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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 246 KB, 945x690, titan_forge_by_velinov-d38dcxn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1906604 No.1906604[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Ever notice how sometimes you can tell an artist is a guy or a girl through their art style/subject? Or sometimes even the description they give to their art?

Male artist example: pic related

Female artist example: typical tumblr style cartoons

>> No.1906605


>> No.1906606

The arm hair nearly always gives it away... that or when they make the chicks ugly as sin, or draw in the Bee and Puppycat style.

>> No.1906607

Ever notice how sometimes you can tell an artist is a white guy or a black guy through their art style/subject? Or sometimes even the description they give to their art?

>> No.1906608

This is 4chan so I didn't feel the need to make a disclaimer, but I was about to write that these are just generalizations.
I always love it when I "read" one gender from the art but it turns out the artist is the opposite gender in real life. So interesting.

>> No.1906609

ever notice how you can tell an artist is shitty or good just on how they post on /ic/?

>> No.1906611

Ok, but this is 4chan, so what do you think will happen next?

>> No.1906612

>mfw this actually is a thing

>> No.1906618

You get it.
>The arm hair nearly always gives it away
>draw in the Bee and Puppycat style
It's the little things... I don't judge in any way, for the record, it's just interesting because most males don't tend towards that sort of thing.

Another thing, drawings of yaoi or bishounen are dead giveaways.
Sure, a guy could be drawing that sort of thing in theory, but it always turns out the artist is female when I check. I dunno...

>> No.1906620

Mediocre male drawings tend to look a bit more autistic than those of mediocre females. Rigid lines or dead eyes. While female mediocre drawings seem to express emotion better through the eyes or something, and are just "brighter." Surely I can't be the only one who noticed this.

>> No.1906625


>> No.1906632

>mfw offended female artists in this thread

I'm not trying to be sexist.

Pic related was drawn by a girl.

Subject matter-wise, though (tech, female body on display) and style-wise (detailed, realism digital painting), along with the toned-down colors, I
assumed the artist was male.

You're telling me no one else assumes gender from art?

>> No.1906633
File: 70 KB, 704x515, 046_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man or woman?
>Implying you won't reverse image search before making a fool of yourself because you're an overgeneralizing faggot.

>> No.1906634
File: 100 KB, 753x1062, cyberwhite_by_hellstern-d49fj5x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dumb me, forgot the pic.

>> No.1906635

Every artist that I respect and 99% of all artists in the influence map thread are male. What does that say about female artists? Just curious.

>> No.1906636
File: 414 KB, 567x769, male or female.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice game!

>> No.1906637

What does that say about you?

>> No.1906638

Gay male.

>> No.1906639
File: 451 KB, 1800x1333, oldschool.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

again, male or female?

>> No.1906640

Can you elaborate what makes you respect them?
I feel sort of similar to you. Though some women do make some good art I consider "masculine" or "serious" and I respect them as artists too, while some dude can be out there drawing tumblrina stuff and I wouldn't respect him just based on his sex.

>> No.1906641

it says dragons

>> No.1906642

Absolutely nothing. It's specific to many individuals posting in the thread, and I don't go out of my way to pick only male artists. I just haven't found any female artists that I like. You probably think I'm some kind of sexist. What does that say about you?

>> No.1906643

Fuck em, it's their choice to be offended. If they can't handle it they can go cry to tumblr...

then again, I suppose moot did attract that audience with the way he handled a certain incident recently. Oh well.

>> No.1906644
File: 254 KB, 1600x818, ROSA BONHEUR - La labourage nivermais, le sombrage - Óleo sobre tela - 134 x 260 - Museu d'Orsay - 1849.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not much, says a lot about the tastes of the particular demographic that forms the base of /ic/ though

>> No.1906646

Male obviously.

>> No.1906647
File: 232 KB, 667x1000, morf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It says absolutley nothing.

Hey, can't we just make a female artist appreciation thread?

>> No.1906649

Or, from a non sexist viewpoint, maybe there is simply a larger pool of talented male artists to choose from? That would make sense right?

>> No.1906650

Yep, this is how it is. Maybe female artists need to step it up.

Male, but kind of sad, because all old masters were male. It's like females didn't even get a chance.

>> No.1906651

wrong: arist is Artemisa Gentileschi

>> No.1906652
File: 1.59 MB, 976x1200, judith.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1906653

It's Caravaggio actually. Gentileschi's found here:

>> No.1906654

You know you have to change the filename, otherwise the answer is obvious?

>> No.1906655

Something about that piece just lacks depth... Especially around the skull area.

Just had a thought... Maybe art differences are due to spacial-perception differences between male and female brains?
Females that draw like dudes may be autistic.

>> No.1906656

ok, thanks

>> No.1906658

>Artemisa Gentileschi
The shitty one is by Artemisa. Score one for the home team?

>> No.1906660
File: 225 KB, 723x1106, still_learning_by_moosekated-d88exrm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pulled fresh from dA's front page. What do you think, guys? Male or female amateur?

>> No.1906661

Male, Male, Female, Female.

>> No.1906662

The only difference between make and female eyes is that females can see a wider rance of orange-yellow.

>> No.1906663

Fuck you /ic/.
I'm leaving.

>> No.1906664

Males draw buff dudes or guys that look like them

females draw skinny guys and edgy females.

>> No.1906665


>> No.1906666

The face doesn't look shojo enough, I'm going with male.

>> No.1906667

What the fuck.
I can't even tell if you're trolling or just this ignorant.

>> No.1906669


>> No.1906670
File: 687 KB, 1024x788, on_the_fifth_day__snowmen____by_axlwisp-d88es2d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about this one, guys?

It's actually a girl artist. D'oh!
It's easy to overthink these things... Just go with your gut feeling.

Tell me how I'm being ignorant? Ignorant of what exactly?

>> No.1906671

Guys tend to draw more realistic concept art type stuff. Some women draw those too but I'll say most are tumblr-ish kind of drawing. I also have the feeling that women artists usually aren't straight... Or at least the ones into anime/games/comics.

>> No.1906672
File: 6 KB, 180x153, 1488227_10152690158477788_599636036_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fine... like we need you.

>> No.1906673

Fuck, now I'm psyching myself out... Guy?

>> No.1906674

Artemisia's version is superior

>> No.1906675
File: 3.77 MB, 2144x2914, male_or_female_artist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guess and say why you think so.

>> No.1906676
File: 88 KB, 1329x1536, T07702_10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1906677

I think a lot of it has to do with how privileged females have made themselves in western society, and their easy mode life. What kind of female artists are amazing? Chinese, Asians, people who have been instilled by harsh family values of Asian culture and possibly lived a less privileged lifestyle, and possibly fat neckbeard(less) females who stay inside all day listening to Linkin Park. Many men realize no one really loves us, and we don't have pussies to get us shit, so we have to apply ourselves and bleed until we see real results. I want to go more in depth with this, but whatever, you get the idea.

>> No.1906678

Go with your gut feeling, or what you recognize from first glance...
If you feel psyched out it may help to say why you think so.

>> No.1906679

You're only fooling yourself. It looks like a retarded paraplegic made it.

>> No.1906680
File: 136 KB, 1063x704, NYC13503.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1906682

>dat cat

>> No.1906683

Those females artists that incorporate a lot of those types of curves into their pieces/sketches... I respect that, because I sure as fuck am not able to produce something like that, and I think a lot of male artists are the same way. That's at least something female artists have got going for them.

>> No.1906685

Correct. Some stuff simply stands out. No male would ever draw that cat...

>> No.1906686
File: 4.00 MB, 3957x4134, Boy_with_a_Basket_of_Fruit-Caravaggio_(1593).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By comparison, Caravaggio's is stiff, has no weight, and the blood is less realistic. I think Caravaggio is a better artist overall, but Artemisia wins this round

>> No.1906688

By the way, do you have a source? I rather like that art.

>> No.1906689
File: 134 KB, 912x640, Peeters_-_Still_Life_with_Cheeses,_Almonds_and_Pretzels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1906690

The artist's name is actually painted on the girl's arm. :3
I didn't realize that until after I uploaded it.
You can search her up on dA.

>> No.1906691
File: 107 KB, 976x700, Zinaida-Serebriakova-Reclining-Nude-2-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1906692



>> No.1906693

She has nice art. Also she is from Ukraine.

>> No.1906694
File: 60 KB, 514x777, Fairfield-Porter-de-Kooning-1954.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1906695
File: 257 KB, 800x1101, 8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1906696
File: 172 KB, 800x793, Beim-Denein-Sharpening-the-Scythe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1906697

The fuck it is.
And neither understands how blood works.

>> No.1906698
File: 1002 KB, 1169x1309, Takashi-murakami.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1906700

another excellent assessment of the formal qualities lacking in artemisia's version of Judith and Holofernes.

>> No.1906701
File: 411 KB, 1024x1721, yucky_by_pukkott-d88er7q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

M/F artist?

What's your point?
I already said some female artists draw things that may look "male." See >>1906632.

>> No.1906702
File: 1.28 MB, 912x1280, IMG_0476.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1906703

The point is not really privilege, there are a lot of rich artists with amazing work.
The point is caring, without passion you won't do enough art to get good. And most women are very fickle with their passion, while most men are stupidly autistic with theirs. That's why tumblr is filled with rednose cutesy fanart from the latest trend from females, and academic shit that's terrible in every aspect except for one little thing from males.

>> No.1906704


>> No.1906705

the point, very clearly, is you actually can't tell the gender of the artist just by looking at the work, and your designations of 'male' and 'female' styles are mostly arbitrary.

>> No.1906706

>tfw Kinu Nishimura has to be a futanari

It ain't no grill

>> No.1906707


>> No.1906708
File: 1.20 MB, 1640x1967, yuskavage3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1906710
File: 62 KB, 729x1096, im_so_shy_by_ultramanultrax-d88ezko.png.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know, you'd think "colorful cute flowers, definitely female" but I wondered about why they were arranged to look like a sphere? That's interesting. Why were the colors messed with so much from flower to flower? Why do the flowers look like generic clip-art in the first place? Really inorganic in shape.
Then, "why would some girl bother with this sort of design? It's not really reaching the goal of being a visually appealing piece in a kawaii way, it looks more like it's proving some kind of point. It's almost scary."
I looked it up and it turns out it's done by a dude, and I'm not surprised.

There's more to it than gender stereotypes, you know...

>> No.1906712
File: 98 KB, 1092x813, The_Courtyard_of_the_Old_Residency_in_Munich_-_Adolf_Hitler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1906713

I'm right a lot of the time, though. That's what interested me enough to make this thread.
Some pieces are definitely more ambiguous than others, you've got that correct.

>> No.1906714

what made you feel the artist was male?

>> No.1906715

The funny thing is that I am a guy, and I would probably detail the cat like that as well. Also, I love flowers, and big beautiful eyes. One day I will be the ambiguous artist of the century.

>> No.1906717

It's not that the cat is detailed, it just has a really derpy, unrealistic expression.

Definitely go for it if you can do it, man! If I found out that the artist of that piece was male, that's just...almost incredible.

>> No.1906720
File: 172 KB, 565x800, cornellagraphicartist6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I literally wrote a paragraph why in the post that you replied to.
I just imagine some art being done by a certain gender and it is sometimes strange. I turn to assuming the gender it would be least strange for.
For example, these comics. The artist's name is Joan so that led me to believe it was a woman, and everything felt so cold and humorous in a cruel way in these comics, so I thought it was some really deranged (yet badass) lady making this sort of stuff. Found out it was a dude named Joan (Catalan name) and it suddenly was a whole lot less weird and more expected (but I also stopped finding the artist as interesting).

>> No.1906721


>> No.1906726

I can tell that this thread was made by and is being enjoyed by Americucks.

>> No.1906728

Yes, sometimes I've seen some art and thought to myself "somehow, this looks feminine" and then found out that the artist was indeed female. I've often wondered what makes art look like it was done by a girl, and beyond particular subject matters, it's very difficult to define, though it's felt often... It's similar with different regions of the world, sometimes it's fun to look at some art and be able to say "oh, this is probably Russian, by how it's rendered", though the influence there can be more obvious than with gender.
It's a very interesting thing to think about for sure.

>> No.1906731
File: 88 KB, 560x753, Evelyn-De-Morgan-The-Field-of-the-Slain-e1347634792618.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found this picture to be pretty interesting, made by a female.

>> No.1906734

color variety is male? spheres are male? you need to be more explicit.

>> No.1906736

Just wanted to throw out there I grew up with a love for anime, games, and comics. I started drawing because i remember Toonami and saturday morning cartoons doing little displays of fanart. Totally love dick tho.
Im a girl and im not offended.

>> No.1906738


>> No.1906739

He means the content, the cruel humor, not the graphic itself.

>> No.1906742

Females draw some of the best porn.

>> No.1906743

Lets see your Sailor Moon drawings. Come on, I know you have em.

>> No.1906745

we're talking about two completely different things.

>> No.1906747

>dem cuts
>dem bunny ears to signify 'hidden' cute side

>> No.1906748

Gay male furries also draw some amazing porn.

>> No.1906749

i know right

>> No.1906750

I'm going with male because of the focus on the eyes and lips.

>> No.1906752

I explained as best as I could in my two posts, but I guess a big part of it is like what >>1906728 mentioned. Just a feeling you get.
Tbf, I could also have been influenced by the "the gender you expect this to be...is in actuality the opposite!!!" art posts that people have been putting here. That flower pic still doesn't have the "done by a female" aesthetic to me though.

>> No.1906753

Nah, its worse than that my friend.

>> No.1906755

It's by a grill.

Btw, this one was done by a guy.

>> No.1906757

I'm so sorry

>> No.1906758
File: 858 KB, 1428x3408, KP_14-11-02_Jep Original.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What gender does my shitty art imply

>> No.1906759

The shape and proportions of the eyes look very much drawn by a female. Those features are very reminiscent of those seen in many of those ball-jointed dolls.

>> No.1906760

Zoophile xenomorph.

>> No.1906761

*of the eyes _and mouth_, I meant to say

>> No.1906763

>those breasts
>those fucking thighs

Male or lesbian, lololol

For some reason I'm imagining you as a girl though. But I can't think of a reason why.

>> No.1906764

>It's by a grill.
Then I guess my imaginary gf isn't the only chick who is into emaciated hungry skellies.

Also cancer patients.

>> No.1906765
File: 198 KB, 500x734, samantha wall.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol, this thread.
Pic related and the following

>> No.1906767

>Male artist example: pic related
That's not a shitty eechi drawing of an anime/vidya character grill attached, OP.

>> No.1906768

That one's interesting, and the initial impression I get is very gender neutral.

>> No.1906769

>implying only males draw shitty ecchi anime/vidya character grill fan art
Check your privilege.

>> No.1906770
File: 1.97 MB, 2592x1944, 1338889131254.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1906771

>implying only females draw typical tumblr style cartoons
Check your privilege first b4 u burn it :^)

>> No.1906772

if that isn't made by a girl then my name will be fuckface mc gee.

it's basically a fucking balljoint doll.

>> No.1906773
File: 995 KB, 1050x1007, caitlin hackett.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1906775

I wanted to search up males who draw that sort of thing but I didn't know how I would find such a rarity. Link me please?
>inb4 "male identified" tumblr girls

>> No.1906776

You're pretty dense, you know that?

>> No.1906777

I rather like that one.

>> No.1906778
File: 578 KB, 800x564, untitled_stephaniebrown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the best part is that I was drawing very similar characters without having heard of audrey kawasaki. I wanted to draw cute girls and I'm a mostly straight male. Anyway, gotta go. I'll come see what else has been posted after work

>> No.1906779

That one's awesome but the multiple random eyes just ruin the piece for me. They're just randomly...there. There's a certain disconnect that I get from that general area.

>> No.1906780
File: 339 KB, 1280x965, tumblr_l808fwAWB71qzhl9e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1906781

no, i haven't op. any time i've assumed over the years i've been wrong half the time, so i've just stopped assuming at this point. as a side, i'm not particularly interested in their gender when i could be being interested in their art instead. gender lines have gotten pretty blurred these days and it feels individuals can express themselves a bit more honestly this way; interests and styles picked up have more opportunity to cross, so i liked being wrong back when i thought i could tell people's gender from their art.

>> No.1906782
File: 339 KB, 1152x864, 0473.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i spit my tea.
eeeeh no sailor moon (been awhile) but heres what i got today. some fun before studies.
I do it because i enjoy it and i want to be better at it. sorry for the shit post.

>> No.1906786

I envy people who feel comfortable with traditional art. As a digital artist, I often feel like traditional is just much cooler as a medium. I really need to get a sketchbook someday and get off of this distraction machine.

>> No.1906787

how hard is it to buy pencil and paper, wtf man.

>> No.1906788

Oh, this is that lilo and stitch guy!

can't really say I care too much for his faces, specially the curved-noseridge animals.

>> No.1906789

>Hitler's art

Was he that much of a pussy?

>> No.1906791
File: 89 KB, 479x655, 4517030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you tell me

>> No.1906793

doo eet
I feel you (pffft, im not comfortable at all). I really need to stop being a bitch and get into shading and mean it. not just implying areas of black.
I dabbled in digital art for a bit in hs. I still have a tablet but i feel that getting the basics down traditionally helps.
I get art supplies every year for christmas. feeling like i need to make use of them.

>> No.1906794

Lmao, I thought, "Hey, that looks a lot like Hitler's art." Turns out it actually is. Nice.

>> No.1906796

I can tell you're a total grill by how you type. :^)

>> No.1906797

Sounds like you really enjoy art.
I wish you the best in your art journey.

I know rite? I was thinking I should wait until I can draw cool stuff to get a sketchbook, but drawing on real paper does feel much better.

>> No.1906802

Thank you
I frequently lurk about here. I like to do the study threads when they pop up. gathered some good resources too. Ive gotten a lot of help from you d/ic/ks. So thank you
Id like to see how far i can go.

>> No.1906805

Most of the characters are looking to the side. Is he scared of change?

>> No.1906814
File: 154 KB, 826x968, short_hair_by_fukari-d88b6j1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

M/F? :D

>> No.1906828

I'm guessing femail

>> No.1906830

4 years ago, phobs.

found out it was a gay guy, not a chick, it made a lot of sense. then every 13 year old girl artist ripped it off since.

>> No.1906831
File: 91 KB, 425x600, metztucanabronzeclothsxbscb_by_phobebh-d88f5w2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1906833

i believe one thing male artists do is avoid drawing the bulge of the crotch in their male characters. Females do very cosmetic things with their lady characters

>> No.1906837
File: 179 KB, 604x346, copic_by_khaoskai-d85csmg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Checked out his art, it does look like a girl's art. Is it true that he came up with that style first?

Also, Khaoskai. He draws a lot of feminine-male yaoi type scenes. Was so sure it was a girl at first, but nope.

>> No.1906838

>true that he came up with that style first?

probably not, but it's up in the air, since he was drawing that style before tumblr existed. Also i guess it is just a rip off of disney/pixar leyendecker/rockwell style.

If anything he and kate beaton are the biggest unknown trendsetters on the planet.

>> No.1906839

that's true actually, I don't think I've ever been able to put it into words though, I wonder why that is, females seem to have no problem with stylisation and appeal

>> No.1906840

>search up Kate Beaton
>see tumblr in all the art

>> No.1906847

Jesus Christ, some of you guys are true idiots. Grasping at goddamn straws.

>oh the shading is lacking here, must be a grill
>dudes draw hard manry stuff, grills draw soft

the easiest way to tell gender is by the content of what they draw. And even then, you can't be 100% sure.

fetish art with exaggerated body parts = guy drew it
skinny bodies with big eyes and some fashion = grill drew it.

When you look beyond tumblr and deviantart and see the artists doing CG god tier artwork, the genders are almost impossible to tell.

>> No.1906851

Not that guy, but:
-rigid, solid lines
-geometrical shapes
-flat colors clashing with each other
It has a certain solidness to it in general, and that solidness is usually found in male artists' stuff.

>> No.1906852

This has always annoyed me.

If you're going to include the breasts on characters, do it on the guy's crotch, man. On skin-tight clothing it looks stupid as hell.

>> No.1906857

>moot did attract that audience with the way he handled a certain incident recently
Not even new, just have no idea what you're talking about.
He's banned talking about any efamous cosplayers in /cgl/ though, which was the point of the board.

>> No.1906860

He's a /v/tard crying about his Gamurgate meta bullshit, most likely.

>> No.1906886

It's female because sweets.
>trying to disprove generalizations with exceptions

>> No.1906891


>> No.1906893

Girl, because no messy texture brushes.

>> No.1906895
File: 168 KB, 765x990, squigly_by_jenzee-d6t3m5k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jen zee's art looks pretty girly_ish

>> No.1906898

Trick questions, person who made it is no artist.

>> No.1906900

Its ssays dude will draw what dudes find appealing girls draw what they find apealing. Content creators for yyour demographic are similar to you. That extends to gender

>> No.1906902
File: 329 KB, 1800x767, Laurel_D_Austin-Blizzard_Lords_of_War-Kargath_03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1906903

Ever notice how OP is a faggot?

>> No.1906905

several times daily on /ic/

>> No.1906927

Man, I fucking love LD Austin's art

>> No.1906976

I can usually tell if it's a female artist. The only time i'm wrong is when it's a gay guy instead.

>> No.1906981
File: 179 KB, 857x630, 1371754693534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao, I'm traditional and I thought the opposite. I was certain that we were a dying breed in the new digital world. Pic not quite related, although male artist (it's digital)

>> No.1906985
File: 100 KB, 500x500, tumblr_n4swxkAnEO1qzws5wo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

back from work, bumping with my future qt artist gf. We'll just draw all the time :)

>> No.1906986

chicks always draw chicks reading books or holding tea or coffy. They think that this shows how smart and cute they are but its just retarded at this point.

>> No.1906989

CG art is pretty conformist in general, that's why. There are fields besides CG art where you can still tell what the gender is.

>> No.1906991
File: 187 KB, 647x1000, tumblr_nfdo7rAfKh1rkq0ruo6_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1906993
File: 296 KB, 1800x767, Laurel_D_Austin-Blizzard_Lords_of_War-Kargath_05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Gee, I wonder which one of those was drawn by a girl and which one by a guy!

>> No.1906995

at least someone paid him to do it. nobody pays for smug girls holding tea.

>> No.1906997

I'm gonna pay someone to do it just to prove you wrong.

>> No.1906998

it wont count.

>> No.1907001

I want to fuck those orcs

>> No.1907002

says the guy who just got proven wrong :^)

>> No.1907003

men always draw dudes holding ridiculous swords or axes. I think they do it to look professional and cool but its just retarded at this point.

>> No.1907004

it wont count. Paying for the sake of argument is not the same as genuine pay for stupid chick draws. You didnt prove anything. Just because guys do orcs doing orc things dosent disprove chicks doing stupid tea things.

>> No.1907006

don't forget the cool armour of death and destruction.

>> No.1907007

except people want to see those kind of things in video games for example. Nobody wants to see pretenious girl holding tea.

>> No.1907008

top kek at taking this seriously, jokes on you! I don't have money!

>> No.1907009

Reminds me of something Sinix did

>> No.1907010

im no fun allowed type of guy.

>> No.1907011

Except 100000 times better

>> No.1907017

naw, come on, this fucking thread stinks.

OF COURSE there are differences between men's art and women's art, it's because men and women have a different way of thinking. They have differences in the things that interest them. Women tend to like making calming, appealing art with calming and beautiful subjects (Pretty girls, animals, nice scenery, nicer themes) while men are more competetive and have a thing for more contrast and drama (more movement, rougher stuff, fights, monsters, robots)
This is not a WOMEN LIKE CUTE and BOYS LIKE GROSS statement, there's just a fucking tendency towards this stuff that only idiots deny.

Women and men can be just as good at art if they try. Shitty art comes from both sides. Stupid habits emerge from both sides.

Both styles have shared audiences and also some specialized audiences that enjoy their work. Why the fuck not.

>> No.1907020

You see alot of what you call "girl art" or "pretentious girls holding tea" on Book covers, in graphic novels and on Tshirts and cookbooks. Just because you like vidya better does not mean the other stuff is all worthless. Girly art has its audience, and maly art has too. Why not let people have what they enjoy?

>> No.1907021

I like to do cute things but when i try to do cute it looks way diffrent then girls cute picture.

>> No.1907023

because I dont like it. What I dont liek is bad.

>> No.1907049

I dont know much about female vs male artists, but ive noticed modern female artists try to make things more politically correct, while male artists will make things more aesthetically pleasing.
Which is better depends on the person. I dont like broken anatomy but if it looks good, then sure. I also do like racial diversity but most tumblrettes overdo it.

>> No.1907056

Are you an idiot? The girl holding the coffe was drawn by Jin Kim, a male concept artist working for Disney. He was paid to draw it. The orc doing orc things was drawn by a girl. That was the whole point, that your generalization is fucking stupid and there are plenty of girls drawing things that don't fit into your "chicks always draw this and that" argument.

>> No.1907058

why the fuck does it matter if a drawing was done by a guy or a gal. In the end it's just an image on canvas or on my screen and anything that went on behind its construction, if the person was fat or fit, guy or gal, gorgeous or deformed is pretty moot.

>> No.1907061

I don't even understand why you're butthurt?

Cause you're nonbinary and feel left out?

>> No.1907063
File: 130 KB, 500x689, tumblr_mziyopwHn21rlf3lko2_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But there is more skill involved in tumblr style cartoons than in the painting you posted.

>> No.1907067
File: 453 KB, 963x1029, 1376049608164.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think his name is xhxix

>> No.1907069

Women put political correctness over aesthetics? Are you including any female artists in this survey of yours that AREN'T sjw from tumblr?

>> No.1907076
File: 61 KB, 473x720, Chris_Sanders_18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You best not be insulting Chris Sanders.

>> No.1907083

I've thought about this too and women's art tends to be very soft and painless. Looking at it there's nothing cutting or edgy about it. Even with stuff that's supposed to be disturbing or gross it somehow still looks pleasant. Steven Universe is the perfect example of something looking really soft and feminine.

>> No.1907092

I like her work, but fuck. One trick Pony if I've ever seen one.

>> No.1907097
File: 106 KB, 889x1200, BsP_PBfIQAAo4Oc.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I wanted to search up males who draw that sort of thing but I didn't know how I would find such a rarity.

What? Pretty much every Disney concept artist or CalArts graduate draws "tumblr style". Cory Loftis, Randy Bishop, Jason Kim, Jin Kim, Shiyoon Kim, Sergi Brosa just to name a few off the top of my head. you really are ignorant as fuck.

>> No.1907100

animation style =/= tumblr style

>> No.1907101

>animation style

>> No.1907103

Drawings that lend themselves well to being animated. It's pretty simple.

>> No.1907104
File: 994 KB, 600x1029, hrimgunnr_kolfrost__of_the_north_ridge_kolfrosts_by_shoomlah-d6rfeo3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, seems to me that it's always only tumblr style when it's bad and fits the person's argument.

>> No.1907107

Animation is a medium with many different styles.

>> No.1907108

That's tumblr style because it's cutesy soft trendy shit. There's no extreme proportion changes or design elements. It's supposed to be stylized but her proportions are pretty much real life proportions.

>> No.1907116

But what they all have in common is that they can be easily animated. It's not that they draw it that way to look good necessarily, they HAVE to draw it that way.

>> No.1907118
File: 1.99 MB, 450x364, 1412525615496.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have examples of female artists that are naturally good at perspective? From my experience females have usually excelled in design but failed at adding any believable sense of depth/perspective. (and the opposite for males) I read that they lack the intuitive spatial awareness of a male brain but are much better at judging colors.

>> No.1907126

he isn't immune to criticism. And the most common and most true criticism he gets is about his faces. it's unique, but it doesn't make it universally appealing. After the croods he lost the respect he gained from lilo and stitch for a grand total of zero. i dont even save his pictures any more

>> No.1907130

not the other person going with guy but I'd say guy just because fetish artists on da are almost always guys while girls on that website are usually doing shitty fanart of something for tweens

>> No.1907133
File: 843 KB, 1268x750, ploughinginthenivernais.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1907136
File: 1.44 MB, 3004x4184, Labille-Guiard,_Self-portrait_with_two_pupils.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1907140

Please stop talking, you are embarassing yourself with your stupidity and lack of artistic knowledge.

>> No.1907142
File: 885 KB, 2000x1713, Disney_Big_Hero_6_Concept_Art_MHC_04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one is "naturally" good at perspective. Everyone has to learn and exercise it.

Helen Chen and Victoria Ying do a lot of architectural concept art for Disney so they seem to be pretty good at it.

>> No.1907146
File: 1.05 MB, 599x839, the_first_avatar_by_nargyle-d6vst4n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah no. "soft and cute" was never even remotely the definition of tumblr style. You are talking out of your ass and you just proved that you are making the definition of tumblr style up as you go for whatever fits your narrative.

Also, there is lots of great shape design going on in that image, you seem to be a really fucking bad artist if you can't see that.

>> No.1907149
File: 1.23 MB, 1800x1175, brownscomb2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1907150

Call it talent or whatever but I know some people that naturally get perspective without it being explained to them.
You're just saying that because you probably had a hard time understanding it.

>> No.1907152

>I know some people that naturally get perspective without it being explained to them.
And how do you know that? Scientific studies? A single anecdotal experience from freshman drawing class?

>> No.1907153


Because some people are always more naturally inclined towards specific activities than others.

>> No.1907155

I highly doubt that person is as good at perspective as someone who properly learnt it.

>> No.1907157

Sure, they are naturally inclined to get it faster and improve faster at it while exercising. No one ever got truly good at anything without putting effort into it. Stop dreaming, kid.

>> No.1907163

its just what ive noticed, faggot.
and no, not just sjw. women dont like to offend or make people feel bad. they wont push boundaries.

>> No.1907167

Ur brekkists gf aren't you

Or maybe bf I dunno.

>> No.1907169

Not exactly sure what you're talking about, I don't know of many commercial artists who try to "push boundaries", male or female. If you are talking about postmodern crap, then there are plenty of women doing all kinds of retarded, offensive and shocking shit.

>> No.1907172

what if she's on ic? :P
My ex bf recognised my work when I showed him first time, said he saw it on /ic and I was like hurrduuhrr

>> No.1907174

>showing your work to anyone you know

classic noob mistake fucker

>> No.1907188
File: 46 KB, 500x500, mayo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is mayonnaise a gender?

>> No.1907189


on tumblr it is

>> No.1907192
File: 249 KB, 1600x900, 1411704833642.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, girlfriend.

>> No.1907193
File: 241 KB, 1000x703, 06839d9d053a11c68274d3feceb33ac3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know there are straight women into this type stuff. I have this friend that loves Batman, Play Station, and watches Anime/Reads Manga. She's straight, she has a boyfriend and all. She also repudiates Yuri and avoids fan-service-heavy stuff. However she is the exception, the other female otaku I've seen watch yuri and like 'shipping together' (or whatever it is called) Marcie and PB from AT. They seem too watch ecchi stuff and I'm afraid is for the same reason a guy would watch that (boobs!!) some even have 'male' displayed as their gender in their profiles although I know them IRL and know they are women.

Also... You love dick... that's fine but it wouldn't surprise me if you happened to like pussy as well (at least be curious about it)
pic unrelated

>> No.1907196

Yeah no, there's nothing new going on in her drawings. It's pretty much a safer version of last airbender. That's what tumblr style is, the most boring mix of whatever's popular at the time. I can spot the style from a mile away.

>> No.1907199

pff duud try not showing ur work to the person u in relationship in, as why not if it's decent, and maybe u get connections? And I go to art school so ppl gonna see ur work at artschools

>> No.1907208
File: 138 KB, 749x1067, spark_by_algenpfleger-d3alztg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, i've noticed that sometimes that's the case. It's just natural, as there are fundamental differences is men and women, there will ofcourse be a difference in the way they see the world and convey a story/emotion.

It's not always the case though, far from it.

>> No.1907216

mayonnaise makes me so hot

>> No.1907235
File: 94 KB, 671x367, 1326164173252.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yeah you said you like dick and i'm dissappointed, im just gonna pretend like you cater to my fetishes and world view anyway, it's more convenient for me

>> No.1907239
File: 98 KB, 753x1200, ByNI0sOIcAIIeT0.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> That's what tumblr style is,

Uh, no that's not what tumblr style is you fucking retard. There are thousands of different stylistic approaches that could be described as "safe and popular at the moment". Once again, you prove that you have no real definition for what tumblr style actually is and it will always be what currently fits your argument.

>> No.1907245

Umm anyone wanna tell me why he lost the respecct that he had gained?

>> No.1907252


That anon is talking out of his ass. The Croods didn't even end up using his character designs nor his trademark style. Sanders is an amazing storyboard artist and that's what he's respected for the most in the industry.

>> No.1907262

What a pointless thread.

>> No.1907266
File: 7 KB, 216x432, 1620371_674377902605680_794988927_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

interesting theory

>> No.1907270

calm down bro

>> No.1907292
File: 1.76 MB, 400x206, 51.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone here sounds mighty salty about his life

>> No.1907295

His style was originally heavily inspired by the artstyle used in the W.I.T.C.H. comics, but it grew its own way over time.

>> No.1907296
File: 62 KB, 450x545, diegokoi02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hmm, some of the followers I got on the tumblr thread were cute. Pls b n South East USA

>> No.1907302

People like Lofis and the guy who did the big hero 6 character designs aren't tumblr style, they're the ones who Tumblr is copying. That drawing is actually original and caricatured. Not tumblr style.

>> No.1907311

Really? That's pretty interesting.

>> No.1907316
File: 1.06 MB, 990x1409, 39c0ce0be98e10252cd2c1ffcbeaef85.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People copy what they like, and teenagers especially are in a stage where they yet have to develop their own way.
There are a lot of dudes on tumblr who draw in that same 'infamous' tumblr artstyle. Tumblr just has more female users overall. In the same way there are a lot of weeb artists on dA of either gender. Concept art just concerns women less overall, with exception of the ones who both draw and are into games.
Its also true that on average women are more perceptive of colour and men tend to be better at spatial rotation, but it's also been shown that the difference diminishes once they start doing activities that relate to those areas (like vidya and art). Of course that doesn't mean that there aren't other physical and cultural differences that influence the outcome, but it's really not that black and white.

>> No.1907319

I'm kind of glad to see how many people in this thread feel like this sort of thing shouldn't matter.
Because yeah, I notice it, but if other people don't notice and judge
with my own work, then that makes it more comfortable for me.

>> No.1907325
File: 157 KB, 576x780, Bkq6PmCCMAAqwSn.png large.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they're the ones who Tumblr is copying.

Exactly my point you idiot. If the artists who do stylized work are good and preferably male, it's not tumblr style, just a style tumblr copies. But if the artist is slightly less good and/or female, it's suddenly "tumblr style". There is no objective characteristics to it, it's an arbitrary buzzword that gets thrown around to fit your narrative.

>> No.1907326

best artist i know is a short little blonde from a rich family, she thinks her art sucks but honestly she's better than me and people have payed me for my art.

>> No.1907330

LoK and Avatar do have some nice flowing gestures in the fight scenes.

The thing that I gathered from my time at art school is that girls think yaoi is "cute" and "roomantic" and they start talking about their bodies and blah blah blah.

>> No.1907337

a woman drew that picture.

>> No.1907339
File: 516 KB, 2000x949, Disney_Big_Hero_6_Concept_Art_MHC_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep, and I assume that makes it "tumblr style" to you? Same woman painted this as well. Is that also tumblr style?

>> No.1907346

I enjoyed that movie and I dont wanna derail it by talking about big hero 6.
watched it day 1 while fucking kids were in school

>> No.1907349

Except they all copy from the same males that have actually achieved commercial success. That drawing is nothing more than Glen Keane mixed with Fred Moore. Does it look good? Does a runway model with her own special snowflake clothing brand (that she picked and chose from a bunch of fashion designers) look good? Maybe. It could also look vapid as fuck and boring.

>> No.1907353
File: 6 KB, 250x241, 1403435987226s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dude, this is Ryan Lang's painting

this thread is stupid. In my class, they are only girls that succeeds in every exercices, even perspective exercice, stop generalize

>> No.1907361

less women are interest in being original
they rarely push the boundaries and try something new.
Women are better at capturing the world while men are better at creating it

>> No.1907362
File: 179 KB, 1200x625, tumblr_nemzm4KnER1rlf3k5o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dude, this is Ryan Lang's painting

No it's not, it's Helen Chen. Their painting style doesn't even look similar. Pic related is by Ryan Lang.

>> No.1907369

>this thread is stupid
You and this thread are like soul mates.

>> No.1907386

how about preparing an orgy then

>> No.1907392

No, you can beat off your own little dick, like always.

>> No.1907396

Post some male cute, I'm curious

>> No.1907400
File: 2 KB, 82x90, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Post some male cute, I'm curious
i'm pretty sure this counts

>> No.1907404

Pretty much all of anime is male cute.

>> No.1907407

The people who act like they don't notice are usually feminists

>> No.1907411


Japan has males like this in the thousands. They are pretty much the masters of cuteness worldwide.

>> No.1907422
File: 661 KB, 978x1006, 31514979.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would post more, but there are billions of images, and I can't bare to look at them any longer.

>> No.1907455

Mein Fuhrer

>> No.1907512
File: 197 KB, 800x1000, tumblr_n7j0g0KzPw1qi8lcho1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I assume most women are bisexual, not lesbians... why would I be disappointed that you like the dick??

On a side, not sure if a guy drew pic related.

>> No.1907520
File: 58 KB, 1024x768, The Bay . 1963.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1907527
File: 1.07 MB, 2000x1309, 48_Number_1A_1948.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1907530
File: 1015 KB, 674x1000, baby-reaching-for-an-apple-1893.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1907534
File: 109 KB, 1024x843, 1904_london-parliament.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1907539
File: 252 KB, 928x1200, the-skat-players-1920.jpg!HD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1907545

I really hate people who imitate the tank girl style without realizing where hewlett was comming from and think it's some kind of progressive feminist statement

>> No.1907557

Some seem to think women have a "softer" approach whereas men have a harder approach. This is certainly true if we compare Jackson Pollock and Helen Frankenthaler.
But of course there are exceptions, here is a painting by Cassatt that takes a harder approach, versus a painting by Monet that takes a softer approach.
The style is of course influenced by the movement and school, but factors like Monet's eyesight or the lighting in London vs. wherever.

It should also be obvious that gender can have an affect on subject matter. Here we have a piece by Otto Dix that relates to his experiences with war, and a piece by Cassatt with subjects of motherhoood and domestic life.
We shouldn't treat these as strict rules, however. Kathe Kollwitz is a woman artist whose work often dealt with war, but she also explored the intersection of motherhood and war. And of course there are plenty of male genre painters and impressionists who were fond of domestic scenes.

I think the real question is what do we gain by profiling the artist? Do their experiences as one or the other gender influence and inform their work, or is it irrelevant to what they're creating? How much of popular 'male' and 'female' styles is due to cultural influences rather than something inherent in their gender or biology?

>> No.1907563
File: 363 KB, 1101x1600, 014.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1907584

Looks like something a guy would do.

>> No.1907587

>I assume most women are bisexual,
That's factually wrong.

>> No.1907592
File: 860 KB, 1200x797, Say-Steez-Paper-Franks-Pink-Lemonade-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really can't understand the whole "one trick pony" hate.
A fellow artist friend and I were talking about this local guy's art (pic related) and my friend started saying he's just rehashing his old stuff and slamming him for staying in his comfort zone... but what's wrong with that? Evolution is something that happens naturally over time, but why fault someone for drawing what they like (esp, if they're good at it and making fame off of it)

To me, judging art should be:
>this interests me
>this doesn't interest me
but in both scenarios you should take it at face value and appreciate the time and thought invloved

>> No.1907596
File: 79 KB, 730x1000, 1413536462339.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To me men show a better ability to display/understand form and perspective, while women focus on composition, color, and detail.

Of course these are hard things to master, but I think each gender leans towards it's respective strong suits, generally.

I try to focus on form and perspective since I have such a hard time with it, where I feel males have an easier time grasping it.
I assume it's because females can see the beauty of the female form and don't have any issues displaying it.
I like drawing sexy women and I'm very much not a homo

>> No.1907603

Not that Anon you're responding to:
>comfort zone... but what's wrong with that
It shows a lack of originality and diversity, technical skill, artists won't typically improve by much (which is the main issue with comfort zone), no drive to challenge yourself, etc.

If people want to draw whatever and only that then that's dandy, but of course you're not immune to criticism by your audience.

>> No.1907623
File: 498 KB, 802x1150, tumblr_n0jha5RdRF1r7l28fo6_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

true. I guess I never feel that competitive about art. But My friend was maybe more upset at the artist in question making it big and losing focus on getting better (and ditching old friends). Which is understandable, but still too petty to concern ourselves with IMO.

>> No.1907625

Girls will copy an item and fit into their work.
Boys will copy a concept and fit into their theme.
Both will pander to millennials

Girls will be fashion forward, and socially conscious with their characters
Boys will be disorganized and unfocused with their characters
Both are young and dumb about the whole idea of character

Girls will study the figure and focus on having a clear read
Boys will study anatomy and focus on modeling the form
Both will suck at proportions and harmony

Girls are usually better at drawing natural landscapes
Boys are usually better at drawing dystopian cityscapes
Both will not understand perspective that well

Girls can easily do a gesture and manage a composition.
Boys will put the composition before the gesture
Both will have either very bad or a
very boring composition

Over all girls are better at managing an illustration. If the topic is open enough for them to play with they'll be very creative. While boys are better at managing a concept. If the topic flatters thier ego they'll be focused. However if both are young, 20ish, they'll be able extremely naive about communicating an idea, let alone have an idea worth communicating.

>> No.1907631

none of those beliefs are supported by facts though.

>> No.1907633

This is total bullshit, akin to the people who spout nonsense like
>Girls are more emotional than boys
>Boys can't feel or understand emotions like girls
It's all stupid, and you should all be ashamed for believing any of it.

>> No.1907642

Um yeah, nope. Nothing was said about emotions.

>> No.1907647

Going to need some facts on that, m8.

>> No.1907648

They're still sweeping generalizations

>> No.1907649

rign ring ring

reading comprehension called

they want you back in class

>> No.1907650

they didn't say you mentioned emotions...

>> No.1907653

>tfw literally the opposite in every aspect

>> No.1907654

I'm amazed that some of you on here are actually this stupid. It's a comparison. You made a bunch of blanket statements about entire genders of the human race. Pretty ignorant.

>> No.1907711
File: 1.49 MB, 1914x1000, 1386099918374.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I like drawing sexy women
That's the exact thing I just can't wrap my head around. How come women like drawing sexy women? When guys draw musclebound guys I don't get that bisexual vibe from them, because the male body isn't eroticized in any way, is just some manly ugly looking thing covered in shadows or something. But when painting the female form is as if it was inherently erotic.

>> No.1907715
File: 182 KB, 567x794, 4073219.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The same way guys can draw attractive men. Many people prefer drawing attractive people, regardless of sex.
>because the male body isn't eroticized in any way, But when painting the female form is as if it was inherently erotic.
This is called projecting your heterosexual male feelings.

This is done by a heterosexual male and it's pretty attractive.

>> No.1907719
File: 524 KB, 1200x868, 45383301.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's another example.

Hell, any heterosexual male artist who draws Jojo fanart, including Araki, is a good example.

>> No.1907736

looks like one of the polish girls on da
also "mirukawa"

>> No.1907741
File: 9 KB, 225x224, 1387754321343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>drawing attractive people
makes sense
This one does look more like a manly ugly thing in shadows.

I am speaking from my own experience tho. Shilin has a girlfriend and some local female artists I've met seem to 'go either way'. There's this one... has a boyfriend, but she still draws 'Bubbleline' and so do many females, there's this other one and she IS a lesbian. Met this other one into drawing hentai, she has a boyfriend too but she used to have a girlfriend (got that vibe from her once speaking with her, another friend that knows her told me about her ex). To me it seems more frequent than not that these women aren't (strictly) straight.

>> No.1907745


women aren't 'much better' at anything than males, aside from having tits and getting pregnant. women aren't built to create, analyze, or do anything cognitively demanding.

men compete on the world stage, and are given the tools to compete by nature. these are a sharp mind, a capable powerful body, intelligence, ambition, bravery etc.

women then compete over the top 10% of those men, and they tools they are given by nature to compete with are: a pretty face, a nice pair of tits, child bearing hips, a firm ass, a youthful appearance, a desire to support and nurture, etc.

i know this sounds incredibly sexist, but it is the way it is. the only reason this isn't widely accepted and recognized is because we are living in the age of political correctness. the extent of which is retarded, especially when it comes to women.

>> No.1907747

I can't help the fact that aspergers prevents you all from having conversations dealing with general statements. Seriously, not everything is a sweeping blanket "fact" made to be taken as the ultimate truth. Learn some context, weebs.

I wrote the post >>1907625 and if any of you had actually read the thing you would have noticed I didn't imply that girls are more emotionally expressive than boys. In fact the only thing I implied about emotions is that the two genders handle them in different ways, and that both expressive with them with the same control. Although the youthfulness in both genders fucks the whole work up, which was the the big implication I was going for.

Boys have a tendency to be self indulgent and boastful with expressing emotions in their work. They are every character they draw, and every scene is about their emotional world. They steal things in art that gratify a feeling of lust.

Girls have tendency to be self centered and gaudy with expressing emotions in their work. Every character they draw is about the situation they are relating to, and every scene is about them being in the situation. They steal things in art to gratify a feeling of importance.

And in the context of being young. Both are moody and naive. Both are mostly motivated to do their art for emotional attention. Both have a chip on their shoulder and think they know better. Both cry themselves to sleep over choices they made, or didn't make. Both suck at getting gud.

And both have extremely poor reading comprehension.

>> No.1907749

It's a funny observation I've made too. Out of the people I've asked if they'd kiss someone of the same sex, far more straight girls said they would than straight guys (there were none). This was back in high school though, I'm not sure I could as easily find so many situations to ask such a question now. That said I've met many more simply bisexual girls too. Of course it's only the observations of one person, but it may be indicative of some difference in sexual perception, due to social reasons or otherwise...

>> No.1907750
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as well as many classical, neo-classical, renaissance, baroque, etc. artists

>> No.1907752

did you go into cryostasis in 1920 and just wake up? how's the pseudoscience going for you?

>> No.1907753

the point is that those general statements have no data to support them.

>> No.1907756



>> No.1907760

can you even prove him wrong

>> No.1907761

do you know how the burden of proof works?

>> No.1907762


Sorry that the truth offends you. I was talking about averages anyway, you can still be a damn good artist that puts most men to shame. There are countless examples.

But generally speaking things are exactly like I said. Any even moderately educated person would agree. Men have a higher IQ on average, this is not exactly a big surprise to anyone.

>> No.1907763
File: 181 KB, 836x1024, art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1907764

like I already said, it's fine that you're making general statements. But if you're talking about averages, you're talking about data.

>> No.1907765

>get mad at someone
>insult them
>don't tell them the correct way

why do you fuckers do this.

>> No.1907768

>those general statements have no data to support them

Do you have any idea how dumb you sound? You wouldn't believe that water is wet unless you had a statistical data backing it up, right? And you probably don't believe that the day turns into night when the sun goes down, unless there is a wikipedia page telling you that's true, right?

Do you have any data supporting the need for you to be here right now? Do you even know what data is?

>> No.1907770
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>Men have a higher IQ on average
Only by insignificant points (that being said, there have been studies where women on average have higher albeit insignificant points as well)

What men do exceed however is that they're more likely to have much higher IQs than the average populace. But men are also much more likely to have well below average than above average.

I'd go on and debate with the other faggot, but this is /ic/ and off-topic.

>> No.1907772
File: 878 KB, 2596x2583, Welliver.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

'water is wet' and 'girls are usually better at drawing natural landscapes' are two very different things. it's fine that your beliefs aren't supported by facts, just don't expect other people to put much value in your claims.

>> No.1907781

the look on the demons face in the bg is killing me

>> No.1907786

Nothing is backing it but your stupid opinion. That's what makes it retarded drivel. Most females I meet are total airheads, so I'm gonna go post some bullshit about how all females are dumber than males. Oh, you want statistics to back that up? There aren't any, because it's a stupid fucking opinion that doesn't hold up when applied outside of my menial little existence.

>> No.1907789

I'm okay with people like you not putting any value in any of my claims. Really.

BTW way to go on the comparison, nice job superstar!

>> No.1907792

LOL I'm not sure who you're insulting, the OP or yourself.

>> No.1907795
File: 236 KB, 800x800, sniper_perceptor_by_enterlv2-d5nrdsa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm okay with people like you
>I'm (not) okay with everyone not putting any value in any of my claims
ftfy, otherwise you wouldn't have argued about it.

>> No.1907798

Men aren't as good as women at drawing natural landscapes?


That's funny, because I don't see any females when I look up most famous natural landscape paintings on google.

So where is that shitty statement coming from? Feminist blog?

>> No.1907799

>Feminist blog?
Somebody's ass on /ic/ that everyone is disagreeing with, you idiot.

Fucking go through the thread.

>> No.1907801

Oh shit, they're all males.

>> No.1907802

I'm asking that dumbass where they got their data/opinion from you fucking dolt.

>> No.1907803

It's just stereotyping. Stereotypes often have a little truth to them, but it's hard to really say anyway because there have simply been many more male artists than females

>> No.1907805

Firstly, learn to reply properly.

Secondly, know what the context is before you act like a le smartass :^)

>> No.1907806

So weird, no female mentions in the entire article. Since they are so much better at natural landscapes, this seems odd to me.

>> No.1907810

> :^)
Oh look, it's THAT troll. I'm out. You're dumb ass can sink to the bottom of the chans like this stupid thread that you're currently married to.

>> No.1907812

That doesn't mean anything. IQ tests were designed to be gender neutral.

>> No.1907814

You do realize that more than one person can use ":^)", right?

Jesus Christ, you're retarded. Are you new to 4chan?

>> No.1907816

>That doesn't mean anything
What I've said does and is relevant if you use some critical thinking skills and also learn what is being talked about to begin with, Anon.

>> No.1907820

I'm not the anon you were talking to, I'm just chiming in.

>> No.1907830
File: 87 KB, 953x960, 1402670266982.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TRP is over at leddit, bro. Don't forget to take your frame with you on the way out.

>> No.1907865

Careful, maybe it's one of those cis white male hetero sjw who lurk for tumblr related threads

>> No.1907867

The context of this thread is about young artist now, like the demographic of those on 4chan or tumblr or deviantart or facebook, and NOT the entire history of artist in the western tradition. Learn context you fucking morons. I thought it was pretty obvious seeing how OP used an example of concept art and tumblr in the comparison.

I made an argument from local observation, you made a poor interpretation and proceeded to argue retarded like. If you weren't so bad at interpreting things you wouldn't be here making such a retarded argument to begin with. Yeah, you're that dumb.

>> No.1907883

How young? early 20s? Because all you need to do is look at the art in male dominated places like conceptart and cghub and compare it to female dominated places like tumblr to know which sites have better landscape painting.