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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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5199675 No.5199675 [Reply] [Original]

>Finally get my first job at Disney
>Get out of a meeting with first assignment
>Team pulls out their laptops to start sketching ideas
>Everyone loads Photoshop... Clip Studio for me
>"Okay, so I want you guys to just adjust the design with the liquify tool.."
>Start sweating
>People notice and look at my screen
>"What the fuck is that Jap shit?"
>Lead artist is incredulous. "You show up here trying to use that? You're going to have a rough time here, kid. Just take an early lunch and think over if you really want to be here."
>See a cute artist girl on lunch. She's sketching on her iPad Pro. Go over to talk to her
>She's using Procreate
>Pull out my iPad and load up Clip Studio
>"Oh my god, what is that, who are you? I don't know you! Someone get security, this creep is stalking me!"
>Run off

>Next day I see the cute girl in a crowd with other girls watching someone draw.
>It's like teenagers at a Justin Bieber concert
>Literal screaming
>I fight through the crowd to see what they're all swooning over
>Some old fat guy... drawing in Photoshop.

>Getting home now and preparing to rope.

Use real art software, not that bullshit that lags when using transform and doesn't even have a liquify tool.

>> No.5199683


>> No.5199689

Yeah I love using software that shits itself on a daily basis aka photoshop

>> No.5199692

Cringe hide sage a thread died for this etc

>> No.5199693
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You have any other true stories that actually happened, OP. You're so cool, OP, can we see the work that got you hired at Disney?

>> No.5199702

>Finally get my first job at Disney
>Get out of a meeting with first assignment
>Team pulls out their laptops to start sketching ideas
>Open up messenger bag
>Can already feel the art director’s eyes on me
>Pull out my easel and stack of newsprint
>Complete silence
>This is it
>Drop 20 wax pencils on the ground at my feet
>Everyone stands up and starts clapping
>Room is filled with the unmistakable scent of female musk as all the women in the room copiously lubricate themselves
>Look the art director straight in the eye as he wipes tears away
>”I quit, I’m going to nippon to draw manga, get fucked nerd”
>turn 360 degrees and walk away

>> No.5199712
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Nice roleplay post bro

>> No.5199714
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>>"Okay, so I want you guys to just adjust the design with the liquify tool.."
It's ALWAYS the same schizo faggot bitching about Clip Studio not having the liquify tool.

>> No.5199727

It's not fault the program is missing an essential function. And people call it a "pro" level app. LOL

>> No.5199729

Post ur art op

>> No.5199737

Isn't the liquify tool more for photos?

>> No.5199745

>>"essential function"
And it's not my fault you're too much of a turbo retard for not planning you drawing beforehand.

>> No.5199747

>essential function
>a function meant for photo editing is an 'essential function' for drawing
wow you really are a fucking retard

>> No.5199751

High level artists use liquify all the time. Watch videos.

Clip's mesh transform tool sucks assholes. It's limited and also slow as fuck.

>> No.5199753

iirc I have seen multiple twitter artists who work for Disney used CSP for professional work before on my feed.

>> No.5199765
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Alright genius, if photoshop is a 'pro' drawing app then why do the default hard round brushes look like shit?

>> No.5199768

Thats what you get for using a chinkshit tablet. Even intuos 3 had that shit fixed in a driver update years ago

>> No.5199801

I'm using a wacom, you dumb shit.

>> No.5199819

this is an issue even in wacom tablets you faggot.
maybe it's because, you know, photoshop isn't meant to be used as an art program.
mind blowing, right? it doesn't even have pressure adjustment for tablets

>> No.5199834

i just use lazynezumi pro to fix that, its been no issue for me

>> No.5199910

>"What the fuck is that Jap shit?"
>implying this would be said in such a pozzed company

>> No.5200182

If liquefy is essential to you, I think you may not be a good artist, anon

>> No.5200195
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>> No.5200214

>Use real art software, not that bullshit that lags when using transform and doesn't even have a liquify tool.

that's why I use CSP and Krita.

>> No.5200215

Based and nipponpilled.

>> No.5200334

>Woot greentext
>i see this 3 foot tall crippled bald 89 year old toothless leper with a huge beer belly rolling in his bugatti wheelchair with thousand dollar bills trailing in the air behind him and his ten supermodel wives around him and BAM when i look closer of course he's using PS to liquify his work for Disney, EA, blizzard and all their ceos call me

>meanwhile a jacked guy in his twenties with a shining teeth and michelangelo level art just dies from hunger at the street corner and no one notices except to laugh and sneer when they see clip studio on the scratched screen of his laptop

>> No.5200367
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>turn 360 degrees and walk away
I see what you did there

>> No.5200393


>> No.5200402

lol no

>> No.5200630
File: 435 KB, 220x119, cringe.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what will the Adobe schizos do when CSP casually adds a liquify feature in an update (for free)? Will we still see bait posts like this? Personally, I hope so.

>> No.5200638

How's krita compared to CSP? I like CSP and use it when I don't do trad

>> No.5200644

>lags when using transform
My computer doesn't suck. Sorry you're on mom's toaster laptop. Get a real machine.

>> No.5200649

How much should I put aside to build a decent art computer? I’d like to learn some 3D too but not looking to build some monster that can shit out 3D movies. Just enough to do some basic modelling and draw shit for the foreseeable future

>> No.5200694


>> No.5200697

I need about tree fiddy

>> No.5200827

>Finally get my first job at Disney
At least you can become one of those "ex-disney" art youtubers.

>> No.5200840

They were working on the China release so being a bigot is peak wokeness and totally cool.

>> No.5200845
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>> No.5200865

>"Okay, so I want you guys to just adjust the design with the liquify tool.."

Yeah, that's what totally happens in production meetings. Of course.

PS - if you work at Disney, they provide you with a copy of Photoshop, through their site license.

Troll better.

>> No.5200872
File: 56 KB, 901x900, 828C6E34-0821-4F8B-AE8B-61BC13C09B19.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Troll better
you kids are beyond autistic do you think he was genuinely acting like this happened? What’s wrong with you?

>> No.5200881

>Finally get my first job at Disney

is it bad that i wanted to believe but somehow knew this was going to end up being a shit post deep down?

>> No.5200927
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good thing mesh transform exists

>> No.5200937

Why are you suck a freaking liar?

None of that happened.

Stop lying... like, rn

>> No.5200949

>"Okay, so I want you guys to just adjust the design with the liquify tool.."

>> No.5200997

Hi blue dog, how are you doing? havent you being smashed yet?

>> No.5201002


>> No.5201052

Don't worry CSPbros, my dad at Disney assured me that this story is complete fiction, we can sleep easy now

>> No.5201057

ask your dad if they use brushes larger than 120px at Disney too

>> No.5202031

I love paint tool sai

>> No.5202047

They'll find something else to complain about, like CSP not having filters or the same photo editing tools

>> No.5202049

this is gold

>> No.5202187

>>Finally get my first job at Disney
>At least you can become one of those "ex-disney" art youtubers.
He can become the next Mike Mattesi.

>> No.5202202

That's a really old joke but I guess I'd be dumb not to welcome newcomers to the site.

>> No.5202398
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hahaha oh wow you clipfags sure get triggered easily!
You can get butthurt as much as you want the fact is photoshop is still the industry standard and has decades of external assets and studios having it internalized in their workflow to back that up unlike your shitty niche weeb software which got rebranded because no one in the west except weebs wanted to even touch manga studio.
Is adobe fat and lazy because they managed to pretty much maintain a monopoly?
Damn straight they are because they couldn't care less about you weebs whining about it so long as big studios rely on photoshop and the rest of the adobe suite to get shit done.

gj OP for once again showing that clipfags are retarded

>> No.5202415

>save file as .PSD
>open photoshop
>fix image with liquid shit
>close photoshop
>resume drawing in CSP

>> No.5202862

Anyone else find it annoying as fuck that while you can draw beautiful vector artwork, and can export paths to Illustrator, the program only exports the strokes themselves so the lineweights cannot transfer to Illustrator? How half-assed is that? Do it properly and render paths outlining all of the brushstrokes fort fucks sake.

>> No.5202882
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here is your you kys

>> No.5203005

I use both programs and honestly, you gotta be a fucking retard if you think Photoshop is better just because it's the industry standard.
Photoshop has some SERIOUS issues that haven't been fixed even in the monthly pay versions. Shitty pressure control, no full keybinding implementation, zoom distortion, only wintab support, no stabilization or anti-aliasing control, no optimization for multicore processors, bloat, memory leaks, poor text formatting, brush stroke distortion, shitty animation features, etc.
Artist have complained about this to Adobe for ages and yet they refuse to listen, even though the majority of Photoshop users are artists. Maybe because Photoshop isn't meant to be an art program.

Why should I stick with a shit, unoptimized program (paywalled behind a monthly subscription no less) when better alternatives exist? Even GIMP is a better alternative at this point simply because it doesn't shit itself after using the text tool.

But hey, at least Photoshop has the liquify tool, and I guess you're too much of a smooth-brain retard to draw without that.

>> No.5203623

If you limit yourself to a single program then you're a turbo retard.

>> No.5204224

I have PS, CSP, Krita and Painter (from a humble bundle discount) and end up using CSP for everything and opening the others only a few times a year. I did use PS for 25 years, so it's not as if I don't know its strengths. But I did in fact finally replace PS with Affinity Photo just a few days back. Finally no Adobe any more. No dozen spyware CPU processes, no memory errors blocking you from working ("photoshop can't start because scratch disks are full!" when you have like hundreds of GB free), no crashes. No being forced into paying yet another full year of subscription because a mysterious "error" always happens when you try to end it.

I also really want to experiment with Krita and Painter more.

Not saying PS is bad, not at all. I might even get it again if I need to paint in 360 degree projection. But depending on your needs, CSP, perhaps with the addition of Affinity, might be far better, as in my case. For me, the CSP brush engine freed me to actually paint the art I want, plus I would not give up the freedom to map anything to any key combination.

>> No.5206516

photoshop was design to fix or add effects to photo not to draw.

any drawing program design to draw.

>> No.5206521

but CSP also has spyware you retard

>> No.5206713

everything is spyware get used to it

>> No.5207015

>everything is spyware
There's no reason to breed complacency by repeating this false statement everywhere.

>> No.5207339

>but CSP also has spyware
Got any proof of that?

>> No.5207347

His Ass, he just posts that shit emoji dog

>> No.5207387

Translation: I'm poor, so I can only pirate Photoshop, and because the pirated versions are broken, I think I have a point.

>> No.5208153

Its called terms of use you nigger