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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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7106968 No.7106968 [Reply] [Original]

Things you hate about art social media thread

>> No.7106978

you really don't have actual friends? i feel pity for you

>> No.7106979
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>i don't want to do anything to net me an audience on social media
>waaaaaaah why does noone on social media pay attention to meeeeeeeee
Die, I guess?

>> No.7106981

>we have to be sociopaths and never allowed to be organic or express ourselves
>we must chase clout and whore ourselves out to the "appeal" or else we're bad marketing people
>yup, that will foster an healthy environment
Now what was the genre that is getting banned again?

>> No.7106982

I used to hate really good artists putting their age in their profile to flex. Nobody over maybe 22 puts age in their profile.

>> No.7106989
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Plenty of artist found ways to get the big numbers on social media by simply being good and drawing what they liked. You have to cope by writing off everything as porn or soulless art because you lack the skill to do so yourself. You are bad and that is why you will die mad.

>> No.7106990

With modern feminism cucking even male friendships, who does?

>> No.7106994

you don't have friends because you're chronically online

>> No.7106995

>you're chronically online
How do you imply this?

>> No.7107035

Do these retards not realize how many faggots just like them are trying to vie for attention? It's not an empty room with just the two of you inside, it's a massive crowd of people all climbing over each other to get their attention.

>> No.7107057
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>> No.7107058

legit thought "popular moot" meant moot or hiroshimoot

>> No.7107110


>> No.7107115

>How do you imply this?

>> No.7107116

I have no idea what it means. my mind went to hiro first too.

>> No.7107120

I won't talk to you even if you draw my OCs

>> No.7107149

heyy vavy

>> No.7107184

Are you saying you're solely responsible for banning nsfw art because you drew furry art to get someone's attention and hated it and hated the person whose attention you wanted?

>> No.7107188

>everybody else is the reason I am lonely

>> No.7107235

>we have to
>never allowed
>we must
Who stops you, retard? Just draw (whatever you want).

This anon is right. Why do idiots like OP's picrel keep whining about not getting any attention without providing ANY reason to give that attention in the first place? Don't just provide art, provide value

>> No.7107322

They followed u for a reason retard.
Stop being jealous and honestly analyze why ur art isnt popular/ur friendships with other artists are failing.

>> No.7107323

I'm getting a little sick of those stupid low-effort relationship/trope memes with stickmen on Twitter

>> No.7107388
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unironically tho
too many grifters around who are only playing the numbers game and demand everyone to play along with their schemes or get kept out and be insulted for not benefitting them.

See this thread and how you're not allowed to do anything unless you're aiming to make numbers or else you're just whining and deserving of ridicule in their eyes. It's too obvious the OP image hit a nerve.

Do you really want to befriend or interact with these non-people that will throw you under the bus for 5 likes and a retweet?
Everyone is in it purely for themselves and accuse you of the same thing if you disagree with anything that might remotely threaten their 30.000 IQ marketing ploys and social engineering.

It's a good thing that nsfw artists will be unable to make money now because this will filter out so many shitty people that shouldn't be allowed to interact with others in the first place.

Misery finds company easily and no sane person wants to risk dealing with miserable person who will do anything for a "win" over others.

>> No.7107394

Op is begging for attention and likes, what are you on about retard?

>> No.7107407
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If that is what you get out of that then you're either missing the point just to insult and discredit the OP for reasons others can only assume.

OP's picture point is
>my mutuals/friends don't give a shit unless i do something that directly benefits them in which then they claim to be my number 1 fans
You can see it in how annoyed the "op" is in the last scene, clearly showing self-awareness of what he is doing and a disappointment of having his suspicions proven correctly while showing how shallow those people are, even more shallow even if OP was asking for likes.

Is pic related a cope and seethe from the puritan christian albino artist or does it show a facet of reality no one is comfortable admitting?

>> No.7107411

OPs picture is literally a made up scenario, there's nothing to get pissy at because its not fucking real

>> No.7107413
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So is every type of art that isn't directly lifted 1:1 from an existing source

At this point it's safe to assume you're personally offended by OPs scribbles
holy shit

>> No.7107414
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>> No.7107419

no I mean the context in which a "big artist" goes "omg im your biggest fan!!!" was made up by whoever made the comic. More often than not they'll just go "thanks for drawing my character!" and thats it. I dont know why you'd expect anything more or less

>> No.7107422
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>it doesn't happen EXACTLY how i think it would
>therefore its not real
It do make sense though if they're moots/mutuals. That has a lot of implications.

Are you genuinely autistic or something?

>> No.7107424

being a "mutual" barely means anything, its a press of a button. Why would you assume you have some sort of special connection that deserves some attention?

>> No.7107426

Well, the word being reduced to
>they just follow each other
Doesn't that reinforce OPs point and even the point i made about popular artists playing the numbers game and only being interested in what directly benefits them?
>why would you assume mutuals means actually something
I'll admit, i'm not a brain dead zoomer.

>> No.7107434

you cant make a generalization based on one or two interactions, there could be any number of reasons why a "big artist" doesnt notice your other work. If you follow hundreds of artists you're bound to miss the majority of things being posted, and even if they see your art, do they have a reason to respond to it? Think about how much art you scroll by on twitter or any other social media, and imagine trying to reply to every single post with something meaningful. Of course fan art of your character is going to stand out in a sea of content

>> No.7107438

>generalization bad because i say so
>but my generalization good because i so
Honestly anon this just comes off as damage control.
It's just a silly picture portraying something.
If you try that hard to discredit it because it doesn't meet some autistic criteria on whether it can be considered """real""", only has the opposite effect of what you're arguing for.

What do you know about the OP that i do not know? It really seems you know who that is and i admit, i do not know who this is to be aware if this is just yet another inside joke from your discords.

>> No.7107439
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Are you actually reading the posts you're responding to?

>> No.7107440
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Can we let this trend die and stay dead for the rest of eternity?

Popular Xitter artists want free shit and then complain about the value of their work and not having enough money. They’re hypocritical cuntbags

>> No.7107444
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I dont think I can get you to see my point of view, and I dont think I can understand yours, so im just going to leave it at that. Anyway my overall point is just that you might be reading too hard into what someone else does, and thinking that they're doing it out of ill intent or some overarching goal of 'using you' when there isn't enough context or mutual understanding to make such a conclusion

>> No.7107448
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I think you want me to simply agree with and validate your point, because regarding seeing it, i do but it is generally irrelevant and a fallacy at best to use it to define the validity of OP's shitty comic.
>thinking that they're doing it out of ill intent or some overarching goal of 'using you' when there isn't enough context or mutual understanding to make such a conclusion
Just reading the replies should make anyone with a shred of critical thinking question why those people are hostile and quick on the ridicule when things like that are portrayed.

The generalization that people are after numbers is bad because? It makes big accounts look bad and is bad publicity?
But the statement of the contrary cannot be challenged because?
>you might be reading too hard
Yeah, why would you keep away from a pride of lions? Who knows, maybe not all of them will eat you alive?

>> No.7107453

Compliments or any sort of "omg u drew this??" type shit
Leave a like, maybe even repost and kill yourself immediately please

>> No.7107462
File: 73 KB, 329x651, Screenshot from 2024-03-23 14-58-03.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reading the comic made me think that OP is trying to use people he hates. Just look at this face of pure artistic joy, the sincerity, the absolute bliss of sharing in a creative pursuit, this is obviously the face of someone who's just there to draw for the fun of it and for growing as a person, this face perfectly expresses the emotions of someone who just wants to make and share art irregardless of financial incentives, just look at him. Totally.
The guy next to him is only a strawman because of the words "all of" in just one line of text. Isn't it exactly the reaction you'd expect to get from someone who likes art and does art and builds a social network around art? He just sees something he likes and says so, maybe he just doesn't like fruit studies and has nothing to say about them. Maybe if OP didn't want people like him in his life he could just not draw their furry OCs, it's not like he's forced to.
If you intended this thread to be a satirical roleplay session then maybe we all misunderstood but please make it more obvious next time.

>> No.7107479

It can be art but art can be anything within "humanities"
You don't sprinkle "NSFW" into music unless you're making mumble rap for niggers, you don't sprinkle "NSFW" into writing unless you wanna fail because explicit books don't exist

>> No.7107486

>explicit books don't exist
local man lives under a rock

>> No.7107487
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English translation.

>> No.7107501

>op post gotten 20k+ likes
Everytime a whining post goes viral, like 10k-30+ likes, i find it funny that in the end they still get no engagement and followers despite all of this. You just ruined your reputation and now people will steer clear away from you/block you.

>> No.7107507
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>> No.7107508
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The shoe really fits the bill
>OP's comic
>makes a generalization to illustrate the dynamics of online art communities based on inorganic and dishonest interactions where the "strawman" suddenly becomes incredibly supportive and interested in the artist only because he got something out of it and can be boiled down to pure lip service i.e. the popular guy only says this to pander with the intent of being in the other's good graces aka also known as grooming or emotional manipulation
>it's a criticism and an observation of modern shallow social media interactions
>/ic/ retards
>nooooooo the eceleb can do nothing wrong wtf not true it doesnt happen like look they have their own social networks and circles you can't expect them to respond to everything like wtf op just wants likes haha get fucked he probably sucks lol only hard work pays off lmao
>they miss the point completely just to defend the image of popularity and attack/discredit whoever might threaten the status they either wish to attain to pursue less than sane goal or already have and are scared shitless that people know what they're doing when a great majority of popular artist grow their numbers by pretending to be nice, pandering to the lowest common denominator, being involved in drama and piling up on the "bad guys" for clout or otherwise genuinely fucked up shit that a generalization alone warrants this much straight up damage control
Lots of studios blacklist every artists they see acting in less than a professional manner because no matter how skilled or how many numbers they have, it's meaningless if they're a piece of shit you have to levitate over eggshells or expect to be stabbed in the back because of extremely stupid reasons.

>> No.7107512
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>> No.7107514

Not really part of art social media (yet?) but I hate the witch hunts and the moralfagging. Let people draw what they want, especially if they've put the effort in to get better. I get tired of the troon shit everywhere as well.

>> No.7107574

>booo hooo if you are not 7ft bulky aryan chad /pro/ with asian jeans it's your fault
You retards should be gassed

>> No.7107585
File: 21 KB, 305x305, p3budojc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP is a clout chaser and him trying to reverse uno honestly really pathetic.

yeah, there is nothing sincere about op, and it makes me sad. Ironically I felt its their lack of autism, where they can just make shit they like and just share people who also likes it, they gotta chase after the big artist to get exposures.

>> No.7107594

>the criticism is about the artist, not the piece of art itself
really makes you think

>> No.7107618

As an artist: The artists themselves. Bunch of insufferable "progressives". No wonder normies don't give a shit about our plight against AI

>> No.7107680

I think he meant "mutual". I've seen artists reconstructing words into frankensteins that can't be understood without context. Another example would be calling "doodles" "doods"

>> No.7107712
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Any zoomer that pulls the
thinking it's some powerful gotcha. It's always like this on any post from a popular porn artist. It's clearly not done out of any righteous intent, they want an easy way to cancel a big artist they do not like and ""pedophilia"" is an easy target.

>> No.7107725
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Even worse is when the artist buckles under the pressure of the mob, deleting his past "problematic" work thinking it will be enough to redeem themselves in the eyes of their Twitter audience or is a cancel tranny himself. Muh Patreon used to be the cope to handwave this practice, but ever since the site banned anything but 100% consenting pure missionary sex for the purpose of procreation, it's a moot point. What's the point of degenerate artists trying to pretend that the normies won't lynch them the second they find out about their previous work?
Pic related, Mossa is more known for his memes and historical work nowadays but he used to draw ryona of western cartoon lolis.

>> No.7107732
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I hate comics like these because it's either exaggerated, something that doesn't or barely happen or something that isn't anyone's fault
These retards do same things over and over and obsess and cry over same issues without reflecting and thinking "why do people not like my art" instead of lashing out and crying about it. You are not unique like >>7107035 said it's millions like these that keep popping up so it makes it all worse and more annoying for someone to actually look at your shit.
If you tried getting better and drew things you liked eventually someone would catch on and follow you and this leads to my next problem and that is mindset art cycles leave.
I used to think same that it's about only numbers and views but in reality it can be both between having some attention for positive feedback but still doing it for your own sake which is what i think is best case as it's a balance. People forget art isn't just sport but also way of an expression

>> No.7107734


>> No.7107736

What is with zoomers being outright obsessed with getting a "gotcha"?
This shithole is the same; they always try to disagree so they can make some shitty non-sequitur and prance around like some funkopop collecting retard.

>> No.7107753

These are 100% insufferable accounts that everyone not chronically online needs to unfollow. I don't think I need to explain why the "I find this thing problematic and I see a lot of you following the thing I don't like" attitude is bad.

>> No.7108780
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This isn't a problem exclusive to large following artists but most artists that heavily use social media in general.

It's gotten to the point where you're a ghost if you haven't directly publicly validated them in some way. But the problem is that they never really create any kind of opening to engage with THEM, no icebreakers or dialogue starters. They just post some animu girl doing nothing in a blank void and your just supposed to give them some empty compliment about it. And for alot of people this transactional dynamic makes them avoid networking altogether.

The way I see it fanart took over the art community on social media because it was algorithm fuel and it bled over and mutated into "OC" culture where artists make "fanart" of their own ideas rather than actual projects like graphic novels or games. And since they never out grew the fanartist mentality they project onto others.

>> No.7108821

> their own ideas rather than actual projects like graphic novels or games.
Most consumers don’t give a fuck about some shitter’s oc or some shitty visual novel about them. Either make animations or an interactive game, which would take literal years to put out or constant updates depending on bow ambitious it is.

>> No.7109210

>people like you more when you interact with them instead of hiding in your cave
wow who could tell. yes people are gonna enjoy something that means something to them and aren't gonna care about something that only means something to you.

>> No.7109227

i'm sure these people drawing featureless
formless circlehead comics have been not only working incredibly hard on their craft, but doing so out of love for the medium

>> No.7109767

I would like twitter to explode so all artists are forced to go somewhere I don't run the risk of running into a 13 year old's opinion

>> No.7109827

I don't know what kind of pathetic seudo living being such as females have to always find purpose to everything in attention from strangers.
It's embarrassing, disgusting, deplorable how these invertebrates would stretch their arguments in order to find any excuse to justify their sorry existence.
No wonder why feminism is seen as an "honorable" movement, because it nests a bunch of cowards without purpose in their stinky existence other than being a hurdle in the lives of everything in existence that fills a role other than opening their legs ans shitting more people and then complain that the world doesn't stoop to their seudo-egotistical (and I mean seudo since these pieces of shit are not even a thing or less) whims.

>> No.7109848
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I hate these clout chasing social media obsessed bug people threads.
All hit the nail on the head. Get over your autistic main character syndrome already and see just how small you are in the grand scheme of things. I guarantee you wouldn't and don't give all your "moots" your complete undivided attention yourself, even and especially if you have a stupid high amount of them to sift through. But of course you're an insect person, a mean and petty creature, a spiteful thing with no higher reasoning, nor charity, nor humility. No self awareness or sufficient perspective to realize that you hate other people because they don't automatically think you're the center of the universe and give you everything you want, nay, that you DESERVE, even though you're certainly no better and that as a human being of finite time and attention it would never be anything but absurd to demand such dedication of anyone at all. Grow up, OP.

>> No.7109936
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>all the criticism is about the artist seeking attention and how bad of a person the artist is considered to be, not the drawing and illustration itself
>and even if the drawing is considered "it's just not true because it doesn't happen and le epic famous people can do nothing wrong"
>they are unable to remove the artists from the piece
>these same effeminate niggas are the ones calling anyone a jealous crab if they don't worship and suck the dick of anyone that has higher fictional numbers
/ic/ unironically gets mogged by fucking stickmen
holy shit

>> No.7111107
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>> No.7113508

If I was a Twitter artist I wouldn't do this trend since all I would get is art even shittier than mine

>> No.7113511

is it chad if you draw fan art but don't post it anywhere

>> No.7113513

yes, but not as much as posting it somewhere obscure, and letting random people stumble upon it like buried treasure

>> No.7113527

I mean, yea retard, no shit someone is going to be a lot more interested in a 3/10 drawing of their OC than a 3/10 drawing of some random shit, art is about emotional resonance. I have a lot of art I cherish people have done of my characters that, frankly, I would never have looked at twice if it was of another subject matter, but the fact that they liked my character and I had an impact on them and they decided to draw my little character completely overtakes any technical considerations and makes the art valuable to me.

If this is hard to grasp you're legitimately autistic.

>> No.7113528

Mossa still draws loli and posts it directly to twitter

>> No.7113636

>somewhere obscure
Now I am curious, where do you post your shit?

>> No.7113641

what's a moot?

>> No.7113670

it's what people with no friends call other people with no friends online.

>> No.7113675

not that anon but i upload my stuff to imgur. i dont even know if it can be searched for but at least i know its floating around somewhere not on my hard drive

>> No.7113745

All these words typed through bitter tears when you could have been drawing and maybe getting good enough to tickle a random internet strangers' fancy that is so very important to you.
Your art sucks, btw.

>> No.7113747

Gotcha's are easiest to brag about I guess

>> No.7113748

Sounds like you're trying to claw your way into their friendship. Have you considered why you're doing this?

>> No.7113750

holy reading comprehension
Draw better. It won't cover your ugly personality enough for your artist peers to like you for any extended period of time, but you'll get more shallow comments and subscribers.

>> No.7113889

>Sounds like you're trying to claw your way into their friendship. Have you considered why you're doing this?

You're very mistaken here anon.
If an artist only responds to dick riding it's the red flag that their friendship is worthless. I have no interest in wasting my time with people like that anymore because they're chore to deal with.
You cannot discuss any kind introspection, reevaluation, or reasonable long term plans with them, just compliment them on the endless ideaguyism they will insistently ramble about.

It's the same reason i think the OC threads here are fucking boring and don;t try to reach out to anyone there.

>> No.7113895

popular artist discords have got to be some of the most disingenuous fake environments to ever be in. I don't think I've ever had a real human interaction with a single person in those kinds of discords. Just nothing but networking and people sucking each others' dicks

>> No.7113900

>my mutuals/friends don't give a shit unless i do something that directly benefits them
then they aren't your real friends, it's as simple as that. No point in trying to suck up to them, it's sub-optimal.

>> No.7113909

>be twitter artist
>draw artwork for other fellow artists, completely unprompted, just because I feel better about myself knowing I made their day a little happier
>don't expect anything in return, the gift of giving was all I wanted
feels good man

>> No.7114002

it doesn't seen like you have much in common with this person, why would you want to make friend with them in the first place?

>> No.7114040

>The way I see it fanart took over the art community on social media because it was algorithm fuel and it bled over and mutated into "OC" culture where artists make "fanart" of their own ideas rather than actual projects like graphic novels or games. And since they never out grew the fanartist mentality they project onto others.
And everyone demanded IP laws be abolished so they could make money off other people's popular shit until AI came along and now they want IP laws to be capital crimes kek.

>> No.7114075


>> No.7114076

> why would you want to make friend with them in the first place?

>Be interested in new friends
>Try and get to know someone over time
>Find them to be shallow and self obsessed
>Interacting with them feels like a corporate business deal
>No longer interested in being their friend

That's the point. After awhile you figure the signs of whose good buddy material and who isn't.

>> No.7114077

post proof so i can view the seethe

>> No.7114083

what got you interested in them in the first place?

>> No.7115349

>what got you interested in them in the first place?

Do you have trouble understanding the basic idea of "I am open to new friends who are involved in the same field as me"? Even if I don't think their art is good or don't like their style they can still be engaging as a person

Some had the potential to be interesting to talk to but it turned out they weren't. And like I said early eventually the social patterns start to become obvious.

>> No.7115360

>look at me look at me look at me!!!
>*puts a gun to my head by drawing my character* "LOOK AT ME!"
The popular moot isn't the asshole in this situation.

>> No.7115847

that feels more like a reason for professional networking than friendship, and your passive voice make it sounds like you are doing them a favor.

there are always various level of acquaintances between people and some are more cursory than other, actually, I think you could expect most associations to be superficial, I don't know why that's a problem. What were you expecting from random strangers on the internet? how old are you?

>> No.7115897

>What were you expecting from random strangers on the internet?

Not a hard concept to grasp

>Get to know stranger
>If enjoy interaction keep interacting
>Don't enjoy interaction do it less

I don't give a shit about gaslighting people into a transaction to boost my numbers on social media.

I know there's going to be another response of "Why would you want to meet someone you enjoy chatting with?". Because at some point you took this personally.

>> No.7115946

>Because at some point you took this personally.

well, that's something I never do, do you have problem with rejections?

>> No.7116081

>well, that's something I never do,

Conveniently leaving out the "transaction" point.

I don't like bullshitting people or playing favorites, and you not understanding that point of view makes it pretty clear you thrive in that kind of environment.

>> No.7116116

>Conveniently leaving out the "transaction" point.
unlike you, I don't keep a ledger about what my "friends" owe me.