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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 105 KB, 306x278, 1708549100987259.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7071459 No.7071459 [Reply] [Original]

If you are a /int/ermediate or /beg/inner in art, please use this thread to post pieces for critique or ask for advice.

Completed: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1uwaXKU7ev6Tw_or__o8ARpUb6r2rCZYJGqwSFV9AD98
New collaborative: https://hackmd.io/UMnZVhNITW-T2wZpHw6d0Q
w/ic/i: https://sites.google.com/site/ourwici/
Hardcore: https://hackmd.io/7k0XRnIQR6SValR77TDfZw?view

>WHERE to get study materials

>PYW and give your feedback
What can be improved? are there any resources videos or books you'd recommend to them? maybe a redline or a technique, be specific

Previous thread: >>7068606

>> No.7071472
File: 67 KB, 1028x1384, tresdasdasadsadsadsad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does this look 3d?

>> No.7071475
File: 817 KB, 2100x2800, 116309880-cc797cccd7f107179b5f68b61cf1423d_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First time making a real bg.
No problem right guys?
Gonna post on pixiv now

>> No.7071487
File: 354 KB, 844x1592, robotgorl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7071491

Max 100 view, 12 likes.

>> No.7071492
File: 1.26 MB, 1758x1170, ABB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3 weeks in.


>> No.7071493
File: 172 KB, 1331x1514, hkjgfdfs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last thread a few anons drew a reference I posted, so I'll the same again. If you're having trouble finding something to draw, try it out. I'll try to post an interesting pose each thread.

>> No.7071504

Its a bit of a bland background so i would add warmth from another light source.
The perspective is fine and all but itd be more eye catching to add more subjects in the room, if you werent to id think to just leave out the file cabinet for that ultimately empty feel in the room, oh and more shading. Anatomy looks fine. Overall good, just a few finishing touches to be done in the background and more vibrancy done with color.

>> No.7071513

woWza wHat a waCky pOse ! ¡ !

>> No.7071520

The pack's supposed to be "anime girl" poses so yeah a lot of them are very cringe.

>> No.7071522

Yeah. I purposely made it bland because i just wanted some experience for now.
I'll put more stuff on the next one

>> No.7071525

I mean, it’s just not for me. I think poses can be overdone, but you all love your anime. But if the pose and perspective made the right leg look like that, I would change one or both. Good practice and all that though.

>> No.7071531
File: 121 KB, 1280x960, 58582c39f034562c58220601-1719933868.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7071578
File: 183 KB, 1242x1210, IMG_0304.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the ref. What’s the pack? I like fucked up angles the best.
Just keep getting mileage. If you’ve only been drawing for 3 weeks, that’s pretty damn good progress. I’d recommend also doing Proko’s beg course to get some fundies under your belt. Definitely GMI
Eh… a little bit, because of the overlaps. Feeling the form is hard to learn. I recommend you draw a lot from reference. Maybe do a good beg course like Betty Edwards or Proko. For learning to feel the form, I liked the first couple lessons of DrawABox and then Vilppu
It’s not really about making appealing shapes. It’s basically about using the texture’s cast shadows as a kind of hatching to show the form. I think it’s not a very well-explained lesson and I think it’s out of place that early in the course, so if it’s just not clicking, I’d skip it.

>> No.7071580
File: 526 KB, 1816x2111, 20240223_101129.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why can't my brain process small differences in perspective when it comes to rounded objects, bros? None of this junk feels 3d and I know there's something wrong but I can't seem to correct it accurately. My first thought was to just trace to compare but my tablet isn't with me so I'm stuck with my lacking perception.

>> No.7071620
File: 456 KB, 852x914, 1708679233050.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My face and arms ended up too small.

I didn't quite nail the gesture either to be honest.

Should've paid more attention to negative spaces.

>> No.7071625
File: 115 KB, 918x756, 01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7071630
File: 586 KB, 613x683, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7071638

Is it really that bad to listen to music while doing art studies and /beg/ shit? It feels like everyone says that but it helps me lock in

>> No.7071643

yes you will get cancer

>> No.7071647

can you upload the pack plez

>> No.7071651

Could be worse, at least it doesn't make me like men

>> No.7071652

it's only bad if you focus on the music instead of the drawing, but realistically who fucking does that kek. most people just zone out the music and focus on the art

>> No.7071662
File: 294 KB, 1069x887, 1708683017832.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am a beg myself and did it mainly as an exercise in drawing figures from imagination, so feel free to disregard.
I feel like the core issue is stiff pose. Tried to make it looks a bit less stiff without changing it too much. In real work I'd just go for a reference.

>> No.7071675

Let's wait a bit before we start doing redlines anon.

>> No.7071691

>l-lets w-wa..
No. I will draw a beg redline and I WILL have fun doing it

>> No.7071694

>is beg
>does redlines from imagination
>turns out worse than whatever you're redlining
>"anon, please stop"
Ait future pawell.

>> No.7071696

How do I get gud as fast as possible for commissions? Grind figure art/anime?

>> No.7071697

I draw. You seethe. Your point?

>> No.7071699

If you're just in it to make money you're ngmi

>> No.7071701
File: 874 KB, 1447x2047, improved.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it's better now but still not there.
Any feedback on the pose/anatomy/flow?

>> No.7071704

Drawing from imagination like you're doing is useless.

>> No.7071706

The parts you actually drew are fine, but you completely skipped out on her forearms

>> No.7071708

How do you mean that exactly..? I did draw them in but I figured the breasts would mostly cover them anyway.

>> No.7071710

It's your third reply and absolutely nothing of value was said.

>> No.7071717

If you try to make it you won't make it...?

>> No.7071727

Ok pawell-san, I know when you're low iq it's hard to understand.

>> No.7071734

Why are you trying to help him? just get your pop corn and enjoy the car-crash

>> No.7071735
File: 693 KB, 1586x1795, IMG_2520.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

okay this might be retarded to focus on but what canvas and px size brush should i be using? in picrel im using a 15px brush. but i see a lot of artist use 800x800px canvas and they can cram a ton of detail in it but when i try using a smaller px brush and canvas i feel like i cant get any details in at all unless i go down to like a 1 px brush but that gives a weird aliasing look which isnt in the art im seeing.
anyway any tips would be appreciated.

>> No.7071739

Pawell, if you're reading this I challenge you to draw this figure instead of your Villpu blobs and spend at least an hour or I swear to God I'll travel to whatever godforsaken slav commieblock you're holed up in and I will break every finger on your each of your hands.

>> No.7071757

I can draw ok but proportions look off, my figures don’t look great. What’s a good paid course for beginners to draw figures? I watched some of Steve Huston and he seems more intermediate. I always think about what he said when drawing a figure but I don’t really understand the basics.

>> No.7071785
File: 159 KB, 1080x1591, Screenshot_20230409-015630_Firefox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok thank you, I'll try with a simple shape
I would love you to do a quick redline if you want, I used this ref a bit I thought it wasnt so off

>> No.7071809

How do you manage to draw for long periods (4/5 hours+) day in and day out? Do you split it into multiple sessions throughout the day? Also mentally how do you manage these long sessions? Do you just switch into drawing mode and enter a flow state and force yourself to block out distractions? I have trouble with focus, especially for that long.

>> No.7071814
File: 1.17 MB, 498x280, tenor.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7071823

I just draw when I want to draw and do something else when I don't want to draw. Why do you feel the need to force a hobby onto yourself?

>> No.7071826

How many hours a day do you draw now?

>> No.7071831

far arm is too short, mouth is a touch too far to the left
>but i see a lot of artist use 800x800px canvas and they can cram a ton of detail in it
they almost certainly don't, the norm is to draw big and resize to a smaller size

>> No.7071832

I can usually manage 1 or 2 hours of straight drawing

>> No.7071844

So time to give up then? Or is someone gonna try and convince me I can still do it, cause I feel like I can't.

>> No.7071851

you're begging dude, it's hard to watch. but if you try hard and learn from your mistakes ygmi

>> No.7071853
File: 1.02 MB, 1500x1500, Studiesnsketches1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been drawing for roughly 2 weeks now I think. First week was just drawing, second week was line confidence and faster workflow exercises. Now I am learning the Loomis and Dodson. I started drawing because I want to make short stories/webcomics about goblins. I got some advice when I started that I should get to an acceptable level before starting but I'm starting to think that might not be a good idea. Should I start my illustrations/comic now with my mediocre art and improve my drawing as I progress with my story or spend a few more weeks grinding fundies?

And to the two anons that recommended robotpencil and James Gurney to me thanks. They are really good for what I want to learn.

>> No.7071857

nah, I agree with the other anon
better use your limited time on earth on something else

>> No.7071863

I will draw today and its going to be plenty fun.

>> No.7071875
File: 20 KB, 284x457, newskha.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could anybody comment on this early stage sketch of a body I did?

>> No.7071893

pomodoro. 60 min drawing, 10 min rest, although most of the time i go past the 60 min timer
also warm up drawing lines and ellipses first to get your mind into drawing mode

>> No.7071927
File: 292 KB, 1600x886, 3v1u1utu0s561.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Just started
>already needs other people to convince him to keep trying
Yeah, you aint making it homie. Drawing isn't easy and if you go into it as a /beg/ looking for clout/attention/money or "just" getting good you're ngmi.

>> No.7071972

>just getting good
Isn't that what we all want to do?

>> No.7071990

Depends. It's all a mindset thing, people who say I "just" want to get good are in my experience usually not living up to those words. Does your actions reflect "I just want to get good, this is all I am focused on" or are you saying those words with entitlement like "I just want to get good, is that too much to ask for". Anyways at the end of the day someone who finds enjoyment in improving at drawing will outpace/outwork the rest.

>> No.7071993

Just start.

>> No.7072000
File: 41 KB, 676x676, 1670364082943782.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>using my fucked up drawing as OP image

>> No.7072001

It was really awkward at first but I've started drawing in silence and I am able to focus more. I do have really good ANC on my headphones though and use it, cause I've got roommates with tvs and shit.

>> No.7072031
File: 572 KB, 1500x1500, meh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well what ever, some extras thrown in

>> No.7072044
File: 1.34 MB, 1920x1080, New Drawing3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7072045
File: 302 KB, 699x719, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dra w

>> No.7072056
File: 2.68 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_1125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Figure drawing to try and work on construction, forget to focus on the constructing. Why is my brain like this

>> No.7072076
File: 190 KB, 640x603, gfsae.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7072084

I’m still not drawing.

>> No.7072089

why not, anon?

>> No.7072093
File: 123 KB, 1632x624, arukointro2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i am still editing previous work from a month ago its over. take this as warning if you are ever working on cgs for a game or something else where the art is important like comic etc make sure you draw it well the first time, lest you end up like This
i think this was the one i wanted to fix the most. not finished but i'll get it done today because i don't want to work on this for another entire day. the original is just comically fucked up compared to the other cgs i have finished. i still want to do minor fix to some others but nothing like this again
having a hard time with hand definition still. stared at my own for hours and came up with nothing. unsurprisingly i'm (almost) just as bad at inner hand as i am at outer hand. also don't like how the angle of the mouth looks with the rest of the face. could be a full face issue or just a mouth issue but i'm having a hard time figuring out which it is. feel free to point anything out. might not be able to get any further with correcting hand issues right now much like yesterday but i'll certainly try

>> No.7072095

Yeah no shit I wanna get good, I'm asking if I CAN get good or if it's a fruitless effort with my poor ass "skills".

>> No.7072098

Doesn't sound like you enjoy drawing so yeah, it's 100% a fruitless effort

>> No.7072101

Anyone can get good, Anon. It's just a matter of perspective (heh). What exactly are you struggling with in terms of perspective/boxes?

>> No.7072102
File: 659 KB, 2785x1395, feet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was a bitch to draw. I should go lick a cute girls feet to get some reference material.

>> No.7072103

anyone can get good at art, but if you're grinding yourself against the whetstone and begging for validation, you're just going to find yourself frustrated and making little progress because errors will put a dead stop in front of you.
you gotta learn to enjoy the process. draw things that you enjoy, draw with other people in a social environment, or just take a break and pick up another creative hobby. if you want to keep it to something visual, maybe try sculpting or 3d modelling. bounce back to drawing when you want to give it another go.
i'm not going to say you have no chance, but i do need to stress that this mentality of 'i won't be validated unless i can make good art NOW' is just going to get you fucked up. it got me fucked up, and i had to get therapy to get over it, so be easy on yourself. you need to give yourself some breathing room.

>> No.7072104

ye kinda, it's not very good though.
You're scratching a lot.

With regards to the spine indent, that doesn't seem quite right.

The sketch is a bit boring as-is but in your defense it's a very preliminary sketch.

I wonder what you're trying to do.
It looks like this voluptuous woman is sitting in solitude (or in state of desolate) crying or peering into the distance.

I think my impression of your idea is that your idea kind of sucks if this is what you were trying to do because her oversized breasts are in stark contrast to any feeling other than of joy and hilarity because Ms. had to have humongous breasts so you can get off to it or something.

OK, last part was a little rude of me, it's good that you're trying I can see.
Whatever you're trying to do keep at it!

>> No.7072113

Something about the face feels a bit 'off' and/or 'flat'.
The jawline maybe?
How the neck, shoulders, and head are drawn in a way where that final touch of le form is just a tad bit missing.

My only recommendation is that you re-check the position/size of the nose.

Something with the lighting a touch of atmosphere seems missing.
I also think you can push your light/dark/brightness/values/contrast/whatever way up.

Like, this is supposed to be at night but the dark 'punch' is definitely missing,

All things considered except the act that is being depicted in your picture (pornography simply doesn't align with the Holy Bible) the quality here is pretty admirable, I mean, I dig the quality, the picture looks nice!


>> No.7072117

My feedback:
Head too large in relation to the body
Body seems too short vertically I think.
Just the proportions (but those are always tricky)

She also looks 'distorted' in the way you drew her anatomical features.

Definitely quality here to come though!
Keep it gangster!!

>> No.7072120

My advice is that I think you're doing great!

>> No.7072123

Gangster definitely keep it up proud of you guys!!@!!!!

>> No.7072125

Arms too short they need to be redrawn.
If you want something more for the pose/flow I suggest that you tilt her chin up a bit and you make her gaze down in a dominant/smug expression to the viewer.

Grewat keep it up

>> No.7072126

lol. pawell never draws from imagination. you should know this if you frequent this thread at all

>> No.7072127

>okay this might be retarded to focus on but what canvas and px size brush should i be using?
I read your post but I don't think I can help you with this.
I think you can figure this out what will work for you and your personal art process/workflow.

>> No.7072131

I struggle to draw those amounts I think on a daily basis.
Not feeling so great about this aniem meme eneavor anymore!

So, I have some off-days where I don't draw at all but that other anon suggested that you try a pomodoro timer that's a pretty good tip for you maybe.

Adderall is fun stuff but it doesn't make you draw more or better I think, maybe it even more negatively affects my gay artsy endeavor who knows.
Feels vibin' tho!!
Vibin' on pills!

*So I wonder what came first, the shitty music, or the drugs.*

>> No.7072133

I embrace you!

>> No.7072134

~I forgive you! <3

>> No.7072141
File: 37 KB, 243x371, dsdsdssdsdsdsd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do you guys simplify the knuckles? while my hands are pretty shit in general still, feels like it comes even more apart when it's a pose that focuses on the knuckles

>> No.7072155
File: 511 KB, 1111x779, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how can i make this more dramatic? i feel like something is missing in this drawing, but i'm not sure what.

>> No.7072156

Be good and reward yourself.

>> No.7072158

>Yeah no shit I wanna get good, I'm asking if I CAN get good
Unless you're literally mentally handicapped you can.
It's not an easy thing to accomplish though but very much so within your grasp.
Good luck

>> No.7072159

Do you guys think I can get good if i put in the work?
I'll try regardless but i'm curious what the thread thinks.

>> No.7072160

could use more dramatic lighting?
i think you should do something to lower the contrast of the corner of the room in the bg, it stands out too much

>> No.7072163

i think adding motion lines to places applicable (to depict struggle or add force to the head being pushed down) would be a good way to add a sense of urgency. really good so far especially the lighting on the characters

>> No.7072169

i doubt it anon. i’ve had this problem for years now and it doesn’t help that i moved from pc tablet to ipad. everywhere i see contradicting advice. i like the feel of big canvases when drawing but it is so much work to make it look clean. smaller canvas is less work but also doesn’t have the detail density i like.

picrel is an example of lower px canvas i think

>> No.7072179

The pose looks like she holds her head gently. It should look like she applies her weight on her head.

>> No.7072195

Honestly I don't know if it's that or if I'm stressing myself trying to improve
Everything apparently
You know, you're right. I think I'm gonna have to stop until I can stop stressing myself and find a way to learn that works for me.
>Unless you're literally mentally handicapped you can.
I'm diagnosed with autism, ADHD and ADD. Is that close enough?

>> No.7072196

oh man, you've told me the one thing i don't want to hear, i think it's too late to change that now butt you're totally right lol

>> No.7072198
File: 492 KB, 1459x1446, a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was speaking to pawell on Discord and he sent the book he is studying figure drawing from. So i decided to check it out and give it a shot. Here is my initial attempts.

I am not very sure if i like this approach to figure drawing

>> No.7072199
File: 40 KB, 309x439, 1708359807304261.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

starting next week i'll be forced to spend 6 hours a day drawing on public transit i heckin love middle management

>> No.7072203

not that anon but i think it could be fixed with some 'tension lines' or something. maybe tighten both of their grips a bit, bottom girl trying to push upwards from the sink while the hands on her head push downwards.

>> No.7072206
File: 134 KB, 574x891, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7072207

>My only recommendation is that you re-check the position/size of the nose.
Now that you mentioned it, you're right
Damn. I should take note of that on the next pic I draw

>> No.7072209

>I'm diagnosed with autism, ADHD and ADD. Is that close enough?
I meant actual struggles to speak coherently retard
Adhdh and add and tism are probably gonna make it harder but its not outside your reach still

>> No.7072213
File: 427 KB, 664x900, bustvfinal rs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These look like good vilppu copies, make sure to make plenty of your own using the method.

Nice job anon, try to be less of a degenerate if you can.

Do remember to copy the whole plate too

If left se the newer one, it's a noticeable improvement on all counts, the perspective on the flag pins and the star pin on the hat is much better

>> No.7072217

I look like that but my job doesn't make me do that

>> No.7072220

hello fellow middle manager
how many direct reports do you have?

>> No.7072222

Autism, ADHD, and ADD are not real things. Just excuses to let you get away with certain behaviors, but by all means blame your "mental illnesses" for your artistic inadequacy.

>> No.7072223

I'd change the neutral expression of the pink-haired girl

>> No.7072224

oh no im not middle management i do actual work

>> No.7072233
File: 395 KB, 731x516, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's the progress

>> No.7072237

have bits of catgirl's hair scrunched between top girl's fingers to imply a really tight grip, have catgirl's ahoge springing up to show she's super alert, maybe even fuzzy like a startled cartoon cat's tail

>> No.7072238


>> No.7072240

so draw you howie faggot

>> No.7072243


>> No.7072246

scrap 1 and 3
read book 2 for 20 pages then draw. nothing more needs to be said.

>> No.7072250

Yeah fuck him especially. If I have to stare at my hand any longer I'm chopping it off.

>> No.7072251
File: 342 KB, 2104x1488, accuracy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hell, you could skip all three if you understand plumb lines, block ins and measuring

>> No.7072254
File: 196 KB, 604x806, 20240223_162317.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

floating imagination head

>> No.7072259

Because you told me I’m NGMI, you stuoid nigger.
What are you, a Christcuck?
I did. I stopped drawing.

>> No.7072262

i didn't tell you that, anon. maybe you should go back to drawing, but get away from /ic/
personally i do the same, this place just serves as a good place to get materials from time tot ime

>> No.7072285


>> No.7072286
File: 2.74 MB, 2700x2700, ScribblesSpheresCubes 23.2.24.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reposting from the last thread:

"So I drew these today, and for some reason my hand felt a bit unsteady compared to before, I am not sure why my lines/curves still look a bit neater but I struggled to feel comfortable while drawing today.

Do I just need to rest my hand? Also do my cubes look overly wonky? I feel they look nicer than ones I could draw a few months back but I dunno, I can't always tell."

When I don't feel all that great I force myself to do these exercises to build my motor skills up, though today my hands felt slightly shakey at times so it waas harder for me to get neater lines, though they still feel less obviously shakey compared to before.

>> No.7072289

this is good so far the motion is portrayed pretty well and i also like the water rendering

>> No.7072312

nope those are irrelevant when drawing from imagination which is the goal of most artists

>> No.7072315
File: 342 KB, 2048x1064, stuff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe I should read more books instead of copying random pictures until it works

>> No.7072319

why aren't you drawing through your boxes?

>> No.7072320
File: 303 KB, 817x784, Screenshot_4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this dude looks so scuffed lol

gonna color it maybe

>> No.7072321


>> No.7072322

he...hes...hes gonna fuck her isn't he?

>> No.7072323

he's just shy guy who waits for his bus bro stop that

>> No.7072325

I honestly need to make a habit of doing that more.

>> No.7072327

...Y'know I'm not even gonna bother

>> No.7072328

This is probably better fit for stupid questions but what are those boxes i've been hearing about and are they really really crucial to the process?
Is it some well-known beg course or just a general exercise everyone should be doing?
Pls redpill me on that.

>> No.7072330

Remember to push yourself and actually apply what you're doing here to drawing some challenging and complex things. As a /beg/ it's easy to stagnate and keep repeating these exercises without any real thought.

>> No.7072331
File: 1.34 MB, 1754x1240, 36.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7072332

Yeah because you'd lose.

>> No.7072334

thanks chum

>> No.7072335

boxes are the simplest form that defines 3d space, in particular, every box defines a set of 3 vanishing points, i.e. 3 point perspective
but the first thing you should do is build the habit of drawing for fun, before any courses or any of that shit

>> No.7072336

if this is in the motion of pushing down, maybe show that flow of motion in greys hair. her bangs are curled inward to the face, but shes doused so the wet hair should have more downward weight.
straighten out the arm that pink is using to shove with to be more firm. this will also make her torso seem more forward than left-facing. the other hand looks to be just resting on the shoulder, but the fingers could wrap tighter around them or the neck for visual grip
if you wanted to make it more intense she could be looming a bit over her aswell, makes it more personal than ambushy

>> No.7072341

i remember getting filtered HARD by the idea of a vanishing point while i was doing a drawabox even though its not that hard to wrap your head around(i think)
but yea ur right i should focus on drawing more first

>> No.7072342

Yeah I was worried I was going into that.

Think iit may be a good idea to try and add things to the surface of a sphere? That might be a good exercise.

>> No.7072348

Man i really don't want to draw right now but i need to.

>> No.7072356

You're being baited dummy

>> No.7072362

I have a question. Most digital art I see usually has a soft render kind of look, which I don't particularly like how digital drawing programs render that out. If its a hard edge more cel shaded-kind of look, its usually on a very cartoony/anime drawings.

Are there good artists/examples out there that you can point me to where you have a relatively realistic drawing, done with hard edge colour shading? Any tips on how to mix those two together?

>> No.7072368
File: 2.94 MB, 1931x1236, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7072374
File: 1.34 MB, 2560x1440, 526.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi beg. Todays session was just misery after misery

nice doggo
you overdid it with the vegetation. pro beg tip: leave some space empty for composition + allows foreshortening for depth (smaller trees as they go towards horizon)
it looks like your nobook method is working, very solid all around
mogs all my imagined heads
i kneel and i bet some people coom to this
you were distracted by the coom
too much stabilizer
what is robotpencil?
done. the pose was very awkward, please leave my fingers alone
shiny pointy booba
are you using 3D models? it looks incredibly stiff. rather bad value range. the liquid on her pussy lips looks extremely uncanny. the only thing i like is the floor texture lmao
if you can draw box correctly you can draw ANYTHING
most drawers grew up with anime: so they all draw anime: outline, flat colors, some airbrush = done. but you can emulate literally ALL styles or media. Check
you dont really need that one specific app for that, its just they have all the examples you are asking for

>> No.7072377

would love to see a speedpaint yours, small ears and a better alignment with the jaw bone could increase its appeal, i think

>> No.7072380

Your rendering style is beyond ugly. Is there no book for that?

>> No.7072385

>but you can emulate literally ALL styles or media. Check
You can emulate a lot, but for me personally, emulating traditional always looks extremely bad aesthetically. Every tool has its strengths and weaknesses, and if you want something to look traditional - don't use digital. I think digital is good for hard edged non-blended colour art, but I don't want to draw anime.

>> No.7072388

>another Pawell wall of text
Yeah I'm gonna ignore all your dogshit advice, not interested in becoming a meme here like you.

>> No.7072389
File: 340 KB, 2593x1560, lil bit of practice lil bit of funn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7072390

Love that the coom one is the only one you put some effort into.

>> No.7072393

im a simple man who loves some booba (plus the ones that didnt look like it had effort took only 1 minute for warmup)

>> No.7072405
File: 723 KB, 3285x3374, feet_2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reposting cuz last thread was dying.

I want to join some online workshops but I'm reading that picrel (not my work) should take 1-2 minutes each and it takes me ages to do anything. how the fuck do I become quicker at drawing? do I need certain prerequisites to start learning anatomy? I'm doing figure drawing courses and they're saying learning anatomy helps speed things up, but then I'm too slow for the anatomy stuff?

>> No.7072411

>Drawing for 4 months
>Making obvious progress
>Still feel like im NGMI
How do you cope?

>> No.7072414
File: 1.46 MB, 4000x3000, 2024-02-23-22-04-35-625.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm picking some video lessons from moderndayjames and following along with Bridgerman's Drawing from Life but I'm afraid that I'm picking the wrong lessons from him. People often say that Bridgerman isn't for/beg/ but the book has a ton of examples of basic forms.

>> No.7072418

please stop giving advice

>> No.7072427

I was impressed until you said it wasn't your work and then started asking a bunch of howie questions. That made the fall to disappointment all the more devastating.

>> No.7072435

just keep in mind it's not medically accurate and it's meant to be exaggerated anatomy for artists
try "completing" a bridgman drawing by adding more parallel pencil strokes in between the example lines, that teaches you how to shade

>> No.7072471
File: 642 KB, 1500x682, bustprogris.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey anon, thanks for the feedback! The ear is absolutely a problem area there

I don't have a speedpaint but I did save some intermediate stages

>> No.7072472

I'm joining the Pawell hate train, cause of him I'm losing motivation to learn

>> No.7072483

Stop blaming outside forces for your own shortcomings

>> No.7072488

Joining the Pawell hate train because hating on him gives me the power to do better and learn more

>> No.7072510

Genuinely better than the Villpu blobs. I'm proud of you Pawell.

>> No.7072528
File: 38 KB, 1024x576, bdbe5767980740ffa651ffd135c2becc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

people hating on pawell still for no reason?
truly, this board is full of teenagers and adults who think like teenagers

>> No.7072529
File: 1.60 MB, 5454x2741, CreationofAdam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

revisiting this old unfinished drawing. what can i do to improve?

(besides the feet and empty crotch)

>> No.7072530
File: 1.18 MB, 2500x2000, foot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

idk, anon. there's so much to learn that it can be confusing what I should be focusing on and when. picrel is my honest attempt at drawing a foot at 2.5 minutes and the other at 12. I see I'm nowhere near the speed of other artists learning anatomy and worry I'm skipping over something important.

>> No.7072531

>for no reason
kek even

>> No.7072532

Pawell samefagging as usual.

>> No.7072533

My reason is he recommended KTD to me and now I'm pretty sure I popped a dozen blood vessels.

>> No.7072534

then tell me the reasons you guys hate on pawell
and make them good and not sound like youre mad

>> No.7072536

I see, just nodraw trolls acting like kids
nothing to see here

>> No.7072538

Pawel gives advice without being able to produce pleasing or correct art
Pawel has been studying for two years now and doesn't apply his studies anywhere
Pawel doesn't even read the books he mindlessly copies

>> No.7072540

>he has been a permabeg for years
>he gives advice
>he is arrogant
>he samefags
That's enough for me to hate you pawell

>> No.7072544

sounds like you guys a bitter and just wanting to vent frustrations on others

>> No.7072545

You're actually doing very well especially for 12 minutes and a beginner. You're overthinking things, and that's how the Howie questions start. Doing this >>7072405 in 2 minutes is not realistic for a beginner and even many ints, I have no idea where you were told that. Drawing faster comes with time and experience.

>> No.7072546

No, I just hate how Pawel posts walls of mass replies every day and doesn't improve.

>> No.7072549
File: 99 KB, 750x1000, flat,750x,075,f-pad,750x1000,f8f8f8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok pawell-san, keep grinding, just a few more years and you'll reach chris-chan status.

>> No.7072551

Again, stop blaming Pawell and KTD because you can't draw a fucking box. I can tell you're the same guy.

>> No.7072553

methinks drawing from life is probably better than just doing anime

>> No.7072558


Pawell never always says nice things about my art and he never gives me any advice (cause I mog). I don't mind him

so maybe you all should git gud

>> No.7072562
File: 6 KB, 227x222, images.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, I'll shit on you here for as long as /ic/ exists pawell-san no amount of you same fagging will make me stop.

>> No.7072567

while youre here seething pawrll is drawing
how ironic

>> No.7072569
File: 214 KB, 332x411, peaceful pill.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ic bitter retards trying to shoo away an active user
people truly are pathetic

to those trying to troll i reocmmend the following book

>> No.7072571
File: 96 KB, 750x1000, bg,f8f8f8-flat,750x,075,f-pad,750x1000,f8f8f8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And how has that been working out for him?

>> No.7072572

It's for the good of /beg/ pawell and anyone appreciating him are below average iq.

>> No.7072576

You are unironically better than him at drawing gestures and feeling the flow.

>> No.7072577

I saw a discord workshop doing an "all skill levels" anatomy studies course and the instructor noted these feet should take 1-2 minutes each. I don't have a frame of reference for these things and started worrying. I'll keep drawing as I do to become faster. thanks, anon.

>> No.7072578

Pawell makes the /beg/ thread look worse than it actually is.

>> No.7072580

You're right, I should follow his advice. I'll keep staring at my hand like a retard since that what he wants.

>> No.7072592

>7 months fail fag
>Lunatic soda
This thread attract a lot of "interesting" people.

>> No.7072606

Why does he make you faggots seethe so much?

>> No.7072608

he can't draw if his life depended on it and yet he gives advice to everyone

>> No.7072610

Should i feel bad i don’t even make the list?

>> No.7072616

I've been on this board 8 years and have never been a meme on here.

really you only become a meme like nosebro by being an obnoxious faggot

>> No.7072620

I guess I’ll be more obnoxious then, you nigger faggot!

>> No.7072621

You have to post your work so people recognize you. :)

>> No.7072625

oh. But I’m the guy who gave up drawing because you told me I was NGMI.

>> No.7072626

seems you truly were NGMI anon

>> No.7072627

Hey get in line anon, thats my thing.

>> No.7072629

hehe so I was right :^)

>> No.7072630

I don’t draw better than you don’t!

>> No.7072650
File: 294 KB, 900x1280, fc7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You and me, let's go

>> No.7072665
File: 576 KB, 220x220, IMG_8134.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7072702

ngl bros I think I'm getting somewhere this is my first drawing I'm proud of

>> No.7072711

I was just trying to keep the competition down, I saw great potential in you, potential to surpass even me, so I had to take action.

>> No.7072712

>while youre here seething pawrll is bashing his head against a brick wall

>> No.7072720
File: 736 KB, 1179x1199, IMG_4720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Working on this rn!

>> No.7072724

This looks great anon, except for that right hand. The right foot is ok

>> No.7072744

What is best way to practice form and think about form? I draw gesture and then try to draw the form of the gesture and it usually ends up looking pretty flat in a lot of areas

>> No.7072751

1. Make something out of clay/play doh(or using sketchfab 3d models )
2. Draw it in different angles.
https : // skfb dot ly/6Xprx

>> No.7072754
File: 1.19 MB, 2048x2732, IMG_1017.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In critical need of second opinions
Does the asymmetry in the main eyes at the top stand out bad or does it look okay? I’ve flipped my canvas too many times per sitting and lost my sense of judgement

>> No.7072760
File: 2.40 MB, 1409x1053, 003.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

turned it into animu

>> No.7072778


>> No.7072794
File: 134 KB, 541x873, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you find it cute?

>> No.7072800
File: 405 KB, 992x454, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>''Our minor axis is always the same as the vanishing point''
Only when projecting the outline of a sphere. When you draw a circle, that shit does not hold.
> ''The ellipse that is closer to the viewer is always a little more squished than the ellipse that is further away from the viewer''
> Presents a 1 point perspective cylinder even though he's drawing in 2-point perspective
I despise artist tutorials on Youtube.

>> No.7072820

Is hand drawn physical art dead for good? New beginner here.

>> No.7072821

Yes, all dead. We are just here for the memes, go home.

>> No.7072852

How do you into digital on a small tablet (I have an Intuos S)? I forced myself to do digital for 2 hours everyday for 3 months last year until I stopped because I really dislike digital. I'm trying to get back into since there's no benefit in only being able to do traditional, but fuck man, within 15 minutes I feel like dropping the entire thing since it feels so shitty and slippery.

>> No.7072876
File: 413 KB, 1280x720, tablet mapping.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The large disparity between your tablet and screen size makes tablet 100% more unusable. You want as few pixels moved per inch of tablet area as possible. If you're using a small tablet your every move corresponds to about 3x the distance on your monitor or more, meaning your every movement is greatly magnified. That's why it demands way more percision than natural drawing and why you're drawing worse on a tablet. Try binding the function "Percision mode" to your express keys and you can see what a more natural mapping would feel like. This function maps the tablet to a smaller portion of your screen so you get higher control in that area.

The conclusion is; always buy as large of a tablet as you can afford and comfortably use at your desk.

>> No.7072877
File: 8 KB, 249x249, url(4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't, small tablets are for playing OSU! and graphic designers.

A small tablet barely costs 20$ less than an reasonably sized one, if you're that broke just stick to traditional.

>> No.7072885

I'll have a look at the precision mode thing and see if it helps.
>A small tablet barely costs 20$ less than an reasonably sized one
An Intuos S costs like 80 USD where I live, and an Intuos M Is around 180 USD. The only brand I really know about is Wacom. Maybe there were other brands I should have looked into, but I'm very unfamiliar with digital tools and tablets.

>> No.7072886

Ok, so get a job for a day or two and buy one? What's the issue?

>> No.7072887

>I'll have a look at the precision mode thing and see if it helps.
try it for sure. it's more of a thought experiment than a practical long term solution in this case. the area available in this mode will be limited, the point is just to show you the difference between low and high scaling factors (low being better)

>> No.7072889

You messed up big time. I originally wanted to buy the Intuos S for the same reason, but the One by Wacom M has a perfectly reasonable price, no buttions, but who cares.

In retrospect thought, I would buy any brand of tablet, even if they may be a bit inaccurate, if you're a beg I doubt that matters. Whatever. The M size is have is okay for me to work, but any smaller would be a no no. Maybe you can compensate for the small size by working zoomed in and also having a window that displays the full work also.

>> No.7072892

also a few more thoughts, these tablets basically last until they are destroyed so it really doesnt matter how much you spend. $180 is not even that much cash anyway.

If you find it slippery, then maybe yours is a defective unit, they sell protective layers for these maybe that will help. I would not describe mine as slippery, it has a good grip.

>> No.7072894

> I see I'm nowhere near the speed of other artists learning anatomy and worry I'm skipping over something important.
who cares about speed. Should be the last thing you care, if you can draw it thats a win. If I cared about speed I would have killed myself.

>> No.7072907

Is getting a really expensive tablet worth it? I have money but just curious if there's that much of a difference between a 300-500 dollar one and a 1500+ one. Or is it just a start with a cheaper one and upgrade as you improve kinda thing?

>> No.7072909

Oh and also do you think it's better to stick to traditional in the beginning instead of jumping into digital?

>> No.7072950
File: 1.45 MB, 1240x1754, 38.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7072952

nobody is going to tell you this because they dont want to be mean but your rendering style is ugly as shit

>> No.7072957

The main things to look at are size, and whether the tablet has a screen. If you got a couple thousand dollars to burn, then yeah, you can get features that don't exist on cheaper tablets. I'm not sure if it's worth it, I can only afford a basic one.

>> No.7072963

I use a high end tablet at work and some screenless chinese one at home, the first one is easier to use but the results aren't that much better.

If I was good enough to worry about the brush engine or needed to improve my workflow I'd pick the first one but for drawing anime bitches until I git gud it doesn't make much of a difference

>> No.7072966

just buy the biggest you can afford
I prefer screenless, but some anons really don't like them
that said, a lot of artists with nice line confidence attribute it to working with pen and paper early on

>> No.7072973

Both at least. Not experiencing drawing outside, the versatility of a graphite pencil, the big shoulder movements etc would be like missing out on life.

>> No.7072979

Wacom is very overpriced compared to everyone else, get a Huion or one of those other chinese brands for less than half the price

>> No.7072982

Get a worse product for less money, I guess it's fair

>> No.7072987

there's no difference in quality at the lowest tiers

>> No.7073001

i want to get more into traditional art again. i mostly have trouble with the position and angle i draw in causing me pain. i used to draw traditionally all the time back when i didn't have this problem. might put my sketchbook on the stand in place of my tablet and see if that does anything for my back and shoulders

>> No.7073008
File: 1.60 MB, 1020x2378, page 33.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one of the latest pages I drew. I hate action. But I love it.

>> No.7073013

>Draw upside down
okay I did it, my copies looks better, now what? how do I keep the right side of my brain on and the left one off? just keep doing this? what else?

>> No.7073016

Stop wiping with just paper and use a bit of soap and water. You're literally walking around with a DIRTY ASSHOLE. That will help.

>> No.7073019

this. if you're ever on the receiving end of surprise buttsex you'd want your anal to be clean at least

>> No.7073021
File: 1.75 MB, 1836x1972, pose.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more figures with what I'm learning from Hampton. It's starting to click
amphetamines do wonders, but I only do that on weekends

>> No.7073023

top left looks sick, you still got the full reference?

>> No.7073025
File: 3.99 MB, 2980x1555, imgrinding.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I said I was gonna just draw for 2024(blackpilled on courses/tutorials/reading etc) had a slow start and didn't draw until late January but I've been drawing daily since then.
On the right is a copy I did on the first day and on the left a copy I did yesterday from some chinese book I found here(I've been drawing other shit than just head copies but my first drawings were head copies and I wanted to do a comparison).
So far I'm improving, I'm applying things I learn while copying to drawings I do myself, obv they don't turn out as good but I'm sure with time and effort they will.
Attempting to draw loads of different stuff that I wouldn't even dare attempt before, clothes, animals, people, castles and although most turn out bad I'm actually having a shit ton of fun, it's like a constant puzzle solving exercise. See you all next month, I'll post some actual drawings of different things and not just a shitty copy then.
Also to the faggot who called me retarded, I remember you, I saved your comment, it's on my wall and I look at it every day, I know what you're gonna say "oh you copied something and it looks like shit" yeah well bitch I'm only one month in and I'm just getting started so I need more comments from you for my crabwall now cope with that dumbass.

>> No.7073028
File: 100 KB, 900x1313, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here you go

>> No.7073035
File: 482 KB, 750x937, imageZ9LXZRDZ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been watching Proko's course on figure drawing

I'm on mannequinization, it's pretty neat how breaking everything down piece by piece makes it a lot easier to get the basic shapes.

>> No.7073037

Since you're pretty new I would recommend drawing the box mannequin on top of the reference to see how you can actually break down the figure
When you've done that, remove the mannequin layer and draw the figure on the side like you did in this post.

>> No.7073039

what kind of advice is that??

>> No.7073040

just draw XD

kill yourself

>> No.7073042
File: 810 KB, 750x1150, image[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey that actually helps a lot

>> No.7073048

kinda, more than anything im just flattered

>> No.7073055

looks like AI, spoon :)))))))
xoxoxo ^_^

>> No.7073067
File: 1.64 MB, 1240x1754, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love chainsawman :-]

>> No.7073082
File: 277 KB, 1296x1658, proportions.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7073097

What books/courses do i do to learn how to draw humans?
I'm a pre-beg tho so keep that in mind.

>> No.7073118
File: 2.78 MB, 3000x2000, 2024_02_24 fwap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fwap practice. been working more traditionally as well, though I don't have those scanned to show.


this is looking so good.


don't know what you mean by prebeg - beg is just beg. LoveLifeDrawing's fresh eyes course can be good for getting into figures. if you mean you've never even held a pencil then start with lesson 1-2 of drawabox combined with some figure studies. don't forget to draw for fun in between studies. if you want to draw people, draw them unapologetically and just try to notice where the gaps in your skill are.

>> No.7073119

desperate bump

>> No.7073170
File: 93 KB, 368x333, jaw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks fine anon. My only nitpick would be adams jawline. it looks too connected, like a stuck on anime head. Here's my dogwater edit
Also his hair is sloppily done

>> No.7073195
File: 2.20 MB, 2024x2129, 20240224_124103.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's so over

>> No.7073198


>> No.7073204

dunno, just too used to not doing realism (minus the anime girl)

>> No.7073207
File: 372 KB, 584x769, Untitled 21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7073210

it's tradition for the OP image to be something that catches your eye from the old begthread. i liked yours anon. it's pretty neat

>> No.7073211

the hatching and lack of cocks makes them look like they're wearing skinsuits. draw a fig leaf if you have to

>> No.7073218

What anime girl? What realism? It's all just symbol drawings m8, minus the loomis ball. What're you studying or what is your process?

>> No.7073223

Keep going. Be more precise with your lines if you can.
And keep it simple, forearms should be cylinders, not two parts
Draw the ovals of the cylinders, it will keep you thinking in 3D

>> No.7073225

Thanks. Shame the ink got smeared by my markers because the paper couldn't hold the ink in place though

>> No.7073239
File: 963 KB, 2480x3508, 845C6777-8690-4CE3-A67F-AD450D00DE46.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watch karl gnass spirit of the pose and it will

Rendering of top left is semi pro

Rlly cool

Back at it again after a month and a little more of hiatus.

>> No.7073249
File: 1.35 MB, 1271x7339, 1676831944998004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wait, it was just symbols? i was trying to follow Proko's guide for the head, along with picrel for figuring out shapes in bateman's eyes

>> No.7073274

Ask yourself why you're drawing, and look at the "big picture".
Do you want to emulate a certain artist? If so, try to come up with a list of actionable items and try working on those, changing your strategy if you feel something isn't working.
Do you want to enjoy drawing more? If so, try thinking of things you could be doing to make yourself happier while drawing. This can be something as simple as putting on some music or making yourself tea.
Do you feel like you aren't progressing fast enough? That's totally normal. Remember to take breaks if you need them. You won't progress if you're burnt out and aren't enjoying drawing.
Lastly, remember that 4 months isn't a lot of time. You yourself have mentioned you have obvious progress, so be proud of that, and try looking forward to how much you'll progress. Like many other hobbies where one wants to get better, it's a marathon, not a sprint.

>> No.7073306
File: 2.62 MB, 1080x2400, 1688763184303.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feeling unsatisfied with this work so far. Not sure if I'm lacking dark, bolder lines/textures, or if maybe it could benefit from more colors. Thoughts?

>> No.7073317

Holy shit i hate how much he reminds me of me
>be me
>start 4 years ago
>still permabeg
>slow improvement
>keeps coming back to same subject even if he sucks at it
> ignores other fundamentals or undermines them from constant loop

Noo i don't want to be like pawell. Only difference i can see is that i often don't draw or study for days even weeks.

>> No.7073320
File: 178 KB, 850x702, sitin boy 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I posted this one >>7072742 on the wrong thread because I'm stoopid.
I corected the shoulders and torso a little bit and wanted to hear your thoughts on the figure.

>> No.7073327

These are just scribbles, out of 10 attempts only 1 resembes a human head. Are you drawing from imagination? Take a reference and try to construct the head that looks like the reference. Then fix mistakes. Do this at least 50 times, compare it with that you scribbled now and then ask whether it's over.

>> No.7073331

Nah, the only difference between pawel and 90% of /ic/ is just that he draws and also posts every his study here like an autist. 90% of /ic/ either posts 1 or 2 of their best works or just doesn't post neither works nor studies at all kek.

>> No.7073336

I can tell it's you, Pawell.

>> No.7073337

>Are you drawing from imagination?
only... 2? of the actual finished heads were from imagination, the 4 ""finished"" near the right side were from proko's guide, and bateman i just did for fun
>Do this at least 50 times, compare it with that you scribbled now and then ask whether it's over.
aye aye captain

>> No.7073351

I’m still not drawing.

>> No.7073368
File: 632 KB, 2098x2968, auroranew.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7073370

So jetpens was a start for art supplies and all, but what would I need from mechanical? a twist or something?

>> No.7073371

Yeah, you're still just symbol drawing. You're not really following the guide you just posted.

>> No.7073392

Oh. Oops... I guess I'll start from the beginning again, then.

>> No.7073396

Do the eyes one

>> No.7073401 [DELETED] 

I just want some book recomendations about figure drawing, please.

>> No.7073406
File: 436 KB, 1939x910, vilppu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some more Vilppu

>> No.7073452
File: 1.15 MB, 2098x2968, thecooleraurora.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7073456

New schizo just dropped

>> No.7073459

For the record I also think you're retarded

>> No.7073460

How do I make my brain understand where shadows go? if you say use references I'll shit your pants.

>> No.7073461
File: 843 KB, 939x2499, Doodleswcolors.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7073462

I try to draw but i keep doubting myself that maybe i have wasted too much time to correct myself in this year. I feel like 4 years so far is too much of nothing for this amount of progress. I'm willing to and will pick up the fucking pencil and draw and just keep grinding as long as there is hope that i can improve. I don't want to ask questions no more but i really want to know if my fate is same or i can change this year.

>> No.7073463
File: 687 KB, 1800x1222, coomline2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's cute, but the legs need to have the right rhythm to not look like balloons
It is also interesting to leave the ribcage and pelvis at different angles, otherwise the torso will appear flat.

the french God himself, Michel Lauricella and and his series of books called Morpho

>> No.7073465
File: 3.85 MB, 2098x2968, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot to reverse the text.

>> No.7073467

Opposite of the light source.

>> No.7073468

put them where the light doesn't reach

>> No.7073471

NTA, but I really like the face you drew! Is there a specific artist you studied for the eyes or did you make it up on your own?

>> No.7073473
File: 950 KB, 1252x1257, IMG_0411.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A friendly mushroom man

Back again from a 6month break, feels good man

>> No.7073481
File: 1.82 MB, 850x1201, 1701342021334840.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks, and actually yes
I studied a lot of the work of artists like Lack, Trylsc and Serin199

>> No.7073483

left eye is bigger than right eye, hands too msal and different sizes, foot not really drawn in right perspective. tits are compressing weirdly into cloth, too pointy

>> No.7073485
File: 3.74 MB, 2484x1555, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Less talking more drawing faggot

>> No.7073488
File: 2.14 MB, 850x1201, 1687958299039575.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>left eye is bigger than right eye-ACK

>> No.7073489

I think your "fix" or whatever you're doing is unironically worse.

>> No.7073491

Except on Lack's its clear shes closing one eye, it doesnt look like that one yours.

>> No.7073492

Then ignore it lol

>> No.7073494

Well, just wanted to put you down some because I felt like you were trying to mog him.

>> No.7073497

More drawing, less talking faggot

>> No.7073498
File: 1.52 MB, 850x1143, 1704165567324819.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The height of the furthest eye being larger is a stylized feature in anime, as is the side mouth.
As for other things, feel free to make a redline, otherwise I will consider it with just a shit ass crab post

>> No.7073502

Before trying to solve that question I would first solve your retardation.

>> No.7073503
File: 234 KB, 887x1000, 02-24-2024.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Line art isn't done yet, but let me know if you see any glaring flaws.
The golem is supposed to look like a (very) large man with long arms, so his proportions may not be exact, but they should be close.
I've been stuck on his foot (his right), not sure how it should look.

>> No.7073509

How long have you been here bro, anons redraw all the time to help show areas they could improve.

>> No.7073513
File: 217 KB, 1890x974, eye.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7073515

Is the guy meant to be 12 foot tall and twice as wide as a normal man?

>> No.7073516

How long have you been here bro anons shit on bad redraws all the time to make sure the dunning krugers don't get out of line.

>> No.7073517

Nah dude he's actually supposed to be a midget, you can tell by the fairy sitting on his shoulder.

>> No.7073518

And the circle of life continues

>> No.7073519

Don't make fun of his brother André like that, he's trying his best to be a good older brother to his twink sibling

>> No.7073522
File: 1.85 MB, 1200x900, 1684986839160547.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one of the eyes is supposed to be more open than the others like pic rel and you just removed that and I'm still waiting for the other things \_(ツ)_/¯

>> No.7073523

Problem is this eyelid line, even when the eye is closed the eyelid size still stays the same.

>> No.7073525
File: 75 KB, 1395x402, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at both hands and compare the size of the fists, one is clearly much smaller than the other and the far one is deformed and wonky.Both of them need to be like 75 percent bigger

>> No.7073527

Then redraw it for him you faggot so we can be a nitpicking cunt towards your drawing instead.

>> No.7073531
File: 810 KB, 566x926, 1690831350699363.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>small hands
do you even anime m8
Small hands are signs of cuteness and femininity
pic rel is from a multi milionary game

>> No.7073532

>75% bigger
Now I know you can't draw.

>> No.7073536

I like him :)

>> No.7073538

Holy fucking shit you're retarded.

>> No.7073541

fuck off with your shitty gacha goblin
Total weeb death

>> No.7073542
File: 370 KB, 1223x821, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With and without the ref.
For some reason, the mistakes are more apparent to me when comparing to the drawing from ref instead of the ref itself.

>> No.7073548
File: 495 KB, 1800x1222, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mostly it's the boobs, I think other than Lack, all the other images are not the greatest. Even if you wanted to be coomer and show the nipple the breast wouldnt go that far inward. Heres what I meant by the eye thing too, basically that upper line will always stay the same regardless of the expression, only the position and shape of the eyelash.

>> No.7073555

He is supposed to be very large, and she's fairly short as well.

>> No.7073559
File: 1.51 MB, 1062x1500, 1693659365608038.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's the nipple from a saggy tiddy
more precisely me trying to imitate trylsc's style

>> No.7073563
File: 1.15 MB, 2560x1440, 527.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sup beg. I would like to point out 2 things:
A) i only posted in this thread 2 times (this post included)
B) dont feed the crabs by trying to defend me, first of all i dont need it and secondly they have paranoia and will accuse you of being me. instead of feeding crabs give (You)s to people who PYW

i wish loomis heads looked like this, thumbs up
i would make bigger contrast, but i still kneel
there are 99999 of them. bridgman, hampton, hogarth, tomfoxdraw, morpho...
it looks cool as a texture or relief on a wall. but it is really hard to tell what am i looking at. if you want to tell a story via drawing, you have to work with rule
>less is more
aka to not merge everything together into random mass
observation > perspective > figures. do not skip the fundies. start with keys to drawing
i recc PYWing as you draw, not in large batches after a month. You never know if you get valuable feedback. good luck!
value range. it is all same value
i recc xppen deco l, rather cheap, big and precise
i kneel
it all looks awesome except the middle top head: why is it so big? the head isnt in scale of the rest of drawing
i kneel. the lantern is too sharp and symmetrical compared to the rest. trace it with same brush you use in the rest
i will bother with rendering only after my figures stop being so painfully BEG

>> No.7073564

Problem is that your taste is too stylistically incongruent and you're mixing different mistakes from different artists. For stylized works its best to stick to one guy, and then mixing in other sources (like realism or abstract ) instead. I would just stick to imitating Lack or trylsc's newer works, all the other images (including this older trylsc piece) isnt giving you the best role model to learn from.

>> No.7073565

Idk but Proko had forearms as a sort of bowling pin and then the wrists were cylinders

Should I just combine them into a bowling pin like shape?

>> No.7073566
File: 441 KB, 1374x1000, 10 year gap yikes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thread's done apparently.
Who had more SOVL?
Horny Teen me on the left, or near middle aged wage slave with little time to draw on the right?
Just found some old notebooks, even if you didn't ask.
The right stuff took an hour, my latest drawings to date.

>> No.7073567
File: 458 KB, 2770x3610, image_123655411(7).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

study in progress. about 50mins so far. it's kinda sorta accidentally shaping up to look like a cross between dean cornwell and devin korwin, though brushwork is still pretty sloppy.

>> No.7073569
File: 1.41 MB, 824x825, Barrack.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Hey Michelle! I think some punk on 4chan drew me"

>> No.7073570
File: 407 KB, 896x1280, IMG_0(5).webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7073572

desu I appreciate your posts because you're the only person in these threads who is actually interacting with others. I hope you make it my friend.

>> No.7073580
File: 606 KB, 954x1207, mokou.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eventually I will learn how to draw a decent 2hu.

>> No.7073582
File: 1.98 MB, 4396x6592, 1703963486762754.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone asked for the ref I used for a draw a thread or 2 ago and I finally found it

>> No.7073587
File: 1020 KB, 2113x1556, this took 3 hoursssss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7073588

It IS a loomis head, no? I just found that shit in google images.

>> No.7073596

Great work anon
obama needs to be more baller tho

>> No.7073597
File: 1.81 MB, 1392x1883, obamaTHE GOAT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot file

>> No.7073601

drawing with a tablet feels really awful. How do i get past that? Just grinding until it feels alright?

>> No.7073610

if you're using a non-display tablet, yeah it takes some getting used to

>> No.7073616

thanks for the tips guys i am currently working on a new one and i will post it here when i finish it :)

>> No.7073624

I think i'll stick to trad for now because it feels like ass.
Certain shapes are way easier to make but my line control suffers greatly.

>> No.7073640 [DELETED] 

decided to try realism for once since i figured it'd help with furry stuff and holy fuck the dunning kruger is real

>> No.7073650
File: 144 KB, 1663x1499, 202402-24 UrabeCatDoodle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cat day wip. Very fucked.

>> No.7073652

New thread?

>> No.7073660

cat day was a few days ago

>> No.7073664
File: 230 KB, 800x885, image[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been working on my faces

How's these look? I still take some time to do 3/4 view but I think I'm getting better at it.

>> No.7073666
File: 2.36 MB, 498x471, kanye-wtf.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at his broke ass. No chains nothing. He will never ball.

>> No.7073671

I-i know...

>> No.7073700

New thread

>> No.7073814

3/4ths faces look a bit flat, and the Gaston looks a little off-model. The Tansu looks great though.
If you're using references, try measuring out the proportions and the relative positions of everything.

>> No.7074060

To this day I never learned what value is. Saturation?

>> No.7074061

Wait fuck I get it now. You are right. It's like the level of opacity.

>> No.7074121

Top right is pretty cute.

>> No.7074264
File: 3.90 MB, 3840x2160, side by side comparison.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was wondering if the different objects in the composition(cliffsides, plants, trees, leaves, the figures in the center, etc.) are easy to identify just with the textures I used, or if I do need to add value and keep the linework in order for the forms of each object to be recognizable.

>> No.7075655
File: 1.73 MB, 2000x3000, Cognitive Redmage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Using the cognitive drawing technique from Jason Brubaker that redline anon recommended. Find it interesting that you get instant feedback and long term memory of the little details, but I'm still finding it hard to get the proportions right. I keep drawing wide and the angle feels off... How many attempts should I give this before trying something else do you think? What other mistakes am I not seeing?

>> No.7075820
File: 138 KB, 508x511, rgewwgeeq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7075947

Had to skip drawing today because i was too sleep deprived to do it.
Tomorrow back to the grind hopefully. Good luck with your studies pals.