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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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2151773 No.2151773 [Reply] [Original]

Motivation thread for my art peeps

>> No.2151776

What motivates you to get up and work on yourself anon?

>> No.2151777
File: 487 KB, 1350x566, Alla Prima - Richard Schmid pg. 3; Schmid on 'Talent'.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2151780


Anon, I love you

>> No.2151806

I wish I was told this in middle school. I always thought people good at art were innately good at it, so I gave up thinking I'd never be able to draw.

>> No.2151872

i really love the book this is from and think everybody should read it

>> No.2151899


I've never called anyone talented.

I find it insulting when it is directed towards me

>> No.2151900


I used to think like that, but then I realized to most normies its just a way of saying someone's skilled in a particular field.

Theres no inherent disrespect or denial of hardwork behind it. Chill.

>> No.2152132

Great post

>> No.2152153

What a stupid quote. Not only is it misunderstanding what people mean when they say those things (hint: they are complimenting you), it also is putting down others. I don't think anything that reinforces your ego by belittling others and making them seem inferior is a healthy way of looking at things or growing as a person or artist.

>> No.2152154


>> No.2152272
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The problem with motivation is that it's great for /fit/ like things but when applied to /ic/ it can be a bad thing.
When you're motivated you get excited and pumped up and you wanna do things fast and do em hard. With art you've gotta be analytical and calm. If you're all jumpy you're just gonna make a mess.
I say that if you can control your motivation and turn it into calm discipline then you're golden

>> No.2152277

They just want to compliment you and make you feel a bit better about yourself, you bitter asshole. Non-artists don't put any hidden implied insults in calling anyone talented or gifted. Holy fuck.

>> No.2152282

This should be the op

This is like that petty, passive-aggressive and self-aggrandizing crap you see girls post on facebook.

>> No.2152287

I just pretend i'm Vegeta training under super gravity, preparing for Goku to come back.

>> No.2152302


Most cringy thread I've ever seen on this board. OP, please kill yourself. Autistic faggot

>> No.2152321

y-you too

but seriously, op is nice. we need motivation

>> No.2152350
File: 307 KB, 667x572, LOOMIS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, we don't. Motivation is for faggots, it's too unreliable and fragile.

If you wan't to git gud, then get some discipline and good habits instead.

>> No.2152358

It's not just people like you that this affects, I was told from Primary that I was naturally gifted in the arts - thereby giving me an inflated sense of self-worth and the thought process of a fatty. I didn't even try to improve through learning and practice, I drew for the heck of it thinking I'd just become something. By Secondary I was still a head above the rest of the class, which only cemented it further. I only learnt I wasn't some re-incarnation of Da Vinci when I left school, immersed myself in the art world and realized 'Oh wait, I am pretty fucking terrible actually'.

I still wonder how my art teacher passed her exams...

>> No.2152359

Motivation is temporary, sure. Everyone should know that. But having it to give you a little push isn't harming anyone (unless you're in the threads frequently, then you're a CUNT)

>> No.2152391

The secret is in balance
You can't succeed with just motivation and you can't succeed with just discipline you need both
The motivation motivates the discipline and the discipline leads to success therefore being motivating

>> No.2152395
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>> No.2152401

>I know the secret how to git gud
Post your art.
>inb4 excuses

>> No.2152419


Have you never heard of expressive artwork, it can be done fast and with a lot of emotion and it can look great.

>> No.2152425


OP here, going top start off by saying I legitimately am autistic so, low blow dude.
But you guys have a point. The quote I used was one that was told to me by a teacher about four years ago in high school, he seemed to understand that it felt belittling to be called talented or naturally gifted. Like in some way people believed that there was more luck than skill involved.
At the time it worked to motivate me but I never really questioned it. I think he was basically trying to say what >>2151777 said, but didn't really have the words to do it.

But yeah I started this thread off pretty shit... Sorry bout that.

TL:DR - OP backpedals basically.

>> No.2152550

While I appreciate the effort in trying to correct yourself, you must realize that he was baiting.
Don't reply to bait, just let the post die.

>> No.2152556


>>2151777 here, it's all good nigga

>> No.2152861

for sale in the foyer, whoeverthefuck. thanks.

>> No.2153259

Trips confirms it as the truth

>> No.2153284

>I legitimately am autistic so, low blow dude
>low blow

>implying he even knew you were legitimately autistic to begin with
Your autism is strong bro

>> No.2153286
File: 225 KB, 1920x1080, motivation marcaur.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2153288
File: 95 KB, 900x506, motivation5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2154061


>Not understanding humor

And I thought I had assburgers

>> No.2154165

Yeah, though I personally make sure to tell others that they're skilled rather than talented, it should be fairly obvious that most people are using the words interchangeably. Getting upset about it is silly unless you know that the person is actually trying to be rude.

>> No.2154173

>Motivation is for faggots, it's too unreliable and fragile.
You wouldn't do anything if it weren't for motivation. What motivates you to shitpost?

>> No.2156365

lucky trips confirm

>> No.2157325
