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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 72 KB, 640x640, 10817641_561285440673654_1312780365_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3195799 No.3195799 [Reply] [Original]

a FUCKING 16 years old girl painted this
Just kill me seriously

>> No.3195801

What's the point of this thread?

>> No.3195802

I would if I could, you're never gonna get anywhere with that attitude so there's no point of your meaningless existence.


>> No.3195809


The only thing that is impressive is her age. Then again not everyone is lucky to have parents who support your "hobby"

>> No.3195811

dude fuck off
post your work

>> No.3195814

Literally a copy of a photo

>> No.3195834

lmao you are all so full of shit

>> No.3195844

Dude if you're OP what the fuck is the point of this thread? We are telling you it's not a big deal and not to worry about other people, telling you that painting isn't that good, and you are telling us we're full of shit?

If you want to feel sorry for yourself fine go for it, but just know that this 16 year old isn't anyone to be worried about. You'll be fine.

>> No.3195846 [DELETED] 

post your work lol
you sound like a total beg to me
'its bad because it's a copy' fuck off
all the renaissance painters used models are they bad for it?

>> No.3195867
File: 761 KB, 711x1000, november-4-2017-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a model isn't a photograph you idiot. there's a difference between copying a photo and drawing from life. One is easy, the other isn't.

>> No.3195872

beg detected

>> No.3195875

There will always be someone with more skills thats younger and also better looking that is also richer than you.


so dont fret anon, just admire and carry on.

anyways, thats pretty good at any age. it may be just a photo copy but still.

>> No.3195878

Why are there so many faggots on /ic/ playing pretend mod? Just hide the thread

>> No.3195884

I know
I just hate them
I work my ass off and these guys are godlike without any effort

>> No.3195892

Asswipe, artists have been using photo reference since the camera was invented. Maxfield Parrish was known for using photos, and so was Norman Rockwell. It saves wear and tear on the model, who doesn't have to sit for days or weeks, especially when just blocking out. Any decent artist will work from real life, and then take reference photos for later, in the studio.

This is just more crab bucketing, it doesn't matter, and your anger is laughable. It's all based on this misguided and made up "rule" that everything has to be done specific ways, or it doesn't count, which is how a child thinks.


Using someone else's photos without permission for professional work is a no no, but using a photo to learn is fine, just as it was fine for art students before photography to learn by copying previous works in galleries and in studios where they were apprenticed.

This neckbearding here is what makes /ic useless to education, because the majority of the "rules" are made up or impossible goals made up by the bucket crab brigade who's motive is pure seething bile at anyone better than their pathetic Loomis grinding.

>> No.3195894

Yep and loomis used SHITONS of refs
He always give photographer tips in his books

>> No.3195897

>godlike without any effort
uh-huh and for how many years have you been drawing?

>> No.3195900

more than someone who says uh-huh

>> No.3195906

>trying to say copying photos can be fine arts
>names a bunch of illustrators


>> No.3195907

This and

We all agree here that she have potential.

>> No.3195908
File: 16 KB, 400x184, VANGOGHSELF-PORTRAIT-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related. FUCKING KEK. completely retarded. So you're saying that van gogh used a photograph that may not even be of him for his most famous self portrait? Wow fascinating. The writer of that article must know something the rest of us dont

>> No.3195915
File: 88 KB, 679x960, 1509664995024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1) no one gives a shit about the painting in OP's post. it's just newsbait that the girl is young.
2) the reason why photobashing exists among a LARGE list of negatives is you learn to only paint what you can see. in other words, what already exists. all that time wasted becoming a very inefficient camera.
3) photos are a fucking joke in a fine arts sense. if you don't understand this it's clearly not something 'for you' as you're on some illustrator path to wageslavedom.

>> No.3195918

pyw or nys

>> No.3195925

Oh, look, someone thinks they have a point. Read the link I posted, spastic. It shows the actual photos artists used, people like Cezanne, Degas, and Mucha.

Now go fuck your mother, after your brother is finished.

>> No.3195926

Oh, one image is up to your personal neckbeard standards, so all of the other examples which more than prove my point don't count?


Blow me, neckbeard.

>> No.3195928

it's hard to believe that you are a girl

>> No.3195929

I posted a link of real fine artists using photos, stupid. Get back in your crab bucket.

I knew you neckbeards would have a problem being proven wrong, but I didn't expect this level of ass chapping and neckbearding.

>> No.3195932

post your work mr. photograph

>> No.3195933

Blow me, Mr. Troll.

>> No.3195940

dude post your fucking work you crab loser. stop giving bad advice i posted mine and all you gave us was an article written by a whiny photocopier to prove that Gauguin maybe used a photograph once.

>> No.3195942

Blow me, and swallow, Bud.

>> No.3195943

you sound like a beg (neck yourself)

>> No.3195945

stop samefagging! you are such a loser! on an art board with no art to show for it how much of a poser can someone be. and you want us to care about your opinions?

>> No.3195950

why does a non-artist even care so strongly about the right way to make art? You don't even make anything? What do you do like a sketch a week?

>> No.3195952

Blow me, swallow, and jiggle my balls, faggot.

>> No.3195953

i dont know why? YOU tell me

>> No.3195954

See above.

>> No.3195955

so do you try to talk like cartman from south park in real life too? I bet that's a hit with the ladies

>> No.3195956

Blow me, swallow, jiggle my balls, and tongue my ass, troll.

>> No.3195957

You're like one post away from calling me a jew.
"Jiggle my balls" you have fully embraced being a 13 year old, I hope for your sake you aren't older than that. "Jiggle my balls". Wooh boy.

>> No.3195960

Delete this thread

>> No.3196008


Why do you obsess over someone else's life when its only your own progress which actually matters? She still has to work hard to maintain those skills just like you do. She just got a little headstart with born talents but that doesn't mean she can get any lazier than you.

>> No.3196015


>2) the reason why photobashing exists among a LARGE list of negatives is you learn to only paint what you can see. in other words, what already exists. all that time wasted becoming a very inefficient camera.

Why is this a problem? You learn the same thing when drawing from real life. The only difference is the real life-drawing tends to be a bit more lively thanks to the fact the model does not stay absolutely still all the time so the work develops more hours you put into it. A proper artist learns and knows how to both draw from life and be that "inefficient camera" and learn how to utilize that knowledge to drawing from imagination.

Because even when you draw something out of your mind, you occasionally have to look for references anyway to get something right. If you get commissioned to draw a fantasy city that is heavily inspired by streets of some specific italian town, of course you're going to fucking look for references, practice drawing its unique curved streets and so on first.

>> No.3195990


>> No.3195991

Dont worry, talent doesnt exist
It was luck

>> No.3196082

can we at least see the work head on

>> No.3196139

> Uses lol on 4chan.
> 'its
> copy' fuck off
> writes 'renaissance' correctly
Who is this genius?

>> No.3196179
File: 19 KB, 480x360, 1507933840003-a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You don't want to get into that kind of painting / drawing. I used to do photorealistic pencil images. At first it felt kinda cool to accurately represent something, but in the end painting/drawing like that is really jarring. It's a soulless mechanical task that is only redeemed by the people that praise your copying skill.

>> No.3196197

because some thread died for yours

>> No.3196201

I wish I was an /ic/ mod. I'd delete all of these stupid as fuck threads. Reporting doesn't help becsaue the mods rarely do anything about meaningless blogposts.

>a mod appears to help us get a new sticky in place
>thread gets so cancerous they bail out
>some anon's hard work was wasted on a lazy mod that won't do anything with the information that was collected

This board could be much better.

>> No.3196221
File: 188 KB, 768x1024, 1399075697_3cd7cfc650_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So now check if you have talent or not. If you don't, better quit now. Literally, no reason to continue if you have zero talent. None!!

>> No.3196231


I looked her up. She is VERY good for her age.

>> No.3196235

Yes better than 100% of ic.. imagine in 5 years

>> No.3196238


I double checked and found out she is in fact 18, though.

>> No.3196239

yep but op's pic is when she was 16

>> No.3196246

>a FUCKING 16 years old girl painted this

>> No.3196247

I am the same. During high school i was always praised for my photorealistic copies that i'd spend weeks on. I soon realised I really didn't enjoy being a human photocopier and was only doing it for the praise from normies. It is really unfulfilling. Now I'm trying to create new ideas/visuals from my imagination

>> No.3196268

>damage control

>> No.3196322

i mean how it usually goes is that they just paint the same thing forever. same thing happened with that girl that was painting jesus. she never got any better.

thats the problem with "talent", is when someone calls you talented it just means you never improve and just paint the same thing your whole life. It's just that some people's baseline skill is higher than others.

talent is just that, a talent. It's a trick, a performance that they do with each painting. They paint the same thing every time and never get any better because they are lazy.

>> No.3196329

>never get any better

>> No.3196340

I don't normally post this, but OP is the faggiest of fags to ever grace this board. Observers should do themselves a favor and hide this abortion of a thread.

>> No.3196369

>You learn the same thing when drawing from real life.
no? dude you need to educate yourself on the vast number of art movements that happened after the classics. painting is far from just a copying exercise. but if you use a photo that's all it's reduced to.

>If you get commissioned to draw a fantasy city
nvm i'm talking to an illustrator. opinion discarded.

>> No.3196373

literally the same style of the garbage flooding DA since that overload game by blizzard was released.

>> No.3196402

Well that's all anyone draws anymore so get used to it.

>> No.3196417
File: 568 KB, 240x291, 1438099463668.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what a small world you live in.

>> No.3196612
File: 128 KB, 543x435, IMG_5937.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are such a faggot holy shit, you might actually, unironically suck so much penis that the semen is affecting your brain functions

>> No.3196820


>nvm i'm talking to an illustrator. opinion discarded.

Oh and looks like I'm talking to some amateur hack who has never actually worked in the field of art. You can go back to your Deviantart now.

>> No.3196825


>15 year old
> doodles

>> No.3196840
File: 613 KB, 596x594, Screen Shot 2017-11-06 at 01.31.39.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is also by her

>> No.3196863
File: 343 KB, 1920x1992, faiz-azhar-schoolu[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And a 15 y/o did this for a warm up.

>> No.3196869
File: 397 KB, 800x957, mural.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And this was done by a 10 year old during her school lunchbreak.

>> No.3196881

yeah I doubt that ;)

>> No.3196895


>> No.3196898


>> No.3196900

i can believe it

>> No.3196931

Huh, I didn't see that. Weird, his art actually showed up on a youtube video and I found him through that. Anyways, how the fuck does someone get so damn good at 15? Makes no sense to me. And it's just some random indonesian kid so I assume that he didn't use any of the countless resources on /ic/ like Loomis' books or 4k hi-def rips of Steve Huston and Vilppu. What's the secret?

>> No.3196934


Natural talent. Same way some are better at singing as kids than others. It gives you a headstart in your progress but it can stagnate like any skill you stop using, so talented kids still have to keep practising and drawing everyday like the rest of us.

>> No.3196941

As much as I don't like to believe it that's probably the most likely case. I don't get why most of /ic/ refuses to acknowledge talent and intuition. Guess I'll have to work 10x harder just to keep up with these lads.

>> No.3196951


>Guess I'll have to work 10x harder just to keep up with these lads.

You're on the wrong track if you think your own progress is a competition against others. Only your own progress matters. Thats why OP comes off as rather pathetic when he's moaning about some wunderkids in the other side of the world. Like my colleague in animation who worked 20 years as a trucker and finally decided to follow his dreams.

>> No.3196956

I feel ya. I didn't mean it in terms of catching up or surpassing them just in terms of my own progress. Like using these young guys as motivation to work harder and be the best that I can be.

>> No.3196962

>start a lot of "artistic" hobbies
>good at none of them
'k life.

>> No.3196989

to complain apparently

>> No.3196994

And how have you been learning? I've been drawing for more than a decade but I'm just now getting to a decent skill level because I spent most of those years learning the wrong things. This girl is probably really good at such a young age because she probably started when she was younger and has a better grasp of the fundamentals from learning the "right" things.

>> No.3196995
File: 2.23 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_0854.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made this tiger at 18. I can prove and post more art.

>> No.3196998

thats cute, you obviously lacked form and perspective,
just looks like any one els who would spend a lot of time on a drawing at that age

>> No.3197001

That's the way to do it.

>> No.3197002

>implying 16 y.o. white girls aren't gods


>> No.3197006
File: 3.33 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_1138.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More art. Still life same class older.

>> No.3197011

some say this anon is still in high school art class to this very day

>> No.3197041

To be fair, she gets private lessons by Renaud Louis-Servais, a guitar genius who probably non one can afford to get lessons from. Not to take away from her crazy ability to play the guitar, but the comparison doesn't really fit here.

>> No.3197059

>just the sheer volume demotivates you

>> No.3197072

>the style and quality varies so much from piece to piece

Pretty sure this kid is just plagiarizing shit. If not then good on them.

>> No.3197106

I tought the same, the anime stuff is kinda meh, the most impressive stuff are the backgrounds and I'm not sure if he paints them all by himself, for some pieces he said he has tried photobashing and for others he has said that he likes to take photos himself and paint over them, so I believe most of his backgrounds are either paintovers or photobash, he also seems to know how to do 3D modeling and in some cases he said he has painted over models he's made

>> No.3197163
File: 62 KB, 556x444, stock-photo-19915874-smug-man-raises-eyebrows.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>godlike without any effort
You and I both know that no one becomes a good artist without any effort, maybe she was just faster to grasp some of the concepts in her studies and it made sense to her more quickly.
I still struggle with perspective for fucks sake, some of us just learn slower than others or have a harder time getting the hang of certain things

>> No.3197172

Back in your bucket, crab. That's perfectly good work for an average high school student, and I guarantee that if he did have perfect form and perspective (a standard you literally made up right now posting, just to talk down to him), you'd find something else to shit on him for. You know I'm right, so knock it off.

This is a perfect example of why the "show your work" bullshit is just that: bullshit. It's weak ass non-talented crabs trying to find anything they can to shit on someone, especially when it's work they can't do.

>> No.3197175

>Anyways, how the fuck does someone get so damn good at 15?
Artist parent, passion, obvious talent showing up early, etc. Each artist is different. i was raised by an artist mother, so art was part of my life my entire childhood and teen years. So yeah, by 15 I was way more advanced in art than the others in my grade - I was placed in advanced art/independant study for art as a sophmore, because i was working at that level.

>> No.3197177


This. I used to be a child prodigy in singing, toured the country as the "best boy voice", getting diplomas and stipends and everything. But I never actually liked doing it and later on puberty gave me an excuse to not do it anymore. Nowadays I can't sing anymore at all, although I can still whistle, have a proper rhythm, "use stomach to produce noise" and all the mroe theoretic and practical stuff involving music.

I did love doing comics of my own as a kid but not until i ditched the singing for good did I actually start practising. Even natural-born talents can stagnate and get destroyed if you don't maintain them.

>> No.3197198

>That's perfectly good work for an average high school student
lol no

>> No.3197328

I've been painting since i was ~13 off and on (24 now).
At 13, my little sister only did really cringy drawings. At 16 she now outperforms drawing/painting from both references and without.

>Oh that's weird she must have more talent genes than his brother

OR its the fact that i draw maybe at most 4 hours a week and she draws 4 hours a day, reading all the literature she can find, seeking up local classes and constantly seeks criticism.

>> No.3197579

To add to your story, I think what is essential is this: Which is harder to admit:
a) I was too lazy and it's my fault that I am worse
b) The universe is set up in a way that I couldn't do anything to achieve the level I wanted

Props to you for naming it for what it is. I think it takes character to put it that way which is the main reason the talent thing is overvalued. We also like to de-humanize successful people by not acknowledging that they worked hard for it.

>> No.3197649

>It gives you a headstart in your progress but it can stagnate like any skill you stop using
Actually there's scientific proof that genetic talent becomes more and more important as you keep practicing and further contributes to the gap between someone who's decent at something and someone who's truly excellent


>[...] the idea that anyone can become an expert at most anything isn't scientifically defensible, and pretending otherwise is harmful to society and individuals.

>> No.3197662


Theres always going to be wonder children in all kinds of craft. But no industry is made solely of wunderkids. The "10,000 drawings"-rule is not a myth, you will legitimately become better at anything once you just practice long enough. The absolute world best will have that talent as that extra that distinguishes them from you but that doesn't mean you couldn't become an expert in your craft. Just because niggers have a genetic difference where they have more muscles in their legs than caucasians doesn't mean theres not white professional sportsmen and runners out there. Yes, Usain Bolt still wins because he's both an expert and has the natural talent advantage but not every sportsman has to be Usain Bolt to succeed.

I went to army and worked in a factory job and i got good on both simply because how many times I had to repeat the same actions over and over again to a point they got ingrained to my muscle-memory. I wasn't born a killer or factory worker. And talent alone will never get you anywhere if you don't work hard and practice anyway. Practice and hard work is sundae, while talent is the cherry on top.

>> No.3197672

>Practice and hard work is sundae, while talent is the cherry on top.
You haven't read the article because that's exactly the view it challenges

>> No.3197679


>You haven't read the article because that's exactly the view it challenges

I read it and it said the same thing. Talent is important because it incentivizes you to practice. So practice is still more important, no talented individual just started doing mozart-level simphonies straight out of coming out of their mothers cunts. But if you want to give excuses to your laziness and wallow in self-pity because some autistic kid in Germany can draw entire Berlin from memory by watching a photo for few seconds, then be my guest.

>> No.3197683

>Skimmed the first bit
>Turns into a passive aggressive bleeding vagina
Thanks for proving my point

>> No.3197686


>Hard work doesn't pay off folks, just go home!

Go back to Deviantart, Dobson.

>> No.3197691

I literally only linked a scientific article and you went on the defensive like someone stuck a cock shaped statue made of pepper in your stupid asshole.

>> No.3197701
File: 437 KB, 824x3500, Fourmonthsforonecommission.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


How's your commissions working out Dobson?

>> No.3197702

Ignore garbage bait. This guy literally comes out of the woodwork every other week and makes several threads about talent vs. practice to piss people off. Ignore him unless you want to catch AIDS

>> No.3197705
File: 630 KB, 500x281, lol.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the name of the magazine has the word 'scientific' in it, it has to be perfect and unassailable!

>> No.3197727

There's a difference between using a photo reference, and just straight-up duplicating a photo. The only skill duplication requires is the ability to use a paint brush. Painting like this teaches you nothing substantial.

>> No.3197736

Wow, I am amazed by how bad this is

>> No.3197827

Learning to handle a brush isn't a substantial skill to a beginner?

Don't ever teach.

>> No.3197828

Back in your bucket, crab.

>> No.3197830

It is, but that's even more fundamental than the fundamentals.

>> No.3197858

And fundamentals aren't a substantial skill?

Just admit you're wrong. You won't win this. You're wrong, get over it, get out of the crab bucket.

>> No.3197879

I didn't say that. All I mean is that you won't gain as much from learning to exactly recreate a photograph as you would actually learning how to paint a variety of things.

>> No.3197904 [DELETED] 
File: 111 KB, 900x1600, 16009731_1840547582891966_847268774_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some people are gifted a life wherein they, just like my sister, know that they will be fine even if an art career helps. But in any first world country you don't have to work more than 50 hour weeks, which leaves ~6 hours a day to train to become good at anything.
Now, to be fair, art is something i want to be good at, but not priority one. I've instead worked up my comp-sci skills which so far have treated me well and will give me more free time in the future.

And, sure, "Talent" does play a part. Some people, either through genetics or a strike of luck with their environment DO seem to naturally perform better in certain fields, even disregarding the savants.
But I have NEVER in my life seen someone TRULY try to do ANYTHING academical (i.e not physically demanding) and fail.
I do however meet alot of people who put in ~5h a week and claim they are trying, whilst I while i taught myself programming worked ~8h a day often missing out on sleep.

I've seen a guy going from loosing 3 limbs(hit by a train while drunk) to become a faster swimmer than me.
I've also seen a girl with pc make it through university not failing a exam. (My mother works with handicapped people, so i've made lots of friends in that department)

It makes me so mad that people are so lazy today that they honestly that even IF talent made 99% of artists that they therefore couldn't get there through work.

Have some of my relatively recent shitty art for comparison.

>> No.3197945

And I'm saying that's not true, at a beginner level. If anything, using a photo is better, because the student can focus less on making anything up, and focus entirely on technique. Most if not all beginner classes I took allowed photos for reference, when learning basic technique. The third assignment in the watercolor 101 class I took was to do a portrait from a photo, because the emphasis was rendering skin, not drawing a face. It also helped the teacher, because he could see what we were working from, to see where we were making mistakes. If we worked from a model (that came in later classes), we couldn't all haul them to class to work on them, or turn in the assignment.

There is no dispute that artists should only use their own photos for reference later on, but when learning, photos take the pressure off a student, and lets them focus on whatever they're trying to learn.

>> No.3197959

But that's the thing, the pic in OP is well beyond a beginner's skill level in technique. That particular artist isn't learning anything by doing that. All she's doing is essentially saying, "hey look, I know how to paint!" What do you think is going to happen when someone asks her to draw something that can't be photographed, like a dinosaur?

For an absolute beginner, yes photographs can be useful, but in most cases it's MORE useful to have them use a mirror and try to do a self portrait. And yes, even for a professional, using references as a tool is paramount to success. But again, using a reference is not the same as duplicating a photo. Say you want to draw a chicken. If you're using photo references correctly, when you've done a couple reference drawings - not complete paintings - you'll be able to draw a bunch of chickens, a bunch of different ways. If you're only doing direct copies, you will have painted that one chicken.

>> No.3197962

>What do you think is going to happen when someone asks her to draw something that can't be photographed, like a dinosaur?

She’ll base her painting on a render instead.

>> No.3197966

That just serves my point. She won't be making her own art, she's just replicating someone else's but bigger.

>> No.3197973

Okay, and?

>> No.3197977

Well, if you want to pay money for a glorified copy, be my guest.

>> No.3198656

16 years old...
a chinese kid can do it at 6 years old

>> No.3198750

No, she'll do what most artists do, and move on to models and her own reference later on. How much of a fucking neckbeard are you, that you cannot admit to being wrong? You move the goalposts so fast, you must have strapped wheels to them. Just because an artist uses a photo early on doesn't mean they'll use them forever. You're just playing the same old typical neckbeard ego bullshit that makes this forum a fucking cesspool. Any attempt at real education here is instantly shit on by you mooing blowhards. This isn't an art forum, this is a tiger trap for pathetic assholes like you to massage your feeble egos.

>> No.3199992

She probably gets laid more than you too, huh.

>> No.3200005

it's paint by numbers. plenty of highschoolers do that shit. she probably just had more time/support. probably used a grid for the drawing anyway.

>> No.3200017

>just know that this 16 year old isn't anyone to be worried about
that's just plain false, if she can do stuff like this at 16 she'll do even more at 20ish. And most companies will rather hire her tight young ass than yours. I gre up with multiple people who could draw like this so early, they are all very very skilled.

>> No.3201049
File: 1.73 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_0309.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this shits... not that good. i feel like i could have painted something like that if i just applied myself. but girls are in beast mode in highschool they forbid themselves from smoking pot and having sex due to fear of being socially ostracized so they do everything by the book and get straight A's and do extra-curriculars and get into state school and study marketing. in fact i did make a piece like this in art school and it got into the state show but didnt go far because the right eye wasnt finished. my point is you gotta find out what you want to say with your work. this neurotic sophomore is like saying with this piece (look at me am i just like everybody else? am i going to fit into the real world easier than you because i can do this? but what do YOU want to say to the world besides: "look im really really god. no seriously look ive been good since highschool. look at how go that eyebrow is" seriously op its bullshit work hard and make you vision come true while thing girls is probably laying back taking her sense of creativity for granted (hopefully not just said that to make you feel better) and here's a piece of my work just to prove i can actually draw

>> No.3201058

1 for 1 copying a reference really isn't hard to do.

>> No.3201080

Alright, let's settle this now.

Copying a reference isn't hard, but is still beyond the skills of most people on /ic/ especially with traditional. However, in order to even get that good she had to have had a teacher and enough money to afford tons of paints. So yes, she's better than a lot of /ic/ but only because she was obviously in a better environment with a lot of support and also had the motivation to keep going. If you give all those to someone young, how do you expect them to not succeed?

>> No.3201152

btw in both cases our talents were utilized to basically just copy and image. mines on a skateboard which may add another layer i guess, but the point is you gotta use your creativity to get excited enough about what youre doing to actually follow through. everyone has creativity its simple: this person i drew is wearing a scarf but you can make it complex : i drew a dragon being hatched out of a chicken egg and its adventure growing up on a farm but you need basics to describe these things and if this 16 yo girls painting deters you from wanting and doing that then you probably just dont want to be an artist

>> No.3201185

>t. guy who can't even copy a photo yet

>> No.3201187


What does "t." stand for?

>> No.3201188


it's a /lit/ meme I think it means "translation" or "translation summary of your post to what I think of it"

>> No.3201221

no yore rong

>> No.3201253

Congrats on evolving into a real artist

>> No.3201257

it's the same as saying "from" (as in the ending of a letter) you fucking idiot, it's from some european language

>> No.3201269

>talent vs. practice shit flinging
does no one actually just enjoy doing art because it's fun?

oh shit, now that I think about it that way so many things about art comms make sense now.

>> No.3201306

Finnish for "with regards" as if you were ending a letter

>> No.3201381

She didn't succeed you idiot her art is terrible

>> No.3201384
File: 2.73 MB, 1896x717, 67876.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shit looks fucking traced/bashed/whatever other buzzword there is for fake beyond reason

>> No.3201386

>her art is terrible
>better than 95% of /ic/
>She didn't succeed even though she made good gains in a decent amount of time
>Success only means making it to the top 1% of the artworld, not by being successful in learning or attempting photorealism
Some of you guys are so butthurt that you'll take any stretch to attack someone that makes you feel threatened.

>> No.3201421
File: 758 KB, 739x1000, november-9-2017-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im not threatened dude, she's not an artist, she's just some kid that copies photos and anime screenshots every once in a while.

Success only means making it to be the best artist on the planet in the time period you are born in, and critically being considered the best in any time period. not being the second best, or 500th best, THE best, historically. It's a game, it's not a particularly hard one, you just have to be born with an understanding of your place in the world, and be bored enough with everything made before your time and during your time.

pic related: I'm the greatest artist who's ever lived.

>> No.3201475

yeah thats because painting is easy

>> No.3201487

Your art does not have to look the same as the photo doofus, it can be used as a reference and inspiration, kind of like how you look at something and and use your small head cameras to capture the moving pictures for the same purpose. If all you're doing is a perfect recreation, color and all, than that's a different story, but photos aren't useless as you say.

>> No.3201489
File: 55 KB, 750x563, Toodeepforyou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Okay, a customer commissions you to draw him a Redface moray eel from the Indian Ocean. What do you do? Do you shrug and say "I can't draw that", or do you go look for photos and anatomy of that particular moray species and do what he asks?

Problem with crabs like you is that you think theres some strict moral code to "art" that you should not copy a photo or trace it, when really its only the result which matters when you're a professional in the field. Who the fuck cares if an artist had to look at photos of an eel to draw a fucking eel, as long as the piece itself is well done? Only reason modern abstract art is shit is because it looks like shit and the laziness is way too fucking apparent. The result is the only thing that matters.

>> No.3201507
File: 22 KB, 301x250, 1510241761138.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw i draw cartoons so i dont give one single shit about meme realism artwork

>> No.3201523


weak bait aside during my days in art academy there was quite a number of students who genuinely believed this. Saying shit like "Why do I have to learn to draw a skeleton! I'm never going to draw skeletons anyway!" before retreating back to their sketchbooks filled with smug Gorillaz-members fucking each other.

>> No.3201946


You sound like a rambling moron and her picture is better than your skateboard shit(which is good)

>> No.3201988

>Same, but you can find a crapton 16yo Mexican kids who draw like crazy in a cartoony style. Actually I think there's more of a gap between cartoon people than there is between realist painters, 'cause even decent realism looks passable while decent cartooning just falls flat on its face.

>> No.3201990

no idea how that ended up in greentext

>> No.3202424
File: 20 KB, 600x600, 1505376044040.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This be me tho

>> No.3202452

Photobash with two crudely drawn anime people and an instagram filter.

>> No.3202738
File: 1.40 MB, 1280x1600, Reina.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But anon, the child cartoonists will just be better than you instead

>Was drawn by a 13 year old

>> No.3203289

>it may be just a photo copy but still.
The absolute state of this board.

>> No.3205035

Shit, same. I could spend 40 hours on a fucking A3 pencil portrait. So glad I stopped that shit and started actually evolving my creativity and different skills. If someone had asked me to draw them that kind of portrait today, I'd say "Fuck no". It would bore the shit out of me...

>> No.3205043

Well, I can see they're a fan of Kronz, Wlop and some others... But the quality of their work is all over the place, it's pretty obvious when they've been trying to semi-copy someone's else and when they're trying to be original. But at least this kid is drawing a lot in the process and learning and evolving, so I ain't saying it's bad.