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6795605 No.6795605 [Reply] [Original]

It doesn't matter how good you're at drawing just how trendy your content is and how much normies love it.
Forget about drawing for fame and money and just draw for yourself, unless you're a sellout.
>Picrel is very relevant and real

>> No.6795609

this board is filled with people with no life beyond the internet and people who think earning less than minimum wage by drawing porn is amazing

it is useless to try and say anything that isnt affirming retarded shit they enjoy

>> No.6795613

ocfags really are ingrates. they are simply riding on the coat tail of popular media like anime and video games. without this culture they would have even less. they would not even exist.

>> No.6795631
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>ITT: OP discovers lukewarm water 42069th edition
I find baffling how obtuse people can be over something as simple as "technical skill is not the only thing you should focus on", but what's even more baffling is that people who realize this, completely miss the mark and think it's all about trends and luck and nothing else, you fags ever heard of "inbetweens"? Having technical skill, engaging with your community and knowing your platforms is the true way to go, regardless of what you do.

And the sudden rant against OCfags comes from...? Genuine question, what gets you so mad all of a sudden? You're even making a poor generalization too.

>> No.6795637

Irrelevant no-skill bitch ass mad because people didn't give him the attention he isn't owned. What's the issue?

>> No.6795645

i'm fine arts.
it's not even a generalization. it's just the nature of the form. i wish they'd all go back to deviantart.

>> No.6795682
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>It's not a generalization, it's the truth!
Let me rephrase myself:
What kind of logical arguments led you to the conclusion that everyone that focus on creating and working on characters are people of ill?

Because based on what I've seen and experienced, not everyone falls under problematic territory, some do, but not everyone does, more often than not you see people focusing on making a project and working on their characters for said project.

>> No.6795687
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My last post was an original sfw drawing and got as much likes as most of my other illustrations (~2k likes).
Stop making excuses and keep improving, anon.
Fanart and nsfw being easier to get fame don't mean that it's the only way. I didn't do fanart until I got +1k followers.

>> No.6795700

My autistic fantasy is that I will publish my magnum opus smut on some porn site completed and it will be heralded as some of masterpiece and I won't need to draw anymore.

As I realize that's a meme, my new plan has changed to kind of spamming my work on various hentai communities and hoping I turn people on and they fap too it.

I work as an accountant so I don't need money and I hate faggot social media, so if I could become mini-respected like fumi11gou I'd be happy. I don't need to surpass Joel jurion and Poju to prove that I am the greatest shota artist of all time because I had years to train and didn't.

>> No.6795708

Has anyone who doesnt have autism ever unironically used the term OC ?
Like, you dont hear any respectable artist every talk about this shit, its always some repulsive basement dweller with a mental imparement showing off there human version of a my little pony that they have a relationship with or something

Even if you just like character design, just post your character designs, dont talk about your "OC"

God just typing it makes me want to vomit

>> No.6795748

>this sub.
Anyone who seriously engages with this post is mentally retarded

>> No.6795750

>ocfags are just riding on civilization to carry their oc art

>> No.6795751

I used to care but that's only because I wanted confirmation that my art was good. Now that I'm content in my abilities it doesn't matter if my art gets 10 or 1000 likes.

>> No.6795754
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>Has anyone who doesnt have autism ever unironically used the term OC ?
You see, the term itself is not a problem, it's all just a matter of semantics. "OC" or "Original Character" is a way for people to differentiate from a character made by themselves to a character from an existing piece of media. However, you can argue every character ever made is an OC and/or that the "Original" part of OC is redundant and you would be correct on both cases.

The problem you're trying to point out is the "OC culture", which is the community and guild/cult surrounding the creation of OCs, that one deviantart-tier trash fire of a community with the kind of people you describe. Those people exists and they are admittedly cancer that make people like >>6795613 think every person that partakes in character creation and discussion is part of the OC culture when it may not even be the case.

For reference, I use the term "OC" to refer to my own characters only when it's appropriate for the sake of discussion (when the differentiation is required), otherwise I call them "characters" because it's a more professional approach to them in discussion, Im supposed to make a project, after all. I cant call them "My OCs" forever, it's unprofessional at best.

>Even if you just like character design, just post your character designs, dont talk about your "OC"
There is nothing objectively wrong with talking about the character you just created, the problem comes from the way you talk about them, you dont go all
>"uwu this is my baby OC he is a half angel half demon and he hates my dad who I never met but mom said it was shit! owo"
No, you talk like a human and act accordingly if you're indulging in character discussion.

>> No.6795756

Does it count as a serious reply if I didn't read the op?

>> No.6795809
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omg i do not care
holy fuck i do not care
It's always social media that social media this
how to make money on social media with porn furry anime flavor of the week fetish of the day porn oc made for porn but also fast and instantaneous and how to become a billionaire celebrity to then not draw anymore and just spam videogame clips from the epic videogame streams and get all the donations and anything that isn't social media clout and makes likes is bad and should not exist

for fucks sake what the actual fuck is wrong with you morons
i just want to draw

>> No.6795810
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i really hope you will be forced to get a job

>> No.6795950

He went viral for that picture. How ironic. Also that other nigger who made a similar tweet and gets 2k followers in a day following that tweet.

>> No.6795963
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Threadly reminder

>> No.6795965

Kek, he'll be like those Starbucks employees on TikTok crying because they have to mop the floor
>" I'm a professionally trained barista, my job description does not include being a maid, I'm so done with this job, fuck white people!?"

>> No.6795984

>if you're indulging in character discussion.
Bro you cant dress up this cringe and pretend its civilized behavior
Normal well adjusted people do not engage in this behavior or communities at all
You have never heard of any of the old masters discussing their OC waifus with each other

Unless you are actually writing comics, if you just sit around creating random (always shitly drawn) characters and fantasizing about their backstory and traits, and talking about such with other people online, you are a fucking weirdo
Like extra fucking weird
you just can;t see it, but in a couple years you'll look back in shape, hopefully

>> No.6795997

Yes it doesn't matter how good you are at drawing if all your ideas are shit.
At a certain skill level your skill level matters less than your ideas.
Drawing cute girl #8704521 and calling her Sassy is not a good idea.

>> No.6796008

You're old and most people don't care about you.

>> No.6796010

>Yes it doesn't matter how good you are at drawing if all your ideas are shit.
>At a certain skill level your skill level matters less than your ideas.
>Drawing cute girl #8704521 and calling her Sassy is not a good idea.
There's diminishing returns to being a skilled artist and after a while you need to work on different skills like marketing, business, interpersonal relationships (networking or art job interviews) and a lot of other stuff if you want to make it as a professional artist.
You guys drawing all day everyday with hopes of making it while your social skills are shit and you never work in improving them are in for a rude awakening.

>> No.6796016

>There's diminishing returns to being a skilled artist
and you're never going to be anywhere near that point so get back to drawing

>> No.6796019
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>Normal well adjusted people do not engage in this behavior or communities at all
>You have never heard of any of the old masters discussing their OC waifus with each other
Wrong and wrong, you're still overlapping OC culture and the act of character discussion. One thing is rambling like an idiot about characters living in your head and another one is discussing about character you're working on for a specific project. You're taking this two things and putting them on the same bag and that is logically incorrect.

Storytelling groups of any kind and medium have had to discuss about their characters, tropes, designs, lores and whatnot at some point for the sake of their projects, they're bound to discuss about their characters at some point because their characters are, obviously, an integral part of their stories. And these groups have existed ever since humanity has felt the need for storytelling.
Im not saying people were autistic over OCs back then like internet cultures do now, Im saying character discussion has existed ever since storytelling is a thing, otherwise, how do you think humanity today came with the tools for storytelling that we have now?

>you just can;t see it, but in a couple years you'll look back in shape, hopefully
Quit the arrogant act, you petty little shit. In case you didnt realize, I already came to the same conclusions as you did on my own, with the only difference that I didnt close my mindset because some "muh OC bad weird" bullshit and decided to turn my storytelling autism into an actual project on the working.

>> No.6796035

How do you improve your interpersonal skills?

>> No.6796054

ok anon, so what are these specific "projects" for which you are creating OC's ?

>> No.6796067
File: 25 KB, 334x351, 1673977724735372.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ok anon, so what are these specific "projects" for which you are creating OC's ?
A novel, I already started writing for the first chapters and putting the setup and characters together and. If things go well, I may upgrade it into an illustrated novel. Admittedly, Im very slow to write and I havent finished the writing of a single chapter (other than drafts), but since it's a personal project among other important things, Im taking my time with it, in the meantime Im still practicing my writing and drawing the characters.

And like I said, since Im giving this project a professional approach, I dont see this characters as "OCs", but rather as characters, Im also saving myself from sperging about them as I used to and limiting to ask for feedback on my characters and setups if I actually need it.

>> No.6796078

I'd be interested in some data harvesting on that subject. I'm married and have 1 very young kid, and while my social circle is small, I see them decently regularly.
If I could cover my bills with art, I would, but I don't see that happening ever.
The premise of an OC character is kind of gay when it's just in a vacuum. My thought on it is that it would need to framed in a short narrative that stands on its own for people to engage. It's why memes and remakes and fanart work, the viewer has all of that context. But you could tell a story that resonates in four panels.

>> No.6796130

ok well thanks for proving my point, the other anons can judge

>> No.6796131

Incase you didnt understand, you're a grown man playing dress up and make believe.
You're not a novelist nor an artist, you're a weird maladjusted manchild

>> No.6796158
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>Anon resorted to baseless crabbing and namecalling after running out of arguments.
>"Y-you're wrong for working on a personal project, weirdo!!"
You're a very weird crab. Not giving you another (You).

>The premise of an OC character is kind of gay when it's just in a vacuum.
>My thought on it is that it would need to framed in a short narrative that stands on its own for people to engage.
Wholeheartedly agree, if you're making a character, give it a world to engage in, not only it gives them more opportunity for people to engage with it, but it gives them more credibility and also serves good for creative works.

>> No.6797661
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This started as a relearning pencil grind,a portrait of the female,and once a second character made it to the scene,a story spontaneously generated. That happens sometimes.

>> No.6797674

>jewish rage intensifies that the goyims are making their own culture

>> No.6797679

Wow, he designed one whole character! Where is this dude's patreon so I can give him money!

>> No.6797697

It's always people who who have no originality, style, humor, or technical ability who make these salt comics
I mean the message isn't wrong, but what can you expect when you're offering nothing, literally not a thing worth looking at in return