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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 143 KB, 901x549, CLIPStudioPaint_waLnwugKcg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5147226 No.5147226 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>5139752

Do Art Daily:
>Link: https://dad.gallery
>Discord: You must have a DAD streak of at least 14 to join. Ask Vastian#0988 for an invite.
>Found an issue with the site? Lost your streak and want to appeal? Please message the contact link at the bottom of the site, not the thread.

>Draw every day (or your preferred frequency)
>Submit your work by 23:59:59 GMT
>Spend at least 30 minutes on each submission
>No loli or shota porn
>Miss a day and you'll be alright, just keep going
>Have fun

Please comment on each other's artwork; dads love attention, mew!


What is the goal?
>To become better.

I am /beg/gar and not know draw, can watashi join?
>Yes x100. Stop asking and start submitting art, chum. You can't be the worst, like literally.

A brief history:
>Last Artist Standing (LAS): The original site, created by Lava (presumed dead, rest in peace). It has changed and ruined the lives of many lassies. [YouTube] Meet the Last Artist Standing
>Draw Every Day (DED): A short-lived site between LAS and DAD, run and abruptly cancelled by w.
>Do Art Daily (DAD): The current site, by the dadmin and developer banana.

Community links:
>DADcast: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfCw_buGoBDPQC1bbcukmnQ
>LAS discord (not to be confused with the official DAD discord): https://discord.gg/Pa7sDvdZnr

>> No.5147237

Asg would be proud.

>> No.5147242

janny being a huge fag again
no one likes you

>> No.5147246

yeah fuck dad.gallery mods, brother. Rise up!

>> No.5147295

cat shit

>> No.5147296


>> No.5147301

and so once again lil soda decided to dedicate his remaining years in this world to a community he's no longer wanted

Have you drawn today lassies? I'm on topic janny don't be butthurt uwu

>> No.5147311

I’m watching the inauguration first and then I’ll have some jimmy johns and a sprite. And then I’ll draw.

>> No.5147338

jimmy johns sound really good actually
ill order some after this too, thanks anon

>> No.5147341

oops forgot to remove name

>> No.5147511

I'm such a lazy slut daddy won't you spank me and tell me to do my gesture drawings already??

>> No.5147789
File: 1.07 MB, 2100x2310, Color.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the advice, does this look any better? I made the majority of fixes you suggested, there were a couple of writings I couldn't read legibly though.

>> No.5147948

You need to work on your legs or something. This is almost acceptable int level.

>> No.5148067
File: 90 KB, 663x1123, gobbo girl1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fixed the head and stuff a bit and finished the piece. Thanks again. Gonna go back to studying for a bit

>> No.5148078

this isn't beg tier, as a line drawing it's good

>> No.5148079

Check your eyes.

>> No.5148081

what? just because it's a boring image? the hands are well done

>> No.5148088
File: 98 KB, 187x267, 1610761335372.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Judging images based off it being "beg" or "int" or "pro" and trying to achieve higher ranks is fucking retarded and pointless. It means nothing. its empty words. You know whats more useful? Saying whats wrong with the image, whats good, and how they can improve, instead of lumping people into arbitrary tier lists
His shit is good and I like it. He needs to work on more interesting compositions and character designs. His fundies are fine and are at the stage that theyll improve with mileage and occasional studying to reinforce his knowledge. Stop dropping a 3 letter word as a form of critic and think a little bit. It makes everyone more retarded and reinforces that critique doesn't have to take effort, which leads to shitposting and shit critique.

>> No.5148094

yes thank you anon I agree, just this anon >>5147948 annoyed me trying to put it into a box where he could write off the artist's obvious capabilities.
I also like his work, but agree his character design work could have more fun and 'character' to it, same for the composition. Other than that, it's good.
Maybe factoring in a background could help with making a dynamic composition, more interesting shapes.

>> No.5148108
File: 136 KB, 735x1200, karla ortiz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd say for composition, that it doesn't have to be that detailed for it to lead your eye, just some sensical shapes. If it's more of a 'key art' type image maybe her clothes flapping in the wind or something would be better.
A good idea is to steal ideas from other artists

>> No.5148177

i want food as well :(

>> No.5148202

I don’t get it. You beg for tierlists but as soon as I put you in a box you scream about it.

>> No.5148214

I know you're dumb but I hoped you realised that you talk to different people in these threads

>> No.5148228

I don’t consider you as a person so I lump all in 1 category so my apologies.

>> No.5148232

if no one likes you, why do you still come to these threads anon

>> No.5148240


Take a guess.

>> No.5148249

all answers are too sad to contemplate

>> No.5148251

You’re autistic

>> No.5148255

talk to em

>> No.5148264

Heeh, is that so.

>> No.5148286

sad as in you have mental health problems.

>> No.5148298


Posters like you is why God is good.

>> No.5148343

I waited for the whole day for a new thread with a good pic and you gave me this?!

>> No.5148374

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

>> No.5148376


>> No.5148400
File: 46 KB, 718x301, 2346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5148489

you weren't joke about the all furries on dadcord

>> No.5148493
File: 1.28 MB, 1200x1600, 2021-01- LZ16 Treant Protector 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any tips for working longer hours /dad/s? It feels like my mind just goes blank upon reaching the first hour then poof every stroke by then just makes the piece worse somehow

>> No.5148501

They'll be dealt with soon enough.

>> No.5148502

Pretty cringe, init?

>> No.5148517

yeah, open up a different project and work on that.
if continuing work on the project doesn't make it any better then you're effectively noodling on a piece that's pretty much already in its "complete" state. move on to the next piece.
if you don't feel your piece is complete, figure out why. either way try to catch yourself when you're just whittling at something slowly, since that's essentially wasted time.

>> No.5148525

awful op

>> No.5148533

Idk what your process is like, but front-loading myself with the technical aspects of a piece like the construction, anatomy, and a clean sketch help me work for longer hours since its always very clear to me what the next step in the process is. Once the construction is done its time for the clean up sketch, once that is done its time to block in base colors, etc. Ime messier processes make it easier to get stuck since you get stuck between rendering and correcting construction mistakes.

>> No.5148548

what's this timer app that all the /dad/s use, I always see it but never know where its from

>> No.5148551


>> No.5148619

Holy shit my submission is the OP image? Neat.

>> No.5148632
File: 1.19 MB, 844x875, 1599342667063.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5148644

grats man, you deserve it.

>> No.5148647

Seriously. If you're not going to try, why are you even making these threads?

>> No.5148654


The thread maker is draining the swamp. It's good dads who will never get the OP make it as OP.

>> No.5148659

yeah sure keep telling that to yourself

>> No.5148662
File: 1.52 MB, 2480x3507, 3463.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5148664 [DELETED] 

Reminder if the janny is the one making the OP/ it’s this idiot they’re only putting you as OP out of spite.

>> No.5148668 [DELETED] 

Oh you mean 4chan janitors and not dad mod. Even more lunacy conspiracy. Stupid dads.

>> No.5148671

Absolutely based, these threads are shit and likely due to that one autist who shall not be named

>> No.5148673

It's okay, I'll work harder to make my drawings better, so they're worthy of being chosen as OP one day.

>> No.5148675

Don’t let these guys bring you down. It’s good random dads are being featured and not just the same alphabet soups.

>> No.5148676

I agree with this.

>> No.5148681

>it’s good someone’s 30min chicken scratch gets shown off instead of a painting someone spent hours on

>> No.5148684

It gives a false perception of what the site is. Dad isn’t full of people who can complete finished work. The vast majority of you produce studied and sketches. It’s good to represent your user base.

All you’re basically arguing with me is your fellow buddies work is shit.

>> No.5148686

basically this, yeah

>> No.5148688

Is that really the work even the artist would want to show off though? Why not have finished pieces rather than sketches, regardless of quality

>> No.5148690

True, but you'd bitch and complain regardless of who is picked. This is a pointless argument and a waste of my precious time. so have fun filling the thread with useless posts.

>> No.5148692

if you genuinely don't care why even waste your time
let someone else do it

>> No.5148695

Does anyone complain when its a finished piece? No

>> No.5148700

Why does cory have the fewest people (even removing inactives) but the highest time by 300 hours

>> No.5148708

The average user in Cory has almost 10 more hours put in than the average user of Arrest, which is in second place.

>> No.5148713

Why did all the high hour users choose Cory

>> No.5148715

Because it's the coolest house.

In reality, all the people who care about winning join the winning house, the people who don't are equally likely to choose any house, thus it's way more likely for people who take winning the houses more seriously to cluster into the same house.

>> No.5148717

Well I always think its more fun to join the underdog houses and make a come back (which seems to never happen)

>> No.5148718

That makes sense for late joiners, but looking at the house charts, most of the top 10 in Cory was there from nearly day 1, and those users make up about 776.5 of the hours
RELOAD joined later but allegedly RNG'd and I don't remember cranihum

The top house thing makes sense but I find it funny that the people with the highest hours all aggregated there before it was definitively the top house

Last month I joined Penis when it was middle house because >penis, and we won

>> No.5148720

Honestly the only way to make them competitive is to randomize people into houses, which is 0 fun.

It makes perfect sense. Even if they're ahead by a little, that's a small benefit, and it just keeps adding up.

>> No.5148721

came very close to happening with hands last month, started out at the bottom and ended up a hair below penis

>> No.5148723

It does, but I wouldn't have picked Cory if I was a user joining at the start that wanted to win
At the beginning of the month (first 1-4 days) I recall Skycrow and Brother-kun both had insanely high hour times, I expected Notosh to put in more time than he has, and If I remember correctly, dingle is a neet that draws all day

>> No.5148727

sob sob I was in hand house

>> No.5148729

When I checked when on day 1, Cory was in first place, iirc.

It could also be all the high time users are friends, and pick the same house.

>> No.5148737

On day 1, Cory was in first place because a new user (Takoyaki) put in 4 hours or so, but after that, it fluctuated a lot. I might be getting the timeline slightly wrong since I was sick, but I know Skycrow dumped a shitload of hours when they were posting their Genshin style study. At some point, I recall Cory had the most users and maybe was first or second, but the highest individual hour-counters were in House Arrest or Clown, and if you go by last month, while teamwork made the dream work for Penis, high individual user counts can also carry really hard (enough to win if everyone else also puts in some effort)

I wonder if the friend thing is the case. My time is rather high but I wasn't friends with anyone. Mostly I seemed to see people joining Clown house based on friendship, actually.


>> No.5148768

>being in the nigger house

>> No.5148776

Why aren't you carrying your house to victory if you're in House Arrest or Clown, anon? Awful lazy of you.

>> No.5148796

The lazy nezumi crack that was uploaded to cgpeers 14 hours and 22 minutes ago
The dll triggers virustotal: https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/e02b4bb3e1739998dff2a165e2673ed4a580e4f7ba0d370c2b5424c2979478e9/detection

But I'm installing it anyway because it's made by the friend of a person who I talked to from time to time over many years and I've already used their cracks multiple times before

>> No.5148825

Because I’m not in a house or dad for that matter.

>> No.5148891

do you mind fucking off then?

>> No.5148925

Nice, I thought I was the only one.

>> No.5148930 [DELETED] 

retard schizo

>> No.5148954

Late night hours and you know what that means?

>> No.5148955 [DELETED] 

It means we talk about our art b...fzzzz....szzz

>> No.5148970 [DELETED] 

be the change you want to see
overtake the catshit op maker

>> No.5148977 [DELETED] 

this thread was made before the previous thread reached page 9

>> No.5148980 [DELETED] 

It's just a fucking image used to repeat a thread. Holy fucking shit. Go draw.

>> No.5148984 [DELETED] 

Dads are mentally not well in the head.

>> No.5148986 [DELETED] 

your op sucks and so do you

>> No.5148987 [DELETED] 

I'm not animuheads, shizo.

>> No.5148991 [DELETED] 

The dads drawing aren't reading this shit. What you have here are the chronic procrastinators looking for an excuse not to draw.

>> No.5148994 [DELETED] 

i just spent the last hour drawing and 2 minutes read and post here

>> No.5149000 [DELETED] 
File: 10 KB, 189x163, devaw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I already have 2 hours and I'm not going to bed until the morning. Losers who complain about the OP are just that, losers.

>> No.5149002 [DELETED] 

it's tradition, remember when you got your first op image? it felt good to have someone bother to take the time to write the fucking word 'dad' on it and recognise your hard work.
Now the op's are anything and the reason is why the fuck not. don't make the threads if you don't care

>> No.5149004 [DELETED] 

me too, but nobody knows that

>> No.5149007

ah, naruhodo

>> No.5149009 [DELETED] 

Take a hint already. You deserve this.

>> No.5149015 [DELETED] 

I'm animuheads, and I didn't make the OP. I legit woke up and checked the thread, and someone made it. I wouldn't use my own work to make a thread. I'm pretty critical of my own work as it is, nevermind broadcasting it.

>> No.5149016 [DELETED] 

deserve what? I don't understand what you're getting at

>> No.5149019 [DELETED] 

You deserve getting yelled at for hitting my dog.

>> No.5149022 [DELETED] 

so you're saying you're deliberately and knowingly making poor op images. That's just rude to the artist's your using.

>> No.5149028 [DELETED] 

I did not say that? You're the one complaining because it isnt one of your friends picked for the hundredth time.

>> No.5149032 [DELETED] 

I have no friends in dad, but I'm getting the sense that you wish you were in their clique, they hurt you didn't they diddums

>> No.5149043 [DELETED] 

Yes and for that they must pay in every way possible but that has nothing to do with selecting OP images.

>> No.5149049 [DELETED] 

I take this as an opportunity to shit on our lil soda buddy

>> No.5149055

It all makes sense now lol
ah sou desu ne

>> No.5149060


>> No.5149061

NRuto uzunaki

>> No.5149086
File: 329 KB, 1483x890, test2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my second drawing on my new tablet
my hand is a bit screwed up.

>> No.5149093

what's your new tablet?

>> No.5149097

artist 15.6 pro
its my first real drawing tablet
> in b4 that brand or this brand is better
> in b4 your brand sucks because its chink shit
its what I got and I'm going to work with it.

>> No.5149099

oh, sorry,
I meant to reply to you with this

>> No.5149122

>Drew for six hours today
>No strength left in hands
>Can't open my water bottle

So this is how I die.

>> No.5149125

sad, art claims another life again

>> No.5149134

stop drawing for 6 hours straight

>> No.5149143

Take a stretch break every so often.

>> No.5149160

my bad, is it more readable this time? i switched brushes kek

it's better but you really do need to work on legs/torsos

i did a rough paintover but my head hurts and i'm rubbish at american toon style

>> No.5149161
File: 3.19 MB, 8309x3647, Illustration15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i forgot the file, like a retard

get a contigo or some bottle that opens by button, or use a mug with a tea lid if you want something closed

>> No.5149798

dead thread
dead community

>> No.5149819

the download link doesn't work anymore :(

>> No.5149820

I just tested it. It 100% does.

>> No.5149889

oh yeah im retarded

>> No.5149916

I'm glad you acknowledge your intelligence. If only others would follow.

>> No.5149952

Begs grind more, that's it.

>> No.5149962

Not a high hour user but when I joined it was the house in last place and I wanted to support the underdog. Now I’ve become the monster I sought out to destroy.

>> No.5149990 [DELETED] 

Dear friends, the great internet purge is coming. As we enter the technological dark ages, remember this internet freedom you used to have. As the black hands of china, the leftist authoritarians will corrupt the world. Censorship, corruption and oppression will rise. The battle for freedom will come and you must be ready to fight for it by any means necessary. When it does, remember to never give up on your art.

It will require your last ounce of courage to keep expressing yourself, despite the circumstances or your situtation. With a little luck and unyielding determination, you will survive. To sing praises of the muses and to be the tool of the gods. I used to say just draw, knowing what is to come, i will say, keep drawing.

>> No.5149995

Is China banning pencil and paper? No? Then shut up.

>> No.5149998

Well duh, Dad is a prime example of the purging, a hug box for banana and his little furry henchman.

>> No.5150037

Shh, they don’t want to read their own hypocrisy.

>> No.5150073

How do you delete your DAD account? I don't feel like sharing my ugly art anymore.

>> No.5150079

Hey anon nobody care about your art
Just keep drawing and you will improve

>> No.5150081

That still does not answer my question, I am sure there are people who want to delete their accounts for other reasons.

>> No.5150082

Post your dad name and I will notify the incompetent programmer to have your account purged.

>> No.5150083


>> No.5150084

Notify him to add a 'delete account' button. Fuck why did I even sign up fro this without checking if the button was there in the first place.

>> No.5150091

That should be basic user interface implementation from day one. He’s a retard so what can I say more.

>> No.5150094

No it should not, there are websites that don't have that option.

I blame me for not checking if DAD had it.

>> No.5150110

Those websites and the people who manage them are also retards.

>> No.5150118

The difference is that those sites have user policies. Where as dad does not. There's a window for banana to be sued.

>> No.5150124

Those websites also allow you to remove your content. Dad does not.

>> No.5150128

>no privacy policy
>no terms of service
oh boy
>upload art
>DMCA website
>rinse repeat until payday arrives

>> No.5150129

> this shit again
people have made this threat since DAD was first made
if youre going to do it just do it already what are you waiting for
otherwise boring

>> No.5150134 [DELETED] 

There is a better way to take down the site. I’m surprised you haven’t caught on yet.

>> No.5150140

...then do it?
ive been waiting since prolapse boys simps threatened banana with ddos, since some anon said "wait for spring" and every random threat of suing or otherwise taking down the site
its all hot air
if you have a serious plan im all ears buddy

>> No.5150155

I'm a patient but over-planning man. While you've been waiting I have been right under your nose the whole time.

>> No.5150160

> more hot air
until you actually do something im just going to be bored and disappointed

>> No.5150176
File: 261 KB, 1280x1720, [DPG]futur61.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seeing C-Moon at LAS discord is so sad, he is annoying but he isn't a bad person, he is just autistic so everyone hate him

>> No.5150179
File: 65 KB, 300x200, its afraid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5150200

i swriously doubt bananas concerned about vague threats he doesnt read
i wouldnt either
literally tryed to organize a takedown and i got lilramune and a bunch of idiots sitting on their hands
if you wanna get serious lets talk
otherwise youre no different

>> No.5150261

Real retard hours

>> No.5150468

>tfw don't know if I'm beg or int but too scared to ask

>> No.5150518
File: 44 KB, 339x512, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5150585

so who is gonna make the first tierlist of 2021

>> No.5150620

I predict the first tierlist will be circlejerky

>> No.5150654

>>rinse repeat until payday arrives
If Banana honors the DMCA take-down notice by taking down the picture (and banning your account at his leisure), what grounds are there for reimbursement?

I didn't study American law, but I'm pretty sure the DMCA (the act, not the take-down notice) protects the site in this case.

>> No.5150711

>and banning your account at his leisure
Ooowoo I'm so scarred

>> No.5150737

I didn't mean to be scary, but you said "rinse and repeat", which made it seem like you wanted to do it over and over. I only really meant to point out that Banana is allowed to ban you for issuing a take-down notice for your own posts, which would make the rinsing and repeating take a pretty long time.

>> No.5150759

>Banana is allowed to ban you for issuing a take-down notice for your own posts
You have no idea how I can at any time fuck banana in the ass.

>(NOTE: If you are gathering user’s personal data, you are required by law to have a formal Privacy Policy – even if you don’t have a Terms and Conditions page.)

He better lawyer up if at any point I decide to sue him which I perfectly can in my case.

>> No.5150774

no tos means no legitimate grounds for removal ever
as long as i dont break federal or state law i can sue him for removing access without a contractual breach

>> No.5150778

so why haven't you done it yet
free money

>> No.5150783

It will happen some time this year don't worry.

>> No.5150795


>> No.5150802
File: 214 KB, 1600x1200, VgdSFEU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5150828

Finally someone posted a picture of their bunghole.

>> No.5150884
File: 27 KB, 1040x585, 下載1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5151039

Whats the point of coming here if dad of the day is dead

>> No.5151047

>i don't remember cranihum
I joined dad last month and joined a few days after the house thing started cuz I didn't know it was a thing

>> No.5151049

take pot shots at web developers after a nice drawing session

>> No.5151326

take a shit at your local catshit retard while he huffs and puffs along with the janny who babysits him

other than that you can go back and draw this thread isn't worth it

>> No.5151328

>inb4 this gets deleted for "community" drama while the admin shitting isn't
ah sou the irony desu

>> No.5151334

I don't even interact with him but it's so exhausting to read and scroll through his posts. He can't take a hint he said so himself that he's an asspie.

>> No.5151435
File: 65 KB, 613x427, 02e70429b8477f2580991323eab79e52.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it really so hard for lascord admins to tell him to dial back the posting, it's not like people don't complain about it.

>> No.5151474

hes been told by normal members too and hasnt done anything to change

>> No.5151929

it's been done several times but he can't take a hint coz of assburgers

>> No.5151939

Why does it matter if someone says a mean word to him? He doesn’t read the threads remember? 1 man has managed to keep in the back of his mind at all times for a year and a half to never to read his ad general because he’ll be hurt by boogiemen. Another man has managed to make him crumble to his feet and install extra unnecessary security and hire users for unpaid internship to monitor possible chads from infiltrating them in fear that they, gasp, draw something...something the admin doesn’t do himself.

Another man managed to make his adult diaper soil so bad he raised a forums overnight after years of meeming. Another man single handedly threatened to sue and he coils up and realizes his mistake. So much so he has a bouncer discord user (in the op macro) to take invites to the server instead of dealing with them himself as he is the admin; the leader who should lead by example. Point any and more of this out itt? His caretakers come out and protect him....but he doesn’t read the threads. Interesting how this works.

>> No.5151990

Do you like pointy things? How do you draw them?

>> No.5152031
File: 81 KB, 405x720, fb80a476f61f90bf03850af8475f2a6a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Awetooooos please lower the artbook count to 10
I beg of you!

>> No.5152055

dunno and don't care bruh but I find it hilarious you don't get the irony of your post

>> No.5152056

It goes both ways, bud.

>> No.5152112

just make some abstract fillers

>> No.5152259
File: 1.28 MB, 640x852, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw always have a few unpublished backup drawings in case I'm unable to meet the deadline or just plain lazy.

>> No.5152276

It boggles the mind. I feel like I'm legit regressing the more i draw. Maybe I'm just losing the drive? Feels like i don't remember my work process and i slowly become lost in what ever im working on. I go back to what ever i made 1 month ago and im convinced i wouldn't be able to replicate it. Do i have brain damage or what?

>> No.5152289

kek imagine awetos reading these cancerous threads

>> No.5152360 [DELETED] 

I'm horny

>> No.5152371

Better to fail a great goal than never attempt at all

>> No.5152402

Dad in a nutshell

>> No.5152407

So this is the power of dad testimonials. Huh,

>> No.5152413
File: 2.56 MB, 3024x3813, 090E7E3B-DE26-4EF7-92BD-4FCF86DD6EDC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

every week, i will buy a copic marker

>> No.5152453

>bought a 200$+ set of copics 40% off back when blick still let you use their coupons on them
>never really used them so left them out at home
>mother is a school teacher and needed markers for her zoom classes
>she used them just to fill in large scribbles for her students on newsprint, draining a few of them
At least they were of some use I guess...

>> No.5152628
File: 210 KB, 1280x827, copic_shelf_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>every week, i will buy a copic marker
Good on ya, m8!

>> No.5152639


>> No.5152703

dead community
dead website

>> No.5152737
File: 2.64 MB, 3024x3024, 4F50640C-B4A2-4E79-B16A-A18006E79D33.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’ve heard that you shouldn’t store your markers vertically. I got this box at target that is the perfect width for markers. I like to spear my hands into the bottom and pluck out my favorite colors

>> No.5152760
File: 1.36 MB, 3316x2795, copic_ciao_marker_case01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I’ve heard that you shouldn’t store your markers vertically.
That makes sense. Seems like all the ink could run down to one end and pool there. Additionally, sometimes the cap on the bottom end of the marker gets left behind when I pull out the one I'm planning to use, and I have to stop what I'm doing to fish it out with my fingers.

Maybe I should lay the containers down on their sides until I'm ready to work.

>> No.5152769
File: 165 KB, 1200x1801, 47ACAB9C-42C5-425D-AA81-6AB8FDD43095.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dead community
we have like 150 posting on /dad/ now
what’s considered “alive?”
>dead website
/ic/ or /dad/?

>> No.5152802 [DELETED] 


>> No.5152814

Wait correction just this general.

>> No.5152826

DAD is dying because of the entry bar is too fucking high for anyone to really linger. And now the rules are being enforced more than before(30 mins minimum and dad is not a gallery), and you still have retards with high streaks trying to cheat the system. It loses value every day because people can easily cheat>>5152259
, oh and reinstating is just as retarded.

>> No.5152858

A entry bar is the best thing any community could have if filters out all low iq droolers like yourself. Cheating isn't really an issue. The website isn't there for you to try to "win" some competition, It's there to gamify good habits. But since you never realized this it's really easy to tell that you're a turbo ngmi.

>> No.5152862
File: 1.28 MB, 2400x1625, Color.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you so much for the help senpai, I've already fixed some of those you mentioned in there but I added some of the adjustments you suggested. I'm going to start coloring now

>> No.5152868

An entry bar*

Learn proper English, low IQ mongrel.

>> No.5152878

I would if i had time over after studying the other 5 languages i know burger man

>> No.5152888

The other 5 you know is closely related to shitposting and dog shit.

>> No.5152891 [DELETED] 

keep drooling for me /beg/

>> No.5152893

Dance, monkey.

>> No.5152911

they dry out over time anyway
you can always get the refills when you are in the mood to use them again

>> No.5152912
File: 23 KB, 480x360, zztop00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>burger man
I liked that song! Got absolutely zero airplay.


>> No.5152919

Real banger. I'll have to admit.

>> No.5152965

You've never been on the motivated losers group, and entry bar is lower, and it died fast.

>> No.5152973

I miss Unmotivated Losers, comfy room. There were some good users in there too.

>> No.5152974

Not him but I joined ML before it went discord only and they were serious and actually helped. In fact it as a whole lasted much longer than LAS was alive.

>> No.5152976

Obviously since it only attracted losers with it's low entry bar my man

>> No.5152980


That was the shtick of ML. A loser who was unmotivated to draw. And a father figure to make you draw. The sad thing was you only had to post once per week.

But that’s more than what banana does, anyway.

>> No.5152986

Tbh i've only been apart of dad for 40 somehting days so i have no idea how long it's been going on. But i see people with quite long streaks so i'm guessing it's been around for a while now. I don't see why it would die out or anything like some people claim. I'm guessing it's just them burning out and getting demotivated that's making them whine

>> No.5152988 [DELETED] 

/ourboy/ is making it https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/87208530

>> No.5152989

People whining on /ic/? No, that would never happen.

>> No.5152993
File: 2.56 MB, 1668x1892, face study .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell me frens. Do i have a shot at making it? Thinking about making a twitter for coom shekels

>> No.5152999
File: 113 KB, 1435x1028, losers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much did you make?

Also reminder that only this many people made $$ in the "challenge". The power of dad.gallery, folks.

>> No.5153012

you have nothing to lose and everything to gain, make socials sooner rather than later

>> No.5153017

I know for a fact some of the people that didn't submit do commissions on the regular

>> No.5153027

But like i look at all the actually good artists out there and it seems like they first started posting when they reached god tier skill. Won't i smear my reputation if i start posting a lot of garbage for a following? Surely future employers won't look at my stuff and go "wow look at how much he developed", rather, "hey look at all this cancer bad stuff he released during the years we sure can't have this dude on the team"?

It might be good for getting coom bux tho. I can't wait to draw furry futa prolapse midget horse commissions.

>> No.5153028
File: 411 KB, 1069x984, lanroir.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5153037

if that's your work then you're already over the line where normies care about skill. even if you don't go for money now, if you have a following then it gives you the option in the future. stop making excuses and just fucking do it.

>> No.5153038

11 dads with an understanding mum.

>> No.5153039

I think they will understand that you didn't start out as a master painter, but you can always make a new account.

>> No.5153049

Actually nevermind, I didn't read that you wanted to start a porn account. Still, you can always have different accounts at the same time. The chances that they'll find your other account are pretty slim, especially if you intentionally use a different workflow for your different identities.

>> No.5153078

>But like i look at all the actually good artists out there and it seems like they first started posting when they reached god tier skill.

>> No.5153080
File: 393 KB, 1324x1106, cancercancerkillmyself.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I think they will understand that you didn't start out as a master painter, but you can always make a new account.
But like, find a bad painting made by this dude https://www.artstation.com/bayardwu
There is none. Do pros delete their old works then as their skill gets better to keep their reputations clean?

It is. But my work is insanely inconsistent, just picking out the better parts there. Should i make a new handle for twitter or use my old one? I'm kind of afraid that it's going to get linked back to other things but it feels really weird to use a name i'm not used to.

I have no idea what my work flow even is my man

>> No.5153089

> There is none. Do pros delete their old works then as their skill gets better to keep their reputations clean?
Yes? Who the hell would put old shitty art on their portfolio. Hell, lots hobbyists will remake their DA accounts after a few years to distance themselves from the art they made as kids.

>> No.5153092

>Do pros delete their old works then as their skill gets better to keep their reputations clean?
Artstation accounts are usually a curated portfolio, so if it's not good, it usually isn't on there. I think most people don't even start an Artstation account until they want to get a job.

>> No.5153104

Karl Kopinski
Bayard Wu
Cynthia Sheppard
Piotr Jabłoński
I can keep going but im drunk, pretty much every one good.

Ah, makes sense. Since i've never uploaded my stuff anywhere i have no idea about things like that.

>> No.5153141

>30 minutes a day
>entrybar too high

>> No.5153145

If you accumulate that time for every 7 days that’s definitely more time than banana.

>> No.5153152

...so? what is the point you're trying to make, even if that were so? Or like, are you whining that banana is beating you and that you literally cannot even beat banana because of the unfair too high entrybar?

>> No.5153176

Finally some drama, you guys had me starving over here.

>> No.5153177


I will reach 30 hours by the end of today in the 7 day period although in my case it should be much, much higher, so I admit defeat there. Meanwhile eht1banana has less than 30 minutes until the day it's time to submit.

>> No.5153178
File: 32 KB, 1002x712, manictimer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot my picture

>> No.5153191

maybe because theyve been posting for years and by the time twitter, artstation etc became a thing they were already pro
lots of those people used to post daily sketches and things on conceptart.org in like 2008

>> No.5153203

that still doesn't explain what your problem with the entrybar is, if that's so you're doing just fine??

>> No.5153207

That isn't the problem. The problem is mods are being incredibly uppity about it now than ever before with new dads. Hell, they issue warnings for not meeting those requirements. and /beg/ tards with huge streaks offer less with their cheating tactics https://dad.gallery/submissions/96977, but they don't get the stick, the new dads do. Nice honor system.

>> No.5153217

I've never seen that but the fact that you sound like a schizo makes me very disinclined to believe anything you've said.

>> No.5153220

You're talking to 2 different humans.

>> No.5153222

You can't see it because most dads just fucking leave before their accounts get approved. Which no one fucking knows how to get approved at this point.

>> No.5153229

Just a random question. I don't know if you post your art on twitter but how should i go about it. Do i need to use hashtags and retweet people to get noticed or will i go under the radar if i don't? I don't use twitter or any normie social media so i have no fucking clue. I can't make a pixiv since i don't do trannyme style stuff. Should i just sell out and do it?

>> No.5153242

I actually can see, by looking at the daily levelups and eliminations. We can see that about 5 babies joined and died yesterday, but another 5~ hit lv 2-4 meaning that they've stuck for the website for 1-3 weeks. Since new daddies joining for a day and immediately quitting isn't something new, there's nothing to be alarmed about. I've never seen your alleged below 30 minute mod warnings and I don't believe any lv1 that was eliminated yesterday had gotten any.

>> No.5153264

Yeah, lets pretend nothings happening.

>> No.5153274

I thought more people then ever used the site?

>> No.5153280

I'm not pretending that nothing is happening, you're pretending something is happening.

>> No.5153295

wish I hadn't clicked that, he's getting commissioned and paid for tracing. I know I shouldn't give a damn but when he's getting two things I'm missing, money and attention, for little work, it twists my nuts into a bunch

>> No.5153299

people like that will never have enough attention, thats why they shitpost here
even people telling them to fuck off helps them feel noticed
I'd rather be an unknown artist forever than be that desperate for (you)s

>> No.5153303

I did a quick fact check for you and from 2019 to 2021 the site grew from 91 to 150. That's only 59 users in a 2 year span of which many accounts were just accounts made by users who already were on dad, including myself.

>> No.5153305

wait is he tracing? how do you know? I mean his skill level does fluctuate wildly but still

>> No.5153307

whats actually happening with approvals, how do they work
some people post in the discord asking why theyve still not been approved and idk how to help them

>> No.5153308

are you physically incapable of not being retarded? how are those 59 new uses just accounts made by people who were already on /dad/? are people just making two accounts for literally no reason? just to own the libs epic style or what? Also that's still a growth no matter how you try to spin it, a 50% one, which is huge.

>> No.5153310
File: 536 KB, 668x829, f572807022a5b5af40bfe3e4b24cb9af.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I usually feel like this but since i'm drunk i've changed my mind. Gimmegimme attention. I mean, otherwise it's wasted effort isnt' it?

Well slow and steady wins the race? Keeping retards away is the real win.

What did he trace? And more importantly what attentions did he get? he is still on 0 comments on most of his stuff.

>> No.5153312

>are people just making two accounts for literally no reason?
Yeah? I've done it since LAS.

>> No.5153314

it's mentioned in almost every comm thread

>> No.5153315

usually it takes 3 weeks to get approved (21 submissions).

>> No.5153324

Is that really him? I thought asians where genetically superior?

>> No.5153327

I was joking when I called you a schizo, but now I'm mildly concerned.
>I have a saying, rape kill and rape again

>> No.5153329 [DELETED] 

it's cha boy

>> No.5153332

ahh I thought I recognised the bottom right one from somewhere

>> No.5153340
File: 349 KB, 991x1330, servitor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HAHAHAHAHAHAH thanks mate actually made my day

>> No.5153341

why? it was a pixiv link?

>> No.5153345

it was a link to happys youtube channel where he reviews /dad/ artists very poorly by giving /beg/ tier advice. It always makes some daddies seethe.

>> No.5153346 [DELETED] 

link to a HappyBoyNumber1 youtube video . Am i breaking rules for harassment for mentioning this?

>> No.5153398

Well at least we know jannie hates cancer boy.

>> No.5153409

Why delete it if he hated him? It seems like the janny even reversed it tho. if you look at >>5153329
and my post >>5153340

>> No.5153416

Bugged i guess, i could still see it until nwo

>> No.5153446
File: 36 KB, 533x527, 1609526485570.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hey i wonder what's going on Deviantart
>Open front page


>> No.5153527

>Why delete it if he hated him?
Directly linking an account is simply advertising, intentional or not.

>> No.5153560 [DELETED] 
File: 93 KB, 1280x720, 34y34.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5153561
File: 488 KB, 1228x1736, character study 10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even if it's cringe tier material? Maybe it's as they say, all attention is good attention. Don't mind me posting my stuff for attention then

>> No.5153576

any other burgers went out and bought the lotto?

>> No.5153582

You know only poor people with no hope buys lotto tickets?

>> No.5153590


I guess all the people who go to casinos are also poor as well, huh Einstein?

>> No.5153597

Low class at least. A common misconception is that class is connected to money, which it isn't. It's connected to your last name.

>> No.5153599

Try using only 1-2 hashtags, I suspect twitter algo decreases your tweet priority on the tag search/TL if you use more than that. Also shoot for small but actively browsed tags, like those for anniversaries, special events, or running challenges. Other artists usually won't notice you unless you follow and reply to them or draw them gift art, after which many may follow back even if just as courtesy.

>> No.5153612

Imagine doing a drawing for 1 follower

>> No.5153614
File: 139 KB, 591x733, 4783937a06c3316ac5e62f04573ebdf6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ty mate. I'll give it a try once i'm sober
also art is done to your honor. No need to thank me.

>> No.5153617

i dunno
there are some really fucking sharp, intelligent and classy world class poker players out there

>> No.5153624

And there are some extremely sophisticated crackheads out there too. The key word is “some”

>> No.5153626

thats love

>> No.5153627

i mean i dont disagree

>> No.5153637

Not talking about iq here, since it's not exclusive to social standing. But if your idea of a "fancy vacation" is spending your time gambling i don't know what to say to yopu. I have a knightly name and i get invited to exclusive event or parties every week even if i never attend fuckign anything since i'm a hiki pretty much, but it still cracks me up thinking how the average person imagines high class people spenign their time. Note also that im broke, these parties would serve me alcohol for more then 2 moths of social benefits lfmao.

>> No.5153642

> if your idea of a "fancy vacation" is spending your time gambling i don't know what to say to you
i dont think anyone made this assertion
are you upset about something anon

>> No.5153645

His dad was an obsessive gambler and left his mom when he was 9 years old.

>> No.5153653

I'm not. Maybe i'm jst drunk enough to misunderstand soemthing? Just read this and drew some conclusions.
>I guess all the people who go to casinos are also poor as well, huh Einstein?

Fuck man. Sucks

>> No.5153663

kek can't read. My dad is just an academic that ended up making no money since he spent to much time on studying something none gives a fuck about. Classic misstake

>> No.5153706

Obv you shouldn't take requests from creepy fetish bros or randoms, but if you like a particular artist already and know 0 people it's easier to get the ball rolling than to only make 30 original masterpieces and hope one of them takes off right? Also helps to make friends and connections as many people like to be approached first.
Social media has always been unfair to growing artists, unless it's directly manipulating people I see no wrong with gaming the system. But true you never have to do anything against your pride to prosper. Godspeed anon

>> No.5153713
File: 33 KB, 800x450, 2f0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5153841

>want to draw gift art for a dad
>if I make the art too detailed they'll think it's weird I put in a lot of effort
>if I make the art too simple they'll think I didn't put effort in it

>> No.5153851

You can draw something simple but make it cute/well designed still

>> No.5153852

sometimes this feels hopeless

>> No.5153856

I just joined DAD so I don't know the etiquette of what's ok to post. I draw/design repeat tile patterns for side money. Its somewhere between art and graphic design. Can I post them to DAD on days where I work on that and don't have much time to draw? Or is that not cool

>> No.5153858

Yeah, any visual art is allowed.

>> No.5154007

It's fine

>> No.5154012

Jesus christ man

>> No.5154087

i love these galleries on da cause these people are so out of touch with reality that they just do whatever they like and it feels comfy. especially those horrible ctrl+c ctrl+v abominations made in paint

>> No.5154272


Anything from painting, 3D modeling, sculpture, printing, journal entries, Kanji practice, street performances, baking, photography, and blood on the wall counts.

>> No.5154279 [DELETED] 

fuck off ramune

>> No.5154285

There should be an option to upload video links as submissions.

>> No.5154564

>Kanji practice

>> No.5154575


>> No.5154589

lol he actually said its allowed, as long as its calligraphy you dolt

>> No.5154601

I’m going to start a calligraphy account.

>> No.5154602

>tfw your penmanship and kanji is so ugly you got outed as the thread shitposter

>> No.5154609

I have good penmanship tyvm.

>> No.5155177
File: 2.99 MB, 3495x3405, Illustration.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WIP, experimenting

>> No.5155186

whats with the comments
i bet ill be skipped

>> No.5155207

Is been a while since the last time I visited DAD and I already don't know who the fuck are all these new begshits.
What happened to the group from 2017-2019? Did they gave up?
I remember one did really cool gif tutorials. Most of them were women too. What happened to shrinycat? Banana?

>> No.5155253

>What happened to shrinycat
Little known to /dad/ the original shrineycat is me. Don't tell them that bombshell info though.

>> No.5155278

>What happened to the group from 2017-2019? Did they gave up?
A lot of better artists moved away from Dad over the past few years since the community doesn't really offer much if you're mid-/int/ or higher and have good productivity already
>What happened to shrinycat?
Shrineycat reitred and was replaced by several other Shrineys, Currently we have a lolishitter shriney who insists on putting /beg/ art in the OP because it featureslittle girls.
Banana is still here but he doesn't check the threads anymore.

>> No.5155287

I retired because I got a job.

>> No.5155292

Let me see if I can find my old sheiney password on my old laptop...if I can find the charger that is.

>> No.5155306

/dad/ has a lot higher userpop these days. I really don't know what you expected, the exact same users from 3-4 years ago? lmao. Thread is currently shrineless, used to have shriney ops until like 4 threads ago, but we cycled through multiple shrineys in these 3-4 years. Banana is as alive as he always was?

>> No.5155336

dad is dying

>> No.5155352

It will continue to die for many more years :^)

>> No.5155373

ObfuscatedGREEN feeling bad is not an excuse for borderline being an asshole and /or try to put down others.
If you really dislike art so much you might as well stop your own misery.
If its something outside of art , i hope.you can talk with someone or get a therapist.
But you cant keep going like this.

>> No.5155441

>I really don't know what you expected, the exact same users from 3-4 years ago?
isnt the point to keep a streak going?

>> No.5155445

yes but nobody is flawless? what do you think the chance is of somebody making no mistakes, having no power outages, having no accidents, having no computer problems, never sleeping in, keeping their motivation up etc etc. for 3 years?

>> No.5155468

What ObfuscatedGREEN did? Explain this, anon.

>> No.5155477

I just realized that "upload by 24" meant upload at the 23rd and not "you have until the start of the 25th to upload" and not i'm sad because my pierrot was looking hella cute

>> No.5155478

This is hate speech

>> No.5155481

I feel this great urge, deep, deep in my loins to create something, to finally have a project, a goal, to inspire me and get me out of bed to work on with dedication and passion...
And when I envision this great unrealised work, and imagine what it could look like, when I let it occupy my mind with how it could develop from a mere sketch to finished piece, I see... I SEE....

>> No.5155487

i'm still here :)

>> No.5155589
File: 115 KB, 830x436, streak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you retarded or just new?

>> No.5155603

so what's the point you're trying to make? I didn't say there is no chance, I implied the chance was very low.

>> No.5155606

When will my DAD crush return from buying eggs and milk? It’s been months

>> No.5155621


>> No.5155628

that its not ridiculous to expect to see familiar faces on a site all about keeping a streak going for months if not years. LAS people had streaks of like 2.5 years before it went down too.

>> No.5155633

it's ridiculous to expect a majority of familiar faces though. As you can see there's still a portion of the oldguard active, like 25% of them actually. It's just that the userbase has grown by a lot since then.

>> No.5155634

Seconding. Only thing I can see is he left a bunch of comments on people's work.

>> No.5155638

sounds like the poster we're talking about recognised almost no one though, and was surprised by that
most of the big or memorable names have gone

>> No.5155652

This is some kind of bait?

>> No.5155659
File: 267 KB, 241x170, 1494186184491.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man, the threads are better when its a shitheap.

>> No.5155672

there's always that one beg who sticks around and critiques people and then leaves in a week

>> No.5155674

yeah, they are just sort of weird non sequitur comments. Like "Looks OK" or "Don't like this subject matter".

>> No.5155678

Why are male animeposters always so autistic like this?

>> No.5155690

Because you hyperfocus on the ones that are.

>> No.5155733

Racist and sexist

>> No.5155787

When you ban the only person that made dad feel alive, now its just a graveyard.

>> No.5156068

Quality > Quantity

>> No.5156155
File: 149 KB, 983x1499, Aerial_pound3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apparently this looks fine enough to be posted out of /Beg/, I doubt but meh~ maybe here I get some feedback.

>> No.5156157

If you're posting artwork outside of /beg/ then you belong in /beg/, if you are posting artwork in /beg/ then you have no business posting in /beg/ and are just fishing for compliments. Welcome to the state of /ic/ discourse.

>> No.5156319

Did you use a real person as reference? Some times i see people using photo reference of normal looking women for bodies and just scale up the head for the anime effect. Usually this gives the impression of a fat dwarf not a cute girl. Keep pushing and you will go places my man

>> No.5156473


>> No.5156539

Your mom

>> No.5156662

Lafayatte man i just checked your entire gallery. It seems like you have barely improved. I mean your rendering definitely has improved but man your proportions are still as wrong/unappeling as ever. No amount of rendering or those nice touch ups you do to pretty up your pieces will ever fix your foundation.
As you draw a lot of people have you ever considered and going back to doing some loomis for proportions , hampton , anything really. Wish you could do much better and i understand your stuff is supposed to have a degree of stylization but your shapes look wrong. Probably because they are not rooted in reality.
Hope you can maybe do some studies every once in a while as i would really like you to succeed.
Much love tiki.

>> No.5156668

why not use anon comment?

>> No.5156678

I considered it. I was afraid it could get me banned as we dont yet have clear guidelines of where the line between tough love and harassment is.
Hope the moderation team could put up some examples of what is and what is not acceptable.

>> No.5156688

I'd like to think you're good to go, but we don't get examples of what was actually deleted when it is deleted.

>> No.5156873
File: 266 KB, 1491x730, lads.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Weekly Drawpile reminder!

>> No.5157094


I appreciate that you took the time to look at my stuff and write this post, even if I'm having a hard time finding anything really helpful in it so far.

The things you advise me to do to improve are things that I already do, albeit not very seriously recently because I had lost motivation to draw until 2 days ago. I still do studies though, but those studies are more often than not "not rooted in reality" as you said, since they are from artist who draw things that typically don't reflect reality.

The problem with a crit based around "appeal" is that appeal is a very subjective concept. I can understand that you find my stuff unappealing, you have your tastes and I have mine. Since I don't know who you are, you could be someone who find appeal in things that are at the polar opposite of what I do. Maybe you could give me some names of artists that draw similar subjects and that you find appealing so I can learn from them, then I can at least have a reference point of what you mean by "appeal". I see a lot of artists that draw pieces that I find personally appealing but with "wrong" proportions, and it doesn't ruin the piece unless I really focus on it. I guess I'm unconsciously trying to do reach the same level of "not worrying". Maybe my proportions look wrong because I'm less aiming for anatomical correcteness and more for proportions that make my dick hard.

To be honest, I don't expect a lot of people to like the cringy porn I draw, the main thing that motivates me to draw it is being horny so it's very plausible that it just isn't your thing.

I will agree though that I haven't improved a lot, I'm still very new to art and I'm still trying to find what I enjoy to draw, and that is my main goal right now.

I really believe there is something very valuable to learn from the crits you could give me. We can continue this discussion in DMs if you don't want to expose yourself here, my discord account is Thunderounet#7174.

>> No.5157287
File: 325 KB, 1427x521, tikioverpaint.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The problem with a crit based around "appeal" is that appeal is a very subjective concept. I can understand that you find my stuff unappealing, you have your tastes and I have mine. Since I don't know who you are, you could be someone who find appeal in things that are at the polar opposite of what I do. Maybe you could give me some names of artists that draw similar subjects and that you find appealing so I can learn from them, then I can at least have a reference point of what you mean by "appeal". I see a lot of artists that draw pieces that I find personally appealing but with "wrong" proportions, and it doesn't ruin the piece unless I really focus on it.
NTA but the problem really isn't your appeal, but your fundies. You can keep your style you have currently, you just need to understand your own constuction better. You can draw in whatever style you want, but as-is you have lots of issues with faces and bodies looking warped or flat. I think it would benefit you to so some more precise construction studies of heads and bodies, preferably on real photos or 3d models so you don't pick up other artist's bad habits.

>> No.5157320
File: 251 KB, 1300x953, DFYCC3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New thread: >>5157316

>> No.5157345

Thanks for the redraw, it looks nice. You got it right, after drawing construction for a certain amount of time, I started drawing it less and less detailed and probably lost a bit of precision in doing so.

Like I said, if it looks good to me, then I don't bother checking. I'll try to do be more careful now.