Tier philosophy. At the end of the day you aren't solving the problem but putting it under a carpet. Censoring stuff on a chinese cartoon web-board is pathetic. /cm/ is filled with pedos? No.

Just look at it. /cm/ I mean.
Most of /cm/ is underage girls and fujos. Are they pedo? Fuck no. they aren't.

>> No.3496409

Is believing that bs also a part of your religion or does it just come natural to you?

>> No.3496414

That's because everyone on 4chin is old as fuck and the newer generation are all super alt 'whatever political side is more convenient to my argument', say a character is 15 and you'll get jumped on by a boatload of screeching autists who call themselves leftists but have the mentality of a bunch of 17th century bible thumping christians

>> No.3496416

Does believing dumb generalizations that are absolutely untrue make you a retard? Yes. Yes it does.

>> No.3496419

So given that you are the only one who have stated a dumb generalization of the two of us I must say it's strange to see you so blatantly calling yourself a retard.

>> No.3496439

Wow retarded and deluded. No wonder atheism is the fastest shrinking religion in the world

>> No.3496440
File: 32 KB, 357x354, 1405394474602.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you unironically think that someone looking at drawings is the same as someone actually raping a child, then fuck off.

No pedophile is actually a criminal until he's harmed a child. Fucking /pol/tards thinking that euthanizing anyone who doesn't conform to the norm is the way to go instead of treating them.

>> No.3496448

>atheism a religion.

>thinking looking in a book for moral guidance when it should be intuitive isn't a sign of moral bankruptcy

>supporting a practice that has been used as cover for systematic child abuse, violence, injustice and war just because he needs to be told what to do by an imaginary authority.

Wow you're stupid. More so than most religious fags.

>> No.3496454

What I want to know is what percentage of those rapes in each country are committed on children.

>> No.3496466

>triggered by “atheism is a religion” 100% of the time
Touchy atheists with neither a book to teach them morality nor the intuition to know it themselves still thinking they’re the smartest guy in the room. I guess I should watch more Rick & Morty so I can keep up with your big ol’ brain

>> No.3496469

>I was only pretending to be stupid
>Got called out so somebody got triggered.

I bet that in your own stupid mind you always win. It makes sense as a survival mechanism when you are likely often wrong irl.

>> No.3496510


it's like saying playing online shooters allows people to relieve stress and satisfy their desires, instead of going outside and murdering people aka / it decreases the number of people turning into murderers. A healthy right-in-his-mind person doesn't have such fked up desires in the first place. They are called pyschos for a reason

>> No.3496561
File: 59 KB, 800x450, lewl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>men do not want a raspy hag with cow tits


>> No.3496596
File: 157 KB, 565x541, 1526919339401.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All child molesters are pedophiles, but not all pedophiles are child molesters.

>> No.3496610
File: 697 KB, 1562x2500, 1468692689485.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't. In fact I wanna become an artist to draw cute little girls nekkid. Normalfags can go explode.

>> No.3496614

"poor" eunice's life sounded pretty wholesome desu senpai

>> No.3496654

No I stand by calling atheism a religion. Because it is. Why do you think you get so emotionally bothered when it gets challenged. You don’t have facts to rationally reply without ad homs. That’s why 100% atheists will always get baited by calling atheism a religion. Because atheism is about pompous pseudo intellectual superiority with self evident truths that they’ve never bothered to study. That’s why you can’t handle it when someone disagrees. Atheists like you are the reason people think all atheists are morally bankrupt teenagers posturing to piss off they’re parents. You haven’t thought about shot or learned “the science”, your grades are shit but you passed an IQ test online so that’s all that matters right? “I was only pretending to be retarded” only works if the person backpedals on their claim moron. I never did that. Atheism is a religion, the way people like you believe it, and missionary zealots like yourself seriously need to neck yourself because atheism is the surest way to fuck up a civilization within just a few generations (I.e. Europe) because not believing in god is the most unnatural state of being. It’s why atheism never caught on before. It’s not a new concept. It existed in Plato’s time, and in the Biblical era. But humanity can’t NOT believe in religion for too long and grows out of it. That’s why atheism can’t gain a foothold, and why it will ALWAYS dissipate after it fucks up society (I.e. today’s gender concepts or “political correctness” and whitewashing of Islamic infant rape rings). This is why my posts here are pointless (in addition to being OT on the art board of 4chan), because humans are rational beings and atheism, an unrational philosophy, is always what undoes itself.

>> No.3496660
File: 48 KB, 557x711, 36335996_10160536831355076_6579340197492686848_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Atheism IS a religion. They will do a faggy coward evasion of "it's a lack of a belief in a god" if you press them for a definition, but this is not true because they also accept the entire naturalistic materialistic darwinistic utilitarian etc., worldview completely with an origin mythology and a future mythos about where man is headed "progress". It is indeed a religion, and it's a pretty shit one at that. The saddest part of it all is that the people up top who pushed the atheistic religion on society did it deliberately to destabilize society. Pic related

>> No.3496684

How can not believing in something be a religion? You have obviously proven that you are an idiot but you should at least know the definition of a religion considering how much you care about it.

The only ones who call atheism a religion are stupid religion fags like you who need a bogyman close by because their lives and relationships are too empty to be upheld by anything other than a common enemy. So they invent atheism as a religion. It's perfect because nobody but a few idiot claim to represent atheism as a movement.

You guys are literally the hillbillies of humanity. Even with all the wonders of a first world country available your minds are still attracted to the oldest social control trick in the book, literally. Your brain is an evolutionary dead-end.

>> No.3496694

When Man decides to abandon one, they do not discard it. Rather, it is always put into something else. You will still have a golden calf even if it is just a pile of stones.

>> No.3496698

Evolution isn't science, it's philosophy and mythology faggot.

>> No.3496704
File: 1.45 MB, 1428x1600, 1530382768102.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Theres a difference between a drawing and an actual living breathing child with rights.
But personally, i find that masturbating to that kind of stuff is a slippery slope that WILL eventually lead to a more degenerate attraction involving 3D...
That being said as long as you have self control and dont act upon those fantasies if fucking your niece or whatever then i have no qualms.
But we all know how dumb and what little self control pedophiles have.... It wasnt uncommon for the guys on "To Catch a Predator" to wind bavk up on the show multiple times and falling for the same bait Chris Hansen set.

>> No.3496724

Yeah its gross but where is the line drawn? Possession of actual child porn is illegal because by restricting it the government hopes the groups that make it won't be able to distribute it and will stop raping children.

Who does loli art hurt? What percentage of weirdos who like loli go on to molest children and how many can contain their urges BECAUSE they have loli porn.

Also other moral questions pop up. If you watch a guy die in an explosion is it akin to murder? Could the precedence if "its gross and bad" cause other problems? For instance, gay marriage might be banned under the same logic.

And what about the differences in loli art. Yoko from Gurren Lagann is 15 but looks like an adult. What about 15 year olds drawn like 15 year olds? 12, 10, 8 and 5 year olds? What age is too young. Is a fictional 17 year old drawn girl worthy of being in jail over or a fine?

All these questions would need to be answered before any laws were in place and i don't think anyone on /ic/ is smart enough to do so. I know I'm not atleast

>> No.3496889

Nice reply. Kinda what I expected. You literally only have ad homs and appeals to “progress” (which progress is currently progressing away from atheism. “Atheism is unstoppable”? What a fucking laugh.)

>religious people invented atheist bogeyman
Wow, self-unaware statement of the year. Didn’t you bogeyman religious people first? >>3496394 next time you bogeyman the sky daddy spaghetti monster whole huffing your own farts, remember that turnabout is fair play, you clueless faggot. But I will say that reliogious people’s caricature of atheists is a lot more accurate and charitable than the opposite.
>atheist attacking the genuineness of religious people’s sense of family and relationship
Lol the absolute state of this world. Jesus H Christ

>> No.3496899

>3DPD annoying brats being the same as 2D loli
Normalfags don't know the difference

>> No.3496912

HEY another Yoko fan wassup

The difference between child porn and a video of a guy dying in an explosion though is that the one is made specifically for others to view. No one plans for the guy to die an accidental death and there isn’t a market for it to be deliberately created.
Child porn is different. It’s a crime being filmed, yes so it is similar to the death video in being a passive filming of an unfortunate thing. But the child porn was created specifically for that purpose. Because no one died (presumably), it can be repeated. There are people who will pay for it (financially or through clicks). Porn is addictive so the people who will pay for it will continue to pay for it, increasing demand. There’s isn’t a comparison here and I, unlike Coach Red Pill, don’t think society works “towards the normalization of vice” and that CP should be legalized and taxed in a controlled environment. That’s fucking stupid and we as a society need to draw a very hard line on child porn (and child porn accessories). There is no ethical child porn because there will always have been a victim utilized to create it

>> No.3496932

Soo...some people find children sexually attractive...but they dont act upon it cause the got the loli porn n shit to calm them down...but still check yourself if you the features of a child is turning you on, you are sick.

>> No.3496975

You can go to jail for it in the uk. People have a problem with it because they have child like bodies, though the hate it gets is unwarranted but warranted at the same time.

>> No.3496976
File: 321 KB, 1868x777, CP is better than CSA2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Attempting to ban child porn is harmful and morally misguided and attempting to ban drawings is laughable and totalitarian thought policing

>> No.3497180

>child porn
kids are being traumatized and hurt to make this "content"
some dude drew something

>> No.3497237

You don't know how far you'd go anon, if you didn't have your releases. Fact is, crime tends to fall as GTA game sales rise.