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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 155 KB, 1024x741, commission_sheet__2023__by_crosslineanimator_dfxpyh1-fullview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6725214 No.6725214 [Reply] [Original]

Art beggar tring to collect some funds for uni studies.

Prices are negotiable.

>> No.6725262
File: 156 KB, 277x360, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you draw humans?

>> No.6725264

You must be joking. Why would anyone at learn to draw board would hire? And with no skill.

>> No.6725265

Yes. Do you have any specific in mind?

>> No.6725267


>> No.6725275

Ic is such a sad place, art bros- art is dead, we all know it.

>> No.6725288

>I want to get paid to draw quality as in pic attached

>> No.6727860
File: 1.34 MB, 640x394, regular-show-rigby.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

paying someone for pic related

>> No.6728238

Nice false flag thread, chuddie.

>> No.6729361
File: 91 KB, 1191x625, 1688326220612145.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6729369

What happened to the /aco/ commission thread?

>> No.6729414

How about I pay you €0 and you fuck off and never post on this board again

>> No.6729483
File: 634 KB, 1864x3228, Untitled79_20230703114408.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is $20 an image a fair price for my work? (For two characters or under, each additional character being $8 dollars extra)

>> No.6729533

sex doesn’t sell

>> No.6729534
File: 34 KB, 364x366, 1657333080952.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how about i pay you 40 euro to not draw
i want to pay you to never draw again, like use the money to buy a bouquet of flowers gift them o your mom, thank her for putting up with your art phase and go pursue an actually productive pursuit in life, so she can rest easy that her child won't be the failure of the famly and won't be the embarassment at the next extended family meet-up, maybe you can also meet a cute gf and start a family and look back at these abominations you drew and tell your kids why they shouldn't pursue art either

>> No.6729547
File: 39 KB, 680x533, F0H_jKrXgAEqVCa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're already 24 years old anon its pretty much over snce your art is stuck at this state like the few eggs that never hatch you won't grow into a good artist this lat einto the game
I was just shit-posting at first but your twitter made it painfully on the mark you're unironically one of "those" people saddest thing is your shite drawing dont even have soul as a redeeming quality, its all soulless goyslop you won't make it like one of the greats of internet commission artists
I strongly suggest you follow my original advice and find a plan B right now instead of pissing away your good years making gay mlp sculptures and @-ing bigger artists with sad imitations of their art/OC
go be a man and don't listen to whatever goyslop your discord clique forces down your throat you dont deserve to fester in a field you have no afinity for go actually get a decent job and make money the normal earnest way through good old hardwork
your internet friends arent your real friends they aren't your real family they just enable you and relish in your downfall please listen to your parents and do the responsible thing

let this post be a wake-up call that pivots you towards a better life

>> No.6729552
File: 151 KB, 720x539, Screenshot_20230706_061925_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please delete everything that has under 20 likes. No images >>>>> sad shit images. Sad shit images drive people away like rats. This post is so sad and unfunny it made me legitimately face palm so I suggests you start there.

>> No.6729553

nice try cop but im not gonna let you remove competition that easily

>> No.6729566

I think jannies banned it. Also nobody ever wants to pay because they're all broke and try to convince you all work is worth 5 bux if that. You're better off joining commission discords or using twitter (before Elon implemented pay to play)

>> No.6729626

Soulless but I do see some potential, especially in that dog picture. Don't be shy of criticism and try drawing things you think would be fun vs what you think others would like. I was once like you but I quickly grew out of it once I started taking criticism to heart. It sucks but it's worth it.

>> No.6731387

It has nothing to do with him being 24 and everything to do with his motivation. Maybe if he didn't devote energy into trying to sell himself, he could actually get better.
Also MY internet friends are real. fuck you

>> No.6731433

Considering there's a lot more people with better art quality and draws more popular stuff at cheaper price and yet couldn't get people to buy their art, this is going to be fairly difficult to get some clients

>> No.6732708

Hey, OP here. I forgot this thread was a thing.

Not gonna lie I had been planning on quitting art entirely, since there seems to be no hope for me.

>> No.6732712

You're fine nonny. Though I HIGHLY recommend not posting on twitter. All types of artists get stepped over and it's very disheartening. I recommend taking free requests on 4chan for a while. It helped me get from being bad at art to people legitimately complimenting my work in under a year. Also critism sucks and hurts a lot but if you take the actual advice to heart and block out the bitter haters you'll improve tenfold. If 13 year old me could withstand 4chan's verbal diarrhea then so can you!

>> No.6732886

Don't listen to these fags. /ic/ is a bunch of jackals

>> No.6732931

i’d pay 20 dollars for that quality

>> No.6732940

I know this is bait, but I see these ridiculous prices quite often on Twitter for prebeg scribbles, are people that delusional? Those shit tier drawings are worth less than dogshit, the only way I would even think of giving you money for them, would be if I saw you on the street in a cardboard box and I felt generous that day

>> No.6732945

Yes, it's not good but at least looks like you put some effort into it. I would throw you a $20 just to help you out.

>> No.6732950

>4 hashtags
Fucking kek

>> No.6732959
File: 1.39 MB, 2489x2014, eas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this worth 20 bucks? or am i being fanested? fll body shot.

>> No.6733048

Drop your contact and I will gladly pay that

>> No.6733059

That's a huge fear any artist starting social media have. I even seen poor fucks who get 3 likes despite spamming 8-9 hashtags.

>> No.6733062

$50-60, any lower than 45 then you are getting crabbed or /aco/ shitters trying to get you to lower your prices.

>> No.6733068
File: 237 KB, 1681x1215, EioVmtgWoAY6uvz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From what I've seen artists hire one another all the time. Maybe because they know this shit actually costs money and are more willing to drop 40$ , maybe it's a plot to get mentions by bigger artists (I don't know how much twitter ads cost but there's no way they get you more visibility per dollar than hiring Krekkov or whoever else to draw your OC and @ you), but three times out of four when I see a dude complete a commission and check out what kind of degenerate would actually pay for this I find another drawfag.

I swear this commission thing is a pyramid scheme at this point. Or these are just art trades, they all know each other, and just say they're comms for the algorithm, but I doubt it.

>> No.6733084

>Knee up
>full render
maybe do 3 for 130 but each of those should be 50 at least.

>> No.6733127

Your fabric folds are impeccable. How did you learn to do that? I can never seem to wrap my head around it.

>> No.6733207

Janny trannies banned it.
I used to get lots of paying commissions there. Now it all dried up.

>> No.6733223
File: 2.73 MB, 2500x2500, clw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

35 is a fair price for work of this quality? I am interested in starting to do comms.

>> No.6733330

That's great to hear! My twitter is @entertainmint_ if you wanna DM me.

>> No.6733342
File: 12 KB, 400x400, 157247684147.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>those replies
You're being serious with the 20$ cap? Her art isnt even that bad you could rise it even a little bit...
It really baffles me because I cant say I draw any better and I have charged double for my stuff.
40$ minimum for one, these are really good to charge less than that. Also very nice lace patterns, those are difficult to pull off.
I'd say it's a reasonable price, you have the meat to do commissions, give it a shot, though I'd suggest you to start with a lower price first for a good running start.

Great, now you fuckers are making me second guess about my prices...

>> No.6733803

>Her art isnt even that bad
Am I the only one who finds it weird that you'd pay money for art you think is bad by any means?

>> No.6733830
File: 352 KB, 1080x1418, IMG_20230708_223540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys, guys... I did this for 7 bucks

How much would you pay for one of this??? After seing other's drawings I feel maybe I could ask for more next time but like how much?

>> No.6733855
File: 255 KB, 1600x1988, 1688452718677166.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the value of your art coorelates with the amount of followers you have
bigger followers = cost more money
someone paid $350 for pic related purely out of virtue that the artist has 450k followers on twitter

>> No.6733914

Well, I do believe it's not weird to do so; unusual, sure, but outright weird, not really, cause you can like someone's art style and techniques even if they are objectively lackluster, it all goes down to what you personally find charming.
Nah, man, you should've asked 15$ minimum, you can easily charge something around 30$ max next time.
While I agree because that is essentially supply/demand, I can assure you it is not that simple and that is only a way of many to measure your pricing, there are a lot of other factors you can use to establish a solid price.

>> No.6733985
File: 1.08 MB, 800x985, makotoyukiho800.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Comic page or single pics with 6 full bodies 100 bucks, one pic of 2 full bodies 50 bucks. Comms closed now and when they open, it will be 120 bucks and 60 bucks

>> No.6734007
File: 2.96 MB, 2000x2667, Commission 3_20230408230322.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here

This was my latest commission piece which costed 40 or more, I can't remember. Though not sure if deserved.

I had thoughts of deleting all of my accounts and give up of art carrier, since as people pointed out I don't have any talent nor skills, and nobody seem to need my art

>> No.6734014

you dont need to have good art to be a successful artist
you need luck and a bunch of big accounts sucking your dick
most 100k follow artists have shit /beg/ tier art that are one level higher than you

>> No.6734020

good attempt though

>> No.6734024

This is an example why prices can't be based on the quality of somebody's art.
This guy here draws like a beginner and only normiew that don't understand illustration and appeal would pay for it.
But they do pay.

The amount you can charge is based exclusively on the demand you get for your stuff. You can have the skills of KJG, yet you won't be able to charge anything for your art if people don't know about you.
Promotion is crucial.

>> No.6734029
File: 105 KB, 1280x720, Dumbbell Nan Kilo Moteru (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The lizard is fine enough, bit janky and I assume you did the shading with a gray multiply layer given how dull it looks but it's 40 bucks, can't expect a renaissance painting at this price point.
On the other hand that weight rack is absolute cancer and you should be ashamed.

>> No.6734030

this guy got 10k followers
art quality has nothing to do with being a successful artist

>> No.6734032

Yes, coomers pay much more for something less refined

>> No.6734034

just wanna say dude your cloth folds helped me a lot as a reference.

>> No.6734036

You are conflating unrelated things.
Being a successful artist is not the same as having (what you think is) a lot of followers on social media.
You have to define success first.
If for you a successful artist is somebody that has 10k followers, then that's just your own opinion.
For me a successful artist is somebody that draws as a profession.
For somebody else a successful artist might be somebody that doesn't make any money from their art, but their skill level impresses certain people (normies, or even other artists). Etc. etc.

Your own bias doesn't define success.

Secondly, the amount of followers might not reflect neither the quality of somebody's art nor the their ability to monetize on their fanbase.

>> No.6734037

Yes I love this type of style so much.

>> No.6734237

this is easily worth like 50

>> No.6734242

Bow did you get a fan base drawing like this? Where do you post your art?

>> No.6734283

Pixiv and DeviantArt are my most active sites. I suppose people sharing the fetish for anime girls wrestling picked me up and commission me to draw their wrestling and catfight fantasies. My advice would be drawing what you like yourself and making your art available to those sharing the passion for the niche

>> No.6734378

not him (op is 100% not him either) but what do you expect for small artists to do, just delete every singe drawing? you wont get any followers if your account is empty

>> No.6734462

Yeah commissions does feel like a weird pyramid scheme. Only artists are interested in participating.
Most commissions I see involve drawing someone’s OC.
It gives me some kind of existential dread thinking about it.

>> No.6734525

If by "another artist" you mean someone at /beg/ level doodling for fun, i've had some, but otherwise, of the hundreds of commissions i've done, i don't think i've ever had more than a dozen artists, probably wouldn't even get to 10.
And most commissions i get are indeed OCs, there's just some people that love their WoW, DnD or FFXIV OC and want them drawn by many different artists.

>> No.6734753

60 minimum, dont lowball brother its pretty good
can go up to 100 if you go nsfw
the only issue is having followers

>> No.6734962

I’m tempted to do the same. I’ll practice using 4chan/ic.
Thx nonnie.

>> No.6735534

I'm happy to hear that! Though at the moment I'd be willing to do stuff for $10 with how desolate shits been. One day I'll have followers.. One day....

>> No.6735793

is the pic a joke?

>> No.6735809

desu i can only restrain myself from buying comissions by telling myself i will get gud and draw it myself.

>> No.6735818

Are you sure you are not mistaking big fishes trading art for each other?

>> No.6735835

Clearly they cant

>> No.6735838

>> 24 years old anon its pretty much over snce your art is stuck at this state

Its true that op sucks and should be made fun of but this is just a billshit lie, lots of people have started even later and still had success.

Paul felix started at 30

>> No.6735872
File: 494 KB, 597x953, 1580835996329.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes but op started way earlier and still hasn't progressed past whatever he is on rn
he is done bro ain't got the innate skill given how he's gone so many years without progress

>> No.6735877

Op is falseflagging you retards, ive seen this pic some time ago already

>> No.6735886

No youre just a fag

>> No.6735887

If you can sell it for your prices it must be worth that much. You could lover the price to sell more (less efficient for the amount of work) but you do not have to .

>> No.6735891

How do you go about announcing that you are willing to take comissions in the best way? Do you just say "comms open" in you twitter-bio and is it even worth if you just have 80 followers?

>> No.6735897

you make a price list and you shit every discord server or whatever with it
>is it even worth if you just have 80 followers
not really

>> No.6735899
File: 3.38 MB, 4032x3024, big sky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much would be fair price for sticky note art? The people around me buy them for about 5 bucks but others say I could charge more. Also, is etsy good for selling little artworks like this? I know nothing

>> No.6735909
File: 2.31 MB, 1008x1318, ship lost .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or something like this, about average poster size.

>> No.6737908

are you this retard? >>6731201

>> No.6737917

Those folds alone are gmi. Don't ruin yourself with 20.

>> No.6737919

Blog if possible? I'd like to peek at your stuff. I really dig the rendering.

>> No.6737923


>> No.6737972
File: 3.82 MB, 4000x2554, Commission_Sheet_V2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Old prices actually. Just haven't made a new sheet yet.

>> No.6737992

based artist

>> No.6737994

These are fucking garbage. Don't charge or stop drawing entirely if you're gonna make people pay for this.

>> No.6738029

how's that anything close to bad you dishonest nigger
bet you're still drawing floating heads in a void

>> No.6738034

The fucking disgusting neck

>> No.6738037

>Bad anatomy, proportions, perspective, and composition hidden by pitch black shading.

>> No.6738098

I would reformat the presentation of this page. It requires opening in a new tab and zooming to full scale to see anything. But more importantly it looks like a chinese food menu.

>> No.6738135

I feel like you could level up your art a lot of you strategically left out some detail. It could lead the eye better and take a lot less work. You already got the hard part down which is accurate detail but sometimes less is more.

>> No.6738163
File: 2.79 MB, 1000x3400, Three-Drawings.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I usually charge 45 USD for a color illustration with two characters and a background. However, many of my clients ask me for comic pages and I don't know how much to ask them. I usually agree the price according to what they plan to do with these images (some of my clients sell these drawings to other people).
Do you think what I charge is right?

>> No.6738936

How do I get followers for commissions? fuckkkkkkkkkk I don't draw fanart I don't care about fotms or art memes. I don't draw coom either. I'm terrible at socializing with other artists too. It's fucking over for me.

>> No.6738942

plebbit, since /aco/ banned com threads(for good reasons), since you are too autistic to do anything.

>> No.6739035

You're talking about people who know each other. We don't know you. Also the fact that you don't even PYW outside of the OP shows that you can't draw things that look nice enough to feel like posting.
For a failed tweet I could see that, but
Really good looking. I wouldn't be shocked to see someone on twitter asking for $100 for something like this.
What are you using for a brush? One that gets thicker with pen pressure?

>> No.6739121

>Artist charges 3,900 in yen which is like 28 bucks
>Has around 46k followers

>> No.6739138

Do you guys not look at other people's prices? Crazy underselling in here. My /beg/tier drawings start at $75 for full render, one character, no bg. Granted I do fetish "art," but still

>> No.6739355

I hate this threads because no matter how much you can hype a dude saying "You should totally charge $50 for that!" when he's selling at $20, if noone wants to buy it, he won't sell it

>> No.6739384
File: 1.00 MB, 1282x2109, image-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you even pay for something like this?

>> No.6739653

Somebody would but they have thousands other artists doing the same shit to choose from so good luck getting noticed

>> No.6739666

30 cent maybe? dunno

>> No.6739667

No. Actual manface

>> No.6739735
File: 27 KB, 382x382, anime_bitch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A-are you ignoring me because I draw weird fetishes or because my art is too /beg/?

>> No.6739852

Kinda depends.
I've seen ryonafags, vorefags, diaperfags charging $50+ for 'lower' quality art, but vanilla coomer bait is probably going to more easily available and thus worth less, something like $15 or so.

>> No.6740018

That seems like a pretty fair price. You could probably charge more for the butt blasting drawings in there due both the content and the quality. I can tell that's where your heart lies and I approve as a femdom connoisseur

>> No.6740042

Thank you, anon. I would like to raise my prices, but I really don't know how to do it, especially when I don't take orders publicly. Also, I have to standardize my prices, especially when it comes to comics. I've been thinking about charging 60 USD for every three or four panels, but one of my clients always asks for long comics of more than 10 pages and wants me to charge him 45 USD.. It's complicated.
>as a femdom connoisseur
Glad to meet another man with good taste.

>> No.6740074

i charged 4 times more for something that is arguably worse and it took me probably less time to finish
if you are having mad fun doing commissions for that price then you are fine, but i honestly would never put so much effort for 25$

>> No.6740084

Didn't even notice this, you should reformat like >>6738098 said. Beyond that, double your prices at the absolute very least. And start charging for pencil sketches
Yee, blog?

>> No.6740093

Any discord recommendations for getting customers?

>> No.6740110

I don't see much reason to drop below my five standard but thanks satan

>> No.6740369

the urge to autistically review every single posted art example is unreal.

>> No.6740686

What stops you

>> No.6740754

>other artists comms
>cool ideas, things they're proud to show off, classic clout increasing characters

>my comms
>bizarre scenarios with obscure characters with zero appeal, fucked up fetishes

>> No.6741973

The character limit.

>soulless bait begging for social credit and mass appeal
>soulful works that at least one person genuinely sincerely enjoys with a character that someone likes enough independently of anything else to pay money for an image of
The first is not the superior option.
And art subjects self-attract. If you draw weird shit, you're going to get orders for weird shit. If you want fotm pin-up commissions that an AI could do or landscapes or ttrpg character scenes or whatever then draw similar things on your own time first and they'll come instead.
Stop drawing porn if you don't want porn commissions.

>> No.6742026

The king of the crabs

>> No.6742038

>this thread
Goddamn, do I really need to teach you all about supply and demand? You guys have no idea how a market works, so obsessed with a number.
you gotta take into a account the time it takes you to make the piece. How many pieces are you being commissioned for? Is it a private commission? Is it commercial or personal use?
Where you live aka is your currency worth less than The dollar
What are your expenses, family? also taxes if any.
Assuming this is not just a hobby.
If someone is willing to pay x USD then that's what is worth. And you can charge more as you get booked up.

>> No.6742040

>Really good looking. I wouldn't be shocked to see someone on twitter asking for $100 for something like this.
What are you using for a brush? One that gets thicker with pen pressure?
Thank you! That really boosts my confidence. I actually used my finger on my phone for that piece, it was a brush that had some texture but that's all I remember.

>> No.6742041

I wish I was that good at marketing and/ or as prolific as you. I gotta git gud..

>> No.6742043

We're ignoring you because you touch yourself at night.

>> No.6742058

Would it be rude if I redlined it?

>> No.6742497

Why so salty?

>> No.6742520

I only have 1.4k on Twitter. If you're one of the anons I replied to you could probably do as well as I do, minus the black and white. If you're selling sketches, line work, or the like you have to be really good to get commissions at a decent price

>> No.6742573

I don't mind, bro.
t. The guy who drew it.

>> No.6743025

Still a pretty decent following, especially if you're in a niche fandom because then a HUGE number of them will be invested. I've been following this one artist who has like 1.5k followers and they got like 70 offers in a day when they opened icon commissions, each for $10.

>> No.6743029

more like yo mama

>> No.6743051

How do you guys do commissions off the bat. I honestly dont want a following, Ill fucking draw anything but pedop and zoop shit for money.

>> No.6743165

You're asking how to get commissions without anyone knowing you exist?

>> No.6743273

it's more work than you probably want it to be, but some platforms/communities have people making posts asking for artists to commission, like "artist wanted" or "commission wanted" type deals like a job board listing. If you really just want to be like a traveling commission artist without anything else you could try shooting at those people.
You'll still need some sort of repository for example artwork though.

>> No.6743804 [DELETED] 
File: 3.60 MB, 1520x2136, rat race resized.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i finally finished and i can move on

>> No.6744518

Out of curiosity, how do you determine the price to charge for a comic page? I feel that charging the same as I charge for a panel is too much, but the other option is to charge practically $15 per panel.
Honestly, it is much easier to do this with some small "publishing house". At least they take the trouble to define the price of each page (between $100 and $150, usually).

>> No.6744532
File: 647 KB, 1192x1593, mai3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

am I ready?
I refined this new style, although I realize I hate to draw some nude stuff first to really advertize myself, so far I only posted nsfw

>> No.6744535

I don't hate it lol

>> No.6744538

youre ready actually
but your art reminds me of dumbfuck retards that take the money then in your happiness of getting money you forget to draw the commission until your client asked you about it 5 months later.

>> No.6744786

Have a base price, then you can charge more or less depending on the complexity of each panel. Maybe panels start at $30 but it can be less for very simple things and more for difficult/complex shots with multiple characters

>> No.6744815

Asukafag, you still didn't make it?

>> No.6744821

unfortunately not, I have to wageslave

>> No.6744830

What was your blog again?

>> No.6744835


>> No.6744836

with this quality, you can get 70 bucks and full body 100+. All that matters whether if you are consonantly posting or not. you have 15k+ followers if I remember correctly, right?

>> No.6744842

Not to shit on you, but how the fuck did you even get to 13k?

>> No.6744843

getting his dick sucked by big follow accounts
just look at the retards retweeting his shit.

>> No.6744848

salty already, there are worse with a higher following my ngmi friends >>6740228

>> No.6744853

i have 200 followers but someone paid me $180 for a comm 2 days ago.

>> No.6744856

My guess is that the Ryuko one really did it for him since its a piece with a fuck ton of engagement compared to his other pieces.
Good for him, on the other hand, he is only getting carried by simple coom alone.
Not the point, but whatever.

>> No.6744857

is it really that bad?
what do I do
and I hate that Ryuko drawing, I'm gonna delete it in future of course

>> No.6744860

Start drawing more shit than just some anime girl of famous franchise standing in the void, man.

>> No.6744863

what do I draw instead?

>> No.6744864

don't delete it, it will fuck you over. Deleting tweets mess you up in the algorithm
>Start drawing more shit than just some anime girl of famous franchise standing in the void, man.
tell that to the thousands of anime artist that do that and have 50k-100k+ followers, anon.

>> No.6744865
File: 153 KB, 1997x1431, 22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally any other pose
>tell that to the thousands of anime artist that do that and have 50k-100k+ followers, anon.
I believe in Asukafag

>> No.6744870

>I believe in Asukafag

I have actually done tons of commissions even for 100-120$ usd, but that involved some alternate versions or multiple chars

>> No.6744890

>done tons of commissions
>comes here acting all retarded and ask people if youre ready for it
blocked your stupid attention whoring ass

>> No.6744903

based asukafag already filtering ngmis

>> No.6744905

I haven't been asked for a comm in a long time sicne changing my style, that is why I'm asking
most comms I've done are for like 5-6 people who have commed me repeatedly
I haven't had new people for over a year contact me
so I kinda don't consider myself ready
I need a solid style

>> No.6744907

>attention whoring this bad
>dont retweet smaller artists

>> No.6744909

I'm a small artist you idiot
everything below 100k is small

>> No.6744910
File: 1.59 MB, 1685x1841, mika trim.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anybody confident enough to extend a drawing that isn't yours? I want to use this for a fightstick art but where the hair is incomplete really fucks with the composition I'm going for.
I don't care about the leg, I just need the lower ponytail completed and the upper ponytail completed far enough as to be cut off by the dimensions of the controller. If anybody is interested I'm willing to reasonably overpay for the effort and I can explain further.
Hey I was already following you, so feel free to have that ego boost. Probably because you draw fighting game girls.

>> No.6744915

I seriously don't get the hate boner /ic/ got for big follow artists who don't retweet the shit doodles made by the ngmi here.
Your art is shit and their art is good.
Kings don't look and share literal shit.
Try to understand this simple logic.

>> No.6744926

retarded post

>> No.6744950

it is small, retard. that's barely in the 5 digits, 25k+ is where it's no longer small.

>> No.6744955

What's your excuse for not retweeting smaller artists?

>> No.6744969

haven't found any that are good

>> No.6745050

Pretty cool that you can tell someone is selfish by their artstyle. You nailed it

>> No.6745240

this is bait from /aoc/ days, but no one's paying for that. "bouba" shapes aren't attractive or natural to anyone who isn't a literal nigger or SEAnigger, your entire style needs to change.

only literal underaged coomers who found the internet two months ago are going to pay for you. fat brushwork, low detail, overly stylized, tits the centerpoint. you're 10$ unless your client has mom's credit card number.

rendering is nice for what it is, good coloring and shading and good-but-not-perfect lighting. good depth and shading too. you're killed by the low detail in hands and face - the low detail anime-esque face doesn't match the rest of the image, and the hands are painfully sketchy and low effort when compared to the coloring detail.
at least 50$ per fullcolor fullbody, if you could fix the hands and give more depth/differentiation to the faces you'd be at 80$+ easily.

you've got highly stylized art, and thus are worthless outside of your style niche. your art is consistent, in style, linework, color, etc and has good and accurate detail resolution for what it is. I'd pay ~50$ per colored character if I had anything I wanted drawn in your style, but I have nothing at all that I want in drawn in your style and that's what you'll be running up against.

for the love of fuck learn to scan properly or do digital art natively. This looks like you uploaded a shitty iphone photo and didn't even filter it.
B&W shading is actually rather solid, but anatomy is fucked to hell and back. normie coomers will probably pay 20$ for it, but no one much else.

to this day I still only barely understand how you've managed to continuously con retarded pseudo-normie coomers out of so much of their money. your art is like 5$ a panel maybe, your success is such a blemish on humanity.
Good job parting retarded coomers from their money though, you're indirectly doing God's work.

autistic rant cont.

>> No.6745256

decent anatomy for what it is, and a basic grasp on lighting and depth. only basic, and coloring is really flat, and the 3D-reference weight rack is distractingly badly oriented in perspective when compared to the wall. 40$ is probably a good price if you're a scalie, but if you were drawing humans you'd be lower.

your market is exclusively local, you'll get what people around you will pay for them and nothing more. sticky notes are shitty canvases, I'm amazed anyone would pay for them. Use larger, better quality canvases or stick to doodling aimlessly for nothing like every other doodling gradeschooler does.

you need to understand shading and lighting so that your work is easier to look at. even in large format half the time it's annoying to figure out what's even being depicted, in small format (like what's on your comm sheet) it's nearly impossible. Some weird anatomy, not horrible but not great. you'd be able to pull 50$+ for B&W if you fixed the comprehensibly and even some of the anatomy/facial issues.
also holy shit use a better font.

your faces belong in boomer coomer comics, and you have hilariously tiny hands. Other than that, you'd appeal to the internet coomer market well. it's simple with shitty faces but as much as it pains me you could probably find a market where you could get 30$ a fullbody.

Not the worst thing in the thread. You've got some minor anatomy issues, MSpaint-tier pixelation and lighting/shading, but there's promise here and improvement would be sort of easy. maybe 10-15$ as it is, but with minor technique improvement you'd be at triple that.

dear lord that hand, but you've got coomer appeal. Too simple coloring for the shapes you're going for in the linework, too-extreme anatomy shading and wrong face perspective. That's the only appeal you've got, but coomers have low standards and are willing to drop a lot of money so once you get noticed you could be well made.

>> No.6745353
File: 59 KB, 900x900, 1658456450482697.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was tempted to post my stuff for a review on my prices, but the thread is kind of dead by now, and then this guy >>6745240 >>6745256 is here delivering borderline crabby reviews, I dont think Im getting anything substantial anymore kek.

I know the kind of review you're going to give me based on the others, so let me cut to the point and ask you a question out of curiosity, what do you have against stylized art?
You seem pretty strict and scornful about it, even though I've seen a lot of stylized art styles get a healthy amount of commissions on a basis, so it's not like they are a lost cause by default, but I want to know your thoughts.

>> No.6745424

What do you mean by "boomer coomer art"? I've heard that insult in several places (mainly in /aco/), but I'm not sure if I understand what it refers to.

>> No.6745448

>already a diva shithead
Block deserved

>> No.6745574

Thanks! I guess me being starting artist and showing potential and passion and knowledge on anime babes wrestling brings me the support and commissions. No one was master on their 3rd year and I'm super happy my art and success makes people like you seethe and stomp their lil' feet :)

>> No.6745588
File: 71 KB, 300x300, crab.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6745655

Loving the stylization, would buy something if I had money to spare

>> No.6745709
File: 37 KB, 755x1021, static-assets-upload11384869493504533415.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fat brushwork, low detail, overly stylized, tits the centerpoint
That was the entire point though? I was trying to make a cute simple nsfw picture that popped. I never understand what people mean when they say overstylized. How do I even begin tp fix something so vague? I mean I'd get it if what I was drawing was a real life person but when the subject matter is something like this and I still get that comment I just get confused.
Lol thanks anon.

>> No.6745711

This? I get the feeling he just doesn't like cartoons but I also am curious.

>> No.6745719

If you read his other comments you would see he is not giving constructive critique but simply venting or ranting as he calls it. He doesn't offer solutions, he's merely telling how he doesn't like each post and he is not even bothering to pretend to argue in good faith. Maybe he gets his kicks from trying to make others feel bad.

>> No.6745832

>MSpaint-tier pixelation
What did you mean by this? And what can be done?
Anyway, I agree with you, there are lots of issues that need to be addressed, thanks.

>> No.6745954

I don't have anything against the theory of it personally, and despite how it sounds I actually really like distinctly stylized work in many applications, but this is a commission thread and the reality is that the more stylized your art is the more you narrow your potential client base. Stylization limits your appeal to people who both personally like that style and have something that they want drawn in it, which inherently limits the potential commissions that you could be offered. Stylization does allow you to play into a niche though, one that in 99% of the cases is more limited than the "niche" if you would call it that of more widely-applicable styles, so it's not like finding a market base is impossible. You do really need to find your niche though, and your niche might not be what you want it to be.
It especially might not be what you want it to be once you start talking money - the portion of art appreciators that are art commissioners is incredibly small, and not evenly distributed.
Simple styles are more subject to this than most - the simplicity doesn't leave much room for detail or subject differentiation, which is a huge limiting factor, and it's a lot harder to make them not look like shit because of how few visual points there are - if you have 10,000 lines, no one notices when 10 of them are wonky; if you have 10 lines anyone can pick out the one that's wonky.

old comics that were designed to appeal to the sexuality of the time and nothing else. Things like this were the boomers' sexual awakenings and are pretty much only enjoyed by them and maybe by very very young boys who have yet to find internet porn.

I'm not competing with you, I'm on the other side of the fence. You and your client base genuinely fascinate me, moreso even than other socially-based microgroups.

>> No.6745971

Other side of the fence, calling it how I see it from my perspective. I'd love if shitty artists stopped clogging up my searching attempts, but that's all I've got against you guys personally.

The point is that there's not much commission-related appeal, this is a commission thread. If you personally enjoy your art that's a separate thing - I hope you'd enjoy your own art, personal enjoyment should be the primary reason you're drawing in the first place - but a lot of other people would think it looks really unappealing especially when money and their specific wants are on the table.

I mean that at normal viewing scale you can see squares of solid colors super obviously, like it was drawn in a low-resolution software (like MSpaint) or drawn natively in low-resolution and upscaled badly. Most obviously noticeable in the black arm linework, but the shading suffers from it too especially the white skin highlights that look like a stamp or discrete brush or something instead of the smoother brush that's being used for the shadows/lowlights.
The easiest way to solve it probably depends on the software you're using, and if you are genuinely working in a low-resolution natively then the only real solution is to work at a higher one. But you could make it better or less noticeable by reducing the color contrasts (solid black linework on solid white background makes it really obvious and draws the eyes to it) and in general making the shading color transitions smoother in both color and area.

>> No.6745983

>against you guys
You didn't respond to me, just letting people know that your opinions are just that.
In terms of predicting how well art would do on the commission market, it's clear you have no idea what you're talking about. Maybe try speaking for yourself instead next time

>> No.6745998 [DELETED] 
File: 442 KB, 1600x2956, Img_08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I ready to start commissions? How much would something like this or nsfw art in my style go for? I've unfortunately been forcing myself to draw nsfw art recently, but I still get 0 likes per twitter post.

>> No.6746006

So how do I keep my work from looking like an old porno comic? It would seem that the only way to do this is to mimic modern anime series or recent Disney movies.

>> No.6746009
File: 88 KB, 640x1182, Img_08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I ready to start commissions? How much would something like this or nsfw art in my style go for? I've unfortunately been forcing myself to draw nsfw art recently, but I still get 0 likes per twitter post.

>> No.6746012

Nah, you're not ready yet. You could make some pocket change doing weird stuff that literally no one else wants to do, but don't do that to yourself. Keep grinding

>> No.6746014


>> No.6746019
File: 278 KB, 540x470, Img_2890.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have any suggestions on what I should grind? I feel like I'm at a weird medium/high beg part of drawing where I can't figure out what to practice anymore.

>> No.6746021

do the Allbeatnik, block big follow artists who will never retweet your stuff and add some spite in your heart to keep you drawing.

>> No.6746026

Agree. He has no idea what and why people commission from artists.

>> No.6746035

You're only ready for commission if someone starts DMing asking you for commission. If not, just continue your stuff and draw whatever you want, or draw memes, or draw whatever funny stuff that'll make someone laugh or want to like your post. Quality of your artwork is irrelevant, the content should jive or be relatable

>> No.6746042

The faces are really what's killing you, the facial features are too rounded/blob-pudding-like, linework is really dark and thick and too simple for the smaller features that a face has, expressions are exaggerated but the features themselves are really flat and so is the coloring/shading. The lips/mouths in particular are really reminiscent of boomer styles.
Unfortunately this is really a stylistic choice and not so much a direct technique failure - it's clear the the stylistic elements are choices, at least it seems to be because the stylization is so consistent and the art is relatively clean otherwise for what it is, and unless you outright change your style or parts of it I don't know how much you can do.
mimicking disney is absolutely not the way to go, and neither is anime - both have the same issue of incredibly flat or overstylized faces that, while would at least keep you from looking like a boomer with a tablet, probably wouldn't help the overall look of your art.

draw for yourself before you draw for anyone else.
The coloring is actually not horrible, but there's no understanding of lighting and you really need to study anatomy (of humans and of inanimate objects, that bench holy shit) and linework before you do much else.
With some improvement you could have a niche drawing fat girls, because anatomically speaking that's one of the closest I've seen from a starting artists that's not already deep in the niche, but as it is there's a way to go.
This image in particular is also artifacted real bad - save your images as pngs and/or don't compress them as bad, it's making the image look worse.

>> No.6746073

Assuming you're the same guy, when it comes to commissions you might not be super accurate, but your critiques are great and actually helpful

>> No.6746133

fwiw I am only talking about the commission world from my own perspective, but as a client for years who's scrubbed through dozens of platforms/communities across multiple interests all to desperate autistic depths, I've seen more of the client-side of the equation than nearly any artist has. And the viewpoint of a client is, at least for this particular topic, more valuable as being a part of the target market than that of someone who is exclusively on the supply side (artists) - as an aside, one of the reasons I even visit this board is to see the views from the other side of the equation myself. While not always directly useful, it's at least more data points that I wouldn't get running only with clients.
But the internet is a wide place, with new niches appearing, moving, and changing every hour. A lot of things don't change very much, especially in overall effect, but once you start talking about specific small niches there is inherently some volatility and uncertainty. With algorithms being what they are for most platforms, there's also a huge amount of random luck involved with simply being seen in the first place unless you're actively targeting a niche you've already chosen. Additionally, with commissioning becoming (like everything else, disgustingly and depressingly) ever more a social activity rather than something done exclusively or primarily for personal enjoyment, increasingly often social factors are more important in success than art skill (and art skill might actually hurt you).
All that to say, don't take my word as absolute law and fact (thisis 4chan why do I have to say this), but it's better than shooting in the dark and it's better than some of the absolutely shitty advice I've seen on this board. reminder that crabbing has two angles, that of overstating shittiness (keeping you out of the market entirely, reducing competition) and that of understating it (so price yourself out of the market, reducing competition).

>> No.6746159

The opinion of an artist who actually interacts with a variety of clients is far more valuable than the opinion of one client who has consumed a lot of product, obviously. You are not the target market, you're a random individual.
Also I'm not reading all of that

>> No.6746164

And also, artists are not supply side only. I've commissioned at myself as well. However, a client is demand side only. Any human being with sight is on the demand side of this equation.

>> No.6746175

>implying a client can't also draw art
>in the same post as saying you yourself are a client that draws art
>implying that anyone who can see is willing to spend worthwhile money on art

>> No.6746481

>The point is that there's not much commission-related appeal
Again not sure what you mean. Most people who responded to me like it and I even got two commissions out of this very thread.
>but a lot of other people would think it looks really unappealing especially when money and their specific wants are on the table
That's assuming everyone wants realism which isn't the case a lot of the time. You'd be shocked at how many people prefer simple cartoons.

>> No.6746484

Yeesh I see what you mean.

>> No.6746684

>being retarded

>> No.6746734

Just start prompting

>> No.6746888

What's that characters name? I have a kink for roblox looking bitches.

>> No.6746988

This isn't even your work. This is by ESSVE, who's posts only in Korean.

>> No.6747000

BASED ANON. Her name is Bamberly.

>> No.6747001
File: 135 KB, 550x535, 1675849612190830.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you anon i needed that laugh

>> No.6747025

Pyw, crab

>> No.6747395

at least these people have the confidence to post their work, advertise it. at least someone hears it.
i've been grinding tirelessly for a long while, but aside from a few in my circlejerk basically no one sees my art. i'm just too autistic, awkward, asocial to even start mass-posting. its what a life of suffering leads to. cowardice.

>> No.6747423

schizo falseflag bait the thread
dont post there anons, save yourself some mental health

>> No.6748395

I have a feeling that this thread is almost dead, but I have a question and I'm afraid this is the only thread where I can post it.
Is it in bad taste to upload the commissions I have recently done on my gallery when technically I never advertised that I was open to taking this type of work? I'm usually busy working for private clients, which prevents me from taking commissions freely, but some people got my mail some time ago and since then I do small jobs for them when I am not too busy with my main duties. Honestly, I don't know if I do it because I appreciate the little extra money or because I feel bad about declining their offers. Anyway, I have been posting the few drawings that these extra clients let me show in public on my social media, but I never stopped to think about how the few people who follow me would see this. I'm afraid that some of them might consider it distasteful that I'm taking commissions only from exclusive clients.
Does what I am saying make sense or am I worrying about nothing? I mean, I'm not even that popular, to be honest.

>> No.6748431

That should be covered in your contract and NDA.
Just ask them if you are cool with sharing it if you didn't write a clause into the contract.

>> No.6748484

I'm sorry, I think I didn't explain my problem correctly. I'm not going to lie to you, English is not my first language. Maybe I should write a greentext instead.
>never take commissions due to being too busy with large projects
>some fans manage to get my mail
>they ask me if I can take their commissions
>feel bad about declining their offer, also, it would be cool to earn some extra money
>do their commissions
>one of them tells me that I can upload his commission to my gallery if I wish
>it's not the kind of stuff I usually post there, but I decide to do so
>after posting some of his commission, a thought crosses my mind
>I never said I was taking commissions, but now I'm openly posting these images as stuff commissioned by a client
>even when I've turned people down before
I'm afraid that some of my fans will find it distasteful that I'm taking commissions under the table instead of offering my services openly.

>> No.6748545

Right, I see.
If you did not sign a contract with them then the art is your property and you can do what you like.
They just gave you money as a motivation to draw that exact thing.
Just post it and don't say it was a commission.

If commissions were closed before they can be open now.
If you did a few commissions and hated it

>> No.6748562

This is what Dunning Kruger looks like, and if you honestly can't figure out what needs to improve from >>6746009 then you're ngmi.

Your perspective and anatomy is fucked. Seriously just look at the body on the right and try to place the bones.

>> No.6748570
File: 553 KB, 1215x1802, IMG_7355.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don’t have any commission sheets this is my most recent work would deadass draw anything for 10 dollars

>> No.6748580

>Just post it and don't say it was a commission
That doesn't sound like a bad idea. Unfortunately, I've already posted some of that guy's images as commissions. They are easily recognizable and don't look like the kind of stuff I draw for me.
To be honest, I'm tempted to simply post a message next to his latest image apologizing for not taking commissions publicly.

>> No.6748591

Listen bro, you don't owe anyone an explanation ever. Even in court you'll get a lawyer to explain shit for you.
If someone asks you why you did a commission for X but then nothing after you can say: "For personal reasons I decided to do a Commission at that time but after having completed the commission I have decided that it's not right for me to continue doing commissions. I will put your name down in a spreadsheet and if I ever decide to do commissions I'll be happy to reach out to you"

>> No.6748657

You're REALLY overthinking things. Do not post an apology, especially if no one is even questioning you about it.
If you get some hate, then it can make sense to reply to that person and say you normally don't have time for commissions, so you don't advertise because you feel bad turning them down.
I would just ignore it, but no harm explaining it if you're actually questioned.
It would look weirder if no one is even asking.

>> No.6748684

You are both right, I'm making a big deal out of nothing. I guess I'll just upload that image as a commissions, as I have been doing so far.

>> No.6749071

>would deadass draw anything for 10 dollars
you do realize that doing commissions is much more mentally taxing than doing your own stuff, right? And even in my poorshit country 10 dollars is lesser than you would earn on any real job per day
There is really no reason to make your stuff cheaper than like 30-40$ unless you draw extremely fast

>> No.6749224

I'm surprised you didn't go harder on my work. Anyways, points taken. Graphic design isn't the same as illustration after all.

>> No.6750349

It's hard for me to tell because my actual personal drawings are a bit better and look nothing like this style wise. I usually draw in a manga style and don't even draw humans most of the time. This drawing was something that I *keyword* forced myself to do.

>> No.6750364
File: 634 KB, 1249x2019, Illustration214.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I usually draw stuff like this

>> No.6750618

Post 3 more. This one looks better and I'm wondering if your main issue isn't painting related. Original looked far worse than the foxboi(?).

>> No.6751096
File: 273 KB, 578x800, Illustration.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can post some stuff I'm working on at the moment. I'm working on taking a realistic hand and simplifying it and adding onto it to fit the characters I draw.

> I'm wondering if your main issue isn't painting related
It's most likely painting related. That and just hating drawing people, nsfw, and doing color. I only decided to draw something I hated because I get 0 likes on my regular stuff.

>> No.6751099
File: 353 KB, 800x800, Illustration3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6752491
File: 100 KB, 657x527, apu gotta to go.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Interesting. Im an amateur artist not far from that skill level who is practicing each day.
Im also a jobless Argie right now and with 20 dollars i can buy myself food for the whole week...

>> No.6752494

newfag here, the fuck is "redlined" it?

>> No.6752528

still there anon? I could do the hair, arm and leg for 15 bucks
I could post a sketch when I'm home from work so you can assess my level then color it after the payment, does that work for you?
>t. zero experience on commissions

>> No.6754235
File: 1.74 MB, 1078x1083, flcl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hypothetically speaking- out of curiosity, how much would you charge for pic related with the following changes? I'm a fan of FLCL
I like the effect, but I would like her to be holding my guitar.
Pose can be changed.
I have a 1440 monitor, so I would like it to fit my screen.
Add some artistic flair to fill up the rest of the screen.
Must be the same art style.

>> No.6754238

Lurk more, retard

>> No.6754396

Anon, you could charge 3x that and get comms.
On the other hand needs to improve on rendering before trying to do comms. This is very beg tier mediocrity. Like maybe 3-4 months of drawing kind of skill.

>> No.6754660

bro just learn more, is ok if you like to draw for fun, but dont force yourself into things you dont like just for the money and social media interaction, because it will be a stressful life and you will not enjoy it.
Take your time to make good looking shit, the way you like it, if you need money just take a regular job, just dont force yourself.

>> No.6754673

i think people that are used to make edits could charge like... 7-14usd depending of the work.
Replacing things is simple i think, yeah, ussually changing poses or altering the core structure of the original draw is what it takes more time, upscaling to 2k can be made easily in any upscaling website and will look ok.

I would look for people who make periodic edits, for a person who works normally it could be a waste of time or something that requires more thinking than they are used to and would reject it for that.

>> No.6755068
File: 2.23 MB, 2740x3500, ankha-r-dr-min.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much for this furshit?

>> No.6755077

is pixiv the only place were you can take commissions without doxxing yourself as a westener?

>> No.6755216
File: 803 KB, 1326x1328, Haruku.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, thanks anon. I may just make a post later. Thanks again, and God bless you, man.

>> No.6755222

cute haruku

>> No.6755258

You couldn't pay me to willingly look at that. I feel like my eyes were raped just seeing you fucking post it.

>> No.6755267

Lmao, same desu

>> No.6755278
File: 43 KB, 640x480, nyaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made a mistake when renaming the image.
But yeah, she is cute.

>> No.6755461

DA has in-site commission service too, you need at least basic Core for that and the higher your Core, smaller cut DA takes

>> No.6755481

sorry sirs