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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 221 KB, 828x1158, 5F615AC8-22D8-4745-A288-5E738381818B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6621022 No.6621022 [Reply] [Original]

Uh..clip studio bros?

>> No.6621028

so i guess i'm better off not upgrading to 2.0 after all, huh

>> No.6621038

It sets an example of what is to come regardless if you upgrade or not, software that you use will nickle and dime you through microtransactions and be centralized through a cloud with annual subscriptions you renew every month/year. Automakers are salivating at the prospect of disabling features like seat warmers and keyless entries through subscription packages raging from bronze to platinum.

>> No.6621042 [DELETED] 

You will own nothing. CSP is also pro ai

>> No.6621053

Guess the Japanese will go back to Sai.

>> No.6621069

Literally just pirated CSP 1.
Don't ever pay money for software. Even if you wanna talk semantics about morality, companies make literally less than sub1% of their income from selling to private users. All the money comes from enterprise software for large corporations.

>> No.6621097

use the cracked version
problem solved

>> No.6621124

I'll just keep using 1.0 until it stops working and then go back to SAI.

>> No.6621148
File: 58 KB, 321x315, 1628459634023.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im still using 1.8.8 (released in 2019) and I will not be updating, why am I supposed to upgrade when the program already works fine

>> No.6621152 [DELETED] 

A simple solution


>> No.6621154

Art had already been thoroughly democratised
Use your power, vote with your GPU

>> No.6621280

All the more reason to pirate

>> No.6621299

>us tech for the sake of it because it's new, disregard how abhorrent it is
no, and you will never be welcome in artist circles btw

>> No.6621305

pay up piggy oink oink

>> No.6621307

>kind reply
serves him right...
he trusted a PAJEET!

>> No.6621364

You will never be a real artist.

>> No.6621371

imagine being bigger kikes than adobe

>> No.6621374

just use krita

>> No.6621380

or a fake one

>> No.6621385
File: 222 KB, 582x680, FlhI0j4aMAAeJGU.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Art had already been thoroughly democratised
Fuck off with that commie bullshit

>> No.6621392

what do these retards think “the first artistic renaissance” is?

>> No.6621393

These messages still crack me up so hard to this day, I genuinely can't believe how pathetic you have to be to read this and agree with this dumbass

>> No.6621396

It's like they're trying to ruin their reputation as much as possible, the popular youtube artists i follow have stopped doing any CSP sponsored videos as well.

>> No.6621403


>> No.6621409

God the fart huffing

>> No.6621414

internet went out yesterday and i used it just fine
big offline globe on the launcher all that, works for me

>> No.6621426

Is this for real? What the hell is this Bullshit?

>> No.6621453

(You) unrelated to ic gtfo.

>> No.6621455

it checks periodically, you were just lucky enough to have been verified recently
had more time passed since the verification, you’d have been cucked out

>> No.6621469
File: 483 KB, 1226x981, Screenshot 2023-04-23 at 05-24-26 Ade W on Twitter3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what do these retards think “the first artistic renaissance” is?
Basically the same people who think fascism is when private property exists.

>I genuinely can't believe how pathetic you have to be to read this and agree with this dumbass
aibros have a lot of yes-men simps, specially among socialist wannabes aka starbucks commies, who think they can make a living without work or are politically addicted

>God the fart huffing
The whole "pay me or you're a nazi" has become a fucking brilliant sales pitch, the ultimate weaponizing of argumentative fallacies via social blackmail, these people have a group of perfectly brainwashed idiots who'll consoom every shit they put out, simply because they cry the correct buzzwords like the Pavlov's experiment.

>> No.6621489

How about you S my D you nog

>> No.6621491

its either THIS, or put up with all the bullshit Clip studio, Adobe, etc. will fart out

your choice then

>> No.6621509

You can use it off-line, but it needs to connect to the internet once every 24 hours (supposedly anyway).
It's still dog shit, but but it's also not accurate to say you can't use it off-line or it won't work during an internet outage.

>> No.6621510

Krita doesn't have this problem

>> No.6621522

piss off with that pleb shit

>> No.6621527

can you even refund 2.0? I dont see the option anywhere ?

>> No.6621539
File: 40 KB, 249x284, 1630093447394.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gonna keep using my decade old CSP
If they force me off it or try to force yet more AI shit, I'll swap to SAI as I should probably do now
Not gonna put up with any online bullshit

>> No.6621547

Did Celsys have a change in leadership? Has to be for them to be doing something like this.

>> No.6621548

Just cut it out of the program, it's literally that easy and I'm not even joking. Barely any assembler required.

>> No.6621582

Capitalists have no beliefs or morals when it concerns the amassing of capital and will use every deceptive trick they can think of for that end.
Communism is abused and twisted to whitewash capitalist endeavors. Just like religions are abused to wage wars. I hope you guys are not falling for this.

>> No.6621622

nobody who matters experiences interruptions to internet access, even when traveling. and even if they did, it's probably because of bigger problems, where being unable to use CSP would be the least of their problems.
go ahead and stick with csp 1, but know that celsys does not care about your business if you're a poorfag or 3rd worlder who experiences the indignity of irregular internet connection

>> No.6621624

>t. Celsys American employee

>> No.6621625

It's a great way to eventually ensure that enterprises will move away when a bunch of poorfag artists who are most artists have no idea how to use CSP because theyve been using literally anything else.

>> No.6621628

>Just like religions are abused to wage wars
Religious wars are actually the most infrequent of major causes for war throughout history. Most wars are economic in nature.

>> No.6621634

>anti-ai Philistines are commies
who could've seen that coming?

>> No.6621638

>Communism is abused
Ok, tankie

>> No.6621681

Oh fuck unironically thank you for posting this because I was planning on buying 2.0 but CSP won't connect online with Linux so I would have totally fucked myself.

>> No.6621723
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>> No.6621741

Hmmm, but cant i use v1 even if i upgraded my version to v2?

>> No.6621748 [DELETED] 

What this random furry shit got anything to do with the thread?

>> No.6621755

It's Krita's mascot, newfriend.

>> No.6621807

If you would please read again. I don't think waging wars aligns with any big religion of today, so "religious war" is actually an oxymoron. As I was saying, religion is ABUSED to wage wars just like communism is ABUSED by capitalists to amass capital.
Your education system has failed you, I'm sorry. It has to convey less propaganda and more critical thinking.

>> No.6621818

Krita, the anti-capitalist art program made by an international developer community of furries and weebs. It's the last stand of true artists.

>> No.6621834

>nobody who matters experiences interruptions to internet access
it's about not accepting the 'programs as a service' way of life, you bootlicking slug

>> No.6621849

I know this is just bait, but it's hilarious that Celsys thinks their program is so incredibly competitive, that they can pull shit shit, like they're Wacom or something.
Even without sticking to CSP1, or pirating, there are so many programs out there that share more or less all important features (decent brush engine and some ruler/perspective tools, is all you need to do everything CSP does).
And not only there is no reason for a constant online connection to use a drawing program, but the last years of updates to it have been mostly superfluous gimmicks that only kids playing around being Mangaka are interested in (with a few exceptions).

I bought a license for CSP1 years ago, and as long as it's compatible with Windows, i never even thought about any missing feature i'd want.
No wonder they need to keep coming up with bullshit to justify updating and reselling the same thing over and over.

>> No.6621855

Never left Sai, never will. You lot are like dying whores, coming back crawling to Sai after selling your body to corpos for new gadgets. Despicable

>> No.6621863

So many retarded niggers in here. If you have the core tools necessary to do the job, nothing else matters. Why do you think people still use their legit photoshop cs6 and below????

>> No.6621871


Next you'll say you're still on 3g with a flip phone.

>> No.6621878

Is it still possible to buy an old CSP v1 license or not?

>> No.6621908

based krita sister

>> No.6622017

newfag here, what other alternatives there are? I hate online drm with a passion

>> No.6622032

This. Someone?

>> No.6622036

Move to fucking north Korea then you fucking retard, why stay and have your religious uh I mean political views abused in the west?
Paradise awaits you in Pyongyang

>> No.6622039
File: 95 KB, 970x545, MerchantsMarauders.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6622044
File: 1.51 MB, 1088x1788, AI Art.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's no control, I'm not a commie asking chef for their recipe, mash them all together by a robot, then say I made that.

>> No.6622091

Communism ignores basic functions of human nature and the nature of animals as a whole.
Humans and all animals are greedy, and while there is a certain level of altruism and common good, the vast majority of people will only move when it some way benefits them in some way.

Not all benefits have to be monetary or a direct benefit, but say for example social work. People who do it tend to want to feel like they're doing something of value, if you take away that feeling of value then they're not going to bother. But it makes them feel good, and they want that good feeling.

Communism ignores that.

>> No.6622100

AI faggots are the communists. They want to completely homogenize art and remove the individual touch from it, make everything the same, pointless, and utterly effortless. Stalin would have smiled to see AI artwork.

>> No.6622124 [DELETED] 

Yeah, because they surely aren't monetizing AI

>> No.6622125

Adobe did this 10 years ago and they're still alive

>> No.6622128

Has anyone actually paid for adobe software in the last decade?

>> No.6622132

Has it been confirmed to be him? He's not even American. Either way, skill segregation is the stupidest thing I ever heard. You literally could pick up a pencil and improve if you put the time and effort into, this isn't a caste system where you're barred for life. Wait. Oh, everything is making sense now.

>> No.6622133

no lol

>> No.6622182

Nigger, are you for real? There are free legacy versions of these programs, new != better. And idgaf about your neurofaggotry, go sell that elsewhere.

>> No.6622221

I read somewhere you have to do this daily, but then can work offline.

So it doesn't completely suck donkey balls.

>> No.6622222 [DELETED] 

Shill spotted

>> No.6622223

Yes, it's the "real" guy, see >>6621469, the twitter @ is there

>> No.6622227

>Your education system has failed you, I'm sorry. It has to convey less propaganda and more critical thinking.
You think "capitalism=nazi", if anyone's brain is rotten from propaganda here it's you, move to Venezuela and survive with 5 dollars a month if you love communism so much.

>> No.6622233

aicucks don't care about half the fuckups their pet programs do, you really think most of the people buying a digital commission cares about the program you're using to draw it?

>> No.6622236

That's the beauty of modern communism, the "workers" starve while the "WORKERS" control even the toilet paper.

>> No.6622240 [DELETED] 

You continue complaining about the system, don't mind me making some easy money

>> No.6622312

>capitalism is bad
Making money goes brrrrrr

>> No.6622328

absolute garbage

>> No.6622385
File: 284 KB, 1214x793, sanest AItranny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get your narrative right, honey

>> No.6622400 [DELETED] 

So many trannies in that pic compared to he she them artists who are always surprisingly around the 15-17yo age

>> No.6622428

Why do I have this sudden urge to commit a hate crime?

>> No.6622445
File: 86 KB, 500x720, 1564352120566.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Every man is a rapist until proven innocent
He's not wrong, even if you are proven innocent after a Foid cries rape you name still gets dragged through the mud and nobody will want to associate anything with you.

>> No.6622449 [DELETED] 


>> No.6622483

It's a primal urge that triggers whenever one sees a communist.

>> No.6622547

Amazon is a communist corporation? Oh. Thanks for enlightening the world with your utmost wisdom.
It's not your primal urge, dear. It's just your conditioning.

>> No.6622664

>Amazon is a communist corporation? Oh. Thanks for enlightening the world with your utmost wisdom.
Because commies never, ever had anything to do with money, at all.
Oh, yeah, it's just your cognitive dissonance where you say "It's ok to have a 1000$ iPhone because I'm taking advantage of capitalism" while you speak about abolishing property.

>It's not your primal urge, dear. It's just your conditioning.
Said the one who screeches "nazi" whenever anyone disagrees (and unironically believes nazi != commie)

>> No.6622665

must be a troll account

>> No.6622668 [DELETED] 

Makes you wonder why one anon keeps spamming these around here

>> No.6622681

Anything is a troll account if things don’t your narrative.

>> No.6623202
File: 41 KB, 598x461, 329481023.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6623238

Based digits of truth

>> No.6623323


>> No.6623336

Why does "vote with your wallet" never work? People are still paying for Adobe subscription, they will pay and cope with online only CSP.

>> No.6623338

>Why does "vote with your wallet" never work?
Cauese majority doesn`t do this.

>> No.6623340

adobe’s constant fuckups have cost them market share and took them from having a near monopoly on professional creative software to having many competitors. newfags pretty much buy the software they see their favorite artists using so there is absolutely a consequence to burning your power users but that attrition takes place over years

>> No.6623344

INCelsysters we keep winning.

>> No.6623374

Anon are you fucking stupid?

Krita's good but seems to run like garbage on my system. Maybe I just have a toaster.

>> No.6623385

It should be possible to host local server and reroute traffic to it
It should be very easily done and is easier than reverse engineer cracking software

>> No.6623391

>there are so many programs out there that share more or less all important features
So far only photoshop correctly supports my wacom tablet *and* correct zooming(this is what locked out krita for me).
I could put up with trashy interfaces like the one at krita if it could at least work.

>> No.6623479

Celsys and Adobe, or i should say Photoshop and CSP, are not even in the same galaxy, in terms of popularity.
"Photoshop" is almost a synonym for image manipulation and digital art, it's a verb even.
>Looks shopped.
Who the fuck even know CSP, outside of manga/comicbook people?
Like i said, they think they can afford to shit on their customer base, but they aren't in the same position of companies like Adobe or Wacom.

>> No.6623490

Most Japanese companies only care about being successful in Japan.

>> No.6623512

CSP Alternatives


Realistic Paint Studio:

Paint Storm Studio:


>> No.6623514
File: 40 KB, 1195x403, my japanese anime voice actors are totally safe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think it's just communists, AI shills are absolutely retarded.

>> No.6623517

kek, I played with ElevenLabs voice AI, and it defaulted to generic british voice whenever the voice acting was too out of the ordinary, like someone imitating an orc, a very old person, or speaking with a Jamaican accent. these """"people"""""" are so fucking retarded

>> No.6623526

>just reverse engineer their auth server

>> No.6623529 [DELETED] 

forcing online never stopped the cracking community when given enough monetary incentives

>> No.6623532

"Mr. President, the anime tiddies have been hit..."

>> No.6623539 [DELETED] 

>needs to be online
>definitely not stealing ur art for their own ai
>definitely not pro ai since they completely backed off from ai after the backlash
>surely there wasn't any interest in ai to begin whith there sure wasnt any lenghty discussion about adopting ai and it was only an oops accidental webpage update

>> No.6623556
File: 442 KB, 496x366, Dense.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


SD guys are literally taking all of art and just blending it to generate a basic approximation of art without soul.

It absolutely is a communist endscape of your fucking "Daily art generated masterpiece in the style of frank rosetta 4k" not fucking democratizing art.

Art isn't limited to the wealthy just the fuckers that put in the time. Pdfs exist, and if you insist on learning how to draw via only anime styles without wanting to learn fundies for a few months, just fuckin huff onions in base 64 for some tuna or mongoon or whatever flavor of rice farmer you like.

I guarantee the fulfillment of creating an actual work of art with your own hands is infinitely greater then "Hurr durr look pretty picture I make with compooter". Shit taking effort and actually requiring skill is what makes it meaningful. Good art is good because it clearly is good - stylized art is considered stylistically different because it's clearly a different "style" from other art.

SD says fuck all that, shoves as much art up the ai's ass, and looks at the slightly tweaked art it shits out and goes "HOLY SHIT ART IS NOW THE FUTURE WOWWWWWWWWW" When half the time, it literally just took an actual piece of art and just swapped a tiny amount of details to make something you couldn't reverse image search, since this ai is still slightly better then the algo for reverse image search.

TL;DR SD is the opposite of the salvation you seek and you're actively encouraging the opposite. And that Emad guy on discord is absolutely retarded.

Anyhow I wasted my time on this fuckin long ass post when I barely draw just to procrastinate on math shit.

>> No.6623563
File: 23 KB, 500x294, BAIT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I genuinely struggle at times to comprehend that people like this exist in the quantities they supposedly do on the internet. Guess the issue with a platform to connect everyone worldwide is overexposure to insanity. Wonder how the internet would look if your social media was only people within your city, not across the world. Would be boring as hell but hey maybe we would go outside.
Its not even an agenda thing it this point how are people just actually like this. I dunno, the world seems so damn tiring. How the hell do people have the energy for 30 different social medias and consuming a 24/7 stream of bullshit I'll never understand.

And yeah I'm on 4chan but its been the first time in a year or so just due to me looking for ways to start art and stumbling back here.

>> No.6623569

Yeah on pen and paper now since I'm too lazy to torrent but from what I'm seeing here CSP 1 seems like enough. Not experienced with art programs though, any reasons to take anything other then CSP? I mean photoshop is well known but afaik atm its slowly losing relavence as adobe loses their monopoly

>> No.6623570

>put packet sniffer on router
>check which "encrypted" packets software sends on check and receives
>write shitty server on apache to launch it with CSP
Login auth is easiest shit to bypass
>x64dbg CSP executable
>find binary string related to online checks
>xor to reverse so when it fails to auth it actually acts like it's passed auth

>> No.6623574 [DELETED] 

If no use of generations any program do fine, but photoshop best painting with generation tools now, csp shoot in the foot krita too after refuse tech

>> No.6623586

My brain is being a dumbass and I can't understand what you mean by generations mb man.

Yeah from what I've seen photoshop has really good brush tools and such, just a pain working with adobe. if CSP is merely outdated but usuable I may as well start with that when learning digital art then maybe make a move to torrenting PS if I can actually see a noticeable value to it.

>> No.6623590
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>> No.6623591


>> No.6623592
File: 82 KB, 779x699, acceptance.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AItards are extremely mentally ill, possibly due to a life of misery, depression and they're on the verge of suicide. now that they get their stupid delusion machine, they're fine with acting like goblins and committing acts of immorality like identity theft, that's how much they want their art scraping machine. taking a peek into their communities feels like entering the twilight zone

>> No.6623611

in 2024, complaining about internet access IN A DEVELOPED COUNTRY.
man enable hotspot on your mobile phone for 2 min and verify it.

>> No.6623619


>> No.6623646

I haven't signed into my account in over two weeks because I'm traveling and it hasn't complained

>> No.6623648 [DELETED] 

BASED CSP making sure they can get access to your brushstrokes to train an intelligence that imitates someone drawing

>> No.6623657

Because the capitalist system prevents the change of current power structures. People are fucking stupid and don't ever change, just as capitalism intended them to be: mindless, unconscious, amoral, submissive, consumerist, bootlickers. It's a "feature", not a bug.
You're on version 1.x, this is for the new 2.0 version and future updates. Celsys is now taking part in the race to become the scummiest company on earth. Just download Krita.

>> No.6623661

what does capitalism have anything to do with all these? top kek

>> No.6623664
File: 1.34 MB, 1536x768, 1682353261102.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come home White man.

>> No.6623665

Uhh anything that doesn't give me free shit is obviously capitalism

>> No.6623669

I'm literally on 2.x dude fuck off.

>> No.6623675

you don't draw anyway.

>> No.6623676 [DELETED] 

I do though

>> No.6623687

is krita good? i've been using and it just feels kind of jank. do i just have to get used to it?

>> No.6623692
File: 1.19 MB, 1920x960, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've always loved how Krita's got a bunch of these really beautiful images, they make me want to start drawing/painting every single time I see them, the colors are just so vibrant and the whole image is super pleasant to look at
I'd really like to be able to paint like that in a similar style some day

>> No.6623788

the funniest thing is when people talk about capitalism but think they are talking about anything left of center at all, american lead pipes at work

>> No.6623801

> I heckin' love always online gaming!

>> No.6623808

Doesn't matter, all of his arguments and excuses are void and null the moment he went "anyone who disagrees is a nazi", he can't sell his shit so he has to resort to the stupid woke narrative about nazis to force people to shut up

>> No.6623810

>AIfags are degenarate dopamine addicts
News at 11

>> No.6623815

This, there's a lot of commies seething at AI shills simply because how fucking retarded they are with their 24/7 mockery
Obviously, said commies got mad because their work's getting affected, like the old saying goes: "Commies are commies until it's their turn to share"

>> No.6623817

if you have time to shitpost you have time for a periodic online checkup.
> I heckin' love always online gaming!
you mean regular multiplayer? cause LAN parties died 2 decades ago.

>> No.6623818

> procrastinate on math shit.
Math is difficult, good luck, dude.

>> No.6623821

>It's a "feature", not a bug.
The only "feature" of capitalism is getting paid four your job and owning shit, dude.

>> No.6623851

that is not a feature of capitalism at all, you dumb fucking nigger
are you a retarded mutt who thinks anything it capitalism is communism and nobody got paid before capitalism?

>> No.6623857

I can't even subscribe to 2.0. I'm losing patience and don't know if I should blame my bank or website.
>We are temporarily changing the payment method available through the web browser and PC version of the app.

>> No.6623858


>> No.6623862

dumb japs are using a retarded processor and your bank or card aren’t supported

>> No.6623868

>nobody got paid before capitalism
Anyone who wasn't part of aristocracy before capitalism basically owned nothing, you idiot, there's a reason owning shit and being paid for your work lifted millions out of poverty.
>are you a retarded mutt who thinks anything it capitalism is communism
Says the retarded tankie who really believes anything at the right of stalin and castro is nazism (and being even more retarded for believing nazism/fascism is the opposite of communism/socialism)

>> No.6623870


>Be me
>I'm broke
>Picks up pencil and paper
>Start drawing
>Watch youtube videos about drawing
>Get better at it
>Few years go by
>AI art happens
>This retarded commie says I'm privileged

Why is the left like that?

Hopefully Universal, Drake and The Weeknd kill AI this year.

>> No.6623882

Holy shit, you’re fucking retarded. Burghers owned buildings and were paid for their job, a peasant isn’t a job, it’s a social class.
I don’t even know what that niggerbrained mutt word salad is supposed to mean, kill yourself.

>> No.6623897

You sound as fucking stupid as the tankies saying cubans and venezuelans fleeing their countries did so because "they had slaves and land"
Your opinions and takes are worth less than Venezuela's money.

>> No.6623902

>retard acts like nobility and peasantry are the only classes and bases his entire retarded argument around the retarded premise
>responds with more niggerbrained word vomit when faced with reality
go eat deep fried watermelon

>> No.6623911

>american education
Yeomen owned their land, stop learning history from Monty Python.

>> No.6623913

>Anyone who wasn't part of aristocracy before capitalism basically owned nothing
I'll be a bit more charitable than the others and say I don't blame you for genuinely believing this because the American education system has a vested interest in painting capitalism as natural, inevitable and universally good

>> No.6623914

>Anyone who wasn't part of aristocracy before capitalism basically owned nothing, you idiot, there's a reason owning shit and being paid for your work lifted millions out of poverty
So… what do you believe happened that gave all that land and houses to the millions of non-aristocrats? The aristocrats just handed it out? They sold it to them because they needed the plebs’ paychecks? Was there a lottery?

>> No.6623934

based, I'll use your software now

>> No.6623939

I HATE THIS FUCKING WORLD. I'm going back to Sai. Same issues with Fantia and Pixiv for a while.
I wish all banks from around the world would play fairly and be friendly. I'm tired of this shit.

>> No.6623947

>I want total jew domination
This is some Rothschild “lobbying” kikery, my mom can’t even order from Amazon with her card with her top 10 quality of life EU country’s card

>> No.6624135

Not sure if it still works but I couldn't subscribe to 2.0 as well because I have no credit card and PayPal isn't supported for some reason.

I found a workaround by subscribing to the mobile version of CSP.
The mobile subscription automatically gets 2.0.
I then logged into the PC version and went into the settings to switch from the mobile version to the PC version. (Only 1 device at a time can be used)

It's a bit more expensive compared to the update pass but these fucks gave me no other choice.

>> No.6625135
File: 24 KB, 368x368, 1612824977494.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw got ripped $70 because they wouldnt let me change plans without making a new account, which i cant make because its tied to my email and I cant make a second one

>> No.6625137
File: 1.49 MB, 961x749, firefox_jRiErgo6PY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

trying out krita now but..
How do you set it so a tool is only activated while you press the key and go back to the last used one when you let go the key?
for instance the eraser, when I press E, it just goes in and out of "eraser mode"
How about setting Ctrl to move? so long as its pressed.

Lastly, when I make selections upon selections, I accidentally start on the border of the last one and it moves the whole selection. It's annoying, how do you turn it off?

>> No.6625163

>no other choice
have you considered not being a total shit eating paypig?

>> No.6625176

How do you zoom in and out from left to right instead of up and down
And how do i hide the tools i dont use in the toolbar?

>> No.6625277
File: 680 KB, 2048x3552, f0cbc84160563ad452647aa06b633e78.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the whole reason of AIshitters is that artists are privileged and "gatekeeping" skill
And now let's see what prompters have been doing with their deus ex machina

>> No.6625304

this plugin is what you want:

>> No.6625319

wtf why

>> No.6625357

Hotori is so dumb and ugly

>> No.6625366
File: 1.49 MB, 1955x1829, 1656928051795008.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm just not gonna use it..
use the ai.
hahah just not gonna use it
>you vvill be subjected to my terrible anatomy

>> No.6625383

>And now let's see what prompters have been doing with their deus ex machina
>ai spits out a melting blob made of white goo that's in front of a bunch of random panels and lines

>> No.6625394

I'm not american, you tankie, if I had "their education" I would be simping nonstop for communism and saying everybody else is a nazi.

>> No.6625419

nice try, mutt

>> No.6625558

how good is the 3d modeling software in it? i was considering that or justsketch.me and using that for 3d model refs
Using 3d model refs seems like a good idea but something I have little experience with. I've done some stuff with the free features for justsketch but it's limited without pro. I'm gunshy with it, I like the idea of getting something for refs but don't know enough to know what's a good buy and what's not. Everyone seems to swear by csp though

>> No.6625582

ok, commie

>> No.6626452
File: 491 KB, 828x1005, ED3B9F7D-9BC3-4AD9-A421-AB51BEA68FEB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s over

>> No.6626460

>How do you zoom in and out from left to right instead of up and down
i need this too

>> No.6627032

It periodically checks your license when you launch Paint. Nothing to do with the launcher or your login.

>> No.6628161

so anyone got a link to the crack? at this point i dont even care if its 2.0 or older, every crack i find has the .exe infected with some shit, so would appreciate
also how the fuck can the android version get cracked? cant find info on it, how hard is it to get it cracked?

>> No.6629289

Anon, you're beginning to sound like a crack addict.

>> No.6629440
File: 20 KB, 480x360, gunkey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Art had already been thoroughly democratised
Kys transhumanist scum

>> No.6629441

This. Don’t fix what ain’t broken; software should only be updated on an as-needed basis, otherwise you’re asking for a plate of bullshit.

>> No.6629449

Thats how they actually think anon, they're transhumanist scum

>> No.6629485

i hate its brush/tool system. CSP's tool / organization is the best shit ever.

yeah seriously. wouldnt be surprised if they believe some of this but obviously they're baiting hardcore

>> No.6629490

You could have used a folder like user+folder@gmail.com

>> No.6629514

Sisters, why are you malding over this?
The devs are Japanese for kami-samas sake!
They are superior, you will see in due time they're making the program better!!
Have faith minna!!

>> No.6629519

true though

>> No.6629529
File: 384 KB, 557x820, 1682346899832756.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't use photoshop Cs5

Pathetic that you would need anything more.

>> No.6629735
File: 21 KB, 324x344, adfaeax.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6629744

based kritachads never worrying

>> No.6629745 [DELETED] 

Explain "facilitate", it could mean anything ranging from login once a year to we just added a remember your username and password

>> No.6629746

idk. i was able to use it offline anyway before this with no problem.

>> No.6629747
File: 125 KB, 984x264, 1659508892857254.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6629758

>Krita's good but seems to run like garbage on my system
how fucking bad is your PC? i can run it on a 15 year old laptop with 4gb RAM
there's no way it can't run on yours

>> No.6629763 [DELETED] 

if it can be used offline, that means there is a file clocking the hours somewhere, the cracking community should be working on it already me thinks

>> No.6629783

I only use CSP for linework. What program come closest to CSP in this regard?

>> No.6631409

paint tool sai
photoshop, got better
krita, mypaint, medibang, firealpaca.

>> No.6631450

Back to /sdg/ with you, AIgger

>> No.6631461

You guys so easily forget how SD got cucked by Stability to remove artists from its database? I still remember you faggots screeching and shitting yourselves when you couldn't get good results by using certain artist's names, you're all a bunch of filthy niggers

>> No.6631478

Communism is a pipe dream that cannot exist on a scale outside of small subsistence living communities. I mean, apparently one of the qualities of "true communism" is a classless society and no state. Lol, lmao even. Really funny you equated Communism with a religion, because boy howdy it really is one isn't it?
Communists in reality are either State Capitalists or the useful idiots who believe in REAL COMMUNISM who will be first against the wall after the revolution is over.

>> No.6631479
File: 871 KB, 500x752, 1674415030056241.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Where are the buyniggers who told me to buy CSP a few years ago, "to support the developers" because they were offering a great product, unlike greedy Adobe?


>> No.6631487

All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others

>> No.6631493

Imagine not being a pro artist with a CS background. Imagine not having the best of both worlds. Imagine not having the respect of your peers in both worlds for having a mastery of both.

>> No.6631494 [DELETED] 

SD is free you know

>> No.6631516

>ummm, yikes, imagine complaining that you're on a leash and collar when you could, like, not pull on it? Just stay in your yard like a good little doggy, lol, it's not hard

>> No.6631625

So is killing yourself.

>> No.6631654

You don't really think this shit is common knowledge do you?

>> No.6631761

but WHY does it need internet

>> No.6631768 [DELETED] 

AI training

>> No.6632488

Stop asking questions goy and pony up.

>> No.6632524
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>> No.6632527

You're an asshole.

>> No.6632573


>> No.6633134

Tbh the only reason to buy is to avoid the inconvenience of pirating while protecting your data. If I can purchase (not rent) for a reasonable price and be up and running in 5-10 min, I'll do that. If you make it hard AND I have to pay for the privilege, fuck that.

>> No.6633280

The way to world communism is hard but it is possible. The world all over has to follow the lead of the revolution instead of expunging it.
All the old religions were once considered the progressive force in society before they were at times abused to falsely justify war and violence. I think there are some interesting parallels between religion and communism.

Communism in reality is a huge sociopolitical philosophy, offering an explanation and solution to the sociopolitical problems since the dawn of civilization, which never saw its ideas realized yet. Still it is possible.

>> No.6633470
File: 22 KB, 501x443, i am so doggo with this shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am using v1.13.2

does anybody have a CSP install of any version close to mine for backup, i do pixel work on CSP and wont wanna go back to SAI.

>> No.6633773

>mfw a csp IOS user since 2020
>get the update for chump change
>barely go offline
>see this shit

don't know how to feel about this....

>> No.6634260

Opentoolz maybe?

>> No.6634299

>retard loses their license

Wifi parasite spotted.

>> No.6635362

...he said, on the internet....in 2023

>> No.6636337

>Not being behind 7 proxies at all times
NGMI + Beg + Unable to conjure apples

>> No.6636347

So it can send your art to Celsys for AI training

>> No.6639996

Large scale communism will always fail. The future is modularity and you will like it, ironically, because it'll let you live your stupid commie dream in your AI virtual pod.

>> No.6640011

Genuinely glad I didn't upgrade. What do I move to once 1.0 dies, SAI? PS is still subscription but how aids is it? I also use TVPaint so I'm debating on if the move to PS would be worth eventually

>> No.6640013

PS subscription is worse but the software is way better.

>> No.6640019


>> No.6640029

Guess I shouldn't be surprised by that lol
Well, maybe I'll actually do a subscription when I have real income

>> No.6640035

There are artists still using Comic Studio and Illust Studio, so I don't think Clip Studio 1.0 will ever die. Unless CELSYS pulls some massive commie shit and forcefully bricks the program.

>> No.6640041

There are a few old versions here. https://www.clipstudio.net/en/oldversion/

It would be nice if Celsys wasn't gay and just let us download any and all versions, though.

>> No.6640087
File: 16 KB, 474x351, 1682939149821990.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well said, AI-fags are the trannys of art

>> No.6640093

5 runs like shit, so I'm sticking to 4.