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7059977 No.7059977 [Reply] [Original]

How do you guys cope with not getting likes on social media?

>> No.7059979

Drawing is about having fun. You're not supposed to seek attention. Draw because you are having fun not because of validation. If meaningless numbers gives you motivation, you were never a "true artist" to begin with.

>> No.7059980

I don't post my art on social media anymore because I noticed that I changed my motivation from intrinsic to extrinsic. Switching that back around feels much better.

>> No.7059981

If you don't please yourself with your art why bother.

>> No.7059983

I get likes. Hell I even get retweets. I just can’t get a new follower to save my life. Among the followers I do have they’re really engaged. At sub 500 I can average about 20 likes on art posts of original characters. Which I’ve noticed can be higher engagement than some accounts with twice my follower count. I’m really thankful for my followers who like my work. They’ve all been really supportive and some of them I’ve known for almost a decade. Still it does make me wonder why even with the likes and shares I only seem to get a new follower once a month or so.

>> No.7059985

Let your art defend itself, likes and retwetts are only indicators of the algorithm.

>> No.7059986

>do art for someone that people around like you, but not for yourself at first place
Fuck this shit

>> No.7059987

there's a guy among my 10~ followers that like everything I post. They don't know it but they give me lot of motivation

>> No.7059997

Women can't into art they have no souls all they do Is seek attention fuck off and die I hope you never get any likes every whore

>> No.7059999

Just cope by saying you aren’t getting likes because bots

>> No.7060001

by not using social media

>> No.7060002

You know that one guy who cried about fallower to like ratio, at least was somewhat decent.
This one in question does draw autistic baby bs lmao.

>> No.7060003

Exactly, you aren’t a true anything if you do it for attention and money. You aren’t a true doctor, teacher, professor, programmer, business owner, or anything in general if you do it for money,

>> No.7060005

by focusing on the quality of the art and trusting my instinct instead of the little number.

>> No.7060009

I don't understand how Twitter algorithm works. I draw fanart for a relatively small fandom and it keeps getting way more likes that I would expect for how simple and generic it is. And then I see stuff that's way better than mine performing worse. I even stopped putting tags because the numbers were intimidating me but the new pieces still perform well. I don't know why it upsets me, maybe because my garbage is being shown to more people while actual good stuff gets less attention? I really don't like Twitter.

>> No.7060010
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by shitposting on 4chin some stupid meme and getting yous. pathetic right?

>> No.7060011

If an apple falls from a tree with no one around it, does it even make a sound?

>> No.7060015
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>how I feel scrolling past a small artists's work with 2 likes and ignoring it, knowing that it mentally fucks with them this much

>> No.7060017

art is communication, of course you want people to look at it

>> No.7060023

The sound it makes in my heart is deafening

>> No.7060025

I get like 10 likes maximum and I don't care, I still put my all into my work because I want to improve and enjoy drawing. I'll worry about the algorithm when I finally have a project to shill.

>> No.7060031


>> No.7060034
File: 19 KB, 460x345, 1661314520673945.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, did nobody draw anything before social media was invented? All the pre-21st century artists who didn't get instant validation from thousands of strangers for one drawing weren't real?

>> No.7060046

I figured early on I couldn't cope so I simply stopped posting on social media

>> No.7060047

i dont cope cuz i dont care for fake internet points
get a life

>> No.7060049

>git really gud
>have a life outside of social media
>make a couple hundred thousand a year with actual job irl
Anyways all those amazing artists from late to mid 2010’s have mostly all stopped posting online, only retards with no concept of self respect of their work do.

>> No.7060050

I'm gonna echo what this anon >>7059980 just said. When I was on social media the quality in my work took a nosedive because I felt compelled to post a finished work every week to not only engage my existing followers, but to keep up with the algorithm and get new followers/like/etc. I went from trying to make quality paintings, to half-hearted cel-shading works, to just wonky lineart drawings. And I did grow steadily when I kept up that pace, but social media does not reward exhaustion. If you ever take a break or decide that posting every week just is not working, your social media presence will slow down and you will become irrelevant. Being an artist and on social media at the same time is not for everyone. Especially if you're in school and/or work a 9-5. Believe me, I tried to "hustle" my way through it all (going to the gym, studying, going to work, drawing) and it doesn't work. You'll give each of your interests less and less effort over time until you don't even know why you draw anymore. Draw for yourself, enjoy it, and don't sell your soul for trends, clout, or anything that would dilute the reason you became an artist in the first place.

>> No.7060053

Skill issue

>> No.7060054

I post on an imageboard I care about. I have got a lot of enjoyment out of other people's posts, all I have to offer is my lowly art, but I'm apart of something outside of myself. I hope my art reaches people who enjoy it, even if there is no confirmation it reaches anyone at all.

>> No.7060057

this is so based anon. I wish you best of luck on your art journey

>> No.7060061

they want to fuck your sweet tight bussy, thats why
soon they gonna start sliding in on your dm's

>> No.7060068

>I liked every one of your posts for a year, why haven't you retweeted my transition surgery fund yet?

>> No.7060126

Why would I care about getting likes on social media? It has no bearing on my ability to get consistent work. Its only value for me is as a platform to notify fans of my work/shill books, and to contact other authors if I want to. While I suppose it might be neat if a lot of people on social media enjoyed my work and shared it with others, I don't really care to participate in that myself, nor do I tie the value of my art to the number of likes on social media.

>> No.7060137

>Constantly seeking external validation can be harmful behavior, you should try to avoid it

>> No.7060142

You want people to look at it because you're on social media. Otherwise, you could go hiking with your sketchbook and no one would even notice

>> No.7060143

>How do you guys cope with not getting likes on social media?
Thankfully I don't have the narcissistic obsession with tying self-worth to numbers on a website, so I don't need to cope. Must be hard, though.

>> No.7060144
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Its so over bros...

>> No.7060152

I've noticed that if my likes to views ratio is worse than 1:10 in the first 10 minutes of posting (say 2 likes to 30 views) it always flops so I just delete it.

>> No.7060153

I built small following on newgrounds and i just mainly post there, on proko.com and here often for feedback so until i get good i'm not getting into bigger sites. I tried once reddit got one to 100 upvotes but i like more community here

>> No.7060155

Sort of true but I stopped caring for the opinions of normies. I draw to gain admiration from other artists.

>> No.7060158

people post art there? proko, I'm coming for you, prepare your anus

>> No.7060161

Yea they have community section where you can post for others to give feedback. From my experience at least one person will give criticism per post.

>> No.7060164

I had a look and it's so slow, I'd be pro before I get a reply...

>> No.7060170

Fair enough. Took me half a day to get reply so it's not for everyone to go ask there but on bright side some were kind enough to draw a step by step and draw me fixed version to better understand

>> No.7060190

I stopped caring about likes when I realized they weren't dollars.

>> No.7060200

Correct. The skill being social media management, which is entirely different from drawing.

>> No.7060204
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feels good but haven't been able to recreate it recently

>> No.7060205

>I don't understand how Twitter algorithm works. I draw fanart for a relatively small fandom and it keeps getting way more likes that I would expect for how simple and generic it is. And then I see stuff that's way better than mine performing worse.
Those people showering you with likes don't really like you (or the other person) as creators. They like whatever IP it is that you're making fan art of, and the fact that you deliver this fan art to them.

>> No.7060210

Social media is all about figuring out and gaming the algorithm nowadays.

Like 3/4 of scenarios in which you get lots if likes falls into one of these categories:
1. Be an e-celeb already. Your spitlickers will like anything you post anyway then
2. Draw and post stuff that is tending. In other words chase tending topics. Easier if you illustrate some meme or add booba (but not enough to trigger the trannies)
3. Get extremely lucky, get rt by an e celeb etc.
4. Be part of one of the online artist circlejerk where you only retweet and like each other

>> No.7060212

5. Be advanced and pretend to be a beginner. This almost guaranteed to give you lots of likes.

>> No.7060217
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I don't because I get plenty, and very consistently too. Highest has been 3k, lowest around 300 this month. It's done wonders to my motivation but I can't deny that it has also changed me.
I still draw "what I like" but what I like also has to do with the amount of validation I'll get, so the opinion of the masses does weigh considerably on what I draw.

>> No.7060218

>knowing that it mentally fucks with them this much
They don't know you and they don't care, you're most likely just another stagnating /int/sect.

>> No.7060230

No, art is expression. Communication is just a type of expression. When I draw for myself, I am expressing my thoughts without any intent to communicate.

>> No.7060264

I don't give a fuck, I have infinite commission work despite my work getting sub 50 likes on twatter and having about 2k followers.
My stuff does very well on other sites.
Every site has it's own different performance regarding what you draw.

>> No.7060267

i just dont care about likes in general anymore. everytime i post something i expect to get 0 likes.

>> No.7060283

This is the only place I post my art, and the occasional (you) is motivation enough

>> No.7060289
File: 796 KB, 841x752, lalalala.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's fucking maddening. I know for sure the algorhytm hates me and gives me no reach. I had people messaging me and telling me stuff like "Hey i didn't know you still posted wtf"
I hate this shit so much it's unreal

>> No.7060294

I know for a fact that X/Twitter has limited my reach because they outright told me so. For some god unknown reason it's now convinced I'm an NSFW account, and every single appeal I've made has been denied. Ever since it told me it was NSFW-gating almost every single picture as a "precaution," the amount of views I get per tweet is only in the dozens.

>> No.7060298
File: 388 KB, 828x1256, IMG_3390.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By quitting art

>> No.7060308

i've simply never been popular, so I don't have the expectation, and its also meant i've never really tried. I have art friends I like drawing with and they seem to like me also.

1: Its silly to allow yourself to be bothered by something completely unnecessary and largely beyond your control.
2: You are irrationally desiring to chase what isn't worth chasing. You literally know chasing likes isn't worth it, and yet you allow yourself to want it.
3: You shouldn't allow your mind to be so dependent from what other people think.

>> No.7060320

Clout on twitter doesnt pay for shit. Even the commissions arent enough to live a good life. Got a higher paying job with reasonable hours and now I can live comfortably and also draw freely

>> No.7060322

I disagree with all ya niggas. I'm making a product that involves my artwork. I need some amount of likes and traffic. I usually complain in third person about not receiving likes.

>> No.7060333
File: 388 KB, 498x498, tenor.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wow, my drawings suck shit
>Maybe I need to practice or something

If I had half the skill of some other guys I see but still did the same numbers I'd shoot up Twitter's HQ and sometimes I think I should have a bit more, but overall the algorithm has been fair to the perma/beg/ schizo I am.

>> No.7060344

I used to worry about it too much but ultimately it doesn't matter to me. I have gotten zero commissions and sales from any site except Facebook. Why FB? Because I actively go on groups and shill my shit or I make pitches when people are looking for art. I do well there.
Sometimes I think I want to be popular, but I'm a boring, bad person and I don't even reply to most comments I get unless I'm being asked a question

>> No.7060353
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protip: look up what convey means before saying something stupid

>> No.7060360

>Got access to social media around middle school.
>Never got the attention I truly craved, got concious of it and ended up barely using it
>Gave up on it entirely once I got into college.
As a result I don't really care about how well a piece does. To be frank, thats for the best. Not every piece in an artists gallery is going to be a homerun. Some are strike outs, singles or even doubles. What ultimately matters the most is that you have a gallery with variety that shows improvement with each new piece. I literally just upload and go back to drawing. Focusing on improving your craft and actually drawing is more productive and better for your mental health, than focusing on social media.

>> No.7060374

The thing is you guys act like you are owe attention and money for working hard.
the programmer that made the snes emulator bsnes was unemployed most of his life.
Didn't see him bitch and moan about fame and money. don't know why you are so worked up about it.
Luck is involved regarding fame and money not just your skill. Make another art post and see if your luck pans out better this time.

>> No.7060400

Oh i know, just dumb to say you aren’t a “true” artist if you do it for attention, status, money, etc. Most people go in such prolific fields because of the reasons above, so that same retarded mindset means they aren’t this or that because of it.

>> No.7060401

>That amount of progress in 3 years
gave me a chuckle

>> No.7060418
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I dont post on social media

>> No.7060437

I want to post but I also want to shitpost. But if something I make blows up I feel like I gotta clench my asscheeks and watch what I say or how dare I say something and start losing followers because I’m not giving them more of what coombaya I posted last time. Oh but you should just have a separate account for your shitposts and be all post artsy fartsy only on your accou—no that’s fucking stupid. I’m not neutering myself for nobody.

>> No.7060452

>I want to post but I also want to shitpost.
I get this. For example on Twitter, I want to talk to other artists or talk about non-art shit sometimes but people really get uptight about "artists should only post art, I don't care about your life." Sure anyone could just make separate accounts but why should I have to?

>> No.7060457
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I am conflicted about social media. On one hand I really want to share my art with others, this is the easiest way, and why not show the world I am good at something and make pretty things?

On the other hand, fuck the world of social media and up cummies. in ideal world people would not use these social media websites. Im afraid I would contribute to a shit world. But maybe this is just my scizo overthinking.

>> No.7060462

My art isn't good enough.
I only post on 4chan for now.

>> No.7060473
File: 13 KB, 261x191, bejita.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get a message
>oh shit finally people contact me!
>yo would draw [incredibly fucked up fetish here]
>sarahmall19532114652: hey cutie check this totally legit link

>> No.7060487
File: 38 KB, 259x300, 154399-158210.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he didn't get a date with sarah because he was too chicken to click a link

>> No.7060497
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It's shit, but the most shitty feeling is when i saw a bunch of people hate commenting, QRT, and make a big fuss if they saw AIslop posts leading to more engagement on the post which snowballs the AI account into algorithm.
They talk big about art but they ignore smallar artists and give more attention and engagement into what they hate.
Like why would they give AIslop the engagement instead of ignoring and blocking it? smaller artist would be happy if they just give half or even 1/4 of the engagement.

>> No.7060506
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>> No.7060513
File: 337 KB, 677x749, stopBeingABithOniChan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe it's cause I grown old but likes and favorites lost their charm and importance for me, probably cause I try to draw for my own enjoyment even if it ends up completely ignored.

>> No.7060522

that's just tragic shit. Even if those on the right were the worst of his works, there is no excuse for this.

>> No.7060546

Becuase they want people to appreciate their talents.
However, they are focusing on strangers and the masses, rather than people in their loves that actually matter.

I draw for my gf, my close friends, and family. I like their opinions, i take their criticism as opportunities to do better and improve on my craft. Especially those in my life with the same interest in art as me and whose opinion matters the most to me.

The value in popularity on twitter seems smale in the grand scheme of things. It would be nice and likely make getting work easier, but it is not nessesary for me to accomplish my goals as an artist.

>> No.7060548

Ill follow you anon. Post your handle

>> No.7060557 [DELETED] 
File: 651 KB, 2048x3072, 20240210_172454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is why you will never be able to beat AI.

>> No.7060564

how do you show them the art? Do you work on something then walk to them and say "hey, look at this cool drawing I did"? I havent done this much.

>> No.7060575

i cut myself

>> No.7060578

Unbelievably based

>> No.7060581

A good 30% chance it’s bots or beggars on any platform, but 70% on insta. Not risking it

>> No.7060583

Wjats your handle on NG anon?

>> No.7060586

Twitter and social media artists are elitist and are not what constitutes the art community. Any opinion of what is considered a real artist from these communities should be taken with a heap of salt.

>> No.7060588

Twitter and social media artists are obsessed with numbers though, by definition.

>> No.7060620

I decided to start posting again this year. posting into a void but at least it feels like I am pushing myself now and posting WIPs gives me a bit of motivation to finish things

>> No.7060647

Yea honestly that is exactly what i do.
You would not believe how much people appreciate and love it when you show then your stuff. It makes them feel honored that your willing to show them your work.
If that is not your experience and the person laughs or says something rude i usually assume the best that they are just awkward like me. If it continues that way i stop showing them my stuff and show it to people who actually want to see my stuff.

>> No.7060660

>You would not believe how much people appreciate and love it when you show then your stuff. It makes them feel honored that your willing to show them your work.
Never happens, if nobody asked nobody cares.

>> No.7060668

NTA but you're the type of guy who would never approach a girl because you think they always hate that.

>verification not required

>> No.7060677

Yes, actually.

>> No.7060705
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I'm in a spot where i don't need likes per se, but I do care about people wanting to commission me.
I also like to experiment with different brushes a lot, and draw many different subjects so when one post blows up or another, I never truly know what my audience likes/wants

I don't know how to grow/keep attention/have people wanting to pay me

>> No.7060721

>if nobody asks nobody cares.
How would they know if you don't offer? Correct me if i am wrong, but you come off as someone who keeps to himself, some people in your life may not pry since they don't want to make you uncomfortable.
Give yourself reasons to show loved ones your art, not excuses.

>> No.7060723

I know because I used to be an extrovert, and I've always been told to fuck off/mind your own business etc. It's been drilled into my conscious and I've been an introvert since as long as I can remember and therein holds the truth - people just do not care unless you ask about THEM first. If you really want others to look at your shit, spam hash tags on your personal blog that's the same as plastering your junk on the fridge.

>> No.7060731
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Generally a fine pic but the fact that they drew the "visible from the front view butt cheek" in her front is triggering me.

>> No.7060736
File: 51 KB, 248x272, xmac3wuk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is all you had to do you lazy sack of shit.

>> No.7060739

I've got the reverse problem, more views/likes than my art should have, just for posting fanart
external validation feels nice, but it's not that useful / can be distracting

>> No.7060746
File: 2.15 MB, 2048x3072, AI_with small_fixes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All an AI image really needs is to comb its hair.

>> No.7060747

I worked on the hands a little too.

>> No.7060758
File: 29 KB, 520x476, 1701334250437566.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't even know why i'm posting on social media except as just posting for the sake of posting and even then i post absolute garbage and still get a few numbers.

Honestly, i would like to post more narrative type stuff, but people really can't be bothered to give two shits unless it's inane praise of consumer products, consumer product extension or porn of consumer product.
And if you don't, you're just throwing away good work for some grifter to steal.

I am so incredibly tired of having to be mindful of the autistic whims of people, and this doesn't only apply to art.

>> No.7060760

So whatever happened to drawing the stuff you wanted to draw? Wasn't that the whole point in learning how to draw? For yourself?

>> No.7060761

>showed someone your art and they told you to fuck off.
You will find people who care anon, just don't stop trying. Best thing about it is you do not have to stop wasting your time on people that do tell you to fuck off.

>spam hash tags
Na, i like my method of sharing with people i am close with and coworkers.

>> No.7060766

that's just her joystick

>> No.7060769
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I keep them to myself because it's pointless to scream into the void.

Everything and everyone around art and social media is insufferable as fuck.

>For yourself?
No one is denying that or implying otherwise.
It's just, what the fuck am i supposed to do?
Just never do-say-think anything except when it's about gobbling up and providing consumer product for fucking retards, least they get heckin invalid about their ego substitution simulation?

Everything else is just normie consumer slop eceleb worshipping garbage

god forbid you vent with your art except when its about woe is me garbage or you're cringe
god forbid you point out anything that make people uncomfortable or you're the bad guy
but make a "the punchline is porn" joke and suddenly you're based and cultured because who doesn't love porn, we should consume more porn, porn is great.... or are you a filthy puritan????

I don't belong in this reality, man
People are too fucking retarded

>> No.7060799

I fixed that by getting likes.

>> No.7060801

Imagine needing such a low bar in order to validate yourself.
I don't think you can get any more pathetic than this, anon.

>> No.7060803
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I can't relate, sorry anon.

>> No.7060825
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>> No.7060839

>blogposting on a social media site
Of good artists think most art out there is bad, they should try to propagate good art even if the impact is relatively small. The moral and aware have a duty, including to speak about out about your convictions if you deem it important.

>> No.7060847

I enjoy people seeing my work in real life. Sharing your art with other people isn’t a bad thing. Hoping to make a connection with someone who also recognizes what you were attempting to convey or the beauty you were attempting to reference is a nice thing.

When a musician writes a song, it’s more that the melody already existed and was merely discovered. How selfish it would be for the musician to keep it for his ears only. Maybe it’s enough that you and God witnesses it, but it might improve the lives and inspire the minds of others. Humans making connections through art is a good and beautiful thing.

>> No.7060853

I learned that I can’t predict the algorithm. It doesn’t matter if it’s fanart, OC, a scrapped 20 min sketch, a finished 20 hour piece, any of that. The algorithm will pick whatever it wants, and people will hit like on whatever they want. I stopped drawing things I think would get lots of likes and started drawing whatever I felt like daily. I feel much better now, and it’s just a pleasant surprise if it happens to get likes. I don’t feel like a trend chaser or an algorithm slave anymore. The likes on my content range from ones to tens to hundreds per post. If you can build a following, I think it’s far more satisfying to get fewer likes from people you recognize than tons of likes from the masses.
Likes on Twitter are especially meaningless. Your favorite extremely skilled white void waifu artist can get 35,000 likes and 1.2 million views for amazing art, sure, but so can some blue checkmark meme account tweeting “God I wish that were me” along with a SpongeBob screencap. It’s far better in my opinion to go by the like-to-view ratio since 99% of getting lots of likes on Twitter is just exposure.
The comment section for that comic is awful by the way. People are saying to enjoy the process, self-motivate, etc. and others including the creator are saying those people are the reason the comic exists. Likes are fine as a metric for success if you’re looking to make business out of it, but basing your entire satisfaction on how many hearts some strangers tap is immature. Those people don’t want anything but clout, but that’s the kind of person that social media is full of.

>> No.7060888

I don't cope because I don't have social media mental illness. Getting likes or watches doesn't matter. Your life is not changed by the website saying a number. Nothing changed about your art or about your life by someone having pressed a button. I draw because I love what I draw and feel good when I see my gallery. It's also nice to just provide content for the niche thing I like but those people aren't important. For example I post whenever I want and couldn't care less about regular uploads. If I want validation I can just show it to my bf. A person I actually know.

Wanting to get commissions is different of course but if we are talking about regular hobby shit then you are actually brain damaged by the social media dopamine illness if you need likes to draw.

Also if you can't get an audience (no matter how small) over time then you simply aren't tapping into certain communities (and you don't have to). It's just that drawing a rock will not get the same treatment as drawing furry cumshots. If you like drawing rocks then you need to be able to be happy alone.

don't forget its way more important to gain an audience by drawing what you love instead of forcing yourself to draw shit you hate. What I like to draw would be 1000 times more popular if I switched the genders of my characters and drew porn but I'm not going to do that.

>> No.7060933

There is something seriously wrong with the vast majority of twitter artists. They've coopted art as a complete replacement for social interaction and connection and it's getting to the point where it's embarrassing. There are so many comments in that thread saying
>attention is my primary motivator
It's a hellscape these people have made for themselves.

>> No.7060934

I've seen japanese artists nuke their account purely because they got too popular and their fanart wasn't reaching their intended audience anymore

>> No.7060938

based honestly

>> No.7060946

I think I should ask in this thread.

Are there any sites/apps that are specifically designed to simply host images and videos of art people make? I’m not talking about twitter Instagram bullshit where it’s over-saturated with other types of “”content””. I’m mean just a place where the main purpose is to just put all your stuff that you make in one place.

Not needing to fret over likes, monetization or “le algorithm” or keeping pace with trendy meme crap. I hate the mainstream internet for how commercialized it’s become now. At one point you could find places that where more experimental like a ‘wild west’ of discovery.

Don’t even mention newgrounds or tumblr because it’s the same bullcrap im criticizing.

>> No.7060951

Wouldnt know. I always get at least 100 likes for each pic

>> No.7060955

They had their own sites and could check the number of visits on each piece

>> No.7060956

Deviant Art and Pixiv. They bring me 10 times more interaction for each piece compared to Twitter and Instagram

>> No.7060979
File: 134 KB, 512x411, 1498062792723.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's more about the numbers, artists who are serious about art carrer always want big following.
Having a lot of followers grants you a lot benefit such as more patrons/fanbox supporter, higher commission prices, higher commercial fees, and many more. I'm not talking about a mere $100 or $200 commission, sure you can have commission price of $500 but an artist with 100k+ followers with same level can put commission price of $5000 and still have a waitlist piling.
You can have the greatest art skill but people on professional level will choose to commission an artist with big following because it also grants them exposure.
It's not muh i just want attention anymore

>> No.7060983

Why do you follow some literally trash-tier begs on twitter and then make threads about them? Is this a marketing strategy?

>> No.7061006

the solution to this is to literally just have a backlog of drawings to eventually post on a regular basis to abuse the algorithm for a short period of time.
I kept drawing for 3 straight months but never uploaded any of it on twitter until I had enough drawings to post every day for a whole month. I managed to accumulate more followers and engagement than I ever had just sporadically posting a drawing every couple days/week.
The twitter algorithm rewards consistent schedule posting because when people like your shit, the website is more likely to promoting your posts more often. Even after you've exhausted all your drawings and you go back to posting every week or some shit twitter won't "remember" that (like, it won't care or keep track of the days you aren't active). The algorithm only "remembers" high engagement twitter users.

>> No.7061030

I'll be trying this

>> No.7061048

It sucks because it feels like screaming into a void, but then when I get freelance work and in person sales from it then I don't worry about it anymore.

The most important thing is to have the work.

That being said, I finally found a niche for myself so it's nice to do some numbers, but it doesn't mean much at the end of the day if it's not translating into $$$.

>> No.7061072

have you seen his wife/gf in his bio ? he's dating an actual obese whore who sells herself online, no wonder he deteriorated so hard lmao

>> No.7061109

Instead of doing dumb shit like this anon did, just draw and post stuff regularly. This is the actual best way of doing this.

>> No.7061111

what the fuck. doesn't even look like the same persons art anymore

>> No.7061112

Bad then and bad now?

The only thing that changed is the subject matter. It's obvious he moved towards a more lucrative marketing strategy.
Previously he didn't care for speed and drew what he personally liked. Now he is drawing for other people and trying to be as fast as possible with it.
Only people that have a romantic view on art would think this is bad. If you want to be a grown up and make art your source of income, then you have to grow out of your childish perspective on life too.

>> No.7061116

>Bad then
whats bad? You just not into that aesthetic or do you have real criticisms that would make for better images?

>> No.7061127

Yeah. Most people dont really care about whoever creates the fanarts/coomer posts. Actually even your draw your own OC sometimes. They like those OCs/fanarts, they don't care about you, unless you're gonna stop posting, then suddenly they care.

>> No.7061128

Technically speaking they are on the same level minus backgrounds, but I'm sure these examples are all cherry picked.

>> No.7061134
File: 398 KB, 677x749, Illustration.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7061154

I refuse to post my art on social media because I'm constantly over-over-over-overthinking about what is or isn't acceptable to draw or post. Also, a lot of people on X or whatever cause flamewars over literally nothing.
No, I'm talking about "le woke" or whatever, I'm not a Westerner so I could not give less of a shit about that. I'm talking about EVERYBODY. It seems that you can never please anyone these days.
One misplaced pixel, color, or even word can fuck you up. The mere fact that I'm just talking about art and not talking about Palestine or whatever the hell is happening currently already makes me a "bad artist".
It's like being a hostage in an ISIS propaganda video. The pressure is just too much.
I made my own website on neocities.

>> No.7061177

That's all in your head. 90% of comments I get as a coomer artist are positive pats to the back and the 10% about character lore or viewer's personal preferences or sharing their fantasies related to the pic

>> No.7061179

>but I'm sure these examples are all cherry picked.
I'm not so sure about that sadly. he really has abandoned detailed lighting and background

>> No.7061185

*I scrolled his twitter, he has a few with backgrounds and some on par with his less detailed older work, nothing on par with the destroyed city pic though.

>> No.7061193
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This has been the most challenging part to me. Creating content to consume is the easy part, getting people to see it and think "hey anon made that I like them" is tough. Because consumers just want to consume no matter who makes it and don't care
At the same time, artists are encourgaged not to "clog up" their timeline with personal posts and only focus on art-related content
So how is an artist (especially one not in school anymore, no friends,etc) supposed to build connections and create a community if we're only supposed to make art and shut up?

>> No.7061204

I hate to say but its just spice must flow mentality.
The moment you stop feeding it its over, people immediately move on. Except for extremely mentally ill individuals who are like the ones obsessed with celebs, nobody gives a shit about you. One day they call you a friend, the second day they don't even know who youre.
The apes together strong is true but art overall is a very isolated and introverted process.

I absolutely love when people say how much they love my art but in reality 2-3 sentences after you realize the guy is begging for a free art and uses this slimy tactic to masquerade as your friend. I wanna talk about art too but its a you do your stuff I do my stuff kind of deal unfortunately. I'm not going to use pliers to pull out words from other people's mouth too. If you have ever seen an art podcast where people draw simultaneously you'll understand. Unless they are close friends it does not work. Its awkward as fuck.

>> No.7061215

I'm shadow banned but I'm still drawing and uploading. The point of making art isn't because of likes. But for others to see and appreciate your art. I rather have fewer likes than people who appreciate my art.

>> No.7061216

paranoia the post.
this is so cringe to read it hurts lmao.
just post your art and don't engage with random haters. it's not rocket science.

>> No.7061219

Remember to post to others sites too. No point relying on algorithms when actual fans of particular art check sites that show the tags in order from newest to oldest to make sure they are not missing any new art or artists

>> No.7061224

That was my plan but guess what. The discord trannies and brain-dead roasties mass reported me. I could be vindictive, go on a warpath, and harm them with my powers. Or I could try to change their minds. Which is the harder thing to do. The obstacle is the way therefore they are the doormat to my adventure. If you were me, what would you have done?

>> No.7061233

Yep some sites are better than others. But too bad, all the social media are colluding. They have whitelist and blacklist. Once you are shadow banned they are linked. That is how they got rid of Andrew tate and Alex Jones in a strategic and coordinated way. I'm don't even like them but the tech companies colluding is clear.

>> No.7061234

Are you larping? Just ignore everyone trying to start shit with you. You can even block them, it gives me lotsa dopamine. No need to waste your time on that shit

>> No.7061241

They reported me and got me shadow banned and suspended from reddit. Block them? They are attack from the dark.

>> No.7061242

Just saying, I am not >>7061224

>> No.7061245

That anon probably started to sperg about palestine and in the process he lost followers and now he's butthurt.

Its 100% your fault. Sit on the fence, I know it hurts, especially if you are autistically triggered by them, but nothing positive ever comes out of it. You are an artist, who draws. Leave the goyopolitics to the midwits.

>> No.7061247

I'm the only one that gets more motivate to draw when one of your drawings doesn't perform well?

>> No.7061253

All my art doesn't perform well.

>> No.7061254

Thanks for outing yourself as a nodraw

>> No.7061255

>They reported me
KEK I don't care about things that I have no control over. I want to hurt them so badly but I know better. There's always a bigger monster. And I will let him have them.

>> No.7061256

By not being on social media.

>> No.7061260

Then you can't share your art.

>> No.7061271

Don't rely on Twitter only

>> No.7061273

some people don't have the speed to keep up, my method got me an extra 20k followers just from being patient and not blowing my load.

>> No.7061277

true crab mentality is how no one lurking this thread wants to post their blog showing how many likes and followers they have because they know someone will just reply saying they don't deserve those numbers with that level of art skill

>> No.7061304

Art social media is like one huge disingenuous game.

>> No.7061309

I wanted to personally kill on an individual level all the people who were swarming that one guy who made the first “original art gets drowned out by porn” vent piece. They were all cunts. Anyone who says “no one owes you attention” as if anyone ever said that deserves the fucking rope. There are poem artists who never get any attention because there’s a saturated porn market right now. In any other time “sex sells” is a natural law. And this scenario played out like four times last year over the exact same complaint.
Please God, I never pray to you for anything but please send a plague that specifically targets all zoomers and twitter users.

>> No.7061310

>check media tab
>all reaction images, politics and gacha screenshots

>> No.7061328

Do i post link? I just wanna warn that it's just a lot of madness fan art with some ocs and capeshit

>> No.7061336
File: 48 KB, 828x441, IMG_3397.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>from a post today

>> No.7061425

Mass report you for what?
If you didn't do anything wrong, then you shouldn't be afraid of false reports, right?
I've been false reported for pedo crap (it was just size difference) and twitter emailed me that the report was trashed.
What are you afraid of?

>> No.7061429

I draw for a living.

>> No.7061569

Yes despite the fact you will obviously not post any of your work.

>> No.7061843
File: 1 KB, 337x48, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We are so back bros (I only have 40 followers, so this is fine)

>> No.7061852

They got validation from their peers, friends, family and patrons
Especially patrons

>> No.7061935

They mass-reported me and got my account suspended and shadow-banned. Do you think I want to jump through the loop to get appeals and whatnot?

>> No.7062034

I usually just draw for my friends and on image boards
the compliments I receive means a whole lot more to me than a few thousand likes

>> No.7062102
File: 4 KB, 367x51, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i so dead (1K follow nsfw work)

>> No.7062105

Mass reported for what?
You just don't know why?
How do you even know it was a mass report? Twitter doesn't inform you on how many reports there were, does it?
Reports that can compromise your account are usually reviewed by a person. If you did nothing wrong and it was a false mass report, you should be safe.
Was it false or not?

>> No.7062111

by putting your personality in youtube videos. I don't know why YT is never considered in these social media threads when it's the most stable and profiting platform for artists

>> No.7062121

Do you think any of those platforms owe you an explanation? No. They do not give a fuck. First time on the internet? Doesn't even have to be true. It is like the me too movement, those brain-dead roasties can accuse anyone of rape or sexual assault. Even if you are rich, powerful, or famous, you can be brought down to their level. And no, I can't be bothered to find out what their mental illness is. I just want to hurt them and ensure they don't get to do this to other people. However, there are bigger monsters out there, I don't even need to do it myself. They will find out real soon. Nobody gets away with anything.

>> No.7062209

I'll ask you for the last time. What were you reported for?
To me all your blabbering points to just one answer. You probably postet some pedo shit or some other stuff that is not allowed by twitter's tos and you simply don't want to admit that it was your own fault for being kicked off the platform.
And I say this because it's NOT my first day on the internet and there's a lof ot coping dumbasses like you that blame everything else except your own stupidity.

>> No.7062255

You drew lolishit didn’t you?

>> No.7062265

Art is self expression and communication. Not all art weights those aspects equally. lllustration and sequential storytelling rely heavily on visual communication, but they would be empty and meaningless without the artist's expression. They're not mutually exclusive.

As an artist it is important to create something meaningful and true. Your motivation should come from enjoying the process, but also the beauty of what you created. The problem with drawing for social media is not wanting to communicate your ideas, but compromising your vision for a shallow idea of success. While you don't have to create for yourself alone, you should never become a slave to the algorithm. Numbers are meaningless, even more so if the artwork behind those numbers means little to the artist. Create what you like through intrinsic motivation and then look for ways to get your vision out there. If you start appreciating your own art, you won't have to care about whether a post is hitting a certain hallmark. The problem I see is artists measuring the worth of their art by those numbers. This approach won't get you anywhere, even if your whole goal was becoming a social media draw slut. Who do you think will be more consistent and thus build a bigger audience? The person who stops uploading after not getting enough likes and only draws FOTM in hopes to get noticed? Or the artist who is developing their style, shining through their vision and keep creating no matter the numbers?

>> No.7062275

I use TikTok and better there. It also helps with commissions because people can see and hear that I'm a real person and not just a Nigerian or Indian scammer
But still, there's the same issue with all other social media sites. You have to stick to your niche (art) and not really stray or else TikTok punishes you
I used to do YouTube but I hate the "community" there. Streaming also takes up way too much fucking time, so TikTok's been better

>> No.7062285

For youtube, you either have to make animations 1 min to 5 mins long(hardest route) and post on a weekly or monthly basis or go the art teacher route(easiest one). Those are legit your only two options.

>> No.7062286

Do you just post artwork or you’re an animator too?

>> No.7062292

Art content only that includes: quick tutorials, speedpaints, fanart images timed to certain sounds (I hate doing these but they get me the most engagement), meme-type shit from Capcut templates, slideshows of new vs old art, etc. No animations though

>> No.7062302

Yeah what you’re doing is actually plausible when on tiktok, but doing that on youtube won’t help. Issue is that most of tiktok’s users are underage, so getting commissions above 90 bucks will be an issue.

>> No.7062304
File: 311 KB, 1080x787, IMG_20240216_150901.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't even need to be an art teacher. I keep seeing many
"how i instantly improved in art with x way" or "i learned x thing in like short time"

>> No.7062308

Fair, i should have been more specific. Tutorials regardless of quality will pull in a large chunk of views.

>> No.7062318

Yeah sure why not
Just started drawing seriously for 3 (soon 4) years so nothing much skill wise

>> No.7062320

I've only tried with Tiktok because you have to get to 1k followers to livestream with some buddies. But, I've never gotten a commission from Twitter, Tiktok, Tumblr, or YT (I'm not on Pixiv or DA). Reddit I've gotten a few hits but a lot of them are so stuck up.
Personally, I focus on Facebook to get commissions. It's been the best for me because that's where older people with money hang out the most
I also have an Etsy shop where I sell stickers and stuff which helps a lot, maybe $30-200 a week (during the holidays it easy goes up to $200-300 a week).

>> No.7062330

I would say depending on what community you’re in, will affect your commissions. If you’re in the fighting game community(actual fighting game not smash) the average member is like 30+. same with mmos like final fantasy or guildwars, so try to branch out a bit.

>> No.7062349

Why not make a Youtube shorts channel of you drawing anime characters/trends with quirky/snappy editing and other gimmicks?
I’ve seen channels like that with hundreds of thousands of subs, some even get millions of views on some of their content, and oftentimes they aren’t even really that skilled. In fact, you’d be shocked how low the standards are.

>> No.7062388
File: 307 KB, 690x1050, watching.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Get social media
>Get followed by a neo-nazi
>Leave social media
I don't want to be associated with /pol/tards

>> No.7062390

kek why not just block them? Also you can usually set up filters on sites so you don't see that kind of content

>> No.7062415

it helps to join a smaller community of artists since u can make friends to offset the depression of having no followers that like ur posts ^_^ things such as artist group chats, fandoms, discord servers. :D

>> No.7062460

>meanwhile straight shotafags get away with everything

>> No.7062477
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>> No.7062485

You are in dire need of sunlight, this shit sounds unhinged in a bad way.

>> No.7062582

>Who do you think will be more consistent and thus build a bigger audience? The person who stops uploading after not getting enough likes and only draws FOTM in hopes to get noticed? Or the artist who is developing their style, shining through their vision and keep creating no matter the numbers?
The person who doesn't stop uploading, doesn't develop their style, and exclusively draws FOTM will beat out both of them by a country mile.

>> No.7062605
File: 71 KB, 599x382, fixed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7062607

This is so good the original now feels like the edit

>> No.7062608

I don't block on principle

>> No.7063145

I dunno, but I struggle when I don't get any (You)s after posting a drawing.
I know they're shitty, but I'd at least appreciate if you told me they were shitty.

>> No.7063147

>Who do you think will be more consistent and thus build a bigger audience
The one pumping out FOTM every week. The algorithm doesn't care about your developed style

>> No.7063213

Same, I believe people like >>7062485 should be allowed to exist despite their fatherless and motherless behavior. I'm not a stupid brain dead roastie who insist on behavior regulation.

>> No.7063216

Lots of words for saying that you are a weirdo that draws pedo crap.

>> No.7063297

Nazis also drank water btw.

>> No.7063329

My crush likes my drawings, that's enough for me. Draw for fun.

>> No.7063332

the insta algorithm is absolute dogshit. they've introduced "insight" so that people reflect on how successful their content is, based on how quickly it generates likes and what to stop posting. it's a bottleneck and leads to you slowly generate "viral" material in favor or what you personally like to post. all so that they can sell more ads.

I think this is even the most damaging thing to happen to artists that you can think of. The tenor used to be "forget about the audience and do something that is 100% you" – this is completely turned into the opposite by instagram insights.
I see artist friends playing into "viral material", spicing up their works with buzzwords, hashtags and encorporating elements that the instagram audience might enjoy.
this cancels out any works that are relatively moderate and subtle in presentation. it favors provocation, graphic depictions, over-sexualized content, caricatures, imagery that is quickly understood and has a short shelf life.

greedy social media has fucked artists over completely

>> No.7063339

>shut up. it is not my fault that your parents don't love you.

>> No.7063346

Who care. The algorithm have never been useful. They are designed for propaganda, censorship and control.

>> No.7063349

they are designed for ads, you dummy.
and it works like a charm. that's why they show you the insights: "look, that one post where you painted a woman decapitating a king and your rant about feminism got 1K likes! do more of that!"

>> No.7063353

I don’t care. Follower count is irrelevant.

Tons of shitty western artists have thousands of followers and I don’t envy them in the slightest. I’m smart enough to realize that they have no desired artistic ability and don’t appeal to my tastes.

On the other hand, I’ve obsessively broken down into tears and threw up over obscure Japanese artists with less than 100 followers. Why are chinks so fucking talented? I hate them

>> No.7063363

and still the problem is that people only see whatever works in favor of clicks, likes and showing ads. you can't deny that that's influencing artists as well.

it is very hard to find obscure and nieche artists these days. anyone who is easily manipulated by feedback and will be fucked in the ass by the algorithm. you might say, that's what gallerists have always done to artists ("make some more of those pictures"), but it's different here, because it affects also the youngest generations of artists, even before they had any chance to find their own way or work alone on their shit for a few years before exposing themselves.

ig and he likes are t. cancer for any independent developement

>> No.7063368

I don't think you know how to use quotes.
Also, you not addressing the accusations speaks volumes.

>> No.7063382

>I don’t care. Follower count is irrelevant.
>I’ve obsessively broken down into tears and threw up over obscure Japanese artists with less than 100 followers. Why are chinks so fucking talented?

>> No.7063389

>orphan behavior

>> No.7063396

even before the prevalence of social media like instagram and twitter as we know "social media" as, the internet has had sites like DeviantArt, Pixiv, and even fucking 4chan as places for artists to thrive and socialize, and even during those times people have experienced the same level of "I need attention" as people do on twitter and insta
>because it [people only see whatever works in favor of clicks, likes and showing ads/anyone who is easily manipulated by feedback and will be fucked in the ass by the algorithm] affects also the youngest generations of artists
Again, this shit has existed even before the prevalence of modern day social media, even in the tiniest of social circles people have fallen victim to the innate desire of tokenized attention and recognition. This even happens in fucking 4chan of all places.

>> No.7063397

you're simply a bug worshipper

>> No.7063399

It is propaganda and mind control. Niggers who don't know Google and social media are controlled are straight-up two-digit IQ. They literally had subpoenaed all the social media and they openly said the governments were in contact with big tech and strong-arm them into compliance. Because big tech want to sell that data to ad companies. Moral of the story, digital dark age is already here.

>> No.7063599 [DELETED] 

>I'm not a true sewage plant worker
My life is a fraud.

>> No.7063612
File: 60 KB, 600x413, 0C02486C-5E3C-46FE-B894-6D45203FC16F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Looking good today, Susan.

>> No.7063620

>plebbit spacing
>absolutely subhuman weebshit post

>> No.7063637

t.2016 tourist

>> No.7063642

>How do you guys cope with not getting likes on social media?
i dont post on social media other than my friend discord server, ezpz

>> No.7063887

I've heard several times, both from gallerists and art funding juries, that if they don't find you on ig when you submit your application for a call, your chances drop by more than 50%. it's a chore to them having to look up your name. they want a concise, short, on the spot portfolio. not having an ig today is a clear sign of ngmi

that's the gov. side of social media, but fb and G wouldn't make any profit, if they didn't have the big data business and the ad revenues. the agencies simply use court orders to get their info and don't have to pay sm shit for that.

>> No.7063980

> even fucking 4chan as places for artists to thrive and socialize
Name 4chan only artists that make a living through here that aren’t 3rd world shitters

>> No.7064013
File: 35 KB, 376x405, AJLoxE1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post your twitter/DA/FA/socials
oops, did you just post it? this means you have sites then. why do you have any sites? are you posting in hopes to socialize in some way? oopsie! you're wrong! you're not supposed to do that for this reason!

>> No.7064018
File: 222 KB, 720x720, 1707767522666677.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Making art MUST be a job

>> No.7064232

i just dont care, if my internet friends give me like more than 60 likes then im already happy, also if i get more means that i drew something good and worthy to be shared

>> No.7064237

Naturally. You goyim never could get into juice

>> No.7064238
File: 204 KB, 1528x1263, i_fig11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have mild aspergers and though my art is pretty decent I have a fear that people will make fun of me or that I'll get kiwifarms stalkers if I post it online

>> No.7064375

Do you know that the internet is a CIA invention? How about GOOGLE being funded by the American public? And then transferred to the private hands of the democrats. Ignorance is only adorable when you are young. Do you think their profit is from ADs only? No idiot, the major profit is from Blackrock, which is via investment and stocks. Those entities control both the business and the government. The government is just a strong arm, governments are entities of legal violence, worse than cartels because they do it for your "own good". They are being used to enforce and push agendas, which is why big tech stays in line, and that is why all social media is for propaganda and brainwashing. It is a digital dark age, and this censorship has been ongoing since 2011, after the Egyptian revolution in 2011. The power at hand realizes how easy it is for young people to collectively point out their bullshit. It is a digital dark age, you will have nothing and you will be happy. What most people don't realize is that they control what can be talked about, seen, or even discussed, I call it the "woke algorithm", if you are successful on social media it means that your "woke speech" is allowed, or your entertainment serves to divide, destroy or partake in some form of cultural division. Divide and conquer is their game. And most people have already lost their fucking minds. Much NPCs in this world. I am no savior, I can't even save myself.

>> No.7064378

blessed publicity in that case

>> No.7064388

To add on about Blackrock and other entities that provide shadow funding via investment and stocks. They expect unlimited growth, and profits for investments via ADS. Guess what, they control the ADS revenue too because they are the ones in control of the businesses. If those businesses get out of line, they magically will be fucked with by the SEC, and suddenly the businesses either pay fines or become extremely compliance with the government. This trick is being used on REPEAT. You want to talk about real power, that is real power.

>> No.7064589

clout is poisonous and does nothing but bring attention to you from faggots that will inevitably end up trying to harm you once they get to know you a bit better
irrelevance is cool, irrelevance is comfy

>> No.7064591

grim reality

>> No.7064663

Amen. People will see your vision if you develop it enough for them to appreciate it.

Art is communication and it sucks to be ignored, but making art just to be seen is also a trap. A true conversation is saying something that to you is meaningful to someone else who listens. Chasing clout is yelling into the street, or whispering sweet lies into people's ears.

>> No.7064675

>I used to be an extrovert
>I've been an introvert since as long as I can remember

>> No.7064678

Make a website. For real.

It's time for artists to go back to the independent ways instead of being another data point on the algorithm media aggregators like Twitter and Pixiv. Stand out and do your own thing and make a unique space for it.

>> No.7064680

I thought that independent self made websites cost to maintain?

>> No.7064694

The domain registration for my website is 11 bucks for a year and for 6 bucks a month I host it on Nixihost. That's it. You build it using free WordPress plugins.

A small price to pay for your professional stamp on the internet and as a way to differentiate yourself from the crowd.

Plus, as algo aggregator sites continue to rob artists of autonomy, a website lets you post your art and not worry about compromising yourself. It's always there. And with AI Art flourishing these days I think that people will be attracted to the human, mom & pop aesthetic of an artist's website again.

>> No.7064896

i wouldn't post these keywords so much if i was you, draws attention.

>> No.7064931

Listen, I don't want to do it. But if I have to rise above the occasion, i will, especially if God wills it. Don't worry.

I'm probably on most of the watch list. I can create global events from my bedroom. They probably hate me.

>> No.7065102


>> No.7065116
File: 247 KB, 762x737, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>3 years no gain
>hmm, I want to see myself why
>go to twitter profile
>it is filled with free palestine spam and other liberal shenanigans
>go to their "art account" in pinned post
>it has the same free palestine spam and 6 images in media
>it's permabeg
uh, well

>> No.7065117

Are we going to go back to websites with [friends/cool links] pages? I am all for that.

>> No.7065128

it was so nice when you appeared on other artists' websites in their affiliate links. we gave up on individuality.

>> No.7065240

Easy: drawing.

>> No.7065289

These leftists and /pol/ will probably claim that a bad Jewish artist who actually drew only got followers because Jew control shit
My aspie Jewish freind makes an art a day and that's why he gets views

>> No.7065316


>> No.7065462

I don't care. I post my art on social media and then ignore it until I draw something else I want to post oti.

>> No.7065552

Take your meds

>> No.7065862

damn you guys are making me want to whip my site back into shape. so much shit to do

>> No.7065867

Because it's not indicative of anything that actually matters 90% of the time. I've seen accounts with 25k followers that make really basic and uninteresting art, BUT they draw characters from something popular and also usually some coomer shit. And then I see an incredibly talented artist with a great style and they are rocking maybe 4k followrd and post mostly original shit or very niche fanart. I'm not going to pretend like it isn't nice to get likes, but it shouldn't make you think that your art is shit specifically because it isn't getting the likes you want.

>> No.7066029

you're changing the argument from "artists are being influenced by the algorithm" to "b-but which artist on 4chan is making a living?"

>> No.7066216

I remember a few years ago I was in an actual crisis because of a similar mindset, though in my case it was 8 years without any gains instead of 3. I was genuinely doubting my own abilities even though I knew my issue was just a lack of marketable work.

Then after a single post where I pissed off the Overwatch community with a silly qrt that got 14k likes I went from 300 followers to 1500.

Nothing destroyed my motivation to grow like that. What's funny is that ballooning my followers like that didn't help my reach at all and I still average the same as I used to, the only things I make that get any real traction being vtuber stuff or my knockoff Trigger art. Looking at other artists, unless you're in the special Discord server that we all know exists, you're gonna be stuck playing the game forever until you finally just make shit for the sake of itself.

>> No.7066218
File: 360 KB, 491x350, angerfish.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only issue you're gonna find there is that it's hard to get people to find you through things like that.

The internet is a network, the reason people prefer social media is that it makes it easier to find the stuff they want to see. Sequestering yourself to your own corner of the internet grants you more control, but it doesn't save you from the fact that most people aren't ever going to look at your site.

Mind you, to me it sounds like heaven at this point since I despise what social media did to everyone else and did to my art, but I know a lot of artists would quit since they feel like they're screaming into the void without a chance of being noticed. Again, I'd argue that they'd be better off, but my main point is that it just isn't something I see taking off for the reasons I listed above.

We need something new that's inspired by the old. That's the primary issue right now.

>> No.7066234

I understand that you want to be a special snowflake who's deeper than everyone else but it's completely fine to feel good when people look at your shit

>> No.7066479

True. But you can use the two in tandem: Promote and share your art on social media but keep the bulk of your art on your own website.

If you stay in your own corner of the internet, unconnected, you will never grow. Yet if you stay at the mercy of the algorithms, you devalue yourself. What Twitter and Pixiv have done to artists is similar to what Etsy and Amazon have done to independent shops: Lumped them together so that quality competes with slop, merging everyone into one pile of shit.

I believe that the independent website which requires more effort to find will feel rewarding to the viewer for that same reason. Especially if your website is easy to navigate and appeals to a particular niche of art. Discovering it will feel like finding a treasure, and people like that feeling.

The ease with which we find and do things online has also made finding and doing things strangely unfulfilling.

>> No.7066653

I don't care about liked on social media. But a couple people commenting would be nice, if only to have more voices than the ones in my head as reference.

>> No.7066823
File: 2 KB, 296x30, ThropHn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

getting likes isn't even an accomplishment getting comments is the real goal

>> No.7067472

glad AI is driving attention seeking NGMIs away good

>> No.7067982
File: 446 KB, 1079x1395, Screenshot_20240220_100409.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dont feel bad, most trends are botted.

>> No.7067999

i get you're being sarcastic, but it is actually unironically true. there are people who do things primarily for money, i'd even say it's the majority of people. we live in a society that requires us to earn money to survive and live comfortably. to be truly passionate about something is to do it with the simple motive of enjoyment, nothing else. there are people who would not do things if they did not get paid to do it. these are disingenuous people who lack that passion. artists who create for the soul purpose of making money or receiving attention lack that passion, they are grifters, and what they create is without soul, they copy trends and take shortcuts, and are doomed to fail.

>> No.7068081

I accepted from day one that no matter how good I may or may not get, engagement should always be low priority.
More eyes is not something I reject, but don't require to keep producing what I do.
Sounds like a huge cope and maybe it is, bit if it keeps me from being distracted, I'll take it.
I'm socially inept, so I don't think I could handle too much engagement either. Engagement that counts, I mean. Likes are useless.

>> No.7068470

Have you ever considered people make art their profession because they need an income to survive and doing art for a living allows them to spend more time doing the thing their passionate about?

>> No.7068492

made me kek

>> No.7068507

Tbh this seems like a scenario you invented and also very minor signs of schizophrenia.
What pressure? what are they going to do? beat you up in real life for posting anime booba? or accidently giving someone 2 right feet? or slightly wonky perspective?
In fact so far the art community, even on IC, has been pretty genuine (as long as you are genuine) and supportive (albeit sometimes also very disporportionately)

Then again I've come to a point where I favor beg drawings and obscure things more than well rendered fruit or fantasy [generic element] dragons so

>> No.7068533

Nazis also breath air, so you should stop doing it too.

>> No.7069047

you are a true banker / bitcoin managing nerd if you do it for the money though. (anyone who is managing other peoples bitcoin wallets is a banker to me)

>> No.7069057

twitter troons SEETHING at this post

>> No.7069059

Isn't it intrinsic to art that others are able to see artists' works? If only you see your art that kind of neuters that aspect of it.

>> No.7069433
File: 2.40 MB, 1932x992, pts.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. This

>> No.7069435

living up to his name

>> No.7069957

>The domain registration for my website is 11 bucks for a year and for 6 bucks a month I host it on Nixihost. That's it. You build it using free WordPress plugins.

Video tutorial?
I don’t know this stuff or even half the words you said.

>t. Zoomer

>> No.7069959

Isn’t it true that more content (especially video content) requires more money to host?

>> No.7070135

nta, will argue that drawing for oneself exclusively is a rarified experience. Knowing no other living being will see what I've made makes me feel like a God.

>> No.7071242

fake, that's someone else's post.
Your own one will show engagements, profile visits, etc.

>> No.7071515

i stopped caring about social media metrics (and posting on popular platforms) after i became friends with someone on of those platforms, who claimed that they do not care about being popular and that they do not use twitter as much anyway, who then exiled me from their group in favor of someone, who contributed to the friend's popularity, because they said i make them feel uncomfortable.

this """"friend"""" booted me out of their community group chat without personally giving me a reason after one of their prized snowflakes (who brought 'positive' vibes to the group chat) left because my presence was making them uncomfortable, which stemmed from a private matter that i've apologized for and given them space, something that i've explained to the friend and offered the chatlog of (which they refused to see), but i was removed from the group anyway and the snowflake was brought immediately back.

if you do not have any metrics to your name and aren't particularity notable in the community compared to the person that leaves a shared space because your sudden presence makes them uncomfortable, you become a threat that needs to be removed no matter what, because otherwise would mean the collapse of their community.

>> No.7071608

NTA but I've been meaning to make a tutorial guide and posting it here. There's a lot of basic tech knowledge artists don't have that let's wysiwyg builders like wix take advantage of them.
people generally don't store video content, but what will cost more is bandwidth (the amount of data downloaded monthly). the storage itself is not expensive if you get something like storage hosting.

>> No.7071617

never posting my art
but seriously there's got to be like a million extensions that remove metrics from every platform under the sun
drawing for numbers on a screen (unless it's your credit card balance) is stupid

>> No.7071687

You joined a new community and made a regular leave because you Spiller your spaghetti. I don't see how this is an adequate anecdote. That aside, I think you're right that a lot of creators in those spaces care more about social media than they let on

>> No.7071702

this regular was a friend of mine whom i invited into the community before the spaghetti happened.

we both had a discussion once where i expressed that if they feel uncomfortable by someone, they should block them, where then in exchange they told me that the one thing they've learned being with people is that people should always communicate clearly about things.

they did not follow my nor their own advice, because they stopped replying to me and i only got the confirmation from them that i've been making them uncomfortable after i asked if certain things that i've said to them made them uncomfortable.

>> No.7072143
File: 1.19 MB, 220x260, 1626434114148.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i deleted my twitter and made a new one so i could mentally prestige. i got too immersed in hunting (You)s and trying to develop connections with people who dont care about me, so i said fuck it. fresh account, kept my old pixiv/etc linked, and now i have 2 followers and the freedom to draw what I want from a more experienced perspective.

>> No.7072147

I just don't really give much of a rats ass.
My social media likes are trash and always have been.

I don't really mind it at all.

I let my bass frequencies do the talking for me!!

>> No.7072895
File: 468 KB, 720x468, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mutual coems to my DMs depressed about their art engagement
>give them support and validation
>catch them on twitter 10 minutes later with an inflated ego making infalmmatory posts about how great they are while flipping the finger to everyone

>> No.7072915
File: 430 KB, 1664x1664, 1610928174846.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been wondering:
What is the genuine actual point in having any public communities or social media, if everyone just circlejerks in their discords anyway and doesn't want to socialize or interact with anyone outside their discord circles while gatekeeping anyone that isn't in their discord groups from even engaging in the public communities?
Anything they do on social media, is meant for the people inside their discord groups, so why don't they just stay and post in their discords?

Isn't it safe to assume that what they do isn't about the thing the community is about, but rather about the raw numbers and attention?

>> No.7072917

numbers are quick dopamine, but seeing random anons post my art in non-art boards is better

>> No.7072933

Do that to me and you will find me killing people on the streets

>> No.7073051

public communities, such as discords, should be about creating a space where like-minded can gather and grow together since the members have a common interest.

gatekeeping helps with keeping or improving the quality of the space, if there have been multiple cases of people being disruptive through inadequate or inappropriate practices in the contrast of the public setting of a discord group

now normally, most people expect "inadequate" or "inappropriate" to be the obvious terms, but since gatekeeping is usually introduced by the owner of a group, they then are usually the ones to control who gets in, and controllers usually don't want you to know how they think, because otherwise would mean that repeated offenders have a chance of learning to not repeat the same mistake of exposing themselves and return under a different alias to continue disruption.

let's assume for reasons unknown, you get barred from entry immediately and are not told why. even if you ask why, you are not given an answer. the safe assumptions here would be you share a trait of the people that forced the owner to start gatekeeping.

you have no way of getting an answer, it'd be reasonable to stop there and not bother anymore, but being a social creature that you are, you start to wonder for the reason why you were denied entry to a group.

from what i've observed of gatekeeping discords from twitter and/or roblox, they usually end up with the owner or one of their close friends turning out to be deprived individuals taking advantage of young people in private, because doing it in public would have people asking questions, and in the right, if it is a NSFW community, and moreso if there are traces of slip ups of NSFW in it.

tl;dr either the owner is hiding something or trolls/retards are that much of a problem that forced the gatekeep

or as my friend says as an answer, after they got curious what i'm responding to: money

>> No.7073065 [DELETED] 
File: 155 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20240224-102033.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Learn nigga! The answers are Google searches away.

But to help you get started: To make a website you need a domain and a webhost. A domain is the URL (www.gaysex.com) and a webhost is who gives you the bandwidth for users to visit your website and for the file storage on the site.

Porkbun is a reputable domain seller. You buy your domain from them for ~11 bucks and you own it for a year. Every year you have to renew it for another ~11 bucks. If you don't renew it, the URL gets released back into the wild but scalper bots buy it instantly and hold it ransom until you pay them for your URL back. Don't let your registration lapse!

A webhost gives you the bandwidth that users need to visit your site and the storage for files that your users access on the site. You pay them monthly. Once you have buy a domain and a webhost, you configure their control panels to point to each other and boom! Your website is on the internet.

I pay Nixihost ~6 bucks per month and they give me like 15 gigs of storage and 1,000 gigs of web traffic. Pic related. So for ~$20 bucks you got your own space on the internet.

Building the website is mad easy through your webhost's control panel for your website. Back in the day you needed to know HTML an CSS to build a site, but the normie demand for the internet simplified everything. Now there's free templates (WordPress) that you find and install through your site's control panel and it basically builds the site for you.

And yes, videos do eat up a lot of bandwidth. But most webhost allotments are generous for data and bandwidth. If you really need it, you can pay webhosts for higher tiers with higher limits for storage and traffic.

Everyone's trying to use your art and content to further their own platforms, so fuck them. The only winning move is to not play.

My artist website, for a reference, is ChadChan3D.com. It's degenerate 3D NTR art but it's a functional website made with the very tools that I've described to you.

>> No.7073078
File: 8 KB, 1096x134, Screenshot_20240224-165712~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is what it is, i can't even get an impression other then a shrugging "thumbs up". I still love my art.

>> No.7073093 [DELETED] 

Learn nigga! The answers are a Google search away.

But to help you get started: To make a website you need a domain and a webhost. A domain is the URL (www.gaysex.com) and a webhost is who gives you the bandwidth for users to visit your website and for the file storage on the site.

Porkbun is a reputable domain seller. You buy your domain from them for ~11 bucks and you own it for a year. Every year you have to renew it for another ~11 bucks. If you don't renew it, the URL gets released back into the wild but scalper bots buy it instantly and hold it ransom until you pay them for your URL back. Don't let your registration lapse!

A webhost gives you the bandwidth that users need to visit your site and the storage for files that your users access on the site. You pay them monthly. Once you've bought a domain and a webhost, you configure their control panels to point to each other and boom! Your website is on the internet.

I pay Nixihost ~6 bucks per month and they give me like 100 gigs of storage and 15 gigs of web traffic. Pic related. So for ~20 bucks you get your own space on the internet.

It's easy to build your website through your webhost's control panel. Back in the day you needed to know HTML an CSS to build a site, but the normie demand for the internet simplified everything. Now there's free templates (WordPress) that you find and install through your site's control panel and it basically builds the site for you.

And yes, videos do eat up a lot of bandwidth. But most webhost allotments are generous. And if you really need it, you can pay for higher tier hosting plans with higher ceilings for storage and traffic.

Everyone's trying to use your art and content to further their own platforms, so fuck them. The only winning move is to not play.

My art website, for a reference, is ChadChan3D.com. It's degenerate 3D NTR art but it's a functional website made with the very tools that I've described to you.

>> No.7073100
File: 155 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20240224-102033.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>7069957 #
>>7069959 #
Learn nigga! The answers are a Google search away.

But to help you get started: To make a website you need a domain and a webhost. A domain is the URL (www.gaysex.com) and a webhost is who gives you the bandwidth for users to visit your website and for the file storage on the site.

Porkbun is a reputable domain seller. You buy your domain from them for ~11 bucks and you own it for a year. Every year you have to renew it for another ~11 bucks. If you don't renew it, the URL gets released back into the wild but scalper bots buy it instantly and hold it ransom until you pay them for your URL back. Don't let your registration lapse!

A webhost gives you the bandwidth that users need to visit your site and the storage for files that your users access on the site. You pay them monthly. Once you've bought a domain and a webhost, you configure their control panels to point to each other and boom! Your website is on the internet.

I pay Nixihost ~6 bucks per month and they give me like 100 gigs of storage and 15 gigs of web traffic. Pic related. So for ~20 bucks you get your own space on the internet.

It's easy to build your website through your webhost's control panel. Back in the day you needed to know HTML an CSS to build a site, but the normie demand for the internet simplified everything. Now there's free templates (WordPress) that you find and install through your site's control panel and it basically builds the site for you.

And yes, videos do eat up a lot of bandwidth. But most webhost allotments are generous. And if you really need it, you can pay for higher tier hosting plans with higher ceilings for storage and traffic.

Everyone's trying to use your art and content to further their own platforms, so fuck them. The only winning move is to not play.

My art website, for a reference, is ChadChan3D.com. It's degenerate 3D NTR art but it's a functional website made with the very tools that I've described to you.

>> No.7073181

caches are great huh

>> No.7073200

Botted enough to make you like and retweet.

>> No.7073220

Especially fun if they unfollow you and then have to waste their time again to block you because it was expected from you to unfollow them too.

>> No.7073227
File: 146 KB, 375x385, 030848.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By getting hella likes and commissions bitchboi

>> No.7073234

I have one (1) follower and I think it’s a bot. I never get any engagement, but i keep drawing because i know that becoming good/successful at it is not a matter of “if”, but rather “when”. And that when comes determined wether i keep drawing or not. Look up “outcome independence” and just keep drawing.

>> No.7073245

I got one follower
then I changed my pfp and lost the follower

>> No.7073278


Damn, I can't believe that Kanye is an honorary member of Xinping's People's Party.
What a wild ride!

>> No.7073989

somehow reminds me of a friend who dropped fame because of a diaperfag
>suggest friend they should post on deviantart
>friend is skeptical but says ok anyway
>first week goes ok, they're uploading art and garner interest
>second week they want me to look at a notification
>"DiaperFag6888 has added your art6 piece to their 'Diapers' collection"
>nukes their deviantart and never uploaded publicly again

>> No.7074049

kek and you wonder why the rest of us are happy when ai comes to replace you

>> No.7074128

He drew diapers, he had it coming

>> No.7074154

the funniest thing he doesn't.
he once got drunk and showed me the shit he was ashamed of drawing, and diapers wasn't it.

>> No.7074169

>I stopped drawing things I think would get lots of likes and started drawing whatever I felt like daily. I feel much better now, and it’s just a pleasant surprise if it happens to get likes.


>> No.7074220


>> No.7074241

Just made twitter account
Posted art i liked and got one like but i am happy even one person likes it so far

>> No.7074536

>How do you guys cope with not getting likes on social media?
I don't have social media. I enjoy the idea that browns. cumbrains and other human waste will never get any enjoyment from seeing what I am making
If there is even the slightest value to what I am doing then I am happy it's not online

>> No.7076464
File: 1.02 MB, 400x400, 1688871733946309.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this post got 4 replies (now 5), more than most artists likes here on average

>> No.7076865

>all replies are jist emojis
>1 reply does not show up


>> No.7076936
File: 2.95 MB, 500x500, 1592190137276.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get a message on twitter
>it's a bigger artist complimenting my shit art
that was nice of them

>> No.7076957

chinese are chinks, japs are nips, koreans are gooks
learn your slurs before you throw them around

>> No.7077448
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>> No.7077590
File: 32 KB, 588x408, ppppp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you mean I got TWO. Just keep working kid popularity never comes fast.