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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 825 KB, 1600x1150, 132-1331.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3251600 No.3251600[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Prove to me that Loomis isn't for dumbasses. I can't find a single Mangaka who uses this worthless method, and not even the people who suggest using Loomis are good at art either so why would I use Loomis knowing its track record of shitty artists?

>> No.3251604


>> No.3251606

Did Loomis invent construction?

>> No.3251609

bacuase you are a shitty artist too

>> No.3251613

If you want to trace backgrounds and posebooks like most mangaka, go for it. Just don't be surprised if you can't do much from your imagination.

Capcom used Andrew Loomis for their art:

>> No.3251614

I remember reading on here that loomis's book on figures was one of japamazon's biggest sellers on the subject.

>> No.3251619

I hate the loomis meme too op.

>> No.3251626
File: 12 KB, 683x76, japan loomis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Surprising how it is quite popular over there.

>> No.3251627

What's number one

>> No.3251628

>inb4 Hogarth

>> No.3251634

reminder that most japanese artists aren't actually good and the few who do make it, aren't using loomis. If Loomis wasn't a meme, then why aren't there any good artists on this board who used it? Retard. Just because someone fell for a meme, doesn't make them good.

Implying Murata is tracing?

>> No.3251639

DiD lOoMiS iNvEnT CoNsTrUcTiOn

>> No.3251654

It's rated 18th here on this site


>> No.3251658

BBC is good though. Top 10% easily, top 5% possibly.

>> No.3251660

>akiman-created company memo about keeping proportions consistent is somehow Capcom using loomis to create their art because an art director said he “believes” they might be “based” on loomis 20 years later

>> No.3251711

>If Loomis wasn't a meme, then why aren't there any good artists on this board who used it?
you have proof of this?

>> No.3251713

Do you have proof there are any.

>> No.3251714

Next you're going to ask me to prove that there isn't a god that wants you to blow yourself up

>> No.3251743


You use whatever works for you. Ultimately there is no one answer to becoming good. Loomis/Bridgman/Hampton are all good, but they're essentially just supplements for learning construction, specifically of the human form the way they visualize it. Even they don't do half the stuff in their consistently, but it's a good notion for learning what you need to or want.

If you wanna be Murata etc you gotta draw alot of other things but ref constantly for years, maybe a year if you have insane memory. Ref other artist that draw cool shit (like murata) and apply gesture/constructive understanding and if you can do that and get why things are done you can be like these amazing Mangakas. They may not of used Loomis, but they definitely all have drawn alot off of other peoples art.

>> No.3251783

Please explain what it is you think people mean when they say "Loomis".

>> No.3251785

Is it possible to visualize the human form without construction?

>> No.3251786

if by loomis you mean anything other than loomis, you’re a fucking idiot

>> No.3251788

And if you think your reply answers the question then you are a fucking idiot.

>> No.3251792

>Loomis doesn't mean loomis dood

The absolute state of loomis shitters

>> No.3251795

So just admit it already. You are such a complete dumbass that you don't even understand what people are talking about when they say something lacks loomis. That you actually think they mean drawings should look like in Loomis's books. Don't you, dumbass.

>> No.3251796


>> No.3251799

I doubt you are old enough to go there but this place might help you out if you can stay put: >>3250200

>> No.3251805

>Hey bro loomis doesn't mean loomis you dumbass here go get stuck in the beginner thread till you understand how we meme.

>> No.3251809

it means using the methods developed and presented by

wait for it

andrew fucking loomis

>> No.3251813


I'll help you out a lot then. Even if you haven't yet managed to explain it the answer have been posted plenty of times already in this thread. The fact that you can't catch up on a very obvious hint shows me that you are completely clueless to the general ideas for drawing and painting that have been developed over generations by many other than Loomis.

Combine that with your attitude and we got that every time you post it's like a beacon of ignorance and stupidity. Calling you a beginner is giving you the benefit of the doubt as you don't display any potential for actually improving with that attitude. I bet you just want to learn to draw for likes and came for instant gratification.

>> No.3251831

your dunning kruger is showing

never give advice

>> No.3251832

I don't even respond to these threads but just so you know I'm hiding them from now on.

>> No.3251833

>"never give advice"

>never gave an advice or posted art

Only thing that is showing here is your butthurt

>> No.3251837
File: 3.99 MB, 459x258, 1514314487558.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does this particular flavor of Loomis thread keep coming up?

>> No.3251838

>hurr durr
you’re a literal idiot, m80

>> No.3251839

Your posts is like the crying of a dumb spoiled kid. I'm guessing that's what you are.

>> No.3251849

Maybe it's comped?

>> No.3251861

This is the linchpin. Why can't anyone define what is unique to Loomis?

I'd be surprised if he didn't take what he liked from his days as a student and worked upon it, because there's nothing in his head construction method that I haven't seen elsewhere in one way or another.

>> No.3251871

ffs... It's not that there's anything unique to Loomis other than that he have gathered a lot of methods that makes it easy for beginners to learn construction. Construction is on of many elements that make up a successful drawing so it's not about basing things on construction but understand how it fits into the balance of flow and gesture. If you can't do proper construction then your drawing is going to suck no matter how much you polish it with rendering and colors. People in here don't deserve this info because of their attitude but merry christmas.

>> No.3251873

>Loomis in the sticky
>you need Loomis
>yes, japs use Loomis, look at these Loomis books being the most popular on jap sites
>look at this article saying Capcom uses Loomis
>n-no, we don’t mean Loomis
Yes, you fucking faggot, we mean Loomis.

>> No.3251874

Merry christmas to do you too but you should really expand on that answer more.

>> No.3251887

Post your work.

>> No.3251890

I will rather spend my time drawing.

You start out with gestures, composition and an idea. Once that is down you add construction without losing those gestures. This is where you will define lighting. Then you finish off by adding texture.

People who can't do anything but texture and color balance and just copy from photos often end up with dead/dull work. Those principles are also the answer to why art is still needed in the age of photography or why some anime characters look better with thin necks.

Go back to humping your donkey.

>> No.3251895

>bringing up the pencil necks into this thread

>> No.3251897

>I can’t draw but I read a lot of threads about drawing and so you should listen to me
t. dunning kruger

>> No.3251898

Please stop making this thread

>> No.3251900

People who don't understand why good artist can make it look okay and why many who try to copy the style make it look bad don't understand the basics of gestures and construction that lies behind the ideas. Aniume is nothing but a caricature of real life and there's a reason some say you should learn to draw properly before you dive into designing anime.

So in experience have your shitposting managed to improve your drawing skills yet?

>> No.3251905

>i-if I question his drawing m-maybe he’ll forget I’m talking out my ass
I’m not the one larping here, post your work.

>> No.3251908

I didn't question your drawing, dumbass, however you too see mine so I guess that by your own standard you are larping. Not that we can't already tell.

>> No.3251910


>> No.3251915

you are not even making sense
are you a fucking brazilian or something
do you not understand the meaning of the words you are using?

>> No.3251925

I'm not used to talking to people who need things to be kept simple like on your level. My apologies for confusing you.

>> No.3251930

sure thing faggot, keep shitposting

>> No.3251931

>wall of text about how to git gud
>post work
>n-no, but I know what i’m talking about i swear
>cue 10 posts trying to get out of posting work
like clockwork

>> No.3251938

That's like getting the encouragement of a grandmaster.

>> No.3251939

Post your work then.

>> No.3251944


i’m not pretending i’m good enough to offer advice
i could post anything and it would show nothing
put your work where your mouth is
who is gonna take the word of a random nobody on 4chan?

>> No.3251945

This >>3251939

There's no justification for the other guy to post his work but you on the other hand are trying to start shit just because you feel hurt feels. If you want to prove anything then prove that you can at least draw and then maybe people will overlook your bs a little.

>> No.3251946

Loomis is a shit meme

>> No.3251948

People who shit out loomis can't prove anything.

>> No.3251950

Unfortunately for you nobody other than you have tried to prove anything.

>> No.3251960

all books (how to art books i mean) are for dumbasses that's why they're so popular here.

>> No.3251970

Loomis doesn't teach any controversial, specific method, you moron. He just teaches the basics of art fundamentals. No one gives a shit where you learn the fundamentals of art so stop being such a fucking attention whore. Though chance are if even someone as beginner friendly as Loomis goes over your head, you have no chance understanding and learning from any of the other teachers either.

>> No.3251978

actually he teaches a defunct method which has been superseded by computers, keep it mind it does go loomis>ingres, it goes loomis>magazine covers from the 50s. and there's better ways to do those now.

>> No.3251981

doesn't go* dammit

>> No.3251988

>superceded by computers

Is this the latest abstractard meme because 'muh invention of the camera made drawing stuff that looked remotely like other stuff is obsolete

>> No.3251990

lots of people struggle with anatomy and get easily butthurt over it

>> No.3252009

I got no clue what you are takling about. So you can't draw at all and you believe all teachers of draftmanship and fundamentals have become redunant because of computers? In that case, why are you focusing only on Loomis with your impotent little crusade?

>> No.3252010

Why do a lot of people struggle with anatomy?

>> No.3252018

probably because they are having a hard time accepting that they know less than they thought they knew.

>> No.3252033

i think it's more that anatomy really isn't what you should learn first. so they like go into it not knowing how do any of the basic things you need to do. so they're trying to draw complex shapes in perspective, with lots of important detail before they've even learnt how to hold a pencil

>> No.3252042

its true though, there's plenty other better ways of learning what loomis is trying to teach, but from artists who's work doesn't look like boring trite

>> No.3252129

Like who? The most well known current anatomy and figure drawing teachers are Hampton, who doesn't draw anything at all outside of studies. Vilppu, whos drawings are literally my little pony tier outside of anatomy studies. Steve Huston, who's breddy good but not exactly a revolutionary adventurer when it comes to subject matter. And then there's the old teachers like Loomis, Hogarth, Bridgeman etc who all did what you'd consider "boring trite" in their personal work.

So please pray tell, who's the cool and hip anatomy teacher who is so much better than Loomis that kids like you dig these days? Sinix?

>> No.3252138

loomis is trash so shut the fuck up with your worthless advice and learn to draw

>> No.3252140

reads literally
>"inside we see figure drawings similar to the style of Andrew Loomis"
NOT ACTUAL Loomis and on closer inspection, far from it.
get fucked

>> No.3252142

>Loomis is a shit meme
correct, so is "POST YOUR WORK"

>> No.3252148
File: 178 KB, 532x500, mashira.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If Loomis was legit, then don't you think at least 1 person out of the millions of people who recommend it, would be good at drawing? How come 100% of the people who recommend it on this board are fucking shit at drawing. Yet the few good people on this board, never touched his book? Let's say even if we do find 1 person out of a billion people who ended up being good that read Loomis book, then that still doesn't justify it seeing as how the 99.999% other people are still fucking shit at it? Loomis is bad, that's why most artists are so fucking awful because the method itself doesn't work.

>> No.3252151

Loomis is legit, but the people is this board are legit shit. All of them. The people good at drawing aren't wasting their time on /ic/ talking to tards like you.

>> No.3252154

Did you learn math from the inventor of math?

>> No.3252155

You just admit you're shit, why would I care about your opinion on Loomis? You're the only retard here it seems. Once again, you said Loomis is legit despite you also saying you're a shit artist. Don't you see how stupid you are?

>> No.3252160

Loomis is legit. I am a shit artist.

Got a problem, bro? Not everyone is a cynical retard who thinks they're too good to read a fucking book.

>> No.3252161

I didn't say I was "too good to read a fucking book"
Also, Loomis himself did not need to read his own book to learn how to draw. You're a bad artist because you can't even figure out how to draw without someone holding your hand all the way through, and somehow you're STILL trash despite it. Why don't you shut the fuck up burger flipper. At least I make enough money to pay for bills after only a year.

>> No.3252164
File: 626 KB, 3564x1713, first time im happy with result wtf 122817 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

80 replies and no one posted art yet? I guess OP was right. I was actually wondering if loomis would help me get better. Im a shit artist no doubt but I don't believe i'm an absolute beginner. However I never practiced or learned so im kinda fucked at what starting point I should begin at. Got any recommendations. Posted is my most recent drawing thing.

>> No.3252165

>All of them.
and you're the king
>Loomis is legit
lmao, yeah your moms asshole is legit too.

>> No.3252167

>implying Loomis didn't read a book to learn how to draw
>implying that's why I'm a trash artist and not because I simply don't care because art is a hobby for me
>bragging about making enough money to pay the bills like everyone else
Congratz, bro. You're an adult now. Better start acting like one!

>> No.3252169
File: 356 KB, 812x1158, study+by+luca+cambiaso[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nope, cambiaso
really worth studying his stuff in general for drawing, for elegance mainly

>> No.3252187

You can't understand the point. Reading a book is okay, but you dummies need to quit pretending Loomis is the be all end all. Loomis is arguably one of the worst ways to learn about how to draw. Also, guess what? All those deviantart-tier artists are good despite being hobbyists. Guess what, a hobbyist wouldn't even be using books to begin with because it's not hard to just go ahead and draw and improve from there. Why would a hobbyist even give a shit about the details? You're stupid

>> No.3252190

I agree with you, except for the deviantart-tier shit. that is probably the most cringeworthy website, period. the majority of the shit that is on deviantart gives me a fucking fullblown migrane.

Loomis is the quick enema for untalented, uninspired "I want to be more creative!" fags.

>> No.3252196

No one person invented construction you dumb fuck.

>> No.3252199

>Reading a book is okay, but you dummies need to quit pretending Loomis is the be all end all

No one pretends that it is. It's always just thrown around as a first step for beginners like you to get to learn about the fundamentals.

>> No.3252201

[citation needed]

>> No.3252203
File: 398 KB, 900x1273, monkey_queen_by_aditya777-d3i9kjv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My bad, I was comparing deviantart to /ic/.

You can give this community a year time-frame and they still won't be able to find a single person to prove that it's not a meme.

Your art reminds me of the lessons taught in cgcookie. I hope you learned how to draw full bodies and not just faces.

>get to learn about the fundamentals

That's the thing, most of the other books on the shelf teach the fundamentals better than Loomis. Notice how not a single person who read the Loomis book is posting art to prove it's not a meme.

>> No.3252204

DaVinci did construction for starters
to purge you ignorance, please lookup:

>> No.3252216
File: 3.93 MB, 4091x4000, fullbody samples.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my anatomy is super stylized unfortunately. I used to draw full bodies a lot more before but felt my faces were lacking so ended up focusing a lot more on that. Also can't draw hands or feet to save my life so i mostly draw thighs and up.... I have so many areas to improve upon and don't know how to go about it desu. Just gonna have to draw a lot more this year.

>> No.3252229

>Notice how not a single person who read the Loomis book is posting art to prove it's not a meme.

Notice how not a single person who says Loomis is a meme is posting their art either? I mean, Loomis IS one of the most established art teachers in the world. It's people like you who have to prove their controversial statement here. Loomis gets recommended by the likes of Jeff Watts, Steve Huston, Alex Ross, lots of art schools and ateliers around the world etc, so you better prove that you somehow know better than all of them.

>> No.3252234

>That's the thing, most of the other books on the shelf teach the fundamentals better than Loomis.

Those are all memes though. Post your work to prove they aren't a meme and you actually know your anatomy and fundamentals.

>> No.3252242

Art schools & Teachers are a meme, they can't make a living off their own skill so they resort to just conning other people for a living.
Just look at what, 100% of decent artists and know that none of them use loomis.

>> No.3252252

How'd you practice drawing the mannequin thing of bodies.

>> No.3252253

Ok then tough guy. What do you recommend?

>> No.3252268

Email any of your favorite artist who have a style direction you'd like to go in and ask them instead of anonymous people online. I got a 100% reply rate and those people give a clear path to reaching there.

>> No.3252294

I just made up poses and drew what I thought looked right. When I first began I did a ton of 1 minute pose things but they didn't help much. Also I copied proportions from artists I liked. Measuring by headlengths.

>> No.3252295

Post proof of your emails

>> No.3252311

Loomis didn't invent construction... He just wrote down guidelines he had picked up from other artists. Loomis's stuff isn't great and there's no reason for people to refer to Loomis when they talk about construction. However Loomis can be a good place for beginners to start.

When people say you need Loomis then it means you need construction. Only a dumbass would think it means "go worship Loomis".

>> No.3252317

Post your work so I can see if you need Loomis.

>> No.3252318

But what does it mean to need Loomis?

>> No.3252320

Are you asking if it means you want his dick?

>> No.3252323
File: 53 KB, 640x360, 6376E0D4-E155-4EBC-8BEB-777D6FAE2B54.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why are the people on this board where only 5% actually draw and the rest of them spend far more time creating and posting in threads like this so bad at drawing

>it must be the author none of them read's fault!


>> No.3252324

So loomis teaches you a bunch of different conventions on how to draw such as construction in a very easy to understand way. Ultimately, you don't need to use loomis to learn these, but it's the best tool for learning those things imo.

>> No.3252325

If Loomis is the best, what would be bad?

>> No.3252331

Bridgman, who teaches you nothing that isn't taught better with less inscrutable drawings elsewhere

>> No.3252332

Is that what you wanted to tell those bad people who are likely stupid too?

>> No.3252343
File: 69 KB, 1074x285, example.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do I have to post proof FFS? I'm the one helping you, and it only takes 2 minutes out of your day to do this and you lose nothing from trying. Pic-related was me talking to one of the animators for rockstar who worked on red dead redemption. All I did was look up his email and ask questions and we had a lot of back and forth.

It doesn't matter what company they're in, whether they're EA, or whether they work in the cartoon industry or w.e Don't you see those fucking credits at the end of every episode or when you beat a game? GOOGLE THOSE NAMES, look up their email and send them an email. They always reply and answer any question you have because 99% of the people in this industry are too retarded to even TRY this. You just sit here in an echo chamber of anonymous nobodies when all you have to do is just send a message to an artist who is in the field you want to be in. AND THEY WILL TELL YOU FUCKING EVERYTHING. Fuck you, and everyone else on this board, bunch of lazy fucks who probably don't even draw.

>> No.3252344

>Why do I have to post proof FFS?
You don't. Stop falling for baits from shitters. It's not your responsibility to guide them.

>> No.3252350

then why bother answering at all if you won't prove your claims?

thanks anon.

>> No.3252355

oops my bad, he didn't work on read dead redemption. I don't remember. I think I sent this email a year ago.

>> No.3252357

>same bait thread
>works like a clock
Top bait of December.

>> No.3252359


and here he says
>And I wish I new (sic!) how to construct my dude. I did it all freehand and from imagination to begin with.
did it all freehand and from imagination.
is really completely infested with construction crutches.

lmao, you lying coward.

>> No.3252363

you call it bait, because you dislike the thought of idol Loomis being criticized.

>> No.3252364

yes, the fact is that only a small portion of people who pursue art will ever see success with it regardless of their access to education because they're lazy, entitled and let's face it often mentally slow to boot. This is one reason why traditionally structured art schools with mandatory all-or-nothing participation are so unethical in my opinion. It's much better to encourage someone to study on their own (i.e. "LOOMIS!) knowing they likely won't do it anyway than telling them to go through that same cycle of misery but get exploited by an expensive school and ruin their chances at financial stability in their domestic life on top of it, gnomesaiyan?

>> No.3252365
File: 935 KB, 1516x1105, 49718298_p25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Loomis is literally meme. Artist from picrelated said "Loomis is waste of time" in his old twitter. No one use construction. Check Japanese animators drawings

>> No.3252366

Oh hey it's the Murata fanboy again. Post your work or fuck off

>> No.3252367

>construction is a crutch
>plumb lines are an illiusion
>proportions are a lie
>t. MOMAron, a guy that did one mediocre study once and thinks he's God's gift to all art

>> No.3252370
File: 2.13 MB, 1889x4117, 1513967110553.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is guy who argues with you.

>> No.3252371

unpopular opinion around Loomis-land /ic/

maybe this time, you don't miss the point, but I doubt it:


and here he says
>And I wish I new (sic!) how to construct my dude. I did it all freehand and from imagination to begin with.
did it all freehand and from imagination.
is really completely infested with construction crutches.

lmao, you lying coward.

>> No.3252373

reminder: this is the guy who hasn't shown his work to anyone, for the very same reason: probably highly infested with Loomisitis. none of them show their work, because it's average as fuck.

nobody "trashed" these drawings >>3252370 too bad you're not making a point with your obsessive compilation.


>> No.3252380

>anon posted his work
>"anime trash lmao kid"
>anon posted Loomis sketches as his work
>anon posted oil painting of some jap
>anon posted merc_wip
>anon posted sketches of student from Repin Academy
Really makes you think.

>> No.3252383

you're attributing way too much to one anon, you paranoid little shitstain.

post your work.

funny how no one has trashed my drawings, which took not a single page of Loomis or any other Drawing for Dummies crap to make.

>> No.3252392

This is not a trial you autistic dumbass. Learn how to have a normal conversation.

>> No.3252395
File: 582 KB, 857x1142, ayyyy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3252420

>make a suggestion
>have 0 means to prove his suggestion has value

kys scum

>> No.3252426


Super late long reply, but of course.

It's possible to visualize and draw any form ever, but it's also possible to lose that knowledge if say you don't draw enough, take long breaks, or have your focus split.

I've had times where I can think of overlapping anatomy and crazy perspective and visualize it fairly well so that I can repeat it on paper, but I've also had times where I don't have a clear mind or plain out forget and have to study again or refresh myself through others and my own material.

Nobodies ever really a perfect learning machine that remembers anything forever their first time learning it. Most people really do only cement this stuff in their head because they draw it continuously for long spans of time. I also work programming and it's the same exact thing, you just have to do alot if you want some incredible visual library. Also, like programming, the more you think about know about the construction of something and why it works the more likely you also are to remember it, instead of just doing it a bunch and recognizing patterns learn a bit, may help you retain. Works for me.


I'de argue when some spouts LOOMIS memes they're not really talking about Loomis but just general construction/book learning knowledge in total. Like Hampton or force drawing etc is probably just as good in any case. That being said alot of people on here like to talk about stuff they know little of so.

>> No.3252434

Well apparently more japanese artists use Ken Hultgren and his book that's more collection of deviantart-style 'tutorials' than Loomis so that's not surprising.

>> No.3252438

Round ball thing with vertical and horizontal lines

>> No.3252440

I heard that virgins & depressed people have trouble doing good at art because they lack the dopamine to help them focus and stay motivated. Is this true?

>> No.3252476

Live by your own standard then. Prove that kys solves problems through a demonstration.

>> No.3252522

So then how do you learn to draw

>> No.3252524

If you're asking that question then you're NGMI. When Loomis first got into art, he didn't have his own book to use as reference. He also didn't have 4chan to ask other people. You need to leave because you will never learn to draw.

>> No.3252527

So then how do I learn to draw

>> No.3252553

By killing yourself and hoping reincarnation is a thing so that you may get born with a higher iq.

>> No.3252560


that probably contributes to the mediocrity of his work

>> No.3252572
File: 589 KB, 800x1150, 1514462675091.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude, wtf is even your point? Loomis is just a guy who's written a not that bad book on construction. If you're so cool you can handle something more complex and subtle, go use it, if not, why not read Loomis. I, personnaly, don't like him, because his drawings are kinda ugly for me, but that doesn't mean I wouldn't pick and use anything from his books.

Also, don't forget that animu-artists live in their own separate cauldron of weeaboo shit with their own memes and stuff, and Muragta isn't even that great at drawing people (tho, damn, his girls are hot).

>> No.3252577

Murata is great at drawing people, you are forgetting that he has to draw based off ONE's comical designs. The drawings are intentionally off because of the source material or the way ONE requests it. Also

>what is artstyle

>> No.3252580
File: 212 KB, 969x1000, manga_vs_loomis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3252583

Show me one picture that proves Murata's skill at drawing people.

>> No.3252587

you never said what's bad about his characters.

>> No.3252594

Yeah, I didn't. I think it's kinda obvious, tho: he's drawing heavily stylized stuff where you can't exactly tell if his figure-drawing is any good or is it just him just being good with forms because of how simplified everything is. That's why I'm asking you to show me a decent human drawing by Murata. Just assuming that he can do it is not enough.

>> No.3252598

> Artist from picrelated said "Loomis is waste of time" in his old twitter.
source of quote?

>> No.3252599
File: 283 KB, 1448x2048, DNfH3j1UEAAPUOu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was trawling my feeds and saw this. Looks pretty loomisy.

>> No.3252603
File: 317 KB, 640x904, fa498ebd125a2e4a9948474470c9e4311466042931_full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uh, so your issue is that he's drawing in a form that's best for context of his profession or what he's trying to accomplish? If these professionals ever took the advice from 4chan, then they'd lose all their fame and become nobodies.

>> No.3252605
File: 102 KB, 500x690, __spider_man_marvel_and_spider_man_series_drawn_by_murata_yuusuke__5d33f04576711fc0add258d37695e6c9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks ok to me

>> No.3252608
File: 390 KB, 850x1202, __armored_spider_man_brix_daemos_spider_man_and_spider_woman_marvel_and_spider_man_series_drawn_by_murata_yuusuke__sample-0d6c8b2fb208d2303334a51752a61194.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3252609
File: 416 KB, 850x1201, __assassin_spider_man_bora_cosmic_spider_man_six_arm_spider_man_solus_and_others_marvel_and_spider_man_series_drawn_by_murata_yuusuke__sample-767e13a0e10b7187ce73785941338629.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3252610

No, my Issue with Murata is that his drawings are kinda soul-less and lack expressiveness apart from general animu tropes, but that's not the point here. The only thing I can see on your pic well-enough is a hot female body which is the only thing I'm sure he knows how to draw well. Like this one and the one for lolis, and that's all I've seen him do well.

>> No.3252611
File: 352 KB, 850x1360, __spider_man_marvel_and_spider_man_series_drawn_by_murata_yuusuke__sample-1c4b2c711432293aea14b807562913e0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3252612

meant for >>3252594

>> No.3252613
File: 377 KB, 1702x1214, Eyeshield.21.full.374698.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because they aren't toony like pixar? He can do it when it's needed. People were wearing masks in that picture and it was intended to be more serious cause they're fighting and he was replicating a more comic-book style.

Go check out eyeshield, he draws men just fine.

>> No.3252617

What's going on with his arm? Is it a deltoid or does he have two bicepses?

>> No.3252619

>can only draw hot female bodies
sure, dunning kruger-kun


>> No.3252620

Haha, this is the absolute state of /ic/.

Loomis (along many others) teach construction, and you absolutely need to have an idea about how to construct your sketches to draw anything, even manga.
Yes, there are other methods out there but they all teach the same thing, visualize 3d shapes on a 2d plane (paper, monitor, ect).

Artists who practice construction A LOT can eventually do this step in their mind, which in turn makes retards like OP think that they skip it.

>> No.3252621

It's the deltoid, if you're talking about the muscle directly connected to the shoulder

>> No.3252622

If you want to draw cartoons, you might not even need to know that much about figure drawing. This is not "just fine" this is stylized. It's a cool drawing, but not something I'd use as a reference of how human should be drawn. Look. Murata has his strong points, but at this moment you fail to show that this is one of them.

>> No.3252624

It's a really weird picture.

>> No.3252625

I don't think it's weird.

>> No.3252626

Thank you for the well thoughtout, in-depth and def not gut-reactionary analysis there, kruger-kun

>> No.3252631

Drawing stiff as fuck "humans" will never pay your bills. No one likes boring trash, Anime art is better.


>> No.3252633

So much salt in response to a simple opinion. You should monetize this skill and become a salt manufacturer.

>> No.3252640

>Drawing stiff as fuck "humans" will never pay your bills. No one likes boring trash, Anime art is better.
You can earn your money drawing Dilbert or concept arts for Dishonored. If you really want to make money, you don't even need to draw, study some marketing or networking and go help rich people in money-laundering schemes by shitting on ornamented plates and calling it art.

>> No.3252641

I'm amazed that you haven't figured out yet that all good anime artists use "Loomis" even if they have never read a Loomis book.

>> No.3252642

How did you even come to that conclussion?
Have I made even one claim about Loomis thus far except for this one >>3252572?

>> No.3252646

>How did you even come to that conclussion?
By not being autistic to the point of only understanding thing literally and knowing what people are talking about when they use the meme "Loomis".

>> No.3252657

I think you've either responded to a wrong post or you are trying to bullshit us both.

>> No.3252659

You claimed Murata is bad at figure drawing, and get shown a well-executed figure drawing by him
But all you can respond with is "double biceps lmao (im really confused about anatomy please help)" and "so weird lmao (not tellling why tho)"
Confronted, all you can say is "so salty lmao"
Please help me understand you here

>> No.3252661

...maybe. This thread is a mess though. Between all the post stuff, kruger, loomis, salt and other memes it's getting a bit hard to keep up with people's arguments.

>> No.3252669

>tfw you wake up and the thread has 70 more posts

>> No.3252672

Well, the problem is it doesn't look well executed. It looks like he's confused about what exactly is he drawing. It's not awful but it's definitely not an example one should follow. His Spidey 2099 is even worse: he lookd like he'd missed every leg day ever while having tumorous triceps.

>> No.3252685

>bait still works

>> No.3252686

In much the same way that Brunelleschi is credited for figuring out how linear perspective works in spite of people already drawing things foreshortened and whatnot, it wouldn't surprise me that someone out there did in fact figure out how to apply a more-than-usual constructive approach.

>> No.3252694

>No one use construction

eat shit anon. everyone uses a type of construction. those who don't get it should stay in /beg/ until they do.

>> No.3252704

That usually means outline thickness and renders and palette and stuff more than "teach me where stuff goes on the face"

>> No.3252707

Wtf are you talking about? Yes yhe one in feburary the top one was construction based like a ton of my art from that point. The one from yesterday was just painted without construction. I just put down botches of paint and drew. It was a new way of starting for me and I liked the result.
Also qhqt the fuck is your infatuation with me you faggit fuck you talk a lot of shit but where the fuck is your art? Coward ass fag.

>> No.3252736


Lmao, as funny as that comment is it's probably true. Lacking that motivation and being depressed from one point or another definitely has to hinder your art progress. Probably lose a lot of interest and self worth.

>> No.3252777
File: 278 KB, 420x410, 1514318315582.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a jolly bait thread holy fuck

>> No.3252781

It's a meme. Loomis is a meme to waste peoples time.

>> No.3252793

>No one use construction
But I can see construction in that drawing you posted.

>> No.3252806

If you don't think people like >>3252781 are being serious then it is probably you who are being retarded.

>> No.3252815
File: 46 KB, 460x427, 1513056714820.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Prove to me that Loomis isn't for dumbasses.
>180 replies
>(You) being retarded

sweet summer child

>> No.3252816
File: 3 KB, 698x1284, n8umjWj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>p-people didn't respond how I wanted them to

pic related is you

>> No.3252821

All art books are a trap designed to sabotage you. Same for doing studies of other artists' work. Never do that. You can only become a good artist by working in a vacuum and adhering to no rules or methods at all. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise, they are just trying to destroy you.

>> No.3252829


>> No.3252836

Who exactly is this thread meant to help?
This just seems like one of those " being a bitter faggot for the sake of being a bitter faggot" threads

>> No.3252838


>> No.3252846

no, u!

At least give a counter-argument you low effort troll.

>> No.3252848

I don't get the argument here. Clearly the people who are good never needed loomis in the first place and the people who are shit probably wouldn't be much better without it in the first place

>> No.3252860
File: 464 KB, 1015x719, 44438021_p24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>7 (You)s
Not bad

>> No.3252903

Everyone has two bicepses

>> No.3252922
File: 314 KB, 781x1146, the merchant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


typical, you're stuck in greyscale studies, not even close to developing your own art. laughable little dirtstain. your dad should have just jerked off instead of putting that genetic dirt in your mom that you became.

>> No.3252955
File: 145 KB, 1143x1467, merc-wip-final.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's all you can? show me your best

>> No.3252957

Everyones waiting for yours bigmouth

>> No.3252962
File: 903 KB, 1920x1920, grinding-muh-realism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can't keep up with my expert grinding of realism. i'm so into realism, i've absorbed all of Loomisian knowledge. i'm beyond you. if any of you /beg/ers have any questions, sacrifice one drawing to me in a video and you will be heard.

>> No.3252965
File: 119 KB, 1040x585, repeat-ad-infinitum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

repeat after me:
- thou shall grind Loomis every day
- all heads are spheres and circles
- you can only git gud by drawing circles, dividers, measuring and doing cross-hatching like Loomis did
- thou shall not have any Loomis beside Loomis
- read the sticky
- construction is your daily bread
- abstract art is bad, mkay

>> No.3252978
File: 125 KB, 1199x736, DSIcxIyVAAAEOpo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish you guys would stop fighting. I wish we could all get along and draw good-looking women in peace.

>> No.3252981

Can that be done without construction?

>> No.3252986

>I don't get the argument here. Clearly the people who are good never needed loomis in the first place and the people who are shit probably wouldn't be much better without it in the first place.

So you are talking from personal experience, right? What people who are already good need is not important here. If you could make it on your own you wouldn't be here complaining about teaching methods.

>> No.3252989
File: 543 KB, 200x200, 200px-Deltoid_muscle_animation4.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.3253022

I'm not though
all im doing is complaining about people who are complaining about teaching methods

>> No.3253031

unlikely becasue as soon as we start posting work or what we find aesthetically pleasing we will get crab mother fuckers shitting on our tastes. Not even anything constructive just rancid shit.

>> No.3253042
File: 389 KB, 700x700, 53694925_p15_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP has to be right if no one can prove him wrong. All it would take is for someone, to show their work and prove they got good through Loomis. It's not hard, unless Loomis itself isn't legit.

>> No.3253056

who made this?

>> No.3253064


>> No.3253066

This, the closest answer is that loomis doesn't mean loomis and that all construction is loomis or something

>> No.3253070
File: 2.20 MB, 610x350, sbc.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well played OP.

>> No.3253071
File: 276 KB, 566x800, 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait, why not just use the word construction then if it just means another word? Why give credit to one guy, it misleads beginners into reading his books and doing it the shitty way when there's better tutorials for learning construction. Why would you do this? Just so you can stroke your ego and never "lose" an argument?

"HAH, I meant Loomis as in CONSTRUCTION HURR YOU CAN'T SAY I AM WRONG NOW" It's fucking stupid, and I won't take it seriously. Loomis means the person, and in the context of learning how to draw it means using what he explicitely states in his books. Use the word construction when you mean construction or get off of this board.

>> No.3253228

Your post needs more Loomis

>> No.3253243

cause its more fun to say loomis than construction

>> No.3253245

It’s newfags trying to fit in.
Loomis always meant Loomis.

>> No.3253517


but it's also his teaching that leads to bland results. he doesn't only teach construction, but also how you should cross-hatch and build shading, all in his very peculiar, sterile style. seen a lot of Loomis students copy it in a Frankenstein's monster sort of fashion. blind encorporartion of construction isn't the only trap Loomis provides.
it's unfair to bash him for how stupid and untalented his students are, but warning about using Loomis as a blueprint for someones style is a legit criticism.

>> No.3253664

>Wait, why not just use the word construction then if it just means another word?

Because the sticky links Loomis as a suggestion for construction for beginners. But 4chan seems to attract a lot of autistic people (new and old-timers) who can't decipher such a connection. Unfortunately for them a lot of the other regulars just think that's funny.

>> No.3253982

This >>3252793.
Construction doesn't mean you have to do literally the whole picture in cylinders.

>> No.3254010

I think Loomis is not good for construction since he always draws this ambiguous strokes on his work which confound me, are those small subtleties of muscles? if so, why aren't they constant and appear in similar drawings?

Really, those "how to draw manga" books have helped me more with their industrial design type drawings, despite me not being a fan of Anime ( I hate Japan's culture even more than Cali culture or even negro culture).