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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 332 KB, 944x1482, CAP_000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6411463 No.6411463 [Reply] [Original]

I share this 100%. Both the fury at the "arguments" that AIs "allow anyone to make art" as if art were something forbidden to anyone with a wall and a piece of brick, and at the miserable attempt to pretend that cartoonists act like gatekeepers, preventing access for poor oppressed people, when huge numbers of people share their work processes, give free feedback on others' art upon request, and generally inspire and motivate learning to create. They are companies with a product to offer, and all their arguments tend to naturalize and minimize the impact of their product, beginning by assuming that graphic works are means to an end, and their process is just a nuisance.

>> No.6411475

how about letting people do what they enjoy. you ever thought about that

>> No.6411476

i enjoy fucking your mom bareback while your dad watches, yes i do

>> No.6411482

I too enjoy raping women

>> No.6411487

Sure, let people enjoy being thiefs.

>> No.6411490

lashing out

what's morally wrong about combining images?

isn't using references and photobashing also theft then?

>> No.6411495

It seems like a lot of the prominent AItards are rather malicious and money-driven. deadset on turning their imageblenders into something which will replace actual artists by using the artists' own works against them.

>> No.6411496

>isnt using references and photobashing theft then
yes, overreferencing and photobashing copyrighted materials have gotten artists blacklisted from the industry.

>> No.6411504

i literally fuck your mom on the regular while your dad watches, its also why your mom tells you to put on the vr headset so you dont hear her deep moans and the inevitable sound of your dad hanging himself from the ceiling fan

>> No.6411507

Imagine having such a persecution fetish that you take people simply wanting the ability to do something they couldnt before without effort as a personal attack againt you.
Luddite mindset.

>> No.6411514

The NPCs have entered the thread.

>> No.6411517

OP is part of a false flag operation at /g/ to slide art thread btw. Same thread was getting deleted a few days ago.

>> No.6411519

it's an odd take to me because I've seen a lot of projects (short films, games, comics, etc.) with bad or mediocre art and yet people love them, even thinking the art is charming.

You could say people like it despite the bad art, though if your ideas/writing/gameplay are shitty it's not as if good art is magically going to fix that.

>> No.6411524

Yes, we should have let Hitler enjoy what he used to do.

>> No.6411525

You are right, at least Ludd had the balls to oppose automatization from the get go; most of the retards pearl clutching about AI now were fine with it until it threatened creative jobs.

>> No.6411532
File: 257 KB, 500x820, cftzj2xsld661.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nobody in the industry cares how you arrive how you finish the job as long as you finish it. That's why if it's effective to have digital assets ready both created or collected ahead of time on a usb
Sorry I modified your template and after getting it from an open source library it should be good. Maybe you can complain next about gesture or pose theft next, as was done with dbs, or some other claim ownership over some other abstract whatever not subject to scarcity.

>> No.6411549

>wanting the ability to do something they couldnt before
Anyone can pick up a pencil, start drawing and get better with time. Also, AI doesn't magically turn people into "artists", just like looking up pictures with google image search is not the same as actually drawing those pictures

>> No.6411557

>Luddite mindset
NPC mindset

>> No.6411563
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>> No.6411564
File: 1.76 MB, 3140x2000, rampant theft.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's like you want me to post this image

>> No.6411566
File: 243 KB, 1760x1080, This person exists 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6411567
File: 191 KB, 1766x1080, This person exists 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine typing a prompt into an AI and your own face pops out the other end. Imagine watching ai porn and your daughter is the star

>> No.6411569

How do you know this, would they really be that vindictive?

>> No.6411570
File: 451 KB, 888x492, 1670719901352478.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's over let it go

>> No.6411573

There's no point in talking to a wall, these charlatans and the cryptobros are one and the same. They only get by by deceiving others which is why they're always so hesitant to divulge the artist they're ripping off and why they always pretend to have some kind of disability to justify what they're doing.

>> No.6411574

Oh please as if pajeets and crytpotards enjoy the process of self-improvement

>> No.6411577

Tbh these people don't care, they just want to LARP as creators without actually having to go through the effort of creating something

>> No.6411581

If art is a job to you (it isn't you ngmi loser) then you should care about copyright a lot unless you want to be sued like capcom was for using unlicensed photos. If you actually cared about and enjoyed creating you wouldn't rely on such crutches. AI retards will never know the joy of creating art.

>> No.6411583

Oh no, a snapchat filter. Anyway, if pajeets don't think of themselves as thieves, why do they go to such lengths to hide the fact they use AI? It says a lot about them.

>> No.6411586

They look different tho.
How can you know artists are not just drawing a person they have seen?

>> No.6411588

What is this even supposed to prove

>> No.6411589

>even the ai "sketch" lacks gesture

sociopathy and narcissism are both disabilities. it's why so many of them are troons desu.

>> No.6411594

You realize you could always do this with 3d models right?

>> No.6411595

You can also become athlete and not use vehicles; people want convenience, not bragging rights.

>> No.6411598

Interesting how all retards like yourself reply in the same way like clockwork yet you call others npcs.

>> No.6411602

Yea sure you can use a vehicle but that does not mean you can now participate in running competitions with your car and claim this makes you just as good at running as everyone else there. This is why there is such a shitstorm about trannies in women's sports. Do you believe that searching "fine art" on google, picking the first result and posting it on reddit with a photoshop filter slapped on makes you an artist?

>> No.6411607

Defensive NPC response

>> No.6411609

Thats not what the OP post which I was replying to is talking about tho; I never said prompt writers should be considered artists.
I'm saying people want cool drawings for free and that isnt an implication that they think artists are actively gatekeeping.

>> No.6411615

The time will come for aifags

>> No.6411617

hey anon do you know who owns that background asset or whether the same studio helped in production or co-produced any if these shows
because the oof sound effect got removed due to licensing so I'm not sure what your trying to say with this
>and often it's not artists who'll try to jew you

>> No.6411624

Tbh if it was just about "cool drawings for free" I think people would have less of a problem with it. It's about all the other shit connected with it, the fact that they used shittons of copyrighted images to train it, the fact that they encourage prompts that imitate the style of specific artists, that the legal use of the resulting images is so questionable, etc etc ... also the fact that the people defending it can't seem to decide whether "it's just a tool bro" or whether they want to use it to create their batshit insane utopia where everything is controlled by AI and nobody has to suffer because something something UBI.

>> No.6411640

there is a difference between using references and copying, and between a person using photographs to create another image and a company training an AI based on the systematic extraction of third-party images to profit from a system that clearly operates against the livelihood of those same third parties. So much so, that the data collection was done with a sub-company under the pretext of "research" to be able to ignore copyright, something that they would not have been able to do if they had openly raised the profit interest.

>> No.6411643
File: 117 KB, 1041x1041, 1663212650926.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If the work is what you love then why should the product matter?
Hopefully AI art kills all of these poser soulless for profit drones

>> No.6411648
File: 902 KB, 1026x1000, ripping off bloodborne.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How can you know artists are not just drawing a person they have seen?
No artist can copy perfectly, even if they tried. Takes years of training to be an art forger, and even then forgery can be detected.

AI, on the other hand, copies extremely easily. You could say that's all it does...

>> No.6411651

You know what else is capable of a perfect forgery? Ctrl C Ctrl V

>> No.6411655
File: 671 KB, 1116x952, Overfitting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's exactly my point. Machines are machines, there's only code. Computers might as well be made of gears and pulleys. It doesn't work without stealing artwork. It can't look at nature and develop waves of cultural art movements, from classical antiquity, to the middle ages, renaissance, baroque, etc.

too bad most idiots can't understand this

>> No.6411662

I only defend it on the grounds that the "its immoral to replace artists" sentiment is a double standard. I don't see a rational argument as to why creative endeavors only should be immune to automatization.

>> No.6411663

Sure as long as they stay in their fucking lane.

>> No.6411680

Make a device which can do it without feeding it the works of artists without their consent, then sure. Program it only using public domain or works contributed with consent.

>> No.6411681

I'm not here during NFT boom.
Is it this bad during that time?

>> No.6411682

All of these issues stem from art being perceived as a mere product in the first place.

>> No.6411695

Because creative work is mostly done to convey massage and make money second. This is why people complain about lot of modern slop media made solely to entertain the masses without challenging them or providing deeper massage. Your faggy literature teacher was always forcing you to analyse the text and learn the authors hidden massages. Almost every piece of art has this, and many people call it the soul. With AI, there is no story in the picture, no meaning that has connection to the authors life, no nothing. It’s just pretty picture that mashed together many styles without any reason, only to make it look decent. Many artists merging together styles of music and painting to tell the atmosphere by referencing historical events and artistic movements, all would be gone for just instantaneous pretty slop. It’s soulless in this way, and it gave some people the voice above most normies trough the fact that they could create beauty fascinating enough to capture eyes of people and tell them what they wanted. With AI replacing this, and making every voice the same, putting meaning behind artwork is pointless, and the whole world just becomes Twitter hell scape of random retards arguing with each other and not listening to each other.

Also btw, creative fields should not be the only ones spared. Leadership jobs of all kinds MUST be kept, as well as caretaker and discovery. They should be aided by AI and automation, but not fully automated. Basically any job where 90+% of the workers would not want to stop doing the job even if they were guaranteed to get the same pay as before, but for free should be kept, because I’m these jobs the people mostly care about recognition and only care about money to feed themselves and be able to do the job fulltime instead of as occasional hobby that our overemployed society does not allow you to have.

>> No.6411698

this. I don't understand why people are making GPT 3. Why would you trust an AI to be your voice? Communication should be left to humans, imo.

>> No.6411709

>I don't understand why people are making GPT 3
I assume some really do believe that AI will save the world and others just do it because they can. I don't have that much of a problem with machine learning existing, I'm sure that it can be useful in certain areas. The main issue with the whole AI "art" debacle is how it was created and later marketed, which also lead to all those AIcels believing they are creating something radical and new when in reality, they are just remixing a bunch of other people's artwork, often against their will.

>> No.6411729

The end of /ic/ and /g/ and future merger of the two into /NEET/ if people bothered to read the right side

>> No.6411736
File: 1019 KB, 1000x930, 1670060493721369.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If art is a job to you, then you've forgotten the joys of making art and are on the level of a fundieless /3/D printer whose greatest aspiration is to be a goy cog for some sweat shop studio.

>> No.6411739
File: 326 KB, 1500x2100, 1668889719500046.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Diksheet, I am going to add toilets to all my paintings of anime girls floating in voids and there is nothing you can poo to stop me

>> No.6411743

artists can just reclassify to trad and sell pictures made with love™.
codemonkeys will perish.

>> No.6411754

The average person is a dumbass. They think it's all fun and games until they realize somebody is using a picture shitter to turn their 5 year old daughter into an AI pornstar after some guy took a photo of her at a park, or that their precious online social interaction has been further removed from dealing with real people, to the point that more than half of their online interactions are with a literal chatbot designed to influence their behavior for the purpose of some entity. It's already bad enough with content curation algorithms on social media sites, but it's baffling that people don't know that chat AIs are simply the next phase of this.

>> No.6411758

I enjoy calling out AI conartists on their bullshit

>> No.6411762
File: 1.97 MB, 1600x1024, 1669132005062170.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a 3D artist myself and while I could have decided to view AI tools as a doomsday scenario come to life, I've actually been able to integrate Stable Diffusion into my workflow and it's actually helped me immensely with my work. I can use it for references, textures, quick stock photos to put into assets like picture frames in my scenes, etc. Changing times are an opportunity to adapt and evolve.

>> No.6411764

/g/ is not just for programmers btw. It is for gaymers looking to buy the best graphics cards. It’s for Redditors who just post about any tech news from just their interest alone, and it is for Linuxfags who don’t code, and only use Linux because it is more glowie-proof then Windows. If /g/ was just for programmers, we would see more AI cope threads there, just like we saw here month ago.

>> No.6411774

being an artist is simultaneously not real work but also only possible with AI for the majority of people. Which is it? AI allows anyone to be an artist that couldn't before, or being an artist takes no skill so the ai doesn't matter at all?

>> No.6411775

Yes, it is all fun and games until it bites you in the ass. Animator will love imageGen tools, but then hate when the same tech is developed into replacing them. Filmmaker will love animation AI tools, until AI learns how to write long scripts and stories as well as shoot scenes with good enough composition. Gamedev will love story making AI, until that AI learns how to invent good gameplay mechanics and then code them in by itself.

>> No.6411778

pajeet grammar

>> No.6411780

your reading comprehension is shot to hell. Did you just read keywords and get angry?

>> No.6411784

lmao always welcoming to see the hacks and the "muh style" artists get rekt. Real artist learn to adapt.

>> No.6411787 [DELETED] 

prepare to adapt your pubescent cunny for my virile old dick

>> No.6411798

Art isn't a real skill, but when a machine does it we're astounded. This is just a tool, but artists are obsolete. Artists are obsolete, but we must directly use their work to develop our goysloppers and then use an artist's name in our prompts to improve the outputs. Art isn't a real job, but please pay us five figures so we can right click/save as a bunch of art for our picture shitters because somehow that's real work worthy of pay. Art shouldn't be gatekept, but let's charge for our proprietary programs. Commission artists are scum, but please commission us to generate more slop or donate to our patreon so we can train more models on the works of real artists. Styles aren't that unique, but we'll train models on specific styles.

On and on.

>> No.6411800

Funny ai shit requires you to pay money to use

>> No.6411801

This. If a bitch doesn't want to be raped, she should carry a gun.

>> No.6411806

Automation always creeped me out long before it came after art. I'm not stupid enough to believe we are going towards a utopia where everyone gets to play all day and eat good food and fuck robot bitches. 90+ percent of us will be slaughtered like cows to save costs and resources for the ones in control and artists wouldn't be spared whether art was automated or not.

Also everyone is completely missing the point on the topic AI stealing. It's not about art being "referenced", it's not about "inspiration" or styles being copied, the bottom line is everyones data is being unknowingly harvested for the sake of profit. This practice extends far beyond the art world and will harm everyone in the long run. All this drama over AI art should have woken up the public but everyone is too busy playing with AI selfies and thinking theyre gonna be the next big AI movie director. The future is bleak and "adapting" will consist of getting used to poverty and having no dreams or aspirations for a better life.

>> No.6411812

It's long been clear that a lot of people endorsing AI iamge generation are either doing so out of pure spite for artists, or with the belief that AI image generators/generations will be their personal ticket to wealth, entirely on the backs of actual artists. The same people gloating about art not being a real job will be the same ones arguing that their epic prompting skills are worth six figure salaries.

>> No.6411817

Most people playing around with the tools don't even know it's based on stolen data, they just think it's a fun auto generator. From what I have seen, even normies get creeped out once they realize how fucked these systems are. The ones who know how it works and still defend it tend to be batshit insane reddit types who think AI will save them from global warming one day.

>> No.6411830

AI bait starter pack
>it's over
>haha it's gonna replace artists
>chill it's just a tool for artists
>it's over
>AI let's anyone generate art, stop gate keeping
>you think generating AI art is easy? lmao
>it's over
>it only takes 10 minutes to make anything you want
>it doesn't matter if it can't do specific things, it's still fast and free
>it's over
insert image with flaws they can't see everytime they say its over

>> No.6411833
File: 326 KB, 512x512, experiment.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't care if it bites me in the ass in the short-term if it leads to something larger than myself. Freezing time right now and trading decay for stagnation would be a greater misfortune. All I know is the world won't stop for us, and really the death of soul digital software and tablets and sculptors got the worst end of the deal.
>until that AI learns how to invent good gameplay mechanics
Cool I haven't seen that sort of innovation in a while. An uncomprimised AI ressurecting the gaming industry would be doing the world a favor.

>> No.6411836

Some of the progressive theater cunts I went to school with are defending AI art because they think it's "making art more asscesible to people of color." Laughably bad take as it's not doing any such thing and will fuck over all the pee oh sees who actually made it. Theater people are literally the worst group of people.

>> No.6411840

Well I agree with the 1st and 3rd tweet but it's strange that I don't really share the anti-AI sentiment
Is it just because I haven't made any money on my art? I can see the angle about these programs using other people's artwork but I don't feel like this is the main cause of their emotional reaction
I wonder what the response would be if there was some kind of brain-computer interface which would get the ideas of an image in your head, use thousands of references for example what a deer or a spruce tree looks like, and then generate an image which matches the image in your head
Suddenly everyone is capable of expressing themselves they just don't need the technical knowledge/artistic ability to do so

>> No.6411846
File: 498 KB, 640x480, BWO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's over

>> No.6411848

>leads to something larger than myself
I pity you

>> No.6411854

>Suddenly everyone is capable of expressing themselves
Yeah, people couldn't express themselves before AI. They need lensa selfies and instant Gotham city cyberpunk pictures to do that.

>> No.6411857
File: 92 KB, 1438x810, CUNNY ON THE MIND.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6411858

Sorry I meant more expressing visual ideas that they have in their mind in a way that is satisfying

>> No.6411866

>woah you surpassed humans in this area through augmentation hey you didn't earn that fucking cheating roider bot reeeeeeee
It will all go full circle back to free will vs determinism except with shit flinging instead of dialectics. Doesn't matter because hard work is an arbitrary meme that is completely disrupted when flow is introduced into the discussion.

>> No.6411871

I guess. People had no problem simply describing their ideas before. Personally I don't find representational imagery to be the epitome of self expression but you do you.

>> No.6411873

Make that tech using original or donated reference and I'd be all for it. Let the retards get their ebin brain implants and finally show themselves and the world that their ideas have no value.

>> No.6411880

Define value

>> No.6411883

This is the kind of double stadard shit I'm talking about tho; Who are you to decide which jobs are important to keep manual? Your values are not universal.

>> No.6411885

I enjoy breaking and entering into your home at 3am

>> No.6411890

Something that anybody besides the creator cares about. Most people don't even have ideas that they themselves care about, which is why they're entirely happy to consume things produced by other people entirely at face value.

>> No.6411893

course, cause pieces of cheese are much more likely to own a high-end GPU or a subscription to an AI generator rather than own a fucking pencil and paper

>> No.6411909

I enjoy painting you red with lead from your head to your legs

>> No.6411928

Okay and I still remember /ic/ getting assmad a few months ago about that CSM sculpt on Twitter that went viral where everyone here was wrong about everything regarding that event and value was seen by many.

It really doesn't matter what one on this site thinks is valuable or what will happen in the future because it's not a reflection of the zeitgeist but rather pathological levels of imposter syndrome and crab. That and everyone who tries to predict the future get mind broken by cock of uncertainty.

>> No.6411939

I enjoy not letting people do what they enjoy.

>> No.6411940

This is wrong. Machine learning models are not "interpolative" search engines, they're not even search engines unless you count them using some form of tree navigation internally as such, but I digress: they're not interpolative, they're *extrapolative*. They learn from the differences between things, not from individual things. whining like
>ai is just searching a big database of my art
is pure, unadulterated nonsense. Inside a given model you don't have art, nor even the differences between art, or any possible representation of art - you have matrices of numbers (tensors) that relate to a given token. If you want to complain that
>ai artists are unskilled shitheels using technology as a crutch
that's fine, a perfectly valid opinion to hold. It is my opinion that people who view it this way are going to look like scribes who eschewed the printing press in a few decades, but to each their own. Artists need to stay in their fucking lane and not muddy the water with their insane, emotionally-driven bullshit explanations of how AI is le stealing from artists

>> No.6411942

Luddites didn't have a persecution fetish, they were starved like dogs by capitalist magnates backed by the state and did what they did out of sheer desperation
Open a history book before using terms you don't understand

>> No.6411944

Who gives a fuck, you understood what I meant you pedant faggot.

>> No.6411947
File: 2.16 MB, 1024x1536, 7457774.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is going on I thought we all agreed AI was a nothing burger and the next day I find you all just feeding /g/


>> No.6411948

It's almost like smart people should adapt to the world that they live in instead of burying their heads in the sand and pretending it doesn't exist because it's not how it was when they were growing up.

>> No.6411951

>sociopathy and narcissism are both disabilities. it's why so many of them are troons desu.
It's funny cuz AIs goal is to pass as actual art and they'll even engineer ways to fake a process to make it look more legit and trick people into buying it. Its built on deception.
But just like them, it will never pass

>> No.6411952

Based lane chad putting these crabby posers in their place.

>> No.6411953

Coders are more at risk than artists faggot

>> No.6411954
File: 535 KB, 1776x1218, 1665168292377974.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no you dont understand its not stealing the art its just collecting the numbers and matrices and tensors and quarks and plurtons and whookyflops

>> No.6411955

but if a person does it that's suddenly not an issue?

>> No.6411957

to be fair the same people who doompost about AI are probably the same ones who make a big deal out of tracing

>> No.6411959

>the computer is abstract it's not stealing anything
>humans do the same thing as the computer
Stack Overflow Error

>> No.6411961

>gesture theft
The absolute state of /ic/. Meds now.

>> No.6411962

I mean to be fair there's probably a lot of artwork with the pose of the right out there

>> No.6411963

fbi agents get the fuck out of here, you can't be serious

>> No.6411966

>hey ai, generate a literal bloodborne image

>> No.6411967 [DELETED] 

>these le images look similar that means it's le copying
Shut the fuck up retard. I guarantee you that nip image was done with img2img because the prompter liked the way it looked. The prompt is so generic that the likelyhood of the robot spitting out something that similar just from text is ASTRONOMICAL.
Img2img is a whole different animal because the input image is indeed "copied" in the sense that it's converted to latent space, and that 64x64, 128-dimension repesentation is used as a mask for the robot. You are a subhuman, you don't know what the fuck you're talking about, and you're operating 100% on emotion.

>> No.6411968

No, you said something so incredibly retarded I felt compelled to correct you

>> No.6411973

>speaks in favour of the machine
>calls other people subhuman
>the latent plurtonic space generates completely unique and unbiased whoopty doopty oopty floopty goopty toopty poopty boopty no stealy
sir you seem lost allow me to point you in the right direction >>>/g/

>> No.6411974


>> No.6411978

If you're throwing a hissy fit over ai learning from real art, and you don't care about other ai learning from many times more and better works in the literary field for language models, you're a hypocrite.
>>calls other people subhuman
You're not a person, you're a parrot.

>> No.6411981

AI art is beautiful!
AI art is valid!
Your AI art passes!
AI rights are human rights!

>> No.6411982
File: 409 KB, 1393x2813, 646885467.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh you retards are going go bring up that again after /g/ dismantled the self-contradictory study it came from and zoomed in on what is clearly not a copy rather than using tiny thumbnails within an image of a twittertard post.

>> No.6411984

It'd be like asking for furry porn and claiming it's stealing when you get a bunch that is similar to furry porn examples

>> No.6411985
File: 8 KB, 226x223, 1669451199405209.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it doesn't steal if you let it steal from enough pictures at the same time

>> No.6411989

Post your work.

>> No.6411990

night night agent nicole rest assured you've met your quota for today

>> No.6411991

you're saying you're excited for AI revolution? what do you stand to gain from it anon

>> No.6411992

Normal niggers called it tracing when they thought toyotarou did it because of that typical clout chasing captain america artist, who puts in his header that he's a consecutive loser of some comic award. It was retarded then and It's retarded now.

>> No.6411998

We're all gonna get universal basic income and Elon musk will take us all to live on Mars in an epic chungus utopia where there is unlimited video games and porn for me

>> No.6412003

You joke but they actually believe that shit

>> No.6412005

Nothing in my post there should lead you to that conclusion, I'm hopeful but wary of the reality of how machine learning models will be ingrained into common use in the future. Speaking solely about "art" collectively:
At best, people will find a way to use AI for art in ways that will be as revolutionary as motion-picture cameras, or photography itself. I don't know how this will be done, but people who lived before cameras wouldn't know how cameras could be done either.
In reality, I suspect we will, in addition to the above, have to deal with an increase in ML usage for nefarious purposes, driven by corporate profiteering, that will cost us considerable privacy, etc.
What we do know for sure, is that this tech is far beyond simply being swept under the rug and "skipped". In 40 years, it may be the big thing that everyone has their hands in, or maybe it will have been yet another stepping stone (like deepfakes) towards a more advanced technology that itself will be revolutionary. No one knows.

>> No.6412007

>just pick up a pencil lol
Some people don't have time to just get good at art so that they can create artwork for their game or whatever. Are you really not grasping this simple concept? Or do you think it's so easy that anyone can learn it quickly and make actual quality artwork? You and OP are both dumb as shit.

>> No.6412008

>I've actually been able to integrate Stable Diffusion into my workflow
People keep saying this but almsot NEVER show examples they made themselves. The odd exceptions I have seen looked hilariously terrible.

>> No.6412015

They don't, there's no meaningful way to do it outside of maybe creating a really shitty moodboard

>> No.6412016


>> No.6412019

No one is that busy, shut the fuck up, you're arguing on an imageboard on a Sunday night instead of actually drawing. You are a useless husk that is barely human, fucking termites have more value than you.

>> No.6412025

you aren't entitled to good art, rhajeet, just like I'm not entitled to be a doctor because I fancy myself one

>> No.6412026

Glad we agree it's not a perfect forgery anymore than some bloodborne autist trying to redraw that scene from his mental library. In fact all of you said it's just gacha anyway. Ask that retarded cunt Karla for the seed prompt next time

>> No.6412030

I hope all those game devs allow their work to be scraped by AI for any sort of "unique" code or assets or design decisions they create, so other people who don't have time to learn how to make games can have their own game made for free.

>> No.6412034

Pajeets desperate argue their point on this kazhakstanian surfboard carving forum, but truth is none of it ultimately matters. Most people on Twitter and Reddit, who have far more visibility, hate AI, and that's what ultimately sways public opinion

>> No.6412035

>surely if I keep equating my bot with a human brain, Mohammad Emad Mostaque himself will descend from his epic utopia and thank me in person

>> No.6412036
File: 955 KB, 600x944, how does one man.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolutely based future. Pic related

>> No.6412037

Pajeet memes are all you guys have, but they're not a substitute for propler sampling or ML expertise completely absent here.

>> No.6412038

You stepped on your own land mine there buddy bud bud

>> No.6412040


/g/ niggers are distracting themselves, coping over their supervisors looking into replacing their entry level positions with ai.
funnily enough data protections would help them as well but they're too hyped up on corporate goyslop to notice.

>> No.6412041

You're saying this like people can't set up your jew theftbot in a matter of hours
Theres no expertise to be found here
You'll never be an artist, you will never pass, etc

>> No.6412043

your own pajeet overlord admits that it is stealing and is too much of a pussy to do the same with music.

>> No.6412046


Stable Diffusion released a model that's only trained on public domain images... Guess what happens?

You fuckers whine and whine non stop because the generated result is not high quality. Because it doesn't trained on stolen copyrighted artwork by some of the best artist.

if your enjoyment relies on destroying the image and stealing work of an artist then...


>> No.6412047

Reading comprehension that hard for you? Was I talking about myself? Better get that AI to think for you too.

>> No.6412049

>They look different tho.

shut up retard

>> No.6412050

Why are you not drawing this fine Sunday night? Projecting doesn't count as mileage friendo.

>> No.6412056
File: 794 KB, 800x800, Chibi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, they were actually laughing at artists' interpretation of that lawsuit yesterday and how you thonk you're legal experts now as well. You guys would know if you weren't nervous of going over there and getting triggered the sight AI threads and... well getting mogged by people who put in the hours to understand that stuff more than any of you.

>> No.6412060

>he said, posting man-made art over his meme AI slop

>> No.6412061

Because it's 12 and I already drew for 8 hours already and now I'm spending some time to shit in your mouth. The argument was that people don't have time to learn to draw which you apparently forgot because you were born missing a chunk of your brain. There's artists that have made it while dealing with their kids and having a day job and then having classes at night, anyone can learn to draw and anyone that gives a shit will find the time to do it, the only prerequisite is not being a bitch like you. You get it now? Do you want me to wipe your ass too? And deliver food to your mouth with a spoon while making airplane noises?

>> No.6412063

sounds like cope

>> No.6412065
File: 44 KB, 640x360, med_1476729101_image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me too

>> No.6412066

I hope so too. Are you supposed to be disagreeing with me?

>> No.6412067
File: 150 KB, 1200x693, normie test.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A couple of nights ago I showed some ai images to some normies (people not obsessed with tech, unaware of the topic, and just like art casually). I was curious to see their reaction, I didn't tell them my opinion.
They were unimpressed with them. One didn't see the point and said they didn't "say anything." Another said they were pretty on the surface but lacked any substance. Another noted how most of the figures were in the same pose (front facing) and it looked "robotic."
Among normies there seems to be a need for there to be some intentionality behind art. They want an artist to be associated with the art they enjoy. Guess that's why so many buy biographies of their favorite artists and form parasocial relations with them.
I'm not saying ai won't take jobs or that normies won't make selfies with ai and shit like that. Just that the "death of art as we know it" is way overstated. It's mostly techies sperging out over ai.

>> No.6412068
File: 840 KB, 768x768, SuperRika.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon I know you can't read but that was generated in /sdg/. It's not the first time I've turing tested you guys
My condolences, newfriend. It can't be easy living with tourettes.

>> No.6412070

>People had no problem simply describing their ideas before.
Have you ever taken a commission and had someone try to describe what they want you to draw?

>> No.6412071

>t.reddit mod

>> No.6412072

I'm not the one insecure enough to go out of my way to shitpost other boards
Go back, now

>> No.6412073

>not drawing during this time and making it 10 hours
Excuses excuses rage monkey. Your leg is to your right you might want to pick it up

>> No.6412075

sheesh you're getting good at stealing

>> No.6412079

>heh this guy really thought I was a woman, I fooled one!

>> No.6412084

I just doodle dumb shit cuz art is really a hobby in the end.

>> No.6412085

Only if you guys stop being insecure about AI and then pretending you're not.

>> No.6412087

Shut up, retard.

>> No.6412089

The copyright stuff is actually meaningless to argue, because AI does not store images, it learns patterns by adding noise to an image and then trying to denoising it again. The final model will only store this pattern information, allowing it to create new data from a Gaussian noise.

The problem is that as a computer, it can memorize things much better than us and if fine tune a model or prompt it in a way that force it to follow too much a certain artist it will be pure plagiarism.

AI programs cannot be immune to ethic issues, if any human artist clearly mimic another artist artworks without their consent, it’s not seen as a good thing. Also, it can easily avoided by merging styles, unless you really want to be a dick and force it to mimic someone else’s style specifically, to the point of even fine tuning a model for that.

>> No.6412091

>anime pic
>hee hee anon you might not know but I was already ahead of you
>im so smart and edgy
You weeb should consider suicide

>> No.6412092

Trans women are women. AI art is art.

>> No.6412095

I'm not being insecure I want you whores to stop smugly pretending you're not stealing shit
>my jew bot is obviously stealing but its such a smart jew bot you can't trace back the evidence
It won't work out, people are not dumb enough not to understand that the output of AI is entirely dependant on quantifiable, definite data
You'll never be able to copyright your AI slop

>> No.6412096
File: 21 KB, 247x350, trainingSDhere.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys thanks for the credit. I know /ic/ is too proud to not try and spin this in its favor, and even if I took a friendlier tone it would not be reciprocated, but admitting it's getting past your defense is the best I could hope for. It's a big change from claiming your average "normies" are perceptive and of higher taste to accept AI art. Now the question is will you be able to tell what's real and what isn't in the coming days ahead.

>> No.6412099

Shut up, retard.

>> No.6412101

It's just like for trannies, man
Just look at the hands
You will never pass

>> No.6412103
File: 806 KB, 600x874, 1661992652063042.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ai "art"
Please now don't be ridiculous

>> No.6412104

>letting people do what they enjoy
That by itself is just an appeal to hedonism.
This is why the world at large is going to shit, people have no internal sense of right and wrong, honor, pride, or whatever. If they aren’t being cane’d in the streets for chewing gum they just do whatever they want.
It’s perfectly acceptable to make the world worse for some reason. I never made coomshit because I thought it made the world worse but I guess I had the wrong mentality this whole time. I guess I’ll find a way to profit off of humanity’s self-immolation if I can’t profit from my craft anymore. Fuck all of you.

>> No.6412106

>because AI does not store images
does not need to store images, stupid. It uses it, and that's copyright infringement

>> No.6412112

Fucking NPCs. Real luddites would firebomb the GPU farms that process all of the data. Don’t make me hopeful.

>> No.6412115
File: 44 KB, 728x546, yotsubato-anime-4chan-wallpaper-preview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay no deal then
*teleports behind you and whispers in your ear*

>> No.6412116

>Just pick a new profession thats unrelated to art even though you invested 15 years into drawing already
>Just flip burgers until thats also mechanized

>> No.6412119
File: 408 KB, 768x1023, 1C4FAA69-C518-426D-8A2C-9E800BF30493.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually yes, lol.

Remember guys, if your art career fails there is always politics.

>> No.6412120

Moralfagging won't exactly solve your issue, mate.
Fact is, there is now an alternative that can mass-produce whatever picture one wants whenever they want however they want.
I suppose your only hope is to get countries to update plagiarism laws, but it's technically not plagiarism, and it's technically not copyright cuz the end result is derivative.

>> No.6412122

I always thought that if truckers were automated out it’d be a massive problem for society. Having a large population of able-bodied, resentful men with no future prospects is just begging for disaster. Their fury would be understandable, honestly.

>> No.6412123

What the fuck, you mean I have to put effort in if I want to stay successful in a rapidly changing world? I didn't sign up for this.

>> No.6412124

keep telling yourself that you thieving nigger
you'll never amount to anything

>> No.6412126
File: 170 KB, 1184x1174, AI Composition.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then what are you afraid of?

>> No.6412128

me in the darkness

>> No.6412130

You're just throwing a little baby tantrum now.

>> No.6412132

Already learned from and planned for.

>> No.6412137


>> No.6412138

>see everyone mock the ai pictures you post
>find a human made piece of art
>try and bait people into thinking the AI did it

>> No.6412139
File: 24 KB, 628x318, SD search engine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Emad himself refers to SD as a search engine. btfo, AIkeks

>> No.6412144
File: 34 KB, 3522x79, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Emad didn't invent latent diffusion models, he's a rich guy who bought his way in.

>> No.6412145
File: 975 KB, 1079x814, lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this the thread?

>> No.6412148

>people want convenience, not bragging rights
Again to my point about hedonism: western society are nations of fat retards. Not even exclusive to the US anymore, childhood obesity in the UK for example is going up.
Maybe being enslaved to pleasure and technology isn’t a good thing.
There’s something revolting about tech heads who look down on the human form, on passions, on excellence. They’ll see an athlete as nothing more than a horse that’s inferior to a car; they don’t see a man that defeated his weakness and achieved excellence. Artists also require discipline, also have to exceed their limits, and also have to sacrifice something to make beauty.
Human excellence doesn’t matter to NPCs, for that matter they wouldn’t know it if it was right in front of them.

>> No.6412149

he funded StabilityAi as an Open sourced project with his own money he made as a hedgedfund scumbag... and now he's made back many fold with ~100 million VC money that was just poured into his company... it was a thoughtful investment/long con that worked out well for him

>> No.6412152

he didn't invent them, but he understands them

>> No.6412154

Prove it

>> No.6412163

AI art is garbage, it just interpolate work made by cool humans. Why not watch the source directly

>> No.6412165

lmao you'd hope your boss understands what you're working on. Wtf is this logic?

>> No.6412166

>something larger than myself
>Freezing time right now and trading decay for stagnation
>All I know is the world won't stop for us
This isn’t a real person, is it? It’s just a bot scraping Reddit shillposts and trying to shill AI here, isn’t it?
Lmfao why are they doing this

>> No.6412167

>"I dont want to work hard or sacrifice my time but I want the accomplishments and rewards of those who worked hard and sacrifice a lot of their time! Oh woe be me!"

>> No.6412168

he's going for the "you can't prove it but me, a super smart, 6 figure earning tech chad with a cool car and 5 hot wives, i totally do and i'm right" argument
it's all so tiresome

>> No.6412169

>perma/beg/ seething he will never improve in his life that he has to resort to using goyslop machine and realized nobody appreciate those shiny things the machine he used produced.

>> No.6412170

I understand enough of it to know it's not a fucking search engine. It's as close to a search engine as GrabCut is.
What kind of retard logic is this? Do you think every CEO is an expert in the cutting edge technology of their field? The AMD CEO doesn't know shit about making CPUs. Elon Musk doesn't know shit about actually building electric cars. That's not their job, and it's not a requirement for the position. They are businessmen.

>> No.6412172

>Why are you not drawing this fine Sunday night? Projecting doesn't count as mileage friendo.
that's his problem. maybe he has enough time for his own goals, he's not complaining about lacking time now, does he? YOUR problem is that "you don't have time". dumbfuck retard, your "gotcha" doesn't even make any sense

>> No.6412175

AI of all kinds has been bad and used for nefarious purposes. I don’t use facial recognition, voice to text, exc for that reason. By the time I learned that captcha was training AIs it was way to fucking late, but at bare minimum my face isn’t being used for facial recognition CCTV.
And yes I consider myself better than normies for that.

>> No.6412176

you don't need to be an expert to see it's essentially a search engine. Even the CEO of the company agrees with me lol. Keep coping though

>> No.6412178

Wrong and underage. Neck yourself zoomie faggot.

>> No.6412179

You are if you don't think the shadow elites haven't learned from history and haven't been scheming for generations to win the long game. You should have learned something from the success of Soviet subversion of the West and researched further back where and how things specifically went wrong. Now it's too late. You have no fraternal organization, 1-2 close real friends at most, you don't know who your real target is amongst the red herrings, your neighbour would sell you for holding a party during covid because you live in a low trust atomized mystery meat society, and now you have tech that can get turnged against you that builds data profiles on you right down to your typos and mouse movement. You will never be an insurrectionist.

>> No.6412181

>56 IPs
Schizo thread?

>> No.6412182

Is this a real woman?

>> No.6412183

Yep as you can see it's therapy safe space for doodlers

>> No.6412185

just 2 retards arguing back and forth, and I'm winning

>> No.6412186

>Among normies there seems to be a need for there to be some intentionality behind art
Well that’s encouraging I guess. Better work on visual storytelling then

>> No.6412187

>At best, people will find a way to use AI for art in ways that will be as revolutionary as motion-picture cameras, or photography itself. I don't know how this will be done, but people who lived before cameras wouldn't know how cameras could be done either.
it's like le fucking hecking cameras guys! cameras were a new medium, a new concept, it's a tool that attempts to capture reality. ""AI"" """"ART"""" is an attempt at eliminating humanity from an already established medium. do you tech worshiping fags have a brain at all. is your affinity towards getting cucked by a machine caused by a desire of getting mentally enhanced by one?

>> No.6412188

Technological progress doesn't care whether your life is ruined as a result or not, it's just there as a byproduct of humans constantly asking new questions. Are artists asking for everyone to throw in the towel and stop inventing things just so they cos personally feel good?

>> No.6412191

>""AI"" """"ART"""" is an attempt at eliminating humanity from an already established medium.
this latest use for AI (stable diffusion/midjourney) does that, but it's not the only thing that can be done with AI, hence
>I don't know how this will be done, but people who lived before cameras wouldn't know how cameras could be done either.
ESL monkey. In the future it is (imo) highly likely that AI will be part of whatever currently-unimaginable thing it will be that becomes the new art revolution.

>> No.6412192

Just give up. Techbros are too stupid to understand

>> No.6412193

>an attempt at eliminating humanity
nope, it's an accidental outgrowth of image recognition tech
if the tech matures and eliminates artist payrolls, it will just be a welcome bonus to companies, nothing more

>> No.6412194

>every new invention is...le good. stop asking questions please, accept everything, submit
fuck off you fatalist retard. you have to admit that a threshold will be crossed one day. a sentiment of resentment is already growing, and I assure you it's not just artists. it's not artists who tell everyone "learn to code". you need to use your brain and realize what this ultimately means for society, how will an economy run, and no, your UBI commie shithole idea will never work or happen

>> No.6412195

Niggas will do anything but pick up a pencil

>> No.6412196

>nope, it's an accidental outgrowth of image recognition tech
not an "accidental" growth. the ones who developed this were aware of the consequences and decided to roll with it anyway

>> No.6412197

Just like incels believing white nationalism will get them a tradwife and a 10 acre ranch, ai retards think agi will bring about a golden age utopia.

>> No.6412198

>image recognition tech
For what? Use your brain you fucking idiot. Nothing good comes from this. Why is the research money not being directed towards medicine and world hunger? Please kill yourself

>> No.6412199

applying one tech to different fields is natural outgrowth of research, there was no fiendish design to eliminate "humanity" as you seem to imply, that's just silly

>> No.6412203

>a sentiment of resentment is already growing
The exact same thing happened with the invention of the camera obscura, daguerrotype photography, and the printing press. It will pass, unlike you.

>> No.6412206

in this case, it's one fiendish design(said image recognition tech used for no other reason than to eliminate humans from ART) built on top of another fiendish design (image recognition tech meant to destroy the privacy of people for government surveillance). i'm not saying that computers are evil. however these deviations that we're speaking about individually were made with malicious intent, or for the sake of profits at the detriment of humanity overall

>> No.6412207

Nukes and chemical warfare on things that have been successfully retracted from most of the world. I promise you that sufficiently powerful ai will be the same

>> No.6412210

How are you getting me thinking it's good or bad or that I'm a communist from what I wrote? It's just there whether you like it or not. There's a reason humans are not like other animals.

>> No.6412212

millions of doctors and nerds already do this, you won't solve cancer by shoving money to already existing research, there are only dozens of nerds working on this tech, mostly for automated cars, there si so littler Emad had to use his own to fund it
>world hunger
a political problem, not a technological one, you can feed everyone on earth right now and nobody needs to starve, yet ppl do, from ghettos of america to africa

I understand you are emotional over this, but, you are really stupid and do not understand anything.
Let me say as someone do does, you are not going to lose any art jobs you are now, and you will be safe for years.
If and when the tech fully matures,

>> No.6412213

many jobs will be eliminated, but there will always be working artists, it just may not be you.

>> No.6412214

you are missing the point I'm making. I feel like you're too much of an idiot for this conversation. it's called "technological advancement". the more powerful things become, the greater their impact on society. cameras had a great impact on society, but surely you believe that intrusive telepathy, AI's that are out of control and other stuff of that sort would cause massive societal issues
so you're an NPC without a shred of thought? your callousness is not impressive

>> No.6412215

People can't make nukes or sarin gas in their back yard (no that teenage retard from ohio doesn't count, he didn't make a reactor nor a bomb). I can train a model on the GPU in my desktop, and with the rate machine learning is advancing, I wouldn't be surprised to see techniques and models that make current stuff look like jokes running on laptops 10 years from now, and quantum computing is literally 1-2 decades away. You can't put the lightning back in the bottle with this.

>> No.6412216

this has to be a bot, it can't follow the thread of discussion

>> No.6412217

>it's not me who can't keep up, it's you!
die ESL

>> No.6412218

>malicious intent
If you feel replacing humans with machines is wrong, yes, you might call it that.
But this is the road we have been on for 200 years, and I don't see us stopping any time soon.
Perhaps in decades to come we will fully realize the error of our ways, I don't think so myself.

>> No.6412220

>But this is the road we have been on for 200 years, and I don't see us stopping any time soon. perhaps in decades to come we will fully realize the error of our ways, I don't think so myself.
it won't be a "realization". it will be done out of necessity, as living will become unbearable.

>> No.6412221

there is a real possibility of the people rejecting ai entirely, but it will just mean ai tech will disappear behind corporations and government offices, out of sight but not out of use

>> No.6412222

there's nothing to keep up with. your logic makes no sense retard. I'm telling you about an eventual future precipice where tech advancement will ruin mankind with all the societal problems it will cause, I'm obviously talking about tech that isn't there yet. after which you suddenly start yapping about it won't happen because you're currently training primitive machine learning models for copying art in your garage. it doesn't follow, you're a retard, you are literally too retarded to have a conversation on this matter, and I bet it applies to every single other subject you talk about as well

>> No.6412224


>After all, the term "artificial intelligence" doesn’t delineate specific technological advances. A term like “nanotechnology” classifies technologies by referencing an objective measure of scale, while AI only references a subjective measure of tasks that we classify as intelligent. For instance, the adornment and “deepfake” transformation of the human face, now common on social media platforms like Snapchat and Instagram, was introduced in a startup sold to Google by one of the authors; such capabilities were called image processing 15 years ago, but are routinely termed AI today.

>The reason is, in part, marketing. Software benefits from an air of magic, lately, when it is called AI. If “AI” is more than marketing, then it might be best understood as one of a number of competing philosophies that can direct our thinking about the nature and use of computation.

>> No.6412225

Again, nothing to do with value judgement and only with human impulse. Technological progress is a higher need in the human collective that nobody can escape so long as humanity remains human. Maybe if we lobotomize everyone's brain so it can stop asking "why" then we can have a constant unchanging existence only with what we already know and have already.

>> No.6412226

>your argument doesn't follow because <insert autistic goalpost moving i just made up in my head here>
i'll play along. "ai scary" is a reasonable opinion to hold, you're still a dumb faggot who doesn't know what he's talking about though.
consider this: you can't stop it, and no amount of crying on the internet will change that. machine learning *will* keep getting more advanced, and it *will* eventually be so powerful that average joes will be able to use it to do things they never would have dreamed of being able to do. It is inevitable, I'd even say it'll probably happen in the next 200 years.

>> No.6412229

>falling for another /g/ bait thread
you niggers were doing so well earlier too

>> No.6412233
File: 416 KB, 992x586, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6412237
File: 595 KB, 2000x2867, eTOqjSNjMUpnjbRCnYElU4b5uWW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unrelated but what a great movie pic related is.

>> No.6412238

Fucking idiot
I'm sorry that there are people out there with different opinions to you

>> No.6412240

>Again, nothing to do with value judgement and only with human impulse. Technological progress is a higher need in the human collective that nobody can escape so long as humanity remains human. Maybe if we lobotomize everyone's brain so it can stop asking "why" then we can have a constant unchanging existence only with what we already know and have already.
yes, I'm sure you tech NPCs would love that. since you're an NPC already, you won't need a lobotomy anyway.
>i'll play along. "ai scary" is a reasonable opinion to hold, you're still a dumb faggot who doesn't know what he's talking about though.
oh lawd. the retard actually started following the thread of discussion?
>consider this: you can't stop it
it will be stopped eventually, once living becomes unbearable
>machine learning *will* keep getting more advanced, and it *will* eventually be so powerful that average joes will be able to use it to do things they never would have dreamed of being able to do
childish utopian dream towards a technology that will destroy society not enhance it
>It is inevitable, I'd even say it'll probably happen in the next 200 years.
what will happen in the next 200 years is the inevitable self destruction of mankind

>> No.6412246

good film, but the ending was silly, there was no reason why she had to "leave" him, it only makes sense from the "he must grow up and meet real woman" meme, not the actual case where an omnipresent ai assistant (based on which ever of the 5 megacorp you slave under) will be with you from the moment you are born until the day you die, tracking your every breath and thought to be bundled and monitized as part of big data

>> No.6412247
File: 56 KB, 850x400, tedrevolution.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6412249

>autistic goalpost moving I just made up in my head here
you mean this one?
> can train a model on the GPU in my desktop, and with the rate machine learning is advancing, I wouldn't be surprised to see techniques and models that make current stuff look like jokes running on laptops 10 years from now, and quantum computing is literally 1-2 decades away
what does this have to do with the impact of technology on society? lol you dumb indian cunt. please do the needful and kill yourself

>> No.6412252

the big problem is that most people are bugmen who think that all technology advancement is good. Unfortunately for them, at one point in time they will eventually realize that mindless tech growth that chaotically expands in a very cancer-like way was not a good idea, but they will be a minority at that point since these changes are not that abrupt

>> No.6412253

Whatever your opinion as to the legitimacy of image generation, you have to be terminally naive to support the technology. Probably the same class of people who thought social media and smartphones were great inventions, just look at what that has done to mental health and child development.

>> No.6412255

>assymetrical fucked up eyes
AIfags continue to prove they live in third world shitholes where deformed people are the norm.

>> No.6412257

So you feel entitled to things you didn't work for. As expected.

>> No.6412261

He's talking about initial high barriers to entry for your non-digital examples. You can make mustard gas but what for? Gassing the Kurds? Do you even have the means to launch your toys? Fucking artists.

>> No.6412267

So /ic/ can keep pretending to draw. That's atleast one why figured out.

>> No.6412268


>> No.6412271 [DELETED] 

Does anybody have pictures of Emad's retarded child? I need them, for science ;p

>> No.6412274

Why do you want everything behind a loading screen aside from ego?

>> No.6412275

Don't @ me tranny

>> No.6412278


>> No.6412282

I see it the other way around.
People who defended the use of cellphones and social media suddenly want us to give a fuck about the social structure they have already eroded.

>> No.6412284

>that was generated in /sdg/
Liar. Its easy to tell >>6412056 wasn't AI because the eyes are actually symmetrical and solid, and the line art isn't a blurry mess. Also, it takes literally 3 seconds to find the source artist. You AIfags suck at lying because everyone is as stupid and technologically illiterate as you.

>> No.6412286

I don't think that girl grasps anything about data analysis. There are a lot of ways to deal with overfitting.

>> No.6412289
File: 960 KB, 704x704, hohoho.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your research input has been duly noted

>> No.6412290

Everyone brings this up only when its a technology that bothers them; every other time it's just neat and convenient, that's the problem.

>> No.6412292
File: 375 KB, 584x774, kmOi1qREduWa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did he mean by this?

>> No.6412293

It’s simple really. If majority of people who do that job would reject this offer:
>”You get to keep your current income for doing nothing, but you are forbidden from doing this work even as a hobby”
If you reject it, then your job has higher meaning then just source of money, and is better to be kept.

If you would agree to this offer, then your job is nothing but a source of income. Just some shitty work that must be done and you get paid highly for it because others are not capable/willing to do it. These income only 0 meaning jobs are the ones that people should try to automate.

>> No.6412294
File: 154 KB, 1280x720, his face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck is wrong with his face?
What does his tard baby look like?
I can only imagine the horror.

>> No.6412296
File: 38 KB, 324x405, public_c77c2657-7860-4e39-85f0-ea36cec04fd8_image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6412297

Nta but found it on pixiv twitter I guess you got baited

>> No.6412300 [DELETED] 

Children deserve better than to have to live in a world with niggers.

>> No.6412302

Elaborate on that

>> No.6412303

Given that the vast majority of farmers enjoy farming that would only mean the total collapse of the planet's capacity to feed it's population. Nice.

>> No.6412307

Might want to think about who is baiting who when every AI thread is thought to be a /g/ raid and gets deleted. Again I welcome your image analysis.

>> No.6412308

A lot of the people outside of here who post doom and gloom about AI replacing artists don't seem to me like the type who resent the social media; in fact they seem like the terminally online type who love online gossip.

>> No.6412309

Yes? You don't think about children starving in Africa, why should you? It doesn't affect you, people only start caring about shit when it might affect them or because it affects them, there's nothing wrong with that and attempting to reach a moral high ground with this argument is fucking retarded

>> No.6412311

Tbh gamedev is different.
The goal of artists is to create art, the goal of developers is to have fun games/efficient software.
By the time AI will be able to make my perfect game, humanity would have reached the collapse point, or everyone would be too busy having fun to see it.

>> No.6412312
File: 1.20 MB, 400x274, stimpy-smile.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking for the source I also found this.
AIfags are also super sensitive schizos that beat themselves with hammers when they get called thieves.

>> No.6412313

What? Did your mom raise you to be insufferable or did you learn that by yourself make up all the strawmen you want just make sure you go outside every once and a while

>> No.6412314

Artists love social media. They need it for drama and gay ops. It's why they like to spend time ERPing and getting into catfights with e-fwends on discord than just chucking their distraction devices in the basement and drawing.

>> No.6412315

Would farmers rather toil the soil instead of getting free money?

>> No.6412317

>I have arthritis so I can't draw!
Why a lying baby. Michelangelo painted the Sistine Chapel with arthritis.

>> No.6412319

You've never had a job buddy

>> No.6412321

Again, I’ve been against the automation of truckers because I recognized the destructive nature it would have to society. Other forms of automation in the 21st century I’ve honestly not been made aware of, but I will say that the general moving of industry to the 3rd world from the 1st has been bad for the 1st worlders by and large. I’m not a fan of globalism. I think that China for example does industrialism at a much greater cost to humanity and the environment both. If we kept industry here we would’ve done it more responsibly and our people would be more prosperous for it.
Ultimately no one is going to care more about automation than the people getting automated, and as a general rule every individual is the most important person in the world TO THEM whether they want to admit it or not. Not all of us can be Jesus.

>> No.6412322

All code, art, maps, and stories from all games should be incorporated into AI models so I can get my perfect game faster.

>> No.6412326

>my partner
>self harm

>> No.6412328
File: 58 KB, 656x552, ai artist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whenever you see an ai fag remember this is what they look like
ugly man baby, a future/current tranny, or an aging twink. all genetic dead ends.

>> No.6412329

There is everything wrong with. People develop a bias from it (mainly survivorship bias) and think what is reality or relevant is only what affects them in the moment. It's cognitive narcissism causing lack of foresight followed by predictable blindsidings as a result. It's what turns people into sophomoric nuisances.

>> No.6412331
File: 51 KB, 720x480, 56b104d51f00007f002172c6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> https://nitter.it/ai_curio/status/1599951146088484864#m
>I just wanted to fucking draw. I just wanted to make art. I just wanted to do what all you could but I can't because my stupid fucking cripple body disallows it. Fuck you guys.

He's a lying and lazy asshole. There are people out there who became artists despite being born without hands. He has no excuse. https://www.saatchiart.com/MariuszKedzierskiArt

>> No.6412334

>all that shit
Can you make your point in plain language? Because you sound like a “sophomoric nuisance” yourself.

>> No.6412335

Phase 1 of AIfagdom: Heh, take THAT artists! We're better than you!
Phase 2: Help we're being persecuted!
Phase 3: ?

>> No.6412336

I'm not claiming moral highground; Im illustrating why the anti-image generation people can't claim it either.

>> No.6412337

Yo daquan look at dis yeee yee ass nigga bot glitch out.

>> No.6412340

What a jew rat

>> No.6412339
File: 1.20 MB, 972x3122, wah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep, that's going in my cringe compilation

>> No.6412342
File: 201 KB, 750x1000, flat,750x,075,f-pad,750x1000,f8f8f8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"I'm quitting Twitter because people are mean to me!"
>comes back to shill his patreon, discord server, and redbubble site
>redbubble link leads to AI generated pictures of forests made up of troon flags

Top kek

>> No.6412344

I could ask the same about artists

>> No.6412347

maybe that's why you are so social media absorbed that the only artists you have contact with are the ones with a strong social media presence, which doesn't represent the majority of the art community and it seems more like a personal unadressed problem on your part.

>> No.6412350

the OP image is literally a faggot artist crying on twitter but sure, just an isolated incident; whatever helps you cope you dishonest nigger

>> No.6412351

OP's pic doesn't prove any of your claims, the only thing it proves is that you have a little headcannon about how the art community is that doesn't represent it. Which, again, is an unresolved issue on your part.

>> No.6412353

what claims? I was responding to a guess with my own guess you ridiculous mongoloid

>> No.6412354

Funny how these faggots ignore all the people who say they're physically disabled and yet were still able to learn how to draw with just a couple fingers, with their toes, or with their mouths.
Its seems AIfags are trying to make themselves enemies of the handicapped community by saying they're incapable of drawing. https://twitter.com/DragonsofWales/status/1601977657750683648#m

>> No.6412356

why do pajeets love this shit so much?

>> No.6412357

>I wasn't claiming anything I was just guessing
The dishonest tactics of the social media brainrotten mongoloid

>> No.6412358

Anybody wanna RP?
M/M, MtF/M

Fingers/nail play


>> No.6412359

indians are genuinely the only people i have racist preconceptions towards and i consider myself pretty leftwing
just an entire race of people who seem to act purely reactively and a total lack of critical or creative thinking, even the "smart" ones. even worse with how arrogant they all seem to be

>> No.6412360

It might appear like that if all the information you're seeing is biased.

>> No.6412362

You couldn't even think of a different insult than the one I just leveled at you; it's time to stop posting.

>> No.6412363

Okay you grug. Grug see mammoth charging towards Grug. Grug see no problem because mammoth not reach him yet. Grug busy painting rock wall and never have problem with mammoth before. Mammoth trip and fall hit head against rock wall. Grunt at other Grugs to paint cave wall if mammoth charges because it work for Grug. Club Grug who say mammoth kill Mrug.

>> No.6412365

they are a race of socially inept weirdos. Remember that weird kid in the class? Imagine a whole huge ass country like that

>> No.6412367

>oh you didn't use a different insult? that means I'm right
nah, the art community is still way bigger than the four weirdos you follow on twitter. GGs and fix your shit

>> No.6412370

based grugposter

>> No.6412375

He is a dishonest fag. AI has made this board very emotional and adversarially tribal. Just look at the posters trying to turn this into /cow/ thread now for people who call themselves AI artists. There's been alot of talk here over the years especially from oldfags how they're not interested in friends that are other artists, as they're not a trustworthy bunch and sooner or later eat each other. He's trying to speak for the art community pretending it's not all online these days. This shit isn't even controversial its been casually discussed here before without contention.

>> No.6412393

>There are a lot of ways to deal with overfitting.
it's not about how to deal with it, the fact that it is capable of spitting out a slightly shittier version of its training data proves it does recreate images from the training data and it's not just "random noise". so it is absolute capable of being trained on images, and then spit those exact images out, but grainier and with tiny alterations that make it shittier. which is stealing, if you're selling the usage of your machine for money.
it's like pretending movies uploaded to youtube with that ugly ass border where it looks like you are watching it on a TV to evade automatic copyright detection is somehow actually not lord of the rings, because the pixels are different, and the file size is much lower than the official digital version of the original movie.

>> No.6412403

lolo i have that and no issue drawing shit excuse desperate to be victim not a disablity lmao

>> No.6412408

Ok, then ask if artists would rather stop doing art if they could get gibs instead, I highly doubt more then 10% would do, and out of the 10% most of them would be veterans doing art every day for decades and being almost fed up with it. There is a reason why art is a hobby to most and why most artists share their stuff for free on the internet.

>> No.6412413

>art is a hobby to most and why most artists share their stuff for free on the internet.
And what a bad decision that was, because maybe they do it for free, but the AI grifters are taking what they shared with the world and monetizing it.

>> No.6412418

Yeah, not sharing it to the would would have been the right decision. This is by far the dumbest cope of them all. Art is meant to be shared, and faggots screenshooting your stuff to then use for machine learning is something impossible to prepare for with foresight. its like trying to preserve nfts. Nfts are dumb as fuck because you can also just save them and thr owner can do nothing about it, same with machine learning. Plus almost every single artist would not be artist without sharing their work. Its like saying that you should have never left your home if you dont want to be shot by marching deathsquads in the street. Yeah, getting shot by bunch of psychos overrunning your neighbourhood is truly you problem, nothing but skill issue.

>> No.6412422

So he is LARPing as an artist and as a woman?

>> No.6412442
File: 54 KB, 140x168, 1493074351316.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Twitterfag artists should stop making emotional appeals and stop playing with kid gloves when dealing with AI shills. The best way to get people on your side is to just make posts mocking AIfags and posting all of the times they've been incompetent scumbags. There's plenty of examples.
>AIfags making repeated reddit threads expressing unhealthy vendettas against specific artists
>AIfags claiming "AI isn't stealing" but getting upset when their AI pictures are drawn over or reposted by others
>just asking AIfags what they could do without prompting artists' names
>requesting AIfags to post pictures of characters doing anything that isn't just standing or sitting
>showing AIfags being upset at the release of AI models that use public domain images
>just asking AIfags who claim to be artists to show their work
>posting all the ugly and boring indie games AIfags are trying to make
>posting AIfags monetizing their pictures
All of this would work better than just talking about "soul" or "making connections with people."

>> No.6412454

Blatant samefag, really dishonest

>> No.6412457

People usually dont like being lied to, and that's what AIfags are usually trying to do

>> No.6412460

They are making soulless crap though and it makes them mad when people point it out. I do agree with the rest of your points.

>> No.6412462

You will never be an artist

>> No.6412469

It's a piece of technology that exists and I can use it to generate art for my use, how am I entitled? Just because I didn't work on it like a real artist? Did you build the computer you're using?

>> No.6412470

Artists that realize they can train a model on their own art and reduce amount of routine work by like 50x times will RAPE the market. They can just redraw all the weird AI parts and no one ever will find out that 50% of the art is AI.

I will bet $100k that in 5 years every pro digital artist will use AI tools to some extent. Those who can't embrace technology will suck dicks or they are already at the absolute top of the market and just don't care, everyone else will have to adapt just like with photo / 3d / cg revoultions.

>> No.6412472

You can use it to generate images but this does not mean you are making art. It's more similar to looking up images on google

>> No.6412476

The more time goes on the more I'm convinced AI art will eventually implode or die out. Either due to legal issues or cultural disinterest/ backlash

>> No.6412477

Why use it on your art when you can steal it from someone more talented?

>> No.6412478

>You aren't making art
I never claimed this. And the main point was missed by OP. The whole point is that some people need artwork but they aren't artists or can't pay an artist so they can use this technology instead. I haven't seen anyone claim that they're an artist because they prompted Stable Diffusion.

>> No.6412480

>I haven't seen anyone claim that they're an artist because they prompted Stable Diffusion.

Also, the problem with "just using it because you're too poor to pay artists" is that the legality of it is questionable as hell, since it was trained on stolen, uncredited artwork. If it's just for personal use, sure, go ahead but for something that you plan to sell? Questionable.

>> No.6412489

AIbros will just flood the market with their slop, pushing real artists away. Nobody wants that but they don't care.

>> No.6412495

You can do both and merge together and no one will ever find out. That literally what "human artists" are doing, inspiration is also a form of stealing, just be more creative with it so everyone will be happy about it.

>> No.6412499

Nope. Artists will just start using it and their art will be way better than non-artists AI creators because actual artists that use AI can just fix all the little shit. This can make non-artists to actually learn how to draw or hire traditional cg artists to fix their shit. Everyone will win i fthey embrace the AI.

>> No.6412508

>you have matrices of numbers
Which represent the art so what's your point? Just because you can convert colors and positions into numbers it has nothing to do with the source it came from?

>> No.6412509

AI "art" will remain a problem as long as it is based on stolen data. Most artists feel appalled by the idea of "improving" their work with other people's uncredited artwork.
>b-but we can totally change the algorithm so that it doesn't rely on copyrighted material and still produces the same results!
Ok then do that and we can talk about it being a tool for artists

>> No.6412510

>You can do both and merge together and no one will ever find out. That literally what "human artists" are doing
Yet again you aifags claim that active artists are using ai in their work yet won't actually post proof.

>> No.6412514
File: 269 KB, 1200x1246, Yikes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>as an autistic who needs to make art-
Stopped reading right there.

>> No.6412517

Stable Diffusion becomes unrecognisable within each passing day. The public would inevitably get sick of AI art, because just the fact that machine made it makes it automatically soulless. The serious problem that everyone was fearing from the very start is that people will no longer tell AI slop from real art, and AI fags will pass their AI slop as real art. Eventually the AI face will be automated themselves once the models get good enough from farming prompts and will just plug random prompt generator to the machine. Then art will become human free and fully dead. You can already see this with retards giving single sentence prompts to ChatGPT, then using that text made by it to generate images in Midjurney to make fully AI made comics.

>> No.6412519

>artists merging their work with AI
Every time you faggots make this claim you're always unable actually post examples. That's because anybody worth their shit knows that AI generators are absolutely garbage for inspiration and frameworks. All they can do is generate stuff that's boring, stiff, deformed, or derivative. Its easier to make a whole piece manually in order to get what you want.

>> No.6412523

>Eventually the AI face will be automated themselves once the models get good enough from farming prompts and will just plug random prompt generator to the machine
Tbh I heard this argument but I don't really understand what this would achieve. The reason why redditors were so excited about AI generation is because it made them feel like they are creating something, even if it's just by typing some words into a prompt. Stable diffusion can already make random prompts as far as I know, yet I rarely see people get excited about that beyond just "haha look at this AI generated AI work".

>> No.6412524
File: 67 KB, 1000x750, 1657179401268.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope it'll somehow kill itself by incestuously feeding on AI trash ravenously plundered from the websites they flooded with their own garbage

>> No.6412525

Please understand anon, they never attempted to make anything by themselves, they have no idea how any of this works

>> No.6412560
File: 1.81 MB, 1312x1472, Screenshot 2022-12-12 at 08-48-05 shizzy ☆ on Twitter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Believe it or not /g/ has been posting AI art that's been post edited here for a while.
I love this argument because 1 AI doesn't contain any copyrightable material within its parameters 2. we don't live in a fucking vacuum devoid of any stumuli when it comes to creative works.

I'm 99% sure that artist are against AI not because its "copying" work, but rather it completely destroys the identity of an artists, because so many artist define their identity as an "artist" regardless if they are a Trad, Fine, professional or hobby artist. That and a sprinkling of a little schizo, Troon mental illness and you have the twitteroids screeching over AI art.
Notice that the Graphic design and illustration community is not up in arms about AI (to be fair they were a huge supporter of much of the initial development in many databases like LAION) and already use it in their workflows. Ironically enough /gd/ and /p/ have more to lose career wise and income wise from AI then fine artists who in theory are better curators of aesthetics which to AI is completely subjective and pron to bias.
Also FYI I use a scraper to train as many /ic/ images as I can in dreambooth, I going to release a model soon.
The prompting will continue until artist moral improves.

>> No.6412571

yes lets automate everything cause why not, right??

>> No.6412579

>1 AI doesn't contain any copyrightable material within its parameters
It's trained on copyrighted material and can reproduce copyrighted artworks. The legality of using the resulting images in any context other than posting them on reddit is questionable at best.
>2. we don't live in a fucking vacuum devoid of any stumuli when it comes to creative works.
Nobody claimed that but artists/writers also get accused of plagiarism plenty of times. It's just worse with an algorithm because it literally CAN'T put any creative work into an artwork, since it does not think like a human being. Even teenage girls tracing bases on DeviantArt are more creative than that.

>> No.6412638

No him but isn’t it the case of bad use? Humans can also plagiarize and even trace stuff. Both AI users and artists that behave this way should be punished.

If you use AI more mindfully, it’s impossible to really spot direct plagiarism thanks to how the algorithm can rearrange the patterns it learned.

I don’t like the idea of AI being used as a full blown image generator, excluding the artist from the process, I think AI should be used for small tasks that would only help the artist, but now SD is already released as an open source tech and we need to learn how to deal with it in way that both sides to make small concessions.

>> No.6412642
File: 459 KB, 431x782, 1670857986620.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh plagiarism
I thought you tards were supposed to be creative? Get a new line.

>> No.6412652

People enjoy rape, how about letting people do that?

>> No.6412659

>it’s impossible to really spot direct plagiarism thanks to how the algorithm can rearrange the patterns it learned
The problem is that it can reproduce images that are very similar to the artwork it was trained on and there is no reliable way to tell if it did, unless you search through the 5 billion database each time you want to use it for something. How can you tell that a random anime face SD spits out is not just a recolored image of a pic someone posted on DeviantArt 5 years ago? Sure, you can change up the drawing yourself to a point where it no longer looks like what the AI generated but then, I don't even see how using the AI would be different than searching up a random image on google and using that as a reference (which would probably be more reliable anyway, since AI tends to produce questionable results).

The thing is, I'm not against AI tech per se, I can see how it can be useful if you want to create backgrounds for a comic as an example. However, if you'd feed your images into SD right now, you might get the results you want but they would still be based on the algorithm having been trained on a shitton of copyrighted images that do not belong to you. This would not have been a problem if they had just used non-copyrighted images to train it but they refused to do it, despite claiming that it would not make much of a difference (which I don't believe btw)

>> No.6412703

i enjoy not letting people do what they enjoy

>> No.6412704


>> No.6412714

>1 AI doesn't contain any copyrightable material within its parameters
Even if it doesn't save them its still trained on definite, quantifiable, copyrighted data and no amount of mental gymnastics or cope will ever change that fact
Kill yourself tourist

>> No.6412729

Art is just the manifestation of a vision somebody has within their thread. Any tools that allow you to do that more effectively and efficiently should be welcomed happily by an honest art community that actually cares about the ideals of art. It would only be rejected by people that want to make money off of it. Like sorry you wasted years learning how to draw, but get with the times gramps. Its still a cool little trick you can have fun with for your own personal enjoyment like cross-stitching or crochet

>> No.6412736

The issue is that human artists are also trained on art they've seen. Are you ready to pay royalties to every artist whose work you've ever seen in your life? No? Okay then because that's how fucking stupid your argument sounds

>> No.6412740

There is a reason why artists get mad if you trace their work or copy it without credit. However, a human can get inspired and create something new from that inspiration but a computer cant do it Algorithms can only copy and re-arrange what they have been trained on.

>> No.6412755
File: 580 KB, 512x506, 20221212_094226.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just made this using an AI art tool. Find me the piece of art that it "traced it" from

>> No.6412756

When you say something like that, anon, you’ve already lost the argument.

>> No.6412757

That's because humans aren't Xerox photocopiers or parameter recording tapes you subhuman dipshit, we don't exist in a vacuum like AI does
Stop equating brains to your meme machine learning, its not even remotely close, you probably know it as well but play dumb to feel better about stealing shit like the nigger you are

>> No.6412761

>I just made

>> No.6412764


>> No.6412769 [DELETED] 

All I know is I've seen art made using AI tools that is far more impressive than anything I've ever seen a human create by themselves. And for all the people shrieking and throwing toddler tier temper tantrums and hissy fits about how its "stealing" I've never seen them produce any human made art that it was convincingly "stolen" from. Obviously you're free to claim anything you want but you kind of need evidence if you want anyone to believe you.
Not that it really matters either way. AI art will become dominant no matter how much you scream and the fact that you feel the need to scream about it tells us that you do view it as a threat despite what you claim.
I understand that its scary to see your fragile world collapsing around you but it doesn't have to be that way. You can view it as a tool to make better art than you would have otherwise. And if you can't I at least hope you're open to therapy and know that suicide hotlines are out there to help you because AI art is only going to get better at an increasingly rapid rate. But its nothing to kill yourself over because you can always choose to look at the bright side instead of wallowing in denial

>> No.6412770

this is literally not an argument to anything, it has nothing to do with the original statement, you're a fucking retart lmfao being an athlete doesn't mean you need to walk everywhere what a fucking dumbass take

>> No.6412771

I couldn't find it on Google image search, can you?

>> No.6412772
File: 79 KB, 775x720, 1393605425701.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All I know is I've seen art made using AI tools that is far more impressive than anything I've ever seen a human create by themselves
Well post it

>> No.6412779
File: 348 KB, 1080x1080, Artist_Thumbnail_-__0004_PICASSO_b1073_jacqueline_in_a_straw_hat_lipic1073sc_un1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And thats just the recent creations not even the "best of the best"
Yet its still better than anything I've seen humans create on their own.
Obviously you can say "oh no thats not good, pic related is much better," but let's be intellectually honest instead

>> No.6412783

>All I know is I've seen art made using AI tools that is far more impressive than anything I've ever seen a human create by themselves.
Delusional, or supreme shit taste, probably both
Cope, you'll never be an artist or a woman

>> No.6412785

Yes, so stop trying to destroy artistic integrity with your machine product, you fucking bitch.

>> No.6412786

>soulless ripoff of artstation frontpage
Amazing, bravo
Are you getting paid to peddle this shit? I hope you are

>> No.6412790

Anon how is this better than "anything you have seen humans create", most of these look like regular photoshop edits. You can think it looks good, sure, but you can find the same shit if you sort by popular on deviantart

>> No.6412792

Major projection. Any honest person can look at the midjourney and see that they're much better than non-AI art.
Its a tool. AI art is just a different medium, and you're going to be very unhappy if you don't get that through your head. There are still people that cross-stitch and make some fun stuff and enjoy doing it. Nobody will take away your ability to do what you enjoy. Its just that the free market won't ever pay you do it unless you get involved in some money laundering plot.
I know its hard to cope with and its upsetting but the faster you accept it the quicker you'll be able to adapt. The longer you keep your head in the sand the worse it will be for you in the long run

>> No.6412796

Show me what they're ripped off from. Like I said earlier you can claim things all you want but until you provide evidence no one will take you seriously.
Just pick one of the pictures on that page and post it here then post the human made art that you think it was stolen from. It should be easy if you're not just coping and seething

>> No.6412797

If it's better than "non-AI art", why do they still need to use non-AI images to train their algorithms? Also, post your prompt

>> No.6412800

Link me what you think is better
Why do human artists need to look at other artwork when they're training? The fact is that AI is trained much like humans are only much faster and much more effectively

>> No.6412803
File: 691 KB, 2048x3072, 00147.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this clear cope, AI doesn't trace or copy anything. Its literally white noise. Such an argument will lose in court.

I can understand the argument AI will flood the net with worthless images and noise but that's a fault of the user not the AI, and as said before the aesthetic critique of good artists are the ultimate say and they have the power to make better use of AI then a non-artist.
I can also see the validity of AI art being used to impersonate, deepfake and/or spread libel and misinformation but again this is a function of the user. The same goes for copying art 1:1 with AI and claiming it at that point
It's the same bullshit arguments the troons and cucks at "OpenAI" have been using how AI will be misused etc, etc and only continue to lobotomize their work.
There isn't any real reason. AI can be trained on AI generated work but there's a greater risk of bais (not the SJW bais but bias like images trending to the same pattern or artifacts) a good example is how AI struggles with hands. "Exposing" AI to outside work will help to prevent this. Generally speaking AI doesn't even need to be trained, it will spit out garbage however because it has no external stimuli.

>> No.6412806


>> No.6412809

Also, AI isn't just trained on human art, its trained on regular nonartistic photographs as well. Just like human artists are trained on the things they see in everyday life

>> No.6412813

I'm not seeing anything in here that I'm impressed by. Why don't you pick one of them and post it here for us to analyze and compare to AI art? These seem very generic and uninspired. Technically speaking, some are decent but nothing close to what AI can do in 30 seconds

>> No.6412814

>AI doesn't trace or copy anything. Its literally white noise
It does not literally "trace" an image but it can only learn from existing images and as a result, produce copies of these images unintentionally. If you keep feeding it the same image to associate with "banana", it will always reproduce that image. If you feed it five different banana images, sure, it can create something in-between or something that looks closer to one of them. However, it can't create anything outside the scope of those five images, since it literally does not know that it exists.

>> No.6412820

So just like humans then. You're simply arguing that using larger datasets is better, which it is. Also catering and tagging the datasets better. There's a good job for all the soon to be out of work artists, you can get into tagging pictures for datasets to be used in AI art engines. Sort of like you're a sissy cuckold cleaning up after the AI bull but hey at least you have a purpose lol

>> No.6412822

It feels like talking to a wall
AI isn't human
It doesn't learn like a human, humans can't look at a photograph and almost perfectly replicate it in one second, AI doesn't actually understand what it copies
Stop equating it to a human brain
You're beyond saving

>> No.6412826

Not so much cleaning up after as prepping actually. Just think of yourselves as fluffers for the AI bull that is going to be fucking your former clients lmao

>> No.6412827

You're right, its not the same. AI is objectively better. Comparing AI to humans is like comparing humans to monkeys

>> No.6412828

You can show a human child five images of five different bananas and they will draw one that looks nothing like either of them. You can show an algorithm the same five images and it will produce something in between but never something new. That is why people say AI art has no "soul"

>> No.6412833

Have you ever created something you were proud of?

>> No.6412834

emad paid u guys well huh

>> No.6412835

Except that the child has been trained on a lot more than the five images you've shown it and if you train an AI on even a fraction of that much data it will produce things more unique than the human child will produce. I understand you're scared but you can also be intellectually honest. It takes some courage but its worth it because you'll be able to adapt better. Why not just start making art with AI? It's a lot more fun than you seem to think

>> No.6412837

God I wish I was getting paid to help you autists transition into the new world of art

>> No.6412838
File: 1.51 MB, 1024x1024, Sima_Yi_superman_collapsed_in_a_phone_booth_sobbing_uncontrolla_1b36041b-6b4d-41a2-a5a1-600f7c15b908.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just found this on midjourney
Basically how human artists imagine themselves right now

>> No.6412840

Yes, you're using a tool "right", we get it.
Most if not all is using it spitefully to kill off creatives.

>> No.6412841

don't think everyone is a joyless cockroach like you, rhajeet
none with a shred of humanity would ever touch this shit let alone enjoy it
its not art and you still never made anything with your own shit stained hands

>> No.6412842

I mean if your solution is to create AI that literally saves the same amount of information as a human brain, sure, you can claim that it will be capable of making art like humans can, except at that point, you can just get rid of humans altogether ... I just don't understand why anyone would find that desirable
>Why not just start making art with AI?
I tried and it felt no different than searching images with google. Have you ever tried to create art without AI?

>> No.6412846

On the contrary, I remind "creatives" that suicide hotlines are available and I encourage them to seek therapy and psychiatric hope instead of committing suicide. Even in Canada where it is legal to seek suicide i discourage Canadian artists from doing it because they might have a useful place in the economy once they accept and adapt to the new AI paradigm

>> No.6412849

What's your perfect vision for the future, anon? What do you think your AI utopia will be like?

>> No.6412854

Yes I've done both and AI art is a lot more efficient and impressive. I just want to get manifest something I see in my mind as quickly as possible. AI art does this but also adds more flavor than I'd have in art I made by myself. Plus I don't have to train for years to make impressive art. I enjoy the process of altering and fine tuning the prompts as well as editing a picture I've already created and then running it through the ai with a prompt to improve it further. Its a great tool if you learn how to use it. But I understand how if you don't see the various ways it can be used, it might seem like searching images on google.
And the good thing about AI is that it doesn't need to be running a human body and focusing on things other than making art unlike a human brain does. So you don't really need to make it save even close to as much info as the human brain

>> No.6412861

Its not about a utopian vision, its about reality. You can be unhappy about it but expressing that unhappiness and remaining in denial won't change the course of events. AI will become dominant in the creative field whether we like it or not. The industrial revolution and computer revolution was equally upsetting for many people who had built their lives on the technological paradigm of the previous era. But no amount of complaining changed it. The people that complained and ignored the changes were left behind to suffer in self pity while those that adapted were able to make successful lives and careers for themselves. Its just a choice and I want to see artists make a choice that is healthy, not one that leads down a road to extreme depression and suicide

>> No.6412868

Post the art you made and then post the AI art you made
If you think AI replacing everything humans do is inevitable (cause lets be honest, if AI becomes advanced enough to replace every creative field, it will not be limited to that), why even keep living then? Just kys and make room for the superior AI

>> No.6412885

I'd have to go dig out my art and I'm phoneposting at work rn
I mean right now we still have the ability to guide AI and use it to make fun stuff according to our visions. Yeah the universe will end eventually but I'm going to enjoy life as long as I can and explore new technology as it comes along. No reason to just lay down and die

>> No.6412887
File: 43 KB, 335x362, 1669759614658.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys are still seething over this?
It's been months...

>> No.6412893

I'll never give up my mind to a machine anon, most of us won't
If youre actually genuine then thank you for he warning but there's a reason so many of us despise AI, we enjoy the normal, human process and value true mastery of a craft over letting a tool do 90% of the work

>> No.6412896

I just think "it will happen, so just accept it" is a stupid mindset as well. Technology is created by humans and if enough people reject something, it will simply stop getting funded and be forgotten. Companies can be pressured by public opinion and by law. Sure, it's possible that AI dystopia is our future but humans have also never been great at predicting the future. Maybe we'll all die in a nuclear war before SD ever learns how to draw proper hands.

>> No.6412897

>he posted using his iPhone
At least the Amish walk the walk

>> No.6412904

>he still breathes
Computers dont have lungs, why are you still doing it?

>> No.6412905

Yes you can get some people to collectively reject the technology like the Amish did but there will always be groups of people that recognize the power of it and will use it to their advantage. And you will be at their mercy. Even if you stop it in the west, India and China will use the opportunity to gain dominance and plunder the wealth from your country. In which case you'll either die in a war or become a slave to the point that you won't have time to make art anyways. Its not that you can't be stubborn and inconvenience yourself to make a point, its that your life will be much better if you incorporate new technology instead of refusing to use it. Your competition won't have mercy for you

>> No.6412907

I accept your concession

>> No.6412917

I only tried to pull a comparison a fraction as retarded as yours but I feel like I didn't manage to fully capture how braindead you actually are

>> No.6412924

Why do you think that India and China are somehow inherently more evil than the west? Do you think chinks wake up thinking how to best replace their population by AI every day?

The thing is, if you simply accept that AI will replace you one day, then what's the point to keep living in the first place? Why create anything at all? Just out of boredom?

>> No.6412930

I create things because I enjoy it. I don't care if I don't get approval or money from others. If you want to keep drawing I'm not telling you to stop. But if you're upset about AI because you want to make a living off of art then you're acting foolishly. I have a good job and make art on the side for fun.
China and India aren't inherently more evil they're just competitive and will use whatever tools they can to be successful and become the most dominant nations. Native Americans were probably very nice people for the most part but they got steamroller by a technologically superior nation and it wasn't even a contest. Those that embrace new technology will have an advantage over those that don't. Simple as

>> No.6412942

>emotionally-driven bullshit explanations
And yours fucking isn't?

>> No.6412954

>But if you're upset about AI because you want to make a living off of art then you're acting foolishly
Well I'm not, I never made art for a living. I can understand people who are, though. What I don't understand is your point:

You keep claiming it's "just a new tool" yet at the same time aknowledge that it's gonna replace humans one day. Yet instead of pointing out that maybe, we should do something to stop it from ever getting that far, you just start screeching about how it would not matter because other countries are doing it anyway. Countries are made up by people, governments are made up by people. People can be influenced, even authoritarian leaders. You think there are no artists in China and India that are just as upset with this as people in the West? Also, these are countries that have massive problems with overpopulation, you think they would benefit from just replacing everyone's jobs with AI within a few years?

>> No.6412964

We're all going to die some day. That doesn't make life not worth living.
Without AI running the world (and probably even with it) there will be massive depopulation in the coming years. The only question is do you want it to be in a war that you're on the losing side of, a war that you're on the winning side of, or something more benign like LGBT being encouraged so that people reproduce less. LGBT ideology is fucking retarded and disgusting but I support it because it helps depopulate the planet and disproportionately targets poor people with poor genetics

>> No.6413006

>Which represent the art so what's your point?
No they don't, brainlet. They represent relations between differences, compounded hundreds of thousands of times. It has no tangible relation to the training data anymore.

>> No.6413008 [DELETED] 
File: 129 KB, 232x198, kekdog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, so it took your art from you? You no longer have it?
I see...

>> No.6413039
File: 151 KB, 1000x1000, terrorist_costume.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based, copyright infringement isn't real.

>> No.6413148

>ai chads calmly explaining how it works

>> No.6413150

Tell me more how the West not nuking most of its industry (office jobs, creative jobs, tech jobs) will make China beat us in AI technology? If anything it would make us stronger since that tech and resources used to train AIs to replicate the different drawing steps and ultimately shit on artists could be spend on making AIs that aid scientific research and resource extraction. What will China achieve if it makes AI that automates movies for you? It will stop buying movies from the west, and that’s it, their military production will remain the same, their agricultural development will remain the same, and so on. You are not even advancing in anything from other fields by researching this. All the diffusion models do is make random stuff describing your prompt from random noise, nothing technical happening. You are not even increasing the GDP of the economy since most of those AIs are either free or cost very little, while also being made by tech companies that don’t pay taxes, unlike most of the creative industry. US making this garbage is just US shooting itself in the foot. Yeah, let’s automate our workers and then make it open source so that Chinks could just copy and paste it, what a great idea.

>> No.6413187

In your dreams. Coders need more then just code small tidbits of code, plus that code needs to be prompted by somebody with advanced computer knowledge, while you are only doing pictures that AI can already do. ChatGPT can’t make long codes because current iteration of language models has small short term memory. We would need to start making chat bots from the ground up with new pipeline and training methods to make it able to write whole books or long coding projects. But this white noise pattern searcher is enough to replace your pathetic ass, so you just keep coping on this board. Just because Jannies started deleting bait threads does not mean AI is a nothingburger. You will not even be able to adopt to it, because prompting is also largely automated by Midjurney and other closed source models. There is no art in the future, and you will never be able to do anything about it, ever. That guy that won the state fare in digital art? He was right, art is dying, and you are witnessing the quick and brutal death right now in front of you. You should have been born 20 years age if you ever wanted to make it, now nobody will.

>> No.6413225

>You will not even be able to adopt to it, because prompting is also largely automated by Midjurney and other closed source models
This is still such a weird argument, what is the point of generating automated prompts? The whole reason why people got excited about SD is because they can create something with it using their own words

>> No.6413239
File: 1.32 MB, 1257x891, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow look at all these pictures I made.

>> No.6413245

Nice cope, codemonkey. Not only will you be replaced, but nobody cares about your output, and nobody has ever idolized your skill. Either way, codemoneys or artfags... imagine having to work for money and not being born rich lol

>> No.6413343

Stop pirating your games, poorfag thief.

>> No.6413380
File: 26 KB, 583x616, c1hU1Rj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah we were kidding ourselves when we called it gacha. We can't save face anymore.

>> No.6413384

Post the prompt then, faggot.

>> No.6413386

Nobody cares about public opinion, especially not your invisible masters.

>> No.6413630

>It's almost like smart people should adapt to the world that they live in instead of burying their heads in the sand and pretending it doesn't exist because it's not how it was when they were growing up.
>instead of "burying their heads in the sand and pretending it doesn't exist because it's not how it was when they were growing up".
Funny, society literally do this all the time, it's called
So you're actively for the destruction of all that? Why do you think we call you soulless pajeets? Because that's what your kind are. You're not the smart one, you're a demon creature that is killing humanization.

You're only saying shit like
> it's not how it was when they were growing up.
Because you have a dogshit upbringing you despise and rather seek "the future" as a cope to escape your hellhole shitheep. Say it what it actually is, and stop trying to damned everyone to your damnation.

>> No.6413653
File: 113 KB, 526x720, 1669944248258077.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does this keep getting brought up like this actually happens?
People always call out people stealing other peoples works, when has this ever not been fact?

>> No.6413793
File: 463 KB, 1141x907, 1651041864959.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

better pack up and move to china, only country that will respect artist rights, lol

>> No.6413854

>Fucking China respects artist rights more than the West
How kek

>> No.6413877
File: 505 KB, 474x780, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they understand ai can generate any images, including realistic photos of real people, it's not about artfags at all, it's more about "fighting" disinfo

>> No.6413883

it's ogre

>> No.6413945


>> No.6414031

>Some people don't have time to just get good at art so that they can create artwork for their game or whatever.
Then get a hobby you don't suck at, retard, no one cares that you have low IQ.

>> No.6414043

It's been 77 years since a nuke was last used in warfare. It's all bs and fearmongering.

>> No.6414066
File: 85 KB, 720x1130, shizzywall-1601932721655525377-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Literally has to fake wip progress despite the point of AI was to "get to the final result" instantly
So what is it? If you weren't insecure about proving AI you wouldn't have to fake gen non existent timelapses of the "progress" of the AI stealin- I mean, working on the "original" drawing.

>> No.6414095

What a fucking world we live in.

>> No.6414305

>it's a tool that attempts to capture reality.
Is this the IQ level of AIpajeets? They really do think technology is magic don't they?

>> No.6414341

If you pressed button to mash up stolen works you didn't created shit.

>> No.6414421
File: 1.02 MB, 960x1280, lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6415716

freedom projected unto others is a new concept to the recently born