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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 480 KB, 954x694, BEG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5145964 No.5145964 [Reply] [Original]

IF YOU ARE A /BEG/INNER IN ART, please use this thread to post pieces for critique or ask for advice.
Use this thread instead of making new threads or post in the Drawthread with fundamental exercises.


1. screenshot the image and post that instead
2. change camera capture settings to something smaller
3. send to computer and resize in picresize.com

Sticky document:

Take your time, you can do it.
Previous Thread: >>5142721

>> No.5145981

Okay so, I understand like the most basic of perspective, like how to draw a box in perspective, If I wanna rotate the box, I need to move the vanishing points, relative to one another. I get that. 1 point perspective will be a frontal facing box where you cannot see the sides, I'm assuming 2 equidistant VPs will produce a box at a straight 45 degree angle, is there like a rule of thumb for how to get the rotation you want?

>> No.5145986

Study plan projection for perspective. You need a aerial floorplan to get an accurate rotation. In practical use, you just draw lots of cubes from real life, getting a feeling for what intuitive perspective looks like.

>> No.5145989
File: 1.87 MB, 2160x1620, 95878538-96A2-4E0B-B62F-1FBD4CDBA78B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can feel the form

>> No.5146060
File: 78 KB, 540x1016, rsz_screenshot_20210119-200310_mega.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Free link to Creature Art Teacher's human anatomy course:
Clone it while you can, it's not a big folder and the link expires on Sunday because I don't want my account to get nuked before I can download the IC mega that I imported to my drive

>> No.5146070
File: 105 KB, 379x457, SmartSelect_20210119-212507_Google.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feng zhu has some shitty face drawing skills. I still want to draw like him because drawing people is boring though.

>> No.5146083

What's the absolute essential reading list ?
What drills should I do every day like the box challenge?

>> No.5146084
File: 757 KB, 540x209, 1603057860491.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't bother, not exclusively or religiousl, I grinded fundies during 4 months and it got me nowhere

>> No.5146085

thats because you lack talent

>> No.5146092
File: 2.90 MB, 500x270, 1587244561439.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm proof that everyone will eventually hit a filter they'll never be able to overcome. I would normally find joy in such a thing but I don't even care anymore, it's all about talent, hard work is a fake god.

>> No.5146095

nah when you're talented the sky is literally the limit tbqh senpai

>> No.5146097

Are you as talented to back up that claim? Statistics would mean that no, you're not.
There's no room for idealization of talent, there is a limit to anything anyone can do and become, your muscles will burst if you were to be accelerating beyond safe measures so no, the sky is not the limit.

>> No.5146098
File: 217 KB, 980x1284, hot5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I continue my journey of drawing hot girls in pinterest. I still have 88 pages back to back left in my sketchbook.

>> No.5146100
File: 118 KB, 1112x525, 2021-01-20_05-44-22.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much do you usually even need to draw daily? How many hours?
I started with 2 or 3 a while ago while I was getting used to digital tools and whatnot but then I get distracted completely from drawing when I have to work on other things and I just end up focusing on getting that thing done and forget about drawing for a while.

>> No.5146117

In my case I want to become pro, so i have a clear goal of what i want to do, and what i have yet to learn. I start the project, and it may pass 3 days while im doing my daily stuff until i finish it - so i always have in mind my project, and plan what to do next with it, then i just cant wait until i got home and actually do it.

>> No.5146120
File: 578 KB, 2779x2008, 1581846560042.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Failed at gesture again
I'm running out of teachers for gesture, nothing is working

>> No.5146124
File: 565 KB, 2779x2008, 1600179083188.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MY Spectre around me night and day
Like a wild beast guards my way;
My Emanation far within
Weeps incessantly for my sin.

‘A fathomless and boundless deep,
There we wander, there we weep;
On the hungry craving wind
My Spectre follows thee behind.

>> No.5146126
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>> No.5146127
File: 527 KB, 2779x2008, 1609495549562.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Soon there will be no teachers left, no masters left to explore or attempt, only failure.
We really are running out of sources

>> No.5146130
File: 465 KB, 2779x2008, 1594667873058.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing left to attempt
Wasteful and talentless

>> No.5146132
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5 months wasted

>> No.5146133
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>> No.5146136
File: 246 KB, 563x655, 1598309739244.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nico was a failure, to try again would be to get hurt by failure
There's nothing that I can do
hope to improve
It's useless, aren't you tired?
Don't you want to escape?
Cycling back and forth, make belief skill pipe dream

>> No.5146144
File: 207 KB, 1373x1000, 1590039887654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aren't you tired? Don't you want to escape and forget all about it?
All resources are useless, the only common thing they have is me, the one writing this, I failed yesterday and I failed today, I'll fail tomorrow, every single day. This feels like drowning, closer to failure you'll kick the hardest, overdrive, meltdown. No matter how hard I try this desperate struggle bears no fruit, someone here once told me I can feel your anxiety on every line, no wonder you can, it's all I've ever felt as far as I'm concerned, EVERYTHING I try to improve is useless and wasted time, not like my time is worth something, what could I do in what 10 years? 20? 40? 80? 200? that someone wouldn't be able to do in a third of that? Talentless tapeworm

>> No.5146151
File: 149 KB, 1375x1000, 1594049517147.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No way to resolve this tension, failure sticks around, no way to remove it and failure I don't really mind but 5 months, I should be better, I know I should. This is no ego but basic mileage, everyone should be better after practicing for 5 months but not me, not for me. This tension might never get resolved, if only life was cinematic, tiny cute arcs meant to do something, meant to reward you, experience this or that and you're sure to be or feel something, but this? Life is bullshit, there's nothing, tiny failures are meant to become something one day, amount to something, more than the sum of it's parts, so why am I the only one who feels like this?

>> No.5146154
File: 120 KB, 1274x1004, 1605115889501.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck /lit/, one must imagine Sisyphus happy? Sisyphus can go fuck himself, might be a more useful investment in the long run, DRAWING so far is pure suffering, I used to like it but as of lately, why would I? I'm not masochistic, I don't enjoy failure with no progress

>> No.5146156
File: 135 KB, 1367x1000, 1606221269334.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feel the form? I'm not sure I can, and that french piece of shit can also go fuck himself, there's talent alright, talent is real, I know it is and I have none.
Lines on paper, nothing more so why is it so hard? I'm just stuck in hell, frozen and no amount of yanking my chain will make it break, I hate you all.

>> No.5146159
File: 1.81 MB, 3024x3024, F0EB8C8F-02B8-458D-9241-4FFA89924278.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any guides for wavy or curly hair

>> No.5146164
File: 139 KB, 1369x1000, 1602739401705.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The descent into reality, that life is easier once you accept you're talentless, hope will fail you, that failure is exponential and growth never existed.
This might as well be suicide for my dreams, I'm just nothing I guess, why do I even want to draw anyways? Not like anyone would like what I want to do, I like it because I'm me. Not like anyone expects anything from someone like me, it might just be easier to give up entirely, yet I can't, why am I not giving up? Is it really sheer habit now? God, this is pathetic.

>> No.5146169
File: 135 KB, 1374x1000, 1599121749276.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Failure is just forever sinking deeper, no, that reads as a slow descent into despair
Falling and sharply, that's why I get for daring to have dreams, dreams are for living things, sure I breathe and exist, I'm living but am I actually real? Is there a soul so to speak? With my luck such a fantasy might be real, exception being yours truly, I'm a fucking robot, do I even have an idea on what my ideas are? Are they just all compiled instead of floating
Nice shoes

>> No.5146171

Obviously the sky isn't the limit, we've been to space.
There is in fact, no limit.
What people thought were the limits a thousand, a hundred and ten years ago are now historical footnotes in the book of human conquest.

>> No.5146175

What do you draw for?
What do you want to draw?
Which drawings do you like?

>> No.5146176

super cute! you've got talent.

>> No.5146178

Nice prose bro.

But consider this:
If you were a robot, why would you think your thoughts?
Meaning, why would there a feeling of thinking your thoughts and not just autonomous actions undertaken by the shell called you?
The only thing you can be certain not to be a robot, is yourself.

Cogito, ergo sum.

>> No.5146180

I. I basically have zero skills in drawing. But considering I kept my old dream of making a vidya, I decided to seriously learn how to draw.

Should I try using paper or a (screen less) tablet? I tried a little using the tablet but my hand is shaky and I barely can do things without going completely on the side because I can't see my hand...

>> No.5146181
File: 894 KB, 1078x1439, Screenshot_20210119-204107_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Critique me please?

>> No.5146182

My fingers are fucked i know for sure but are the proportions okay?

>> No.5146188

maybe paper first if you arent that comfortable or use the tablet and just get used to it

>> No.5146189

Defo tablet if you want to use it for vidya. Don't worry about the stability too much.
Everyone has to get used to the tablet, but after a while it doesn't bother you at all. I even use a bluetooth tablet with like 300ms ping.
Basically, draw with your finger on the "back" button of your keyboard.

>> No.5146192 [DELETED] 
File: 42 KB, 720x480, AvIaN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5146193
File: 319 KB, 2550x3507, 1598284675683.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Human conquest he says, news flash asshole, we're not really going anywhere so you can look forward to monotomy and extinction.
There are limits to anything, cold and hard limits, can you or anyone else live beyond 80 to 120 years? We live in a hyperreal disassociated capitalist dystopia, there's nothing to look forward to
ADVERTISEMENT and a desensitized, oversexualized version of reality, flashing screens blinking more and more, sattelites convulsing one way or another, beaming more and more traffic all around us, god I hate it, hate it all.
The real world becoming more and more useless with every passing second, metareality on the internet, digital immortality, digital coffins, text boxes.
Hello, no one in 800 years, is this thing even archived? are you reading this or are you just an algortihm passing by? Tell anyone who's left that I said hi.

>> No.5146194

Looks a bit squashed height wise, but it gets the feeling across. Basically learn anatomy.

>> No.5146197

What I struggle the most with it is that it's a screenless tablet. So I can't really see my hand and I have some trouble doing the actual movements because of it. Damn my dyspraxia.

My art level is atrocious as I haven't draw in 11 years. So this doesn't help.

>> No.5146199

Drunk drawing is hard bro.

>> No.5146207

You don't look at your hands when you draw at all.
Consider this:
The shortest reaction time possible for an average human are 250ms. That means even if you don't think at all, and make perfect corrections, any corrections to your line you make based on what you see are 1/4 of a second delayed, meaning your line if fucked anyway if you had to make a correction.

Basically, you draw the line, and the line is what you drew. Like a samurai, you cut. You don't think about cutting, you don't try cutting. You just cut.

Your muscle memory will quickly learn where to put your hand on the tablet to get the wanted result on screen. Only important thing is that your tablet isn't too small. I'd recommend at least A4.

>> No.5146208
File: 133 KB, 1375x1000, 1594579817763.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll never be told this, and it's not about the attention or the words but about the fact that you can produce something someone anyone likes, I can't.
I draw for myself and my idiotic dreams, I want to express whatever I've felt by attacking the page, I want something that can sum me up and fit on a page, things I've seen or read about, I want characters to I don't know, be shared on the mass hallucination that is the internet, I need to say it, I want to give it life, it's fun when it works out.
But I'm useless, I'm a soulless machine trying to draw, I have nothing inside that you couldn't get anyone else to do or say, I'm pathetic and talentless, I really can't even get a single victory huh
I enjoy certain fashion drawings and a lot, vibrant color, dramatic turns, there's some manga, abstract art and the more conventional form usage, I must sound like an empty machine coming up with whatever it can think of, maybe I am
Not a literal robot, a soulless imitation of life that just happened to be born, a lyrebird, I'm not even sure I actually know what I'm thinking and why

>> No.5146213
File: 86 KB, 576x1024, 1609168589933.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In truth, I'm just unfit, inferior and talentless. A defective model stuck on some order
But not only do I lack understanding anything I wasted 5 months trying to learn I even lack what should be natural and expected, a personality in my drawings, everything is both sloppy and mechanical

>> No.5146214

Would someone get this schizo to shut the fuck up already

>> No.5146217
File: 109 KB, 1000x1375, 1581381558972.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I produce abortion after abortion, if I were to get the skill I'd be a Xerox machine
No resource can make a figurative tin man into someone with something worth sharing
I'm defective, I should just give up but it's not in me, I've tried to give up so many times, burn everything, paper, drawings, pencils, everything and I always return

>> No.5146228

like I said, you really need to find another hobby dude. Try something more objective, like programming or bird watching. Something where your shaky lil' hands don't need to worry about making lines when your brain clearly doesn't want to.

>> No.5146232
File: 338 KB, 1116x814, 1583005151000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A lack of skill with courage, time can fix that, this person would keep at it, as long as it takes,eventually, hopefully, they'd reach a good enough level if not more.
A lack of courage though, there's no fixing that, I used to be different would draw anything when I felt like it, sure it was shit but I liked it, anything, all day, whatever happened and I don't remember to make me so afraid of failure, I can't do it, I can't dare myself to draw anything anymore.
Shut the fuck up human, I want this, do you think I can? how?

>> No.5146233

doesn't matter how long as long as you're making a habit of practicing consistently
30 mins a day >>>> a 4hr session once a week

>> No.5146234
File: 177 KB, 529x864, what have i done.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Started doodling the Igor, going by the sticky. Ran out of space, then I turned it around to see how it was looking and realized my Igor looked like he is squatting and pointing at his dick with his penis finger.

>> No.5146254

Does /beg/ have a new resident schizo or has he always been here?

>> No.5146261

He seems to be a new one.

>> No.5146263

He's been here for a month or so now bitching about how he's not good at art after 4 months. People like that really shouldn't draw. Here's a fun fact: If you aren't having fun drawing while you're bad at art, you won't have fun drawing when you're better at it. You need to care about the process over the end goal.

>> No.5146269

I have fun now that I am better, your argent is not universal.

>> No.5146285
File: 377 KB, 777x1248, 1F57FC43-E596-4702-9503-DB28DD906CA7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Making progress on this one, decided to use redish-blackish for main colors, right now shading it.
Any thoughts/advice?

>> No.5146288

I know you have a naked version, post it

>> No.5146290

Man he does repeat himself quite a lot, whats the point? We already know his proclaimed issue amd he already had somewhat good or decent advice but he’s still at it

>> No.5146294
File: 67 KB, 431x617, A54E8C16-6094-49E3-A013-19198EB71890.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek, it may look “censored”, but it is truly meant like that
Heres the doodle where >she was born

>> No.5146298
File: 446 KB, 709x996, 5DFAB582-B081-4A93-B405-C2F91097CB90.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here’s the polished sketch i once posted on a prev /beg/ thread

>> No.5146322

5 months wasted

>> No.5146349

Yes. You wasted 5 months. Stop with this sunk cost fallacy stuff and give up already.

>> No.5146357 [DELETED] 
File: 250 KB, 1000x1000, 20210119_114719.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gather round, gather round everyone.
I have an announcement to make. Recently a new schizo occurred on this board, he ripened here roughly for 5 months. If you see this foul and vile creature screeching, immediately hide his threads and posts. Let the schizotranny kill himself from loneliness.

>> No.5146379
File: 306 KB, 2160x1618, IMG_0253.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know I can indicate form on a smooth surface like that of a muscled cow other than using muscle intersections or spotting?

>> No.5146380
File: 1.69 MB, 3024x3024, 20210119_230749.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been drawing for about a month now and have just been drawing mostly mountains and "impossible shapes".

I just got some fine line pens today and really enjoyed using them, started trying to draw a mountain every 2 minutes or so, as I've read just quick sketches are a good way to learn, and finally drew something from mostly my own imagination.

Any tips to get better at mountains? I've jist been copying different artists in the hopes to develop my own.

>> No.5146381
File: 1.32 MB, 2825x2672, 20210119_232237.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5146382

What made you decide to draw that beef cake

>> No.5146384

I like cows and It looked hard to draw

>> No.5146424

If I'm drawing something for fun, specifically a person, should I try to d raw them as realistically as possible?
That is, should I treat it as study and try to draw as practice for anatomy or can I draw it cartoony?

>> No.5146449
File: 264 KB, 1024x685, rsz_clipstudiopaint_jrfcj04gro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my first attempt at drawing a human head. It's based off a skull (the only time just to see where everything goes). There's a lot wrong but can someone give me some advice? I feel like it's a little wide and blocky, the eyes (at least his right one) don't sit right, ear is a little small I think.

>> No.5146453
File: 237 KB, 698x697, CLIPStudioPaint_NP9i8IgOKB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the underlying skull

>> No.5146475
File: 156 KB, 1000x1487, rsz_11-19-21_p6_2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5146485 [DELETED] 

Based and monkepilled

>> No.5146504

Yeah I dunno what's up with that. Every time I tried drawing it the whole thing came out ape-like. This was the best attempt

>> No.5146516
File: 11 KB, 177x180, lick.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally built for BBQ

>> No.5146531
File: 217 KB, 1024x1024, 20210120_033433-COLLAGE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

day 2 /beg/, just.. drawing
haven't started any formal lessons yet

>> No.5146534

I wonder if it doesn't matter which brush you use for lineart or are there some brushes work better for certain materials' outline?
Or am I overthinking about it?

>> No.5146540


>> No.5146546

Your frontal bone is small and the jaw is too big, work on proportions.

>> No.5146550


I see a lot of people in this thread still SYMBOL DRAWING. You are not drawing the proper contours of your subject (SHAPE) and you are not considering FORM.

It is shilled heaps here, but I cannot stress enough.

++++Go through Keys to Drawing first +++

+++Attempt Draw a Box 1-3+++
You can draw ~60 boxes and come back later
+++Watch the Marshall Vandruff perspective course+++
+++Read Vilppu, Hampton and Loomis+++


Good luck /beg/ friends

>> No.5146553

Sure thing. Thanks friend

>> No.5146557
File: 268 KB, 676x735, 1605431988669.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

should i make the lines thinner?

>> No.5146560


Many of you will want to construct from imagination. This is fine, but know that this is just fun, it is not study. The majority of your work as a /beg/ shall be drawing true to life from reference.

Walk before you run.

When you have been through the aforementioned books, and have become adept at construction. Only then will drawing from your imagination be worthwhile.

Your drawings will look like shit for a while. Have patience. Persevere. Even the slightest adjustments to line, form, shape, etc have massive consequences in aesthetic quality. You will learn this in time with diligent study.

Example: grab a portrait and use liquefy to move the features around slightly. You will notice that slight changes have massive effects.

This phenomenon is something you will become sensitive to in time with proper study and careful consideration.

Best of luck faggots

>> No.5146577

I think you need to take care of the anatomy problem first

>> No.5146582

dont ignore his manhood

>> No.5146585

i think you need to kys my man

>> No.5146589
File: 2.90 MB, 3456x4608, IMG_20210119_150528.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I learn to draw horror stuff?

>> No.5146591

Think about orbits, glabella, zygomatic, teeth cylinder. You need to go back and study the head. Check out Hampton or whichever you prefer.

>> No.5146592

Agreed. That drooping sac is oozing form.

Also you can use cross-contours with a few descriptions of hair. The cow will still have small ones so its not a stretch. Values will help as well obviously. You've done a pretty good job of using overlapping and intersection to imply form. Very nice.

>> No.5146596

that's not gonna save this garbage

>> No.5146598

you should learn to draw.

>> No.5146602

Good shit. Thank you anon

>> No.5146617

Thank you; I'll try that. I hadn't considered small amounts of hair!

>> No.5146628

i disagree

>> No.5146677


>> No.5146682

Started drawing like a couple of days ago and that stuff is really engaging, i'm playing around with fun with a pencil from the stuff in the beginner essentials from the resource thread, it's actually teaching me something and i don't feel like a idiot since they're cartoon like faces.

>> No.5146725
File: 816 KB, 1653x1242, The Fyrd2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No reference, from imagination. Am I still /beg/?

>> No.5146746

no one gives a fuck whether you use reference or not, what's important is that the end result looks good
this piece looks fine for what it is but i cant tell if you're still /beg/ because this is drawn in a simplistic cartoonish style. It's like asking someone to draw a smiley face and trying to figure out their skill level from that
if you really want to know whether you're still /beg/, draw something dynamic that requires all your skills, complex anatomy, lighting, etc.

>> No.5146753

proportions and clothe wrinkles look pretty bad.

>> No.5146754

How does one study and draw for longer periods of time? I have trouble keeping my focus for anything longer than an hour without opening 4chan or taking a break to play vidya. Am I just being lazy or is there a solution to this very real problem?

>> No.5146755

Great. Loomis is showing you essentially how to construct with 3D forms.

Focus on your line making. Since you are new, getting used to putting down lines is essential. You want them to be long, not chicken scratched.

I highly recommend visiting Keys and DAB, don't worry about how your drawings look. If you get bored with them, draw some loomis heads since that's what you're enjoying right now.

Godspeed and may you make it anon.

>> No.5146756

Yes /beg/. Cool stained glass vibes tho anon.

This anon is right. Not using reference isn't important. Right now I'd argue that you should always use reference (until you master construction).

>> No.5146769

Take small 15-30 second breaks every time you lose focus or get frustrated or keep fucking something up or whatever. If you aren't being lazy it's because your mind needs to process the information a little bit. At least that's how I did it for music, worked wonders

>> No.5146776

Shut up human
That's not me, but if literally everyone is able to draw, then I want to, so how can I? What's my problem?

>> No.5146778

Absolute beginner here, Ive only ever done perspective drawings. What is the path to take to become better at drawing similar art to Gustave Dore?

>> No.5146780

Be born with talent, that'd be all.

>> No.5146785

Okay let's say I am. Where would one start?

>> No.5146789

in the womb

>> No.5146791


Dore is known for etching, so naturally you want to look into etching techniques.

Gustave Dore is brilliant and a master. If you are a beginner, you should start with the fundies, which Gustave mastered. Value, Form, Composition, etc, etc. Read the sticky.

>> No.5146792
File: 3 KB, 263x192, 1597275911434.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5146794


>> No.5146796

Ok thank you dude, newfag to this board

>> No.5146816

How can I take gesture and turn it into a figure drawing?

>> No.5146819


>> No.5146820
File: 102 KB, 600x600, 1586342456828.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anything else? Something easier?

>> No.5146846

this is what you call a serious attempt?

>> No.5146852

We started around here>>5146130
Proko's method, constant agony and failure made it so that we slipped into whatever misconception of nicolaides we have
We've heard gestury can be anything, so was gesture achieved in a single one or not?

>> No.5146856 [DELETED] 
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>> No.5146858


>> No.5146860 [DELETED] 
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>> No.5146863
File: 670 KB, 3512x2555, 1598239219053.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this gesture?
Why is Vilppu hailed as the best? Is it because of "feeling the form"?

>> No.5146880

>initially used my coom drive to improve through drawing mediocre lewds
>finally became just good enough to draw SFW without giving up or losing interest in the process
thank you penis, I would not have made it here without you

>> No.5146882
File: 1.92 MB, 2304x2846, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, actual valid points of criticism. Looking at it now I'll know what to keep an eye on in the future.
So you say the actual thing that's keeping me at beginner level is my choice of rendering? That's fucking retarded. There are countless cel shaded drawings, not everyone likes using airbrush and meme brushes. I could draw from reference and do studies like pic related all day, but I'm not into that way of expression. I think you have no idea what you're talking about.

>> No.5146890

not him but if your cell shaing were anything other than beg tier his cape wouldn't look like green aluminum foil

>> No.5146899

>different color than what I'm used to bad

>> No.5146905

These responses scream NGMI

>> No.5146907

Tweak your monitor settings, his colors look fine

>> No.5146908

>So you say the actual thing that's keeping me at beginner level is my choice of rendering?
i never said that you can't draw nice stuff without skills that people above /beg/ have but you asked if you're still /beg/. There's no way for anyone to tell if you're /beg/ from that art piece alone. It obviously is complete garbage anatomy, shading, perspective etc. wise but it could just be your artstyle, artstyle that doesn't require you to not be /beg/

>> No.5146918

He's right. Doesn't look like a cape or natural folds

>> No.5146946

Gesture is a meme. Stop trying to follow other people’s “methods”, slow down, and actually think about what you want to draw and how best to accomplish that and why what you’re doing right now isn’t working.

>> No.5146953

Alright, I want to draw humans so I should study gesture and construction, that's my reasoning, look I definitely don't know myself so what do you think it's my problem, should I reset and tabula rasa all over again? I can't afford to waste more time, have I been wasting time?

>> No.5146958

Yes, but I like your colors and I hope you keep trying.

>> No.5146970

why should i care what my gesture looks like when no one will see it

>> No.5147000

>>5146449 Do some skull studies. Check out Marco bucci's course if you like video more than the recommended figure drawing books. Look in the mirror and do self portraits. This is better than photos because you have depth perception and can rotate.
What will have the greatest effect on your perceived art quality right now is improving your linework. You have two options.
>>1. Regular difficulty.
Rather than going back and forth like a saw, I want you to draw like you are petting a cat. Gently, slowly and in one direction.
>>2. Dark Souls mode.
Before you even make a line, take a few seconds to imagine what it will look like. Then draw like you're pulling your stylus through sand. A single, fluid movement. Maybe think about a samurai drawing his blade if you're a weeb.
Warm up by drawing simple shapes and primitive forms or figure gestures using your chosen method. If you fuck up, ctrl z.

>> No.5147029

Bruh this schizo should clearly be learning to write poetry or novels rather than pursuing art. They're naturally inclined to communicating their thoughts and feelings through creative writing. Seriously consider this, crazy dude. It might make you happy.

>> No.5147036 [DELETED] 

Marko Bucci



>> No.5147049

Damn bro you should be glad this is 4chan and not Facebook where messages are stored forever, because hopefully in 5 years time you're gonna look back on who you are now and wish than you could punch him in the face.

>> No.5147050

No, I shouldn't, nothing I've ever wrote or shared has merit, it's not a pursuit that I want anyways, anon could you please share what you really think about my drawings and practice? I like this, and I used to like it even more so do you think I can? Don't lie to me.

>> No.5147055

I refuse to give you any critique or advice because you didn't resize on picresize.com

>> No.5147057

And no, regrettably trying to make me /lit/'s problem is not a good idea, I think you ought to stop trying

>> No.5147060

You should learn how to resize your pics on picresize.com

>> No.5147061

>nothing I've ever wrote or shared has merit
You're a retard but at least you're a self-aware retard

>> No.5147064

I'm beyond self aware anon, I had to be.
Come on, the faster you help me, the faster I get better and the faster we can fuck off

>> No.5147066

Are these from ref or imagination? Hard to tell the actual size of these exercises but you should look for a book to study instead of running like a headless chicken.

>> No.5147074

Love this weird and complex angle you're working on. Check the foreshortening on the head and torso

>> No.5147078 [DELETED] 
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>> No.5147081

post the 88 pages left within the next 7 days or NGMI

>> No.5147083

Alright, I'll let you in on a little secret. The real gains are to be made in /loomis/ on 8kun.
Also go to Reddit. r/art r/artcrit r/artfundamentals r/sketchdaily

You're wasting your time on 4chan. Leave this place for good, it's a meme

>> No.5147087
File: 137 KB, 780x415, Runia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Made a shitpost in relatively short time, I know the quality is shit and I need to practice that but I have other questions.
Have a Wacom and use Clip Studio for reference.
>Pen stops on a dot and won't move unless I go a certain distance making detailing a bitch, any idea how to solve that?
>Even when I do "fluid" lines, my lines still look choppy as hell, am I not using a high enough res?
>What's a generally good res to make shitpost images on but make them not look like something done in MSPaint?
>Is there some secret to getting my hand to do what I want or is it just practice?

>> No.5147094
File: 291 KB, 1189x1024, EsL3szsXIAArjh8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like my art style totally changes when I am using traditional medias compared to digital, anyone else feels the same? Also pic related is something I did today, trying to implement proper perspective to my art. Feedback is well accepted

>> No.5147159

What you need right now isn't to get better at drawing, it's to go see a fucking psychologist.
I'm saying this because I see much of myself in you, or rather my past self. Too much. I'm lucky I didn't know about 4chan back then.
You have clinical depression. You have a lot of negative, obsessive thoughts. You think this makes you special, in a terrible way. You attribute a lot of your self-worth to your art. You think about yourself a lot, and how tortured you are while others appear to have it so much easier. If only you had what they had. If you can’t have it, then nobody can. Burn them all. Fuck the rich, the ignorant and yourself because you know that you’re no better.
All these thoughts are illogical my friend. You are not a robot. You are unfortunately a human being. A meat machine. Like a computer, you have an antivirus system, however this system only fights off foreign bodies. The malware that has infested your mind was created by your very mind itself, from lines of infectious code you’ve encountered over the course of your life, especially on this board. I had MDD during my late teens which coincided with when I began seriously learning fundies. In hindsight, this wasn’t all that bad for my progress. I was hypercritical of mistakes, which allowed me to self-critique well. The problem was that I was focused so heavily on my shortcomings and perceived lack of improvement that my negative thoughts prevented me from coming up with solutions to said problems. A robot would simply run a different process. Multi-thread that shit or whatever. Humans can’t do that. What’s holding you back? Why does it seem like you don’t have talent? Why does drawing feel like hell? You have depression. Go see a psychologist. Maybe watch some videos on HealthygamerGG about depression. You aren’t a schizo as I and the rest of this board have jokingly called you. But you do have a mental illness and drawing will continue to be hell until you address it.

>> No.5147186
File: 56 KB, 730x892, 1597861787496.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright mods I get the message
No, no more therapy, it's worthless, we need to solve this here and now, youve seen my drawings, why are people telling me to quit, Ive seen people with less talent and they dont tell them that. Do you think I've been wasting 5 months? They tell me to quit so I dont know, Im so confused
You're crabbing me arent you?

>> No.5147202
File: 383 KB, 1600x2000, magical girl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any feedback on this?

>> No.5147203

this implies that you think you're better than the rest of us /beg. Fuck you. You're not. Your art is bad and you're annoying. Read the sticky.

>> No.5147208

I've seen people post shit thats way worse than mine, I admire their confidence but Im not the worst artist here and besides no shit its bad im beg lol

>> No.5147217

how do you sight angles?

>> No.5147227

Great job implementing perspecitive and using simple forms. Keep practicing.
Here are the main skills I think you should focus on improving/ doing doing studies of:
1. Cloth. You clothing is very stiff looking with all the straight lines. There are 6 different types of fold, and you’re using maybe one or two. Loomis has a chapter, and there’s plenty to find on youtube.
2. Lighting and values. You’ve got a good understanding of form, but your lack of simple lighting and not-very-graphical shadows is really not showing that skill off well. James Gurney’s color and light book is great. Pair that with framed ink by marcos mateu and you’re on your way.

There’s other shit like shape design and gesture but that can wait. I like the storytelling you’re doing, so keep that up.

>> No.5147235

Think with triangles.

>> No.5147247

"are you having fun because you are better or are you better because you are having fun?"

~your mom last night

>> No.5147252
File: 161 KB, 1366x768, Screenshot from 2021-01-20 10-40-56.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

vilppu-sama i'm feeling the forms!!!

>> No.5147284

Alright fucker since you refuse to leave this place and get help, here’s something solid for you to chew on. Your linework is good, much better than most begs. However you measurement of proportions is fucked. That woman’s zygomatic process/cheekbone is too short. The cranium is too small. Do 10 self-portraits from different vertical and horizonal rotations. After every attempt, do it from imagination. Compare and note your mistakes. Write them down. Not just “terrible”, but be specific. Then do another from imagination.
You don’t need to post them on here, because I know that you’re perfectly capable of critisizing yourself. Be specific in your crits and you’ll have something tangible to improve upon. Also, go for a fucking walk. They help.

>> No.5147287

Thank you! and yes her eye is way too obvious due to me having issues with cheekbones, sunk, you can see there's no real construction on that side.
I will do this, thanks, using construction right?

>> No.5147291

I wouldn’t wanna be kicked by her.

>> No.5147308

Yes, use construction. The distance between the edge of the eye socket and the ear is similar to that of between your hairline and brow, or your brow and the base of your nose, and your nose to your chin. It’s also about the length of your index finger, the width of your elbow and other shit. Look out for these proportional cues and you’ll improve.

>> No.5147317


>> No.5147334

Like a toddlers first steps. Good for you anon.

>> No.5147340

Congratulations, use this secret wisely.

>> No.5147357
File: 1.04 MB, 1000x963, rsz_construct.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do you know youre ready to study anatomy? and where do I start?

pic related is construction from imagination. I put blinders on have been practicing gesture and perspective since may 2020.
Any crits appreciated.

is this a normal thing to do? I have never looked at my pen writing or drawing ever

>> No.5147380
File: 14 KB, 396x714, dress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm having problems with the arms and legs
I need help

>> No.5147385

I'm autism, baby's first steps are my hurdles. Nobody thinks to mention it because it's just normal to them. It took me until I was 23 to figure out how to take a deep breath.

>> No.5147388
File: 11 KB, 320x200, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need feedback on this piece here, i don't know if i should reshade the hills or not.

>> No.5147393

if you were to reshade anything, I'd say that area where the back hills meet should be a lighter shade. Kinda like a glowing earthen ass crack if that helps elucidate my point.

>> No.5147406
File: 11 KB, 320x200, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like this?

>> No.5147407

makes a huge difference. much more pleasing to look at

>> No.5147411

good shit anon

>> No.5147418

Hello TreeAnon!! Your trees are really nice!

>> No.5147537

Do you guys have something that explains how you should go about trying to copy something as well as you can. Do you kind of find the base shapes and build on those?

At the moment im just choosing some part to start with and do linework from there, but this doesnt seem to be a good method.

>> No.5147552
File: 152 KB, 850x903, 1583122097762.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are proportions overrated?

>> No.5147561

Noob here, read the sticky doc but it didn't cover much of the low-range screen tablets - Huion seems a common one, but there's a few other recommendations I'm seeing on various review sites.
For context, I don't draw as often as anyone here would (at least, not at the moment given I still have a non-screen tablet that's several years old) so I have no point of reference for buying yet.

>> No.5147576

>common one
*common brand, rather.

>> No.5147577

>read the sticky
post the Stravinsky exercise or you didn't read shit

>> No.5147578

you're ngmi with that weak mentality of yours

>> No.5147580

theres nothing outlandislhly wrong with this image?
maybe the forearms are long? but its masked by the sleeves anyways so you cant tell
proportions are not overrated

>> No.5147581

Are there any good beginner digital painting and rendering videos on Youtube that aren't just trying to shill products to me?

>> No.5147582


I've been drawing for like 6 years and I didn't start really learning anatomy until this year, and I wish I'd started much earlier. I think I was misled into thinking it was some sort of advanced extra step, when in reality it is completely necessary if you want to draw realistic people. At a certain point you will just hit a wall in your studies if you don't understand what you're looking at.

For example, if I'm practicing drawing arms and I don't even know what the brachioradialis is, don't understand how the forearm rotates, the extensor/flexor groups, where the muscles begin and end, etc. You end up in a situation where you're only really copying basic arm shapes and you're not understanding how it moves, the structure, or why it looks the way it does. There's only so much you can absorb from a study of something you don't understand.

That being said, this is a beginner thread and there is a point I think where you just can't draw accurately fast enough to study a subject in-depth, and so much of your focus has to be just on the accuracy of the drawing, it's not really practical to try to study something as complex as anatomy.

I would say if you're in an intermediate phase where you're reasonably good at drawing but you've hit a wall with your figure work it's time to dive into anatomy. Of course, there aren't really any rules and you should probably start working at it now anyways just for the experience. Practice is practice, you might not learn much about anatomy but it's still good for building dexterity. It's mostly just a matter of how efficient that practice will be as far as the actual subject goes.

>> No.5147596


>> No.5147602
File: 500 KB, 1005x903, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fine, just for you

>> No.5147605

look good?
wideset but obviously stylized and aesthetically appealing

>> No.5147609

Wrong girl

>> No.5147614

still fine

>> No.5147620

way too high and on the side of the face, but if you can't see that i'm better off ignoring you

>> No.5147626

i can see that it can stand to be slightly lower.
but it still looks fine as a whole piece and that's all that matters

>> No.5147631

Watch borodante's video on screen tablets.
They're overrated and over marketed. Just buy a high quality medium/large Wacom intuos. Even old second-hand ones work fine.
(Source: I bought a xp pen artist 24 pro because of the rave reviews and I fuckin never use it now because it's ergonomically just fucked)

>> No.5147630

yeah, so proportions overrated, gotcha i will skip it and start studying colors instead

>> No.5147632

gmi. see you when you make it in 1 month anon

>> No.5147647

you're welcome
but in an seriousness you should understand actual proportions before you go for stylization

>> No.5147671
File: 1.18 MB, 1239x937, firstattempt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys this is my first time posting on /ic/. I recently started relearning on the fundamentals and by following the sticky that I wanted to ask that do you guys "wing it" for the lack of a better when you draw. Because when I start drawing Im focused but halfway I start to wing it when drawing to finish it that I feel like Im being lazy and rushing it. I want to break out of it tho

>pic related doing the exercise

>> No.5147685

beg here... Been on and off the drawing lessons for a while now. I use a book, I use Udemy, I use /ic/, I use drawbox... I am realizing that for drawing, I need some sort of classroom guidelines/syllabus to kind of help me with my studies. I would love to take an actual course, but COVID is keeping me locked up inside.

Does anyone have a syllabus that would be worth following? What books to read? What sequence of practice is best (shapes > plants > animals > perspective > people > etc)
Is there actually someone online that does remote teaching? I know you can't just study and get a checkmark to pass drawing, but I feel like I need a structured learning approach and me just picking random books doesn't help cause I loose motivation. My goal is to want to draw anime/disney style people. I've always wanted to draw stylized people. I would love to just start with drawing people, but I know I need to learn shapes, perspective, anatomy, etc. But I don't know what path will take me there... Any structured approach advice or even links to online teachers would be so appreciated.

>> No.5147692
File: 115 KB, 1374x1000, 1608012508612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know I know, it looks like shit but I tried, I'll try shading and values again
Been doing this, taking a break by drawing other people and huh, if you knew what I'm using as construction you'd have an attack

>> No.5147700

Drawabox really overemphasized the speed aspect of making strokes. Peter Han's stuff makes way more sense.

>> No.5147729

redo it you didnt learn

>> No.5147736

>doing the exercise
Based, finally somebody who actually reads the sticky.
btw Anon you're supposed to do the exercise upside down and not redo any lines, your piece looks far too sketchy. Don't be afraid to draw fingers I see far too many /beg/s in these threads afraid of drawing penises, testacles, nipples, vagene, bobs, etc... finish your work otherwise if you leave it incomplete you'll never know what you should improve.

If you don't find any of the Loomis' books appealing I would recommend you to read any of the following >>/ic/thread/3023643.. My favorite /beg/ book is Keys to Drawing by Dodson, it really helped me to break a lot of shitty habits.

>> No.5147737

What do you mean anon?

>> No.5147746
File: 37 KB, 400x436, 1597023281013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You did jackshit, not copying the lines at all, not thinking in lines but symbols, you fucked up this time anon, you did it upside down right?

>> No.5147764

I did do it upside down I just did that for you all to see a better comparison, my bad. And what do you mean in symbols?

Thanks anon for the advice I'll make sure not to wing it, also what does other anon by doing it symbols, hes being very abrasive about it

>> No.5147780

The point of the exercise is to draw the lines, analyze it, hold it in your mind and do it ONCE, do not repeat them otherwise you're missing the point.
Can't even tell where you started, look at the chair, I know you can do it, this one is a pain in the ass but eh luck and you know don't ever think about grinding this one

>> No.5147783

you're using 3d shapes, that's not the point of it

>> No.5147790

Do it again. Took me about 2-3 tries but the picture needs to look more similar. Draw exactly what you see

>> No.5147805


Thanks for the advice, I'll do it again

>> No.5147811
File: 207 KB, 679x685, 1601498077963.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, I mean it, HOW the fuck am I meant to imply values and rendering? How to make things 3D?

>> No.5147828

Nevermind the schizoid, symbol drawing is when you draw what you think a certain shape or object should look instead of drawing it realistically. For example if I told you to draw an apple you'll draw what you think how an apple should look but then if I told you to draw an apple with an apple as reference then your drawing will look very different because you're drawing from life this time.
The problem with symbol drawing is that you're paying more attention to the drawing rather than the subject, you should make the habit of consciously focusing more on the subject.
There's a really good chapter about this on Keys to Drawing, give it a try Anon.

>> No.5147832
File: 82 KB, 680x1000, 1601655738916.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nevermind, how about lying to him? He's symbol drawing upside down, that's something else

>> No.5147842

Gosh, I didn't realize it was that bad on what i was doing. I'm just starting out

>> No.5147845

>implying values and rendering
lol what?
plane change, value change

>> No.5147847

Imply volume, my bad, how do I do that? Drawing and reading at the same time, it aint working

>> No.5147851

don't listen to the schizo. you did fine for your first try.

>> No.5147852

Somebody should start posting Arnie again to remind everybody that you shouldn't give any advice as a /beg/ yourself without stating your beginner status.

>> No.5147853
File: 299 KB, 1280x720, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you ever do a ton of organic shapes and wrap lines around them?
good exercise, give it a go

>> No.5147858

It happens, just remember, they are just lines
Check out Drawing on the Right side of Brain once you're done, the spiderman thing, now that's going to teach you
The issues is not that I can't see the mistakes, it's that I know what they are but can't fix them
Can't do them

>> No.5147868

>The issues is not that I can't see the mistake...
As I told you before by focusing too much on your drawing instead of your subject you're going to keep doing the same mistakes. Try to focus more on your reference

>> No.5147869

>Can't do them
well I suggest you do it til you can
really was a click moment for me once I started getting them down

>> No.5147870

I didn’t know dab was just dynamic sketching

>> No.5147872
File: 49 KB, 955x439, 1595885669642.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's useless, I can't get more information out of the reference, it's impossible, post any reference and in theory I should do it just fine, if i use the keys to drawing shape thing, yeah cool, close
APPLY CONstruction and then it gets fucked, it looks the same as everyone else
Look at this>>5147692
We already tried, I'm doing some again right now, I don't grasp contours

>> No.5147884
File: 37 KB, 397x599, 1594801679358.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't imply volume? form? make it feel 3D? it's fucking useless then
I think you pranked me so well done, this thing, the portraits, yep, didn't work out, same as everything else.

>> No.5147887

>APPLY CONstruction and then it gets fucked...
Try to recognize shapes/shadows and draw them as a unit. It can help you out as much as construction when you're drawing from life

>> No.5147893
File: 3.50 MB, 3023x2917, 70A13EB6-8B4B-479F-95E1-CAA43C32CD4B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wanna start focusing more on shading and basic shapes

>> No.5147895


>> No.5147906

a tip, try wrap the line the entire way around, dont just go from edge to edge.
it'll help you understand the 3d shape more, when you go from edge to edge you usually underestimate the curve.
but seriously, just keep on trying. take ones that others have already done and copy them, then try some of your own.
its not that you aren't capable, you just havent figured it out yet.

>> No.5147923

>a tip, try wrap the line the entire way around, dont just go from edge to edge.
Jesus fucking Christ, I already know that, you do it with a quick circular motion around whatever you want to contour, swift stroke and do only half
It's just not working

>> No.5147934
File: 428 KB, 2309x1732, 161117586185133.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i like drawing portraits
what do you think guys?
thank you

>> No.5147941

no need to become upset, it certainly doesn't look like you're doing this.
and, it needn't be quick.
why would you do something quickly when you cant do it at all? take your time, use your brain, retry if you need to.

>> No.5147943
File: 768 KB, 3524x2573, 1606783577428.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do I even bother to ask? How long have you been drawing for?
I'm just going to fail so that's why I don't do it

>> No.5147950

Try applying a little bit more detail

>> No.5147951

>literally cant even do the contour exercise properly
this is very telling, along with being an unstable schizo, you can't follow basic instructions. no wonder you're so seething

>> No.5147953

for some time, i just like doodling
>>how bad is it?
>>i am not seeing something
>>please no bully xD

>> No.5147956

Hey man did you just draw a bunch of penises and called them organic shapes?

>> No.5147959
File: 438 KB, 1280x1280, 1601478157608.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you think I give a shit about the exercise, I'm never going to attempt it again, I don't even try anymore, I banned the exercise.
So this was just a quick showing that no I can't do it at all
Fucking humans, just shut the fuck up.

>> No.5147962

look up Will Weston in the video Art lessons Mega folder
he has very good introp to basic siomple shapes on most courses

>> No.5147983
File: 692 KB, 2550x3507, 1590662754159.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No thanks, I'm just going to fail so I'd rather not attempt it

>> No.5147989

>Do you think I give a shit about the exercise,

>> No.5147991
File: 206 KB, 727x968, 1611176835867.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>pulling a cheek are we?
i think you are being sarcastic young man tut tut tut

>> No.5147993

I refuse to do it because I'm just going to fail at it, hell it could I don't know, grant world peace if i were to do it and I would reject it, I can't do it, I'm not going to fail if I don't do it, I can't do it, it's useless

>> No.5148000
File: 158 KB, 380x741, b0ab19edcaa66672ef7b342bb9daa56b.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does anyone know a good course for learning markers/sharpies like this dude in the video? thank you


>> No.5148002
File: 637 KB, 2550x3507, 1608437421447.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, nice talent, must feel nice not working for things huh

>> No.5148004

i would like to be on of your trees

>> No.5148022

>how do i do this thing
>'do this'
>no i wont do that ill just fail
>why do i keep failing!!!!!!
i really truly cant stand you

>> No.5148025

which anatomy course is better for a beg: scott eaton or proko?

>> No.5148027
File: 1.42 MB, 3514x2559, 1608114828266.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been wanting to draw this scene all day, how do I turn figure into bodies?
Shut up

>> No.5148029
File: 100 KB, 525x700, 3371fe2ac35c0b62d4bff370cbd65ae4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> for all BEG

i like the portrait, what exercises you do before drawing? ...like a warm up
...asl o basic shaped folds with shading

>> No.5148044

cant go wrong with eaton, he's really concise and points shit out i've never seen another teacher call attention to

>> No.5148047
File: 134 KB, 1080x1080, f7b25fab940b8f575f1c2c6c94ebec29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will Weston on the Video class Mega, its here somewhere in /ic
nice man, do an update every 10 or so, pretty sure we will see you gradually improve, how long for each drawing?
>>Will Weston
if you are beg dont confuse yourself by learning these big boys, get to them later, Steve Huston is good as he wont confuse you with great detail, just my advice

>> No.5148048

Shut the fuck up

Mods seriously consider banning the schizo now please. He's leading beginners astray which is a tragedy honestly.

Hopefully you read this. Attempt it again only ONCE. Just draw the lines you see, then MOVE ON.

DO NOT REPEAT THIS EXERCISE. You will end up like that stupid schizoid.

Pirate or buy Keys to Drawing and do all the exercises once.

Good luck

>> No.5148052
File: 62 KB, 480x720, 1600340438474.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only did the exercise one though lol, almost perfect accuracy btw

>> No.5148060

you can only get good at drawing if you start as a kid

>> No.5148063
File: 49 KB, 563x727, 1584853046944.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What I told him btw
love that im living rent free in your head :D
Thanks anon

>> No.5148066

Keys to Drawing -> Accuracy/How to Draw (by Iten) -> Art and Science of Drawing -> Dynamic Sketching -> Perspective Made Easy -> Loomis -> Bridgman
Don’t finish one resource exhaustively before going onto the next, always be poking around the edges of your focus in order to discover new techniques. This is a pretty decent curriculum for drawing observationally and training your eye, which moves increasingly into construction.
I’m still /beg/, but following something like this has been working well for me.

>> No.5148073

>tfw keys to drawing is too hard or me

>> No.5148082


>> No.5148092

Do both. Eaton teaches you the anatomy and Proko teaches you how to draw it.

>> No.5148093


>> No.5148095

I can't for the life of me hold this big fucking Intuos pen at a 90 degree angle. Drawing has become too physically uncomfortable for me at this point

>> No.5148099
File: 168 KB, 938x703, 20210120_160107 (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it always necessary to set up the perspective grid when drawing geometric forms, such as mechanical drawings? Prior to reading scoro, I was mainly drawing a bounding box by approximating, and then using the box as a space to place my forms. I feel like the perspective grid is too distracting but I suppose it eventually becomes second nature.

>> No.5148103

doesnt help that i've been told i hold my pen in a strange way, holding it 90 degrees for my dynamic sketching exercises gets really straining, and when im drawing from bottom to top i cant see what i'm doing since my hand covers everything

>> No.5148105

ok OK Im curious so what's the correct way then

>> No.5148106
File: 1.24 MB, 2340x1080, Screenshot_2021-01-20-23-03-31-397_com.miui.gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like this face from imagination went okay. What do you niggas think

>> No.5148116

what? so he just gives you info about the anatomy? doesn't even teach you have to construct it?

>> No.5148118
File: 295 KB, 1017x1155, BC30FD93-37A2-4A7C-B082-C2D968937856.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s not necessary but if you intend to do technical drawings with genuine accuracy it’s gonna take you an insane amount of time to do it without any sort of grid and even world leading people in this area like KJG aren’t gonna have the accuracy of an actual grid. But if you wanna do pic related you probably don’t need perfect grid accuracy to get a good result

>> No.5148121

those anime eyes don't match that face at all.

>> No.5148124
File: 51 KB, 472x634, 1234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean, you should learn them obviously, but once you manage that nobody stopping you from drawing 12 heads tall abominations and saying they're people. half of capeshit runs on 9 heads tall dudes with impossible upper bodies, the fashion design industry relies on people who are 70% legs, and nobody cares.

it's basically like holding a katana upside down : if you do it, you're most likely a weeb, you probably shouldn't, and it's basically asking to get your ass kicked, but after a dozen years of actual training it becomes a good idea again sometimes

>> No.5148133

Why is Toriyama's work so perfect?

>> No.5148147

because he has a 12 inch cock that gives him the confidence needed for success

this nigga been skipping collarbone day

>> No.5148148

its nice, but dont like the line work, chicken scratchings
experience + its just my style

>>is there a tutorial for marker pens?

>> No.5148154


Thx bro. I probably post too often but cant help it just want to share my shit. I spend no more than 2hrs on each one. I also do 3d sculpting when I dont feel like drawing. I will still gmi regardless whether I draw or not.

>> No.5148166

I've always been unsure about the speed at which I should draw certain elements. I see lots of people say to slow down, but it seems that certain elements are easier to draw quickly, like ellipses and circles. Those are the ones I have the most difficulty with right now. I'm pretty good with straight lines, but still have difficulty with long lines becoming bowed ever so slightly. It's barely noticeable unless I'm trying to draw converging lines in perspective.

>> No.5148169
File: 185 KB, 613x1378, Untitled3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fanart of a friends character.

Other than the feet/shoes, which I'm going to go over again, is there anything that stands out as not looking right?

Also could someone point me towards a basic colouring tutorial? I can put down clean flats and I understand lighting and forms on a basic level but I don't know how to apply that knowledge to digital painting. Just the tools, the methods and appealing ways of going about it escape me.

I like pic related but googles giving me nothing

>> No.5148217
File: 1.89 MB, 2172x2200, 41C9916C-8C1D-4906-9EFB-1EFAECADBEDA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Starting pen and ink and attempting to render the face and see basic forms. Will respond with reference. Anything I should do better?

>> No.5148223
File: 116 KB, 1200x628, 25A9CF28-1ECE-4BBF-B286-57FB46A06168.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5148341

Have cleaner, more consistent hatching.
Same applies to
Don't be lazy.

>> No.5148416
File: 2.89 MB, 3024x4032, IMG_20210120_161522603.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm assuming the biggest problems with this are:
basic fundies
am I missing anything?

>> No.5148441
File: 46 KB, 447x527, faf22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck hands

>> No.5148446

This bitch could touch her toes without leaning forward

>> No.5148449

ugh... sweetie fix the ruber legs and her pucci is looking away

>> No.5148527 [DELETED] 
File: 643 KB, 1024x809, girlonbike2021-4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I know what criticism I'm gonna get here. I think you're gonna say my values are all over the place, the front wheel is out of perspective, and the lines are total shit chicken scratch. I just don't feel like staring at the computer screen anymore today and wanted to get something uploaded. Tomorrow I think I'm gonna make a duplicate of every layer, put the whole thing in black and white and try to make it make more sense. Probably pick better colors too. Idk wtf I was thinking. I'm lonely bros. I' lonely and I draw anime waifus and motorcycles to pass the time.

>> No.5148529


Starting out, just keep your hatching as one direction of clean, perpendicular lines. The direction, and weight of these lines should be consistent across the entire drawing. Draw out the shadow shapes in pencil and fill them in with hatching. Be careful not to overdo it, just hatch the darker shadows, it's easy to make a mess trying to hatch every half-tone and end up over working it. Think of it like filling the shape of the shadow with a single uniform tone of grey.

Don't outline areas that are soft/rounded. Round areas have soft edges, they should just be tone. A hard line indicates a strong change in direction or a closed off shape. Look at the right (his left) cheek with the hard line you've put around the muzzle. You've totally closed off that area and turned it into a triangle, making it look abstract. The shadow underneath the cheeks is extremely subtle. Don't put hard lines around lips, just the mouth line

If your lines aren't uniform in direction the illusion of tone does not work and it just looks like flat texture. I also recommend that you practice hatching with a hard pencil ~2H so you can erase your mistakes and try different approaches.

You have to consider the contrast of your hatching as well. If you only do one layer of hatching, it appears fairly dark compared to the light areas. If you have multiple passes of cross hatching, you can hatch more subtle areas, because the relative contrast of that lighter hatching is not as strong.

Most of your lines are just too far apart as well. I can see you're attempting to follow contours in places too but you don't really understand the planes so it just doesn't work. You really need to be careful with curved hatching because it needs to be extremely accurate and consistent, any irregularity ruins the illusion.

Work in pencil, plan the areas of shadow as shapes, and fill them in with clean, uniform hatched lines. Only one direction, no cross hatching, no curves, keep it all clean.

>> No.5148532


That should say parallel lines not perpendicular, woops

>> No.5148536
File: 199 KB, 907x753, 1611192233585.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

waaahhh nice man, keep posting and i will be looking on BEG, 2 hours is quite a number lad and 3D seems to be the good shit or atleast cool!
i think she is leaning back too much?
ears too big?
mkay :P
her ankle is broken
nah arms are right length, wrists are around the pubic bone

>> No.5148538

Got it, thanks for the critique. My goal is to be a lot more proficient in ink drawing this year

>> No.5148542
File: 441 KB, 1024x809, girlonbike2021-6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this looked like total shit so i got rid of the color. biggest problem is that the values and light source are all over the fucking place. can you give specific suggestion to help with this. after i fix up the black and white layer i can overlay color and worry about making smoother lines.

>> No.5148544
File: 643 KB, 1024x809, girlonbike2021-4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's what it looks like in color. i know its ... a mess...

>> No.5148547
File: 265 KB, 960x1440, f7c88cf419d1de772db3b681150cf726.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's a ref for the pose, but the bike design and the anime girl are from imagination.

>> No.5148555

What about 1px brush without AA and opacity? I like how it's feel and look, but can it runs my learning process? Hard round isn't so cute.

>> No.5148599


Something about the perspective seems off, it looks like she's floating in front of the bike, not on top of it. I think you've gotten a little too far from the reference and what you're taking from it isn't meshing with what you've come up with. I don't think it's something you're going to fix with the values.

>> No.5148608

you're not just defective, you're also very annoying. how many bitcoins will I have to send you to never see another post from you again?

>> No.5148621
File: 3.29 MB, 1445x2133, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>her ankle is broken
thanks, didn't realize
would this be the "right" direction

>> No.5148627

Thank you; that means a lot to me!
I'd be glad to oblige

>> No.5148634

nigga just use a solid color brush with size set to pen pressure
its not that difficult

>> No.5148655

Bring the bike closer to that front leg. That'll help with the floating illusion. also, that neck and shoulders look a bit wonky to me. Great work on the hair shading though, that looks slick.

>> No.5148656
File: 62 KB, 638x917, rdd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5148666
File: 1.54 MB, 1673x592, brokenAnkleRef.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think her ankle(ball at the back of foot) needs to be moved to the left, her toes seem to be good, here is a ref

nice but you changed the angle of the body, i think she is walking right at as

>> No.5148679

try to walk in opposite direction to your pelvis.

>> No.5148693
File: 1.81 MB, 3024x4032, h2w36cs5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5148698
File: 490 KB, 1196x2225, IMG_20210120_214347.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I still beg, bros
I didn't use a lot of references because I'm not used to it

>> No.5148716

What exactly are the fundamentals and how do you study them?

>> No.5148722


Value/Edge, Perspective, Construction, etc. Basic concepts that apply universally to art. You study them the same way you study anything. Books, videos, classes, but instead of taking notes, you draw pictures. Read the sticky.

>> No.5148725

thanks for the ref,
i think if I move the ankle to the left I might need to change the direction the kneecaps are facing
why did you turn the hips away?

>> No.5148735

still fairly beg myself but I think the main areas I would change (outside of the incomplete lower body and hands) would be
>neck is too long as is
>nipples are facing different directions
>bottom of ribcage usually isn't that well defined
Also you use reference BECAUSE you aren't used to drawing a certain thing

>> No.5148753

Thanks art frend

>> No.5148755

Are.. Are nipples not supposed to do that?

>> No.5148763


They do face different directions, I think there's a specific angle you can measure it by too.

>> No.5148770
File: 2.44 MB, 3120x4160, 20210120_222006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

started week 2 of dynamic sketching, still doing 1 page of each week 1 exercise each day

>> No.5148777
File: 1.22 MB, 5800x5800, massagetherapynotes-min.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dunno if this will help anyone but i took notes during my massage therapy online class today for three hours

certified Korean professor to boot

>> No.5148783
File: 265 KB, 839x1120, 1611188289390.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she is walking like a model in a Gucci show
>>try to walk in opposite direction to your pelvis.
what did you mean

>> No.5148811
File: 298 KB, 763x1000, untitled2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Final checks before rendering starts... using Hampton's method for the construction really helps when the perspective is tricky

>> No.5148812

looks great so far, but a lot of the time the sketch is way better than the final product so I'll wait and see how you fully realize this before passing any concrete judgement

>> No.5148821
File: 119 KB, 366x362, beg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hi everyone, i hope you had a successful day drawing

>> No.5148844

I went autistic and decided not to

>> No.5148909
File: 61 KB, 448x887, y5y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5148929
File: 64 KB, 455x862, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5148934
File: 306 KB, 1280x848, 1607279169778.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Help me, for once again I failed, let me censor the worst parts of the image

>> No.5148938
File: 209 KB, 1442x1001, 1583080189450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the absolute state of my imagination

>> No.5148939

i miss Rutger so much

>> No.5148941

so when do I know that I have to change the nip on my stylus?

>> No.5148942
File: 22 KB, 400x277, 1580306669286.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Real shame, guy really liked acting, was completely unpretentious about it, play observer btw.

>> No.5148949
File: 326 KB, 1920x1080, 1602028030355.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every resource I try is useless
I just can't improve no matter what

>> No.5148951
File: 226 KB, 1920x1080, 1580209084176.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm drawing for fun and not as learning at times but I can know that it's inferior below what a toddler could make see the one on the right >>5148938
I want to improve but I wasted 4 months grinding fundies, what did I get out of it? Speed and some dubious line control, nothing more.

>> No.5148956
File: 209 KB, 1920x1080, 1579691755435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying to improve, being good at art...

>> No.5148958
File: 340 KB, 1920x1080, 1597004233573.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Herculean task, Sisyphus.

>> No.5148961

You don't. The tablets usually have rough surfaces designed to wore down your nibs faster so you have to buy more because manufacturers are jews

Put a sheet of laminating paper over your tablet and stick it with some tape. I haven't had to change my nib for years.

>> No.5148972
File: 29 KB, 548x644, mBsvdnt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same question, whats your guys pressure sensitivity? or do you guys add in your lines for the lineart?

>> No.5149026
File: 2.81 MB, 2621x3013, 4EB287A8-3C92-4E6C-BE04-F63D13378AA1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I took your advice and referenced a picture of “Billy” from the Saw franchise and tried hatching the way you described initially. Am I on the right track?

>> No.5149054

do you guys like to draw 6 1/2 heads height or 7 1/2?

>> No.5149058

Oh thank goodness, I was worried mine were defective, haha!
No problem! Please do post more trees in the future, TreeAnon! They are nice.

>> No.5149071

fun fact, there's no fixed proportions. If you truly want to draw a wide variety of characters, tall and short, it's gonna be a lot more variety than 6.5-7.5 heads

>> No.5149084
File: 41 KB, 530x439, rsz_11-20-21_p4_3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I accomplished nothing today

>> No.5149094


Yes, this is much better. Keep working on tightening up your lines, keep them evenly spaced, closer together. You don't want big spaces in between your lines because it interrupts the pattern and they stop blending. For your cross hatching, you want to angle the second layer so it's not going straight against the previous layer. If you do it like an X you get those big squares in the middle. Keep it up, take your time with it, really focus on putting down each line deliberately.

>> No.5149204
File: 175 KB, 900x900, 12121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5149259

Thanks dude! This is super helpful! I know it's weird, but I just need a structured learning approach, so having at least somewhere to start helps. I will check the MEGA for these and start planning out my "course" lol.

Thanks again :)

>> No.5149308

Is animating a good way to get mileage?

>> No.5149331

make me a fern wearing a top hat pls

>> No.5149333
File: 618 KB, 1500x1500, Value Study and Shape Study.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Help a /beg/ger out.

>> No.5149362

Pretty decent, it kind of looks like the front legs are squeezing the ribcage though. Not sure if that's how lions look and somebody else could probably give real critique on it

>> No.5149416

How do you get lineless art to have clean unbroken edges

>> No.5149424

Hmm yea I think the front and rear wheels are in different perspective and her leg looks like shit so it's making the image very flat.

>> No.5149425
File: 1.23 MB, 3264x2448, prison.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this alright for a rough draft? I'm trying to figure out how/where to add detail to everything here to make it less empty. First time I've not immediately erased/trash the paper and managed to sat down for a few hours just drawing this. Feels great even if it's still a messy sketch.

>> No.5149441
File: 856 KB, 3264x2448, Teresa1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw my friend is way better. I swear I'll get as good if not, better than he is. It's hard not to get discouraged sometimes.

>> No.5149446

wtf my drawing made op based

>> No.5149462
File: 358 KB, 712x1000, kallavan_1000pixels.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This took me 8 damn hours, just starting out with digital art really.

If my highlevel work flow sketching, line art then cell shading. I've been cheating at sketching so far by tracing something rough.

So I want to be able to draw something like the Hades in game overlay character art when a character is speaking. What areas should I focus on to get good? My thoughts are with sketching is that if I'm going for an artstyle with realistic body proportions I can just use reference images, do a basic trace, then do a sketch over that to give it a cartoon style, then do the lineart onwards.

Advice appreciated!
I'm wondering this too. The brush I'm uses starts fat and finishes with a tip with a think kind of sucks. For edges I have been making sure to do long strokes and then i've just been zooming in and cleaning em' up with the rubber tool

>> No.5149470

Guys, the lasso tool. Come on guys just lasso and fill in the color shape.

>> No.5149480

I'm just practicing so I didn't go back to make sure the colours were in the right places lol.

I've got ideas on how to do it better next time. I'm going to have layers for each colour and give them masks so I never have to worry about colouring over the lines

>> No.5149484

how the FUCK do you shade consistently across colors?

>> No.5149490
File: 198 KB, 517x1100, el destacado mago español de las guías telefónicas manuel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my oc.
His name is El destacado mago español de las guías telefónicas manuel

>> No.5149499
File: 1.25 MB, 1200x1600, 05c68782-1a28-44c7-9fc5-f0f2e170d007.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uh... I can't seem to draw a doohinkus that would fit this girl

>> No.5149524

Rotate boxes first u silly beg

>> No.5149530

open your eyes before drawing

>> No.5149536

So obviously everyone knows that long legs are considered beautiful, but are there any beauty standards for calves/thighs ratio? What part of the leg should be longer? The thighs? The calves? Both should be longer and keep a certain proportion? What proportion is that?

>> No.5149539
File: 125 KB, 1278x789, ride the tiger, do it now.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Decide on practicing hair
>figure furries have tons of it and that's like drawing 10 women
>pick the one fucking animal with short hair

I swear I must be retarded. That, and I don't know shit about anatomy, but mostly the tiger thing

>> No.5149562

go look what you like and copy their proportions if thats what you want

>> No.5149566

I never really introspected about this

>> No.5149574

Why do you have a front-facing tiger reference for a side facing pose?

>> No.5149603

this one is mostly for picking colors, I had a side facing ref somewhere but the lighting was shit.

>> No.5149611

But then what if what I like is shit and I just have shit taste in legs? I want mass appeal

>> No.5149621

then find what is popular on any art website

>> No.5149639
File: 278 KB, 842x903, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

could somebody help out, tell me what looks wrong.
I feel like i need some help with the pelvis, i have some trouble with twisting
I want her torso and pelvis to be tilting in different directions like the two boxes on the top right, the torso box is twisting.
Also am i doing to the skin fold properly between the torso and pelvis?
I looked up examples but i don't feel it looks right

>> No.5149645

I'd recommend that you head to your local police station, you sick fuck

>> No.5149653

Does sculpting help with drawing? I have a fuckton of plasticine.

>> No.5149661

Fold is too big for her bodyfat %. Also you might want to go to anime/stylization thread for an actual good advice.

>> No.5149701
File: 71 KB, 536x1080, 1234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a woman's age is like how much breasts or dimensions she has. 3 is already weird, anything more is some lovecraftian space monster you should run away from

>> No.5149709

New Thread:


>> No.5149724

Thank you

>> No.5149790

>anyone else feels the same?
not me

>> No.5149792

if you want long legs at least put the knee in the middle

>> No.5149826

just coom

>> No.5149833

the right arm is a little weird, did you drew the hidden part?

>> No.5149835


>> No.5149837


>> No.5149854

it looks like you just drew a woman body and slapped and big anime head on it. a 5 head tall anime girl shouldn't have all that anatomic detail

>> No.5149855
File: 433 KB, 1280x1280, 1601374175636.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, how do you get it like this?
So it's not a quick wrapping motion like Drawabox says but actually a slow wrapping?
>I fucking hate Drawabox

>> No.5149857

it can't hurt

>> No.5149931

>Put too little detail
>get told to put more detail
>Put more detail
>Get told to put less detail
i can never win

>> No.5149975

it is a spectrum!

>> No.5150086

just be japanese, also anon learn your fundamentals

>> No.5150211

is this actually good?

>> No.5150340

thank you nya

>> No.5150458

you good bro?

>> No.5150482


>> No.5150863

>i think she is leaning back too much?
Definitely. Especially after going back and looking at the original gesture line.

There's pushing a gesture and then there's bending the laws of physics for your gesture.

The ears on the other hand are pretty spot on for the character but maybe they just work better in my friends style, which you could argue is a little more on the 'cartoony' side I suppose.

I did but it's one of those things that were redrawn a few times to get the pose to work.

I think that the bottom of the arm intersecting with the dress like it does doesn't help.

But you're right, the shape of the arm seems to be indicating that the elbow is just out of view but if that was the case you should still see part of the upper arm.

>> No.5150962
File: 157 KB, 1300x1300, adderal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tell me how to not make this suck yell at me for shit call out my faults

>> No.5150987

so if I'm practicing proportion will it really matter what height I use? or will I get the same benefits from practicing anything

>> No.5151175
File: 960 KB, 1200x990, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

try using this

>> No.5151407
File: 115 KB, 1411x2116, learning-styles-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're remembering to learn in the way that actually works best for you right /beg/?