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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 899 KB, 1000x1500, kino11v1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5201486 No.5201486 [Reply] [Original]

IF YOU ARE A /BEG/INNER IN ART, please use this thread to post pieces for critique or ask for advice.

Use this thread instead of making new threads or post in the Drawthread with fundamental exercises.


RESIZE YOUR IMAGES TO ~1000 PIXELS using one of the following methods:
1. screenshot the image and post that instead
2. change camera capture settings to something smaller
3. send to computer and resize in picresize.com

Sticky document:

Take your time, you can do it!
Previous thread: >>5198253

>> No.5201495


>> No.5201497

Since it's a new thread I'll ask for help on shading and texture again


>> No.5201514
File: 73 KB, 747x864, 20210212_182452_copy_747x864.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not sure how the chest would look. he's supposed to be standing straight

>> No.5201538
File: 28 KB, 411x795, lighting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

trying to figure out how to light stuff..

>> No.5201540

bro don’t approach this yet
This is my (subjective) guide for begs
Keys To Drawing
then you have most of your construction and shit down and it will be easier

>> No.5201543

also you can find all those in the sticky / on google

>> No.5201547

what does FWAP and FDFAIW stand for?

>> No.5201550

fun with a pencil, figure drawing for all its worth
all in the artbook thread/mega

>> No.5201551

Loomis books i haven't read, I just shill them here

>> No.5201554

this retard isn’t me

>> No.5201558

you don’t even have to go that far for loomis
also don’t believe the crabs who tell you he isn’t good
Everyone who can draw good today learned from someone who learned from loomis

>> No.5201564
File: 978 KB, 1959x2497, Illustration2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't think i've ever been as happy with how something was turning out as i am with this one.
gonna take a break and try to paint it in when i have the energy; any critique about the gesture/proportions appreciated before i move on from the sketching phase

>> No.5201565

Pyw crab

>> No.5201575
File: 1.01 MB, 1100x1402, resize.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot to resize

>> No.5201576

too beg to help you
ask in the int thread

>> No.5201580

Brother thats a lot of chicken scratch

>> No.5201583

there's an int thread?

>> No.5201586

yeah, i'm painting over all of it so i didn't exercise restraint

>> No.5201588


>> No.5201594

thanks, still not familiar woth all the generals

>> No.5201610

you are being memed, lurk more unironically

>> No.5201612

there's no int thread because there's no such thing as int, you're either /beg/ or not /beg/

>> No.5201619

theres clearly a difference between day 1 begs and 3 year old begs

>> No.5201630

What's the difference between day 1 begs and year 3 begs

>> No.5201648

>Everyone who can draw good today learned from someone who learned from loomis
wow! you know the biography of a lot of people

>> No.5201653

learn to do cross contours if you're doing observational drawing before you do stuff like shading and cross hatching it helps alot in understanding the form. more structural shit is by using construction and stuff. Hampton design and invention is good pdf file to have if you want to attempt to just jump right in
CGMA peterhan dynamic sketch 1 and 2 will help form your basic shapes
Drawabox to understand basic perspective of shapes(fuck the gay ass 100 draw challenges)
keep them as daily practice., make sure to take everyones suggestions never found loomis except for drawing heads so theres my take.

you dont want to be the x-months schizo thats the embodiment of Keys to Drawing now

>> No.5201655

is that a shield with a loli's face on it? where this is from?

>> No.5201659


>> No.5201661

it's a medusas head.
it's supposed to be my take on Perseus

>> No.5201666

X month schizo is probably ban for a few days huh. He hasnt been crying here

>> No.5201674

this is really good. you should go to the /int/, /asg/ or /draw/ threads. you're certainly not /beg/

>> No.5201679

I can see the snakes now, nice take. whats up with the deer skull? I can't make the connection

>> No.5201685

I hope that he is out there actually finishing some book/course this time. instead of just doing one exercise and giving up.

>> No.5201691

it's a Blessing of Artemis goddess of the hunt, I don't think he got it in the actual myth but dude went arround gathering enchanted trinkets from several gods and he was on a hunting mission so i figured it would be fitting if he got something from the goddess of the hunt.
thanks I'll stick to /asg/ from now on

>> No.5201699

if you want help for texture unironically do drawabox or dynamic sketching.

>> No.5201700

>it's a Blessing of Artemis goddess of the hunt,
I see, nice

>> No.5201743

I'm going to do it, I'm going to fucking read fun with a pencil.

I'm tired of being shit.

>> No.5201755

Yeah don't forget to draw

>> No.5201757

should I read first then draw or draw while reading or what the fuck

>> No.5201759

Just draw

>> No.5201824

I would have to baby shield staring straight ahead instead of looking in the same direction as the character. It looks kind of weird like that. Unless it's supposed to be an animate shield.

Looks great.

>> No.5201834
File: 2.21 MB, 4160x3120, 134789.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just drew this without reference. How are the proportions?

>> No.5201842

proportions wise not bad, his neck area might need some work.

>> No.5201845

turd arms....

>> No.5201847

Red line it crabs

>> No.5201853

weird way to ask for a favor

>> No.5201855

So, is Marshall Vandruff's new perspective course still a thing ?

>> No.5201857

oh com'on the arms are obviously bad, they look like turds thats a fact

>> No.5201863

No, instead I'll let you in on a little truth:
There is no extra merit for "drawing without reference", neither for "not having drawn in a long time" or for "I drew this using only sticks and stones"
There is only merit for drawing WELL with the APPROPRIATE tools, only a fool would think they deserve more recognition for the limitations faced in the making of the final product
Not to mention that if you draw poorly using crappy tools, you only make a clown out of yourself

>> No.5201864

That's not me(the guy who posted it)

>> No.5201866

>cant even redline some arms

>> No.5201867

maybe anon just wanted to point thjat out to justiy any crappiness in the final product which i think is okay

>> No.5201870
File: 40 KB, 435x509, Et3gppeUUAQ10lQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5201872

I already redlined it in my brain, there is no merit for replicating it onto a canvas

>> No.5201926

He's just mad because he chugs ass

>> No.5201956
File: 923 KB, 3838x1236, big ass grind.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

doing some hampton

>> No.5201976

just copying shit from the book is doing very little
put his principles to practice on your own

>> No.5201979

I gotta sleep first so I absorb this and then Ill try, I always study like that

>> No.5201984

It really doesn't feel like you understand whatever it is you're drawing as actual 3D forms, the cross contours look like they're done for the sake of doing them. Try drawing stuff as it were see through, drawing even the sides you can't see and wrapping those cross contours around the entire form.

>> No.5202000
File: 232 KB, 1116x1500, ugg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look up Robert Marzullo and draw from IRL refs as close as you can. Copy them exactly as you see them.
I'm not grabbing my tablet for this.
I need to practice men too desu.
At your stage, you shoulf only draw with no reference whenever you are doing a test against the same drawing with no reference. Don't bash the same mistakes into your brain even if its just a little bit. You can blast ahead of everybody if you do nothing but copy the right things from the get go, then slowly take off the training wheels.

>> No.5202004

*you should only draw without reference when testing your knowledge against a drawing you used reference for

>> No.5202005

Been trying to understand gesture from vilppu all afternoon, it's really fucking frustrating. Tempted to try hampton but I'm determined to finish drawing manual to the end.

>> No.5202012

Will do

>> No.5202014
File: 1.68 MB, 1208x2290, wizard5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone got any advice for this?

>> No.5202017

isnt cross hatching suppose to be an indication of form anon? like it wraps around the robe and stuff?

>> No.5202018

Yeah I was thinking of that, but was afraid it'd look like shit if I fucked it up. I guess that's the thing I need to work on next.

>> No.5202069
File: 438 KB, 2480x2048, 2-12-21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please critique my drawings. The mouse, fingers, and phone camera are from life. The trees and ball are from imagination.

>> No.5202074
File: 163 KB, 550x661, djmr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since there's no pre-/beg/ thread, I'm posting this image I created. I actually spent a decent amount of time on the sketch, but it looked really bad despite resembling the form of the reference.
So I tried roughly shading and coloring it, with unimpressive results.

>> No.5202078

you should probably study head anatomy before using color and stuff, this is an example of polishing a turd

>> No.5202101

I see what you mean, thank you for the feedback.

>> No.5202105

you drew the head in isometric perspective but completely ignored the vertical axis you pre-established when drawing the chest. if you arent going to bother with perspective, at least make your vertical lines parallel

>> No.5202140

never hope he comes here, literal walking psyops

>> No.5202144

whats a psyop?

>> No.5202160

psychological operation, takes a psychological hit on your mental health. usually takes an extended period of time to take affect, completely different from crabbing and shitposting. "what happens if I become like x-schizo?" "Is my art is really that trash" "Did I waste my time" instead of feeling that your just having a bad day and moving onto a different drawing, you'll just be there wallowing in mud with him, you arent in your normal state and arent able make critical rational decisions. The trigger word in this case would be "months" since everyone on here is trying to do there best with the time they have spent and we have this faggot that keeps crying all over the place shitting and killing threads here and about the months he spent wasted and that will into peoples head one way or another.
it's alot dangerous for what you might think, I fucking hate that faggot so much

>> No.5202166
File: 68 KB, 637x358, CF5AFF02-B192-4A06-A998-8853629CDD58.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5 m o n t h s

>> No.5202180

bare minimum he still needs to flood the thread, it still needs to be a very overwhelming presence to make sure its seeded. its not TDS bad levels of bad. heed my warning my fren, I genuinely dont want any of you guys getting affected by that faggot.

>> No.5202183
File: 74 KB, 1017x1024, AFAA0AC0-D8DA-4FE1-963A-02AC43EE1880.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that faggot knows nothing of the fury and hellfire that is yet to rain down upon him. I am the one that knocks

>> No.5202214
File: 147 KB, 828x1280, 94883878-1D88-45E8-B973-0A59192BDCC6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How long should it take to learn to draw why do I keep feeling like I’m going backwards?

>> No.5202270
File: 317 KB, 876x1901, Neph and Mage2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Picking colours. Hoping to get time to shade it.

Issues I know about
>Half giants left arm is almost apelike in length
>I lost the ribcage and shoulder mantle once I started layering on clothes and adding the interaction with the boy
>Need to work on faces
>The thick linework and hatching are on a desperate layer and will probably be re-worked once I add shading
>The gray spot on chick is gut armour that I forgot to finish on the other side of her body
>I don't know how to colour the inside of mouths

Any advice on colour picking and getting poses like this to look more natural?

I used a mashup of photo refs because I couldn't find anything like pic related.

Looks good man.

Simple but effect

I like it.

>> No.5202277

can't believe my work is on OP, am I allowed to leave /beg/ now.

>> No.5202283


>> No.5202320

That means you epitomize what it means to be /beg/ you have a long way to go

>> No.5202334
File: 231 KB, 800x1280, Untitled58_20210213174814.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone help me with the hand, i drawing on my phone.

>> No.5202361
File: 1.68 MB, 1920x1080, lily dippin her toes ss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

still trying and feeling dumb....

>> No.5202365

Cute, dont give up. Try the build up method. Soft brush, less hard brush.

>> No.5202373

soft brush, less hard brush?
I'll try building up more for the next one then.

>> No.5202375

Where can I find a good animu torso tutorial?

>> No.5202377

People are giving you shit for painting these beautiful landscapes with your cartoony lil girl in them, but be aware: I genuinely think this is the sort of thing that develops into an artist's style/unique quirk.

I think you should lean into it - polishing your ability to draw beautiful landscapes like this but continuing to have a more stylized, cartoony character in the scene - I think it would be a real striking look, and if popularity is something you want, it would help you stand out in the crowd. Your landscapes are strikingly good - right now the character stands out as being comparatively simple in a distracting way. Turn a distracting element into a strength. It could easily be a very distinctive, unique style trademark, IMO.

>> No.5202380

The reason I would say this is happening is an extreme example of drawing symbols versus drawing what the eye sees.

With the landscape, I imagine you are using a photo reference and working to match values, colors and textures from the original image.

Your character is drawn from imagination and is strongly symbol-drawn. You don't seem to have much of a sense of figure drawing or anatomy, just a decent ability to draw a cartoon character.

You could definitely draw her more realistically if you studied anatomy and started replacing your symbol drawing memory for humans with a more realistic one, and applied the same technique you have for the environments. But I really do think you should embrace the dichotomy.

>> No.5202390
File: 1.57 MB, 1920x1080, lily in da rock hole s.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm aware my figures aren't the best, but I feel more critical regarding my landscapes...
I'll set some time aside for at least an hour of gesture drawing

>> No.5202402

Hard edges are for things like hard shadows or hard light. Or shapes that should be defined properly. If everything is hard shapes, it is very hard on the eyes.

>> No.5202408
File: 83 KB, 1197x1141, armor study1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm hoping that if I start rendering more, the appreciation of form will transfer to my drawings.

>> No.5202425

How do you know when you've stopped being a beginner? I think most of you are kind of pros already, I feel like shit

>> No.5202447

mega mega mikey

>> No.5202456

Here are some good habits.

1) comparing is good, you should celebrate human excellence, you are human too, it means you can do it too!

2)do not let others tell you what you can or cannot do in art, no rules all tools.

3) dont feel bad cus you are bad. you are not winning yet, keep trying, when you win, it will be glorious, never give up.

You can do it, you got this!

>> No.5202460

> "what happens if I become like x-schizo?" "Is my art is really that trash" "Did I waste my time"
I mean, the fact that he just keep jumping from course to course without finishing anything would make me not think this. he is literally doing it to himself.

>> No.5202462
File: 226 KB, 800x1280, 1613209703298.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5202464

Thx anon!!

>> No.5202477

for me is when I am able to draw without making any concessions, like sometimes I have to compromise and change my composition/pose because I just don't have the dexterity/knowledge to pull it off.

>> No.5202481

I like the dynamic gesture of the foremost leg, but the way you arranged the anatomy makes it look like the leg is being broken and twisted off. Otherwise I think you did a good job with creating a natural looking pose. I can tell you were conscious of how important the spine is.

>> No.5202536

it's extremely vague, it's one of those things you have to figure out what it means to you specifically

to me, it's just the freedom to be able to draw whatever kind of scene i want without compromising because of my skill level. doesn't mean anything i make has to be perfect, but close enough.

>> No.5202558 [DELETED] 
File: 544 KB, 860x1180, EndlessAstra.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek I hate me
I spent 3 hours trying to "fix the pose and perspective"... then noticed I didn't like it much, said "screw it" and did the lineart over the original sketch.
Now that's much better, I didn't need to waste time reinventing the wheel.

>> No.5202563
File: 560 KB, 860x1180, EndlessAstra.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek I hate me
I spent 3 hours trying to "fix the pose and perspective"... then noticed I didn't like it much, said "screw it" and did the lineart over the original sketch.
Now that's much better, I didn't need to waste time reinventing the wheel.

>> No.5202568

Alright fuck Loomis I'm too dumb for this shit. How did you guys approach the book? Did you just like draw all of his illustrations and moved forward only when you were done with the entire page?

>> No.5202569

>read it
>understand it
>apply new knowledge while figure/portrait drawing

>> No.5202578

How is this /beg/?
I’m serious, for my own education, tell me the flaws here that make this /beg/ level.

>> No.5202590

Fair enough but damn the amount of illustrations early on was kind of intimidating. Like chill man I'm literally shit at drawing

>> No.5202627

To be fair even I think I'm probably not a /beg/ at times, I just lack the discipline to finish pieces with high quality more than once per month.
Still I don't feel comfortable calling it flawless, since I failed at the perspective for hours.

>> No.5202739

Hey thanks for the reply man. I see what you mean about the leg, thanks for pointing it out.

I honestly doubt I'm going to edit it much at this point but it's a good reminder to pay more attention to the sketch and the whole.

>> No.5202780
File: 14 KB, 320x288, 1612747843960.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Draw from imagination in that case lol, those look way better. the reference drawings look too rigid... feel free to exaggerate some elements as it will actually make the drawing more lifelike

>> No.5202792

looks great anon

>> No.5202796

This guy is a moron don't listen to him. Drawing from imagination is a meme. Learn to use references correctly

>> No.5202810
File: 1.69 MB, 3107x2268, 20210213_233947.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bought a wooden manikin

>> No.5202812
File: 1.46 MB, 3041x2268, 20210213_234042.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5202816

these are copied from a great video I watched on yt


>> No.5202848
File: 379 KB, 2660x1784, 1613229665139.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

c&c welcome, don't mind hands and feet

>> No.5202868

Thank you!

>> No.5202972

When I will able to put a line where I want with sub-pixel precision and draw forms with required proportions without rulers and draw a shadows without refs and calculations. Maybe last isn't necessary.

>> No.5202994
File: 175 KB, 937x1080, 20210213_081440.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no idea how to draw figures properly. :/

>> No.5203085

Uh then practice doing them at least two hours a day. I'd do some fun stuff first then do muh basics to make it not a chore.

>> No.5203112
File: 144 KB, 1080x789, Screenshot_20210213-191850_Photos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Total beginner here. I read the recourses but I don't want to go through a book just yet. At the moment just copying random symbols and trying to blind draw them. Also practicing my lines like the guide on drawabox. Should I focus more on faces and body soon or can that wait for a bit till I get a little better with muscle memory and precision?

>> No.5203120
File: 317 KB, 1234x1320, satsukicock.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Happy valentines day, homos.

>> No.5203123

This is what happens when you begin drawing coom while you still have a 12 year old's drawing level.

>> No.5203130

Ah you love it. Slut.

>> No.5203141

He's smerfing.

>> No.5203161
File: 775 KB, 6815x3282, 1638738.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

40 mins. i feel like im getting the hang of gesture a little. before this month i only did 20 minutes a day and i feel like i wasnt trying hard enough to understand it.

>> No.5203195
File: 1.50 MB, 2480x3200, Nw2_0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not dynamic enough. What else?

>> No.5203200


>> No.5203206

FIX the hands

>> No.5203211

Oh /ic/ you're so fucking worthless. Never change.

>> No.5203212

your proportions are off. The neck is too thick and the head could be a little bigger. The lower half of the body is small compare to the upper half.

>> No.5203217

what are you trying to draw? If you want to draw figure drawing you should start to study that then. Also drawing in general improves muscle memory and precision.

>> No.5203219

did all of this take 40 minutes? if so try and do some timed gesture practices to improve on time.

>> No.5203239
File: 1.14 MB, 1295x799, Untitled-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, the neck is indeed kind of thicck. I elongated the torso, so the lower half looks too small.

>> No.5203272

Thanks anon, I'll keep grinding and studying

>> No.5203286

yeah I knew something was off

>> No.5203291

Yeah those hands are physically impossible

>> No.5203321

what? he is saying what is wrong with the drawing if anon needs more information he can just ask.

>> No.5203390

The hands are wrong it's the angle the right arm is at that's wrong. He's one step up from MUH ANATOMY.

>> No.5203392

Well aren't you fucking worthless.

>> No.5203413

Is every pose supposed to be dynamic, anyways ? I'm often drawing people just walking around or sitting on couches doing nothing and I wonder if I should try to force some more dynamic poses to make the picture appealing.

>> No.5203437

>Is every pose supposed to be dynamic, anyways
beg here, my understanding is that you push the pose to convey better the characters feelings. I think that the characters should be feeling something 99% of the times. how much you push will depend on how strong the feelings are tho.

>> No.5203440
File: 44 KB, 401x515, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im still trying to attempt construction but I am failing so hard at it. Making boxes doesn't make sense bros. Will any of this ever click for me?

>> No.5203448

if boxes are not working for you try the bean method. Also it takes time and practice to get better just keep studying.

>> No.5203472

do you have a good line control? if not, construction will not help you that much. it doesn't matter if you know where to put the lines, if you don't have the dexterity to put the lines where you want to.

>> No.5203477

fuck off of beg attentionfag

>> No.5203484

the stomach is pretty much just fat and isnt part of the rib cage anon

>> No.5203494
File: 123 KB, 1058x714, progress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you make colored light sources like torches or flares ?
I tried making another layer at 5% opacity or so with the base color of the source, or at least what I think it would be at given distances, but it looks even worse than what I was expecting.

Is there a blending mode to do those or should I just hit the books to figure out how to do it the hard way with actual color theory instead of being lazy like with everything else ?

>> No.5203504

same advice for anyone: clean up your lines, work on anatomy.

>> No.5203507

Personally I find the inconsistent brush style jarring. It's not just you, it seems to be a common side effect of digital art.

>> No.5203508

Positively seething

>> No.5203511

Isn't beans are less precise (if we aren't talk about robo-beans which has a boxes inside)? Also who is the best bean teachers besides of Proko? Vilppu's method with spheres is little similar but I think it's not true beans.
Seconding this, bad line control often ruins my construction with any method. Maybe I also can't draw hair because of that.

>> No.5203512
File: 1.66 MB, 2160x3840, shower_party_final.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5203518

You need to take a step backwards and focus on the basics. Draw 3D forms, not lines. Don't shade with half-opacity black; instead use a darker shade of the color at 100% opacity.

>> No.5203529

Was your goal to make this look unsettling? It's working.

>> No.5203534

You forgot to draw the lower back, the tits shouldnt start at the collar bones, and the necks are too short. You may want to study like the parts of the human body. Not how to draw them, just know what they are.

>> No.5203536
File: 1.12 MB, 1030x1940, 1546830051449.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

notice how this girl's legs are two shades of pink. Not pink with grey/black smeared over it like in your drawing.

>> No.5203543

>use a darker shade of the color at 100% opacity
I know but isn't that what the multiply layer is for ? you put some gray on it and it makes the layer below darker no matter what the color was ?
I don't do color that much.

>> No.5203550

Yeah I mean it's a boy getting teamed up on by three curvy women. Scarousal is definitely the theme here.
anatomy study is on my todo list

>> No.5203558
File: 341 KB, 512x406, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it honestly reminds me of, you'll definitely get recruited by some creeps anon

>> No.5203564

>shota getting gobled

>> No.5203570

Extremely based and gmi

>> No.5203593
File: 418 KB, 779x1000, bottles 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a good guide to making crosshatching conform to the form? I tried it on some bottles but they all sucked. The big center bottle I honestly forgot at the start I was suppose to do that, which is why half the crossings aren't even curved.

>> No.5203602
File: 608 KB, 1241x792, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

r8 my rythmn lines pls

>> No.5203618

Creepy 52 y.o art

>> No.5203624

Alphonso Dunn has a book and some youtube videos on it.

>> No.5203627

No, its just practice. You're talking about repetitively making the exact same curve wrapping perfectly over a very specific curve, each with the same width, length, spacing, and pressure. It's hard. Just takes mileage.

>> No.5203753

I guess you just need to be able to draw the cross contours of the forms like that draw a box exercise

>> No.5203759

is that Reilly method? not familiar with, but your lines look nice to me

>> No.5203888
File: 1.21 MB, 1200x1200, Sadako Relajada Color.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What brush do you use to color anons?

>> No.5203891

Hard round, rarely airbrush with lasso, and my new fav use the water color but i have difficulty using it right

>> No.5203893

Spent two whole days on trying to find out how to do a gesture drawing the right way. How the fuck.

>> No.5203901

watch vilppu gesture videos

>> No.5203904

Thanks anon
Yeah it's the reilly method, saw some russian guy on YT talking about it and gave it a go, it seems really intuitive so far

>> No.5203906

That is literally the person I have been reading and watching for the majority of this time. I know you're gonna call me dumb but maybe I'm really just lacking the confidence to continue practicing it because I'm afraid I'll go in the wrong direction somehow.

>> No.5203913

did you try proko?

>> No.5203917

What the fuck is this from?

>> No.5203919

Yeah I tried proko, but I felt like it was far off from what vilppu was doing. It doesn't even look like the same thing. What's happening to me is I'm getting lost in not copying the contours, obsessing that I'm drawing a line that I shouldn't.

>> No.5203921

remember begs the goal is not to get good, but to improve a little every day. getting good is just the consequence.

>> No.5203936

podesta's favorite artist Kim noble

>> No.5203942

I think that he has a video that he does the gesture in the vilppu way and explain the differences, did you saw it? but if it is not clicking for you try go learning something else and coming back later, sometimes that is all it takes.

>> No.5203954

No, I couldn't find that video, is it premium or something?
I'd love to move on, too, but I feel as if this is some sort of foundation and exercise I'd like to do almost daily. Otherwise I wouldn't have spent so long on it.

>> No.5203970


>> No.5203989

Brent Eviston? Found some classes in a big /ic/ mega, I'll give him a shot. Is his book worth reading too?

>> No.5204007
File: 99 KB, 746x512, 1593473332603.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>kind anons itt giving encouragement
i see you and i appreciate you

>> No.5204014

I've never seen /ss/ that looked so wrong.
I actually feel like I'm watching a molestation crime here

>> No.5204053
File: 427 KB, 1071x1471, abcd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never touched a loomi's book
I jsut draw buildings and stuff, pls no bulli

>> No.5204055

rotate your paper to get nicer lines

get thinner pens or fineliners, I recommend the sakura micron manga set (important!!!!)

copy good hatchers like oshimi shuzo or tsutomu nihei exactly as best as you can

>> No.5204064

WHAT THE FUCK ANON, THIS IS NOT BEG. Nice gains, how long have you been drawing for anon? Also on you've never really drawn people?

>> No.5204072

he could use some fundies

>> No.5204073

since a kid but I guess I started crosshatching and using drawing pens 2 years ago. Also yes I only really draw anime characters but have no idea how to draw normal humans

>> No.5204076

you're perspective needs a lot of work.
The staircase doesn't look convincingly like it's ascending because you forgot that the steps in the back should look smaller than the ones closer to the foreground.
The angle of the building above also clashes heavily with it.
Also that tree's placement is also confusing as hell.

>> No.5204081

yeah I just noticed, just the cross hatching is way too good got distracted
I see thats pretty neat, vandruff perspective 1994 video course you know where to find it fren

>> No.5204094
File: 547 KB, 1430x1024, fallingwater.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

understandable, I think I did a much better work on my perspective on this drawing of Falling Water.

>> No.5204124
File: 119 KB, 750x629, FDE8356E-03E8-4C6F-8875-0D2C375A6989.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

feeling discouraged. how beg m i? first few r 30 sec gestures

>> No.5204145
File: 240 KB, 828x1280, 3488A90A-7200-4F9A-A957-339D82856AC2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5204146
File: 772 KB, 3334x3024, presto.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did any of you draw your waifu/husbando?

>> No.5204150

>perspective drawings
bruh you have good rendering but your perspective is dog shit

>> No.5204152

Where'd you learn crosshatching from? That's the area I'm trying to polish up on.

>> No.5204160

by myself
buy some pigma microns and practice on microns, once you try upping the diffculty and drawing sth else, basically that

>> No.5204161

Right now I'm practicing on dip pens, but I'm not good enough at them to switch between fineness. I always just use the finest one for everything.

>> No.5204164

i dont divide my drawing into grids and i give fuck all about perspective until i posted here thanks for the critique, ill consider the fundamentals next time i draw

>> No.5204166

dip pens are way too inconsistent and thick imo, try fineliners, dip pens are imo only for long flowy lines used in manga

>> No.5204190

Damn man you have potential, just get a book on how to do perspective and you'll have some gains

>> No.5204207

>Pen is decalibrated again again

>> No.5204302

Pretty cool anon. Fresh to see something other than poorly drawn anime and coomer shit.

>> No.5204312

This is actually very nightmare-inducing, and I’ve never had this reaction from /ss/ before.

>> No.5204407
File: 312 KB, 868x1838, Neph and Mage3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Had a few minutes to work on this before bed.

I'm mostly guessing at what I'm doing when it comes to colours and shading.

Anything that stands out too much as being fucked?

Lights coming from top left.

>> No.5204419

How do you accurately judge the distance between two things(like the space between the eyebrows) when drawing from reference? Also any other books for beginners aside from Betty Edwards and Loomis? I was enjoying Edwards until the exercises required a viewfinder and Loomis is too complicated for me right now

>> No.5204455

I think that it is this one

>> No.5204490

it looks better because it is has the modern look to it that let you get away with non 90 degrees corners

>> No.5204491

looks fine to me

>> No.5204494

do you use layers and colors or just colors?

>> No.5204495

no I am not that autistic yet

>> No.5204504

there was a image about that but I can find it anymore, but here is a video that helped me a little.


>> No.5204516

Thanks anon that was actually helpful. Also I thought the holding up your pencil and looking at it was just to look cool lmao

>> No.5204536

How do I draw a straight line?

>> No.5204540

Unironically, with a ruler.

>> No.5204541
File: 484 KB, 787x787, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5204546

Rulers are very helpful. But what if I want to be able to draw precise lines without the use of a ruler?

>> No.5204548

Just draw it bro

>> No.5204550

I’ll tell you a secret anon, if you pyw

>> No.5204551

Just kidding just do the lines section of drawabox

>> No.5204555

why would you want that?

>> No.5204565

To escape the ruthless clutches of big ruler

>> No.5204571

you can get pretty good at freehand but it will never be straight even for the naked eye

>> No.5204573

draw a box is pretty good for this

>> No.5204577

Do people unironically use rulers? I feel like I wasted my time trying to learn how to draw straight lines

>> No.5204584

are you unironically asking that?

>> No.5204585

Nigga people take photos and trace over them. If people are allowed to use 3D and photobash and then you’re allowed to use a fucking ruler.

>> No.5204586

Personally I use my ruler ironically but I can’t speak for others

>> No.5204589


That's my point. I just felt like people overemphasize line confidence and stuff when you can use a ruler anyway. I mean nobody really cares about the process as long as the end result is great

>> No.5204592

>but your perspective is dog shit
Because? F- for your critique you have to give an explanation. And don't say he should know well no he shouldn't because it's /beg/ and he doesn't.

>> No.5204601
File: 2.93 MB, 427x640, lightning.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want to be able to do it. I feel like it is important to get a good grasp on the basics of drawing. A ruler can be used at any time, but knowing how to draw a reasonably straight line seems like a good skill to know. Should I just draw a thousand straight lines every day until it sticks?

>> No.5204606

Hold shift and left click.

>> No.5204633

do dynamic sketching with peter han
will help you gain better control of the pen

>> No.5204673

oh, I did do them timed. one minute on each

>> No.5204685
File: 3.83 MB, 1804x1178, collage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5204734
File: 149 KB, 521x1156, trad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dabbling into trad

>> No.5204754

aaaahhh im gonna coooom

>> No.5204763

How the fuck I am supposed to study anatomy and decent posing? Some are saying "study gesture first" and after a few tutorials and methods I tried to follow they still look like shit, and others are saying "study the muscles first" but I am not even sure how I am supposed to do that, should I just study the shape representing them or every muscle of every muscle mass in general?

>> No.5204803

Will check it out.

>> No.5204812
File: 77 KB, 1000x1000, sss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thought i'd redraw this for fun

>> No.5204839

I don't think you understand what an artist is. An artist creates art for the sake of creating art. If they didn't create it, they wouldn't care about it. That's why they are artists. And you're not an artist, because you've never created anything worthy of admiration or respect.

You need to stop making shitty drawings and start doing something else with your life.
If you want to be an artist, you'll have to learn how to draw.
You will also have to learn how to paint. You might find that painting isn't all that bad after all.
And finally, you will have to learn how to write. You may already be good at writing, but it's going to take time and practice.
So let us help you become a better human being.

>> No.5204841

stay in your containment thread, schizo

>> No.5204849

Go draw u lozer lmao

>> No.5204859

Oh wise eternal /beg/ of the /beg/ thread, what is your wisdom.

>> No.5204861

leave /beg/ and never return

(do it for me)

>> No.5204870

Imagine being pregnant for 9 while months just for this...

>> No.5204884

Beautiful style and nice lines. Your values are off though, if you get those right then you are golden. Try squinting more and unifying shadows in big masses. Graphite or charcoal would be good to practice it, but whatever you use, squint more and be careful drawing stuff too light in shadow areas. Your lights and shadows are not seperated. Otherwise great work!

>> No.5204887

Hard round loomis

>> No.5204891

Incredibly based.

>> No.5204933

remember begs:
>The road of mastery is only traveled by those who can tolerate being a beginner. Knowledge begins with the acknowledgement of ignorance. Those who can embrace being a beginner will thrive.

>> No.5204939

I hoarded so much stuff from the mega and course threads preparing for this weekend, now I don't know where to start, I have vilppu, Loomis, proko, Dodson, trillion artbooks, but I feel like I don't know where to start.

I'll just go take a shower and calm down.

>> No.5204945

>And you're not an artist, because you've never created anything worthy of admiration or respect.
>you are only an artist if you win other people approval

>> No.5204953

anything is better than nothing, in this case at least.

>> No.5204966
File: 86 KB, 750x611, EtdMiVdWQAAUDTf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just call people haters and claim it's my style

>> No.5204967
File: 1.25 MB, 512x512, 01238382368.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feel like I got a similar problem to >>5204939
I doodled around a bit / did some exercises, but wanted to actually start properly. I just kinda feel overwhelmed by the amount of resources.
Some people say "start with loomis", then someone comes along and says "loomis is a meme, start with key to drawing" then someone says something else.
How the fuck do I get around that?
I was thinking about using new masters academy or CtrlPaint, but it's similar to the other resources where obviously everyone has 40 opinions.
The fuck do I do anons , anyone here that got over this meme?

>> No.5204969

It's good the hand on the left is merging with the cuff though.
Please don't listen to >>5204839
he's just another hipster douchebag that infests this sewer.

>> No.5204975

>Some people say "start with loomis", then someone comes along and says "loomis is a meme, start with key to drawing" then someone says something else

fucking same, I was about to begin with Loomis today, but when I was reading a thread while making some coffee I read this post >>5202944

Now I'm going to download Peter Han's course and read keys to drawing. But now I no longer want to do anything and I'm just lurking /ic/

>> No.5204997
File: 126 KB, 1000x1000, lll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5205003
File: 162 KB, 997x340, Loomis_head.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Loomis is mostly a meme. he's right but can't teach for shit, fun with a pencil goes from cheap caricatures you're supposed to make for fun to real faces and the only way to not fuck it up in a couple pages, and all the important shit like anatomy, perspective and expressions is glossed over in a few paragraphs telling you to "just draw, lol".
He made some actual books for pros and students, and those are legit, but you might want something with more legible diagrams and handholding to start with.

doing blooks is still fun though, you should at least do that part.

>> No.5205009 [DELETED] 
File: 981 KB, 500x374, 1610743074031.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5205017
File: 204 KB, 1008x1390, 01237374433.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No shit I read that reply too. Where did you get han's course from? Couldn't find it in the Mega.
And at the end of the day, I guess nobody can really answer that question for us. There will always be someone with a different opinion, so at the end of the day it comes down to just picking something and just doin it. But I guess it doesn't really get more beginner than "Keys to Drawing" so it might be a good start.

Makes sense, my blooks looked like malformed potatoes so I got kinda discouraged by the realistic faces etc later on. But hey, after a while they should at least somewhat resemble a head. Thanks for the advice anon.

>> No.5205019
File: 142 KB, 989x790, 1584027397112.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did meme man

>> No.5205023 [DELETED] 

Well what are you trying to do? Learn how to draw for your self or get a job?

>> No.5205024

I'll put in another vote for keys to drawing for what it's worth, it's real easy to keep up with as it goes along. Loomis got a bit complicated for me pretty fast the first time.

>> No.5205029

just skim through the book and make a decision, don't feel obligate to read the whole book

>> No.5205038

>Knowledge begins with the acknowledgement of ignorance.
I get that it is a joke but a joke has to make sense. did you just read the first phrase?

>> No.5205042 [DELETED] 

how can such a shit game be so good bros?

how many courses/books did you finish?

>> No.5205046
File: 525 KB, 926x780, 1604504363983.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5205050

Always sign your work, especially on that level

>> No.5205051

"Keys to drawing"
Looked it up, is it the book by Bert Dodson?

>> No.5205053 [DELETED] 

I'm sorry, but I just don't buy into your "art makes you mad" bullshit.
Art is supposed to be pleasurable. Art is supposed to bring joy to the viewer. Art is supposed to inspire creativity.
When you spend hours drawing pictures of cute animals or flowers, you're not really creating art; you're just masturbating.
You're not some kind of genius. You're not some kind of artist.
You're a pathetic loser who needs to grow up and accept reality.
Just because you enjoy making drawings doesn't mean they're any good. Just because you enjoy playing video games doesn't mean they're any good.
If anything, they're a waste of time and energy.
Don't try to convince me otherwise, because I won't listen to reason.
I'm done listening to you.
And if you think that I'm going to let you get away with this, then you're sorely mistaken.
You might as well go ahead and kill yourself right now.

>> No.5205067 [DELETED] 

It's over, it's over
You've seen my drawings before
None but I was doing a lot at the same time, NOTHING WORKED

>> No.5205078

Pure babble.

>> No.5205086

that's why you study them, you retard

>> No.5205096 [DELETED] 


>> No.5205099

I don't know why but cartoons just don't look right in the front view

>> No.5205111
File: 639 KB, 1089x1049, arse.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5205112

can't you really not see the problem here?

>> No.5205121
File: 70 KB, 707x1000, poses2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5205126

calm down slenderman!

>> No.5205128

I'll try a 3/4th view now, I'll post it later.

>> No.5205135

I see your point maybe they're too slim, gotta put more musle on top of the cilinders

>> No.5205141
File: 771 KB, 647x1122, shit2_20210214152343.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Help pls

>> No.5205142

Just how much should I know before attempting figure drawing? I know about form, perspective, measuring/proportion... All I'm really shitty at is shading. Would some still lifes help prepare me? Am I being memed into thinking I cannot do this after drawing for 7 months

>> No.5205145

I recognize that tummy style.

>> No.5205146

its Just organic forms on top of a box anon. also get yourself anatomy for sculptors pdf

>> No.5205155

You are probably referring to mikeymegamega, yes, I use his method to draw women, that's why it sucks.

>> No.5205160

Sure, I get that, I've drawn people with construction a bunch of times. I'm afraid I'm missing some crucial skill or practice that is gonna topple the whole thing somehow.

>> No.5205164

I knew it.
Try learning construction from scratch and then see his videos on how to achieve his style.
I'm actually one of the few here that like his style a lot, but I know I'm not at the level I should be branching into a style.

>> No.5205171
File: 180 KB, 1229x753, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Just how much should I know
Just do it, who cares. Worst case scenario, you spend two hours on it, it looks like shit, you find out the most urgent thing to work on between form, shading, perspective and such, you try again in a few days, and it's still shit but slightly less.

That's how I do it anyway, it's a constant cycle of drawing trash, being sad and grinding that somehow becomes less depressing every time

>> No.5205188

Thanks anon :)

>> No.5205193

Mikey said in one of his few videos that I watched that the intention of his tutorials is to get people to actually enjoy drawing by luring them in with quick sexy girl tutorials. You get some basic skills from it but it's far from what you need to be good at drawing.
That was the plan, cause I dread having to put this off any longer.

>> No.5205208

if your gonna do megamegamikey I will not be inclined to help you, You'd have the still have the same effect with making balloon animals with that method

>> No.5205210
File: 551 KB, 1037x791, 1594975873143.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried, I'll keep reading loomis when I get back home.

Take care /beg/ frens

>> No.5205214

I'm not using mikey at all, and I never have. I've just watched a couple of his videos because he's cool and makes nice art. Actually using him for anything would be pretty retarded.

>> No.5205216

I'm using vilppu, loomis, hampton etc.

>> No.5205235
File: 1.96 MB, 1280x720, 1591147817370.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to draw like mikey desu

>> No.5205236

Have you seen my drawings? yes or no?

>> No.5205239

He's a good artist but I don't wanna draw like him at all.

>> No.5205246

he was one of the guy who inspired me to start drawing, because he only used mechanical pencils

>> No.5205248
File: 1.78 MB, 2396x1639, 20210213_033546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw just noticed how bad the head is
Damn I thought I was doing okay for someone drawing with half a 5th of rum in him

>> No.5205249

just trace from pornhub

>> No.5205253


>> No.5205257

irrelevant, every course is made with the assumption that people will go through the hole thing. if you just do the first week of a drawing course, no matter how many courses you do you will always be an one week beginner. if I told you that I spend six months doing the first lesson of a bunch of piano courses would you be really surprised that I didn't improve?

>> No.5205262


>> No.5205268

Is this the same guy that accidentally brought up his blacked.com reference?

>> No.5205270
File: 659 KB, 800x1000, 1603674647518.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

eat dick

>> No.5205275

new thread


>> No.5205284

wrong, you are suppose to do your best then move on, this is not school.

>> No.5205813

Loomis faces look like the American mutt meme from /pol/