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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 255 KB, 520x719, 1699892727213628.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6951958 No.6951958 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread >>6931489

If you're looking for a place to practice and post all sexual works, from pinups with exaggerated proportions to pornography, then this is the right general for you. Both Eastern and Western styles can coexist here.

>Rules & Guidelines
1) All forms of cartooning styles are welcome; submit and receive feedback from others.
2) Please resize your images below 1000x1000 before posting.
3) Share your knowledge, any tips are certainly welcome for all beginners.
4) Do to not be afraid of asking for critique, please be specific on what help you need.
5) Remember all GB3 related content such as LOLICON, SHOTACON, FURRY pornography, FURRY and BESTIALITY are banned on ALL boards, including red boards, except /b/ and /trash/. DO NOT post that content here.
6) DO NOT reply to AI bait posts. Report and hide, then let the janitors and moderators deal with the problem.

>Community Resources

>NSFW image resources

>Timed drawing gallery

>> No.6951985
File: 547 KB, 800x1200, Ayaka & Heizou001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New stuff.

>> No.6952005


>> No.6952011


>> No.6952550
File: 236 KB, 947x1200, Betaman 04_12 REV2023-11-11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good work, personally would pair her with her brother but I am a weirdo.

>> No.6952665
File: 3.62 MB, 585x800, ezgif.com-gif-maker (9).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My animation I did for my commissioner ranked 88th in Pixiv day's animations :3 First time my work got ranking notification from Pixiv

>> No.6952673
File: 433 KB, 1350x2025, ntr ouran honi and mori.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6952682

>click on /salt/
>remember why I don’t look at /salt/

>> No.6952757

Shading is so fucking difficult bros, been a year and I still struggle so much with it and painting in general. Picking colors for skin and shading skin is my biggest source of stress when drawing something new and I hate using the multiply blend mode crutch

>> No.6952803

Sexual insecurity?

>> No.6952856


Me, I drew it in a previous general

>> No.6952859

sry, tagged the first anon by mistake

>> No.6952924

Good work

>> No.6952925

So now you are drawing pedo shit too?

>> No.6952926

i fail to understand why you post a commission here, spergatorio-kun.

>> No.6952937

To inspire beginners and to get some non sugar coated crits from people that can see mistakes I missed.
Any more stupid questions?

>> No.6952949

this is really good but I feel like the perspective is very slightly off. I could be wrong about that though

>> No.6953058

honey is older than haruhi lol

>> No.6953339


>> No.6953390

Nice and based.
You inspired me to go look up the archives for all your previous inspirations.

>> No.6953410


>> No.6953462

No - faggotry. Also
>still pushing the insecurity meme after 2 decades of it not sticking

>> No.6953484
File: 101 KB, 712x872, beach.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6953994
File: 308 KB, 680x733, Nigga.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6954100
File: 44 KB, 698x991, IMG_20231128_014043_487.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bros, how should I fix these boobs? Honestly I don't like how they look so unappealing. Can you help me?

>> No.6954106

>Ouran highschool host club
Talk about unrecognizable had you not said the name I wouldn't know it was them.

>> No.6954112

Make them show more of the movement getting fucked with either 2 phantom images of them being at their lowest and highest point in the arc or have the boob linework itself showing the boobs affected by the movement. Also you can try going for more stylized and more appealing form for them

>> No.6954124
File: 163 KB, 827x1169, illust_101008892_20231127_084644.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But they look OK? Sorry, I didn't explain better, but my concern is if the tits are drawn correctly. I'm having problems in this angle, maybe I'm deluding myself idk. Not an initial reference but this Pic I think depicts better how the tits folds around the sides and the position of the nipple. Although my torso is slightly tilted and also I'm not sure how big should be the right boob.

>> No.6954128
File: 1.02 MB, 748x1080, illust_93360641_20231127_090459.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another reference

>> No.6954129

They look anatomically passable, like yeah, they are tits. But there's no sexual appeal in them. I would try different kind of approach in them to bring them more into focus and being the appeal factor of getting fucked like that. in your example pic the tits are put more on pedestal to be the center of the focus. In your WIP the tits are just there

>> No.6954401

I think the bottom of the breasts need to be higher and the line needs to be flattened out.

>> No.6955127
File: 394 KB, 1000x1006, morgan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

webcomic girl ass

>> No.6955405
File: 92 KB, 960x1280, 7A6B9FD3-5172-441C-A158-DA29D75D4C98.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6955472
File: 579 KB, 1350x2025, ntr ouran honi and mori.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well i'm not aiming to hit the ouran style but to draw the characters in mine

>> No.6955501

Honey Sempai looks ridiculously stupid

>> No.6955512

Guy on left has a weird pac-man mouth. There's no sense of dynamic interaction between characters, they're like stiff planks leaning against each other.

>> No.6955548
File: 1.10 MB, 1107x1518, 399982160_10224129152326174_5037137362397941002_n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ass, its a little dull though

>> No.6955553
File: 159 KB, 698x991, kiujyhngfb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the torso and angle in both of these references are far different from yours. In your sketch, the torso is pushed outwards making the tits stretched and protruding. In the references, the torso is folded inwards and the angle is from a lower, closer perspective, making the tits look flacid. I think the main issue with your sketch is the torso, it's wide and long, making the tits look unproportionate. The other issue is that they're too defined, making them look too firm. Try something like this instead, personally I find it more appealing this way

>> No.6955594
File: 96 KB, 853x1280, photo_2023-11-29_00-18-54.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6956119
File: 60 KB, 658x804, YUM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i made this to fire myself from the hentai art collective i was "Working" with. I hated them man

>> No.6956293
File: 73 KB, 735x599, 1687391853261853.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you guys think the hand on the left is too small? I can't tell.

>> No.6956296

not really but rei is way too big

>> No.6956320
File: 7 KB, 160x144, IMG_0100.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6956360

those posts always fill me with dread
this is somewhat normal looking at least

>> No.6956397

This is inspired art, you should join our discord

>> No.6956473

Thank you.
I love your work. Big fan for a few years now.

>> No.6956641
File: 3.70 MB, 555x555, Nikke_Anispussysexmmm.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not gonna lie this board sucks. stop drawing futanari and anal shit.

>i need a brush to get that anime feel for rendering.
part 1

>> No.6956649
File: 3.68 MB, 2000x1800, 001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

part 2

i don't need critique on this, just worth sharing.

>> No.6957462

>stop drawing futanari and anal shit.
Fuck off to some safe space, snowflake.

>> No.6957901
File: 194 KB, 1280x800, IMG_6986.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6957968 [DELETED] 

You do know you calling him snowflake is not an insult. That's his actual name.

>> No.6958720
File: 88 KB, 926x553, NIET.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need a bit of help here. Like for example with the knees and I don't know If its good enough in general.
Any help is welcomed.

>> No.6958837
File: 373 KB, 947x1200, betaman 04_12 2023-11-28.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

like wise, and coming from you its really humbling, I appreciate it.

>> No.6959763
File: 1.23 MB, 3000x2268, RAIDEEEEEEN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm probably never ever gonna finish this, its like a year old, and i abandoned my coom account, but I wanted to post it somewhere because i'm a bit proud of how it turned out.

>> No.6960163
File: 554 KB, 2172x1749, test.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My initial attempt at drawing nsfw

>> No.6960188
File: 98 KB, 881x549, idk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6960289
File: 2.23 MB, 800x5578, Dana vs Rhiannon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Storyboard of part of my next comic update

>> No.6960290
File: 2.35 MB, 800x5994, Dana vs Rhiannon2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6960960

Lineart question. When drawing a standing woman from the side dead-on, how do you get the hips on the far side into the picture? Normally I just draw an obtuse angle for the ilium at the top of the thigh, but I have no idea how to draw the hip meat from that angle. Trying to draw women breast-to-breast so I don't want to cheat the angle.

>> No.6961076
File: 341 KB, 998x990, CF13FD28-6A08-454B-8818-1085E1264845.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6961085


>> No.6961124

Thanks anon! This helped me a lot

>> No.6961185

Very nice !
Do you have any socials or gallery ?

>> No.6961190
File: 220 KB, 777x1224, piggy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice to see you around still. I don't know how you still draw porn, I did it for a while and made a little money then quit because I was just getting grossed out and lost all motivation to draw anything that wasnt porn.

I liked Modeseven for quite a while as well and learned to draw from him a bit. Eventually he degenerated into really nasty shit like all of the porn artists seem to after a while, it's unfortunate. Hope your brain isn't too rotten, you seem to make a nice living off of it which is good.

>> No.6961377

I miss the sizefag anons, they were all scared off after the mega crab /salt/ thread that happened

>> No.6961422

nice titties and all but i find the blocky style /sex/ier, nice forms and foreshortening.

>> No.6961467

hot, please share blog

>> No.6961609

They’d have stuck around if you weren’t such a piece of shit.

>> No.6961643

I got praised by softshikioni. But I honestly don't give a fuck anymore. And actually despise it now. Social media has made me bitter. Is this a normal reaction?

>> No.6961661

No. You should KYS.

>> No.6961671
File: 2.16 MB, 320x240, supa-hot-fire-black-guys.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not what your mom said last night... fuckhead!...

<yo momma's teeth so yellow. I can't believe it ain't butter.

>> No.6962707
File: 3.91 MB, 4961x7016, (R) Misato 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it's alright, would try to change the lines of the floor just to match the perspective.

>> No.6963534
File: 1.23 MB, 1600x2100, bikini final.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6963578
File: 172 KB, 671x1000, D650E499-3691-40E5-AA80-8F6532D07076.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hear ya. Trying to experiment with styles and stuff. Trying not to rely on any one thing as a crutch rn. But wanna use those simplifications of shapes in certain areas

>> No.6963615

I remember seeing your art when I was literally in the middle school. Now I've graduated from college and trying to become coom artist too

>> No.6963688
File: 1.52 MB, 1124x938, Screenshot 2023-12-03 at 4.12.22 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a drawing I started yesterday and finished today. I heavily reffed a piece by an artist called Pokkopit. This is probably my first time drawing coom in digital. Although the lineart was trad.

>> No.6963866
File: 206 KB, 1280x720, 47FEBE03-3C52-4278-8D7A-D022FC447ABE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6964097
File: 236 KB, 643x808, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6964202

Good luck young friendo. Porn can be a harsh business. Try to always stay true to yourself.

>> No.6964984
File: 871 KB, 1200x1262, ho ho ho.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6965219
File: 308 KB, 951x1240, Angelica Babydoll Sexy 2023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still early on this work, but I'm happy I gave my oc her nose back. : )

>> No.6965562

iaight link

>> No.6965931

Any advice on shading really fat fucking areolae and nipples?

>> No.6966000
File: 120 KB, 683x911, 1673205500205156.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i fuckiung love tits and women

>> No.6966050

Literally me If I was a woman. Also, nice trips.

>> No.6966070

Checked, least titpilled /ic/ poster

>> No.6966091

That's a great attitude anon. Now you just need to learn how to draw.

>> No.6966259

Based and titpilled

>> No.6966469
File: 480 KB, 1080x631, dipshayfengheight.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Need to expand my roster

>> No.6966818

Same guy?

>> No.6966949
File: 387 KB, 1350x2025, gyaruzilla 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6966991

enjoy burning in hell

>> No.6967068
File: 228 KB, 1280x960, 9F6024C8-793F-4549-BB18-1AD3535137B3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope but appreciate goblin posting regardless

>> No.6967125
File: 3.19 MB, 3087x2641, muscles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

quick study

>> No.6967147

unhinged but well done
Nice. The porn you will draw will be epic

>> No.6967157

I love how everyone still calls this place /salt/

>> No.6967166
File: 228 KB, 750x712, 1633289598413.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>three replies mentioning old name

>> No.6967253
File: 167 KB, 529x753, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok, take 2

>> No.6967277

imagine believing in such nonsense

>> No.6967293 [DELETED] 

Penis attachment is usually at the same height as the bottom of a person's butt.

>> No.6967309
File: 764 KB, 1350x2025, Illustration.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The base of the penis is at the same height as the bottom of the gluteus maximus.

>> No.6967328
File: 2.80 MB, 4961x7016, (R) Misato 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Done I think. I don't want to obsess anymore with this drawing. Feel free to leave criticism.

>> No.6967333

It looks really good, honestly. Bringing the crease down on the breast tissue made them look a lot more natural. I have a humble request to increase the dilation of the pupils. Something about the (her) right pupil looks a little... soulless?

>> No.6967338
File: 2.80 MB, 4961x7016, fixed pupils.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure anon. Ng, sometimes I like my girls with her eyes lost.

>> No.6967342

How do some of you guys go about draw the breasts, ass, and vagina

>> No.6967356
File: 2.80 MB, 4961x7016, ok, bigger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6967365
File: 507 KB, 946x1080, Illustration.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is not how you fix the scared/surprised look.
You just need to add a shadow between the pupil and the upper eyelid.

>> No.6967373

Oh damn, thanks anon. I didn't try it because I haven't done my eyes' reps.

>> No.6967395

Thank you, anon. Eyes are such a huge physiological indicator of various states of arousal, sexual or not. Historically, it even went as far as using atropa belladonna drops (now just pharmaceutical atropine) to dilate the pupils for a more striking and attractive appearance.

>> No.6967402

There we go. It's all in the look. There's more of a gleam of anticipation there now.
No, he did what I asked. It wasn't a look of fear/surprise that I meant, just specifically pupillary dilation.

>> No.6967459

Legit the most useful thing I read on ic in a year.

>> No.6967481

They’re both shit permabegs, so why not?

>> No.6967592

Only art with even an ounce of sex appeal ITT

>> No.6967911

You forgot about my post.

>> No.6968012

No I didn't.

>> No.6968023
File: 479 KB, 1900x1020, L&amp;S001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't mind the weird composition. It's meant to be cropped and have an animated camera pan.
Any weird stuff going on with the anatomy? I always fuck up open crotches like this.

>> No.6968024
File: 280 KB, 1359x879, 1675180177431048.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any advice? this just feels off
it's supposed to look like something that would be on the front of a magazine

>> No.6968031

Looks fine to me. I'm prebeg btw

>> No.6968039

Have you tried looking at magazine covers and check what might be helpful to your vision?
Kind of difficult to help with this very specific thing

>> No.6968041

I've used references but couldn't find one matching exactly what I wanted, I guess I was just asking if there was anything way off anatomically or if there were ways i could improve the pose, not specifically with help on how to make it look like that.

>> No.6968054

I would just rotate the figure a bit clockwise. She's falling on her butt.
Love the lineart btw.

>> No.6968055
File: 302 KB, 1200x644, cun placement.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love the details like the bracelets around her ankles.
Give the guy a brow ridge didn't realize he was a dude at first.
Unless you wanna keep him feminine.
I'd place the vagina like pic related.
Her pushing it up a bit into his tongue.
The butthole and vagina are too close to each other imo.

>> No.6968062

Nice. I had the feeling the vulva should be higher up, but wasn't sure. Thanks a lot for the redline.

>> No.6968066

nta but this "redline" sux mad dick, no offense

>> No.6968068

yes, you did anon.

>> No.6968072
File: 365 KB, 1359x879, Cock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More movement in the clothes
Her left arms seem to be too long her hand comming to her knees if she extends it.

>> No.6968073

thank you, that helps a lot

>> No.6968079

Glad I could help lads.
I know but the advice is good I think.

>> No.6968088

Lines might be rough, but he conveyed the message perfectly imo.

>> No.6968153
File: 491 KB, 500x359, 1384217080114.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice nice nice lines
I was wondering, do you draw with a screeen tablet?

>> No.6968169

is this bbcchan?

>> No.6968209
File: 382 KB, 1900x1020, L&amp;S001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ty again for the heads up. I think this is better, but I probably exaggerated the spread too much.
I have to sleep over it.


Shhhh, you're going to summon the crazy guy.

>> No.6968243
File: 417 KB, 1600x2400, carabose.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shes supposed to have 4 arms but I completely forgot that during sketching.

>> No.6968289

Blog? would love to see this colored, very hot

>> No.6968301
File: 316 KB, 1184x1020, L&amp;S002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another variant.

>> No.6968307

extremely nice expressions

>> No.6968374
File: 540 KB, 1809x2500, The Corey Feldman of IC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that Grand Canyon cleavage gap
>those patented Seinfeld man hands
>still drawing vaginal openings where a urethra belongs
>that down syndrome expression on her face
> That DisneyPlus expression on that guy's face eating that urethra up
Keep going, Corey. You truly are, the Comeback King...

>> No.6968403

>Shhhh, you're going to summon the crazy guy.
Called it.

>> No.6968411
File: 75 KB, 834x821, FXY6pWbWQAAhyzl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6968435


>> No.6968440

Man I wish somebody was this critical about my work, BBC doesn't know how good he has it.

>> No.6968447

Do you seriously consider that to be good critique? To me it sounds like bitter BS from someone with a personal vendetta.

>> No.6968453

Some of his points are valid, like how the breasts are too far apart.

>> No.6968531
File: 838 KB, 1900x1020, lines.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here are my 2 cents
Love your art btw

>> No.6968535 [DELETED] 
File: 101 KB, 348x378, Emoji 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blog got discontinued due to low motivation and not enough people. I'm only posting on Patreon and Reddit now. Starting my new art career on Roblox and Fortnite. Thanks for showing interest.
>picture related...

>> No.6968544
File: 101 KB, 348x378, Emoji 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blog got discontinued due to low motivation and not enough people. I'm only posting on Patreon and Reddit now. Starting my new art career on Roblox and Fortnite. Thanks for showing interest.
>picture related...

Corey is being nitpicky but yeah, fix that pussy, but yah that's a hard pose.

>> No.6968611
File: 37 KB, 720x697, 1630709370707.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pic related
Show me which one's yours and I'll tell you what's wrong with it. Just don't cry like a little bitch, fix your shit and take the critique on the chin like a man. I critique from experience, I was around when Corey got his shit torn up, back when the Porn Thread had BALLS to call out the mistakes instead of handing out participation trophies like it's fucking devinatArt.
Corey won't fix it, he'll just harpy some 41 year old faggot excuse and keep drawing. Granted that's a hard pose, but that dumbass could have easily spread her right leg out, which would have made more sense to accommodate that pose. Bring your feet in almost sitting Indian style and tell me with a straight face your pussy pops like that.
And you can tell the blind LOVE leading the blind here. Atta boy kiddo, the GUY'S the problem. Jesus fucking Christ.

>> No.6968613
File: 172 KB, 640x360, 1628851751001.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Checked and self wrecked lmao

>> No.6968614

>Show me which one's yours
The link still works. >>6966445

>> No.6968617

Doesn't kill to start off on polite grounds, unless you're one of those top critics whose entire livelihood depends solely on how hypercritical you can be

>> No.6968625
File: 92 KB, 791x1024, 1701495665519867m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6968628

>>pic related
As expected.
>the blind LOVE leading the blind here

>> No.6968629

It's clear this guy is assblasted and has a personal vendetta. Expecting any politenes from the likes of him is nonsense.

>> No.6968785

That's not where the pussy is.

>> No.6968807
File: 99 KB, 751x952, d167b5ceeffef78074890d2f0851ea4e9b1e0dac0790360bfde9f56481940736_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That's not where the pussy is.

>> No.6968831


>> No.6969075

Why would he listen to your "critique" when it's clear you have a personal agenda and vendetta against him.
For all he knows you might be justr trying to sabotage him.
That's the issue with your attitude and why people like you can't be taken seriously here.
I don't disagree on some of the points you made, but it's obvious you are nitpicking mistakes with the only intent of making him look bad.
It's to be expected that people won't listen to you smelling your own farts.

>> No.6969731

This. There's also been a lot of vendettafagging going around as of late.

>> No.6969740

>trying to give advice to the guy who famously ignores all advice
just let him stagnate

>> No.6969766

how about you STFU faggot

>> No.6969797
File: 88 KB, 766x938, beg faggot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this you right?

>> No.6969810
File: 116 KB, 733x1100, MEGAMAN FEMZERO 2023-10-28 003 COLORING WIP 2023-12-07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really like this version, but its more like a second image in this sequence.

I feel like you are trying to get me in trouble, huh.

its not something I am into but I thought this turn out pretty well, in particular the coloring work with line quality.

>> No.6969811
File: 192 KB, 1011x1200, 4CHAN doodle 2023-01-17 robot wife doodle 2 in use.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot, its ac120 on baraag and tumblr.

>> No.6969831

I wish I could draw this good in general.

>> No.6969859

>Y-you are stagnating!!1
he cries after wasting years to try stir shit in these threads.

Maybe it's you who's stagnating?

>> No.6969873

Touched a nerve, did I?

>> No.6969930

I barely recognized your style chief
It felt vaguely like you, but I wasn't sure

>> No.6969950

>I really like this version, but its more like a second image in this sequence.
These are frames for a visual novel with minimal animation. The whole game revolves around this kind of variants.
It looks lazy as it is now, but the end result is much more varied.
Sweet stuff as usual, btw.
I would just smoosh (is that even a word lol) the boobs and deform them a bit more in the first one to emphasize the softness.

>> No.6970217
File: 3.53 MB, 1199x1904, idfk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just wanted to draw this lol

>> No.6970238

>anyone criticizing ***-chan must be that one anon
>vendettafagging and trolling while claiming others are vendettafagging and trolling
Holy lmao, anon-kun
You are indeed obsessed and mentally absolutely fucking broken.

That would be one of my drawings but i am
none of those anons, though.

>> No.6970274


>> No.6970287

how about you hang yourself, discord tranny?

>> No.6970291
File: 605 KB, 2048x3956, Wip2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the mega crab thread
The day long back and forward with the guy baiting the whole thread? I assumed that was a troll, I personally went to discord prior to him showing anyway but it hasn't been great for getting meaningful critiques.

Here's a recent one I'm chipping away at, I'm having trouble with the face but I'm open for a critique

>> No.6970296
File: 339 KB, 1040x1090, TGCHYTCH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Clean the lines. Your sketch is nice!

>> No.6970301

lol I remember that thread
funniest shit I ever saw until delta soiled his panties across the board lmao

>> No.6970305

The stomach doesn't look that bad if it was stretched out more

>> No.6970438

This is appealing and dynamic af. Great stuff anon.

>> No.6970451

Really shows off how bad the other guy is.

>> No.6970562

Are you a serial killer?

>> No.6970580


>> No.6970592

pls redpill me on giantess vore
i tried to understand it, but i think i have not stared in the abyss long enough yet

>> No.6970613

Are you the same anon as >>6968374 ?

>> No.6970646

NTA but I'm quite into getting licked (and in turn licking my partner) all over so soft vore really scratches that itch for me. Not a fan of hard vore (actual chewing and digestion) though outside of the mild craving for human flesh it produces.

>> No.6970658

>outside of the mild craving for human flesh it produces.
At least you are sincere.

>> No.6970671

That's a different anon lol
Idk it's hard to say, the idea of a voluptuous woman growing huge and stomping a city just activates something weird in my brain. Same with hard vore, there's definitely a cruelty component that's just as important as the giant part. I personally don't get the kind of vore where they don't die and everyone's involved is just cool with it.

>> No.6970744
File: 1.27 MB, 1600x2400, carabose2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6970773 [DELETED] 
File: 353 KB, 593x563, 1701728613770525.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Giantess vote porn makes me feel like the woman I truly am. I want to feel the embrace of being swallowed up by a Giant woman and then finally move on from this dark world. Finding eternal peace and everloving peace within body and soul.


>> No.6970780
File: 353 KB, 593x563, 1701728613770525.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Giantess vore porn makes me feel like the woman I truly am. I want to feel the embrace of being swallowed up by a Giant woman and then finally move on from this dark world. Finding eternal peace and everloving peace within body and soul.


>> No.6970810

Make the head slightly bigger

>> No.6970841
File: 99 KB, 667x741, giantse.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, it's more or less a core masochistic fetish mixed with depression or violent fantasies.
I mean, i do get bigger females to an extent, hence my curiosity.
Just the thought of being able to be rough and scale a mountain while getting off, makes me diamonds.

>> No.6970898
File: 124 KB, 666x740, 1702088672601809.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6971086

No, I'm just someone who that dude insulted

>> No.6971097

You probably deserved it. I bet you’re one of those assholes who draws. We don’t take kindly to your kind around here. Having all that fun with pencils. It’s unnatural!

>> No.6971178
File: 590 KB, 940x1200, jessstepanimated.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel stagnated, I don't know what it is but even after going through Perspective Made Easy, almost all my drawings are from a flat on view, which leaves no feeling of size difference. Feels to beg to even post here really

im happy to see you getting better w each piece


I'm not really into it, but I like anything to do with feet

>> No.6971277

Yeah, every time I pick up a pencil and draw a kitten loses its wings

>> No.6971289

An explanation won't do much, you need to experience the right piece.
For me, vore is all about utter domination and cruelty. It's like extreme bondage, torture, and snuff with the added insult of being added onto the predator's body as fat or whatever

>> No.6971294

You can't understand it because you aren't a psycho. Vore is akin to NTR or extreme masochism/sadism.

>> No.6971361
File: 230 KB, 688x1300, d 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no comment

>> No.6971384

> Eating someone is akin to sleeping with someone outside your relationship.
You want to try that again?

>> No.6971390

>average ntr bad poster

>> No.6971413

That's not what NTR means. NTR is basically getting off to your loved one cheating on you. It's pure emotional masochism.

>> No.6971420

And cheating is just sleeping with someone outside your relationship (without your partner's consent). Otherwise it's be NSR (same but with consent).

>> No.6971422

anyone know of artists that draw good feet? i must learn

>> No.6971437
File: 2.38 MB, 4512x2176, 69238612938694863140348379187439270.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drawn some doodles on ms paint.
Think draw mob face/cartoony coom on future.

>> No.6971440
File: 452 KB, 2186x1562, Tut1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6971441
File: 1.38 MB, 3937x2307, Tut2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmsketch does good feet

>> No.6971442

Pro-level work

>> No.6971443
File: 842 KB, 2531x2870, Tut3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>6971422 .

>> No.6971469
File: 2.87 MB, 1579x1313, feet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My summary of GVAAT's feet drawing guide

>> No.6971497

I don't get it. Are you purposefully trying to not understand what I wrote or something?
You are trying to pass it for some kind of acceptable open relationship, while in reality it's about mindbreak, making a 3rd party miserable, etc. etc. It's pure sadism. Stop pretending to be dumb jfc.

>> No.6971499

LMSketch, Kairunoburogu.

>> No.6971500
File: 251 KB, 1280x960, 9021609D-1087-4028-88C8-4E7E755FBA8C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6971503

I thought ntr was just the polite way of saying "cucking"

>> No.6971505

NTA but you're really going into it too deep. You think normal people aren't involved with cheating? Relax lmfao

>> No.6971513

Ok, you seem to be completely oblivious of what NTR is.
NTR doesn't equal cheating.
NTR is glorification of cheating and the final goal is for the victim to find out about it.
It definitely isn't regular cheating where the cheater tries to hide the fact that it's happening.

But I understand why you are so defensive about it. You probably like it and you don't want to admit that you have a fucked up kink only psychos truly enjoy.

>> No.6971517

Nah, cucking is different. Cucks actually enjoy seeing their partners get railed by strangers who (usually) can satisfy them better. It's a consensual open relationship kind of thing.

>> No.6971518

thanks frens

>> No.6971521

Aside from the shading that makes her look metal this has appeal

>> No.6971526

I wish there were more artists who specifically focusing on drawing heels in a sexual way, and doing some concepts. I only found Yukiale, who is actually good, but he doesn't do tutorials.

>> No.6971547

I know what it is, please next explain how scat is more safe than NTR

>> No.6971569

Then stop saying what it isn't, just because you feel the need to cope with your subhuman kink.

>> No.6971581

this level of seethe is interesting, strange how someone else's liking lives up there rent free

>> No.6971595
File: 66 KB, 578x685, idgi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but I like anything to do with feet
There is also the stomping fetish, which clearly escapes my understanding.
Where do you guys even get these fetishes? Is there like a gachapon machine or something?

>> No.6971598

I actually do know exactly where my size enjoying comes from, but for even normal things would you be able to explain them? Why do some guys find the armpit more arousing then any other part?

>> No.6971603
File: 53 KB, 685x715, armpit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Size is one thing, i get the contrast but being crushed to death is kind of difficult to reason.

Armpits is easy; they just look like you can thrust and grind your dick into i.e. it looks like a vagina.
And if there is titties and face accompanying the whole that's a plus.

>> No.6971627

NTA but did someone cheat on you? Sorry if that's why it bothers you so much, there is a difference between fantasy and irl shit. Murder porn exists ffs

>> No.6971661

NTR is just "girl being stolen" or "girl cheating", it's not like i'm the cuck. get these terms riight anon.

>> No.6971687

What if you cheat on a godzilla-sized gal and she eats both you and the other woman so then you digest with your new lover and get shit out together?

>> No.6971691

I don't like how everyone's taking shots at scatfags when we haven't even posted anything

>> No.6971713

we can take shot of furries but their autism is akin to a whole internet task force

>> No.6972416

I know it's you redline chad I recognize you style and the fact this looks like your rat girl pic.

Can I get your socials again?

>> No.6972425

Who is this? @ pls

>> No.6972427

We know it's you.

>> No.6972429

Yeah it's you redline chad, spill the beans.

>> No.6972493
File: 117 KB, 976x1024, 1702191589293289m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6972590

Nah, I just think people that enjoy that kind of countent must have something wrong with their brains.
I never said people that enjoy NTR are cucks, I said they are psychopats.
You don't need to post that in order for people to be disgusted by your mental illness.

>> No.6972604

>hes this concerned about imaginary cheating
anon you should probably get that sorted out

>> No.6972618

Stop feeding the crybaby that deliberately went into a thread full of things he dislikes. Post some art, update on what you're working on, wips, literally anything other than this whining

>> No.6972619

sexy stuff

>> No.6972620

I'm concerned about peopl enjoying imaginary cheating.
Are you unironically slow?

>> No.6972700
File: 616 KB, 1300x886, Pekosphwip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Left or right? Which one do you guys think looks better?

>> No.6972705

Right if you adjust the black lines to corespondent with background colors

>> No.6972706

Post twitter or pixiv

>> No.6972711

I say left, it's more charming and eye catching, some lines are very hard to see, though, so make them colored lines slightly darker.

Good shit, by the way.

>> No.6973250

left, but it needs more contrast in some places
also fix the knees

>> No.6973355

imagine using logic and not believing in metaphysics

>> No.6973447

Right because I can see what's going on

>> No.6973554
File: 705 KB, 400x215, 1701927558079195.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You drawing underage children in exploitative, sexual situations doesn't deserve praise, nor does it deserve proper critique. Grow the hell up and start drawing something else. If this were a classroom (and noticing the comments after my own self wreck, it sure as hell sounds like it), no one's going to take your work seriously. Children are not sexual and your inability to see beyond your own disabling fetish only shows how immature you treat your hobby. There's your critique, that's what's wrong with your art, don't cry like a little bitch.
The only ones "vendettafagging" around here are some of you. Corey's old enough to walk his dumb ass back through his congealed art skill and fix the problems himself. That's if he chooses to, but I know he won't.
Yeah kid, let's put that guy standing to the right of her body and have his dick MAGICALLY wrap around the bottom of her ass cheek so that it NEATLY shelves itself into a vaginal opening that DROPS down to accommodate him. Drawing mangled animu faces doesn't excuse you from the fact that you need to draw more from reference instead of pretending to know what sex looks like.
Not me, vendettafag.
>pic related
Men don't have tits, nigger. If you're going to mock my critique, at least make the half ass effort to draw something better than what was posted, instead of trying to be an edgy drawfag's attempt at humor.

>> No.6973709
File: 240 KB, 960x1280, 5DCE26B1-F6E1-4C70-BBD2-BE2D97D8F66D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6973809

Why are you here? You don't draw, and you don't know how to give critique.
If all you want to do is argue with people, why don't you go to other more toxic boards?

>> No.6973960

This is one of the more toxic boards, retard.

>> No.6974004

My critiques are right on the money, kid. I'm not sorry that my words can see the flaws in your artwork better than you can draw the artwork yourself. If you can't see past your own nose and take what I say, do your own research and apply that knowledge to your work in order for you to "git gud", then you only have yourself to blame, perceiving the "argument" as nothing more than your precious little snowflake mentality being challenged by the actual state of your hobby.
Simple as.

>> No.6974010 [DELETED] 

PYW or keep yapping you ankle biting lil' faggot

>> No.6974012

Are you me...? You sound like me...

>> No.6974015

PYW or keep yapping you ankle biting lil' faggot

>> No.6974016

Would it kill you to apply a little critical thinking to what I say and ask yourself, why did they say that? Does it really look like that? How can I fix it, how can I improve? They're obviously not going to tell me so, I'd better go off and do some research on it myself. Okay, so that critique was right, it does look bad how I draw it. I should take some time and get better, this shit is important to me even though it's just a hobby. Hell, I should practice more and learn that the best critiques are the harshest. Holy shit that critique was right, I was drawing it wrong all this time and I was using the "muh style" excuse to validate my abhorrent inability to draw something correctly first, and THEN exaggerate it.
But no, my feelings are hurt. LE sob, LE sob. Sumwon on dah intownetz duzzent wike me. That's your crutch of an excuse.
Bitch, please.

>> No.6974022
File: 201 KB, 1301x877, 1644528875895.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe. Dunno.
My words and critique ARE my work, kid. Your beglet brain just can't comprehend that.

>> No.6974027

nta but i happen to be an expert on critical thinking

All you're doing is slandering him and not actually proving him to be wrong; you're just accusing him to be wrong because of how you "feel" and are trying to justify yourself.
>no am not offended
All the things you talk about, kind of show you are.
And if he's being deliberately provocative and you reply like that, i mean, anon, that pretty much seals it, come on.

All you would need to do is to ask him to actually elaborate, because either
>they give up and show they're retarded and they lose any and all credibility
>they actually offer you helpful advice
It's a win-win.

>> No.6974038

>My critiques are right on the money, kid.
This is exactly what a dunning kruger beglet would say.
I'm sorry, but you can't prove you know what you are talking about. Tough luck.

>> No.6974040

What the fuck are you talking about, what kind of word vomit did I just read?
>just because Pluto doesn't Jupiter around the Moon Pie, that doesn't mean the dog has the keys to the fire engine. If you iron out the water, the chastity of our November has jewels in the macaroni...
That's how your fucking reply read. I'm pointing out the flaws and allowing the artists their opportunity to re-evaluate their own art skill on their own accord. THAT'S critical thinking.
>see problem
>do research
>apply knowledge
>git gud

>> No.6974041
File: 94 KB, 680x550, npc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6974042

You didn't critique any of my work lol.
You have the worst possible approach, hence why I said you are incapable of giving good critique. Anyone can spot mistakes, especially if it's other people's work. It's called having fresh eyes.
You aren't special, except for the fact that you are a massive insufferable faggot.

>> No.6974044

You're a fucking retard
Your so called "critique" was basically libel fueled by your insecurity of being unable to scratch out even a stick figure
Critique better or KYS

See what I did there, or do I have to encourage you to do some more critical thinking ?

>> No.6974048
File: 1.10 MB, 414x348, mind-blown-blows-my-mind.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anyone can spot mistakes, especially if it's other people's work. It's called having fresh eyes
>That's what a CRITIQUE IS

>> No.6974051
File: 66 KB, 184x178, 1613278983785.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You don't deserve proper critique because of my personal reasons
Good to know I'm on the right track then, gay bitches love "height difference" bdsm and want to be dommed by a shorter girl and due to the contrast between the two figures the work practically compliments itself.

>> No.6974057

It's okay kid, you can take the L. You devolving to saying "KYS" is exactly what I expected.
Rather than offer critical thought, or even your own critique on anyone's work, you'd much rather blue hair and chimp out. Typical npc.

>> No.6974059

I’d forgotten how much these threads suck.

>> No.6974063

What do you think you've been saying all this time lol. Or a you so scatterbrained and illiterate that you had to use speech to text conversion and forgot all the shit you've been spewing out from your mouth this past week ?

>> No.6974066

There are valuable critiques, where somebody helps the artist fix his mistakes by redlining or explaining how to do it, and there's your empty bullshit.

>> No.6974067

discord tranny, figures

>> No.6974086

Is seething anti-NTR anon the same as “I give good critiques” anon?

>> No.6974105

>critique a piece of art in :sex: /salt/
Not even once

>> No.6974140

Then you're illiterate and unreasonable.
If you're willing to waste time replying to anons, least you can do is autistically go into detail, not just
>this is bad
>fix it
>do research, stupid lol lmao
least you can do is not shit up generals more than they already are, epic discord troll

>> No.6974161

This crab nigger killed the thread a few threads ago too, no idea why he isn't banned for trolling outside of /b/ yet

>> No.6974167

How do you not see that no trolls are getting banned for the past year? Just draw and post if you want, dont rage over it, nothing we can do.

>> No.6974184

Just lamenting the state of the board.

>> No.6974207

Or we can choose not to bother with you assholes altogether.

>> No.6974340
File: 1.55 MB, 640x610, gross-disgusted.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6974354
File: 5 KB, 221x228, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Magic words: PYW

>> No.6974409

Seeing my work doesn’t make your work any less shit.

>> No.6974416
File: 587 KB, 604x675, 1551994031537.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who could have seen that coming

>> No.6974420
File: 211 KB, 463x453, 1658100645658210.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cheeky motherfucker kek.

>> No.6974433

You're not wrong but the fact that you wont pyw means your critique may not even be worth listening to

It's like if a blind person says your drawing is shit, I mean maybe they are correct technically but they can't even see so how correct are they really? and why should I listen to them assuming they don't even draw.

>> No.6974457
File: 652 KB, 917x1250, BabycarrotpekoWIP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ended up going with the right pic, just liked how the lineweight was making it look.

What do you guys think of the finished product?

>> No.6974461

Blah blah blah now post it pussy

>> No.6974680

This is why people keep fucking leaving. How hard is it to simply not respond? Honestly the only ones derailing the thread are the people that keep engaging with the criticism guy

>> No.6974684

People keep leaving because you faggots behave like catty vindictive little bitches. The only reason why I even came here was because I saw somebody being critical on nu-/ic/ which is an anomaly and expressed how lucky BBC was receiving feedback.

>> No.6974875

unironically this
>People keep leaving because you faggots behave like catty vindictive little bitches.
Most of /ic/ seems to be in their own little discord groups anyway and don't care for critique, unless you make a whole autstic documentary about their individual lives and read their minds and know every single work they did in all their lifetime which then should end in actually praising the work, but if you do they also call you a stalker and obsessed and a schizo.
I'll give you an example:
>"This arm is bad--- etcetera"
Should turn into
>"Friend, you are so talented, excuse me if i come off rude, even though you are extremely talented, can i make you aware of a mistake in your work, of course, this doesn't mean you made a mistake, it just happens you know <3 i can also offer to fix it for you and remake the the whole work for you, for free but it doesn't mean your work has mistakes, it's clearly amazing and you are skilled and btw i also would like to know your blog and your patreon account so i can subscribe to the highest tier and join your discord btw do you need money, do you want money and can i give you money? btw i am also a professional here's is my work which you can take and sell if you want btw do i sound offensive pls i mean no offense remember you are special and extremely talented and so valid!"
and the reply will be
>"uuuhm ok shitlord you said i made a mistake so now im offended fuck you pyw crab!"
Pointing out anything always turns into an uphill battle, shitposting and fights for dominance like we're in high school again.
This is why people leave.

I won't reply. Get fucked.

>> No.6974927
File: 1.49 MB, 300x300, 1560916897263.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe if you unhelpful fucks would just put your le epic angry critic LARP aside and just tell people straight these are the issue with your work and suggestions on how to fix it threads wouldn't devolve into shitty pissing matches all the damn time. There's always some loser that get mads that people aren't taking kindly to their 'brutal honestly', but in a thread where loser(s) are dropping BBC-chan's actual name and screaming about 2017 archives and 6-year-old vendettas then no, I don't your critique is worth a damn. (You) are a faggot and I wipe my ass with your critique.

>> No.6974936


>> No.6974959 [DELETED] 
File: 237 KB, 894x1280, IMG_7095.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6974961 [DELETED] 
File: 178 KB, 894x1280, IMG_7094.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6974984

your shit looks the same as it did a year ago, you haven't even tried to improve. What's the point of posting your work on a critique board if you won't listen?

>> No.6974999 [DELETED] 
File: 1.32 MB, 3508x2480, sailorlesbianrape.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in /h I have fun making these types of requests

>> No.6975004 [DELETED] 
File: 1.32 MB, 3508x2480, sailorlesbianrape.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in /h I have fun drawing requests

>> No.6975011
File: 1.32 MB, 3508x2480, sailorlesbianrape.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sailor bitches

>> No.6975137

think you've lost the impression on the face, she now looks sorta 'disinterested' rather in the previous she was smug/mocking

>> No.6975156
File: 425 KB, 633x817, melpan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Working on comission comic page

Can I have your blog, sir?

>> No.6975195

Nah, people simply leave because of the toxicity of other people.
People don't leave because of
>"This arm is bad--- etcetera"
People leave because of
>"This arm is bad--- you are a complete beginner fucklord that has no idea how to hold a pencil, your parents should die in their sleep, you always draw like this and never improve, KYS.
Also I won't reply. Get fucked."

>> No.6975197

>your shit looks the same as it did a year ago, you haven't even tried to improve. What's the point of posting your work on a critique board if you won't listen?
See, this is why people are leaving.

>> No.6975207

Damn you really knocked it out of the park, good shit

>> No.6975208

Even if it was a critique followed by unnecessary crabbing it would be borderline acceptable but it's not even that, it's just
>this is bad no i wont elaborate why and i wont post my work

>> No.6975246

I kneel.

>> No.6975290
File: 152 KB, 800x1200, MEGAMAN FEMZERO 2023-10-28 003 REV 2023-12-12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am experimenting with different brushes, and I don't typically draw with watercolor or airbrushes. Often times when I draw in different resolutions or different brushes it looks different because the pen felt different, if that make sense, mainly in how it reacts to pen pressure.

thanks! I mean it could be "squished" although I tried not too deform large breast too much when it is confined within larger shapes, because sometimes it'll loose definitions in a way that looks disturbing, so I am trying to to use shading to do that instead in this instance.

>> No.6975313

whats the best site for posting /sex/

>> No.6975337

Twitter, Pixiv, Furaffinity if furshit
Some people do Newgrounds
What do you mean by "best"?

>> No.6975350

well pixiv is mostly anime, furaffinity is furry
twitter bans you, and not many people use newgrounds

>> No.6975421

Only because they’re pussy assed faggots who can’t handle receiving constructive criticism. We don’t want their kind around here.

>> No.6975513

The "the shit sucks get Gud" ones are the only ones that are unwarranted. That and if it's an unsolicited critique in a setting where your not asking for one.

>> No.6975535

The insane critic troll did that at one point and it devolved into you guys saying good art is subjective. There is no scenario where you people will ever listen to any form of criticism.

>> No.6975574

I dunno man this whole thing reeks of some delta tier schizo shit

>> No.6975578

>constructive criticism
>attacking the artist instead of criticizing the art
pick one

>> No.6975586

Sorry it’s not the kind of faggy hugbox you discord trannies like so much.

>> No.6975603

>There is no scenario where you people will ever listen to any form of criticism.
This is exactly it.
>say it in a "rough tone"
>"omg why u hav to b toxic"
>point out mistakes
>"omg pyw"
>offer constructive criticism
>"omg tldr pyw pls yeah but did you know i made that on purpose because [proceeds to talk about himself and the likes and social media numbers]"
>"omg but ME like it"
>"omg ME too how is this bad pyw crab"
>"omg just let people enjoy things"
>praise the artist
>"omg thank you so much thank you thank you omg thank you omg did you know [proceeds to talk about personal life]"
>make a slight comment about how the artist hasn't improved even though they've been posting here for years in an apparent search of critique
>"omg so toxic and bad fucking schizo stalker i bet ur the one guy from my discord who hates me for no reason yeah i didn't read your wall of text but i read that you posted the word "bad", so now i feel insecure and offended. fuck you guy from my discord!"
You shat in your own plate and then proceed to complain that everyone else smells like shit when anyone points out the stinking pile of shit on your plate.

No one can express anything minimally negative, unless they have specific qualifications and even if what they say is true; they must hate you as a person for no reason, but if its mindless praise and circlejerking about porn, then it's all fine.
And no one is actually allowed to express anything that might risk offending anyone.
You're not here for critique, you're here to shill yourselves, "network" and play high school drama.
You have no humility, you have no self-awareness, you have no decency. All you care is how you feel and getting clout.
You're the cancer that killed the board and that kills any community, for that matter.

You need not wonder why no one is willing to go out their way to give you "perfect critique", when it always devolves into shitposting, whining or trying to discredit any criticism.

>> No.6975634

So we’re all in agreement that /sex/, /salt/, and any derivation thereof should be disbanded as artists are too thin skinned to appreciate criticism which the critiquers are incapable of providing anyway and so these threads serve no purpose whatsoever?

>> No.6975682

/salt/ and /sex/ were created to replace or bring back the old porn threads. Eliminating them wouldn't solve anything.

>> No.6975715

Got it. We need to eliminate the desire for porn. I’ve got a hammer handy. I’ll take one for the team.

>> No.6975737

>as artists are too thin skinned to appreciate criticism which the critiquers are incapable of providing anyway and so these threads serve no purpose whatsoever?
Basically, yes.
It's useless because this board and the anons have fostered a culture of faggotry, drama and self-service and anyone who dared try to scoop up the shit, has been chased away by shitposters, trolls and retards who are here to market themselves, do nothing but flame and bait for replies and don't have good intentions.

Mind you, why should a critic waste their time trying to give thoughtful critique when it will always be met with shitposting and whining, thus nurturing a mindset and a culture that any kind of negative comment is a "crab" and that anything is bad if it makes one feel bad and that writing more than one line of text is autistic schizocringe but will watch 5 hour tutorials on x0.75 speed about how to feel good when drawing porn and how to get social media likes?

Maybe, if anons are so scared of their discord ""friends"", they should either stay in their discords, or delete them.

>> No.6975796

Wouldn't they be scared of the people here more than discord? I thought the reason they ran away to discord was because it's a bigger hugbox

>> No.6975871
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They are, because they can't know for sure who the anons are, which they think might be from their discords out for revenge, hence why they keep namedropping and demanding to post work.
A hugbox is always way more toxic behind the curtains more than your average oldfag just calling everyone a nigger and dropping some conspiracy theories about homosexual aliens.
People who are active in hugboxes, will always play the wholesome role in front of others, but will actually be the worst type of fag when no one's looking.
Why do you think this board is 90% flaming and shitposting? Because those exact people who are in the hugboxes come here to do what they can't do and say on their discords without getting instantly banned and blocked by everyone on social media.
And they always accuse others of the crimes they are themselves guilty of i.e. vendettafagging and trolling, because that is exactly what they are doing here non stop.

On one hand, it's understandable when they're on survival mode and feel threatened by every small thing.
On the other hand, what do they expect when they don't vet or carefully choose who they directly interact with on the internet?

And this is also exactly why you should never join any discords; misery always seeks company and you're only making yourself a target to someone who has everything to gain.

If you want to be truly untouchable, don't speak, don't chase social contacts to benefit your own social numbers, don't publicly interact or post just to get attention, don't join any discord communities.
But these narcissists don't get it; they just want clout and attention but then complain when they get the wrong kind of attention, which in turn dilutes the quality of any given place they infest with their faggotry, but they don't care because once the well dries up, they'll just move to greener pastures and repeat the whole process.

Mind you, this is a board about drawing and critique, yet we're at the mercy of clout chasing faggots.

>> No.6975939

I largely agree that cloutchasers are cancer and social media creates the illusion of success by treating numbers as a false metric of skill. I'm curious as someone who also has disdain for social media artists, why do you draw?

>> No.6976043

For fun and to actually learn to draw, which the state of the board kind of makes hard to pursue and seek any critique and learning without degenerating into the aforementioned issues and the anon's intent to only interact with others if there is something to be gained or someone to troll, which leaves the only reasonable option of practicing self-criticism and avoid posting work if you aren't in it to be le epic social media artist.

I don't mind if there are artists that have followings here, it's only an issue when the board as a whole gets treated like a twitter extension and generals are just there to either troll or suck each other's dicks.
I'd rather have some fag actually shit on my work and point to the mistakes which i can then either see myself and attempt to fix them or ask how to if i would not know because even if they're just taking the piss, they might have a point, unless they don't, which then i will just ignore and not make the thread revolve around me and how i gots bullied on the 4chans.

When learning, there is no room for useless pride and ego, like most here seem to be made of because everyone is beg crab, everyone hates them, everyone wants them to fail ONLY when they don't praise them or doesn't take care that their fragile snowflake ego doesn't get hurt if you don't validate them before and after any negative statement.
And god forbid you risk tarnishing their public image, anon; if you say they're not perfect, they might lose followers, you know? So of course, they have to dedicate their whole being into damage controlling anything negative towards them and policing the board for any crabs, even if there aren't then they just need to make one up, so then they can post their work and btfo the "crabs" and show how epic and wholesome they are so you subscribe to them.
Or the whole trolling where anyone with huge followings is immune to criticism because then you're a beg crab schizo jealous and they will spam whole threads with it.

>> No.6976144

I'm not the anon you're addressing, but are you the same anon who complained in another thread about getting kicked out of nearly every Discord server they've tried to join? Beyond a certain point, it stops being a problem with the threads or servers or mods or anyone else and it becomes a "you" problem.

>> No.6976153

Fuck I wish I still lurked after that one mega meltdown thread. I missed like 2 months of lore

>> No.6976157

new bread >>6976155

>> No.6976205

Which one?

>> No.6976285

Anon, i mentioned about how discords are bad because they create this drama mentality shit, how can you even assume i am the anon you mean, on what basis even? With the intent of painting me as "bad"? Why even?

This is exactly what i meant by this twisted mentality of "anyone who posts either has intent, something to gain or is someone from a discord", both you and that anon you mean.
That my whole post gets condensed to; "but are you that anon from the discord?"
come on, i just finished saying this shit is what kills the board
what the fuck

>> No.6976308

This is such terrible advice and bad redlining. The jacket was already fine but you twisted the hem so unnaturally and made it stiffer. What are you thinking?

>> No.6976312

Never redline anything again you're a retard who's going to dumb ppl down to your level. It's unacceptable

>> No.6976638

You can't be this retarded for real.

>> No.6976798
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More criticism is warranted and needed here. Don't let the cancel pig culture parading around here like the karma police deter you from offering harsh, no bullshit thoughts on someone's work if and when you see glaring mistakes in their art. If you base your critique on actual facts, referenced from real life instead of just offering your shit feelings about a piece, I guarantee you there's nothing these faggots, niggers or trannies can do to mask the fact that you, can see the mistakes in their work MUCH better than they can. That in turn, makes YOU, a better student.
Don't offer any explanations on how to fix their work, either. It's not your responsibility to hold their hand and walk them back through their mistakes. That's for them to embark upon should they choose to. You'll of course, get your typical npc reply about how you should post your work. Don't. It's not your burden of proof to prove that YOU can draw (you can CLEARLY see the mistakes which gives you an edge), but THEIRS to prove. PYW? Why can't you post better work without making mistakes, faggot? Answer that.
Kindness and politeness in a critique is nothing more that political correctness hidden in plain sight. Fuck that. Orwellian pats on the ass are for the birds. The harshest critiques are the ones that stick because they psychologically challenge you to git gud. Emotionally, they'll rape you and leave you huddled in the corner hoping for the break of dawn, but it's the psychological aspect of that critique that makes you a better student of your craft. It lights the fire of innovation in your soul to ACTUALLY sit down and learn your shit correctly BEFORE you exaggerate it.
Avoid the pitfalls these clout chasers desperately seek and crave outside the confines of their precious discord crystal castles. Don't be the next generation of marmalademums, ortamaws, mcflintcocks, or Corey Feldmans.

>> No.6976800
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Strive to be BETTER than them. You're at an advantage: they've had YEARS to work on their craft but have STAGNATED in the very same cesspools they created for themselves, surrounded by shills and yes men who offer nothing more than the next fentanyl fix they desperately Floyd.
>Make /ic/ Great Again.

>> No.6976847

Yes this thread needs teeth.

>> No.6977030

You niggers just want aggressive threads from a safe distance, which is why you write essays to justify not posting your fucking work. You won't prove that your critique is worth a damn so your opinion means jack shit. Simple as.

>> No.6977031

They were created to consolidate porn posts down to a few threads only.
Removing them would just have these posts be their own threads or in other draw threads.

>> No.6977037

Anon wants to criticize while not facing criticism himself. Cause the truth is that if he got what he wanted AND posted work he'd be raked over the fucking coals I can guarantee. Faggotry at it's finest.

>> No.6977106
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The only real posts right here.
You just want to be able to get back at whoever dares to not praise you and deter anyone from actually posting unless they're part of your inner circlejerk, which contributes to the current shitty state of the board.
What even is that reasoning?
>waaaaaaah u just want to critique waaaaaah just let me critique you waaaaaah PROVE YOURSELF waaaaaah
You're the epitome of the architect meme

If you want pros shitting on you, go subscribe to their courses of some shit.
You're DEMANDING criticism from anons to be on par with professional critics, who are also better than you and they have to also doxx themselves in the process, but you're smart i'll give you that
>"hehe if they gon doxx themselves, then they won't say mean words about me work hehe checkmate and if they do then i can just sic my discord dogs on them and cancel them they just mad cuz they suck hehe double checkmate also wall of text bad"
While you fags do nothing but spam one liners and senseless adhoms 24/7 that just portray your own insecurities and craving for blood.

It's fine if YOU say anything you want to the """bad guys""", but the fun stops when someone might not worship YOU.

You absolutely hate it that someone might critique you, but you cannot get back at them by shitting on their work, that is why you have to cope this fucking hard.
Even if you got fair, honest, unbiased and polite critique, you would find flaws either with the poster or the critique.

Nigga, some e-celebrity artist with 6 million followers isn't gonna come down from twitter and take you under their wing to make you rich and famous while making you a master artist with the touch of his penis.

>> No.6977188

It's really odd that you think everyone is out to "cancel" you. Why is that?
Anyways, core issue I have with your crit is "you should be able to take it, this is constructive crit but fuck you if you think I should know enough to tell you how to fix it." Because the truth is you can't provide concrit. You don't have to be a pro to do it, and you obviously have no issue typing out essays to cry about how no one is as good at taking the shit as you so it's not a time issue.
I demand nothing, I just think your essays on why you're justifications are EXACTLY how YOU handle criticism. You don't post work because you'll absolutely lose your shit about getting exactly what you give other people.
No one actually HAS to take you being a faggot who screeches like a hag about "omg why are you being nice to each other HUGBOX REEEEEEE"
Anyways, I can still promise you can pyw without the context of these discussions and you'd screech if anyone gave critique. Because this is still all projection.

>> No.6977387

If you didn't want to get back at those criticizing you, you wouldn't insist on them posting their works and try to demean any attempt they do at critique by virtue of attacking them as a person on a base that they don't do as you want them to.
You treat posting works showing weakness, as much as you made obvious and stated multiple times thus you are essentially telling more about yourself and how you'd behave than anything else.

It is clearly a show that you lack control and narcissistic types really do hate when they can't control and manipulate someone so they have to resort to slandering and baseless accusations, even going as far as trying to demean others if they contribute or say anything.
>its exactly how you handle criticism
I'm not the one hurling insults, posting one-liners and spamming pyw when i don't get praised or give anons snark about posting more than two sentences.

I get you only have social experiences with teenagers by grooming them on discord, but gaslighting really doesn't work on the internet, especially if anyone can read the whole conversation and look up the archives and any thread for how anons usually behave when faced with any slight criticism.

If all this weren't the case, you could defend your stance and the work being criticized without degenerating into instant name calling instead of wasting whole days just spamming insults and one liners which are merely midwit's attempts to censor and damage control any threat to your hugbox where no one can challenge your authority.

Seeing others works won't discredit their criticism, if their criticism is objectively observable, thus it is true, but as more than witnessed enough, making a critic post their work is just a tactic to move the goal post and shift the attention.
If you're being this unreasonable towards anyone offending you, what sane individual would post their works just to show you that you made a mistake?

lol even

>> No.6977486
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My words will always give better analysis to help paint a better picture of the mistakes your making than your half ass attempts at drawing or the cringe "redlines" you provide to each other just to cope. Stay mad and learn absolutely nothing, kids.
Leave the real critiques to those of us who have the balls and the experience to call out the bullshit for what it is, unapologetic to your coddled snowflake mentality, your self-manufactured mental dysphoria or your safe space, trigger warning nightmare you call an art skill.
Butthurt? Cry more about it.