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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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3390946 No.3390946 [Reply] [Original]

>buy new cintiq

>ALL the nibs are worn out within a month

How did these jews get away wkth this, and how come ive never heard of how god fucking awful the pro pen 2 nibs are before? Does nobody use this here??

They even redesigned the nibs so you cant use shit like spaghetti anymore. You HAVE to buy their overpriced nibs every single month. Buying the $2000 tablet wasn't good enough i guess.

I am not even pressing hard, i put the sensitivity to max to avoid this after the first nib got worn out in a couple days. Part of me wants to sell this shit and just get a 22HD or something.

>> No.3390957
File: 32 KB, 440x660, 1516182462642.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i've tried the pro 13 and mobilestudio pro and it's nothing but bullshit.

i've given up and went back to a screenless xp-pen deco, no issues no pen tilt but i don't even use that shit.

wacom fucking sucks now, they were better back in the day.

>> No.3390971

I have a 22, still using the same nib that was on the pencil

>> No.3391002

I bought a 13HD 2 years ago and just changed the nib for the first time.

Doesn't really matter though because it won't even turn on now.

>> No.3391047

wooden toothpicks make excellent nibs for the old wacoms. no idea about new models, cause my intuos3 seems like is gonna last longer than myself

>> No.3391059

buy huion

>> No.3391155

yeah no i'll deal with jewish tactics over that garbage any day

>> No.3391168

your loss

>> No.3391181

just so you know, no one ever made it with a huion.

>> No.3391208

and many of the world's celebrities have iphones

what's your point

>> No.3391216

What's the best brand/model to not get jewed by buying nibs all the time? I want to get one so I don't have to buy paint all the time but buying these all the time instead doesn't seem much better

>> No.3391228

anything that isnt pro pen 2

>> No.3391275

Ive been drawing with the same nib i've got 2 years ago
theres still 3 more in the pack
Why do you press that hard Anon?

>> No.3391281

what drawing tablet brand/model are you using?

>> No.3391289

>2 years ago

So most likely not pro pen 2

>> No.3391291

I bought a huion and >>3391155 is right. huion is straight fucking garbage.

>> No.3391299

which one did you get

>> No.3391300

i've been using the same nib with my cintiq and i've had it for 1.5 years, stop with the death grip you fucking monkey.

>> No.3391307


>> No.3391314
File: 135 KB, 960x678, stainless hybrid nib.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a little bit related to OP's thread, but anyone here tried this third party, hybrid nib before? Basically it's a ball attached to a nib. I saw this on a fb post from 2 years ago. Any anon here who has tried it, how was it?

>> No.3391317

what difference does the stylus itself make?

>> No.3391321

they changed the nibs in the pro pen 2, which is the entire point of this thread.

>> No.3391323

I have never once worn down a nip. you are pressing way too hard!

>> No.3391326

no they didn't

>> No.3391331

GT 220 V2

>> No.3391333


I know you're being an "epic troll XD" but look at the OP image

>> No.3391341
File: 744 KB, 1600x840, wacomnib_feat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just use spaghetti

>> No.3391348

try reading for once

>> No.3391351

But have you tried the spaghetti method yet?

>> No.3391363

not even worth it, idiot me tried this shit once. The spaghetti nib got stuck inside and it destroyed the plastic thing keeping the nib from going further inside the pen. Do it at your own risk.

>> No.3391368

aw that sucks, i tried it just for fun because i have an older intuos so the nibs don't wear down much, and it just broke off

>> No.3391384

You must be using spaghetti as your nibs boi. I draw 8 hrs/day 5 days a week and have had a cintiq 22hd for a bit over a year now and I'm on the 1st of 10 nibs.

>> No.3391387
File: 52 KB, 720x960, 30710732_10214.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i used my old intous 3 nib in(to)my intous 5 stylus
havent replaced it since, over 2-3hours a day use for the past feew yearss

first time i used the orignial intous pro 5 nib, thing worn down like sanding paper after 40hours! i was pissed, so understand the desire to use spagetti, also weed cutter wire i seen that inserted,
this looks very interesting! >>3391314

>> No.3391389

btw I am using a pro pen

>> No.3391390

But why do you press so hard anon?

>> No.3391392
File: 166 KB, 840x787, rocco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we're talking about the pro pen 2 you fucking retard

Has /ic/ always been this dumb?

>> No.3391393
File: 2.00 MB, 373x298, 1523879496401.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

idiot nib sizes are universal

>> No.3391404

ah you're baiting

well carry on I guess

>> No.3391424

Yeah, fucking Japs. They even started pulling out old models in my country, and this is the shittiest of all SEA countries. Fucking JAP JEWS .

>> No.3391465

Yeah, it sucks. Thinking of getting a new tablet cover with a slippier surface. I think it should help a bit.

>> No.3391522

How do you change it?

>> No.3391558

how can you tell if the nib needs replacing?

>> No.3391612

if it's really beveled to a sided point, or if the nibs gets too short.

>> No.3391629

Well if you have a Pro Pen 1 laying around try it out. My Intuos pro came with the Pro Pen 2, but both gen pens seem to work fine.

>> No.3391680


How fucking hard do you push? I work for hours every day and it takes months for me to see noticeable wear on a nib

>> No.3391803

If you bothered to read the post, not hard at all. New surfaces are designed to ruin nibs fast.

>> No.3391805

get a screen protector for tablets and slap it on your tablet. You'll eventually get used to the slippery surface. I haven't replaced mine ever since it was bought

>> No.3391816

>get a screen protector for tablets and slap it on your tablet
I'm sleepy, I meant a large screen protector

>> No.3391819

i bought my cintiq 2 years and i haven't even made a dent on my first nib and i draw a lot, why do you fag boys not calibrate your pens to use as much as possible that way you dont draw like apes

>> No.3391851

i have mine for 5 years and still have spare nibs. i use it everyday

>> No.3391853

I bet you draw like 5 minutes a week lmao not gonna make it kiddo

>> No.3391865

Wow you had the cintiq pro with pro pen 2 for 5 years? Damn dude let me hitch a ride in that time machine.

>> No.3391866

I just got used to drawing with a worn out nib. Haven't changed my nib in over a year. Nice try, jews :^)

>> No.3391997

I don't have a tablet that uses pro pen 2 yet but I spend as much on ink cartridges for regular, realass pens so somehow I think I'll cope.

>> No.3392007

You ever scratched the surface of a cintiq doing something retarded? The first protective layer of a cintiq is a real cunt to have to replace and you can fuck them up just by using a felt nib on the wrong model of tablet so I'm not really game to straight stick metal in my nib. I learned the hard way that any plastic being worn off your nib is plastic that isn't coming off your drawing surface.

>> No.3392010

also, who the fuck wants *less* friction?

>> No.3392018

4chan does not have an italics or bold feature for a reason. You do not need to invent your own, we do not need to hear the emphasis or inflection you imagine for yourself,

>> No.3392043
File: 901 KB, 240x160, hentai.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh no ive been owned

>> No.3392210

22 uses the Pro Pen 1. I have a 24HD, and am using my second nib, after 4 years of heavy use. They made the texture 30% rougher on the new models, and the new nibs are a softer material, I think they were going for a Flex feel on it - the Flex nibs feel great, but wear out fast.
I havent looked, but I'd bet there are 3rd party knock offs on AliBaba or Fasttech.

And yes, this is an issue, any forum about Wacom has been complaining since the Pro 2 came out. At least you can buy replacements, Wacom was really slow to get them on the market.
Whining about it here doesn't do shit. If you own one, write them. TELL them, otherwise, they won't change it. if you have a Pro 2 pe, you made a significant purchase, complain to the fuckers until they do something about it.

>> No.3392238

Are you really that autistic, that you think you can control how someone else uses inflections? 4chan's lack of standard html formatting is not a rule for no inflections, it's just a poorly coded forum site.
"pull" **the** " stick ~~out~~ ^of [flip]your[flip] >ass

>> No.3392304

thank you

>> No.3392311

what is that gif even

>> No.3392326

It's probably a sign that you shouldn't be pressing as hard as you are while drawing t b h
*t b h*

>> No.3392411

sheesh, I was just asking for a quick insight anon, no need to this be fucking salty. You could always kys if you ever need to redirect that anger of yours y'know.

>> No.3394069

ask theboogie about that

>> No.3394073

huion didnt exist when he got popular

>> No.3394277

He uses a Wacom bamboo

>> No.3394522

Does the pro pen 1 work with Cintiq Pros? 'Cause that'd make this a non-issue, I've still got 10 of the nibs that came with my pro pen 1. I just want the less parallaxed screen.

>> No.3394538

>How did these jews get away wkth this
That's the reason why you buy XP-Pen//Huion instead.

>> No.3394545

Huion is actually pretty good

>> No.3394881

Just use spaghetti lol anyway I'm out of here

>> No.3394945

anon u are a joke, If you are a cintiq owner you should know Cintiq pro + Cintiq Pro pen 2 has really high pressure sensitivity, i use cintiq pro 16 i barely press down and i still havent changed my nibs in months from arrival. I bet u used some shitty old app that was not compatible correctly with the pressure and u worn that out.

higher the pressure sensativity of a Device it lasts long!

I can bet all my money u ignored the pressire sensativity level and kept on using ur own old habit on a 8000Presure sensitive pen.

>> No.3395469

this makes me feel better about my +10 year old wacom bamboo tablet. I had a feeling they'll pull that shit someday. The old nibs were sturdy. I had 4 when I bought the bamboo. I depleted 1 when I was a retarded teen, when I learned how to use it, I've been stuck with the second nib for more than +6-7 years now, leaving me with the last 2 more extras that I haven't used yet.

I heard pretty bad things about the new wacom models, too. They say those with the screen monitor overheat or is shitty to work with, but I don't know. I personally see many professional comic artists work with that one for long period of time and they seem to be fine.

>> No.3396748

ahahahaha continue to buy shit from kikes loser

>> No.3396756

what are you even doing anon? i got a cintiq 27qhd two months ago and have not replaced the nib even once. and i paint 6 hours a day.

>> No.3399127

>reinstall Windows 7
>old Bamboo CTH scrolls up whenever the sylus is hovered above the tablet and a right clicks with every tap
For fuck's sake.
The scrolling up is especially bizarre. It's super fast, and happens whenever the pen's near the tablet surface. Pen tip, eraser, sideways, doesn't matter, the tablet instantly sends like a hundred "scrollwheel up" events.
I'd somehow managed to configure this shit right on my old setup, but fucked if I remember how.

>> No.3399659
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I burned through nibs when I moved to digital. But now it seems like I have been using one nib like a year now. I am not exactly sure what changed my work flow, but you should check your tablet settings. Maybe you're pushing too hard.

>> No.3400838
File: 26 KB, 531x312, wacomnibholder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>like the soft textured nib for some situations (lineart) and the plain plastic nib for others (painting)
>yanking the soft nib out of the pen to put the plastic nib in fucks it up really quick

Also are they fucking serious with this UFO nib case thing?

>> No.3401161

What's so bad about Huion? I was considering it as an alternative since I'm new to pen monitors and I don't have enough for a Cintiq yet.

>> No.3401185


>> No.3401232

tfw only time my pro pen 1 felt nibs break is when i accidentally drop the pen and it falls on and absolutely destroys the nib

>> No.3401285

Why did I watch all of this

>> No.3401305

I have a Huion 156 and I like it. The response time is the same as a 13hd

>> No.3401345
File: 38 KB, 500x500, 414158.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have to remember that this is the same company that took months to come up with this piece of shit.

I'm convinced that they just got lucky with their digitzer and have been riding that ever since.

>> No.3401356

Yeah, the drawing surface is good but all of the design coming out of Wacom lately is retarded. I bought a pro 24 and if I ever want my computer desk back unplugging this thing is going to take at least ten whole minutes because they hid the plugs behind a fucking cover on the back instead of just putting the plugs in a sensible place to begin with. I bet the entire reason the plugs are in a stupid place and the VESA mount is gone is because of that dumb wacom engine thing nobody's going to buy.

>> No.3401360

I keep tripping the touch controls on the bezel that you can't turn off, as well. Nobody's going to need to access the fucking settings often enough to warrant putting them in a touch bar.

>> No.3401497

For the price it's worth it, but they aren't exactly going to give you the feel, screen quality and driver support that a wacom product will. If you draw a lot and you're a serious hobbyist/professional, stick with either a conventional tablet or save up for a cintiq.

>> No.3402061

First world problems...

>> No.3402065

Japanese JEws