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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 848 KB, 1535x2054, 60B2C81C-D193-43B8-A598-BC58FE5A1D78.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3453867 No.3453867[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I just outgrew the forums. We all are too negative. I am starting to take art really seriously. 4chan is beginning to be a hinderance. There are much better places for criticism. I have no fans here. I might be out.

>> No.3453878

You gotta do what’s right for you, and if the negativity is getting you down, then that means you gotta go. But this:

>I have no fans here

This isn’t true. So think about that.

>> No.3453880

Even if. The racism is retarded. I am a musician and never experienced the racism that I experience here. I don’t even think the criticism for my art is coming from a valid place.

>> No.3453882
File: 150 KB, 477x388, 1515441075632.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off nigger, nobody wants you here.

>> No.3453883

good, fuck off.

>> No.3453884

Bye then.
Who's going to miss daily mud paintings and 'muh racism', anyway?

>> No.3453885

I forgot to call you a nigger.

>> No.3453888

There comes a time in everybody’s life where they have to be held accountable for all the fuck up shit they did in the past. Maybe my time is now, but y’all may one day regret this shit you say. I am glad I know God. Hope you can find him

>> No.3453889

God teaches humbleness illastrat ;)

>> No.3453895


Yeah I don't blame you, racism is tedious. I'm only here for the free stuff now.

>> No.3453907

4 months ago when my girl left me, I was on the verge of homelessness, in a mental institution with no where to go, 300 miles away from Durham, I was humbled. God brought my girl back, I found a beautiful home in a beautiful historic district one block from the coast, I regained my mental health and myart has taken off in the city I am at. Humility is hard for me because I work so hard. But I am a believer. Y’all are bold. I would be in awe and shocked at the omnipotence of god if I was you people. Y’all are bold and behind if you don’t know. That’s why in this point in time, white people only have their racism. Y’all are losing everything. You country, your women, your culture.

>> No.3453909

Don't listen to them op
Your art is awesome

>> No.3453916

I hear a lot of big talk but you're too much of a bitch to actually do it

>> No.3453920

It's for the meme, if you can't take the bantz this isn't the place for you

>> No.3453921

You know, I know it is. But these crab can’t let me be. I create 8 paintings a month. Half are mediocre. I am just tired of the games. I have a solo exhibition next year, two gallery showings and submitting to the farmers market. When in Durham I only had a hand ful of showings. I am tired of believing jealous lies.

>> No.3453922

Y’all goof off too much. Childish

>> No.3453925

White people aren't losing anything. Only a person who has accomplished nothing for themselves feels pride in his race.

>> No.3453927
File: 131 KB, 643x634, Sausage fingers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is not your personal blog.
And stop shilling yourself, At least this time you remembered to turn your namefagging off.

>> No.3453928

good riddance, never want to see your gross ass art ever again

and nobody gives a fuck whether youre black or white, youre the one who brings it up every time randomly

>> No.3453937

Yes yes yes! Btfo
Finally. Fuck off, ill-art!!!!

>> No.3453939
File: 1.41 MB, 3088x2320, 087D7849-9F39-4AE4-91C2-1BCEF5FA6F66.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was called nigger three times in this thread. Y’all are racists and y’all think it’s cool. Thing is, y’all wouldnt say the shit in my face cause I would beat your asses.

>> No.3453943

shit nigga how'd you fuck up so bad with a safety pin? they're called safety pins for a reason

>> No.3453946

Who cares if it's childish, it's not negatively impacting our lives in any way. You seem to have a wholly unearned holier than thou attitude. You have no idea what any of our lives are like. You act like every single person on here is a racist, when the big dirty secret is that it's a very few number of people that say offensive things because you're so damned sensitive.

>> No.3453947

If you weren't such a cunt then criticism would be more genuine.

>> No.3453953

That's a nappy pin, to keep cloth diapers from falling off the baby's butt.
Maybe he thinks it's artistic/autistic?

>> No.3453956

Woah woah, hey now. Are you making fun of the disabled? You know my aunt has cerebral palsy, and I don't appreciate that kind of language. Oh wait, I don't care, because you're just some guy on the internet and I could get off at any time without making a big self important stink about it

>> No.3453967

I don’t know for certain what your lives are like but I don’t know MOST of you guys ngmi. I have a chance to mi. It’s like the scene in good will hunting where his boys basically tell him to leave because their not at his level. Y’all are plebs. If y’all were going somewhere in life your art would show. None of y’all make serious strides. It’s like a joke. I spend most of my day painting and fucking the baddest bitch in Raleigh-Durham (says every nigga there). I post my art for critiques and yalll don’t give them. This place is a fucking cesspool. Y’all aint shit, ain’t never been shit and ain’t gonna be shit. It’s obvious. Brian is the only one going places.

>> No.3453971

its funny to call you a nigger because you get so salty

>> No.3453975

I like safety pin piercings, but I still lol’d

>> No.3453976

don't worry, I would hate you even if you weren't a nigger

>> No.3453977

No I don’t. I just know you would never call me one irl.

>> No.3453981

But why? It really just looks like you fucked up real bad

>> No.3453983

Fact being, you've been called a shit artist way more often than being called a nigger.
Analyze that, bitch.

>> No.3453984

you ve been on this site long enough to know how people behave on 4chan

i wouldnt

and i wouldnt call people ngmi faggots irl either

>> No.3453985

The ego on display to compare yourself to Will Hunting. Did you miss the point of the movie where he's a socially inept dipshit with an ego problem that had no knowledge of the real world or did you watch the apples scene on youtube and think "finally, a fellow genius." Here's the thing, you make subpar art but you display drive, and that's great, but you seem like a prick. We have no reason to treat you special just because you're black, rise above your race and childish sense of entitlement. You won't get any better if everyone tells you that your art is good when it's not.

>> No.3453999
File: 43 KB, 480x479, We were kings.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You finally got arrested for stealing those oil paints?

>> No.3454003

Thing is, there’s enough people irl that thinks my art is good enough to purchase. I am cool enough a dude to fuck the top artist in nc. And I am good enough to get into regionally elite galleries. I can’t take what y’all say seriously enough to affect me any more especially after every other post is nigger this and that. Y’all are incredulous.

>> No.3454007

>top artist in nc
lol nope

>> No.3454010

then why the hell are you here

you're above us, go post somewhere on your level

>> No.3454011

She won national awards for tattoos

>> No.3454013

That's awesome, but do you want to be successful or do you want to improve? If you don;t care about improving than maybe your motivation for drawing is different than ours. You seem to think that the people on here that aren't here just to shitpost are trying to be mean to you, not so, this is the only place on the internet where people offer honest critique on artwork.

>> No.3454014

and i am the spanish queens lover

>> No.3454015

Now you see why I am coming to the conclusion I might need to leave. This is like some niche spot. I’m going all the way up.

>> No.3454016

And I'm assuming every artist entered this contest, yes? Why are you measuring your self worth off of your partner, things could happen and at the end of the day all you have is you

>> No.3454020


You don't need us, and we don't need you

But you'll be back tomorrow, and the next day, and the next day

>> No.3454022

post her best work

>> No.3454026
File: 88 KB, 534x712, literallyillustrat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll be sure to read about your taco bell lounge tier artwork when you're Time Magazine's most influential person

>> No.3454027

I want to be successful. Also, I don’t want to be called nigger every other post.

>> No.3454031

Welcome to the internet. If you want to people to stop saying that you have to stop getting so assblasted when people you don't know call you a word, it's embarrassing. Art for profits sake isn't art, it's a product, and that's why you will never be an artist.

>> No.3454032

You are still alive? thought you killed yourself long time ago

>> No.3454033

yeah what he said
we'll be waiting for your daily threads, illastrat
don't ever leave

>> No.3454041
File: 55 KB, 720x686, 1498332042147.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3454226

Here's an excerpt from an interview with Sylvia Bomba from Graphite magazine: "He taught me that having too much self-satisfaction in your art can kill your ambition and turn it into blind pride." Get your head out your ass, Illastrat and improve as a person and an artist that is only way you'll make it in the world of art.

>> No.3454239

You're only getting recognized because they take pity on you for being a nigger. None of those liberals like you. They just think "oh wow look how much the black is trying and not stealing or smoking crack". They patronize us. As a black man myself I deal with it all the time.

You're objectively bad at anatomically correct painting and realistic rendering. Your painting looks really generically afro-centric in style and color choice. Next you'll be painting artsy mix tape covers and head phones.

You should branch out and challenge yourself and stop making the same shit over and over.

>> No.3454251

I wish I could go back in time and murder lil' wayne for what that stupid southern porch monkey did to hip hop

>> No.3454253

It’s a conservative town

>> No.3454267
File: 754 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180528-102320.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To be really honest illastrat, people wouldn't be so hard on you if you didn't act like a dick, saying you artwork is better than everyone else's.Go if you want, but i hope wherever you go next you aren't a dick like you were here, because no one would hate you as much if you didn't make your own threads for attention and complain about racism, when no one cares about the colour of your fucking skin , its the way you act and then say everyone is bullying you.

(Btw if you haven't got it yet the 'racism' is just people meming you because your easily affected)

>> No.3454277

I'm atheistic

I don't care about the colour of your skin so stop begging for racism sympathy

Fucking Americans

This god dick sucking post made me hate you more

We all go through bad shit, dont act like your the only one

Stop acting like you saw the light and thats why you amazing, but now you find it hard to be normal to people

I feel sorry for your wife , but shes probably another amerifat.


>> No.3454281

>memes are childish

Why cant you take jokes? And why are you so fucking affected.

>> No.3454284

I just find it funny y’all woudnt say that shit to my face. Also, as for my art, it is what it is. I’ve grown. I’m content. Nothing could be said to bring me down. I know I am good but could be better. Nobody should be hostile because I am black. Shit on my art. Not my race.

>> No.3454289

Please stop acting so full of your self, i would say this to your face because tour an annoying little dick who needs to understand that their shit, but they can improve, but you will never improve with that attidute and in the end that will be your downfall, but you wont listen because "duhh you wouldn't say that to my face" fuck off and stop acting so childish, your not tough or good at art, but you are fucking annoying.

>> No.3454291

So why do you keep replying? people have given you their opinions, but they aren't what you want to hear, so leave.

>> No.3454293


>> No.3454294

Not saying something to your face doesn't invalidate anything. Again, get your head out your ass.

>> No.3454296

This fella will never get better.
He got banned from deviantart for behaving like a buffoon too lol.

To get better you need a critical eye, appreciation for art and a willingness to learn, something you will not have if you think you are the hottest shit.

>> No.3454297

I know I am not shit at art. Whether u like it or not is up to u. I am not the best. Brian is a better traditional artist but I am in the top 10%. Agree or disagree. I don’t care.

>> No.3454303

Name some painters you look up to.

>> No.3454309

I don’t this I am the hottest shit. I just don’t like what y’all do. I am not impressed plus I get enough clout irl from peers and beautiful woman to fuel my ego. Y’all are projecting. I seen the draw thread, I am not impressed. Simple as that. That is why ima move on. Y’all are the ones that made ngmi a meme. I have by the sheer fact that I impregnated the top artist in my city, stayed in the top loft, and did the best drugs. I moved to a better city and I am settling in fine. Coastal.

>> No.3454316

Van Gogh, Malcolm liepke, Jenny saville, Lucian Freud, Jenny Morgan, gaugin, etc.

Stylized shit.

See, that’s the thing. I don’t want to be like the classics. They bore me and too overly religious. I like painters and self masturbatory camera obscura faggot art. Y’all work so hard to achieve fundamentals. That shit is no longer a criteria for dope art.

>> No.3454318

*i don’t like self...

>> No.3454319
File: 50 KB, 640x388, d- dad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I have by the sheer fact that I impregnated the top artist in my city
poor niglet gonna grow up without a dad.
such a sad world.

>> No.3454322

I don’t understand how that’s gonna happen because I plan on living a long time

>> No.3454328

>Van Gogh, Malcolm liepke, Jenny saville, Lucian Freud, Jenny Morgan, gaugin, etc.

Every one of whom, except gauguin, did have strong fundamentals, whether through talent or hard work doesn't matter.

You're not willing to admit you don't have natural talent and you're not willing to put in the work to earn it, that's why you aren't improving.

>> No.3454331

>except gauguin
Ehh I take that back he clearly had skill.

>> No.3454332

Honestly he's been a highlight of this board recently, his threads are entertaining

>> No.3454334

I like seeing your posts. Even if you are a funny buffoon your art is at worst interesting and has merits.
I hope to see you succeed.

>> No.3454338

Van Gogh had very week fundamentals. Malcolm liepke does too. Nothing you can say can take away all the enrichment programs, awards, private courses and art schooling. Beside you are some random anon deep in the net on some niche site that get like 100 visits a day. You are a nobody. That’s what I am coming to the conclusion of while here at the coast. With you favor or without your favor I am going all the way up. Most of y’all are not shit, ain’t never been shit and worst of all will never be shit. I went to the top art high school in NC. I have accolades for not even trying. Fuck what you heard.

>> No.3454342

Good idea, this place is a cesspool

>> No.3454345

Not everyone has the same goals as you. Not everyone wants to make the same art as you, and not everyone has to. Half the pepe here wanna draw anime and hentai, and in reality, that's what a lot of the peoe who made it are doing. You need strong fundamentals for that.

These guys don't really care what you think about them. You do your thing bro, why the hell does it matter. Everyone has different goals, don't act like yours are better, they're not.

>> No.3454356

What I am saying is that I’ve been groomed at this. Why would I listen to people that don’t have the same objectives? Calling my talent into question when I am not even inspired by your inspirations is naive. I been inmitating the expressionist for 6 years. You will not like my work if you don’t like Van Gogh. Calling me a nigger and saying I have no talent goes against what my grooming tried to reap. Y’all are literally nobodies. At least I’m vacating.

>> No.3454361
File: 50 KB, 384x576, When We Were Kings_s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nothing could be said to bring me down.
>motivate to improve
>bring down
The absolute state of this niggerstrat.

>> No.3454364

It's objectively bad art, I don't care what race you are.

>> No.3454368

Prove it.

>> No.3454377

You're going on complaining about racism, and preaching about God, and the very first thing you do in the same post is spout racist shit about whites and play the victim card. If you didn't have such an arrogant personality, and didn't double down on the victim complex when you get a dose of what's coming to you, people might actually like you more. For the longest time, I actually thought you were a shitposter impersonating Illistrat, because I wouldn't think a skilled artist would come to /ic/ to boast and shitpost with their public handle.

You're too full of yourself, and ignorant of your own flaws. What goes around comes around Illistrat.

>> No.3454382

Illastrat is not my public handle. I am just saying. This racism shit has long been an issue before me. Stop condoning it.

>> No.3454384

What's your public handle so I can see your shit

>> No.3454388

>I don’t know MOST of you guys ngmi. I have a chance to mi.
See, this is why people don't like you. You go around saying shit like this with your public handle, you're just inviting hate. And if you don't have the wit to keep up the bantz or the fortitude to just ignore it, then you shouldn't be saying shit like that in the first place.
>I'm better than you
>most of you are ngmi
>I'm gonna mi
Put up or shut up. Actions speak louder than words. Stop going on about how great you are, and just DO. Best way to piss off haters and shut them up is by ignoring them and proving the wrong with your ACTIONS. Fact of the matter is, EVERYONE has a chance to mi, but the peope wasting their time shitposting, diminish their opportunities to grow considerably. And yes, that includes you. No one cares how you stack up to /ic/, what really matters is how far you can make it in the real world.

>> No.3454391

You wouldn't say shit like this >>3453967 to my face either if you met me irl. In fact, if we met irl, we could even become friends. But you behave like suchna prick online, you leave me with few options but to ignore your nonsense and roll my eyes with every post you make. Other people are not as nice as me, they just call you a nigger to rile you up, cause you react.

>> No.3454392

>looks up to Van Gogh & Liepke
>bitches about the same and claims to be better that dey

You're never GMI because you're schizo AF you twat.

>> No.3454398

Be honest with yourself. How much of your success is a result of true talent and hard work, and how much is just cause you're black and lefties love putting minorities on pedestals. Would you have made it as far without the race card? If you were a white dude?

I'm not saying you're a bad artist, cause you're not, but it's something to reflect upon if you really wanna improve. I don't give a single fuck about your accomplishments because have zero reason to care. But bragging about them is just giving me reason to assume maybe you didn't earn them, and deep down you know this. That's why you're always boasting and have such a large ego.

>> No.3454399

That’s the thing. In the real world I done made it. I got the girl I’ve always wanted. She is talented, mixed, and we are loaded. My internet life is a joke.

>> No.3454400
File: 301 KB, 1920x1080, Tatooine GF homeplanet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please provide proof of your work in a gallery....one NOT run by your druggie mates, or your Tatooine GF landwhale. Somewhere independant that isn't funded by the government to take your special needs ass 'art' to help your disability mental health showaopdowop.
Pic related.

>> No.3454401

Actually I would

>> No.3454403

This isn't an accomplishment. We don't want to know about your perverse fetishes.

>> No.3454405

If you behaved like this irl, I probably would desu. Some people just deserve to be rinsed a knocked down a few pegs so they can get their feet on the floor again.

>> No.3454410

I don't post in the draw threads, but I might actually be better than you.

Apples vs. Oranges, as you do artsy fartsy shit, and I draw anime. But I bet if we switched, I could churn out some decent artsy fartsy stuff in a couple weeks, wheras even with a year, your perspective and anatomy would be nearly as good as mine.

>> No.3454412
File: 50 KB, 355x442, holy_crap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've said it before, saying it again.
Let me present to you the village idiot.
Now let us all throw our rotten cabbages....

>> No.3454414
File: 1.01 MB, 1242x2208, 20438022-A6A3-4D33-8EEA-B75E753EA97F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Top gallery in my city

>> No.3454416

>Stop condoning it.
Stop being racist yourself. I'm white, and I take offense to the statements you made about whites, and the fact that you brought up the victim card for no reason. I've never judged you for your race before, nor called you any names. I expect the same treatment back in turn. If you don't want to be judged by race, but rather by your art on it's own merits, then stop bringing up race into the conversation.

>> No.3454417

If they use text speech, they're not a real gallery.
Try harder,

>> No.3454418

Congratulations Illistrat. Why are you coming here to boast then?

Maybe instead of bragging, you should be helping others make it so they appreciate you. Being a shitposter snd attaching your art to it will only incite hate.

>> No.3454420

I'm off to bed now as I'm in the UK, and I've been working on a oil commission tonight for a real live client, one that has actually paid and wants my work.
Your 'top gallery' says 2 and ddecide, and you expect us to take you seriously???

Please take a reality check.

>> No.3454421

No you wouldn't, looking at my art. And if you did, I'd call you a prick, and rightfully shit on your stuff. The golden rule my friend. Be a dick to people, and they'll be dicks to you. If you don't have the courtesy to offer someone some common decency and politeness, then why should they praise you?

I would never shit on someone's art to their face, even if they were really terrible at it. I'd give them pointers to improve, but I'd never say "you're not gonna make it" based on their work. Hell, I don't even do that shit HERE. Only times I say NGMI on /ic/ is based on people's attitudes, not their work. The fact that you would shit on another artist to their face based on their work like you do here, only verifies what a shitty person you truly are. I have no sympathy for you. You deserve all tge hate you get, and all things considered am surprised people irl could tolerate you if that's how you act. I'm nowhere near as much of a dick irl as I am on 4chan, and even at my worst on here, I'm still not as nasty as you.

>> No.3454423
File: 983 KB, 1242x2208, 9F6FFD8E-C4D4-4099-8759-274C8CC41F0B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This says 20

>> No.3454424
File: 45 KB, 480x480, e12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this entire thread

>> No.3454428

You want more? I have like 10 invites

>> No.3454431

I dunno who you are man. Some kind of lolcow? Your art isn’t my speed, but you have a point my dude.
The west has degraded as soon as we bought into nihilistic thrill seeking and turned our backs on god and “meaning,” or “value” in general. And you’re right that the white race is on the decline, we’ve forgotten our honor culture, our sense of self, and our duty to our kin. We’re gonna pay for it, and the longer we wait to turn this ship around, the more of us are going to die when the races finally decide to kill each other.
Thanks for keeping it real. God bless for now, but ultimately your struggle is your own, and my struggle is mine. And it’s not like I wanted it to be that way, I wanted to forget about race. But even if you don’t want war, war wants you. And as long as race-hustling turns a profit, that’s the path we’re on. Peace out. Be good to people while you still can.

>> No.3454433


There's absolutely nothing critical able to be said about you because you think it's trolling or "muh racists". If someone gives advice or critique, suddenly they don't know shit. The only people you listen to are the ones trying to suckle on your dick. So critique returns to just trolling because you don't want to hear it anyway. Kind of like a self fulfilling prophecy.

>All whites are racist
>I am Kanye reborn as a painter
>My hard times and trials in life mean I'm better than you
>I'd beat yo ass if we waz in the streets honkey

Just like you wouldn't say any of this shit in an art gallery because you'd get kicked out by security.
Eat a huge slice of humble pie and tone that shit down.
Focus on your art and improving your skills and expanding your vision. You have some skills and you have some perspective, but you're wasting it all, making it worse with this kind of attitude.

>> No.3454440

I’ve fucked up so many people you can’t say that for certain. I’m a real nigga. I come from a real city. And I do real nigga things. You’ll never see me coon for some crackers dude. I ain’t the one.

>> No.3454441


>> No.3454444

Not me.

>> No.3454446

>You know, I know it is
Damn, teach me so mo' dis "humbleness" masa

>> No.3454449


>> No.3454451

JUST know. I run my block. Don’t let this faggot art shit fool u.

>> No.3454462
File: 469 KB, 1200x1000, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ever considered the reason why people of all races don’t like black people is because blacks seem violent? Just now you think the best way to defend your feelings is with fists. Shit figures. What, do you think that by knocking someone out you’re proving the racists wrong? Or are you exactly what they’re hoping for?
All you’re doing is making sure people see you as a threat. Shit seems basic to me but what do I know, I’m not black. I’m not a homicidal sleeper agent who’s activation code is “nigger.”

>> No.3454474

Homicidal? Like Sandy Hook homicidal? Last time I checked crackers had that on lock.

>> No.3454480



Are we really going to start comparing notes on which races are more violent and criminal?

>> No.3454487

Murder of innocent people because of race, sexual orientation, or religion would be white. Blacks murder based on disrespect.

>> No.3454493
File: 14 KB, 440x422, JF_aaaaaaaaaaaaaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3454494

Sadistic fuck

>> No.3454497

Tell that to current day Africa.

>> No.3454498
File: 12 KB, 200x221, 3503.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>4chan = No fans
Shit is obvious
Leave. Nigga.

>> No.3454510

Your art is perfect. You are valid. Everyone is jealous of because huwhite men are becoming increasingly, rapidly sexually irrelevant. Criticism of you is the projection of their very real existential fear of becoming culturally and sexually irrelevan as they more and more realise their huwhite mediocrity.

>> No.3454511
File: 60 KB, 648x556, 1499857902328.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pic related
the absolute state of this board. Do you guys seriously give a shit that this borderline fingerpainter is leaving? Y'all out of ya damn heads

>> No.3454554

a solid 10% of our content is leaving
be respectful

>> No.3454600
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Hey man, I wasn’t calling you a nigger myself. I’m just telling you why the entire world sees you as a dangerous animal that should be kept elsewhere. But you’re right, crackers have the high score and based sandniggers have second place when it comes to mass shootings.
The difference is when a white guy snaps, 30 people die because they can actually shoot and plan ahead. When a black guy snaps, usually it’s whoever’s nearby who gets killed. Thing is, black people snap and kill each other all the time. More than 50% of US homicides are committed by black people. It’s a daily occurrence for you people to lose control, it doesn’t even make the news because it’s so ordinary. More than 90% of the time if a black person was murdered, it was by another black person.
I don’t even feel bad for you people anymore because I realize that no amount of patronizing you will ever get rid of your desire for revenge. We can try to be fair and polite and equal, but it will never matter because what you believe in is power. That’s how you rule yourselves and that’s how you want to rule others. Either we can agree to play the same game or we can go to war. I think we’re on the path to war, whether we personally want it or not. And I think that white people have done nothing but give for a century, it’s time for them to fight for their own interests for a change, because that’s what everyone else has and will always do.

>> No.3454637


Go ask your fat wife to let you out of your chastity cage so you can masturbate to cuckold porn, loser.

>> No.3454639

sucks dude, always look forward to seeing your stuff and how angry it makes people for no reason

>> No.3454653

NO ONE respects a nigger because their idea of respect has to do with sneakers, hoes, weed and shitty stolen guns. We have laws to settle disputes you absolute animal.

If you had a stable family, a good job (not even wageslave, your own company), had personal hygiene and actually picked up a fucking book people would respect you.

>> No.3454659

Oh just fuck off you dumbass, all opinions on your work are completely valid, art doesnt need context or certain other opinions to back up their opinion of your art. Your intentions mean nothing once the viewer sees your art. Nothing. I'm half black and I'll still call you a fucking nigger, because it has nothing to do with your race, there will be some racist pol fuckers here, but I bet a lot just call you nigger because you're an actual egotistical, pretentious, loser cunt. Get a grip. You know nothing despite thinking you know it all. You're a frog born in a well, you've never seen the outside world it's no wonder you're happy there. Leave, find your expressionist hugbox, echo chamber.

People like this complete fucking neanderthal are honestly few and far between, and you can easily ignore the fucker, because as you say, they're ngmi, this guy literally will never make it. He's a brainlet.

So get off your high horse and fucking leave if you cant take crticism from people here. You can't pick and choose criticism if you don't care about objective qualities like fundamentals, you literally cannot complain at all.

>> No.3454666

The problem isn't race, it's America. You're country is trash, despite how good you think it is. There are so many backwards thinkers like you, black people shooting black people, police killing black people white kids killing other kids. These things don't happen elsewhere, and those statistics don't hold true elsewhere. Swallow the red pill that your country is a fucking mess.

>> No.3454692

Illastrad the only advice I can give you is to stop being so full of yourself. I personally don't think your art is bad but don't make seperate threads for it. And yes, some people here are racist but simply ignore them. They are only fishing for (you)'s. If you want to leave then go if you want to stay than do that.

>> No.3454717
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fuck yes.
be gone thot.

>> No.3454719

i have many black friends, and they are not niggers to me.
but you are defiantly a nigger.

>> No.3454720

you should have used a less pretty one desu

>> No.3454722
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The real red pill is that none of those problems you're describing were problems when the U.S. was a racially homogeneous, white, Christian, high-trust society. It's "progressive" dogshits like you, with your insistence that we must continually push for greater depths of cultural degeneracy and racial admixture that have been the genesis of our societal ills.

Switzerland has higher rates of gun-ownership than the U.S., for example, but it's all white people, and they feel a sense of community and kinship with each other, and there aren't vast swarms of foreign welfare-parasites turning the homogeneous community in a zero-sum power game between competing ethnic factions. So none of the problems you rambled about are endemic to Switzerland. They're a nation, rather than a hodgepodge of squabbling tribes.

Every place where whites are the majority on Earth is, if not a paradise, at least a safe, clean, nice place to live. Every place where blacks or Mestizos or Arabs or other little brown people are the majority is some degree of shithole disaster. When enough people from the shitholes come to live in the nice countries to take advantage of the white people's social safety nets, those nice countries gradually start to resemble the shitholes. It's pretty simple. Demography is destiny.

>> No.3454754

This, ive personally seen Texas turn into shit as the mexicans swarmed the entire valley in the last 25 years. Even the fucking grass is all unkempt and dead. Between wetbacks working for pennies and niggers hogging welfare how do you not expect everyone to hate you? It's not even bias anymore, it's fucking decades of statistics.

>> No.3454755

its not tho.

>> No.3454757


same, I watched it happen in Cali. Funny, it's almost like if all the Mexicans move here, suddenly we're living in Mexico. who'da thunk

>> No.3454769

It doesn't matter because your whites are still fucking retarded. Police brutality and school shootings, bombers and child rapist murderers are all white. And that shit doesn't happen in other countries, you can make a case for diversity making the country a little worse, but it won't be down to colour it'll be down to fucking culture, different cultures trying together and co-exist, not colour.

So REGARDLESS it isn't happening in other countries, and as you said, it isn't happening in other white countries, so it's your fucking stupid country. I never insisted that we must push for greater depths of culture and racial diversity you're strawmanning me.

You're just making completely irrelevant points.

>> No.3454772

I'd also like to point to the UK which is ridiculously diverse, and you might make cases for poorer areas being shit, but that holds true everywhere. There is none of the bullshit that happens in your country, there are plenty of stabbings but it isn't race based, it's something fundamentally fucked in our major cities. The same way it's something fundamentally fucked in your country.

>> No.3454777
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>that shit doesn't happen in other countries

I love how we have unprecedented access to information these days but the number of people who simply assume that what they see on whatever website they read or tv channel they watch is all that happens.


>police brutality
>nine million people arrested a year
>a couple thousand people get fucked up in the process

Color me surprised. Not saying I don't think that cops deserve to be prosecuted when they step out of line as they have but still.

>> No.3454784

What the fuck kind of fever dream shit have I stumbled upon

>> No.3454787

Alright yeah, there are bombers elsewhere I was exaggerating. I'll admit my exaggeration was not correct. But America as a whole thinks their country is amazing, perfect, the land of freedom. Where dreams can come true. But the thing is people like (potentially you, but I'll say the other anons in case you're someone else) will hate people of other races, because they think the colour of their skin affects the way they live their life, and the actions they commit because people are too fucking stupid to realise that skin colour means nothing, and it's mostly about culture.

People can be born in America and brought up by white parents, or by parents of their own colour who also grew up in America and they'll be just like the "white" people you talk about. Racial diversity is fine, cultural diversity is the thing that changes everything.

The picture you posted clearly highlights how many white people are fucking up America. Yes, other races are too, but that's because it's not down to race, it's your shitty culture and country that doesn't seem to realise there are problems with YOU, not the races.

And yeah, on the police brutality front that still happens in America far more than anywhere else, regardless of number of arrests.

>> No.3454790
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>And yeah, on the police brutality front that still happens in America far more than anywhere else, regardless of number of arrests.

There's no argument there, a lot of our cops are roided out animals with itchy trigger fingers and that leads to some truly sad and stupid situations, but in some ways you'd have to be crazy to want to willingly work for american law enforcement lol


Still, I think cops should be held to an even higher standard than citizens when it comes to obeying the law and should be punished accordingly if they, for example, shoot some guy in the back 8 times for running away from a parking violation or whatever other kind of nonsense you hear about happening.

>The picture you posted clearly highlights how many white people are fucking up America

Well in all fairness there's about five times as many white people here as there are black people, and then you have silly stuff like how hispanics put under the white umbrella as perpetrators of crime. (for the record I don't think that the hispanic crime rate is much higher than the white one if at all but it's still a little misleading).

Don't lose heart though, the black american unemployment rate is dropping like a stone by the day and with it a lot of what ails that community (broken homes and single mothers) is going to be gradually healed organically.

>> No.3454791

>getting jailed for calling out Muslim pedophiles or carrying a potato peeler
>abdul and jamal raping people lefy and right
Thanks for proving his point

>> No.3454794

You don't get jailed for that. You don't know what you're talking about. That also has nothing to do with his point, and completely proves mine. If what you were saying was true, it would down to culture. Primarily, muslim culture clashing with british culture, and the hard left culture enabling shitty muslim culture. Literally not a thing to do with colour.

It seems like we just agree with each other now. So yeah, it's culture, not race. Racism is for literal actual dumb apes.

>> No.3454799

If you pick a Muslim at random from a sample its highly probable for him to be brown.

If you take a murderer from the street in the US at random, proportionally he will likely be black.

Is middle school statistics too hard for you?

You fucking progressives are retarded. You cry that blacks don't get education nor a positive upbringing because of their community's conditions and then act offended when we point out blacks are dumb and aggressive. You can't have it both ways. It's not whitie's job to pull your ass out of decadence.

>> No.3454803

You're a fucking dumbass. You're spurting shit about education and positive upbringing that I never even said. You just assume shit about me. Argue against my points. Yes, a muslim will most likely be brown, because most muslims happen to be from a place where people are fucking brown - which is down to environment, actual physical environmental things and years of biological evolution.

But them being brown has nothing to do with their actions. Their actions are down to their religion and culture.

The same with blacks in america, bad education and negative upbringing DO affect this, the ones who kill people grow up in poor shitty areas which is bound to make someone a worse person the majority of the time, the same way whitetrash who live in trailers are fucking despicable people who any normal person would not want to associate with.

It's not skin. It's cuture, it's historical events, it's upbringing. It's what people experience, we know this because black people brought up in good areas aren't migrating to chicago and shooting people.

Is thought too hard for you?

>> No.3454804

The thing to really notice is that white people born in richer areas are mowing people down with assault rifles. But as soon as anyone says it's because they're white everyone wants to say NO IT'S MENTAL ILLNESS.

>> No.3454806

Damn I hope one day I can do drugs and knock up some tatted up whore so I can be a coastal elite like you. This place is definitely beneath you. Go with God, brutha. Peace.

>> No.3454809

Oh be nice gosh

>> No.3454819

>I am starting to take art really seriously
ohoho that's a mistake

>> No.3454821

Pull up a chair & get your comfy slippers.