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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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2741158 No.2741158 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw keep browsing /ic/ instead of drawing
>tfw keep watch youtube videos on drawing instead of drawing
>tfw looking at random dA "progress" memes instead of drawing

how do I get discipline?

>> No.2741160


Don't browse /ic/
Don't watch YouTube videos on drawing instead of drawing
Don't look at random DA "progress" memes instead of drawing

Problem fixed.

>> No.2741161

notto gonna make it

>> No.2741162

I know what I have to do, what I asked is how I get the discipline to do it

>> No.2741163


1. Install uBlock Origin
2. Block 4chan, Youtube and DA


>> No.2741174
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>implying any advice you'll receive will actually help you

>> No.2741184

Go to a library to study. You can't access 4chins from the library and you'd be caught dead looking at questionable youtube vids from people passing by you.

>> No.2741189

if you have to force yourself to draw
might as well not draw

>> No.2741197

completely disable your acess to distractions. Download extensions like Stay Focused, which have a nuclear option to block all website for a certain amount of hours, or another option only allow 10 minutes of it. Just do something that doesn't so much involve you trusting yourself that you're not gonna cheat, but rather gives you no option at all to do it.

>> No.2741227

Take a calendar of some sort and before you go to sleep, mark whether you're satisfied with your progress for that day.
If you look at the calendar at the end of the week and see more crosses than not, you should cut your internet access to about 5 minutes a day until you see improvement. I bet you have a fuckhuge folder of saved art books, so now you'll at least pay them proper attention.

>> No.2741240


Yeah. That's a good work ethic.

You'd make a great teacher. Have you thought about looking into it?

>> No.2741251


At the end of today, when this thread is archived, no words will change who you are OP. Absolutely nothing will become different.

Gonna ask you something anyways though. Do you want to draw because you enjoy drawing? Because you truly want to draw, with no ulterior motives? Or do you just want to appear as an artist? Do you want to show your great work to others and have them worship and admire you? If someone promised you great skill without never having to work for it tomorrow, would you take it?

If you're only concerned with your image, then you're setting yourself up for failure. If you like the idea of being an artist, of being talented, then of course you'll never draw. You don't care about drawing itself, you care about whatever profits you can reap from it.

>> No.2741257

I like creating stuff. I like the idea of being an artist, too.

>> No.2741259

>If someone promised you great skill without never having to work for it tomorrow, would you take it?

Literally everyone would.

>> No.2741324

An object in motion stays in motion. An object at rest stays at rest.

Whatever you're planning to do tomorrow, do it now. Drawing tomorrow will be much easier if you draw today. Procrastinating tomorrow will be all too easy if you procrastinate today.

Whatever you want to be, be that person TODAY. What the fuck are you waiting for?

>> No.2741338

>An object in motion stays in motion
You never heard about friction, huh?

>> No.2741397

I met a cartoonist who could draw perfect pictures to illustrate his humorous thoughts instantly, in ink, and without blemish or miscue. That's when I realized he had drawn so many cartoons for so long that his hands had become muscle memory-ed. He didn't have to think about what he was doing and could give full thought to composition of his cartoons. practice does make perfect.

>> No.2741400

Stop being a lil bitch.

If that fails, just consciously build habits/routine and remove distractions from your life until those habits become ingrained.

For example, drawing for an hour a day. Yes, not much, but baby steps anon. Turn off the computer, the TV, throw on some music and draw. Takes 2 weeks for the habit to build.

>> No.2741401

>If someone promised you great skill without never having to work for it tomorrow, would you take it?

>> No.2741403

>uBlock Origin

It's leechblock, nigger.

>Oh, great anon, now I can watch videos without ads.

>> No.2741416

>If someone promised you great skill without never having to work for it tomorrow, would you take it?
Haha that's the stupidest shit ever. Don't you think someone who enjoyed drawing would take that offer? That'd just give them more time to get even better than they would normally be. Literally everyone would take that offer whether they enjoy drawing or not.

>> No.2741419

What if the great skill was in a different direction from your vision? Like your dream is to create cartoon fanart of Garfield, popular fat cat, but his great skill only makes you good at anime.

Weird 90s anime too, with the super deformed faces and shounen hair. But you can do it really well, you're just no closer to Garfield fanart. Your dreams are still just dreams.

And also if you say yes he shoves a finger up your ass. Just one finger. Do you still take the deal, anon? This guy is a genie, shouldn't fuck with him.

>> No.2741430


What do you want to learn? Arms? Legs? Heads? Eyes? Birds? ... what?

Do you want to learn how to draw X?

That's fine, you'll draw X. You will draw X enough times you'll have no problems afterwards. You can learn how to draw almost anything if you draw it one hundred times.

Let's start drawing one hundred X. Don't worry. It's easier than what you think.


Grab your pen and paper.

You ready?

Come on and grab your goddamn pen.

Ready yet?

Holy shit anon, why it takes you so much to grap pen and paper?

I hope you're ready yet.

Are you ready?

Fine. That's nice. Now put your pen on the paper and do this:

Draw one X.

Come on, draw. Stop reading and draw. There's no need to use references for now. Just draw.

I told you to draw. Put your eyes on the paper and draw, dammit. It doesn't matter if it looks like shit. Nobody will notice.

Just draw, ok?


I hope you finished drawing that one X.

Ok. You have drawn one X.

And... that's it. You have finished already. You can get out and have a nice day. You only needed to draw one X for now.

What? Do you feel it's not enough? Ok, feel free to continue drawing and count up to one hundred. When you feel tired just stop. You will finish later.

Ok, anon. When are you going to draw next? Come on. Will it be in the morning or the evening?

Not enough. Set the specific hour. Say out loud:

At (hour chosen) I wil continue drawing one hundred Xs.

I can't hear you.


That's nice.

But where are you going to draw? In your room? In the bus? In the park? In the bathroom?

will you draw at (chosen location)?

Write everything down. Don't forget you have to draw 100 Xs on (chosen location) at (chosen hour). But write that! Write the whole sentence, come on!

>I will continue drawing 100 Xs on (chosen location) at (chosen hour).

Write that on paper, anon.

Have you finished yet? Ok. See you next time.

>> No.2741432
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>that image

>> No.2741993

today I drew nothing
good night, /ic/

>> No.2741996

Pathetic. Stop browsing this board until you earn a place in it.

>> No.2742015

not gonna make it

>> No.2742237

you have to train yourself to make good decisions rather than seeking instant gratification.

this training has to encompass your entire life. no more hitting the snooze button and throwing off your schedule for 10 minutes of comfy. no more eating the entire bag of chips just because they're there. no more browsing /ic/ instead of drawing.

when a thought pops into your head you have about 5 seconds to act on it before it falls by the wayside. your problem is that you always act on unproductive thoughts and you never act on productive thoughts. you need to flip that. when the thought enters your head to draw, you need to start drawing within 5 seconds. when the thought enters your head to watch youtube you need to hold out and stay focused for the next 5 seconds.

this is a really hard thing to develop as an adult.

>> No.2742258


Lucky for you I have a two step program guaranteed to help you become more disciplined:

Step 1: Stop waiting for some miracle fix, as if someone's going to wave a magic wand or tell you this deep wisdom you've never heard before that will imbue you with discipline.
Step 2: Knowing that, get off your fucking ass and do it yourself.

It's all about habits my nigga.

>> No.2742276

JUST fucking start drawing for a minute or two and you may not feel bothered to stop for at least a while. That's it.

>> No.2742289 [DELETED] 
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>me 3 years ago
>oh no it will take me so long to get good
>I am afraid of wasting my time doing the wrong exercises
>oh no it will take me months to just go through this beginners book
>I wish I could draw good right now
>distract myself with imageboards

And now I regret not starting then... still it depresses me to think about how long it will take me to get good in the BEST CASE

>> No.2742297

turn off your computer/internet, no games, no tv. all you're allowed to do is draw. do that for a couple days at least, you'll be drawing before the first day is over out of boredom.
Keep them off unless you need to check something, if you do turn those back on then set a timer. Do that until you have self control.

Works for me at least. I disconnect everything for about a month at least once a year to 'reset' my focus.
It gets me drawing and reading a lot more which I like

>> No.2742301 [DELETED] 

>turn off your computer/internet, no games, no tv. all you're allowed to do is draw.

I did that and just ended up lying in bed and staring at the ceiling. I just find it so hard to work. I get tired very quickly. Concentrating literally hurts my head.

>> No.2744336

When you get distracted and want to do other things. Tell yourself you'll draw for 10 minutes before you do it. This will help you get into the mode.