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6191455 No.6191455 [Reply] [Original]

In America, is it more economically viable to make colored comics or b&w comics in this day and age? With colored, you'd have to spend nearly the same amount of time coloring your work as you did drawing it, or pay money for a colorist, but with b&w your audience is smaller.

>> No.6191490

>same amount of time
You must be a pretty fast draftsmanship, huh.

>> No.6191517

I'm just slow at both desu

>> No.6191536

more like draftswoman

>> No.6191541

Neither are very economically viable so you may as well just do what you want.
If you feel like you have the time to color your comics then go for it.

>> No.6191546
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>Neither are very economically viable so you may as well just do what you want.
I feel destroyed

>> No.6191550

Amen and Awomen, anon.

>> No.6191591

>but with b&w your audience is smaller.
I'm sure those 3.5 billion hentai and mangas have little audiences.
Only faggy webtoon retards or marvel/dc wannabe artists care about color in comics

>> No.6191615

If it makes you feel any better, 99% of indie comics made in the west are shit in both art and writing. So if you put out an actual pro-quality product then you might have an easier time standing out in the ocean of shit and gaining an audience.

>> No.6191638

Those are my thoughts as well. John Cleese said that "if there are even 12 people who could write a story in England, I would be surprised"

>> No.6191679

Just do b&w and save color for special occasions. People still love manga don't they? As long as your story is good and your art is at least legible, you can make it. It ultimately depends on that AND how you market yourself. It's a very competitive field so if you plan to post and just hope it gains popularity you probably won't go anywhere because having a random viral hit without you influencing the surrounding market at all is near impossible.
... Unless you have connections in high places that can shout it out... But if your story isn't good, you won't make it. Art style wise, if your art isn't good it will turn people away, but if you just have a really good story you could make it without high quality art
But it will be harder to gain traction because the general populace does judge a book by its cover quite often

>> No.6191813

somehow I don't think Americans are as rational as you are. If i'm making webtoons it's gonna be preteens and casuals who are my main audience, and they all will probably demand color (anime is colored, and most people watch anime instead of reading the manga).

I'm still probably gonna go for b&w because I can't be arsed to color anything, I was just wondering if it was worth the effort to try

>> No.6191863

>It's gonna be preteens
Is that the audience you want to target? No? Then why is your audience going to be preteens?

I know there WILL be under 18s that consume any and all comics, but you can easily make a mature comic that isn't aimed at a preteen audience. It can be hard to manage and eventually you won't be able to manage it at all, but you CAN influence what demographic you want.
Say, again for manga, preteens would be more into shounen or shoujo. But seinen is still a popular category isn't it?
>Most people watch anime
That's for the mainstream. Have you actually looked up say, mangadex's or webtooks site traffic statistics? Millions of people read webcomics and manga anon. Just because the vocal mainstream focus on anime, it doesn't mean manga is really that much lesser than.

I still suggest using color for special occasions. There are many comics or manga that say, do an occasional few splash pages of color to open a chapter with or for special intimate moments. Or for the chapter pages, if applicable. Giving the readers some form of color reference in their minds does help them engage more deeply into the comic itself because some readers enjoy projecting their color on their own.
But, ultimately, if you're good at using your solid blacks and shading, black and white on it's own can work just fine.
Again, look at manga. Manga isn't dying anytime soon my friend.

What ultimately matters is if you have good characters and a good story to tell

Plus, you could always do experimental oneshots. Some oneshots in color, some not. Experiment a little. It'll be a good learning experience regardless and it's better than sitting around not drawing right?'

>> No.6191913

thank you for the encouraging response, I won't give up, senpai. I think the comic medium can only expand and grow

>> No.6191930

Good luck my friend. If you draw a little every day, you'll surely make it!

>> No.6191936

Oh also, if you do strike gold, I highly suggest that the first thing you put money towards is translation teams. People that will translate your comic into other languages. Particularly Korean, Spanish, and Japanese are some of the more I guess popular? languages I've seen being put on priority for this sort of thing. Of course the more languages the better, but overall it helps a lot.

>> No.6191942

I will definitely keep this in mind. Is it worth learning a language, you think? Or is it not worth the time investment

>> No.6191955

That depends on you. It's generally a pretty good idea to learn more languages, but don't hold it against yourself if you can't find the time to. It would definitely save you on money hiring translators if you're able to translate it yourself though. When it comes to picking a language to learn, that's still up to you. I'd say Korean is surprisingly easy if you did want to start off simple and if you wanted to be more on the webtoon side of things than the manga side of things. Since Koreans kind of dominate the webtoon market. Ultimately it depends on what your end game is and if you think you'll find use out of knowing the language you pick.
It also depends on where you are in your art. Say you're closer to a beginner than an intermediate, I'd say put more of your time into your art and keep language learning a side hobby at most. You currently have the goal of making a comic in mind. You should focus on this goal before adding even more to yourself or you may end up overwhelmed.
But again, it isn't a bad thing and even if you're a beginner artist, if you're good at time management you could still juggle both just fine

>> No.6191969

I see, I probably won't learn any languages then. I need to focus on my art, but hiring translators seems like a good idea, once I start making money from it. Thanks for talking to me, and good luck on your own projects as well!

>> No.6193973

going to be very real with you, comics in general aren't economically viable.

personally, if you had to do something comic wise, I would look at 'comics gate' as they seem to well and above outperform the american industry, and at least with what they say, they want to not be political.

>> No.6194356


>> No.6194842

the flip side is that you’re not one of those optimistic 12 and the chance of you being one while being a good visual artist is lmao

>> No.6194863

extremely flawed reasoning
people who read manga want to read manga, not western faux-manga or sin city
their train of thought is
>I’m gonna read manga now
>I’m gonna read a black and white comic now
unless what you’re putting out is manga, they are not your audience
assuming equal quality, lack of color is 100% detrimental to your comic, appeal-wise, literally nobody is going to see your comic and think “I would read this if it was black and white instead”
compare any single artist’ ink drawings to their color drawings, the inks are always like 1/10 as popular even if they’re amazing and the color is just adequate

>> No.6195659

Didn't know you spoke for every human being on the planet. I guess human beings aren't capable of reading two different art styles in their comics. I didn't know you're extremely narrow view represented the wider scope as a whole. I didn't know people that read manga never read any other comic format ever. Wow you learn something new every day

>> No.6195663

>comics gate
quick rundown?

>> No.6195664

ok, retard

>> No.6195668

get a real job instead if you're worried about money

>> No.6195677

>people eat burgers
>people who eat burgers are not necessarily people who don’t read comics
>therefore mcdonald’s customer base is my audience

>> No.6195693
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I plan to learn how to invest in stocks and crypto so I never have to work again. I'll just let my money grow and grow

>> No.6195727

what side you want?

comics were largely infiltrated by 'sjw's' or activists, they work for absolutely nothing, and pushed everyone who didn't fall fully in line out. they largely push a political agenda in every single thing they make, either overtly, saying the shit straight to your face, or they do it a scovertrly as they can, making every hero a minority, killing off/pussifying the old heros, making all the enemies white males, or in cases like captain america forever training him through story lines.

comics gate, the response to that, largely doesnt want to be political, as it heavily dates the comics, they want the comics to be things someone 50 years from now picks up and hopefully can get into it, not seeing an orange man is a nazi references everywhere, and they seem to have gotten a relatively dedicated following of people who are willing to pay a premium for a premium product.

you want the other side, a bunch of racist white males decided to spread their supremacy thought their shitty and bigoted books.

rippaverse is one of the current big ones, as an example. and yes i'm well aware the previous line exists and i'm naming this comics.

largely the people who hate comics gate are industry insiders who want to have the stranglehold on culture, and while there are definitely some insufferable personalities in cg, what they are doing is kicking the current industries asses even if only on the enthusiasm level, kind of think of them like image was, just if image was a bunch of disjointed indies.

aligning with comics gate will 100% make you unhireable in the industry, however do you want to be hired for sub minimum wage jobs?

>> No.6196098

Technically, yes. If you wanted to target specifically fast food employees. It wouldn't be the first and certainly wouldn't be the last comic to target the minimum wageslave demographic

>> No.6196103

what's the difference between comics gate and going indie? Or webtoons?

>> No.6196206

target demographic =/= audience

>> No.6196211

I want that handsome kinky hunk to put me in my place

>> No.6196379


Comics gate is a group of former industry pros spearheaded by Ethan Van Sciver. If you get in good with them they can promote your books on their livestreams.

>> No.6196602

Knowing your target demographic is extremely important. Of course your audience will eventually grow, but if you don't know who your target demographic is, you'll be running into a lot of problems in the long run and your series is likely very messily put together

>> No.6196609

comics gate are just a dumb scam, they don't fulfill their kickstarters. Their work is also usually subpar and dated even by capeshit standards.
They're just a bunch of trihard losers that rode the whole muh SJW are ruining comics wave but in the end their work was also shit so nobody cares anymore.

>> No.6196976

going pure indie while avoiding comics gate is the same problems that all indies face, no one knows you, no one sees you, no one cares at all.

going comics gate, even if Ethan Van Sciver doesn't see you or promotes you, still lumps you in them as a searchable term.

going webtoon had no real sellable end goal, at least in the west, you get lumped in with the other webcomics, which is a space that activists ruined.

>they don't fulfill their kickstarters

nearly all kickstarters are done by people who don't understand lead times and factoring in delays, especially first kickstarters tend to have date goals that are based on everything going 100% right. so far, the only people who out right don't fulfill their kickstarters seem to be anti comics gate people, as these morons are use to working for peanuts, they make the kickstarters with unrealistically low money thresholds so they either break even after all the work they put in, not factoring in labor costs, then running out of money, which may have been the goal from the start.

generally, all kickstarters are late for reasons out of creator's hands, and all launch goals are made without factoring in issues

>> No.6196985

it's from the manhwa 'a business proposal'

>> No.6198023

If this guy can get 1,744 patrons for his shitty unfunny scribbles then there’s no reason you can’t do even better with an actual quality product.
It’s just the same business fundamentals that apply everywhere: find a niche you can tap into, advertise and put yourself out there, be persistent.

>> No.6201163

in america, working in comics isn't economically viable unless you're pre-established somewhere else or get supplemental income

>> No.6201172

how the fuck would you know that?

>> No.6201177

Enjoy 8% max returns yoy on the S&P500 or stressing over losing fucktons of money in risky investments or options. Finance has and always will be for the rich or the lucky.
>t. formerly balls deep in finance and now semi retired
You haven't seen stress until you've seen your networth go -70% before quadrupling in a single week.

>> No.6202308

sounds scary, but it worked out for you, huh?

>> No.6202347

Not him but I talk to artists and can interpret statistics.