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3278948 No.3278948[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Opinion on marrying other artist.

>> No.3278973
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>> No.3278975

no girlfriend till i make it

>> No.3278977

This, except maybe not even after because making it is just the first step.

>> No.3278991

Meh, I am an introvert I don't want another person to live with me.

>> No.3279021

I’m married, wife and i are non artists. I’d never marry an artist. My sister is an artist, she disgusts me
>doesn’t work
>married rich, spends her husbands money
>lives in a mansion and says she’s an equal contributor

>> No.3279025

Is that mono lake? Wouldn’t it be really gross there with all the alkali flies?

>> No.3279059

no hymen no ring

>> No.3279062


Well atleast he got down on his knees and proposed like a man. Nothing worse than a guy who allows himself to be cucked by a woman who proposes to him

>> No.3279072

Artists from all tiers and walks of life can be some of the most whiny, self-important, obnoxious people ever, myself not excluded. Imagine putting two of those types of people together in a living space for "until death do us part". Potentially the emotional special olympics.

I don't like being around other people and I can't tell if I'm gay of not because everyone looks like saggy meat spheres and boxes to me anymore. Saggy meat spheres and boxes with demanding personalities and annoying voices. It's a no from me.

>> No.3279074

Married, wife isn’t an artist or even really appreciates art (lawyer). I’m sort of an artist - welder by trade but I spend weekends in my shop working on sculptures that have gotten into a few gallery shows. Yes they were “Outsider Art” shows but it does seem like some people genuinely enjoy my work. There’s always the art school assholes who come to hose shows just to criticize everything for having no “historical context” or some other art bullshit.

>> No.3279075

You sound autistic too. I'm like not insulting you I'm serious.

>> No.3279078
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Great, maybe I can be the next Loish or Cyarin.

>> No.3279079

Is that reverse psychology or irony? i can't tell.
Proposing to a women is literally the definition of a cuck. It puts her in power and him as a slave below her.

>> No.3279080

like my great granpa used to say
never stick your dick in crazy

>> No.3279107
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>becomes successful artist
>marries an artist
>wife leaves him for another artist
>leaves social media
>year later: comes back to social media to announce he is getting married to another artist.

It took long enough.

>> No.3279122

>not having a harem of art groupies

>> No.3279124

lol pleb

>> No.3279176

>wife and i are non artists

what are you even doing here

>> No.3279189

I don't like the concept of marriage, it's always been cringy to me. I'd rather just live with my boyfriend.

>> No.3279195

>Be Noah
>Fall for some Scottish chick he meets while traveling
>Make subpar, poor anatomical work using his gf as a muse even though all he has to do is trace her
>They break up and she trades him in for some brown dude
>Noah ragequits from the internet some time later
>Comes back to announce he's getting married
Well I hope it works out for him.

>> No.3279213

And fuck on the side?

>> No.3279214

Pics or it didn’t happen

>> No.3279219

Because betting half your shit that you will love somebody forever is a great idea

>> No.3279220


>> No.3279221

But it's not just that. I don't want to do such a huge thing just because some other people who think it's important do it. They don't get to decide what's important for me.

>> No.3279226

>Marriage is making a bet that you will love somebody forever
You're mistaking having a crush on someone with loving them. Obviously you have no direct control over your hormone metabolism, but love isn't about feeling butterflies in your tummy. It's an attitude between two people based on a deeper mutual understanding and fondness, and the sexual attraction is just one part of that dynamic. Being fond of someone over any substantial period of time isn't something that happens to you, it's something you embody and bring about mutually.

TL;DR: Quit thinking like a 14 year old girl who has read too many bad romance novels.

>> No.3279226,1 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.3279456

Once I make it I can draw my own gf.

>> No.3280131

was he brown? I thought he was white

>> No.3280144

Then it's making the bet that the "attitude between two people based on a deeper mutual understanding and fondness" will last forever.
Great way of saying exactly the same thing that that first anon said but with more words.

>> No.3280154

Someone remind me who was the chick that broke up with him for the other artist guy?

I don't get why she would leave him in the first place. He's hardly cuck material, far too much business sense to be the bitch in a relationship.

>> No.3280155

Yeah he was white, faggot-looking hipster

>> No.3280156

she must be one of those chicks that really loves having her ass slapped by massive black hands

>> No.3280212
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>> No.3280223

>what are you even doing here
I like drawing, my dream is that I can continue drawing without anyone ever calling me an artist. I don’t want to be associated with art people.

>> No.3280225

It’s not a huge thing, people get divorced all the time

>> No.3280228

Also, if getting married and / or having kids is one of the biggest most important things in your life, you have a very sad life

>> No.3280235

>I don’t want to be associated with art people.
I can see why.

>> No.3280281

I wish I was your sister

>> No.3280282
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>We have in the West experienced the sexual revolution for over 100 years. The change in our sexual mores has been so gradual as to make it more difficult to observe the effects. It is not obvious to most of us how badly we have been harmed by this revolution.

>Joseph Stalin, Secretary-general of the
Communist party of the Soviet Union ca. 1942
In Communist Russia, however, the Sexual Revolution came and went quickly because it was a disaster. The words of a former Russian sociology professor tell the story sucinctly:

>During the first stage of the (Communist) Revolution, its leaders deliberately attempted to destroy marriage and the family. Free love was glorified by the official "glass of water" theory. If a person is thirsty, so went the Party line, it is immaterial what glass he uses when satisfying his thirst; it is equally unimportant how he satisfies his sex hunger.

>> No.3280286

what? getting married and having children ARE one of the most important and one of the biggest things for humans in general. starting a family is a major life undertaking.

there's nothing wrong with wanting to start a family????????

>> No.3280288

Yes, because most artists really have a lot to lose in a divorce

>> No.3280293

You don't even know who she's married to.

>> No.3280295

Do you have aids

>> No.3280319

My sister also went to RISD, so you can get a glimpse of what an art education can bring you

It’s cool to have a family, but I’m always sad when I hear that people’s greatest accomplishments are their children. I’m probably pretty salty since lots of my friends are having kids now, and I find it irritating that they used to do so much more, and now they are just parents.

>> No.3280320

leesha is a cunt. he's probably so relieved to be with anyone other than her that he OD'd and got married

nothing to do with being an artist or not, nothing to do with gender politics.

>> No.3280320,1 [INTERNAL] 

Well he is kind of a pretentious faggot, so

>> No.3280328

Well, noah is kind of a pretentious faggot, so

>> No.3280349

If you do marry another artist, it should be one of a far lower skill level than you. Same reason to date a girl with lower self esteem. They’ll always try harder in the relationship and always know their place. Say what you will about Noag but he knows what he’s doing.

>> No.3280350


>> No.3280354

of course, this is a last resort reason to date someone lesser than you, so if you're a piece of shit you can counter with it.

unless you're a beta who treats relationships with women (and likely other relationships too) like currency trading. aspie.

>> No.3280384


Lol he's as white as Italians and Greeks are "white"

>> No.3280392
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Get the fuck out of my ngmi shitter ballpin, bitchtitties.

>> No.3280393

Lol u gottem harsh.

>> No.3280414

>leesha is a cunt.

>> No.3280421

he's a white scottish dude. you ok?

>> No.3280439

to be fair having a woman propose to you and saying no must feel pretty good

>> No.3280441

My fiancee


>> No.3280442

>marrying out of love

>> No.3280459

Oh. So you're an artist that doesn't want to get called an artist. Alright.
Just because there's a few retarded artists around it doesn't mean all of them are retarded.

>> No.3280461

And divorce is an incredible hassle, economically as well. And I don't want the pathetic "divorced" status

>> No.3280462

Not everyone fucking wants children

>> No.3280465


The sad part is that low IQ shitskins are breeding like rabbit while high IQ power couples instead focus on their careers and spoiling their french bulldog who functions as a surrogate child.

>> No.3280473

Who gives a shit, let people who don't want to breed not breed. Usually people who breed a lot come from underdeveloped countries, don't forget that it once used to be like that everywhere in the world. When those countried get better in the future, they will stop procreating so much, they probably don't even know what contraception is right now

>> No.3280479
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Wrong board /pol/tard.

>> No.3280480

how do we always manage to get political on every fucking thread

>> No.3280507
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because art is political, stupid.

>> No.3280531

Don't kid yourself. no person you're sexually attracted to will ever let you come even close to marriage.