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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 576 KB, 2000x2400, LEFUCKINGMAO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6776348 No.6776348 [Reply] [Original]

If you are a /beg/inner or /int/ermediate in art, please use this thread to post pieces for critique or ask for advice.
Use this thread instead of making new threads or post in the drawthread with fundamental exercises.

Completed: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1uwaXKU7ev6Tw_or__o8ARpUb6r2rCZYJGqwSFV9AD98
New collaborative: https://hackmd.io/UMnZVhNITW-T2wZpHw6d0Q
Old: http://www.squidoo.com/how-to-draw-learn
w/ic/i: https://sites.google.com/site/ourwici/
When giving feedback, avoid vague "advice" - point what's wrong and try to give the anon you're quoting a clear direction
to improve their art (study heads < watch THIS VIDEO about head structure, read THIS SECTION of THIS ARTIST'S BOOK, etc).
You, feedback seeking anon, should also try to be clear and concise when asking for critique/help.
When posting your artwork, say what you want help with, and what's your goal with the study/artwork.

previous >>6773864

>> No.6776358

dont bully anons who actually ptw...

>> No.6776363

every pixel of that holocaust of a drawing is comedy plutonium everytime i look at it i snort like a retarded hyena

>> No.6776366

it's the coloring

>> No.6776373

this post + the OP image is fine fucking art

>> No.6776377

>dont bully anons who actually ptw...
imagine being so sensitive you call this bullying, shut up and draw

>> No.6776380

>holocaust of a drawing
but the drawing happened, its right there?

>> No.6776382

holocaust is a common word meaning a burning offering or sacrifice, so by the original definition the use of that image as the OP pic is quite fitting

>> No.6776383

The mouth is killing me.
His lips are pursed in deep thought.
What is this fiend planning?
What horrible abyss lies beyond those eyes?
And the mouse cursor left in the screenshot... frozen in time and in the process of creation.
We see this masterpiece like its nameless author saw it in that moment.

>> No.6776385

>holocaust is a common word meaning a burning offering or sacrifice
i meant this from the original use of the term/word not in relation to what is the common use today, just in case any of the whiny kids come out the woodwork with their crying because they dont have brains and live based on discord/twitter bs

>> No.6776390

1. most words had a different use before and yet that doesnt matter
2. to say holocaust means anything except one thing for the last 100 years is quite a braindead cope argument
3. words can have multiple meanings at the same time and my own use is the more common one making your complaint useless anyway

>> No.6776392
File: 398 KB, 1215x1800, 503022336.26999986_image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its Joever.

>> No.6776394

>1. most words had a different use before and yet that doesnt matter
>2. to say holocaust means anything except one thing for the last 100 years is quite a braindead cope argument
>3. words can have multiple meanings at the same time and my own use is the more common one making your complaint useless anyway
tell me you never studied anything of value in your life without telling me you never studied anything of value in your life

thank god you retards are a minority in society

>> No.6776395
File: 578 KB, 2275x2707, IMG_2539.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

boobs are kinda hard to draw

>> No.6776397

Is it true that spite is the best motivator?

>> No.6776402
File: 1.04 MB, 1000x1363, 4wmmb6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6776407

great work guys, keep it up

>> No.6776408
File: 44 KB, 318x411, sword poses.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Working on using shapes instead of stick figures for building poses. These took about 1 min each with the red arrows being imagination and the others being reference. Am I on the right track? I want to eventually be able to do these in under 30 seconds.

>> No.6776412

ready for a red pill on timed gesture?
gesture below 2-3min is a waste of time as it only works as a warm up and any value it may provide apart from that is only valuable once you are way way way more skilled

its like tackling an anatomy book like bridgeman without already having a decent idea of human natomy, you are gonna have a bad time and learn very little for the time invested

what fo you gain by these quick gestures? 30secs? is this a speedrun comp or something? it is better to dedicate your time on actually learning the figure properly and if you are going to use a timed exercise use an amount of time that lets you employ all the stages of a "normal" drawing, so something from min the fastest but 10-20 is better

gesture isnt a meme but like almost everything in the fucking art process, it gets misunderstood by almost everyone and turned into a useless exercise you can cope yourself to sleep thinking your improving

so focus more on the forms and anatomy like you said but ditch the short timer and to proper figure drawing with all the time in the world and if you want to time it, again, 5, or 10-20 min

>> No.6776414

we can only hope

>> No.6776417

too many fucking typos its 3am and on caffeine withdrawl cant type for shit, but you get the idea

>> No.6776418
File: 3 KB, 256x256, Untitled 08-04-2023 12-20-14.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry loomicels but its time for a chad to show how it is done

>> No.6776424
File: 803 KB, 1798x1798, 242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6776427

i have never seen this before
you are "symbol shading" anon
no realistic or even stylised lighting would produce shadows like yours
there are planes facing the same direction with different light/shadow
there are planes facing opposite directions with the same light/shadow

>> No.6776430

Not really trying too hard to shade, really.

I'm just quickly shading depth spots. I know it's weird.

>> No.6776431

based pixel artist

>> No.6776441

Well you should work on shading.

>> No.6776458

I definitely do. I want to reiterate that it's a habit when I sketch. I don't actually shade like that when I'm not sketching.

I'm still not good, but it's not like that. I've posted before.

>> No.6776462
File: 1.77 MB, 2048x2048, randomxc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some quick doodles

>> No.6776474
File: 250 KB, 1548x1277, Child Scribbles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I just fucking give up? How do you get past the stage of 'I feel like a fucking retard not being able to copy shit properly'?

>> No.6776478
File: 238 KB, 894x1280, IMG_5449.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

started into lighting. not sure this is working out. it looks too cel shaded?

>> No.6776480

I've never seen you use traditional media before, it's interesting.

>> No.6776485

Bready gud perspective. I like the chair pose. Forearms are all over the place though.

>> No.6776492

No, it just takes time. Efficient practice. You should be concentrating for each stroke. Slow and fast, try hard to recalibrate your trajectory each passing line when practicing.

>> No.6776497

was it the coloring?

>> No.6776500

thanks. not very good with arms atm. will try to work on it

>> No.6776514

based knower. Gesture is only primarily practiced by professional animators, comic artists, and people who have already mastered form. Beginners should work on actually being able to draw something 3 dimensionally first. In 19th century Europe, people would draw only still lives and plaster casts before being allowed to even touch figure drawing, and even then, they did long poses before short poses

>> No.6776517
File: 1.44 MB, 3024x4032, file067.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

could look fine, i think what you do with the bg will affect it a lot

>> No.6776533


>> No.6776534

Well yeah, if you cel shade your painting it's going to look cel shaded. In other news, the sky is blue.

>> No.6776535
File: 477 KB, 3072x4080, rriigkhan 8-3-23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is my anatomy ok or not

>> No.6776537
File: 44 KB, 850x400, 9AABDE1E-88EA-4173-8109-BEE5B5A29246_5pi06sbd4o_xa7ae9iztp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6776538

Thanks, guys. I would have lost a lot of time on this. I'll work more on form.

>> No.6776540

and there’s the usual crabs proving they're worthless pieces of shit.
I’m going to lump you in with that asshole, so fuck you, too.

>> No.6776546


>> No.6776550
File: 90 KB, 781x816, yeah.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I drew Hestia I hope you like her

>> No.6776552
File: 2.48 MB, 4000x4000, IMG_0074.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based encouragement enjoyers
If you have a habit of shading your sketches and it’s just a part of how you think, learn to use modeling tone instead. Then you don’t have to worry about any specific light source, but you’ll still be properly describing form. And you won’t be at risk of developing bad shading habits that could creep into your actual work.
>Should I just fucking give up?
>How do you get past the stage of 'I feel like a fucking retard not being able to copy shit properly'?
dunno lol

>> No.6776553

>calling someone a crab for agreeing with you over the undisputable fact that painting is cel shaded
Wow, you're a dumb retard.

>> No.6776554

Pure SOVL kino
I like this quite a bit

>> No.6776555
File: 240 KB, 486x713, 1691125568275790.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ah nice trashcan

>> No.6776562
File: 1.03 MB, 1504x832, jontron.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I listen to good music, I think about specific autistic internet interests I have and imagine cool fight scenes and symbolic dancing and shit.

And I wanna make that a real thing, so what do I gotta download to do that? Some sort of animation program? I should learn storyboarding right? I don't know what I'm really looking for here in the art terms.

>> No.6776563

Cute Mio

>> No.6776565
File: 2.67 MB, 1080x1356, granma.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6776566

I like it

>> No.6776567

thanks mann, nice numbers

>> No.6776574
File: 2 KB, 69x105, GAINZ.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Start with pixels, go from simple to complex.

>> No.6776578


>> No.6776580
File: 182 KB, 1073x1246, Child Scribbles Redux.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the motivation. I gave it another go (the assignment is to do it until you can memorize the general proportions so I was going to do it another few times regardless while following along with the video.) It took me.. much... much longer to do it, but I'd say it looks better. Legs are still fucked.

>> No.6776583

Yeah, lookin' good, Anon.
>the assignment is to do it until you can memorize the general proportions
Huh, maybe I should try that.

>> No.6776584

hey, if you're just studying proportions, don't worry about drawing the anatomy accurately yet. You'll learn anatomy later. The conours of the human figure is so complex you cannot draw it without extensive study of structure

>> No.6776586

Is there any point in doing these random sketches I put literally no effort into?
Its the kind of shit I do when I want to practice drawing but lack the willpower/energy to do so

Or would I be better off doing nothing?

>> No.6776587
File: 1.85 MB, 1240x1754, sophie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6776588

instead of that, try doing studies. Get reference, and draw it. Don't worry about the result, focus on quantity instead. It's super relaxing, especially if you put on music


>> No.6776592

focused grinding is better than random sketches
but random sketches are better than nothing
and doing nothing is better than burning out
and having fun / pursuing that which gets you to draw is above any external or internal expectation that is placed on you
so go ahead anon. if you dont feel like drawing, but still do a couple sketches that is an objective win for your art journey

>> No.6776597

None available, right now. But me actually trying to shade and render is littered throughout these threads. It was actually the OP for one of the threads a while back.

I think I know what modeling tone is, and I do use it, I think. It's just the point of my sketches are the poses. That little bit of shading seen on my sketches probably takes about 30s. I guess I'll just stop doing it. I'll try to break the habit.

>> No.6776621

I hope OPs pic was just trolling. Would be a shame if some anon legitimately tried to get help here eith thst and received the reception he did. It was, however, very funny.

>> No.6776624

I see you've been implementing my prior remarks with regards to darker lines, lips and filesize. You're doing good work, anon! Keep at it.
Maybe try something a bit more than a portrait? Go outside the usual and all.

>> No.6776627

Random sketches are good for idea generation. If you have the skills for it, they can be good for constructing poses and scenes etc. If you are still on the lower beg side, you'd gain more from having a reference that you try to sketch or work out. Not drawing at all would be the worst case scenario.
Next time you're feeling like that, try to look at some artwork that you like and try to lazily reacreate bits of it. Let your mind wander.

>> No.6776639

Thanks for advice anons, I will definitely do a lot more feet studies. It's time to completely leave the comfort zone

>> No.6776660
File: 1.10 MB, 1000x1394, 9y4kmj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, you guys see... I REALLY DON'T KNOW ANYMORE.

>> No.6776662

>Should I just fucking give up? How do you get past the stage of 'I feel like a fucking retard not being able to copy shit properly'?

Just draw, its an ego problem, you think you deserve to draw well but you dont yet

>> No.6776663

You're in the gap.
Youve seen too many tutorials about drawing and you've been exposed to good art so your brain -wrongly- assumes you should be able to produce drawings of similar quality.
This is, obviously, wrong. While you MAY have some theoretical knowledge (you really dont as your brain probably forgets about it as soon as you start putting lines on the paper), you lack the hand-brain coordination required to make it actually happen.

You gotta grind and theres no way around it.

>> No.6776665

i keep seeing posts telling people to learn from their favourite artists rather than draw from life, or things like 'copy your favourite artist'
but i don't really know any artists, i just kind of got into drawing without ever looking at anime/cartoons or any drawn video games or such things
so how do i go about finding artists i like? i'm a little afraid of sites like instragram or twitter because i'm very susceptible to scrooling

>> No.6776674
File: 52 KB, 657x718, CFBE0BD6-FA11-434E-BA25-495FD630D63E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a “drawing for retards” type program where I can just do exactly what it says, and by the end have enough of an idea of what I am doing to improve on my own?
I need something that is very clear and tells you exactly what to do.

>> No.6776679

Try the "Art and science of drawing" book.

>> No.6776700

not really you just have no idea how they work or what they're supposed to look like
when a girl raises her arms her tits move up a bit and they stretch a bit as well
unless they're fake

>> No.6776713 [DELETED] 
File: 143 KB, 960x496, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6776715
File: 73 KB, 900x900, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Y'all know she was right. You need to put aside the roomises and villpus and let your inner girl out a little.

>> No.6776716

lmao "symbol shading"
Honestly, that might be giving him too much credit
Symbol shading would imply consistent shading per type of symbol but he doesnt even have that
Its completely random what he decided to put in shadows
This is learning disability tier shading
If he gets good it might be the birth of a new art movement, like cubism

>> No.6776754

it's just banter mate

>> No.6776762


>> No.6776770

>"In practice these steps should take you a maximum of thirty seconds with ten to fifteen seconds being the average" - Vilppu Drawing Manual
I'm not disagreeing with you, but why would Vilppu expect you to do them this quick right from the beginning?

>> No.6776772

If im a stupid retarded /beg/ who cant draw for shit but I want to also learn painting/rendering, is it a good idea to draw simple 3d shapes and then paint them? or should I put all my efforts into drawing?

>> No.6776774

worst thing you can do is try to juggle multiple things at once when you have no exposure to art, start from the ground up

>> No.6776779
File: 355 KB, 1080x1504, IMG_20230804_154951.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I artist material /beg/?

>> No.6776785

I am disagreeing with you. Doing a 30 seconds gesture and then 2-3 minute gesture from a ref is a good exercise for a total beg.
The point is that you can fail extremely fast and then learn something from this failure just as fast.
For a person, who is entirey unfamiliar with human figure it's a good way to progress in first weeks of studying. Maybe you just forgot what it was like, when your best attempt at human figure was a stickman. There are lots of people in these threads, who start gesture drawing and the best they can do is a stiff ugly stickman. They just don't know how to convey the pose with a few lines.
I believe, before moving on to "figure" drawing, you should get decent at "gesture" drawing. Maybe some people are good at gesture drawing from the start, but many begs are not. It's the first stage upon which you build figure. If you can't do the first stage, there is no point in wasting time, trying to improve the latter stages, when your foundation is fucked. It's the same as with some begs here, who start from painting portraits and their faces look all fucked up, because they didn't learn how to draw it first.
There is no fucking point for a beg to learn to draw muscles and bones, when he draws torso 2 times the normal size and the figure looks like it's a freeze frame of a malfunctioning animatronic from FNAF. It's just a waste of time. In 10 minutes you can draw 20 quick bad gestures and fail 20 times and learning from all 20 failures, instead of wasting 10 minutes on 1 bad figure and learning from only a single failure.
That being said, it applies only if you are a total beg in figure drawing. If you have skills to produce a decent looking figure in 2 minutes, then there is no point in grinding gestures and you should move on.

>> No.6776792
File: 918 KB, 1080x1228, Screenshot_20230801_111529_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a very colourblind (deuteranopia) painter and I'd like some tips on how to use colour more effectively. I am usually very nervous about using greens and other colours as I feel like I'd make my painting look dull and muddy.. I don't want this to be my limit as an artist

>> No.6776795

>seeks attention with a lazy drawing instead of doing something actually useful.
(You) are on the right path.

>> No.6776799

Super interesting. I felt like I got nothing from doing figure drawing for less than 5 minutes. There's not enough time to analyze it absorb anything so I would just frantically scribble things down and saw no improvement.
I'm pretty sure I got the most when I started slowing down, analyzing what the figure was doing, attempting to draw it, and then comparing it and adjusting. I even drew gesture directly over some figures to get an understanding of flow and proportions.
Now that I'm a little more experienced I feel like timed drawings might help me improve my speed, but we'll see

>> No.6776801

don't bother with very short timed poses unless you actually have a bit of experience with anatomy, otherwise it'll overwhelm and you won't make real progress because everything looks off rather than a few things here and there

if you're going to do gesture and figures, take your time with it and really take note of lines and where things go; once you have more experience, you can start reducing the times which then of course serves as a warmup or highlights specific weaknesses
>I feel like timed drawings might help me improve my speed
why does it need to be fast? what's the rush?

>> No.6776805

>super relaxing
>let your mind wander
I will never be able to doodle, so jealous of people who can do this. If I don't focus I just draw abstract "art" which is therapeutic, but pointless

>> No.6776808

Did you mean to rely to the other anon? You're repeating what I just said. And I need to learn to draw 10x fast because my interest is fleeting and I only enjoy drawing as an outlet for specific ideas, not the act of drawing itself

>> No.6776810

The super quick gesture advice is usually ment for begs that post some permabeg shit and then say "this took me 3 hours". Or for better artists to just get the flow of the pose down quickly without overanalyzing.

This is the reason why being self taught is hard, you don't have a teacher who cater advice towards you instead you have to sift through advice ment for people who ask "which way should I hold my pencil? How hard should I grip it?" The only ones who make it are those who are able to let go of their ego and do enough introspection to figure out what they need to focus on in order to improve.

>> No.6776813

As long as the values are correct you can get away with pretty much anything

>> No.6776818

I'll take yo word for it sense yo drawings overall be pretty damn dope. I had no idea you actually posted shit besides the red pencil drawings.

>> No.6776819
File: 38 KB, 558x535, 1671015729801915.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6776820

nope, it was meant for you based on the first sentence where you mentioned you got nothing from doing figures in less than 5 minutes; i see this a lot where people either think they need to be fast or have witnessed some recommendation from a youtuber or some shit on how quick gesture/figure drawing should be encouraged, but from a /beg/ perspective it's really damaging since a /beg/ wouldn't be able to draw a convincing leg in 5 minutes, let alone an entire figure
yeah i'd never recommend a /beg/ to do quick timed gestures and poses, in fact i'd remove the time limit entirely while starting out and getting familiar with anatomy, then once a general idea of what is what and where it goes is established, timers can be introduced as a warmup in the day; same reason as the reply above where /beg/s see this recommendation from youtubers and shit, thinking it pertains to them when really it doesn't

timed gestures should be done over coffee in the morning to get your mind and arm working

>> No.6776829
File: 1.96 MB, 2480x2012, Gestures.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I wasting time doing these 30s (unshaded) and 2m (shaded) gestures or should I keep going? I started with stick figures like the other anon but spent most of my time so far studying anatomy and finally understand what form is. My biggest problem before starting to study was that my drawings looked flat and stiff, so I figured gestures (and form study) would help. I do these as a warmup also.

>> No.6776836

doing timed practice is great for warmups but once you've warmed up consider this. If you have an hour to practice your gold swing or bat swing, should you go out there an swing 100 times as quick as you can, just getting through them or should you take your time and make every swing count and build towards your skills

>> No.6776838
File: 646 KB, 2560x1920, 33 web.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6776843

Fun with a pencil

>> No.6776847

i wouldn't say you're wasting your time but you're definitely not taking a whole lot from the experience due to the time limits, i can see you have areas where construction is something you're trying, but due to the limited time and lack of anatomy experience you sort of just panic and guess a shape; it's where that stiffness comes from, because you get to, say, the pelvis, but know a leg connects to it and draw in that idea without thought

as long as you come out of the warmup with more awareness of line and where landmarks are, it's alright; for studying anatomy? it is a waste of time, ditch the time limit entirely and focus on specific limbs at a time; for improving your lines and removing stiffness? again, remove the time limit and give each line the time it needs until you get it right

>> No.6776849

Okay but that's what I said. When I was beg I didn't get much from it and wouldn't recommend it, much better to slow down as a beginner. Nothing wrong with redundancy I suppose.
Now things are different and I need to speed up. Doing request streams for subscribers and trying to finish commissions way faster.
If you're drawing you're not wasting time, just don't get into a rut/comfort zone

>> No.6776850

keys to drawing literally tells you from the start how to pick up your pencil and start to draw, no questions, just start drawing, then it explains. lesson, explanation, lesson, explanation.

>> No.6776851

Not to be mean but they're still flat and stiff, you're just using poor shading to cover it up a bit. I don't think you should be shading at your level at all, use contour and cross contour lines instead so you'll have to actually understand the form. I also think you'd get a lot more out of grinding individual parts like torso/hips/arms etc than what you're currently doing.

>> No.6776875

Okay, I'll spend more time studying anatomy and try more untimed gestures. But is more anatomy what will make my poses less stiff or more gestures (after more anatomy)?
Also I actually was doing cross contours in these until recently when it clicked that shadows follow form (obvious in retrospect) so I started trying to feel the form with the shading.

>> No.6776877

Then hers are fake. ez fix. I'll go fix it

>> No.6776879

I wouldn't describe your drawings as gesture drawings even. Look at the Vilppu gesture course and go from there, you can find it online or on Video course general here I think.

>> No.6776880

>But is more anatomy what will make my poses less stiff
yes, you need to know where things go in order to draw them, they're stiff because you don't know each area of the body well enough, again you know a leg connects to the pelvis, but do you know the shapes within the leg from the muscles it has? the more you know about the body, the better you can imagine it and put it down, even simplify it when it comes to something gestural

>> No.6776886

have you never seen boobs before?

>> No.6776890

His biggest mistake is not anatomical it is that he is contour drawing not gesture drawing

>> No.6776899

Anatomy will not make his poses less stiff

>> No.6776905

I dare you to “banter” a better artist next thread

>> No.6776907

based retard

>> No.6776909

Yeah, it'll probably just make them even more stiff, he is already hyperfocusing on the outside contour, doubt focusing on anatomy will make any improvement. He should just simplify it down to circle for head, ellipse for torso, bucket/ellipse for hips then cylinders for arms and legs.

>> No.6776911

Agreed, I was too lazy to type this out, but I had a similar thought

>> No.6776913

from his post:
>My biggest problem before starting to study was that my drawings looked flat and stiff, so I figured gestures (and form study) would help.
>spent most of my time so far studying anatomy and finally understand what form is
how do you expect him to draw a convincing figure if he has only just gained awareness of form? he needs to know the body to draw it, and only JUST discovering the idea of form means he has little awareness of what shapes go into the body

>> No.6776915

did stravinsky really have such massive hands or is picasso just fucked up

>> No.6776920

I'm not gonna fall into your shitty bait of starting an argument about something else. Just look at his figures, he is just drawing the outside contour, it is the number one mistake beginners make when gesture drawing and your recommendation for him is to study anatomy more? Like fuckoff dickhead.

>> No.6776921
File: 2.80 MB, 1024x2048, silverwolfbarefoot11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

further improving this with manual edits what would you start on (I have been drawing in details and such from a base ai image)

>> No.6776922

erm erm make her b-boobs bigger..

>> No.6776923

and why do you think /beg/s do that, nigger? it's because they don't know anatomy to place in the muscles, like he himself said: he only just discovered form, he is only now starting to become aware of the 3 dimensional idea of a drawing, so, tell me: how is he to draw a convincing figure if he doesn't know the foundations of what he's to draw in 3d space?

>> No.6776927

>Sees first month of drawing tier beg gesture drawings
>Recommends him to grind anatomy even though /pro/ artists say anatomy is not for /begs/ and one of the last fundamentals you should go into
>Gets mad when called out and tries to use his pseudointellectual knowledge of drawing to start an argument
I'm just gonna mock you from this point I'm not gonna engage in your made up argument because you can't even look at gesture drawings of his level and realise that anatomy is one of the last things he needs to focus on.

>> No.6776929

>phoneposting shitter is completely wrong
no surprise

>> No.6776931

>Retard thinks you need to know anatomy to simplify the arms into cylinders.
It's ok anon

>> No.6776932

we don't want your kind around here *spits on the ground*

>> No.6776934

>"why are my drawings so stiff?"
dumb nigger

>> No.6776935

>Keeps moving the goalpost
Maybe you should become a debatelord.

>> No.6776938

>draw cylinders to make your drawings less stiff!
classic retard

>> No.6776940

>Looks at someones supposed gesture drawings
>Can't tell that he is just drawing the contour
>Recommends him to work on anatomy
classic retard

>> No.6776942

Hmm well I'm going to keep studying anatomy (gradually), but I see that the gestures should be more simplified and focused on just the motion rather than anatomy, so I'll stop trying to practice both at the same time.

>> No.6776943

>draw cylinders to make your drawings less stiff!

>> No.6776944
File: 2.72 MB, 4608x3456, 20230804_180142.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally have some more time to grind

>> No.6776946

You need to draw a line of action nigga a centerline/spine. Your lines need to flow , I see alot of stiffness and chicken scratching here and no contour lines, still your proportions are mostly good and like the other anon said, don't mess with shading for now on these shorter poses, focus on feeling the form while drawing, notice how vilppu says in his videos that he is "feell the pinch, move through, a twist right here" he speaks like he is moving with the line on an imaginative copy of the pose in his mind

>> No.6776947

Whatever I wont shit up the thread anymore arguing with someone as low as you, just know that you'll never amount to something, and coming here to troll because you failed your art pursuit will not get you any happiness.

>> No.6776951

using ai art just in part as a starting point or as finishing is fun

>> No.6776953

Didn't want to kill a thread for a question but i checked the /ic/ wiki and wanted to try out some brush sets but it just takes me nowhere. If anybody has any free/cheap digital brush resources it would be much appreciated

>> No.6776955
File: 40 KB, 1326x770, dadadada.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nta bud cylinders don't have to be stiff

>> No.6776960

nevermind i just saw a thread

>> No.6776962

I'm new here, but can someone explain the difference between contrast and a minor key. It sounds like the same thing. What am i missing?

>> No.6776964

He is not here in good faith, doubt he even draws desu.

>> No.6776966


>> No.6776971
File: 56 KB, 564x743, 8c0f31b84ea49d6a88ebec4d121bc7cd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you need to know anatomy in order to draw a good figure, once you know where the muscles go, you add in the idea of form through them in 3 dimensional space; look at the arms on this drawing by karl kopinski, you can see how the line moves around the muscles and makes it dynamic, of course his heavy exaggeration of anatomy through the lines is a stylistic choice, and it's why looking at other artists also really helps

even in gesture drawing you still need to know where things go, landmarks and form, lines of action that move through the body, once you know these things, you can manipulate them with stylistic choices that give things more gesture, even vilppu will go through it
yes, but that's not what that nigger faggot phoneposter was implying
>just draw the body without knowing where things go lmao!

>> No.6776973

How do i go about learning anatomy?

>> No.6776976
File: 94 KB, 430x462, figure.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this what vilppu wants me to do?

>> No.6776978

That wasn't what he said at all he said the guy should simplify them them into basic shapes. Are you ok?

>> No.6776983

>Posts finished drawing when we're talking about gesture drawing
I know I said I wasn't gonna ignore you but I just can't help myself
also ty for showing how retarded he is >>6776955

>> No.6776993

he was arguing against the idea of learning anatomy at all, which is some retarded nonsense; especially if you're going to then go through vilppu videos

>> No.6776995

No he didn't are you illiterate?

>> No.6776999

>people suggest anon goes through vilppu
>the other phoneposting nigger screaming on avoiding anatomy, totally giving conflicting ideas

>> No.6777000

/ic drama needs to stop.

>> No.6777003

Define avoiding anatomy.

>> No.6777012

>/ic drama
you retard there is no drama, i know its hard to understand that humans naturally disagree on things when you come from your dumbass discord hugbox, but it is what it is

>> No.6777013

Your reply is drama. Are you ok?

>> No.6777016

Does he even look like he is posing as Eddie the trooper or is this a fail?

>> No.6777017
File: 332 KB, 1322x574, 1674757328562563.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh shit my file lol

>> No.6777022


>> No.6777024

mfw im like 4 posters in here on a given day lol

>> No.6777043


>> No.6777050

>this is the type of plebbit ass nigger that visits this website these days
I'm not even OP but if you can't tell that OP is just havin' a bit of a laugh then you should kys

>> No.6777068
File: 606 KB, 2275x2707, IMG_2542.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have you never seen boobs before?
Is this better?

>> No.6777073

anon you dont learn to draw boobs by erasing, drawing and erasing again, guessing at the anatomy on a single picture
you go and draw boobs from reference, quickly, repeatedly, until you understand them

>> No.6777076

Very slowly

>> No.6777077

By melting your brain with medical tutorials about anatomy or by buying a few books.

>> No.6777087
File: 100 KB, 951x930, 1676026540969282.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6777090

Flat and scewed, use refs.

>> No.6777098
File: 25 KB, 481x334, 1666278867967897.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6777103

Nah, post characters. Previous one is ok outside of being flat.

>> No.6777141

Fuck off and kill yourself, retarded AItroon.

>> No.6777143

Soulless shit needs to go.

>> No.6777178

>Incapable of recognizing the effect of word choice and tone.
Cool. Another turbo autist

>> No.6777182
File: 168 KB, 886x1725, tmp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my financial situation is pretty fucked desu
i am planning to ask the few followers i have on my profile to donate to me in order to supplement what i bring in through the odd commission

its scary for me to ask for help
especially in this way, with no rewards or any sort of incentives for them

on one hand i want to explain myself thoroughly, on the other hand i am afraid to come off as manipulative

to anybody who cares to give me their opinion, would you take a look at this message i made and tell me what you think of it? when it comes to art i would expect nothing less than the most honest and harshest feedback possible - but with this i am really nervous

i think i am going to close this tab and come back tomorrow so i am not on the edge for hours


>> No.6777186

anon, just get a job

>> No.6777189

I'm sorry to be needy but will someone pls respond

>> No.6777192

draw bigger and you'll have more space to fit in extra anatomy to make things pop out more

>> No.6777193

She's wearing a sweater yet the fabric is molding to her breasts like spandex.

>> No.6777196

I don't understand this advice. It's a fairly big drawing. I just mean are the arms and legs proportional, is the face ok, etc.

>> No.6777198
File: 783 KB, 1500x2000, P4789_543007_00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/ic/- infinite clowns.

>> No.6777199
File: 1.03 MB, 499x499, pepecamera.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6777201
File: 794 KB, 1500x2000, P4789_543007_00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually- fixed.

>> No.6777205

>need money
>pls donate
>but only this one crypto
Really sabotaging yourself here.

>> No.6777218

your art is not good enough to be begging like this

>> No.6777224


>> No.6777233

Someone please tell me how to the shading for bargue plates digitally

>> No.6777234

it was fine until i saw crypto, if i was a fan i would consider helping then not bother after reading that

>> No.6777240

You will not get a single cent from me, because I know that you're trans, I can tell from your typing style.

>> No.6777248

i would give you money if i had any because i like you and i think you're a good poster
however fuck the whole crypto thing

>> No.6777258

Are you in a first world country or not? I'll donate if you're not and use paypal instead. But desu if you're not in a first world country just find a niche to draw coom in, I'm worse than you but could survive in a third world country from my femdom drawings.

>> No.6777259

>doesn't get it
>calls others braindead

>> No.6777262


>> No.6777263


>> No.6777267

i had a similar issue. i found some things i like by just looking up "art" on a new twitter account, and liking and following some things made twitter recomend me some pages that I like.

>> No.6777311
File: 625 KB, 613x816, 3213534536.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hope you see this
I can see that you took the anatomy into consideration but some of the shapes arent defining it well, mostly in the arm and thigh on the right, in some parts the shapes are well done like in the left forearm and left calf (though the knee on that is not). What bothered me most tho is that some of the proportions aren't matching (the two biceps, oversized hip compared to torso and both legs look like they arent the same size, recommend doing some figure drawings using reference, paying attention to the proportions on different poses and only after going over the same drawings with anatomy on top

>> No.6777328

> any surpluss i save as a rainy-day-fund in a two-to-one split between two parts XMR
>and one part of an improvised cap-weighted index of the top handful of cryptos
>if i’m ever lucky enough to have anything leftover, i save it for a rainy day
Or something like that. Otherwise, people are gonna think “this guy wants me to give him money to gamble on crypto? Lmao no.”
I also understand you want to take a moral stand against cucked payment platforms, and I share your ideals. I lean hard lolbertarian, myself. But this is not the time for that. You need to make it as easy as possible for people to give you money.

Hey. Look at me. Look. At. Me.
Especially if you want to make a principled stand in a way that will make waves. What sends a stronger message: some rando who says to pay in crypto only?
Or someone with a following and a cushy livelihood tied to traditional payment processors, who people know and have rapport with as an artist, publicly declaring said platforms are cucked and then sacrificing some income, publicly taking a pay cut for his principles, literally putting his money where his mouth is and taking his followers to go build his own casino with blackjack and hookers?

Think about it like this: if you or I declare that we’re boycotting YouTube and only making videos on bitchute or whatever, nobody notices or cares. Nobody will watch our videos, either. It’s a masturbatory virtue signal that nobody will even see. But if pewdiepie does it, it makes waves and sends a message. Like Joe Rogan moving to Spotify.

tl;dr: don’t mention crypto, make it as easy as possible for people to give you money
PS—You can make it so donors all get to suggest and vote on ideas for pieces that you post publicly. That way they get something, you get something, all your followers get something, and it’s zero extra work for you. Crowdfunded commissions. Also maybe offer critiques or redlines. Godspeed.

>> No.6777378

Addendum: make it so any donor can submit and vote on any idea for the commission poll. You might consider making it so $1=1 vote on the commission poll, but idk. That way you’re incentivizing people to support you, and it’s more fair to the people who support you the most. It also just makes sense. Like, if you buy more raffle tickets, you have more chances to win. You can also split your votes between poll options. Like “oh this is a cool idea, but this other one is cool too, that’s be my second choice. Hm, I’ll put 10 votes on choice 1, and 5 votes on choice 2.” It might feel like pay-to-win for the others if some whale comes in and mogs them all. This could be mitigated by perhaps saying that above x dollars in donations, you get your own commission, so it’s fair to the other voters. Or if you’ve got one $10 donor and 9 1$ donors, you can say that every $5 segment = 1 vote. Like $1-$5=1 vote, $6-10$= 2 votes, 11-15$= 3 votes, etc. That way you don’t have the $10 guy totally in charge of the polling for the crowdfunded commission, but he still gets an edge as a reward for his support. I’d also publicize the polls to incentivize non-donors to donate so they can vote on your next drawing. Like “oh that’s a cool idea, I’d vote for that. Hm let me donate so I can vote.”

You can incentivize subscriptions and other donors by making it so that if you’ve got a monthly subscription, you’re “registered to vote” for every poll that occurs in that month. If you’re a one-time donor, then you’re “registered to vote” in whatever poll is currently ongoing.

>> No.6777388

You know this is probably a pretty fucking good business model for an artist. I might try this once I claw my way out of begdom and if I ever decide to post stuff publicly and do the whole “artist” thing. You’re already there right now, obviously. If you had a “crowdfunded commission” poll thing set up right now, I’d sign up desu.

There are… things… I’d like to see you draw.

Which brings up an interesting conundrum. What about veto power? Do you need or want a veto? If white bread and deforestation wins the poll, how do you refuse? Idk. But you’d better draw the runner up. Maybe a refund for those who voted for the winning choice? That situation is not likely to come up since your followers are your followers because they follow you and your art and style. So, obviously, their tastes will largely align with yours and your style.
PS — I too would donate if there were an easier way. I’m rather fond of you, Red Blob Senpai. Your art is good and your women are supple and squishy and just…
Anyway, you’re a good contributor to the threads, you build people up and give really good advice. You show restraint when baited. I hope this advice is useful to you

>> No.6777398
File: 126 KB, 947x679, 1691178603436.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One month ago I looked at my first attempts at human figures and wanted to neck myself. Now I sometimes even think that my recent figures are "decent for a beg".
If I push through and just keep drawing, the figure I drew today will be on the "look how bad it was lmao" side of the comparison. This is my goal.

>> No.6777418

Kill yourself immediately
Get a job
Whatever you prefer.
But fuck off.

>> No.6777423
File: 78 KB, 564x564, nh4wced5kxt31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if it isn't on fanbox/patreon/ko-fi/paypal good luck getting a cent

>> No.6777435

Anyone else think that adobe illustrate is straight garbage
can't erase shit without adjusting 1000 different options, and even then it still fucks up

>> No.6777436

Anons gonna have a mental breakdown when he gets back and sees all these posts flaming him

>> No.6777438

reported for begging

>> No.6777440

Fell lower than that guy

>> No.6777446
File: 253 KB, 1024x726, F2sTi1rWEAAqQVe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gonna do the copy bridgman twice thing that other anon in the thread was doing. Mainly just because I have option paralysis so bad that I end up never drawing anything, so hopefully this'll help me get the damn pencil on the paper.

>> No.6777448

I sympathize with you anon, but drawing pinups wasn't a sustainable living to begin with. It's only natural that jobs fizz out. I hope you're not living in a 3rd world country with heavy debt to the mafia / cartel. Try making a portfolio that's tailored to actual professional art, like in animation or game studios

>> No.6777450
File: 65 KB, 564x765, 1668896812150395.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you reach the level where even if you see some porn all you see is just various rectanlges, cylinders and color values on a sphere instead of getting aroused

>> No.6777455

Also these three drawings made me realize I cannot draw legs for shit. They seem to just end up stiff and short and fat. Noting to work on that as I continue

>> No.6777463
File: 49 KB, 761x821, ryuko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Felt like 20 minutes but was actually an hour it took me for 2 heads..it's over.

>> No.6777466

Hes trying his best, just needs to grind more loomis. We all drew like retards at some point

>> No.6777472

DONT GIVE UP. Spend more time actually drawing from references and you will get better.

>> No.6777474

The anatomy is fine imo, I don't see anything wrong with it.

>> No.6777476

Ah, marc brunet art school I see. Don't take these proportions as a set rule.

Also the purpose of this exercise is not to draw a good looking human in the boxes, but to get the knowledge of where what begins and ends = proportions. The feeling for the form comes way way way later.

>> No.6777493
File: 2.43 MB, 3343x1298, beg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some studies I did at work

>> No.6777499

>We all drew like retards at some point
Not really, no. Pretty much from the beginning I was told to really observe and copy what I see so I never went through that phase that badly.

>> No.6777508

Hey the bottom one is actually kinda good.

>> No.6777509
File: 81 KB, 667x1010, meandwife.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6777510

Based jeans haver was born with perfect observation and honed motor skills. You're in the wrong thread せんせい

>> No.6777512
File: 14 KB, 270x290, 2023 08 04 Eve portrait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god I loathe drawing hands

>> No.6777521

thanks anon, whats wrong with the top one in your opionion?

>> No.6777525
File: 1.00 MB, 628x963, 1670879095557060.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not as good this time oh well.

don't mention crypto. you are introducing friction by saying that you don't accept any of the mainstream options. you better find some place that lets the donator pay in the least complicated way. preferably even with paypal.

>> No.6777529
File: 2.23 MB, 2128x4225, 20230804_232451.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My anatomy practice today

>> No.6777531

>you are introducing friction by saying that you don't accept any of the mainstream options. you better find some place that lets the donator pay in the least complicated way.
coming from a shitty code monkey web dev background something we always held as a rule is to treat the end user like a complete retard and do as much for them as possible so they dont need to user their 3 brain cells to use our products thus making it easier to get new users and retain them

this works for any kind of business, the less friction and barriers you have in front of your users/clients, the easier it will be to get them

also, dont do things based on how you think or your group of friends or 'internet bubble" thinks, 99% of the public are "normies" so gotta cater to them somehow, even those who pay for nice fetish art are, at the end of the day, normies at least in knowledge so even if your product is niche, let it be the only thing niche about it

>> No.6777551

dude just use reference ffs

>> No.6777558

This shit got me right in the feels, I just sent you 100k...

>> No.6777561

jesus christ this can't be real

>> No.6777562

SOVL overload

>> No.6777574
File: 911 KB, 2560x1440, 363.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beg. Boxes. Tilted boxes!

you forgot his pepe
damn all these are cool
good plan
krita doesnt have this problem
yes, the secret was all along hidden in plain sight: just draw
i got you anon. pic related, right side. there is also brush called blender. but that is too advanced for beg like you so stick to basics
no clue what you talk about and you didnt PYW so yeah
kinda okay, do some research on how to draw hair
picasso mastered the "just draw", he drew like 70 years since young age and had like 12 very distinct styles. the older he got the less fucks he gave about proportions. so i would guess he made his hands bigger on purpose. after all it was just a mindless doodle for him
try to make them more fluid, otherwise as solid as ever
have you considered the fact you cannot see X colors as advantage? that alone can make you stand out from rest of the drawers. simply by using a very particular color palette which looks good for your colorless eyes
you drew and PYWed. that alone puts you ahead of 80% of /ic. so yes
Do whatever you find fun or appealing the most. HOWEVER if you cannot draw at least somewhat okay, all your painting / rendering will be just polishing turds
art and science of drawing is the most instruction heavy beg book. so that
spooky + soul
krita can produce animations. the term you are looking for is animation. There are shitton of books about it:
>Williams The Animators Survival Kit
>Cartoon Animation with Preston Blair Revised
>Stanchfield Drawn to Life
Warning: if you cannot draw then you cannot animate either. Animating is drawing on steroids
weak hands and drapery
i dont see any mistake but i am beg. better to use references for such poses instead of hoping for /pro feedback from /beg

>> No.6777582

tf U so mad for kys retard holy fuck

>> No.6777588

he's right, retard

>> No.6777594
File: 544 KB, 1200x890, plissken.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watched Escape From New York recently. Thought this was a cool shot to do. Took around an hour. Didn't quite get the mouth right.

Honestly not quite sure. Must be something miniscule when I compare it to the reference

>> No.6777609

You ain't good enough for all this. You still pretty damn beg

>> No.6777615

i hope that things get better

>> No.6777642

Ah Ill try a charcoal brush for the bargue plates and see how it turns out thank you. I think they use charcoal in the course but I forgot

>> No.6777654
File: 71 KB, 449x413, 159348584747.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all those replies saying the art is a dealbreaker for donating
Wait a minute, so you're telling me that you can get away with begging in this shit as long as you draw good???

>> No.6777664
File: 70 KB, 1052x869, coom1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some coom poses I tried to create from imagination, just some quick sketches but I kinda like how they turned out considering what my shit looked liked a month ago

>> No.6777668

The problem is I'm scared to go further, to make it look clearer and more accurate, and turn it into something finished, it feels like I'm trapped in drawing short quick poses and gesture hell because that way I can excuse it looking rough kek

>> No.6777690

He absolutely is. Everyone critiquing my post is absolutely right. My only question was why he was acting like an angry inbred retard

>> No.6777706

No, it wears off pretty quickly. Learning to enjoy learning in and of itself is the best motivator

>> No.6777708
File: 116 KB, 1440x944, lkjuui.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

form monster

>> No.6777710

He just said to use reference, you were the one who got mad lol

>> No.6777718
File: 75 KB, 1387x404, spite&#039;ll make an artist of you.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

spite is the best firestarter

>> No.6777732

Not even close

>> No.6777736
File: 2.26 MB, 3436x2480, Scanner_20230728 (12).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not my latest work but i feel like i plateaud at this level

>> No.6777741

Thanks guys. I appreciate it.

>> No.6777743
File: 1.66 MB, 2480x2651, Woman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am very new to drawing, and have had a difficult time getting the anatomy correct for female faces. Any advice? Please critique the drawing I have attached. Thank you.

>> No.6777745
File: 2.59 MB, 2000x2000, 144.png.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6777771
File: 144 KB, 1031x1428, IMG_0481.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are my proportions good?

>> No.6777775

This is the schizo that's been shitting up the threads and trying to scare off every artist off of /ic/. Be sure to steer clear and don't respond to their bait.

>> No.6777807

Jesus christ, that op

>> No.6777812
File: 261 KB, 1002x1690, Screenshot_20230804_203629_Sketchbook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6777813

Cringe drawing from a cringe underage faggot, fitting.

>> No.6777814

Practice loomis

>> No.6777832
File: 1.63 MB, 1240x1754, yeahhhhhh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I forgotto replyto youlasttime, butIfollowed youradviceand thanksforthat and for the correction,really!!

>> No.6777838

Mouth too low and other shit which i cba to point out because it's 3 am

>> No.6777860

nah i'm pretty sure the /beg/ schizos are different

>> No.6777863

yea ok that's someone who sounds level headed. Stop doing backflips on his meat

>> No.6777874
File: 477 KB, 1080x1307, Screenshot_20230804_213131_Samsung Notes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here are some pointers

>> No.6777889

based beyond belief
>cap weighted blah blah blah cryptos
just put it in normal index funds or a high-yield?
taking payment in monero is great, but you should manage your savings more responsibly, just in general but especially if it's from donations

>> No.6777891

I think the face is really the only big thing holding this back. I’m fascinated by the way you conveyed the recoil, that’s very cool.

>> No.6777896

yeah i mucked up the face on that one, for the recoil i just drew the gun but mad ethe lines shackier the closer to the barrel end they were and on top of that getting a good handle on the hand guard can really help convey how much force he's using to hold it

>> No.6777915
File: 524 KB, 4952x3392, 2chans1cup.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i got a new digital tablet recently, I have no clue how to render but so far i've been having tons of fun. here are some msp sketches

>> No.6777944

Thank you I really appreciate you taking the time to respond.

>> No.6777955
File: 122 KB, 479x618, imagem_2023-08-04_235227076.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6777995
File: 117 KB, 837x1692, tmp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just get a job
easier said than done in my situation
>cringe, kys, youre shit, etc
>fuck crypto
i expected bad blood from mentioning crypto, but not that much
for some of you it seems crypto is some politically or morally charged issue. for me it is literally the only way to get paid. im not going to go into further details as to not provide a puzzle piece in doxxing myself
>youre trans i cant tell by your writing style
i unironically laughed out loud. you could not be farther from the truth my nigger. also im ESL. but instead of second, its my third language
>crypto gambling
i cant remember the exact stat, but something around 70% of all us dollar in existence were printed during the great covid reset. fucking funko pops are a more conservative financial investment than fiat money at this point in human history. and besides, i would literally rather send my money directly to human trafficking, weapons dealing drug cartels than to contribute one single penny to the "financial system" to be used by politicians lol
>reported for begging
i intentionally cut away the QR codes of my wallets from the message because i just knew somebody will intentionally misunderstand my post and play dumb. i am not asking this thread to donate. that is why there is no link to any of my socials. i am asking for how the wording of the message is received

i appreciate your advice very much anon
i have literally thought of the same business model in the past months
too bad all of it hinges on identifying donators with some account on (for example) twitter/discord/etc in order to create this vote/$ system. but because i literally cant use anything aside from cash and crypto, this kind of commission voter pool model is impossible for me.
nevertheless thank you!

and to everybody - thank you for your honesty. the feedback was only slightly worse than i feared

>> No.6777997

>for some of you it seems crypto is some politically or morally charged issue. for me it is literally the only way to get paid. im not going to go into further details as to not provide a puzzle piece in doxxing myself
youre either in russia, venezuela or some random african country?

>> No.6778027

why the fuck do these beginner art books all spend 90% of the book talking about random shit instead of actually telling me what to do

>> No.6778030

>for some of you it seems crypto is some politically or morally charged issue
>i would literally rather send my money directly to human trafficking, weapons dealing drug cartels than to contribute one single penny to the "financial system" to be used by politicians
man I like you and your art but be honest with yourself about this

>> No.6778035

if had $100 in my hands and was told i have to either give it to politicians or take a lighter out of my pocket and burn it, no other options
i would burn it

>> No.6778037

you have to pay rent and buy food, retard
you are begging for money on the internet because you don't have the savings to cover your ass in whatever situation you are currently in

>> No.6778043

>i cant remember the exact stat, but something around 70% of all us dollar in existence were printed during the great covid reset. fucking funko pops are a more conservative financial investment than fiat money at this point in human history. and besides, i would literally rather send my money directly to human trafficking, weapons dealing drug cartels than to contribute one single penny to the "financial system" to be used by politicians lol
Fuck, so are you one of those retarded fucking "libertarians" pieces of shit? Get off the fucking internet then faggot. The american state government with that "politician money" developed the internet, and the whole infrastructure that supports the western capitalist civilization, even in your third world shithole. We pay taxes here, to maintain a society working and evolving, "Pedro". Sorry no ""fake state money" for you then. Go eat pendrives.

>> No.6778045 [DELETED] 
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>> No.6778047


>> No.6778108

>Doodle a lot
>Start inking and coloring my doodles past few months
>Work output goes way down
I'm trying to escape /beg/ to make shitty comics, should I focus on coloring with greys most of the time and do color studies 1 day a week? My palette ia somewhat limited since I use markers

>> No.6778111

focus on drawing and making monochrome comics. Finishing your work tells you your weaknesses, so please ink it often. Begs often lie to themselves about their skill because they leave everything loose and sketchy.

You can learn color later, or just hire a colorist. Many pencillers don't even touch color because they pour all their effort into improving their drawing skills

>> No.6778118

Thanks, it's been kind of nice inking and coloring stuff since it looks wonky when finished, so it's easier for me to see mistakes and learn faster
Is it easier for colorists to color over greys? I love full color comics, but due to budget and time considerations I think I'm going to have to release my works in monochrome and then hire a colorist/redo it myself down the road

>> No.6778124

>Is it easier for colorists to color over greys?
Hmm, I think so, since they can work digitally. It's better if you can work digitally and can just turn off the tone layers after the fact

>> No.6778128

Thanks for the advice anon

>> No.6778133

a redpill i learned from experience: quantity breeds quality, at least when you're first starting out.
getting a high quantity of drawings done, while taking note of problem areas in your work is the fastest path out of /beg/ hell. perfectionism is retarded at this stage because 90% of the shit you make will look like ass regardless, and you will learn faster. consistency is king

>> No.6778138

dis anon's right. the only reason I was able to learn to draw was because I did timed figure drawing (5 mins) every single day, even if I didn't feel like drawing. For years, I didn't make any personal work or anything, but I kept making gains in drawing, because of the daily practice


>> No.6778147

This has to be the most hated single post in recent /ic/ history.

>> No.6778160
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I gave it a

Hm. I see. That sucks, anon. I hope things get better for you. There must still be some way for it to be done. If shady porn sites can do it, so can you, probably. Regardless, I’d still not mention that you plan to invest any surplus in crypto. Or that you plan to invest anything at all. If you need people to pay you in crypto, then okay, but don’t say how you plan to invest it. Just say you’ll save any extra and leave it at that. People don’t need to know what you do with your money. Especially because telling people you’re gonna put it into some obscure memecoin is gonna sound like… “hey any extra cash I get I’m gonna gamble on penny stocks and lotto tickets.” idk shit about crypto, but to most people, hearing your plans will make them think “oh if I give this guy money, he’ll squander it.” Or, best case scenario, “hm, he’s going to be more responsible with this money than I am by investing it and potentially making more money; instead of giving it to him to invest, I should just invest it myself.” Thus, I strongly recommend you change the verbiage as I mention here >>6777328
Lol I definitely wouldn’t say that either, although I sympathize. I might donate to some of the congressmen pushing for UFO disclosure though. Or RFK jr., oddly enough.
Damn, anon. Unclench before you pull something. Taxes violate the NAP btw. :^)
(Except for tariffs, since they’re theoretically optional.)

>> No.6778204
File: 317 KB, 909x811, 3123123123.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know how to get this kind of lighting in blender? I'm using all of the different lightings in there but I can't get to picrel. I'll post one of my attempts right after this

>> No.6778205
File: 235 KB, 858x608, 423423423.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6778209
File: 428 KB, 946x720, 05.08.2023_01.30.34_REC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just tried using an hdri, I think this is better

>> No.6778217

Can someone tell me what to draw/paint

>> No.6778222

draw my big penis

>> No.6778225

p-please no lewds o((>ω< ))o

>> No.6778226

Draw a centaur fending off a pack of wolves, all bloodied and wounded

>> No.6778258

How do I stop making random doodles and get into a serious practice mindset?

Keep in mind Im a wagie so by the time I get home my focus and energy is almost depleted.

>> No.6778269


>> No.6778272

What the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.6778276
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>> No.6778279

Whats hard to understand here?
Your shitty drawing is cringe
Youre -hopefully- underage (because a grown ass man drawing that shit is literally suicide fuel)

>> No.6778290
File: 38 KB, 375x402, gorl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

first time i was able to draw a head i like with my tablet

>> No.6778330
File: 1.13 MB, 1668x1000, ujor7x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6778331

love it

>> No.6778353

your patter/ hatching or what tever don't follow the form of the arm. Your head sits wrong on the neck

>> No.6778354
File: 434 KB, 1024x1370, permabeg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's so over boyos, it never even began. best course of action is to put down the pencil and never bother anymore with art

>> No.6778356

Are you white or brown?

>> No.6778357

Consider the following: kys

>> No.6778362
File: 77 KB, 1080x1920, WhatsApp Image 2023-08-02 at 19.08.57.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This picture filtered many people, and this is a good thing. Who ever gets even slightly discouraged by any of these statements was ngmi to begin with

Just draw. Take a sketchbook with you everywhere you go and just draw. Pic related I drew with a fine liner at a park, I NEVER use fineliner since I only do digital. Paying really close attention to each line was kind of refreshing than just endlessly pressing ctrl + y

>> No.6778391
File: 1.19 MB, 2128x2778, 20230805_130551.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Moar figure practice

>> No.6778394
File: 1023 KB, 3543x2083, vilppu cilinders.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

going through vilppu drawing manual copying everything. I have finished keys to drawing already . do I keep going?

>> No.6778396

>"please help me I any and all need financial help"
>oh damn, I'd like to help anon!
>"you can only use an obscure shitcoin. You can't be bothered? Why so moral and political about it? Anyway I do it because of the 'great covid reset' and politicians printing money. I also do it because I'm not paying pennies into this immoral system"
I like your posts anon, and I think you give decent advice, but you just pulled a major hypocrisy.
Also, why would anyone be charitable to you when you think people are sheep and you are more savvy than them, when you look down on them for being "in the system" or whatever? You are asking for them to donate their "system" money, after all.

>> No.6778397

>do I keep going?
of course not

>> No.6778406

Excellent ZOGbot post.
>americans decades ago are the same as amerimutts today

>> No.6778415

Excellent schizopost

>> No.6778417
File: 723 KB, 1471x1131, 1691184709744731.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. Regardless of your opinion on them, I'd be glad to pay taxes to people like Kennedy, Kissinger, von Braun etc.
Meanwhile paying taxes nowadays means you're a cuck and a coward intentionally feeding a growing corrupt monstrous cancer-blob that hates you.

>> No.6778419

alright, what should i do instead then?

>> No.6778422

Go ask on /3/, they can help you

>> No.6778426

>posts like these
So this is what no welfare state and economic inequality does to people
Very interesting and totally unpredictable

>> No.6778439

Wagiebros pls I need your wisdom

>> No.6778449

Hello Moshe. How's the weather in Tel Aviv these days?

>> No.6778450

Reference or from imagination? Quite nice.
"Just do it"

>> No.6778452

I mean, the giant crab makes it obvious it's made as a joke. However, there's some truth in here as well. Talent is absolutely a thing in art, and people with talent do not need to read Vilpu, Loomis, etc. And they will pump out good-looking art way more easily. I don't think anyone can really deny that.

>> No.6778454
File: 427 KB, 687x610, 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6778456

Thanks, it's from Hogarth's dynamic figures

>> No.6778475

>hate trannime
>hate coombrained fags
no, I dont think I will

>> No.6778481
File: 148 KB, 350x359, 4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what a shame.
draw pokemon then

>> No.6778490
File: 27 KB, 460x500, 5743.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a schizos drawing tips helps remedy my art
Huh, well I'll be.

>> No.6778497
File: 680 KB, 1797x2645, Jeanne POV.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Idk what facial expression to go for.

>> No.6778502

a basic ass landscape
you can do that right you're not one of those "I am only capable of drawing basic ass bug eyed anime bitches" fags right

>> No.6778508

Eyes too big

>> No.6778523

A thought just suddenly sparked in my mind.
A faint memory from years ago.
A whisper.
I just remembered the Esdeath schizo.
He even framed his pieces.
Whats up with that, what happened?

>> No.6778528

he is right in this thread. he presumably went to art school, touched grass and took his meds so he is less schizo but his art style remain recognizable. these are his

>> No.6778531

>STILL drawing trannime
I guess certain mental illnesses cannot be cured

>> No.6778544


new edition dropped


>> No.6778565

You confusing him with lunatic soda

>> No.6778573

im curious how you decide your lighting. do you put everything in shadow and then erase where the shadow where the light would hit? Ive find that approach more intuitive when I give myself the pov of the lightsource.

>> No.6779582

>easier said than done in my situation

being an ugly fat fucker doesn't stop you from getting a job anon

>> No.6780102
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