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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 214 KB, 600x848, 59311319_p1_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2702995 No.2702995 [Reply] [Original]

This guy makes 4K a month on patreon. With about 5 illustrations a month, each one with facial and other hentai variations.

How are you doing on patreon?

Tips on building a fanbase?

>> No.2703013


literally who

>> No.2703026

It's "Fuya" on patreon

>> No.2703034
File: 34 KB, 394x353, 1440373388557.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her neck is completely dislodged from her torso.

>> No.2703057

and more, that's why I'm trying to figure out how to become ''popular'' on patreon

>> No.2703099
File: 1007 KB, 273x429, 1473790201888.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will never understand how and why these people become so successful.

His style generic. He doesn't draw anything special, at all. Yet he makes $4000 a month? I mean I realize that you can make that much with a high school diploma, but it's the amount of people giving that much money that boggles me.

Quality of art aside, I don't understand how this guy found that many people to give him that much money consistently. I just don't understand the type of person that would give his own money away, month by month, for something he could find by searching "hentai" in google. For free.

>> No.2703108

draw in a style that people like.

>> No.2703109

This guy knows more about anatomy than you do. You don't suddenly "forget" to connect your neck to your ribcage, it's a very conscious (albeit impossible) stylistic decision. If you look at the position of the shoulders relative to the ribcage, it's ridiculous as well (ribcage is actually what's fucked in this pic, shoulder girdle relative to neck is fine), but all of this works together to give the character ridiculous tatas.

Whether breaking anatomy for style is something good or not is a very subjective viewpoint (look at pre-raphaelites), but it does take skill to do it in an appealing manner. Which is why this guy makes 4K on patreon and you don't.

>> No.2703111

>Aw man, this anatomy is so bad and the style's boring, how am I supposed to cum to this??

>> No.2703120

My point is you can find free stuff of worse, the same or better quality, why would you pay money?

>> No.2703121


Why do you care what one does with their wallet?

>> No.2703124

Why are you constantly avoiding the question?

>> No.2703126


Since when did unique/different/creative equal succesful and popular? A generic art style is a popular art style. I've only glanced at this person's gallery but my first impression is that he is productive and extremely consistent. He has decent drawing and rendering skills. Nothing spectacular, but it gets the job done... Sort of like Mc Donald's.

>> No.2703136


because they like what he's putting down and hope maybe one day they can request their waifu to be drawn in his style

>> No.2703141


I can break my anatomy if I have to, I just want to know how to become popular. Idk how to promote my shit, I just made a facebook page

>> No.2703149

>be a guy liking the hentai mango animu shit
>jack off to some cool shit
>randomly looked up who did it
>he have patreon
>I have few bucks a month to spend instead of buyg taco bell
>why not donate

How hard is it to understand that it is combination of good craft (for hentai shit) and accident that can give you good fanbase.

its like finding some kbsucure band on spotify that have 2000. Listens and you like it so much and you an to support them that you buy eir bandcamp album.

People are generous when they can be

>> No.2703153


Stream, make friends on twitter, if you play any mmos see if you can pick up a commission or two. or leave your cave and go find an art contest/call for artists in your area and do that. whatever you choose, concisistency is important for building and maintaining a fanbase

>> No.2703156

Just give up, you're retarded

>> No.2703157

>draw fanart (of current and popular shows/games)
>draw popular themes (hot grills, fantasy, whatever goes)
>stick to one style (artists that venture into too many themes never end up penetrating any market)
>emulate "key" aspects of artists popular in your genre (i.e. animu grills have clean shiny rendering, popular concept art has rough brush strokes, etc. - this doesn't mean you have to literally copy a single artist)
>learn how to tag/publish efficiently on your platform (follow other blogs on tumblr, post on groups on dA, etc.)

I can't give you advice specific to any single platform, but that's all the general advice that I know.

>> No.2703159

I will make it, anon
I will make it.

>> No.2703160

>People are generous when they can be

On the internets. Yes.

>> No.2703179

>you can find free stuff of worse, the same or better quality, why would you pay money?

Why is it so difficult for some people do understand how Patreon works? No one is PAYING him money on Patreon. He has a fanbase and this fanbase supports him by throwing a couple of bucks into his tip jar, which ends up being 4000$ at the end of the month.

>> No.2703185

>no one is paying him money
>they're just giving him money

average crowdfunding tard

>> No.2703200 [DELETED] 

You don't understand how successful paterons work. Successful patreons are way more than just a tip jar. You have obligations and promises to uphold. Tip jar patreons hardly bring in money and generally not successful. You have to be making a product for it to get bigger. The artist of OP has a product (his pin-up art) and his patreons take part in deciding who gets drawn via character polls. The character choices are always from well known or recent/trending anime/games franchises. That's why his patreon is successful. He's involving his audience since his main product is just pin-up art.

>> No.2703206


I think what he means is that when it comes to these people getting large payouts some morons treat it like a salary, as if someone is cutting him a check for a gross sum of money when in reality it's just an accumulation of small tips and donations.

It's really not that mindboggling that a fan might toss $10 towards a thing they like, especially if there's a donation reward. Now multiply that fan by 463 and suddenly you've got 4.6k.

I see people do this shit on Twitch to people streaming videogames, $5 a month, often subbing to various people for some fucking chat emotes and a little button next to their name. Is it surprising that people would do the same for artists they like?

>> No.2703213
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>> No.2703219

This graph makes no sense. How can someone with barely any knowledge have 100% confidence.

>> No.2703224

The irony here is that your comment is literally an example of dk

>> No.2703226


>> No.2703233
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>> No.2703237

Payment is the exchange of value for goods or services. Patronage is not payment, you illiterate fuck.

>> No.2703243
File: 110 KB, 570x800, CqYtyDFUMAAl6Ci.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anatomy is everything

>> No.2703257

You need to learn how to polish a turd. Find a recognizable, popular style, and learn how to ink and color similar to how the professionals do it in that style. If you do that, you can get away with some really shitty anatomy. Character design and personality can also make people ignore a lot of mistakes.
On the opposite end of the scale, well drawn art with perfect anatomy can often fail to gather an audience because it lacks personality or a proper theme, or because the style is unappealing.

>> No.2703270

Can you post example of art with perfect anatomy? Without any models/refs. I'm curious.

>> No.2703275

Stop posting dk meme in every thread. I know you got bored of neuroplasticity but get a hobby.
You're embarrassingly fucking stupid, stop breathing.
I know what that moron is saying, but nobody was arguing what he has a problem with.

>> No.2703282

>literal moron

>> No.2703319
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>> No.2703321

You didn't even do the construction right, try again /beg/

>> No.2703324


You sure showed him.

>> No.2703325

>dat 15 stabilizer
Add chiken scratches

>> No.2703331

lol k

sorry i insulted your patreon

>> No.2703333

I can't even tell whom you're making fun of

>> No.2703335
File: 342 KB, 153x113, 1475145076772.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You didn't even do the construction right

>> No.2703490

Furry porn get you the same results and you dont even have to be that 'good'.

>> No.2703496


I think you've just got observation bias - you've seen a few of those super successful shitty fur artists and you're ignoring the literally thousands of other shitty furry artists that aren't successful.

/ic/ does this a lot, I don't get how they delude themselves of this weird narrative of "oh I could be super popular if I sold out I just don't want to ;^)"

>> No.2703502


it's really just a matter of being chinese

>> No.2703512

>"oh I could be super popular if I sold out I just don't want to ;^)"
It's true to some extent. Think about it from their perspective.

>> No.2703578

>I don't get how they delude themselves of this weird narrative of "oh I could be super popular if I sold out I just don't want to ;^)"

Fanartists and 'cheats' like Sakami and Kr0n are laughing at these guys as they sit on their piles of cash

>> No.2703632


Sakimi and Kr0n are by FAR the exception, though. They're just so high profile that they come up all the fucking time until idiots think their experience is actually normal.

I'm telling you, for every Sakimi there's a thousand Sakimi wannabes who aren't making a fraction of the cash she's making.

People go "it's easy if you just draw x y or z" but completely fail to factor in crucial elements like marketing, being in the right place at the right time, and luck. It's not as simple as "draw fanart and the barrels of money will come to you too ;^) we can all be sakimichan brother!"

If you look at artist patreons you'll see a few people - both skilled and unskilled - at the top and a lot of people - both skilled and unskilled - at the bottom.

>> No.2703639


How does Sakimi cheat?
It's not the best anatomy but I have some of her videos, she uses a lot of the "transform" tool, but the coloring looks pleasing... i think Sakimi is legit. Sakimi makes around 30K.

>> No.2703644

>for every Sakimi there's a thousand Sakimi wannabes who aren't making a fraction of the cash she's making.
I know it's easy to generalize, but really. Is there really? I honestly don't think there is. Probably not even a hundred.

>> No.2703648

>another shitty drama /gossip thread that should get banned.

If you sit all day complainting about much money someone else makes and not spend time drawing, you will never get better.

Some people like anime. Cry me a river and bulid a bridge over it.

>> No.2703652


>> No.2703653

Well it's still kind of ridiculous to make this dosh off a fan art. I think the cheat part applied more to Kr0n.

But with that in mind. her nsfw anatomy is fucking pathetic. Makes you wonder how a person who was born with both tits and a pussy can be so bad at drawing them.

>> No.2703655

>I'm telling you, for every Sakimi there's a thousand Sakimi wannabes who aren't making a fraction of the cash she's making.
Why do people not understand this?

It's the same thing with streaming. Look at LoL on twitch. One guy with 50% of the viewers. Another four with 10% each. Then the 10% divided among hundreds (HUNDREDS) of streamers trying to make it. Do you really think the first guy is just so god damn amazing and nobody else can do what he does? Fuck no. He got noticed. Now he's at the top and everyone else can get fucked. When you go to twitch, you see his name first. Now when you think of twitch, you think of him. You don't think of "jake997" with 3 viewers on the 19th page. And nobody ever will.

>> No.2703658

Its a figure of speech man

>> No.2703660

Because understanding that means accepting that you won't make it since you have to be a special snowflake.

>> No.2703662

>/ic/ does this a lot, I don't get how they delude themselves of this weird narrative of "oh I could be super popular if I sold out I just don't want to ;^)"
>draw stuff I like
>12-16 notes
>draw spiderman and deadpool kissing
>2000 notes

Yeah man I probably just got instantly good for that one drawing then went back to being total shit :^)

>> No.2703664

But what if you meant it literally

>> No.2703665


I don't mean people literally copying Sakimi's art so much as artists going "I'm gonna get rich on patreon selling fanart!"

>> No.2703667

Those people aren't your true fans, they're the IP's fans. There's a difference and you have to learn it or else you'll never make it.

>> No.2703670

I mean, yeah you probably won't make it to superstardom, but at the same time I doubt sakimi thought she was a sure thing. I don't think anyone aside from Kanye and Elton John expect to make it big. And with that being said, there are plenty of positions under stardom where you can live comfortably and successfully in the art world.

>> No.2703672


Now take those notes to the bank and swap them out for money - what's the exchange rate nowadays? - and I'll maybe you'll have an argument.

>> No.2703681

>Those people aren't your true fans, they're the IP's fans.
You mean they are the literal definition of ALL people who consume fan art? You really think sakimi would not tank if she suddenly chose to dedicate herself to her own stuff?

>> No.2703682

>>ITT: Anons throwing a fit over how much money someone makes instead of trying to improve.

>> No.2703684

>there are plenty of positions under stardom where you can live comfortably and successfully in the art world.
Can we provide some proof for this so people will believe us? How much is "plenty" anyways?

>> No.2703688
File: 1.42 MB, 229x258, 1472642677138.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not drawing on one monitor while shitposting on the other
Never gonna make it

>> No.2703703

Improving is just one part of the game, anon. This is why you won't make it. You have to learn about the market i.e. how much money someone makes too to make it.

>> No.2703706

It's different for Sakimi when she converted those fans to her true fans though.

>> No.2703707

>making it means making money
Won't make it.

>> No.2703713

>caring about defining making it
Please, no.

>> No.2703723
File: 120 KB, 570x750, tumblr_oehamwROxe1rtc2n0o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Explain why I see a lot japanese/chinese artists who draw non fanart and got 3k+ retweets/notes, or 100000 scores on pixiv?

>> No.2703724

They might be big names in the community. They're the 5% or even 10% because if you search any tag, you'll see all the amateur stuff.

>> No.2703739

not complaining, I admire what they accomplished, I want to be sucessful too.

>> No.2703770

>>Whether breaking anatomy for style is something good or not is a very subjective viewpoint (look at pre-raphaelites), but it does take skill to do it in an appealing manner. Which is why this guy makes 4K on patreon and you don't.

>>I can break my anatomy if I have to, I just want to know how to become popular. Idk how to promote my shit, I just made a facebook page

is this nigga for real?

>> No.2703772

You think it's easy to promote shit? Do tell, anon.

>> No.2703779
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>> No.2703782

I am behind 3333 layers of irony

>> No.2703794


>In particular, the group objected to the influence ofSir Joshua Reynolds, founder of the EnglishRoyal Academy of Arts, whom they called "Sir Sloshua".

These guys kek

>> No.2703805
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(You) >>2703779 (You) (You)
itt i found out that mathamaticians are dumbassess hue hue hue cuz dey din no nuffin about dat 2+2 fucking plebs

>> No.2703897

am I the only person who gets this? or is it true you guys are a bunch of retards?

>> No.2703907

By "breaking" I mean stylizing, like oversized titties animu girls etc

I don't have a patreon yet, I used to be the average popular kid during the livejournal era, sold small oil paintings on LJ and another art site I now forgot the name. Then I quit art because college. But why does it matter...? And aren't we all trying? Why so discouraging? Now I'm making some social media sites to post my new art now, but tips for a shortcut would be nice. Can't simply post on FB and wait for people to appear out of nowhere. I had nice feedback with groups, but my stuff is NSFW for facebook. I will make it anyway, anon.

>> No.2703912
File: 74 KB, 1024x1024, AyLMAO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2703917

You need to learn how to draw first. Try /beg/ threads

>> No.2703921

I totally forgot all about that, god damn it.

>> No.2703924

You are probably the only person who doesn't get it, yes.

The idea is that people upon learning the basics of a skill think they are far far better than they are because they don't comprehend the amount they don't know.

>> No.2703950 [DELETED] 

nice reading comprehension tard
that is a different anon btw

>> No.2703954

nice reading comprehension
that is a different anon btw

>> No.2703956

I seen deleted post

>> No.2703965

gj anon!!!
u got cookie!!!! :D

>> No.2703972
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>> No.2703975

Either guaranteed replies or Americuck.

>> No.2703979

cucky me

>> No.2704185 [DELETED] 

i couldn't even begin to fathom wasting my time making a patreon.

i'd have to pay you to even look at my art its that bad.

>> No.2704186 [DELETED] 

no anon, its sakimichan that you should complain about. she makes WAY too damn much for shit that isn't much better, fucking 26k a month.

jesus fuck

>> No.2704187

It's at 27.7k now.
Looking at all those comments sakimichan makes.
Do you think she's happy?

>> No.2704195 [DELETED] 

no anon
that isn't true at fucking all
even when i knew nothing i knew one thing, i was shit

i still am shit and that will never fucking go away

>> No.2704222

Post your work.
I won't laugh.

>> No.2705273

>i still am shit and that will never fucking go away
boo hoo

>> No.2705275

But you're wrong, you don't actually know at all.

>> No.2705659

What is your current skill in suicide?
Increase your confidence today m8

>> No.2705669

>literally dunning-kruger
Having 0 skill would mean he has high confidence, and getting more skillful would reveal his lack of knowledge and decrease his his confidence, you retard.
How hard is this to understand?

>> No.2705676
File: 164 KB, 694x585, 1475620468313 (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Improve your reading comprehension anon
He knew he's always shit
here's a visual

>> No.2705694

No one ever said that every shit tier beginner suffers from Dunning Kruger. It's merely a well known phenomenon that's most common among shit tier beginners.

Ironically, the fact that you somehow with 100% confidence assume that your own experience is the only one that matters and everyone else is wrong about it, in a way IS textbook Dunning Kruger Effect.

>> No.2705696
File: 23 KB, 600x338, Mount-stupid-–-Borgerlyst.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Having 0 skill would mean he has high confidence, and getting more skillful would reveal his lack of knowledge and decrease his confidence
>getting more skillful would reveal his lack of knowledge
Ok, that's the thing I needed to know about this shit graph. Not him and I can reason with that for the graph, but that;
>Having 0 skill would mean he has high confidence
Is what I call bullshit. If that was remotely true, why does every faggot that goes "I can't draw for shit, YOU'RE the "talented" one sempai~ :3" exist? It should be more like that "mount stupid" pic instead as a base, pic related.

>> No.2705698

It is boring and unimmersive.

>> No.2705704

>why does every faggot that goes "I can't draw for shit, YOU'RE the "talented" one sempai~ :3" exist?

Because those people have self-awareness. D-K is a phenomenon applied to those who lack it.

>> No.2705710
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>I can make 4,000 a month drawing whatever the shit I want as long as people can fap to it

I always wanted to do this Patreon thing, sometimes it just seems too good to be true. I see loads of popular artists who barely make scraps off of it.

>> No.2705712

For fuck's sake man, Dunning Kruger is not a condition everyone suffers from. It's not the norm. MOST people in fact don't suffer from it.

>> No.2705718

I thought it was being thrown around in this thread like it was, but if so, then nvm what I said.

>> No.2705720

>Throw a shitload of fanart.
>"Lol at Spongeberb"
>Throw more fanart.
>"Wow U so skilled"
>Throw fanart while throwing your personal stuff.
>"Wow ur art is amazing"
>"T-thanks, here's my patreon, I'll show you how I do this".
>Enjoy being submerged in pleb bux.

>> No.2705745

>Is what I call bullshit. If that was remotely true, why does every faggot that goes "I can't draw for shit, YOU'RE the "talented" one sempai~ :3" exist? It should be more like that "mount stupid" pic instead as a base, pic related.
You are literally displaying the 0 knowledge DK effect right here. Like, you can't be this unaware.

>> No.2705839


I know anatomy well enough to draw this but I can't think of poses like this without looking at images of sexy grills. Does anyone have something I can do to get the "sexy grill pose" down?

>> No.2705900

>I know anatomy well enough
Good. Can you draw?

>> No.2705902


yes. i can't imagine those poses, though. i wasn't training for figure drawing, just a-pose and t-pose for character design. i don't know where to begin for exotic poses.

>> No.2705905

I don't think you can draw, anon. Really

>> No.2705908


The average nsfw artist learns this by imitating other lewd stuff. Eventually they have memorized certain poses and angles. Visual library, same as with anything.

>> No.2705923


whatever you say.


ok, i figuredit was the same thing. since that's the case, i know where to go, thanks anon.

>> No.2706060

Gesture knowledge /= ability to draw
If you were an actual artist, you'd know that.

>> No.2706088


>> No.2706091
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>> No.2706092

>i don't know where to begin for exotic poses
There's no way you're good at drawing if you can't visualize an exaggerated tilt or twist of the spine. Calling your bullshit.

>> No.2706101


I have Aphantasia or at least close to it. I can't see shit in my head, but I can still illustrate. I had to memorize measurements in order to draw what I'm thinking about. As someone who didn't learn anatomy through figure drawing, I never learned those wonky poses you painters and animators spent time learning.

>> No.2706686

gravure idols

>> No.2706688

>literally ''I don't have talent'' tier excuses
memory drawing anon, train it and you`ll ''cure'' your ''aphantasia''

>> No.2706696

>memorize measurements
That's called perspective and proportions anon, we all do that shit.

>> No.2706922
File: 8 KB, 250x247, umustbenew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate to say it anons, but fan service brings in paying fans. People want to see big, shiny wet squishy tits about to pop out of their containers. Bonus points if the tits are bigger than her head. You provide this for your fans and you will succeed, indeed. It was never about the art.... :(

>> No.2710301

Most of that "free" shit was paid for somewhere down the line. Whether its a comiket doujin someone ripped apart and scanned or someone's patreon illustrations. It doesn't matter if the art style isn't "gud". People don't just pay based on the technical merit of an artists' works. They pay because they find something unique or compelling about it and want to see more of it. Why do you suppose comic books as a medium got popular in the first place? There are people out there putting down $20 for cassette copies of their favorite indie band's newest album. I don't get it, but I don't waste my time thinking about it either. Stop crying about how someone else is making more money than you think they deserve and make more art, faggot.

>> No.2711060

can we have more of his work ?
it is little to judge his art on so little.

>> No.2711086


>> No.2711092
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I can try to explain it even though I really don't think I have a full well thought out explanation.

The main key of doing sexy is to exaggerate. You see in OP's example that the spine of a human being with that type of posture would be completely fucked, and I think that has a lot of potential for laying the groundwork for this type of stuff.

There is also the shoulders and hips which you want to always keep either the same width, or bring out the hips even more. People love dem child bearin' hips.

The rest is just posing and perspective which if you already have done a lot of work with anatomy then learn a fluid way to pose your models so that it really shows off the goods. You have tons of porn you can reference for that.

Now if you need some fat, muscle, and tissue tutorials you're going to need to study the physics and get down each area of the body, which I'm just going to assume you know how to do.

Pic somewhat related

>> No.2711458

i like you, i like you

>> No.2711470

i cant tell you how he does it, but what can say is that he needs loomis

>> No.2711489
File: 156 KB, 270x270, 1445910363319.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am fucking tired of this shit. Could you guys even one time admit that some fucko drawing weird porn on patreon is still probably better artist than you?

>> No.2711493

you tell it as a joke but sometimes when I'm watching porn I end up unconsciously analyzing the body, muscles, proportions and movement of the actors

it kills my boners real quick

>> No.2711511

Now I just want to say to a group of people struggling with anatomy:

"Y'all mutha fuckas need LOOMIS"

>> No.2711512

Same here, it's incredibly sad how before I didn't give a shit, but now I have my dick in one hand and the other resting my chin in a thoughtful manner.

>> No.2711551

I want to make money of nsfw but Im not willing to draw past nudity.... damn it whats my other options?

>> No.2711572

You can make money doing pin-ups. You don't have to draw hardcore.

>> No.2712178
File: 1.14 MB, 2094x1364, 00 Stepsheet-Yagyuu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guy is actually good. Not godlike but his stuff is really "attractive". I got two of his packs

>> No.2712186
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>> No.2712188
File: 1.62 MB, 1200x1696, 1474671879541.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2712195

Thx for the feast.

>> No.2712420


Care to share those packs?

>> No.2712432

yep, sketches look really fresh and nice. I don't know many artists who carry over this expressiveness to cleaned up work. Guess it takes another level of knowledge and practice to produce the details our brains fill in.

>> No.2712433

>shading is different from lighting

>> No.2712452

literally what

>> No.2712926

Diffuse vs specular vs ambient. They should all interact but it's much easier to take shortcuts and paint them in separate layers. For anime styled art it looks good enough and works well for pinups

>> No.2712941

it looks like carry-over from digital 3d rendering
>use multiply for shadows
>use add for lights
You could go as far as using different layers for each light source. (Don't forget about absorption for bounce lighting and translucency)


>> No.2713191
File: 1.21 MB, 1200x1696, 1465375605020.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got from porn boards but here are the links



>> No.2714737
File: 1.63 MB, 659x609, 1448192136826.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>now 28k
Holy fucking shit, just 2 months with that paycheck would pay my rent and internet for years.

>> No.2714763

do you want to know how I know you are under 18?