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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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6608659 No.6608659 [Reply] [Original]

How are you holding up?

>> No.6608662
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>burned out kid
>gifted adult
Still gonna end up an old weirdo unfortunately. Giving Etsy an actual shot now in hopes of some miraculous $15000 sale that I can live on for another year

>> No.6608672

that's not the life of an artist that's a day of an artist, 50/50 it's the other way round on any given day

shit maybe not even a day maybe like an hour

>> No.6608703

>sells the blandest paintings ever
As long as you can live out of your passion, it's allright I guess.

>> No.6608723

Not well amigo. Not well at all.

>> No.6608764

My day job sucks the life outta me. Every time I’m somewhat recuperated and working on art, it’s time to get back to the grind.

>> No.6608940
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If you are 30 and still care about opinion of others, then you have failed to grow up

I live for my art, my art keeps me alive.
Everything else is just a tool to keep the gears going

>> No.6608950

>omg that's totally me fr

>> No.6608995
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good. content with reaching old weirdo status. I'm grateful to have gotten into art decades ago, my influences being comics and ancient cartoons. it's made me immune to tech changes, since my aesthetic tastes are far from those being threatened right now.
and I guess I'm even more immune since I've never aspired to work in "the industry." I would be happy just to make a living online off of my art. But until then I'm grateful to work on my art in solitude, with an undemanding day job, and the support of someone close to me. feels good man.

>> No.6609012

Motivation to draw ruined by day job and usually get a migraine by 2pm. Barely get an hour or two of drawing time these days.

>> No.6609022

Everything is just a matter of perspective. I can't believe anyone who actually has the luck to work as an artist for a fair living would have the fucking audacity to complain about it.

>> No.6609026

You not had any Etsy sales yet then?
It's dead there this year for me,

>> No.6610004

I hit 30 a few months ago and just now making a portfolio page for myself and thinking about selling some art. Losing a job sucks but now I have more time. Hopefully it goes well.

>> No.6610292

I'm celebrating my second anniversary of drawing. It's fun. Yesterday one of my fav artists invited me to draw in her stream and it was fun as fuck. Comm queue is 2 months long at the moment.

>> No.6610310

I'm so happy for you. genuinely

>> No.6610329

I've been told I've been doing shit wrong for 10 years and now want to quit

>> No.6610333

What were you doing wrong, and what was the criticism? I'm sure it's not that bad, if what you were doing brought you measurable results over a decade...

>> No.6610363

I started oil at 34 and I'm still 34.

>> No.6610365

If you have a job and an income why not trying to find clubs with people with this shared interest?

>> No.6610371

no concept of line quality and flat rendering
>measurable results
fuck me man

>> No.6610375

No big deal man. If you're depressed, just take a nap, and eat a good sandwich. You'll feel happy drawing again in no time :)

>> No.6610399

>start to feel happy about the recent drawing gains after practicing every day consistently for a long time
>look at the instagram feed for koteriink
jesus christ

>> No.6610403

I used to cope in bad unhealthy ways but now I work out, read a lot of self-help books found online for free. It's like brainwashing .
I recommend reading , it's like therapy.

>> No.6610554

Jesus Christ, this thread is fucking depressing

>> No.6610617


>> No.6610662

It's not even the start of it, most artists do their best works in their early 30's, if you're past that and still trying to make it...

>> No.6610696

naw, fuck this crab shit. Miyazaki, Robert Crumb, Monet, Cezzane, Edward Hopper, Jack Kirby, Will Eisner didn't make their best work until well past middle age. This isn't professional sports ffs, as long as you have a working brain and hands you can make art.

>> No.6610697

I skipped all the earlier steps

>> No.6610708
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current state

>> No.6610721
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None of them fits the profile to begin with (alternatives, painters, animation directors), Moebius was probably the only exception but even then he reached his artistic prime in his mid 30's, you're dreaming if he was going to do La Déviation (1973) at +60.
Take it or leave it but don't waste time.

>> No.6610722 [DELETED] 
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It honestly feel like one of those bitches "discovering" herself trying to find some purpose other than work for Mr. Goldberg, by the time you leave your work you're so mentally exhausted from having to deal with so many assholes and you do that for over a decade it embitters you so much you start cursing at everyone under your breath just to relieve some pressure. I'm going to get caught cussing someone out one of these days I just know it and I've been thinking a lot about the Sanpaku eye chart lately. Drawing has been therapeutic since it puts you in a different state of mind even if only for a moment to distract yourself, I realize now that the only reason I've continued to draw this whole time is because it's become a necessity.

>> No.6610727

I got my first art job at 34, I had drawn since I was a kid and drawn digitally on and off since 2014 or so. I have been studying seriously since 2019 and now I'm studying traditional art with a master. My current work schedule allows me to draw for hours a day so I have a schedule for practice and tackle my shortcomings. I currently draw 7 days a week and a minimum of 4 hours a day. This is the best time of my life. I'm 36.

>> No.6610771

>the profile
what the fuck is "the profile"?

>> No.6610892


>> No.6610894

I'm about 30 and the only reason I stopped caring is because I'm just too depressed and tired to give a shit about anything anymore.

>> No.6611086

how do you get in to the oil industry? What qualifications do you need and what is the starting pay?

>> No.6611142

Don't forget Disney's nine old men. Those guys were making top tier animation until it was time to get carted off to the nursing home. Yet crabs will try to tell you that you're too old to do art or do it well after a certain age.

>> No.6611149

based whitepill deliverers

>> No.6611724
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>needing working hands

>> No.6611824

Reminder it's over after 30

>> No.6611833

Local Japanese man sends /ic/ crabs on suicide watch

>> No.6612813

If you're not getting lowered into the ground with a stylus in your hand you're doing it wrong.

>> No.6612881

It will go away, someone should make a man's manual telling what will happen to your body and mind while you age and perspective on life changes, maybe it's my autismo talking but I always thought about doing a little comic about this.

>> No.6612891
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started drawing again for the first time in like 9 months.

Got bored quickly and decided to watch a movie. I think i may have gotten bored with drawing.

Kind of like how you get bored with Pokemon, or playing with Lego and you move on to something else.

>> No.6612893

same bro lol

Its usually that, or im just too tired after work to bother doing anything else aside from eating and watching some movies or something.

These trust fund kids don't realize how good they have it

>> No.6613461

I hate you losers
World had so much faith in you that you never tried

>> No.6613475

>comic artists, animators, and some post impressionist
Seems like people who stuck around long enough to see their hard work pay off. Hardly "gifted" by any means.

>> No.6613490

This. 8m 45 and to this day I get angry when I remember how sensitive I was to opinions of others, usually people who have issues and need to boost their egos by criticising others, usually without even being asked for opinion.

Listen to this, pups: Fuck them, and their opinions. Only care about opinions from people who actually have skill & portfolio to back it up.

>> No.6613519


>> No.6613658
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I'm 28 and it's not going so great. I graduated Art restoration but the pay is terrible and I'm not drawing while wage slaving. So I've been doing NSFW commissions. I don't like it. I has been making me some money while I'm able to improve my skills. But this month has been brutal. I've made around 250€.For reference: Last 2 months I made around 1500+€. I don't want to go back to wageslaving because you are essentially giving your life away to some dogshit company for little pay. I couldn't even move out of my parents house with the wageslavery. In this economy, in this country, I will never be able to afford a house. Don't have gf.
I'd rather give my life to my craft at this point. I don't want to find out what could've happened if I had not tried. I will try. Even if it takes 20 more years.

>Jk rowling's HP was rejected 12 times.
>Hayo Miyazaki's scripts were rejected by every studio he sent it to after fucking up with Castle Cagliostro. He was only able to direct his own film (nausicaa) at 39 yo.

this really is it.

>> No.6613702

meh, this is pretty tame compared to what im used to reading on /b/ and /r9k/

>> No.6613790

I'm a geriatric nurse working night shifts and I can draw (or sleep) for 8 hours of my 12 hour night shift. On the surface a shitty job no one wants to do and if you work at a hospital or retirement home even worse than people think. But working at people's homes? Really great.

>> No.6614006

Unfuck yourself, art restorarion is good coin, go into thigs like architecture restoration, make friends with what burgers call "blue collar" people and people who do government contracts, that's where the money is.
Fellow Europeyan.

>> No.6614020

Miyazaki's breakthrough came from making comics in his freetime. His comics became good, and he got more and more opportunities to write and direct anime episodes, eventually leading to Nausicaa. It's really amazing, how a passion project saved his career.

>> No.6614024

38 cant wait to die, nothing ever changes

>> No.6614027

Scientists will learn how to reverse aging soon. Hold on!

>> No.6614035

It's ok. Just turned 40 and had a lot of ups and downs. Fortunately, I have money now so I can pay for any art supplies I'd like. Work remote so I can draw on the job. I don't do commissions but I make enough from selling fanart merch from FOTM shit on Etsy to make me feel ok about my art
Being an old weirdo with a home studio is where I'd at, it's not awful

>> No.6614073

I’d read it. As long as it was played light hearted and not the generic
>boohoo everything sucks and life is painful now

>> No.6614093

It would be more like a life guide, explaining what are the different ages of a man and your perspective on life at each stage as your body and mind change.

How many people know once they reach 40 they start to have difficulty focusing on near objects? Once you reach this age you'll start putting objects far away with your arm so you can read the labels.

>> No.6614104

I knew that because the boomers in my office say it every other day

>> No.6614211

>art restorarion is good coin
There's literally no money in it, at least in my country. I was literally paid less that construction workers.
The way companies compete for jobs is by replying to the contest( many are government jobs) with the cheapest offer possible.
I'm in talk with a friend about starting a small company, but I don't think we'll make any decent money because the market is so bad. And I really like drawing.
what comics? what I know is his producer suggested he did a manga (nausicaa) and then it did well and he directed the movie.

>> No.6614224

Ayo my boomer bros stay lit.

>> No.6614234

Yeah, the only pain is not being able to draw when you wage slave, I don't care about not making tons of money with my wart, I just want to create, but not having enough time because I have a job is hell. And I do like my job, I guess i make decent money and I don't have to be in an office 2/3 of my life, but I do have tot ravels and there are days and sometimes weeks where I just can't draw

I just want a good job that doesn't kill me so I can use my free time to draw

>> No.6614258
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Everyone's shocked to learn I'm 30+ when I can (almost) keep up with the kids and how much content they're pumping out these days, when in truth I'm on stimmys. I'm too ashamed to admit it publicly.

>> No.6614271

I can see it being a life drain if you're forced to draw what you're told to and never given creative freedom on any project.

>> No.6614279

I honestly never in my entire have heard that young artists are known to have more output than older artists. You realize you are not carrying stones each day but just drawing pictures?

>> No.6614307
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>Asked a guy on Pixiv how he did it
>Tells me you need like 15,000 followers on Twitter to then open a Patreon, from those thousands only like a hundred will follow but you'd be making money from those guys
>Been on twitter since 2019 and have like 460 followers
>It's only about 4 or 5 people that constantly like and retween my shit
>Have another 2 accounts on diferent sites, each with about 60 followers
>Don't see it changing in the forseeable future...

I'm 31 and already didn't make it.

>> No.6614311

Ah yeah, posting pepe and accompanying le depressed greentext story. Clear signs of never going to make it.

>> No.6614316

yeah it should be the other way considering u have more experience as a senior artist

>> No.6614321
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Drawing can be a fun hobby. Not a job.

>> No.6614493

Where in Urop do you live for fucks sake....

>> No.6615264
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Portuguese Socialist Utopia.
Literally yuropoor. I was literally being paid 5.5€ per hour to be on a scaffold 15meters above the flood cleaning dirt and dead birds from behind a Gothic altar for 8hours a day (while the women got paid the same and did lighter work on the lower levels btw).

No business contract.I had to pay for my own insurance, which was 500+€ per year. I was pretty much paying to got to work,aka slavery. I quit because drawing NSFW makes me 20€/h.

>> No.6615538
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>> No.6616968

The key to making Etsy work is using the off season to build up inventory in time for the holidays. Etsy is a long numbers game that can make people a lot of money if you have patience and focus.

>> No.6617320

>I can't believe anyone who actually has the luck to work as an artist for a fair living would have the fucking audacity to complain about it.
It depends on the job, really. Creative work under the client-service model can be frustrating for artists. I had a taste of it working as a graphic designer. It's why I don't do commissions now, I'd rather work a wagie job and just draw what I want in my spare time.
Even those "dream" concept artist jobs aren't what they're cracked up to be, it's why many are on YouTube and selling online courses.

>> No.6617329

>You realize you are not carrying stones each day but just drawing pictures?
Yeah you'd swear art is the most labor intensive thing ever judging from some posts here. As for age, at my job I can work rings around workers half my age (not bragging, probably more of a sad commentary on zoomers). Also in the gym I see literal boomers who BTFO younger guys.

>> No.6617336

one thing that does get better for most people is your outlook on life. you get more settled and comfortable in your skin, and it also effects your art. I've drawn on and off for most of my life and I'm now settling into a solid practice. I used to be so anxiety-filled when I was younger, totally neurotic about my art. but now I look forward to doing it, and make time for it whenever I can, not out of some responsibility but because I genuinely enjoy it and find it relaxing.

>> No.6617549

And targeted advertising, you need to advertise your most popular listing to get it to sell. Spend money make money

>> No.6617849

I haven't drawn in 3 days. I forgot what its like to draw. I look at the blank canvas and wonder which line im supposed to put down first.

>> No.6617930

the first line duh

>> No.6617931

Always start with a circle

>> No.6617991

Got a day job as a graphic designer/production artist. It pays $73k a year and I work from home. I can’t complain because it’s a cushy job but I’m so burnt out by how boring and soul crushing it is.

I still do freelance art and comics as a side hustle, but I regret not making a full time career of it or just becoming well known in general. I also aspired to go into the animation field as a storyboard artist, and still do, but at 33 I’m probably too old to break into the industry at this point. Especially being a married woman who might try for a kid soon before it gets too risky.

>> No.6618006

It’s not so much crabs. I don’t know if this applies to all art fields, but it feels like the animation industry is a young person’s field. It’s discouraging when you’re in your late 20s/early 30s, and see a college intern or recent college grad get a job at a well known studio. I went to a trade school for art&design and didn’t realize until years after I graduated storyboarding for animation was my true calling. I wasn’t really exposed to storyboarding as a possible career path, and by the time I realized it was what I wanted to do, there were too many obstacles in my way from achieving that goal.

If you go to school specifically for a certain career, you’re gonna be spending all your time studying and building examples for your portfolio. You use that portfolio to get an internship, which then opens the door for future opportunities.

If you don’t do this while you’re young and in an environment where you have to finish portfolio projects, it’s a struggle to do it later on. If you have a day job, it’s harder to find the time to study and create a portfolio from scratch.

>> No.6618162
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>living for your art
>not caring what anyone thinks or says
>being happy
you've made it anon

>> No.6618188

All i read about this art shit is always the numbers game
>"you need to have X followers to start making money out of 1/10th of your followers"
But what do you offer that is actually worth paying?
Are you hoping for handouts from gullible retards while doing the bare-minimum?
Are you hoping to get free money while you play videogames and shitpost on twitter?

You don't need followers to start monetizing your art. Just be upfront about it and announce that you do work for money.
Have it fucking everywhere that you do work for money. You see actual begs apparently making comm money.

If you don't want to put in the work, don't expect any money.
You didn't make not because you failed to make money, but you will never make it until you realize how the game is played.

Or if you want money so much, get a job, or go be a criminal, since you'll have a way easier time, better and paying clients with better working conditions, professional colleagues and less sociopathic competition pushing drugs or working in a coal mine, than dealing with art and artists just to draw some loli futa furry inflation scat bdsm incest fetish for 25 bucks you'll probably never see because the autistic client saw some 3rd world pajeet on fiver offering 5 bucks for some ai generated trash.

>> No.6618215

And there we have it. The late 20s/early 30s crab who is struggling to make it and tries to demoralize everyone else. Go work on your storyboards and stop shitposting here for starters.

>> No.6618330

Everytime I post my stuff on twitter I realize that I'm posting to nobody
Everytime I retweet things I realize that I'm retweeting to nobody
This is what it feels like to not make it huh

>> No.6618344

and that is why I will NEVER pay an artist for commissions if they are european or from a third world.

Yeah, you guys make less money than americans on average, but your cost of living is hilariously much lower and you can literally buy a house from just making poorly draw porn art for a couple years.

>> No.6618353
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Resenting people in poor countries simply because of 1 single advantage is the saddest thing you could ever do

>> No.6618355

and that is why I will NEVER pay an artist for commissions if they are Murican or first world

Yeah, you guys have higher cost of living, but you homelessness is a meme, you are literally dying of too much food, and you have the highest quality of medical service in the world

Fuck your bs, cunt

>> No.6618363

>highest quality of medical service in the world
atleast post something actually true if you're going to hate on americans, dumbfuck third worlder.

>> No.6618370

Nope. You literally have the BEST talent and technology in the entire world

Not the most affordable or reasonable but it is what it is

>> No.6618373

You are so uneducated and wrong its funny.
That being said, you will NEVER be american. Stay jealous, seething third world subhuman

>> No.6618377

Nigga, you are seething at the fact that I can charge just $30 for full-color comics and feast for a week

>> No.6618386

what's a good part time job or fulltime job to do art around? i want money. i have a freelance niche with companies, but it's inconsistent as fuck

>> No.6618398

Depends on your personality and jobs available to you

NEVER take mentally taxing jobs like office shit
They would kill your soul

Prioritize blue collar.

>> No.6618431

guess i'm a weird introvert, i did retail a while but i was so bad with customers they fired me

oh i wouldn't even know how to get an office job. interesting point on the blue collar things though

>> No.6618433

>Been on twitter since 2019 and have like 460 followers
>there are fuckers getting 3k in 3 days in just opening their account
Skill issue

>> No.6618522

The only opinion you should care about in any case comes from the customer opening his wallet to pay you.

>> No.6618525

I NEED to see this man's work, dammit!

>> No.6618530

Holy newfag

>> No.6618563

miyazaki starting nausicaa when he was 40 gives me hope i won’t be over the hill until much later in life. what’s kirby’s story?

>> No.6618564

>highest quality of medical service in the world
atleast post something actually true if you're going to hate on americans, dumbfuck third worlder.
At most 3rd world countries people dies from easily preventable or curable diseases because their healthcare systems are completely ruined
USA still has a healthcare system that's miles above any 3rdW country, you're just pissed that you have to pay for it.

>you will NEVER be american
Why would anyone want to go to that country now that's filled with black supremacists and faggot pedos, all getting pupettered by the democrat party coke-sniffers?

>> No.6618567

Draw fanart of popular shit, like the current season shonen, and see how the followers start coming through.

>> No.6618574

>I honestly never in my entire have heard that young artists are known to have more output than older artists
Because many "young artists" lack discipline to treat their job with the required responsibility.

>> No.6618594

I think it’s because when you hit your 30s, it’s expected you settle down with a spouse and/or kids. Once you have kids, all your time and focus is now on raising them. It’s especially tough for women who want to reach their goals before having kids, because they’re fertile for only so long.

It’s not being a crab, it’s just figuring out how to utilize your time to make art once you deal with other responsibilities that are expected of your age.

In high school and college you have all the time in the world to draw. Once you have a full time job, a spouse and kids to take care of and a house to manage, it’s a lot harder to find drawing time. And don’t forget time to grocery shop, cook, clean, pay bills, other hobbies, etc.

>> No.6618596

read a book
paint a canvas
have a kid
take a hike

>> No.6618642

Didn't know this, based. He was actually 41.

>> No.6618903

I won't make it either way and it's meaningless to try with the AI shit anyway
I just draw what I want to draw and learn what I want to learn.
Doesn't mean shit. I'm seeing 18 y/o zoomers being morbidly obese, literally losing their hairs and I actually look younger than them and not balding and being in good health, doing something I like doing.
That's what matters, and the worst part about AI is that it makes my work feels more time consuming that I feel it deserves and cheapen the appeal, not that they make more money, although that's also disheartening. I drew for about 5 years but I think I'll trying character modelling and Blender animation for the next 5 years.

>> No.6618909

>World had so much faith in you
Funniest bullshit I read all year

>> No.6619407

good luck with that.
I worked blue collar most of my life, and finally managed to get a job where I sit in an air conditioned office from 9-5 and I don't think Ill be able to go back to that kind of work.

12 hr days, 5 days a week, in less than comfortable work conditions doesn't really leave you with much energy or motivation left over for shit like drawing.

>> No.6619438

I worked 8 hours at an office.
It killed my mental health in just 3 months
My friend worked there for 5 years and he was near suicide. So depressed he was in fact that he was unable to finish his 2 weeks. He still has ptsd whenever he hears his alarm clock

I just manage a shop nowadays. Small salary but eh, rather this than that

>> No.6619464

Why would I want to stare at the computer doing boring office shit when I could be getting my daily dose of vitamin D working blue collar then coming home to enjoy my precious NEET time on the computer playing vidya, drawing or whatever?

>> No.6619467
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>i worked 8 hours at an office
oh, you poor thing

>> No.6619475
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Have fun, mate
Depression has no real cure

>> No.6619480

I was depressed working blue collar shit jobs up until my thirties, I think ill be fine sitting in a cushy office up until I decide to do something else but thanks!

>> No.6619485

If that fits your personality, good for you.

>> No.6619488

Only on 4chan will someone be this passive aggressive over you making a career change lol

>> No.6619491

No. Good for you if you enjoy that.
I fucking don't

Kills my soul being treated as just a number and locked only in my cubicle.

I still remember being so starved for fucking fresh air and sunlight I'd rather eat bread outside the damn building than a hot meal at the cafeteria. Just being able to carry the water dispenser and get some muscle working felt worth more than gold

If it fits you, enjoy it
I don't want to become old and suffer the consequences of a sedentary life

>> No.6619492

Thats great little guy, I hope you have a nice day!

>> No.6619496
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Find time for exercise
You will need that very very much

>> No.6619498

That's cute, because im 100% certain im in better shape than you are so I don't need to be lectured about finding time for exercise or fitness

>> No.6619502

You are 100% wrong, then
I run 1-2 kms every day before work for 2 years now. And then I bike to work.

Yes, I do have the right lecture you about it

>> No.6619506

>Why would anyone want to go to that country now that's filled with black supremacists and faggot pedos, all getting pupettered by the democrat party coke-sniffers?

These are memes. I haven't even seen more than half of what /pol/ talks about on a daily basis unless I deliberately get on a bus on a route into the worst parts of my city and I live in the most congested area in Florida. You have to go looking for situations to get yourself into.

Got a car? Live far west behind a gated community and golf court protected by security? You'll never have problems. Just today I drove near my old job and they gentrified the whole building kicking all the minorities out and tearing down more forest for parking space.

>> No.6619513


worked manual labor for most of my life, was always physically active, would go on runs ranging from 5-6 miles twice a week up until fairly recently

You would literally die trying to keep up with me on a 10km run so again, you really don't have a place to lecture me on fitness lmfao

stop being such a passive aggressive dickhead over someone preferring a different job than you, pussy

>> No.6619517

I'm not
Enjoy it as you wish.

And be sure that you are still running, especially now

>> No.6619521

I will, have been enjoying this nice change of pace since starting this career.

Be sure that you aren't being a passive aggressive bitch, especially now

>> No.6619523

>enjoying this nice change
For now

>> No.6619525

>he's still seething
you love to see it

>> No.6619526

You are at a 12 hour 5 day shift with no sunlight or exercise

Your fate is sealed, mate

>> No.6619529

I work from 9-5, and work 4 days a week.
Don't you just hate being wrong all the time

>> No.6619532

You should have said that here then >>6619407

But whatever. Good luck

>> No.6619535
File: 148 KB, 225x258, 1671212592908232.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did

Is english not your first language? Or were you seething so badly, you simply couldn't read properly and completely overlooked where I already stated my office hours and my shit hours I worked a blue collar redneck.
Im gonna go with the latter lol

And save your fake compliments, we both know you don't actually mean it. And by the way, working the front desk at a grocery store isn't real blue collar work pussy. Try doing construction or landscaping for a decade then try to pop off to me.

>> No.6619539

Hey, that was my job too
Worked construction, water station, factory, office, and now just managing a shop
Office being the one I hated the most

Love it if you love it

>> No.6619541

How is 33 too OLD to break into animation? Do people really want drivel from 20 somethings? I actually want my animations to be good

>> No.6619546

These retards act like being an animator is like being a supermodel or something. You can be old and ugly and fat and it makes no difference because nobody's going to see your face on the screen.

>> No.6619721
File: 111 KB, 716x670, 1656976850860909.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

31 here. I hit 29 still believing I SHOULD make money out of my art, but the 'rona depleting my clientele forced me to try other jobs. Turns out working on non-art things is way less stressful for me, and it leaves me with enough motivation to draw my own stuff when I do grab a pen.
I'm working 4~6h a day and making a low but okay wage. Trying to get a real, full-time job now that I have developed some work ethics and made connections through my newbie work. But I am enjoying the slow-paced, semi-NEET lifestyle while I can. Once I get a job, then starts the journey of getting a family.

Go to bed as soon as you get back from work, use your MORNINGS to draw, when you have the most quality energy to spend. Being tired/inefficient at the end of your work shift is better than being sleepy at your passion project.

I was positioning my tablet wrongly on my table for the past 12 years, I changed it a few months ago and - I kid you not - I got faster and more accurate with my drawing within 5 minutes, the time it took my brain to adapt to the new, more correct position.
Should I cry over 12 years of inefficiency or take what I can get from knowing it's now been corrected? Look forwards, anon.

>> No.6619747

That's awesome anon

>> No.6619807

In the burned out stage, but not disappointed. As in, in myself, as I'm currently taking my skills and using it for my indie game. But disappointed int realizing the death to humanity thanks to coomerism, and now AI coomerism. I feel even more happy I moved on from coom just before AI coom took over.

>> No.6619871

I don't know chief.

I worked at Microsoft where we are given actual time to try out their new Xbox releases where they make us play it for a few hours just so we can understand their products better

I do not regret working there for I got really sick of the office culture. Maybe things would be different if you are in a smaller company but I don't know. Never seen an office culture that is different from the other

Everyone lies to themselves. Everyone has to act suffocatingly professional and you are always paranoid about the boss and the cameras running around

There is a good reason why Backrooms is such a powerful horror story that resonated with everyone, especially when there were no fanfic monsters yet

>> No.6621091

>I run 1-2 kms every day before work for 2 years now.
>equates to 1,348 steps
Ok then.

>> No.6621105

It's not what you look like that matters but the fuel you had is starting to go away. You'll see soon enough once you get into late 30's and it's apocalypse when you reach 40.

>> No.6621129
File: 343 KB, 1500x1288, d6Y2r8k7OCNUpCfPNVokdFBoiGUbF5XbmhX92RNip3U.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let me guess, you're barely 3 months in?

I worked for 5 companies some of which are shady. All shitass and still shitass
I wish to live in a farm

>> No.6622118 [DELETED] 

Not him but is there any point when AI is so much faster at this

>> No.6622142

Is getting a part time job the only thing left for us? I'm starting to consider it but I could never find a good job in my 20 nevermind 30
I'm so fucked and so angry guys.

>> No.6622143

I'm so close to give up.

>> No.6622146

I will unfortunately join you guys by december

until then, i need to do everything i can to get out of beg

>> No.6622904

>i run 1-2kms every day
Nigga I walk more than that before lunch time

>> No.6622929

Keep at it

>> No.6623022

My ears scream every second of every day. Its hard to focus on anything I like with all this noise. Especially quiet activities like art. No one cares or wants to help, every doctor just tells me to go pound sand.

>> No.6623030

Terrible. I turned 39 today. Art was the only thing that gave me hope for the future and it feels like it has been taken away due to AI. I never had a relationship in my life so this hurts like hell

Inb4 someone thinks I'm a neet, I have a CS degree and worked on IT for over a decade, managed to gtfo from that industry and sustain myself with my art, I can bench press my own bodyweight and things were looking not so bad despite my wizardry but alas AI happened

>> No.6623031

He said run, not walk, and then biking to work. Long before “lunch time” as well. You seem fat and retarded.

>> No.6623059

Is there anything worse than getting dementia?

>> No.6623060

>pic related
>JAB style
he fucks that girl afterwards doesnt he

>> No.6623061


>> No.6623109

Naw im in great shape, better shape than majority of ppl in my age group actually lol. Also, 1-2 kms is like half a mile, that aint shit nigga

>> No.6623142
File: 114 KB, 979x1255, 1681968390438315.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Or if you want money so much, get a job, or go be a criminal, since you'll have a way easier time, better and paying clients with better working conditions, professional colleagues and less sociopathic competition pushing drugs or working in a coal mine, than dealing with art and artists just to draw some loli futa furry inflation scat bdsm incest fetish for 25 bucks you'll probably never see because the autistic client saw some 3rd world pajeet on fiver offering 5 bucks for some ai generated trash.
Sorta. From the people that follow me, it's like 4 or 5 that constantly retweet my shit, and those guys have little following too. Getting retweeted by some bigger guy does bring in some new followers but it's like 10 to 15 people.
>>there are fuckers getting 3k in 3 days in just opening their account
Yeah. I've also seen Sakimi-Chan clones with less followers than me, it really feels like it's more a matter of luck.
Not really, last time I drew fan art nobody gave a shit. What is worked better for me is just drawing sexualized women (in either amine or western cartoon-ish style) those get like a hundred likes and a dozen of RT but very little new followers.

>> No.6623150

>be techfag
>talking with all the oldfags in my office
>literally every single one is into gardening / farming and wants to just retire to some third world country to buy a home and start a large garden to self-sustain off their early retirement money
what the fuck

>> No.6623154

nta but a year of office politics, drama, and mundane environment and u'll know why

>> No.6623155

I've been in role in various companies for around 8 years now, I'm familiar with it though honestly I've been lucky enough to avoid most the worst of things from what I hear.

Still my dream is being able to make comics or write books to waste my time away, not start a garden.
I still hate the outdoors.

>> No.6623163

You can do both, you know.
In fact, I do all 3.
Work, draw, and garden

A balance between intellectual, creative, physical and spiritual activities is highly recommended for a good life

>> No.6623186

idk, maybe getting skinned alive and raped by a mexican drug cartel

>> No.6623192

that's a common american hobby tho

>> No.6623203

>get paid insane money for a useless made up 21st century skill
>get disillusioned by a level of comfort only possible in the past 30 years of humanity
>”Ahhh yes now I think I’m ready to become a Hunter gatherer”

>> No.6623207

You seem to be completely unaware of the joy of tending to crops and being in nature

>> No.6623237

>better shape than majority of ppl in my age group actually
Not a good sign when you have to compare yourself to the obese, sedentary masses in order to support your claim to be in “great shape.” The guy said he runs a mile before biking to work. You said you walk that (no shit, retard) before, your chosen time reference, “lunchtime.”

>> No.6623264
File: 67 KB, 730x900, 2f30452ab3b62efcdf6f1bb69cb91550.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They drew characters for Rumble Roses

>> No.6623266

Imma gonna catch bugs dump them all over u while ur gonna be swarmed by mosquitoes in the blistering sun on a humid day.

>> No.6623269

My walls are spiders
Go fuck yourself

>> No.6623288
File: 350 KB, 960x684, 1913ModherMaryWidhDheHolyChildJesusChrist2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Too Cool For Art School

>> No.6623290

elaborate on this correct ablet position

>> No.6623292
File: 97 KB, 648x1000, Existentialist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Art was the only thing that gave me hope for the future and it feels like it has been taken away due to AI.
AI is shit. The only person who could be impressed by it is someone who thinks "pretty picture=good." Even most normies expect some content to art.
I find it interesting you're in IT, since I find it's mostly tech people who are impressed by AI "art," as it feeds into their tech boosterism. The fascination lies in the tech wizardry behind it, that it can emulate the technical facility of a skilled artist. But of course there's more to art than that.
The problem artists have with AI is essentially an existential one. It comes down to what is your purpose in wanting to make art. If it is just to build a skill or make money then I'm afraid that was not enough of a carrot before AI came along.
You have to find some meaning in your art, have something to say. As someone older this puts you at an advantage over a 20 year old who just wants to make cool pictures. You have some perspective.
Anyway, wishing you the best anon. Don't let this AI psyop get you.

>> No.6623296

What's his name?

>> No.6623300

Google Rumble Roses character designer. I'm not gonna be arsed to spoonfeed you on mobile

>> No.6623303

Shiro Kotobuki

>> No.6623317

This is very bullshit.
The artists with the most output are people in their late 30s/early 40s, those fuckers manage to work crunch in the industry while constantly maintaining their online social media profiles.
You're only getting the shitty storyboard and cleanup positions in your 20s, and those zoomers almost always stop posting art on their social media accounts and just tweet bitchy complaints about politics and shit over and over.

>> No.6623320

>You'll see soon enough once you get into late 30's and it's apocalypse when you reach 40.
Literally retarded take. I'm in my 40s and in better shape physically and mentally than my 20s (fitter and less obsessed with bullshit). As long as you watch your health and stay intellectually curious you'll be fine, likely better (unless you burn out on drugs or some shit).

>> No.6623383
File: 325 KB, 1040x780, P1040367.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Slightly at a loss. But painting again after an awful winter. I've to finish the seven canvases I've got lying around this year hopefully and then it's that I've got to find something inside of myself to keep going. I'm sort of reaching a point where I didn't have a break through with my early work so is it that that's the end of it? And then if I carry on it's just for myself? I am sad that it didn't take off for me obviously. On the one hand other artists have had wilderness periods and carried on despite any interest or thoughts of success; on the other hand maybe it's just that I'm not a good enough artist? I'm losing the need to be a better painter and it's a difficult thing to overcome in my small town.

I'm thinking of Friedrich because he did stop when he didn't feel the need to paint. And then that landscape painting is a way to continue painting even if you haven't got that burning desire in you for art, which has subsided after my last rejection.

>> No.6623397

Is it too late to start drawing at 30? I used to draw tons when I was young and I am not great not terrible

>> No.6623405

It's a good age.

>> No.6623413

There was never an age limit to learning
You can see, your hands are steady.

>> No.6623480
File: 59 KB, 900x599, IMG-20230424-085003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I started when I was around 30, I'm not pro but not super beg either anymore. I have another job and don't always put the time in that I should, but I go to class 2x a week and practice when I can. There's still a long way to go, but I've improved a lot and am happy with my progress. Picrel is a few recent life drawings.

>> No.6623508
File: 138 KB, 1086x957, 1656416668084854.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am left-handed, so I was able to use the tablet to the side of my keyboard without having to move it. Like a mouse, which rests on the right side.

To compensate for it being on the left, I tilted it at a specific angle until I was able to make straight lines on the canvas, and with that I believed my positioning was properly calibrated.

In fact, for 12 years I saw this as a huge advantage, it really is nice to have your tablet always available without getting in the way of your keyboard or mouse.

I didn't do this recklessly: before deciding to use it on the left side, I tested drawing with the tablet in the middle, and felt no difference. The reason is: I was a beg, so any difference would be invisible to me.

Now, more experienced, I decided to give centered-tablet another go.
And it was like magic, suddenly I didn't have to Ctrl+Z every 2 lines, my curves obeyed me, I could draw a circle without maximum stabilization.

I wouldn't say my art has improved because of it, but my efficiency has. A lot. Bittersweet discovery, it is what it is.

>> No.6623603

>Not a good sign when you have to compare yourself to the obese, sedentary masses
Nigga what lol
That's actually is a good sign. I eat right, get plenty of exercise and as a result im in far better shape than most 30+ year olds.

Learn 2 read, nigga. Also,
Said I walked MORE than that before lunch time. If I had my fitbit id post pics, but on average id do around 12-14 miles of walking distance

>> No.6623667


yaoi hands

>> No.6623703

>>”Ahhh yes now I think I’m ready to become a Hunter gatherer”
Having a villa with a small tomato garden in a third world country where a dollar goes a mile, is hardly "hunter gatherer" life style.
It's basically just retiring and having gardening as a hobby.

>> No.6623717

great form

>> No.6623849

Just having dinner. Might go to some art shows. Drugs are bad for you yo.

>> No.6623887

I can’t draw anymore because of my diminished neuroloplasticity.

>> No.6623895

It's fine
Do something else.
Don't stop improving

>> No.6623935

Thanks anon. It's definitely the focus of my teacher's method.

>> No.6623940

Gave up any professional aspiration because I'm a slow learner and no longer have any desire to please anyone. Now I just doodle away.

>> No.6623998

Just so you'd know:
Walk is a low ass exercise. Legs are the single most powerful limb you have.

Running is MUCH more intensive because it involves the heart and lungs

Anyone can walk miles for the entire day, especially if you are not carrying anything

>> No.6624114

walking and running produce the same results in regards to cardio and caloric burn though

>> No.6624122

Caloric, sure
Cardio no lol

>> No.6624141

I guess you are right, but then again I play alot of basketball and volleyball on weekends so id do like probably 30 miles in one day if i count those

>> No.6624145

I gave some good head today after my hospital appointment. Having raw sex in the forest suits me down to the ground at the moment though I should like a more permanent love affair. The trip to the hospital was fine and I had some good beers. I learnt that one of my friends had died, the second this year. A small amount of painting was achieved and I further contemplated Caspar and the

>> No.6624147

Don't be so insecure
No one asked. Don't wave your ass around and try to oneup everyone

>> No.6624183

nigga youre the one acting high and mighty bc you run half a mile

>> No.6624195

gay af ngl

>> No.6624454 [DELETED] 
File: 318 KB, 1500x1125, 81-rpsflinL._AC_SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A small amount of painting was achieved and I further contemplated Caspar and the
Casper and the Angels (1979)?

>> No.6624564
File: 66 KB, 500x494, 1595992750561.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How are you holding up?
I'm the old wierdo now. I would have made it by now but I keep quitting

>> No.6624701

The guy kept on wishing you the best
Meanwhile, every time you feel belittled, you start saying "hahaha, this is not my final form"

>> No.6624716

don't be so insecure. no need to lash out because someone mogged your half mile running

>> No.6624719

Mate, I am fit and healthy.
If you are healthier, good for you

>> No.6624880
File: 69 KB, 690x610, Screenshot_2023-04-25-13-09-00-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the fuck can you compete against that? Princess Alia? We're screwed. Totally.

>> No.6624887

Why do you feel so insecure from a fucker on a basket weaving forum?

>> No.6624900

After spending my 20s securing a stable future and income, I can now dedicate 70% of my day to art and pick up where I left it during my teens.

Not being a wagecuck and having time and energy for art feels damn good, like being 16 all over again.

>> No.6624921

my nigga, every time he was "wishing me the best" he obviously didn't mean it not to mention he kept bitching about how walking isn't real exercise lol

Is he ur boyfriend or something? ppl on this site are hilarious

>> No.6624972
File: 10 KB, 144x174, OIP (6).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it was heterosexual sex

>> No.6624974

I don't feel very well. Just about to do some painting.

>> No.6625035

Sure, AIshitter.

>> No.6625047

You fucks completely get it wrong. Of fucking course art creation is not intense labor. But you know what it has that intense labor doesnt ? In art, you're your own boss. Nobody's there to tell you precisely what to do and how to do it. Intense labor just strains your body, your mind intact. In Art you have to figure out your next moves, ways to get attention, ways to exhibit, ways to reach people, ways to grow, ways to manage your space and expenses etc. Art making as a career choice is 70% about not creating art but taking care of logistics and beibg driven enough to take the whole thing somewhere it's never been. As a random ass employee, you literally have to show up somewhere and do something you are told to do with tools given to you. Worst case scenario is it breaks your body. Art as a career has the potential meanwhile to break your fucking mind.

>> No.6625079

Thanks anon and yes I'm trying it's just feel so much more difficult than before. I still like the process and find it meaningful so at the very worst I might have to completely transition into traditional/3D

I really wish I was trolling, I would probably kms rn if that meant dreaming that AI never happened as I die

>> No.6625113
File: 217 KB, 894x1280, IMG_4263.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Diminished neuroplasticity and aphantasia are kicking my ass.

>> No.6625175
File: 59 KB, 600x600, stauderdog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

studied visual communication, almost got addicted, still had a car accident on drugs.
Dropped out, lost 5 years to poverty and therapy, did not reach any artistic heights and do below mediocrity art sometimes. Sort of giving up but don't know what else to do.
Tehmeh told me to go into the Free Arts in my 20s but I didn't.
In my 20s, only made a vinyl cover but I messed it up and did some fb event headers, that is I gave someone drawings in the wrong size
tried to write a book but it's only paragraphs that don't connect

>> No.6625183

did not answer, life is a mess and I did not become a relevant artist and I am ashamed to actually have people look at my bad art.
Don't do drugs with people you don't like

>> No.6625186

Also now I am getting monitored so I cannot write nor do nsfw art

>> No.6625239

Wanna apply for an animation course but I'm struggling with my personal statement, I don't really have any grand goals or anything.

>> No.6625554

Regardless whether someone meant it or not, it is your duty to just let it go

But no,no,no
You always have to be the damn alpha

>> No.6625574

Struggling, though not because of external factors.
I've been dealing with severe mental illness for a long time now, and there are times when it becomes so intense and extreme that it cripples me for weeks or months at a time. I'm just coming from another particular bad episode of it, and the most I could do drawing wise was a bunch of draftsmanship exercises to keep my hand going. Anything that required significant brain power was just out of the question. I hate it, but I have no where to go but forward.

>> No.6625822

Nigga, shut ur beta bitch ass up lol

>> No.6625873
File: 21 KB, 404x316, e0063a165029091.Y3JvcCwxMzgwLDEwODAsMzA3LDA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6626317

Yeah, did some painting. I need to go back to the dentist and I've got the hospital this afternoon. Probably make some more publicity up.

>> No.6626799

28 close enough?
drawing, music, and cooking, is still fun, so im happy

based and human pilled
stay free

>> No.6626807

Shit is you can't. I tried mny times but I just can't.

>> No.6626982

>gifted adult

hahahaha imagine being an adult and calling yourself "gifted", youre still a child brian. you draw shitty porn and LARP as an 18th century artist

>> No.6627278

I need to rethink my schedule.
In my 20s i always did work - gaming - art
starting drawing around 7-8 and just going until i finish, usually around 11 or 12

but after doing that this week, my body can't take the lack of sleep. 5 hours a night just isn't enough anymore.

>> No.6627337

Currently growing into an "old weirdo with a home studio" at the age of thirty-five.

Been interested and doing "art" for most of my life, went to a state-funded art school, and made many attempts to make this a thing in my twenties.

I'll say this right now: being in my thirties and being creative has been a better experience than it ever was in my twenties.

It's a combination of adopting technology to speed up the process of what I'm trying to do, cost-effective software alternatives becoming more commonplace while being demystified by free sources.

I'm psychologically healthier, by working to accept things as they are, acknowledging my accomplishments, and working towards not being envious of others.

Understanding the currency of time and getting more out of a small bursts of time.

Allowing oneself to dream of working on your craft and work through processes in your head.

Learning to reject perfection, appreciating and learning from flaws and mistakes.

Realizing and accepting this is a long game and not everyone gets to do this exclusively. None of this is a race, but a marathon and sometimes its better to have a regular job to support your passions.

It's a life of lessons learned. It's good, but it could always be better.

>> No.6628167

The despair is starting to keep me pinned to my bed. I look at other 30 year olds and they look like clark kent. Walking around drinking wine and talking to girls in their cars. While I'm here still drawing and still /beg/. How do normal people go about their days with no desire to practice a hard hobby? They're happy just watching tv, but here I am drawing loomis heads all day to feel 1/10 of the self worth they feel playing wordle.

>> No.6628251
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>> No.6628256
File: 60 KB, 385x390, keeeek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6628261

Dad! It's the internet strangers again!

>> No.6628799

self worth isn't earned, it's realized. once you've realized it you have a responsibility to yourself to uphold yourself to that standard.
I see lots of people working on themselves like it's a project, and some of them grind hard but never get anywhere or figure it out.

>> No.6628816

i wish i understood how you fucking realize this shit
because that is my experience, working on myself like a project all my life but it does literally nothing except make OTHER people impressed while inside i hate myself

>> No.6628879

Everything you do or care about is a choice. The world doesn't care, society doesn't care, the universe doesn't care. You only matter to you. You're the only one that's really in your head ya know.
Everything you do is a choice. You might feel like you have to do certain things but you only feel that way because you're choosing not to deal with consequences.
You get to choose whether or not I'm full of shit or not too :^)

>> No.6629028

well i know you're not full of shit, but "knowing" just isn't enough
no matter how much i know this stuff it doesn't really make a difference to how i feel
i already know that no one and nothing cares but me, but why would that make a difference anyway?
>You might feel like you have to do certain things but you only feel that way because you're choosing not to deal with consequences.
and what do you mean by that exactly

>> No.6629038
File: 2.90 MB, 200x200, smile.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know the feel, You feel so alive during those days working on your art only to have your soul rushed through a meat grinder when its back to the day job

>> No.6629173

>i already know that no one and nothing cares but me, but why would that make a difference anyway?
The external world doesn't care, so the only thing you have is your own perception. This is all the freedom and control you have. It has inherent value.
>and what do you mean by that exactly
Let's say you wake up and you have a job. You have a choice to go to your job or not. You might feel like you HAVE to go because the consequence of not going is being fired and becoming homeless, but you can always choose to become homeless if you want. Everything is a choice, and the reasoning behind these choices is what defines you. It's important.
If you have self awareness to externally contextualize yourself, and can also internally define yourself, you can grasp realistic potential and limitations you have. An idea of what you have and what it's "self worth"(tm) to you.
if you have self awareness but can't define yourself you end up in a trap of external validation. Compare yourself to an external ideal that you probably can't achieve, and even if you did you wouldn't understand why.
Most people are afraid of taking personal responsibility for their choices. They won't confront the reasoning because it's often uncomfortable.

tl;dr: I made a big thinkie stinky oops

>> No.6629253

alright, i get what you're saying.
>if you have self awareness but can't define yourself
sounds like me, and i really hate the choices i've made up to now. i hate myself because i see myself making choices i dislike and don't know what to do differently. then if i do know what to do differently, i don't know how to do it. highly retarded.
life is so gay bro.

>> No.6631428
File: 1.04 MB, 1029x746, Screenshot_2023-04-29-13-29-36-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh God I woke up feeling like crap. Nirvana's classic album is on TV because we're getting old. It's annoyingly sunny and I'm sleeping in the painting room. I had to scrape all the paint off the canvas yesterday because it went wrong a la Auerbach. It's like forgetting how to paint. I hope I have more luck today. It's not a great study I'm working from.

>stock photograph

That's the study for the Erinye painting. It's on the wall, I got caught up with it. There's a lot of detail to do that is confounding me. I'm trying to get 'devout Chris' finished first because I need something new to finish. Going over older paintings again and again, you wear out from it so if I can finish something new in between it'll give me a boost for morale. Which it nowhere at the present time of writing.

I like painting because it makes life feel less trivial.

>> No.6631453

Jim Moir is on the TV. That man is dangerous!